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r Last Call For Turkeys. Sell For Christmas. Advertise Them Daily Until Sold. An Adv Would Likely Moye Them. Times-News W ant Ad Rates • this size type for ti-' - "• tion; hall' price for ; „ : t insertions. ate—$1 a line (this >.•>: minimum of five »rri this size type >t insertion; half ! • subsequent inser :V> (Jc <. word for type this size tor first insertion; half-price for each addi tional consecutive inser tion. v charge, 25c. CLASilKlED DISPLAY RATE 60c per inch lai > of Thanks and Trib i-C";•<:'fct are accepted at .. r>i. I> :u't a.»k for information _ "keyed" ads, a- they ctiy confidential. 1: ror is made. The Times \. < :s responsible for only incorrect insertion. The :s responsible for ^ub : t insertions. The adver : d notify immediately f . y c rrections needed. No classified ads taken ovor telephone. \\ ::nt ad department closes a: noon, and classification posi tively will not be guaranteed after that hour. War.: ads are always cash in advance except to business men concerns having accounts kith this newspaper. When vant ads are charged the rate \.< 10c and 5c per line, 20c and :'v per line, and 30c and 15c |r«»r line. For Sale —Alitor and Accessories |CMETHING NEW—A clean mo |- runs cooler and increases I «sb mileage. A clean chassis I - . v.- better lubrication. Our I process makes possible I both of these. Smyth's Radiator I Repair Service & Auto Steam I Laundry. Phone 154. Corner I Third and King. GOOD LATE MODELS ■ I ^ Chrysler Imperial U . • >•'> Fold Coupe. B'.'"5 Plymouth Fourdoor. I 2 Chevrolet Coupe. W 2M Ford Roadster. I CITY MOTOR & SALES CO. f Corner Main and Seventh * |LUTO ACCESSORIES as Christ mas eifts go well at Midcitv I Tire Co. * GOOD CHRISTMAS GIFTS 6 Plymouth -t-Door Sedan; : ",000 actual miles; extra clean. Ford Coupe. i A Sedan. I Ford Pickup. :3 Chevrolet Pickup, i 1 Chevrolet Coupe. H1PMAN MOTOR COMPANY* A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS t *his the most joyful of all 1 r. <tmases to the entire fam iy by giving them a new Cher let. Only Chevrolet gives so .T.uch for so little. Pay us a y t > our showroom. Jfcr lllMBHtl T ■ «f MOTOR SERVICE & SALES, Inc I th and Grove Phone 140* CHRISTMAS GIFTS—Auto bat * . heaters, horns, Prestone cn a good tune-up make excellent Christmas gifts. Gray & 1! i^ins. Phone 284. * OIR ARVIN HEATERS will keeF you warm. Midcity Tire Co. * OOYT LET WINTER catch you? V. us supply your car with ?ord Ann-rreeze, Zerone o* ->•' Shipman Motor Co.* —tinnse* nnd Real Estate f^TlCE—150 acres, good 6-room wttage, unusually fine timber, spring, orchard section, lies oicely, hunting. Sell or swap, *8t offer. W. C. Hinsdale, Box 127, Hendersonville. Livestock and Poultry £ET TOP PRICES for livestock at I vate sale or auction at Her.'i- sonville Live Stock Yards. Auct; n every Thursday 1 p. m. Phone 174. * "L$T RECEIVED a car Perch I er®n mares and fillies, also load I mules, all broke to harness, to 7 years. Brookshire's I stable. 5—Foodstuffs lH0ME-MADE Candies, Salted and Toasted Nuts. 631 Main street. ' CHR1STMAS EATS—Battery-fed hens, nice tender roOst t • keys if engaeed ahead, I -h. oysters, fruits, etc. | M K. < i x. Phone 848. Third ^Ave. E. * ChK1STMAS TURKEY—Reserve We sell choice birds I! Cannon's Farm. Try Hatch's pure pork sausage. i<: '.'in. Hatch's Market. * FIRETENDER STOKER—Install ed in your home at new reduced prices. Three years to pay. Hendersonville Hardware Co. * FOR SALE—Few nice Christmas apples. W. M. Dalton, Route 2. PLAN SOMETHING extra nice for your Sunday and Christmas dinner. Try our home-made cakes, cookies, pies. etc. Smoky Shack. Phone 9139. Place your orders now. FRUITS, FISH, POULTRY, veg etables of all kinds so cheap it sounds like the sign on the California grocer's door, which said he was jailed for selling so cheap. Come and get our prices. Jack Russell. Phone 968. HOME MADE BREAD — and IS just what we call it. 631 Main St. * 6—Business Services CLEAN UP FOR CHRISTMAS; call E. L. Roper or C. C. Col lins and they'll provide the service you need for launder ing, cleaning, pressing, etc. Su perior Laundry. Phone 142. * FOUR PERCENT per annum. Dividends to be distributed Dec. 31. Will you get your part of §5800? If so, we congratulate you. If not, get in line by plac ing your funds with us on or before January 10. Safety in sured up to $5000. First Fed eral Savings & Loan. Phone 60 DOLBEE'S Phone 60 Quality Odorless Cleaning Economy prices, cash and carry. Two plain dresses or suits 40c each. We cordially invite you to inspect our plant 124 S. MainJSt. * CLEANER'S S P E C I A L— Suits, overcoats or dresses dry cleaned and pressed, cash and carry plan, 2 for 79c. Miller's Laundry and Cleaners. Phone 153. 