Newspaper Page Text
mil iiwiwikwii i mamm it iih , iimuwniwiinwiHiwtiiiniiB imwi iwiapjii in iwna jiimnimi'iji tl'lM-HU. rtT, -' l' i JiijriTL. i iMrriijnjnji "iiliril ifcirailtiiaaJwJi. , Sn'l I fc MHMtiH THL1 LRADMK. STRIP MATTERS. Palnti THE LEADE huri; on ritiATfrM'mor imVN ioimi oil 111. ron l Prepared , will Im. i rapped and n 'or innilmr nt this ofti 13Y ltl)V HOTIMAN. j PREPARATIONS FOR THE OPCN- rti nMnin iiiinnr iirii, iifcv Mii-iiliri'jMj .rfeaifTwf Tilting mi ii,i irTisH '"'J1 R " ' M ,l ' I Si A VI S TJ A i ma .1 tn in i i f.,r 'ev- U! I Bniui -. - VV l hum Jfc. . -- - -J ' ( t s i - V R KOI Br '! X. KtUsnUlTlOV KxTI.S. lUin Onpni"itli.1 iimi m1 in di ? M One in. mill li mail "' Three month"- . J JO Mx months 5 99 Ono year 000 vrrKi v. Six months One your ItAII.OUAl) TIMi: TAIIMC. w I (XI NOltTIl llt't M. No. .00, ClllclltigO Express.. No. -11H, Ms. Ulvor Expies No. 12a. Wny Kmlnlil mii'Tii noi!W. No. 401. Texas Kxprons No -nr,, Oklahoma Express.. X.. Itil XV.. l.Viiliplit . :) n. m. . 2;.-W p. III. 11:11 p '" .11:10 i in . 1M"M in .12HS n. hi I'nwngprs sliiilI procure ticket 1: fore Rotting on the no'" HhhxoN is not nnd novur of Oklahoma. -; Ti-N thousand cnsli down was Meson's ' loweslr figure, ' Hrt.VBiiwIll circulate nlong ' of gold In this country an Inn as govern- incntJnstB. WoNm: how much of Unit 87 Mm I that went (?) for 1mU.ll.iff Oklahoma",, xvorld'B fair barn ll.o.. got? - Tun Dcmccrntle congric" l' V "lli ' tu work In dead earnest to prepme a , revised and equitable tarlif bill. To the world's f ir coitiiulbstoners: Wlien you kick llueson out (;lvo bim a ticket to Kaiibas. He don't belone; in Oklahoma. ,.. ..... .i .i TiiK storm on tho Atlniillo const and especially along tho seashore of '.be southern states wronght t.f1lilo Iohs of llfo nnd great di' uellon of prop erty, Tim horse market of Guthrie Is one of the features of the ctip!.-l city ' tlicso bpnionuig fines when tlio , world U'feprej 2-fi I p. t.'l.t t.t. n.11 .lrtl! il l'iai "tf iu iiinii jgii iiicii Into the Tins low prices and fair dealing of (iuthrle merchants have induced thous ands of Strip outfitters to leave the to lluthrie for their supplies. Sijnatoii Yoi.corr, the eloquent Coloradoau In tho souatu on thu .list ult. mnde oue of tho giealost speeehos dellveyed In tho present sewsloii for bi metallism nud free coinage. Difli'.vi cutis eonllrm the awful re ports heretofore published of the cy clones terrible work iiOJyrJiLOjrolUia X'y'.U&V-ui Vuo iWAtiViirVetrc trover six hundred and all the story is not yet known. Asotiihii loso of life occurred on tho lUulf.iColoiado A Santa 1'V on the Slat wal.lrejglit Cfsiiv'p(itnglng through a bringoilor, ilolleviUe, Texas, killing the ongliiior,' .laak Bwnnson, and kcidly iniwluf other UnttniTPUL railroad dtaatrs are be coiitng of '' 'list . I ' utfnt occurrence Ojo4HUil tiie CHlcttiro Umiuer. v Hi iikBini uKh it brid; ., i. .. " " ..v"r, 'alas, kill;n; tiitvi ii ai wuiiuding more thnu i .. n otltera. 1 ui 1 1 riff leformers are 1 gglny i Uio very v'ore ot the M Kiulcv i, shoddy, and thr io inti mas us! i ildcut in tho assuiaiue a l'i ,i -eratic congrass bi i.t J by a Ne n cralic adininihtratioii r, ill throitu tin ' illhin" beforu ho hns a chauoe in il. mui more harm to the coiiuUy OrKit In VaBhita comity Ki-liover. nor Sony's pot appointors, and xvo have ns6uranee that tbo 1ohs cons dered them a line lot of men and thu hist in tho west end, in the short time they hold ofllco before they were inn out of tho county, sudd led a debt upon th- people or over 517.00), ud the louuty has absolutely nothing to show fur it v.....0 f.ZZ:...v.: :Z7,u, .. ..,. ,.,,. iiuiu 4 ..!, 1. (...:. I .1Mb I. ,..