Newspaper Page Text
r Wmk, EnTSSRt At TitB Post On icit at (.tthkh , Or.. a Hho.iu-i. ash Mattkr Orris OP PvaUCATtOK I UdKMtOH A Vnvi imk 4-$ '114114 Q J - J Ifl fr, . k pi it L . VOL. 1. JitwWilAi'JJuiiiJ.M.i-mmMi'jmirMiMiiii.iirlwiHUiHHiiii n MM-wi-i MR. PEFFER AGAIN. COMTS TO THE 1-nONT ONCtt MORE IN THE 9ENATB. SILVER DISCUSSION CONTINUED. The fnin:m Uniterm! With IJumIIhim I rum 111 Col I it Bum HI r. imrlicB I Iglilt All Miitlulii lit Adjourn mill Krep-; tlm Tallinr-i Httoilil liy lit Work Oilier Wmti- (ii ii Nona (if Iiilmertt. iyVMIIOTON, ScpU ft At tne elusion of Mr. ('uliom'H speech in WMltJ il... senate yesterday for repeal of lliu Sherman law, Mr Coke of To in. il liin.-d (lie lloor. Hi; Mid- A settle men I if tin' money problem can only Ik made by the establishment of a bl iiicliillii' ciirronoy us II existed prior to INVi Tin' proptu will never Ik em tonli'il until the wrong "f IHT.'I, by vvhiih urn- half of the money of the poimtry wus Kinmplcd mil in onlpr to double tlm purchasing power of the otlipr half, been iiniloiu; ami ic VCIKCfl. When Mr Coke 1 1 : 1 1 concluded his sppp'-l: Hi" M-nato wont into executive NC'Stoll III i-oiimhIit I In nominations of leiliini i.tllcprs whoso I'oiiliriiiution Mr. lli-tiv, D" i ii Of rat, of Arkansas said essential to parry Into effect Hip president's propliiinution opening tin (.' Strip m September 10. At :i Mi I ho Rpnate resumed its legis lative session nnd Mr I'clTer's amend ment to the rpppiil bill, providing for free coinage being the pending ipios tion. vs. is rt'iiil, preparatory to Mr. 1'of fer -. addressing the senate. lie said if it was not the desire of the Miiiuto. to propped longer at this lime ho would defer his icniurlts until lo-dny. Mr Vooihren said imiler ordinary ciictimstani-es he would ask that the senate adjourn, hut in the proHCut sit uation l.e regarded it as his duty to ask that the senate t'niilinuu in ses sion. Mr .lotics, Republican, of Nevada, moved that the senate adjourn. On this question .Mr. lluli! demanded thu yea, and nays, and thu motion to ad journ -was rejected yeas 111, nays .11. Mr 1'etTcr then returned the llooi in ndvotav f his amendment. I to said the ndnuuiitration was not proposing to div'ii.i tho philosophy of tluanecs; they came to congress with a demand for a particular act, tho roouai of thu Sherman law. They suggi'slcil no policy u hicli will admit of the usual com promises In legislative proceed in its. It is this or nothing', and, sj f-ir as coiiinmcd the pco pie lie ii ..c iviu. i, til. V lieepltnl th. niovpiiipnl in thp spirit in which it was pi ven. They prop isod to givo n.i ijiMitei, his people iopsctl to g. e none lie culled attention to thu lad t i.:t ii very largo niajoilty of thu f.."i in .sin tin South were members f: i be ('.Miners' Allium.", i)tid that one of 1 in 'tardiiial doctrines of thu A'lAjinee is the free and unliiit ne.l coinage of silver at tho ii I ratio The Alliance all through fie South had. h." said, catechised nil candidates fm onicc upon the cardinal tenets of their creed and they had support -d no one for any i in porta lit olllcc who was not in sympathy with their views, and who was not willing to so express himself. Mr I'ert'i r read a letter from Sena tor liordon. who was now in favor of repeal, written to lliu Alliance, ex pressiiv i.ii sympathy with them and liis appi of their doctrines. Coining to lh.'.', lie said that North anil South' .iroliuu, ticnrgiu, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas would a I have voted for tho Populist candidate for the presidency and vieu I" Is rcsidcn.'