120 Fourth Avenue East. 9—Personal Property A CANDID OR MOVIE CAMERA will make the best Christmas present. Lyerly's, 420 X. Main.* 10—T ransportatioi LOCAL, long - distance nauling; agency for Allied Van Lines to and from any place iu U. S. Wile Transfer Co. Phone 121.* II—Household Goods ESTATE HEATROLA, used two weeks. Original price $89.50, for $39.50. Reliable Furniture Co., opposite courthouse. Phone 1036. * 13—Merchandise WEATHER-PROOF—Make your home, barns and sheds that way 1 inexpensively with Texaco rool robfing or Texaco shingles. Sold by all Hendersonville dealers. J. H. Reaben, Agent. * ELECTRIC RAZORS—The Rem ington Rand is an ideal shaver and Christmas present. No more fussingy about shaving on cold mornings. Charlie French, Jew eler. * THAT REPAIR JOB will call for materials and perhaps milhvork that we would like to give esti mates for. Hendersonville Lum ber Co. Near depot. Phone 42.* CHICKS QUARTERS — Many people planning to prow chicks. Brooder house can be kept warm with materials from Hen dersonville Supply & Coal Co. Mill work, building materials, builder's Hardware, Coal. DON'T LOOK NOW," but the lady behind you is looking at your heels, and your clothes. Drop in today. Economy Shoe Shop, next to A. & P. * BATH TUBS, hot water tanks sinks, pipes and other new ant1 used plumbing. If in market see Louis Williams, 7th Ave. E SEE US for tricycles, wagons flash lights, pocket knives, clocks, enamel roasters, rifles puns, etc., for Christmas. Wal ker Hardware Co. * CHRISTMAS GIFTS — China, glass, pottery, brass, electrical appliances, wheel toys and many others. Gregg Bros. Hardware. * CHRISTMAS GIFTS in grand array. See them, note theii beauty and quality. Something for old, middle age or youth. Attractive prices. Leona Allen Younp. * IS—Miscellaneous WATCHES FOR CHRISTMAS— Nothing more appropriate. See our beautiful Elgin and Hamil ton watches before you buy. Leona Allen Young. Gifts of all kinds. * For Rent 17—Houses FOR RENT Small house at Mt. Home $ 6 513 Whitted St. 10 905 Kanupa Rd. 18 BROWNLEE Insurance & Realty Company 27—Farm Products CORN WANTED—Farmers Fed eration. __ ... * * * * * * * * * * BUILDING NEWS Published By RIGBY-MORROW CO. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lumber . . . Millwork Fourth Ave. E. Phone 97 —•—■— Sherwin - Williams Company of Cleveland, O., are predicting increasing activity in the build ing line for 1939 . . . They are in a position to finance you so you can do your work now be fore any price advance . . . See us for information. ******** ** _ 28—Help (Male) LOCAL MAN to service nut meat and candy route. Must have car and cash for merchandise on location. $30 weekly salary plus commission. Write only. Royal. 150 Varick St., New York City. Lost and Found 43—Personal Property LOST—Bunch of keys. Reward. Return to Times-News . Special Notices IN GOD WE TRUST and He is j with us always. I'm in serious trouble. Please write. Mapieo. "COME on chillin'—let's dance." That new birch floor at the Smoky Shack has been well waxed and is ready for you. Barbecue, pecans, home-made cakes, etc. Be on hand. BUY YOUR FIREWORKS EARLY —We have a large assortment of fireworks, including roman candles, skyrockets, cap pistols, sparklers, torpedoes, bombs and numerous other items. Hoke & Milholen, 7th Ave. East ex tension. (Not open Sundays). * HOLLYWOOD FILM SHOP By ALEXANDER KAHN 1 United Press Staff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 19. (UP) Historic landmarks in the motion picture industry passed into ob livion when workmen razed three sets, all of which have stood for years and become almost legend ary fixtures. | One was the last vestige of the "Browning River" at Metro - Goldwyn-Mayer, so named be cause it was built by Tod Brown ing for Lon Chaney's "Road to Mandalay" and since used in <J0Z" ens of forms from a European lagoon to a Tarzan swamp. A new sound stage will rise on its site. The second was the famous Venetian street scene at Para