-- Jnmy colony on the oo-oporatho plan hns been formed with he.idquai tors at Wichita and n iliarter obta ne I The colony is composed of dis'dpli s ol Jlellainy, It ia proposed to locate a townsite somewln ie in the Cherokee strip in which n. not a disciple xxjllbe allowed to unu a lot or do business of am l.nd A part mint houses are being picpaied iu sections t be conveyed n n wagons on tin day of the oten ng and pul together immudtutely. All town lots and other yropoi'ty are to be held and owned b the colony. AU the colony will dine at tho fiaino table, while from one big atoro all supplies will be furn lehtd. AlTUKall the objections to Hoke Smith's method of opening the strip, huJaofi U pretty well iu hand nud bus ulFuoSt .effectually out off the man who desires lu hog it all. Oklahoma City Tlmee-Journal. ot range thliifs" uotuues happen, and this is one of them. Thu idea of n lk'publk-nn paper iu oklahomt com pliinuntkg or even , ea'.-ing inie spettful terms of a, i otllniul Is so wonikuui u may be set down na u rta a That BUMivtary Smith is doing all in hU power to pioU-ct the settkrs who contemplated gom into the stup Tub Lkaiiick Is in a i o.ition to l.n .w is true, nnd while I lulos m ,pt. l may oppwar ut flrat gin" to i sinn xvhut bearehiug and oppresetv.i t..-rf will be found to be entirely i-i the in- L rest of ihe bona file settles and against t" o fra.iU. BAUDS OF SOONERS ON THE fJROUHDS. Hip IIihiIIir shipper! Out Ve lent iy IfUIj? Siipp'lril for llcilnr I ITo-Ia Helm; Xlnilt In M'tnre it Until It for Unllir'e. preparations for Uia Cherokeo strip opening arc progressing tlneli mi I in i lie arrangements for its m in "genu nt i arc becoming beitoi im Ic-sto .! tin- Ipo pie who will h-o thoie In 1 hollies for llicmsolvis bitter nppic- cHte tlio i ITurlH of tin- administration I in llicir behalf ! Tli,. j. '.-.. X'N "' -'I'lols II - U . ing l (I flu ' nig tin1 Hi" I' "I1 .1 .1 nit of this be- r tl,c ten .Im v. its' ' I mcrcliiilils Ii.i.'i'i.' I'.i I ' ".ex pi' I t1 i'.ope-i.'llc j of tniiniiiMif tin. kind, know just ! Mi. .Minors i si it'" r i. coils for an ont- --- Hi hii I llu- f" I people nete nre mix- ioii to IjiiiIiI a ity, lend every aaslst- an o to strangers, furnln.' food und Knl?i,f for stock and make things as )i;ns4IJt us p,,sili!p for those who .ire to make Oklnlioina their liouu-. Another ' ' t-'d-cre ,s ,. fa t hat "''' trt-.,n re...,,,,, ; th,. n, thr p.. Pt from wlii h to direct its npi-iations. Here its pe lul ngenti tiro lot .ito.l and tilese beinif vested with osti niidinai v ilificrallokini'y powers cm i. tluiitf in I tlio wny i f ne. iiuiveinciih in the wny of r .ilali or. is h-n in "1 as o.u ly ' as possible The people win) will -t I le t li' h' 1 1" l,,.i-,. Im.pii . vtr.'inelv foriiinato ill Ihe Hi'leetWm of spoi ial .iontf sent In ro by Kllt''- i .,.,, lllo set reii y io mannifu iiii-niiniiaui the opening Smvcrnor Swineford, who llrst tamo here, hurried the opening at least two weeks in advance of . wliat xvns His siiccosm r, iludire Woitiai k. is ouuallv ralous In i seeing that every preparainui is made to expedite tho work that Is lo lie (o,)o. Kenlisliiir that it woul I bo en all V to the interest and accommodation of the settlers if u booth wns establish. .1 here ami also one t I ity. .Indg' tVoiuai telegraphed to Wush-. iiiglou asi; iiir pci mission to establish booth at these places. At the same time the judge wired the secretnry Hint owing to the greul difference ill opinions n to the numoer who wouhl appear for registration, it wns iiqio's ttiblo to state wliat numbejxof clerks would bene ossary.