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l J l l i il i v i i i vii vl i VI) v i V vl l l THE ROSWELL DAILY RECORD g FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICER Daily Except Sunday. The Roswell Daily Record is the only paper in the I'eeos Valley having the Associated Press Ser vice. It gives you the World's News in condensed form every evening, twenty-four hours before it can be botained through the city dailies. All the local news of lending interest can. also be found in its columns. If you are not already a subscriber you should bring in your subscription at once. 43: Published Every Afternoon at 4 O'Clock Except Sunday i Subscription Prices- i si 5i Delivered by Carrier, or mailed to any address. "WHAT AN EASTERN IAN THINKS" OF THE Pecos Valley aw $w &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The famous newspi per correspondent, Henry Hall, made a trip through the Pecos Valley last spring and the "Pecos Valley Lines" Passenger Department has reprinted what he had to say in a neat little folder suitable for mailing. Send us a list of names aud we will take pleasure in giving your friends in the east an opportunity to read what Mr. Hall says. Don A. Sweet, Traffic Manager. AMARILLO, TEXAS. ew eX m &w qpr ty v 3W W W 3W o o o o s Thonsands Say That McC lure's Magazine J Is the best published at any price. Yet it is only 10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. IN EVERY NUMBER OF McCLURE'S THERE ARE Articles of intense interest on subjects of the greatest .national importance. Six good short stories, humorous stori -s, stories of life and action and always good. In 1904 8. : i t fit Ml 1-v m M-v . ii f Y-vi tin iYl TApf ImJWUre Will - lt? IIJUIC lurnmui, and entertaining than ever. "Every year better than y O 8. S. McCixre Company, 623 Lexington Bldq., New York. ctjcoooooodoooopooooooooooo Record Publishing Co. JOB DEPARTMENT. Being a concern ivherein the wants of those-desiring printing are promptly and carefully attended to We do all kinds of Commercial and Legal Printing. Our type and machinery are of the best. Our workmen are men of exp:?riencs aud specialists in their line. When in need of work in our line we would be pleased to have you give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. All Work Delivered Promptly. OUR HOTTO: The Best Possible Work at AH Times. I nr 'he Southwest Limited is the new train between Kansas City and Chic ago. It runs via the new short line, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Electric lighted throughout, The Southwest Limited is a blaze uf glory along the new route. Equipment includes compartment and standard sleepers, observation-library car, dining car and coaches. It arrives in the Heart of Chicago in time to connect with all eastern trains. If you are going East, it is worth your while to write for descriptive booklet. n. F. SMITH, G. L. COBB, Commercial Agent. Southwestern Passenger Agent, 245 MAIN ST., DALLAS. 907 MAIN ST., KANSAS CITY. Leave Kansas City 5:50 p. m.; arrive Chicago 8:55 a. m. Another Case of Rheumatism Cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism is being demonstrated daily. Parker Triplett, of Grigsby, Va.. says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the" back when everything else failed and ht wouid not be without it. For sale by all druggists. o Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, Roswell, New Mexico,' December 28, 1903. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed in this office by Rufus M. Newman, contestant, against homestead entry No. 3033, made Oc tober 16. 1902. for the northwest quarter of section 11, township 12 S. range 24 E.. by Sanford W. With ers, contestee, in which it is alleged that said Sanford TV. Withers (claim ant) has abandoned said tract and has failed to make settlement or to establish residence thereon within six months after makine said entry, and has not resided upon or cultiva ted said tract since making said en try of the same, and that sai-l al leged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, in time of war; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on March 3. 1904. before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Roswell, New Mexico. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed January 20, 1904. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. HOWARD LELAND. Register DAVID L. GEYER. Receiver. o Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Unequalled for Constipation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent drug gist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are, in my judgment, the most superior preparation of any thing in use today for constipation. They are sure in action and with no tendency to nauseate or gripe. For sale by all druggists. AIM EVEN GHANCt WITH DEATH Original. The Spanish-A nuTicuu war devplopert valuable wientiflc fads. Tin; olt!f rs of one of the volunteer regiments were rivaling tln-uiselves In Havana, where the command waa sent after the. surrender f Santiago. fie brating the results of the campaign. During