.v had it not been for prom- ses made by the leailprs of tlic lioni- oeratie party that while Mr. Cleveland was per liiu'ly onposed ti silver, ho would approve a froc ooimiffu muasurn when p s. ntod liy a Uoiuoeratio con gress, a- it wimhl lie. Mr rainier of Illinois wanted to ltnow vt measure thu senator from Kniisus pi p seil to secure the parity of the I o met :1s . M.JC JU'Ut'i rcp'ied Unit l.e woald do lA by tlu ie in tiiient of the old law p.i iviilin;- f ii the lonage of silver at the ratio of Hi to 1. Mr. l'aiuier juried if that would prL ilui' the result of etjiiali'V in value. y'r rJlTjJf h'l it would that it al-vir.--i -'"''tabotflrc W I tjtfeon; a-', t All Valine-. I rilUlvSov<.i. ,.'; .1 Air IViTer. 'If ' sSuSVASSll us docs n..t i . e 'iTnrfll,vyini It v t .mil sci " Mi I . ii l on 1 i' iiovv.iinJi-ii.yl M. 1 eff. i s-.n I ".? It v ,i . t in Ii r ei ship e - in lit ot II ' ,n cilia' l' bolveil II H ;d(i , . i in Dei lurtv nuisi , ie .'civil 'I IMiaKUU' s. yMTiirt! on s aMtmght, ready tii5triLie id with men of all parlies to inalco n-' hi for bilver. I no mem- tkl of that I'arty cared not liur it was culled l'opulisl or Mini or what it was called but' twoa comiug a union of lioarts lands urifti both sidub of this j qupblion and tlmt in tho very rut we In a locture which ho ul'ivcred in this city beforo he nkn the outh of 'oftlce n souatcr i uHEjreilii'teil that both old parties ,, wuuicrsbon In under tho loadcrkhlp of i (irover Cleveland. Thoy ware thero now " The senuto adjourned beforo Mr 1'effer hail ooiil-IuiIimI IiU rsnutrUs . M U 1 I.NSION oiijitii:. 'ulTt-U!.Vl",r I.oilirwn Ifuai a New IteR iatl . 'ml IiiHrci to mil Soliliinn. ' vr 'i 's.''jit s uomniissioucr IJuyliQllKt' it was Vi'tivSviilcli ' UlfUlHafeAwipitrt- l in;' i , : "rfllthe3iavrii- ' in ..' i i blw-VAis- tic IkwTsliinc l l. I 11 lie I I'J s 'u an I ni'd mm .t in- 1I cr i. 'I le i iut.r', v rorous part lu'iri . vvhicli is t I. mi ion bureau has is- , . i iv ' ' I- i A ing that of t ' .. -. mi l i the '' h oi I i i eatls ...,g n tet u' uc; ,. s i.i i ri-ft..fe or thu alotlKcr In tli l. ard of revision veigh a h o ''' ' " fn.wmuwnLHw initio the degree that each disability or tin eomMiie.l dUnbllllies illsnlilws the eh linant from earning a. suport by tn .nual lalwir and a rate correspond ing to this degree shall bo allowod. in eases In which the eiisknier has levelled the age of ;5 his rate shall , not be disturbed If he is receiving thu maximum and if he Is not a punslonor ' he shall receive the maximum for sen ility nlone. If there be no special pen sionable disabilities shown." This order will benefit ninny claim ants who have been denied ratings under tho former practice Under tho 1 in w order tho contributory causes of dl .ability ponstitiiting n mental or a l)hyalejil incapacity to cam support by inauuai-inoor arc- lalicn into account, llnriilitn.rcr to Sucrrci! ItlKtrlifortt. Nt-.iv Yoiik. Sept. S. All evening paper nays: Itisannouncoil apparently i: on authority that before tho wccU is out President Cleveland will appoint vVilllam I). Ilornblower of this city a j "m ice i inn supremo eourioi iiiu Culled Stales to succeed the Into .liisllcc Bin toll ford llul in iuy'n AinbufiMiiiliir rrcnioitcil. V , hiii no i o.v. Sept "i The ainbas ntulor extnlordlnary and minister plenipotentiary froui Uormany lo the I'nited States, l.e Huron Do Hutirinnz .leltseh. was yesterday formnlly pro senled to Prpshlent Cleveland by Sect clary (irnshain. t'lpvntunil Will lnll. ion, Sept 5. The prcsi dpnt will dulivor an address on Sep tember !, the orenston of the ponton nial annivprsary of the laying of the cornpr stono of this United States Capitol building Cnllcrliir Liillirnp Antioil In rienlc". Wasiiinoto.V, Sept i! -Seeictary Carlisle has requested the resignation of John S. I.alhrop, collector of in ternal leveniio of the Third district, Dubuque, Iowa. Ilrhlcn ltiillilri-i In CnnrrrciH'o Si', Mo., Sept. r. The Onind Lodge of Hrldge Ituilders of America met hero to-day with about ISO delegatus representing nlnu stales present Springlleld has boen selected as the