-b?fiiidlp the peo plo ixho woiiljLjQiply fir oorlifieatiH, but the nurftber nosv delegated would bowJiarVirinadequnte. ' To the 'utter message ho has re ceived instructions to employ all addi tional clerks neeussary to do the work expeditiously, whatever that may be, i,o intending settlers may bo assured of one tiling that while It i not corlain Hint booths will be placed ut this pottUuu'l Arkansas! ii.v tlnnU there is u ronsonublo probability o It, there wll be su h a -force at the booths as will rWntsh ca h one 'io applie ,,r , cci nllcato hefoie the time i i ii Men ng c i, . ' ie slilpp .1 sterday , .1)11 .III DVIIL ii' I lil I i . ... IV OW.I, two to . .iineioi o I) Ai'iU'i as Cil tliiee o ri'.allo, two to Jlcunwa, u i . ul.wel', w t lliggins, Tex. u i i !lUwa'.r--l!ie 1 tor uu- lo g. tins in iltllng, Major I'oe and Mr L.iuieroux takinf them over. Thc i '.i ,n . . v Uh table.. i!e I;h, ehniis idixti linn ' that will Le uccdwl in l.e e iui e of I'.e I Mieli It is uiiiliil that the i t u.bcr (f tuol'i- w hU'h are ..i i:i !i npital t ,t, is not siiUklent to a itiiuinodati t.i fa who .till probably epplx ai r u. 'e.nent will bo made to ere. '. of lumber other buildings 'liiih. sv. who h..vo fours the booth M-rviee w ill not "be SullKleut 1 iik Lkai.i u ili'Mi,., to stale that uven one will he acoouimodated lor tlio foi- u'n will be supplied aovordlng to the ilii,;und. n ix this ffTRU'. l"P -Mnwhl llutner. of Crescent i ity. returned from the Osage eounlrx e tauiit last night with n prisoner. He drove across ..the strip fi oin the o,;ige Xatlaa to I'on.a ami it ports li.ix iug seen a large nutu' i : b.ion.ers in the strip. Tht'.x -fin i I In be i en pit nt ful. tor inj.' n w.igm and on h i aba... 'nl m i e Icisiirolj spt.utlliig tin .r lime lnokii lor i ornei stonisaiiii getung geueial infoi na tion uf the louutry At l'oujn, Mr. llutner tun a number of soldiers, but l hey did not seem to be working in the direction of the sn in.-r-. Deputy I'.itnii hit man whose in formatioi is t . h il. e md fro n v hut in says it so in i mi uiii mllitui . Ims a iuty to pei form and 4t largo nuinber wilt fa i to tot bonus on ai count ot their e..geriK-u. tn s. the as yol for bidden lauds BLANKS TOR 'IITE SI KIP. Crutavt blanks uf iui kinds m n -s n for homestead or tow n lot settlers in the Cherokee str'p mil be hud at tliis oili. e. Don't luukt-llu mistake of de pending on some old sto k tf out-of l.iti foMiis 'M j,ct tln'se apirocd In the ilepailiileut nud kuown to be "ght I ; i J ns 1 in J.i xuni s Co- i I:'. I .ii IS .' niiU on ., wi .ghiiHf the . . i.t mat much ..t m u y paper have prubub' bun i I m ih. pustofUce tuth 1-it f ' ..rit st op ending i -t v 1 lie I isi i.,. on inn n m nn i i it i i it r- u i ..i postage As a . v ' I l 1 1,1! if I- 1 1 1 1 1 (Ti III I nil. l:pirtli 1 1 hi, ii 1 ho l'.p.vci th li iiiii ill. i tiiii.ineut t the 1 irsl M I ilmri! Frnlny ctpiiI tiif w as a ili'i idi d Si . nml follsldenilile Ulcnt was cxhil ited tiy those who tk part. Tha work of this ili'int in n' "f Hie I'pw rth loiijriK hi ill lupinir tin- laltMit of din wnin pi-oph' i ' one to b cjnl in.'ii'h'il nod Is appro luted by nlL Ij.ilto a niiin'ii r wore present. Ifl' I I I v.i..- ih.xliitHphln0k. nhntrnt hhifliif ItKtTlv-Mixeil I'uitit, $1.10 to 91.70 per mill I ,s .Mio the other day nml liistl- ! , ii i it i tuio I a -Mootintf gallery In olney lloiftfi't's ufll o, fot out on $1,000 ball. which was little enough at licit. Hf made threnta to repent his violent nro.e...llii. onlv that lui would do n! ' ..".'. ; ....;....,, I mor.- thorough job next time and end "K' career oi Million! lie was arrcsiea ,ll,' l,0,,n,l "vcr Under fSH bond to I .1 I.I.. A, A.n i -11 .U "rp nu peiiL-c, iiiiiuiiij', in mi uiu now liftiife'Injf heavy over him. ' RUVI8BD STORY OfTHE BATTLE Jlcntr. life (lntliriy unit A. T. Ni'lll of We, M. A. .lacolis, chief cleric of ttllllw ilur (live Koiii.