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Workout Saturday Leaves "Practically Everything to Se Desired" DURHAM. Doe. li>.—<UP>— Duke's coaching staff last night expressed "complete dissatisfac tion'' with performance of the Blue Devils in Saturday's practice and said the workout "left P»"aC; tically everything to he desired.") The Devils enjoyed a dav of re.-'t Sunday, hut they go back to the practee fie'd t >day tor th.* first of their final two workouts1 at home. They entrain for Pasa dena at t i>. m. Tuesday after an early workout. . Th«> Devi's, after two weeks ofj practice for their Rose Howl en counter with Southern Cal'fcrniu Jan. 2. are in t»»T> shnoe physicallv. hut Coach Wallace Wade said he "sincertly hoped" to see an im provement in the next workouts. For the past week Wade has stressed defence—which ;;ave th • Devils the only unbeaten, untied, unscored-on record among majoi teams—against a complete list of Southern California plays as run by an undefeated freshman team. The Devik looked impressive on | defense and in the short periods on offense they carried out their assignments well. But in the last session the Dukes appeared to he suffering a "let down" and were ragged in every department. Willard (Bolo) Perdue, star flankman, was bothered with a leg injury as was Wesley McAfee. $tar soohomore halfback. Several others had minor hurts but it was believer! the Devils would be ill Perfect condition against the Tro jans for the first time thi* season. Goodman to Give Blue Ridge Boys Ring Instruction Frankie Goodnnn. c fonn«»r in tercollegiate boxing champion ;>i Penn State. ha> h"«-n n.°»n«*d in structor of boxing ?nd phvdcal education at th»» Biue Ridge School for Boys. * Goodman Is expected to begin work immediately after *he holi days with the box»nir team, and the Hilltoppers mat men will take on an ambitious schedule. CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a select assortment of Gifts that will please WILSON DRUG CO. 7th Ave. East CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Suits, Coats Dresses and Hats DRY CLEANED 2 for 49c Central Cleaners Next Door to Lewis' Store Edneyville, Flat Rock Split Twin Cage Contest Edneyville Boys Remain Undefeated, in Early Season's Play The strong Edneyville boys' basketball team came through its game with Flat Rock Friday night with a score of 28 to 12, to re main undefeated for the early season playing. Flat Rock girls won over Ed neyville girls by a score of •>() to 8. A record crowd was o.i luuul to see the two contests. The line-ups: GIRLS' GAME Edneyville Position Flat Rock Six (4) . Nelson (15) Forward PittUlo (1) GiM»s (2) Forward Uriffin !. Hull (JU) Forward Ledbctter Ward Guatd Beddingfield \ndersi Guard \\ hitesides Godfrey Guard BOYS' GAME Edneyville Position Flat Kock Flynn < 1) Jones (t) Forward T. Freeman (4) Tahcr (3) Forward Rogers (2) Kilpatrick (2) Center Hill (1) Anders (4) Guard / Lancaster (15) ....... Norman B. Freeman, substituting: for Edneyville scored two points. RUMANIA SPEEDS NAVAL PORT WORK I BUCHAREST. Doc. P!>. (UP) Construction of a new large na val port, six miles north of Con stantsa. is progressing rapidly. Five German and two American dredging machines are > working day and night to deepen Lake Tashaul. which i- connected with the Black Sea by a natural | canal. I When completed, the new port ■ will have a capacity ten times larger than Constanza's present ! harbor. • J FEDERATION TO ISSUE DIVIDEND , ASHKVILLE. Dec. l».--More than stockholders of the Farmers Federation will share in i a three percent semi-annual din- ! dend to be distributed January 1, according to an announcement by James G. K. McClure, president of the farm cooperative which op erates 17 warehouses in II Wcst | ern North Carolina counties. Th«> dividend, voted at a recent meeting of Federation directors I in AsheviUe, applies to both com i mon and preferred shares of rec i ord December 20. Dividends on common stock will be paid in cash through the various warehouses while payments on preferred shares will be made by check. Elephants in captivity must ' have regular manicures. Because : of inactivity, their pails grow too I long, and the soles of tneir feet | too thick. Rasps, sandpaper, and i draw knives are used in the op 1 e rat ion. SANTA CLAUS BELIEVES IN A CHRISTMAS WITH MUCH EATS Eat Lots at Little Cost by Buying at THE HOME GROCERY These Prices Effective Until Christmas Mixed Candies, lb 10c Chocolate Drops, lb 10c Orange Slice, lb 10c Make her sit up and take notice with a 5-lb box of Asitd. Fresh Chocolates $1 Brazil Nuts, lb 19c Paper Shell Pecans, lb 23c English Walnuts, lb 19c & 25c Mixed Nuts, lb - -- 25c Cocoa, 2 lbs ... 