mount, used in pictures ranging from old English romances to Host Addresses Pan-Americans With "observers" from totalitarian Germany and Italy listening. Peruvian President Oscar ilencvidcs told the Pan-American con ferees the spirit of the Americas is "co-operative." scenes in Marseilles. The third was the last corner of Universale "Hunchback Stieet," first erected for "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" 15 years ago. | In almost every studio there stand famous exterior sets which have remained in use for years and which bear names of pic tures of persons first associated with them. M.G.M. has in a rear corner of its lot a group of cliffs known as tin- "Leper Rocks* because they were built originally for the lepov sequence of "Ken Hur." They were most recently used for the mountain climb of Bert Lahr, Kay Bolger and Jack Haley in "The Wizard of Oz." Another set on the back lot of i the studio is the "Tarzan Jun gle," which has served in all the i Tarzan pictures. The "Bramsou! Cottage" is a neat English affair J named after Mrs. Bramson, its' owner in "Night Must Kali." I "Verona Square" remains from "Romeo and Juliet." Such sets are kept because of their general utility. With a few changes, their appearance can In altered and they can be used again and ajiain. Every studio, for instance, has a "Western street." At M.G.M. this street has been used in "Billy the Kid." I "Robin Hood oi' El Dorado," j "The Bad Man of Brimstone,? j and will be rebuilt again for Ne/-! son Eddy's "Song of the West/' ■ Probably the most-chan led get i in Hollywood is the Universal Western Street, which in the past 20 years has been altered on an average of once a month for se rials and western pictures. The oldest existing exterior s<»t today is stiid/to bo a small church near Santa Monica, constructed by Thomas Into in 1015, and which still .stands. Solons Are To Be I Asked For State Library Fund Many Counties in State Ate Entirely Without Library Service Among: the appropraitions which the state legislature will be asked to make when it meets in Janu ary will be one of $300,000 for the furtherance of library aid in North Carolina. The request will be made by the Citizens Library movement and representatives of the North Carolina Library asso ciation at that time. The 1937 general assembly went so far as to pass a hill au thorizing such state aid, but no appropriation was ever voted for this purpose. The primary aim of this pro gram i.^ to equalize library service in the state, it being estimated that there are in. North Carolina two millions of people who do not now have and never have had ac cess to a library. Something over two score of counties in North Carolina at this time have a county library serv ice but a very large proportion of the counties have no library of OUT OUR WAY tfy WIUiABpS r 5-S-^T/ W <=>OT TO " / MAKE A OPENIN' THRU / HIM* PULL MIS SWEATER OUT OF WIS PANTS - -I'VE BEEN IN THERE THREE TIMES AND COULDN'T / GET OUT! *!<> ^ ^ com vviQbV NEA SERVICE^ lN6~~ 1W THE BAG ♦JTHwi' »*> .10 any description. ' Henderson county is one of ap proximately 17 counties in which a town library exists, but which is not ojn-n to the use of the peo ple of the county excepting through payment of fees. One interest of the local library board in the measure lies in the fact that the state aid plan would open the use of the city library to the school children of the county. paralysis' victim LONG TIME FIRE FAN! CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 19. (UP).—David Dickinson, though crippled by infantile paralysis, is a real "spark." He has followed local fires dur ing; the past 15 years in his mo tored wheel-chair. A Harvard graduate and former fire insur ance expert, he photographs fires as a hobby. His latest ambition is to attach a two-way radio to his chair. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee) Pursuant to the power and au thority contained in a certain deed of .trust dated the 12th day of March, 1!)34, executed by Mrs. Neale C. Few, widow to Alan S. O'Neal, trustee, which deed of. trust is duly registered in the of-j fice of the register of deeds in Henderson county, N. C., in book 116, page 122, securing a certain note payable to Home Owners' Loan Corporation, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the pay ment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set ouv in said deed of trust and demand of fore closure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee, having been substituted as trustee, for Alan S. O'Neal, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Henderson county, N. C., in book 2Hi, page 4IS, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Hen derson county, Hendersonville, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon on the 23rd day of Dec., the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in the City of Hender sonville. Hendersonville township. County of Henderson, State of North Carolina, nnd more par ticularly dv«cribed and defined as follows: Geir.g lot 71 and a strip 9 feet wide off of the east side of lot 70 of the Anderson division of Hendersonville Land and Improve ment company as shown on plat recorded in book 26, page 4f>0 of the records of deeds for Hender son county, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stake at the intersection ol' the west margin oL Buncombe street with the south margin of Eighth avenue west and running thence with said margin of Buncombe street, south 1 de gree 30 minutes west 136 feet to a stake in said margin of said ave nue; thence south 86 degrees west 93 feet to a stake in the north lino of lot 72 of said subdivision; thence along the line of lot con veyed by Neal C. Few to H. C. Crowdev north 1 degree 30 min utes east 136 feet to a stake in the south margin of Eighth ave nue west, the same being the northeast corner of said" conveyed lot; thence with said margin' of said Eighth avenue west, north B<> degrees east 93 feet to the pdint of beginning and being parf of the property conveyed by W. A. Keith and wife, to Mrs. Neale C. Few by deed recorded in book 104, page 88 of the records of deeds for Henderson county. I This property will be sold sub ject to 1938 taxes. The purchaser at this sale..will be required to make u cash de posit of 6 percent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 22nd tlay of Nov., 1 938. T. C. ABERNKTHY, Substituted Trustee, L. I!. PRINCE, Attorney. • 1 l-28-Mon.-4tp. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Reese L. Watkins, late of Henderson County, Notth Carolina, this is to notify all per 1 sons having claims against the es tate of the said diseased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Hendersonville on or before .the > 1! 1st day of November, 1930.jor | this notice will be pleaded in par i of their recovery. This 2lfct day of Nov., 1939J Anna May Watkins. Executrix Estate of Reese L. Watkins, i 11-21-M'on-ptp V1YRA north, special nurse A Call in the Might RETURNING TO TK" GLAMOUR STUDIOS AFTER. LEAVING GUV VIPEEO TO WATCH THE "DOVES OF PEACE" HEAD QUARTERS IK) TOWN, MVCA MOW ENTERS THE DESERTED STAGE DEVOTED TO GILDER PRODUCTIONS... MO WONDER "THERE'VE SEEN SO aaanv "ACCltfEMTS" ABOUND , HEBE JF THE "DOVES OF r-' PEACE" CAN GET IN AT J MISI-'T AS EASILV AS j THaS I If I STILL BELIEVE THE CLUE TO TH6IK. ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND RIGHT HE >tE IN MAJOR GILDER'J OFFICE/ /A THESE WALLS SEEM TO BE SOLID ENOUGH, ) ^ AND VET HE MUST HAVE HAD SOME r J REASON *TC BELIEVE THEY WERE CLOSING IN ON HIM JUST BEFORE ! HE COLLAPSED j — ' By THOMPSON Aim COIf (?UODES/lW THE SlLZNCE OF W VAST j OFFICE IS SHATTpKEP SY THE JAH&LE , of Moses fuote— <1 -i a u-u i m iLLEY OOF Dr. Oop Talking hamlD* VISITING, HAVb TUU./yQjj HQfsjQRA T ninM'T X WON'T KNOW / WITH YOUR gS&'SJT PRESENCE / ANy» hap any SOCIAL GR^CES^ ■ irv NOPE'. I Jus ?orta told] NOT^XWIM moo was a kinda SUPPOSE) UNHEALTHY place MOT? you \ TO HANG AROUND? PROBABLY MADE A <0h SCENE A WHY YOU UNSPEAKABLE &USY&ODY?^ I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW Z006^-u ft'it CAM COME v WISHES! 7°°OLA/WHEN A GUY'S V (G0T DELICATE WEALTH, M* W V HE'S SOTTA TAKE CARE OF IT OF COURSE/ IF WE IGNORES MY, ADVICE, SrcGANftT BLAME ME IF HE COMBS DOWN WITH ^ BUSTeO-COMKITlSf .1.1 Ct COM. 193fl BY NEA SMV]QI, INC. ,fc PAT. Of F. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS TOO BAO YOU CAME ALL The war our to Kingston / I just phoned in another order. [ I MATE TO HAVE YOU MAKE ANOTHER TRIP That Worm Dudley Again BLOSSEj fJUNE DOESMT WANT YOUR PRESENTS,90 I DONT KNOW WHY >(OU WASTE "r©UR TIME sending Them r 111: sup Bar i v "TMOU6MT -T&ir 0' WB** f' ONUf Otjl SPEAKIN* terms ; SNAKES.' .. :