- r.ii'tn on- j the general land olllc has been crriiliiR 1'. i detailed to take temporary charge of 15. llee llutbrsy rind A. T, Neln of I tb. arrangements and operations of uuiiu,..!.- ... i . wr .....i im ' tho booths and local land olllces in sllliwater were in tne city yetier lay ;" , , . . , . r ,, ...... the Cherokee outlet, assisted bv L. C. fur n while anil mnde some additioiia Kll.kplts ,.,.0rgo AlcCorkle, Y. Von statements and souio corro tions con-J iio .ir-l .l.imes Cole, each of whom corning the battle with tho deipcrn-' Iim b d long experienco in the gon- iloes. Tho boy nn I man who were " ,a,a'V,:"l",,1,Thejr wU1 leVe fr , ,,, , , J th outu't tonight. killed and whos names our corro 1 vxt Mliay c nusen Ucnnett, spoiident was unable to lenru, were n i private mi n tary to Secretary Smith, (.onofDr llrggsof IngalUftiul a inniiift'Kl T- A loinlinson, chief ot the n.,mid Ua.kerwho runs u hotel at ("o-e; wnj ..Unij on,;,nd lushing. 'Slamrliter Kid, ono of the j BSHt Ilt the li.H.ths and In the local robbers, was killed As to the citi- ! land ollii -s i-st.iblishud at I'urry, Lnid, his of Ingalls taUinvthe imrt ot the Alva mid Woodward. ,.i I.. ni .in. i ngiuiug on ineir s.oe, Mr.tJulhrey mid that wns a grave ml. ttKc ami it is so lo oe nopeu. The names of the nlbUers who were nrresteU were Al C.iso.lleorge I'uwsotl, Nelson Murray and "Arkansas Tom" instead of "Arkansas Jake," as stated yestorday. The lattcr's name is Tom .1 -lies. Ovei 100 men left Stillwater for the bnttk gr. i.sui when the nowa loached tiuit pi'i.n -ix nurses ami a mine w ore killed in the fusllnde. Uhon Miss. Yut'iii and Mill left Still' water yestenlny morning there was Birmu of lynching Aikansas Tom an 1 another b tit c was oSpe-tcil any time. Moriran's XWnual. Tlio fourtli tVitinn of Morgan's MiinuaA eit the printing press yetet if.iy. The worl. is valuable to every hoinosecker nnd settler in the Cherokee flttip. It contains besldos other valua ble information tlio oilli.ial pro?latiia;iinstruotion.s tion nnd lntist forms for use iu the new lands. AlipoUlll'll. Ale.vumler Campbell was appoint eo r fc( II' 1 !U 1 1 I .. taty commissioner ot va-nna yesterday by the governor, (.' Talmage who has uer - ly.efttleconr.ty. P Heart rallar. sanltury committee of tho Uu d if health in Philadelphia has issued tho following. Physicians are requested not to t-quitnuio .Mortgago company of JMs pliioo on any cortlflcatj "heart failure" ' s"ri. with olliees at 40 Wall street as the cnuse of donth. but the disease capital of tho company Is S?,l ' of which the patient was Mifftving ' Tho ollloora of tho oonipahf aay this nt-tio Is, tlio lm,i,t Yulliii-.k ' In.,,, . . J. , " "" lias never been placed on the list of .11. 1 ....I . ...:. .. , f. , . um-iuva iuuiiieii u mis miiini, ii ui" i. luuiii'ii niuii on i. niauib in soiuu other illness from xvhieh tho jiiitient was suffering. Kurthormore. it furnislies nn opportunity to conceal eonUyjious diseases, :tnd thus permits the ignoring of the rules of this board, uitltlir Innocently or designedly. ileroaf tor a burial permit will not be issued on the certificate of death of "heart failure" when unaocoinpaiilod with tho disease from whloh the heart failure ocuirred. Diplomat. , the time of the About . ,. American ,,..,. , ... revolution the l-ranch commander. Do La Motte-l'iquot, met, as he left Qulb- erou bay, two A uioricnn vessels which suiulod him. He renln-d, neeording to ministerial instructions, with nine salutes of eAunoii an honor to which the sl,ipS of the American republic were entitled. Inc DnirlUli milium. J "lor iiiimedintelv asked an uxplauutiou of the 1 rench minister, De Yergennes. Do Yorgoones replied, good-uatu. 1ly, us if he hud hardly given the matter a thought: "Perhaps it