1,5c Bulk Cocoanut, lb 23< Mince Meat, 2-lb jar 25c Mince Meat, pkg. :__..10c Prize Winner Self Rising Flour, 24 lbs 75c We Have 'em — Fresh Yard Eggs, dozen 35c Molasses, home-made, gal....75c Peter Pan Salmon, 2 cans 25c : « t « «.i . j I i » . • - > Lard, 4 lbs 43c Apple Butter, 57-oi. jar.. 29c ' Salad Dressing, qt. jar_ _25c Rio Coffee, ,2 lbs 25c Great variety of Fruits—Apples, Oranges, Grapefruit, Tantrer t ines, Cocoanuts, Raisins—-all at most attractive prices. Save money by buying here. The Home Grocery SELDON OSTEEN, M*„ager * t Phone 808 At Depot ^ We Deliver 3 Ridgians on WNC Prep High School Eleven 4 City High and 2 Blue Ridge Boys Win Honorable Mention Three Hlue Kidjro players \v««re named on th<> All-Western hhrh and prep school team, announced Sunday, and two Hilltoppers and four members of the local hi^lt school team won honorable men tion. Asheville hijrh players won | majority of places on the 1m l j team, -which was composed of J Asheville. Blue liidjre and Canton j hijrh players. The first team as selected was:' .Burns, Asheville. and Owen, Can ton. ends; PowelK Canton and Carter, Asheville, tackles; Coman, Asheville, and Trabakino, Blue Ridge, guards: Zakim, BlueRidge, center; and Hampton and Justice. Asheville, Carter, Blile Kidge, ant! Fiynn, Canton, backs. Winning honorable m ention were Bailey and Gardner of Blue Kidge; l>rake, Coffey, Quarles anU. Sims, Hendersonville. • Florida Racing Season Begins MIAMI, Fh>.. Dec. 1!). (UP) — Florida's 97-da.vl racing season opens at Tropical Park todav u i'.h an eighi-race program, feature'.! by the $ 1.200 viaugural hsndi^an. Ten of the nation's leading sprinters, headed by Felix Spa tola's Wise, Bert F. Whita k<Jr\s Mythical Kinjr and Townsend I). Martin's Ga.'apas, will meet in the inaugural for thrcc-ycai'-oids and upward at six furlongs. A crowd of move than 10.000 was expected to witness the return of racing to Florida. The thoroughbreds will run :it Tropical through -Jan. 10. HiaU-ah Park, the nation's showplace rue injtr plant, opens a 10-day meeVng •lan. 11. Jtaeintf wili be rcsninc i at, Troi)ical Park Match 0 and con tinue through April S. A thii'd race truck. GuIfstwuin Park, beinir constructed 15 'rifles north of Mia nr. will operate Jan. IS to March 1 in coinpeti'.ion with Hialeah. Water in which fine-shredded cabnape is boiled contains valu able vitamin C, and is excellent for soups. »T» — 'A&P Plans Two J ! Super-Markets For Greenville. . \ GREENVJLLE, s. Dec. 10. Plans for the eoivrtru/ tion of two I ! modern stoi*? buildings hero at a J | total investment of over $70,000 j were announced tod;»y by Hender-) son and Martin, (iveenville real! estate firm. Both stores will "house Atlantic f and Pacific Tea company super markets wnen they ,ore completed. One store will he placed at 13ilj Autruyta street and one at 532; I Buncombe street., j P. F. Cureton will construct the i j Augusta street store,on property; I he already owns ihore, aiicf' the. ! Liberty Life Insurance company, has purchased the Buncombe street' tract from the Bcllottc estate for the -purpose of erecting: the store building. The/ stores will he mottern in dcsigi'i and will he larger than anv] prest/nt food stores in the city. TJiey» will be occupied by mast el" stoics "in "the A&P chain. l>oth lot?. ai., and will pr«,v:;,i, the sid; of ti„. customers of struction is ,.x,„,1 «or,W mediateiv. 1,1 bo u,,usua|j. I'wfaiH "iMii I'SK Till. ( J m oi saw! :,£) JACKSON TAXI SERVICE PHONE 54 W-hen you want a chauffeur to y Ccifj cillj WE HAUL BAGGAGE HOTPOINT ELECTRIC WATER HEATER $5 Cash $5 for old heate 24 Months to P»f Ik. (LeJtJ KELVIN ATOR ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR $10 Cosh 24 Mos. to Pay Balance (Right) HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE $5 Cash—$10 for Old Range 24 Mos. to Pay Balanca Electric $OQ^5 Oven ***> Reflector Heaters $64St $99E Sandwich $/*95 Toasters ....... O Electric $095 Iron .......... » Mix-Master $23.75 Let Reddy Trim Your Christmas Tree With EElectrical cifts A Let Reddy Ki lowatt be your Santa Claus at Christ mas . . . and your efficient little "handy man" throughout the rest of the year! His gifts are the most acceptable you could possibly choose . . . and his cheerful services are the most economical you can find anywhere. And with him, he brings leisure, economy, beauty, and pleasure. Give hipi a trial ... by letting him trim yoiy Christmas Tree with these helpful electrical gifts! Any of These Gifts May Be Purchased for a Small Cash Payment and the Balance in MopHily Payments On Reddy's Budget Plan! POWER COMPANY Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. na. Floor Lamps $y85 $£95 .'1245 95c Cash $1 Monthly <gfipy Electric $750 Kettle* * * Universal Traveliron * ** V \ One Burner $[?50 Percolator \ Hot Plate O $f50 $050 1 Burners $7.95 O To O Universal Vacuum Cleaners ■; i rt > . i . 11 • •-».-* • »3750 to '595# Royal Vacuum Cleaners *34s# to $5950 Heating * >50 2SHc. iQ9S »3» »6' °