headquarters of the association for ono year. Denver will probably be selected net year. Tho conven tion will be in ession one week. Tho ilelegales viewed the labor day pro cession which was large. ICaiMiM "nliHcr liny. IIk ip)olntcil, Toi'J'KA, Kaiij, Sept. B. Owing to the failure of thu committee on trans portation to secure a special rate for tho national guards, that feature at tho world's fair during" Kansas week" will probably have to be omitted. Governor Lovvelling says, however, tlinU the cnintultleo will not abandon hope, until it must, but will continue to -orlc on tho railroads. 'A Cillliollo MlKiliin S.n'Ueil. diiANGiiM, Sept. .1 --The Krcnch Catholic mission at l.iclmen in the province of Hupho has beon attacked and sucked by a mob. Thu priests es caped into thu next province. llUuiarnlc bnm-rliif; Iroin Itliutineltl.ili, ItKRMN, Sept fi. A dispatch from Klssiugun says that Prince l.ismnrck's rv eiimatism is growing worse Yes torday ho sutVored keenly. til.iiltono OH' lor it Vacation. London, Sopt S. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, loft Loudon last night for a visit to a hitmmur lu&ort in Scotland. NEWS NOTES James Davis, a farmer living l'"air ilrove. Mo., while hunting, himsolf accidentally and died near shot in a short time. R (I. Pulivor, ii horse buyer of Lawrence, Kan., has disappeared from home, leaving his family in destitute, circumstances. Two Fiulandurs wore killed an ono fatally stabbed in an affray at a road house near Osceola, Wis Four men aru under arrest Mrs. Fillmore, probably tho oldest resident of New York state, died yus. terday, aged 100 years. Her husband was a relative of President Fillmore. The Agricultural -Uatioiiailo, of llrusscls, in its review of the sugar beet crop of Kurope cs:iinntcs tho de ficiency at !i0,000 tons of raw bugar and the surplus in Germany, Austro lluugary and Ktib.sla at 000,000 tons In a telegram to the war depart ment concornitig tho dispute over tho boundary lino between Texas and Mexico, over which there lias been trouble lately, Major Key en claims that the laud is undoubtedly in Texas. Minnie It. Sawyer was found dead In her bod at Yankton, S. 1) , having been brutally murdered by some un known person or persons. Sho was mi angled by a gingham waist tied about her neck and twisted in a hard knot under her ear, while hor hands were held. Tho Columbian caravel, tho Santa Maria, which vas built by tho government, will probably boon be ioine the property of the United States. The Spanish government finds that tho expense of carrying thu caravels and tho sailors is too great and is anxious to got rid of tho essel. A meeting of tho Irish parliamen tary party, at London, prosided over by Justin McCarthy, was not alto gether harmonious. Tho Paris funds and other subjects were tindur consid eration. Matters wore moving peace fully until a resolution of contldonco in the committee of tho party was proposed. This led to a difference of opinion. Oliver llros.' South side mills and the Hainsworth stcol works. Pitts burg, robutned yesterday morning with non-union men A large force of otll ers was prosent at both plant to prevent trouble, but beyond drk looks and llttlo grumbling thoro vas no demonstration from tho old vvcrk- I men. Tho plant of .Howe, llrovvu ,fc i Co., also resumed to-day, giving cm- I ploynient to sou neu. I II. S. Watson, travoling salosnran for Kmkv. bhitgart .fc Co., CounL'll Wuffs in v&terlottsly disappeared pt Si i i ( uv, Iowa, Saturday night pr siu.ii'.' inoraiug. Mr. Watson r- ii . il s.iiiirdav afternoon, attended to fie i usin of his houso nnd wont to lie '. ,i i" tike the mldnlgnt froigi. to Council Hluffs The train did net stop and Mr 'Vatson has not since b i n si i n UUTHRIE, OKLALIOMA, I SOLDIERS ON TUB STRIP KEPT DUSY THESE DAY!. EVERYBODY CADUDT IS P3T CUP, Not Ncsr tho Xiimlirr or llnninrr Aloni- tho Konlor in llai llrru Cn- portnl l.r") Tlniu , 111 tVniiln AMU .11 ii lio tlm Iliiili lor lloinci I'WIilnr llltitij- hcail'ii .""