was an echo of the sn,lute that you gave to a Corslcan warship when thu king, my master, regarded Corsica ns a rebel, as your ruler very well knexv." A Tattooed Mull. Martin l'"iirerschild n fugitive froni (k-i-iiiHll justice, has kepi tattooed Oil liin hutlr n nwanl of liU I'lrleil iUMr ........ii i. .. -, .i ........, .mi, vnw-iw uunii mi iiuumno. t n wurrauv out tor nitiur- rust describes this curious uutobiog- l lanhv thus: On the breast. "I cannot my fate, Iss-, " on the right foreauii, woman's head, rille, Unoe, sword, cannon Im I tuid Whoever lotos m list suffer, issti;" on the right shou'der. l oss heart, anchor, elaapad hands, aud ' I. vet-lastingly faithful;" on left shoulder, down on a cnair, ls7, on the left forearm, "IjOUg live the i alibi , ' horse s heatl whip.claspetl lui lids, -'1 rue Into lsso" e . t. '. , , Setenteeu houses constructed J- tirelv of hollow glass bricks fitru'O at the tliuiijo exhiinl. on. where tin are used us u 1, is workshops .m.l sto t s. n..u.. ..i (ii... ii. !,., for it isdieined .id', isal.le l folio the behe-tof hu old prov.-i b aud e how gl.ts houses as dwellings A h r J 1 1 s decorative effect has been obtained bV using bricks of variegated glass, ad hering to eaoli otliei bv means of olor less ceiueilt. u baihliii of this undue ill from within by eleelrieity pres.ut inga fairy like aspect uunpprojchej bv structures of sheet glass and Lu glish ir.n Mr Fsy Se-hu That's n hr brid pup you voKottbeio pat Put -Yl, sir u'm erj- hls'b bred dor UU father Km o croki betwieu oj Kyetalian groybouud and i, Bulnt llaiuysrU. , is the Best and Cheapest Paint on the Market. ('nWhat Is it that glvoa any Paint Durability, Boauty ot Finish unu r-rusurvativo vjuciiiiyc PURE LINSEED OIL ONLV. To c' erv trallun of Hamnier Pure I'repaied l'aint must bo added olio gallon of Pure Kiw l.lnseeil Oil to reduce rlady for l'nlntiiiff. When y on add a gallon of pure, fresh Linseed Oil to a gallon of l'aint, you know Hint $ on will hive a ready-mixed l'aint, mado from puro Linseed Oil, mid not one made from Liquid Adulterants. '1 hit. necessary addition of raw Wnseofl Oil pi i os the durability of your l'aint under your own control, nud, If PUW Oil is used, the durability is assured. 'Pkls Paint is most economical, as compared with other Koadv-Mlxed l'aint taimifiurh us tin consumer does not pay P" Uwsee.l Oil. one gallon "f the mixture will cover 3C0 square feet two ooalii, on ?ouil surface, There is no otiier Paint mnde that can offer nbsolutc proof of durnbiltty, nt a coat ,,f i ,n per rhIIoii to tho consainer. t"l'or snie only by p. B. LILLIE A CO. DRUG. BOOK & NEWS DEPOT. GUTHRIE TO CONTROL STRIP WORK. Wmlilimlou oiiuiuli U'l Tnlco clnrRo or lliiuin nml ijinu iiiiiiii. WasiiiniiTox, Sept 1 Som fears Fme been entertained that because of tlio delay In nominating the proper land officers the opening of tlie I'hcro kep strip might hnvo to bo delayed. To avert this, if possl- HEBREW WOMEN. Their tlonnr Dirmiiluil by a Duel Ile tirei'ii Niltoil l'roiiclinien. 1' Mils, Sept. 2. A duel with rapiers wlift fnncrlit. vcHtorilnv In f.lin outskirts of 1art- between" M. Diumont, editor i of Libre Parole, and M. Cat. 'lie Drey- ftw. M. Uroyfus received tl:i.e slight wonnds, one lu the nrm, one in the side nnd it third in the chest. M. Drumont wtis not scratched. Dreyfus was not ablu to-oontiinie, bnt asked for a fur ther meeting to-morrow, nnd also ex procU a xvish that pistols-be used nt the seoond meeting. This M. Dru uioiit agreed to without hesitation The cause of the duel was an article published in M. Drumont's paper charging (hat nil Jewesses of the up per ("lasses were wonwnof eus viitue. -SYjfCIDE BY LAUDANUM. .IiiiIbo Hoar of tliirliuston, Ujii., Tulcet lilt On il I.I IV. Ik rti.ixa-roN', Kan., Sept 2. illiam 11. 