the evening the reiiueiilul sur K'tii. Major Norris. deliberately insult h1 a young lieutenant, llertrani, who was sitting opposite liim at table. Ber tram was surrounded by a number of junior otlieers, Norris by several sur geons who happened to lie on duty at Havana at the time and who had been invited to participate in the festivities. Norris accused I'.ertraiu of eowurdice before Santiago. Since Bertram bore i'li unexceptionable record bis compan ions were astonished at the doctor's charge. Bertram left the "table and sent one of (hem to demand a retrac tion It was refused, and he sent a challenge. The doctor agreed to nive satisfaction, but as the challenged par ly demanded the privilege of choosing the method of the contest. He dcclaP-d that his method would involve certain ly the death of one of the n litagoutsts mid stipulated that Bertram should sign an agreement before knowing of the terms to accept them. '1 his Ber tram was obliged lo do or remaia un der the ban of cowardice. When the preliminaries were completed and the paper was signed Norris made kuuwn tiis way of lighiiiig. Two pellet, tin1 one harmless, the other containing priw sie acid in concenlratiil form, weiild" lie placed in a cup. The principals should each draw and swallow a pellet. Some of Bertram's brother otticers begged him to refuse to tight on the terms on account of their uumilitary character, but he suffered fit severely under the surgeon's aspersions that he dcclan-d he would rather run one chance in two of dentil than live under oblotpiy. He f 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 - 1 his agreement, and after the dinner was over a party of ollicers, including all the surgiM.ns who had sat logeiher a) table, the two principals ami two of Bertram's com pany, as'senibled in a room above where the bauUct hail been held, ready for the duel. Norris chose one of the surgeon and Bertram another lo prepare the pellets, both agreeing that the major of the regiment act as supervising umpire. The three retired to an adjoining room. where I hey were gone a long while. There was cvideiiilv a want of har mony among them, and the major's voice could be heiird raised in protest, the words "certain death" lieing di. ti in t ly audible. While this was going on Surgeon Norris sat coolly reading a medical journal. Bertram thinking of that terrible even chance letwvii life and death. The consepieiie was that when at the end of an hour the men returned from the other room Bertram was very nervous. "( letitleuien, are yon ready?" asked (lie major, who held the cup. Both replied in the aMirmative. "This cup," continued the niaS'tr. "contains the pellets, as agreed Ihii. The surgeons who have prepared them have surrounded the fata! one wltti winlergreen." lie held the nip Sirst Norris II the ranking oilieer, who chose j pct and Kwalloweil it. Bertram, whose hand trembied. did the same with the re maining pellet. Presently Norris said. "Bertram. I comniisef r.e yoil. I era i k ed my nllet with my ic :L, and yet I taste not hing " At the same moment Bertram went deadly pale. Tin- outer coating of his pellet had been dissolved, and tlire was a strong Ha vor of wintergiveti. "If you have anything in say." ni! Olie of the surgeons, " should .idvise you lo say it piiekly. The drug, jm! know, nets instantly, and we have rI lowcd only ten ininules for its inelosure to be dissolved." B"rtrain was standing when f took the pellet, but llow the certainly of death weakened his knees, mid he said; back mi a lounge. One of those pr-s.eit brought him writing materials with which lo write a last message. He too the pen. bet was unable lo write. Nev Titleless his pluck was good. "It wort-' ipiiekly." he said, with some cuullie,. "The nervi-s of my lingers are already fiowerless." "Speak what you have to say." naij one of the surgeons. "Your tongue will soon be paralyzed." Bertram spoke a few words, then found it impossible to arti'.'iilale fur ther. He sank lower on the sofa and closed his eyes. The surginu whom he had chosen to prepare the food of deiitti went lo him and felt of his heart. "The whisky, ipiick!" h shouted. "tJreaf liea vens. I'm afraid le's gone!" Whisky had been kept at hand, and 1: If a tumbler was Hiiired down the lieutenant's throat. "I say. I'.ertraiu." cried the mirgmn. "you are mistaken! You hive not swal lowed poison'" I'.ertraiu slowly op ihsI his eyes and looked wildly about him. "This is not a duel." cm 'inueil the surgeon "If is medical experiment to test if a man may lc killed by tie Imagination. The pellets were Imth made of bread " "Wake up. Bertram." said Norris. jfo ing to him and taking his hand. "You're as brave as a lion. I put this lip on yoil to cotivliii-e my friends Ihe doctors that yon could Im killed by a harmless pill. We were dwcnwsiiig at dinner the feasi bility of ln-'.'ing note In practice of the effect of i '-id over matter and con cocted this as a preliminary t"st of the mind's effect. Bertram was soon himself ncnln and thanked thi Titleinen for honoring him by uelug hi. in the Interest of scleoce. JOSjtl'U II. KINO.