(ilt timp. lll'.VSKMHV, Ok., Sept orders issued to ollleers -flrcent of troopi now In the slri iiini me names oi nil persons passing through Ihe Outlet be taken. Bnd that others found Hying b. turned buck, have about stopped the influx of boom ers who were coming i i prairie schooner route throngh th sti ip. A genlleiunn just in frmn Harper coiinlv was met in tin "-trip by sol dlpt'B near Kuid. Ills tunuu nnd ml dress were taken, and wli.u he ixjld them ho wanted to go kick the next week was informed he wou'd hare to got a permit from som- burlier mili tary power than tho captain in order to do so. A furincr residing r, the Cheyenne and Arapahoe country nboiit tweuty miles west of here, eaiiie in yesterday and started across th stiip, but was told by a soldier that he could nut eross unless he went by rail. It is not to bu suiipostMl from this that people hnvo quit coming hero Kach of the four passenger trains that arrive here daily on the Hock Island road unloads passengers at this place who will re main until the roundup The H"oplu arc discussing about every phase of th" of cuing. One tif tho most interesting to a large num ber of people here, and. in fact in all tho Oklahoma towns, is, "Wilt the rnilcotuls run train i to the county seats on their lines the day of the opening?" A great inuny who want to luliu town lots are anxious for tho trains to run. and p. titions asking tho I pri-mui-iii io permit, iiieni W) mil Iiavu I been iiuinerousl signed nnd sent in from heru within the pnst few !nvs. A drive throiighuut tho town" nnd suburbs shows about 'Nil) tents in Uimi and within a radius oT t vo miles. There are probnbly about as many peoplo living in rent"d houses and .small temporary houses built bv them selves walling for thu strip lo open. Counting on tin average of four per sons to a tunt tlmt would innke 800 in teiiU and wagons, and counting the same number in houses ami honrdluo, here would make !.!0.'i persons now In Ibis vicinity win ting for thu opening duy. tllllHWIIAT OVCIIICVriJIATI.I). Not N'rnr llin Nuiiilici- ul llooniris mi tlm llnrilrr ns !lopresoiitiil Aiika.vsvs Cirv, Ivan.. Sept ". -In view of tho fact that many ennilictiug reports have been sent to thu lurger dailies throughout, the North und Hast, concerning the number of home seekers along the Kansas border of thu Cherokee strip, by crmi who haven pecuniary Interest in attract ing settlors to their several locations, a representative of .the Associated l'russ was detailed to make an investi gation of the t rut li or falsitv of ihu I different reports I In compliance with tho insli actions . given, a trip extending from Arknn I bus City lothe line immediately south ! of Anthony a e of sixty-five miles was inndo and it may ho said with absolute cortii'iily that there are I to-day less than S.ihmi jicopk- including . the residents of cities and towns, who expe t to niako a tun for claims, eith i er on the broad acres or for tov. u lots I in the vast country to be opened on the loth instant. 1 A thorough investigation at the i camps and by interviews with mer I chunts who supply the settler ivvt 1 that less than ;,00J lioiucsoekei in l-flinl around Arkansas City. At u iida i Spr ngs, olght miles -west, there are about 10); at llunnowoll, sOO; at South Haven, SO; Portland, T.V, Caldwell, ;t.0; Itlull' City. 100; Anthony, ISO, and prnbibly J ,800 or l.-VX) along the r.i I vinos and oruuk between tlie towns named. 1 llllili) IiVmU". ft B1Mp, j Aiikanijah City. Kan . 8opt ft. Itx- thiot i.UBifrrnUKt-h'f tho Uiiurokuo.Atl "' - " - uillllVRUIIjn' Ion. hus joined lheiKyniJ.HMmu"g0llt n this oity. To say that he Is a vary tion t I nappy jiuiiau noes not give acorieot . t ii . . t - -1 idea of his' Joy. The cause oi ins present Tiuonv fin..,.. f mind was contained fiomtbe interior n-iiuii.iiii.