'Hear of this city committed suicide yoaterday by taking a largo dose of Inumuiiiin. lie lino carefully written nnd statements nud letters to friends and relatives. Con tinued ill health ami financial troublos were the causes. Daring tho past twenty yoar Mr. Hear had bom six times old ted and once npuoiuli ! reg- ter of deeds und three tlnios i iceteu rfrobnti jjrtffe-ol this, CoftVv munty. fit leaver a wife and one oh 1.1. , ,NTO RBCilvAp8' HANDS The Jtqultabl Nortgngr Couipanj t niililt . to Meet IU Inline. t l'liyiiiriiU, i New Yoiik, Sopt. 2 James M. Clifford and Charles X. Fowler, have i been appointed receivers for tho aeiion was taxen owing to 8trimrucv of monev and intlnued miiPdui nt , ,i... : m .. .1 mammy lo dispose oi i in tiles r col- ww iuvw vsv .jh iiin.ui h it ui National liar Assoclutlon oiHrere. Mii.WAtniKK, Wis., Sept .' Judge Thomas M.Cooley of Michigan, ex t li.iirtnnn of thu interstate commerce iiiiinisslon, was clecietl jiresident of the Ameriean liar association to- t.i . lli3 otlur olllcers are as follows: Secretary. John Hinkloy of Maryland; treasuier, Francis Unwlo of Pennsylvania- exoeutivo eommlttoo, ,'-'- Merc.or ' 'oowiu, Itradley (.. schloy pf Wisconsin and Alfred i llemnwny of Massachusetts. M. It. i Nicholson is vice president for Kansas, I , ,f r ...-: r xi i 1 r I hihiiii . Iirun l"JI .iliBOUllll illlli j. u. , (npn for Xobraska. . 1 ' Mim' N'oetletl In llnret I'leliU. Akoysm, Minn.. Sept '. Farmers , have iluiahotl harvesting and grain is ' Alio condition for threshing. A , &rRt sciti-city of workmen prevails uuu "mi "n" rB " "' aceounU THE MARKETS. l(sua. II y drain. I'rlcos were quote I ut follows; Ka 8 hir4 w'ltul RinM'tC No .1 li ird whoit. I9',IMW0 No 4 bard hi it, 47(t inu rejected hard w Best, to Me No. ! red wheat, ',(i.X3c. No II red 4iltc, No. I red wheat, 403111a. "'ohm- Was Arm Local iirloen were '4o I lil .(her So.uuiclk oora U HOW-selllar to arrive I I very day that the samples xppi irln - on the I fl.ior ore not half the reoetp's. Recelpuot corn I rif r in I. HUP I. ft AT i.m l7n 0 mlirn ..amm i d at iWie No J uilxej, iu-,fi3)c No I mixed. Wc: no i.rilo ,;c No white "t Kahl. l" No i watte. e I suppers ptfd x, i ', Mississippi mersnd ( ;e HcanMs for No .' eoru and "iJc river nml ttii awini apu 8 f ir No .' white corn. i; ANSA'S Ul'V I.I VIS hTOUK. KAMAS Citv. M., s,pt fiitio-Be ! c,'il elxi. T shippoa yosterdiy i calves, mi The m.rk.i i active leers sad eowtron,' to lie or tftc hUher liedersattd bulln ttronj culret steady Tuat ktevre sad eowt. tron s to hlthi r Dressed beef and shipping steer 3 3JQ4 S Colorado Kteer fcilirltV) cows and heifers H ij loxaa and Indian steers ItW-tOi Texas aud lndiin rows f I lj 0 hlocktra tad feeders il Baviati. tnUod l hs7 Uo. Receipts 8.UI0 hipped yeaterdsy, ..sxi Too market was active and about 10c .liuber Prlosx ranged from II lo aU oumu bbuoiuim in. so iniDmonie veitei '"' ,T awket was vey dull una 8Jc lowor i :4B Wit week- ' Vl" !,,,J -xiter All. ' A promun nt lawerof liuffalo lulls if u ooiiinioiin he once made on be- 1 alf of a ot 1 1 im railway company with au Lite c-iuuty farmer whose wife had been killed at a railroad missing. A few in mths alter the tcnible tereave uieutthe husband, xho had sued the uompuuy for gj.ood damages, camo into the ottlee and accepted a com promise of .'oo. As he stud' oil the it ad of bills iuto his poeket ho turnotl to the lawyer and cheerily remarked: 'Yell, dot's n t bad after all. I've got fife hundrot tollar and good teal better wifo as I had before" tor Linseed Oil used at the rnto of cost jrallon. After bcltiir thinned xvith air Death n i utlK liunvcn and f.ircvcr di-htnn-.!mi ii n.ill. im r whether upon llu ian.