-iii, io wie eneet tliat his M-ieciiuu ui a quarter st'elion mH.ilii in;; the tovvn-sito and county sent of Kildare had been ratified by the if en eral land ofllce. Ho seloctod this elalin May "I, or three monjlis before it was u.ii.ird as a tovvuslto li iroveiiiuiental authority. I'Mfty-four families of honiesci'ker, went into camp hero v es torday, and 'ii uuui arrived on the trams. I'i-,lilj--"v'ii V.iim I',im Anlutnra. AliiiHOIlK. Ind. Ter , Koit. S.--Vcs-tordoy there were counted eighty, seven wagons en route to thu strip, every opu loaded with wlfo and chil dren, household goods, impliuiu-iils nud (,'cneral biipplios They are Vniy oliiif; in (Uiidk, anil, as u rme. have their looso stock, ponies, cows, etc , with them. rjictinp llo.iiuor. Cai.uwki.Ih Kan., Sept. 5 The order tfivcti by tho secretary of the in terior " to ejsot all person on the Cherokee strip Is belmr faithfully ooiuplled with by the soldier-, st th: place. Kvery day boomers are bi.mylii back who have atlcinptoj to ui.i'.o en trance into that eountry. lnilUn, Fquiimier ''0ir -lni. AitiiMOitK, Ind. Ter., Sept ' I unniiiiy money paid to Ihe i ' '.. i i , in this portion of tho ti i almost disappeared, soinn SSO.000 has boon spent, i low i stolen in this city, and a ro . .-.. mate will place not more th.i -' to their ""idit id in. j.- i. WlfiDNJiSOA-Y MOHNFNO, ST.PTl.AI 13KR (!, G. A. R. OOMMANDnR, riiren ("nnd1ilittfs Alreiiilj- In the riolil ramp Wilder lioillmtcl. Iniia.naioms, I ml., Sept '. -The election of eonirr.auder-ln-chlef nud Uie prolmble nctli n in regard to t ie appeal of liYtritlmtn post for relnsU'e i.ient are the two hings on which t'te interest of delegates to the encampment are centered. 'I he three outspoken candidates for ci.ininanilcr-ln-chlef r Captain John 1 (I II. Adams of Mnsmcliuaclts, Sum- II. , II. IIUIBV .Fl .-Villi1 Charlos P. Lincoln of tho 1 It tl... . nl.t.. and Major detvarttnent of the Potomac. (leneral R llurd lirnbb of Now Jersey and Postmaster Sexton of Chicago are also being talked of. The race Is uiidersthl Ui bo pi-ncllially botween Artmus. who is alretsiy here, and Lincoln, who will be here to night. Yesterday afternoon cantp Wilder wns formally dedicated in the presence ot n irreat crowd. (Ienora.1 llnrrisnn and in crjiu'iiaml I Commander Weissort made the princi ip requiting ! Pl addriwses. (Iflierul Urlson's iiouse vrai ue tne netuupiurn-rs tor several tvlillngulsheil visitors. Colonel A. AI. itoties of Chicago, Generals .Noble and Husk and ex-Senntor W J. Sewel' of ,'ew Jersey lire already annoiineed. The eighth annual session of the navai veternns was cal.od to order in Masonic hall yesterday morning There was a large attendance, ninny associ ations in difTcrftit parts of the coun try being represented After praver an I ro 1 call Hear Ailinln.1 Oslnm de livered his ar.nunt address. The rcpoits to be submitted will sl.ow there ore 4I3..VM Inefiibors on tho rolls of the lirnnd Army. T 'i'ii P' sts and forty-five dcpartnv-iits. Durm-r the year over i has In en .. i i i.. cajh iii" i in ii.ii n,v. .ui.. i .nee I'u- or- mmi;';u on lias open III cxislcu... '.I am.iii'it, aggregates J.'.r.oo.ooii which has been reporltd. LA BOH DAY. OriiFrallyOlMorveil Tlir.iiiKlioul Iho Wist In Khhsi -t tut Ml.m.iii'i. Kansas cm, Mo. Hopt : - ihou sands of incn march ing to the inu-'c of six bandi und carrying buumrs irnking known tlieir various ivvuiia tlons began yesterday moriiing the celebration of labor's holiday This afternoon athletic exercises wen- held n Imposition driving park and to night tho celebration came to an end with addresses Kansas (.ay orators at the big Kxpositlou bn'.ldiiig Twelve thousand men were In line. Lkavmswoiitii, Kun , Sept 1. Labor duy was celebrated here iti a most en thusiastic manner under tho auspices of the Trades and Labor council. The stroet parado at 10 o'clock, led bv the Twelfth United States infantry band, was participated In by nearly 1,0'iu people, representing nineteen labor organizations TorKKA, Kan.. Sept 4 Laber day was observed here under the ansploes of the Trade a: d Labfr assembly. The annual parauc Wtrtot"np to re cent demonstrations of that character. Chicago, Kept. 4 The oi-gsnized lnbor of Chicago innde one of t'l largest demonstrations in its history yesterday, mn,.siiig in Its parade some iO.OOO to R0.000 men Major Harrison lied, d tho procession as houoraiy inarshnl. jr. .lostil'll, Mo., Sept. 4. Ten thousand worklngmen were in lino here yesterday morning to celebrate, labor day. Wichita, Kan., Sept. 4. -Labor day was eolebrated heru more generally than ever before. CATHOLIC CONGRESS. Oponlii": or tho III-; World'n l'ulr ron vantlon 3Iany IXntlnsuUlieU I'rulnleK. CuiCAOo.Sept 5. Standing room was at a prein'.um yesterday in (he great hall of Columbus in the Art palaco on the hike front, thu occasion being the initial session of the Catholic congress, tho llrst national catlici'liiir of the laymen of that faith since the appoint- incut of a papal delegate to the United Status. Sensational developments regarding the school question and the alleged opposition to Delegate Satolli's mis sion weu oagerly n waited, and the feeling of nip pressed excitement was particularly noticeable when .in lils preliminary addresses Arch bsshop Keehan, who is a warm, personal friend of Archbishop Cor riguii, gave warning against tho ulteranco of a word In the congress to wouiui or oucim ins cutnoiia con- so.snse, as he nut it. A similar mail- ifestnllon vvtw iioAleuble when Cui-dl- mil liyiwnsr vrho friendship for .Archbishop IrvluuA U wuU Wnown. nut tortli a Boloinu caution, to the del- fifHles to avoid persona li ties anil he j restrained by charity. 'iiilnlii hmyllie hulnlilai. Dknvkii, CoL, Sent 5. CaiiWln . Cay Win W. rs, son h: Ito York, nlul for- " Smytho, ajjad 81 yoafft eonlor Hmytlio of Jow morly a paymiistur in tho Uuilod States army, was ion nil dead sitting on h bench in Lincoln park 'Saturday nitfht. Imvlntf eoinmlltcd suicide by shooting himself through the head. Ho wus unidentified niitil to-day when United states army otlieials identitied hliu. He was penniless and out of work, which is supposed to bo the cause of suicide. It unlit liotiluii Head. ' Arkansas Citv, Kan., Sept 5. A , cattleman, v ho enine up from the strip last night and is well acquainted with the Duolau-ltelton-Starr band of whisky peddlers, brought in the in formation that tho body af li'll Doq Ian, the maw who ysenped from the totfeyvillo flglit, was found five miles from Ingalls. shol through by one of the marshals. Kansiii Corn Crop Utipurt. ToI'kka, Kan., Sept 5. The ro poets comuiff to the ugiiciiltural depart r 1'iit for tho in mthly crop bulletUjs lu be isuid in a few days show that l!,e tot a jiuidif goro this your will eeeed 2Uo.000.00) bushels, the largest in t! I story of the state oxeopt in "" "linn- Vupolvoii Ilcail. M. s Si-pt. . Toronto l-"na a to u led at Ins sum- ' a I r ,-. ,,i, at 9:30 .. ... uigrtt He was the cldost o N ip..l,- ii u I '. ivm a - l U ,;ii . i,, , , i. J HAS 'EM ON TOE LIST. F3RTY-PIVU SENATORS WHO WILL VOTB FOfl RBPI1AL. WHAT A BEC3HT POLL SHOWS. In Cno llin Sllior Seniii,,,, hnaM TMlk Ton Lou- lro.'rc,l,,i,i Sttrrntm, Is riiiilllml mi to Clmhf- llirwi tr mil KrcoKiiKn Mr. orhara, W ho Will Thm In. - Thai a Viito llo Tiilion. W.VSlltNOToX, Hopt 8. of the week finds in.i. In tho Wnnm ial sitnatio.i and senators are liciu; s' TI d in'.Ciesi in i orufress irply calleil upon iy tne public t.) iii.i-ato, here they stand. Tho follow tap poll of tho senate on the repe-il bill bee given out ns the o , submitted, va Pipsidpnt Clevelantl for ! n.r...