- fat. arms r ne.k, willn.ut ilii ni nu ion nr Injurv to the most ii. Hi ati ku. ItMiw for lift) Iriirs llu. Hcrri't lirilllllil iif l:riiniiniM X IIm.iii. tJ'ilL'i i1 Iv iilijmiiaiiH as the hi;iiet author 5l .inil llie niiinl i-minent dcrmitnlouist anil hair sjienalist Hiat eer liinl. Durmii ins jirirau. (irainci' ui a uie-iiiiir amoiif i lie nutiltfl) ami arntiicrai of KurnH lit liresintieil tin reiliie. I'rli , Kt h mail ecureM packeil. . orrenKiiu1ein.c cniill lential. hole a, ems for Ameriia. Ail ilri- The Skookum Root Hair Grower Co. Dent. H.. 57 South fifth Axe.. New York Jti ii 7Tjn;mmxaa. INTELLIGENCE OF BIRDS. Tliey Minle a Cut Drop Its l'rejr and ltt-treat. Early oue morning I wns called to the window by a great noise among the bird people of tho garden, and saw tiie following scene: A youug blackbird was standing, fascinated by a cat, who was crouched under a bush, ready to spring on him. An old blackbird, on an ilex close by, was uttering loud and agitated cries, and there xvas u general cackle of anger and sympathy from other birds all around. After a few seconds the cat sprang on the young bird, and held It down. At that instant Uio old bird camo down on them. There "was a moment's struggle, tho bird beating her wings violently in the cat's face, and, I think, pecking nt her eyes; then the eat jumped back to her bush, tho young bird mado off with long hops nnd the old one ilew up to tho ilex amid a jubilant chorus of commenda tion which lusted several mitjutos. I never saw this before although I have soon a robin come right closo to a cat stalking another bird, and scold and ilap his wings In her face. Tho ways of birds arc delightful, aiitl In a small garden you can hae many by keeping enrthenwnre saucers full of water for them to bathe in. THE HORSE LIKED CANDY, TOO IIo Hint Quito li Cute XVny or CatchlUK OH I XVhttt He Wanted. , Sitting ih" other eveniug on a pile of lumber ,rj front of a builJintf in course of o, instruction, in bixUi avenue. New York, wi, t well-dressed young -Mti, wearing the broad-brlmmad straw hat of the perio.) He seemed to be foud of sveets, for lie hold in his left hand a paper bag of candy, from which he was leisurely eating. The oung man sat facing the side walk. Standing back of him, in tho street, wm a big bay horse, hitched to a .b. lie was a pretty good-looking hoise and viry intelligent, and ho seemed to have a sweet tooth, too. IIo looked the young man over, nnd came ! apparently to n satisfactory concltt- I sion, and then he put his noso gently l down over thu youn" man's right v1 ju.uer and touc touched his rk'ht hand "1 much ns to say: "My, "'iend, am I in it or am I not?" The young man, being a manly sort of a young man, xvas pleased with tills attention on the part of tlio horse and ho took out of tho bag n tolornbly good-sized chunk of candy, wiiiuh ho hold in tho palm of his right hand. Tlio horso milled his dollcato upper lip over this lump of candy, winking soberly meanwhile nt the young man, nnd then ho took it between his teotli and ate it with en joy men t. THE CRAFTY NORMAN. How n runner Turned tlio Tablet on the II. titer. ly way of illustration of tho pro verblnl craftiness of tho Xorman peas antry, nn amusing story is related. which, it not iu strict accordance with fact, has nt least Hie merit of origin- ality. A cortuin bakor, in business in a small town, obtained his supply of butter from a farmer iu tho neighbor hood. One tine day he discovered that tho pats, which wero supposed to wolgh three pounds each, wero not up to the standard, and furthor examina tion revealed a steady diminution in the daily provision. At lust the baker lodged a formal complaint against tho farmer, und the affair was brought be fore the local court "Have you uny scales?" inquired the magistrate. "Yes, monsieur le jugo," was tho ready reply "Ana have you any xvelghts?" i continued tho judge. An answer this j time iu tho negative xvas as promptly t given. "Hut how do you manage to weigh your butter?" asked Uio magis trate. Then the f armor related that ov since the bakor had taken his butter he hnd iiitnrned thu comnliment bv buying his bread. Tho baker mid - plied him xvith three-pound loavt ,-es, und he used thorn as xvelghts for his ""J """ ...v.... .... ".