- information: I nr ri-iK-iil Messrs. A lilrlrh. t-iDiT)-, ('. lnilcn, I'nrei Chin. '"i". niKi.n n.iipii i'.uii:.hi uii'i-r (iiljsnu (ionloa Curni.n llul -v. llt..lni. lltli Ilnir 'in sn l.mle. Mi'MIUuu Mcl'lu i .n Mltls. Milfhi II ,if ll'l.i.nn n M.... llr ll, v M i M'lrphv. Pnlmer, 1'l.ilt, l'lmini- Siallii Squlie. Stoi-kbrlil.-i Tin p' Jionii'cs W.wliluiru, Willie o,- I. W ilsuti Total ". A .-lust repeal -Messrs. XII n iin, Cni'Kn II. (Vifip Coliultl. D.mle li . ri Irbv, Jouus or Arkunsis j i - ot K, v, M iriiii Mltch'll of Ore, on r. ' kins, 1 cut 'WW, Power. I'u li linn . Stewart. Tiller Viince, Ve.t , .iium lti vv w - .- -4 v . m l.-.l..ft 'I'r.l ll ,11 iioiilillul with u , , . in il Messrs lll.ulcl urn. Ili.u. i U nisoni ' 3 ioiiitriil silli disposition to vole i mist re pll Mi'ssrr ("nil Liliurun li in .lirintjll, rjsi-o. Wu.iy Toiul, .i Several senators are paired on the question bulstiould every t-enator vole, thealxive Is believed to be a fairly ac curate statement of the standing of senators. " . It is slated thu administration men are counting on Vlco President Hte vcuson to put nn end to tho financial debate uftcr It has proceeded In the senate some time. THE SENATE HAPD AT WORK. A I lot lit ty Itiiioliitloti Ilnlciilcil Mr. Cillliini 1. Ives Ills ' In .i mi Iti'pDiil. Washisotox, .Sept. . When tho senate met this noon Mr. Voorhces asked unnuinnnts cousout for the im mediate passage of the joint resolu tion which had comu from the house, making September 18 tho centennial anniversary of the laying of thcior ner stone of the eapltjl, u holiday In Washington. It was granted and the resolution was passed, ns was also a Joint resolution nulhorl.lng tho loan of tho flags and ensigns' to the archi tect of the capital for decorative pur poses on the same day. Various petitions were prcsentod f jr the repeal of tho pin chasing clause of tho Sherman act, and others asking in tho repeal with i omc sulMtilute for the act of l.-o. Among tlioo ii. Rented was one by Mr. Harris of tennesseo w incline characterized as tho tWffif&tfSPwing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. form Mr. Ilnllor of South Carolina sub mitted an amendment to tho repeal bill removing tho tax on state bank circulation, provided such banks should secure tlioir cits ulntiou by coin or approved stale or municipal bauds. Mr. (tnlliiigor of New Hampshire i Introduced a bill supplemental to pen. 1 slon act of Juno 27, isUO. Its most im- i I portant provision is that, except in i ' cases ot csuiuusliuil truuil, no pension i shall bu suspended until after ninety j days' notice given to tho pensioner mid after a fu'l and impartial investi gation hold upon sworn testimony. He said tho bill was designed to remove every possible dilllcally that stood in t' wai" of tl10 administra-tion t the act of ISUO, precisely as congict in- l tended It should be Tho bill was re ' ferrutl to the committee on pensions. I At 12:.M) Mr. Voorhees moved that ' tho senate take u.i thu repeal bill, but Mr Allen (Populist) of Nebraska 'fvr ferod n resolution that congress tajrff i cognizance of tho labor orgunizyifons nud industrial interest of the nntioii I by observing this dayjis a national holiday knovvim lUttur day and as a mark of ro.pcct to those interests thu senato adjourn. i Air. oorliees was on tits loot In an , '?Yi.,,h ,'i0 s,i,u "" w" m Aal OI I "n the jnullecs and holidays for labor, ' ""A "-n1 ll Wllfc ' pbilou tAio best "ibuto tlmt could bo p.uu to lliu In- i - "" ". u m mo business of the senate. On a viva voce vote the senate iv fusod to adjourn and Mr. Allen de manded the yeas und nays. On tlmt motion the yean were h, nay -ll. 'iUmse voting In thu anlriiiRtive were "Jilessra. A Ilea, Irby, I'ofTer, I'ettlgJ'evy, lliwor, Sh up, Vanco and VosU Mr. of South Dakota offered a free coinage amendment to the repeal bill, which was referred to the llnnuuo fimnmlttoA. I The repeal bill was taken up at 1:0.1 o'clock and Mr. Cullom KepuUlitiia, of Illinois, ; oceeded to address the sen ato. He r ferred to the crisis nnd the conflict of opinions as to the best rein V'dy for the f resent troubles. lie re sented the demunds of the press for patriotism io congtcss as un just and unnecessary. He declared his belief that the silver purchase law was not wholly responsible for the present situation, but said that he was in favor of Its repeal bocauoJ,ts prin ciples wore wrong. He was not a monoinstalllst but could not accept silver unlets the other oiviliswl nations should also do so. und I)- Kiourslu.H UomuuiichiI. Toi'kka, Kan., Sept ,V The Topslca Minstoi-dl union has adopted reo lutions protesting nifuiast the whole sale desecration of the Sabbath by Sunday excursions to the world's fair and the national U. A. It encampment The viieoln'.lons oats-r proUat against the state otfloialh who a,.-. t g to tho world's fair it. u.i o iUial tntiu, start- lug on tljtilr jouimy on the Mibbutu day. No lo untiirr llcllef. Tqpxka. t -Secretory Hen derson of t c stute 1nail of railroad commiMioners ho ol.indoned ull hope ill hope of gutting nnything Hue tne sup seed wheat in-n-.. . t' Wntine 1H5)M. 1 j o -Pf i .1, -,t , x M t) t x-i : ' r Ti3-'JH tlu-ie j-ro of nurts??ClS; Moats ',1 II I I .d? k Volume.- ef lire ;"t'fcv pmm-.isI,;,, , ii ? ",' f fiiMwi-nr-- .im , p. li i'u. n'i i ,M no . m at .mil ii .hi. Hit .ti II .. .' Kllll p ' iii 1 1, 1 1 1 ii , ., . , ,, It. '" i i II lirt'li ESSENSCHIDT &. DRUG i i 109 HARRISON AVENUE, Everything in th WALL FAI JTl? XV Prescriptions Fiiieii Day or Nigfil C'TKI.KIMIO.M': " mii i ini ii ijgaL" i. JJU J ' " ' ' Richmond's 'Second Hand Store. New Goods at 2hc1 Hand Prises, Sec our Gasoline Stoves they can't lu beat. Sold right DOWN LOW. -R A. I o " j Ti 1 '. f Till W Kfi tn apsaflflftrv ho m i iiKiM,ii'.r.Ti;i:s, nui 'fsA..! fo ?.-- S2 RTl..!JIC RH81 .!.-.. XII. is xi Mil ay Hsirnuec KrinieiQ uninQ tErJi UMiJBSUUQ LiUCE'UUI AND SPURS. SAHPLES FROM $2.50 UP Sec our Mammoth Slock. fWllt member the number, iii, Harrison w CAPITAL OITY -SEAQUi'S A full Ifntf-of Books. Stn'ionary, News. Ofnco and S- hoed" Suppli aJwayb nn liand. H. A. BOYLE, Pioprietor. T A AIT TTCTOT? I I rMmMm iij i tm wmmm f ill I ll himwhiii j mgm.rwsaaT I I I Am Here to Stay ! 1 moi.w'inai imMwi ijjwui... hwmhwiwti - -- .p , , ,, If you are In wuntof tho Celebrated nr lil-A Knil Hiirilur 1'i-iiof: If you are in want of the Celebrated Homo Sewing Macl.ine; you are lu want oi Ulcycies sou rn.ycies, ucn ma ceieunsieu i -ipcr; King of Scorchers, the Fowler, the Oriel, the I'hosnix, tho Ce- ' !, t Warwick, the Itoad ICinff. the Telegram, the 'telephone, tho t. Traveler, the New Mail and the Ito'id Queen ItUyclos, at win retail, come and get my prloes, at loo li Oklahoma nve., liutln Id. KNAUS8, Manage The E ,y.,'.i'..,i.mtif. 'Miiirnuiy y- ,- . - ml u-."-:-,. p- f Ljjilin rtjin .". .v- j! $i:Bmmmm Ni) -:iT. I CD ? Cri, TALT f WP f ,,nn4 fo,w..,f K., V1" r;,-" "i in. i.ii.,... 1 ,.i v.rt.rlr. ; " . "" vivy nrr- 'SfM - - i . .u i irirut. .. ..I nnr sIiik- sua W- tji. te AT CC3BT, A, C, H1XQN, Prop'r. - V. CONNKCTION.nW H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bet. First end Miu buy until you get our irtct R, avenue. Wgn Utg Collar. S BOOK STOEJE BLOCK.- Cincinnati Sfe, Fire or Iturg1. r Proof American Helpmate. Singer, Koyal K uiiuiuu9 vvmuo nglish Kitchen, sn. OF THE BEST in tie Cp 1 ..!-- BaaHw v. ri uJ ?' i I I up 3 l-BBR O fK I(A J. BBBBBBBBBRr-dlnl-M '-.!?d SsrC' i&rtwtV'? vLl-Q lflPBK iii-;-! 2aji VlJfcB sajMEH iii I. tWWC5 !& -T- 111 4" f-HVrBl TMTfTaj 4-ilWVU ( -srrzrriH --tfrvfoTiTT 3w-V)rilS',i rk- fmi-Tni-'inr'iim'3g" a I tf-y rjaflT-f m rrymfmu '11 - - r " ' - ssy.