(,. .. ...a lor. "It is his fault, not mine, if weight is not correct." added the ner, xvho xvas speedily ucqulttod butter. the farmer and loft the court iu triumph xvith un escort of friends nnd admirers. Since this trial tho farmer is said to hnvo been supplied xvith more than his dnu prorisiou of bread, but he has taken good care not to fall into the opposite error, and the bakor has now his three-pound pats of butter full weight, but not uu ounce more. For Salo Clionp. A lady's side saddle. Inquire of S, II. llraiiley, cdrner Ash street and l'erkins avenue. Auction at E. T. l'utton & tu's. their td in this paper. S.o Has for sale the Only Correct- Forms filing on use in Lots The Prices will lie: 25c per Following is a List of A--Declaration for "Homestead Entry. B--Declaration for filing; S. D. S. in pcrsii C-Declaration for filing S. D. S. as ageist D--Certificate that must be held by party desiring to enter'lands. E Declaration for entering; tow lots. F Certificate for entering; town lots. Affidavit at Land Office. J. V. McXLAL, I'iikbiiiknt. A. W. L ITT LB, VifK-l'KKHiriKST GUTHRIE NATIONAL BANK. Capital, Surplus, A. J. SEAY, n.-aid uf Directors in HOUACE SI'KLD, THOMPSON & BUNCO H ejksxexexexai mmmmiamammMmmaMmammmmtmmm aii iwiaaiaiiswini wlaiii is a RIaRGTRIG light 1 I 1 K ifa efsbk WSBm BB3 u ivi a c r iS c im . Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lath and Shingles.. We cheerfully furnish estimates on all bills. GiVc us a call. LYNDS - LOCALS. I v Watch this space if YOU want .1 r anything in our line. FOR SALE. Deeded Linn in Logan county to trade for town property. Lodging house, furniture and fixtures for sale. Farms foj sale and rent. Houses and store rooms for rent. CALL AND SEE US. Miss Bosworth's :high school M)K , Yfllinrj MM. Mllfl YflHIld UlllP.R i u 'O ""'"s." W II I. Ol'I.N i .1 tl J. J J.. - i 41 , n -i n mj j I 111 tllC UniYCrSltY Blllldlllg j SEPTEMBER 15. Full Couroit in Latin. Mnthi'inatlcs, Science, Hisiiir and LUmiituie. l'iv,.uuiloii fui Col'gi und Teaching. ItHiFlilKKNQl .- Seorotai) Mai tin and Mrs. .M JuilK". Dale and Mis. Date. i Juduc Foster and Mrs, Fust" C. 51. It:irii(s and Mrs. Ihtrne Hon. I). T. Fit nn and Mrs. F' i Dlek T. Mm Kau mid Mrs. Mm MMMMMMMaMMaMMB.MM.MIM.aM Homeseekers' Uufdo xvitl iiist ' of the strip, county 6oat . I f county ltncs, etc . for sal I 1 Lillle it Co., Drugs and lie or Lands o Town the in Dozen. oi nil i i0 per Hundred the Only Correct Blanks: J n. $50,000 10,000 addition to Unnk Ofllccrs: U0I1T. MAUTIX, IIKXltY L1XX, W. J. HORSFALL, Cashier. Can whbh ftT fi 9 Piiil 0. Rosenbaum. General Insurance Ag't INSURANCE GRAHTEO for LOSES, BV , ' Fire, Tornados Lightning Deaths . Accidents,.- . Livestock, Plate Glass Breakage argest and Oldest Companies UEPKL'SKNTLD 114 West Harrison Ave, 114 eats, n i b i i i Off rC s o n ed, and all Pat-J ' rf 3trTC Ftts UU 3 PATENT Orri-E J i u.-ie luiuu. . J i 1 i nt i , xx ith de'-r ; uie fr 1 1 nil In aw . i .If -ire Ouruen t.i 1.1 .Irxiept is secure 1 i PMPHitT, "II 1 "Ubt.iin PateRii, ' v. t1) : fi..".. AiiJn 1 i V! e ' t,and ''"" cun- i'sj ZXSXr r . ;G.A.SNOW&CO. f cp PATt,Torrcc Washington, D C. I " WWtWttWVWWVWWW .A - fi) "T MmJ. -P