Newspaper Page Text
4- ) I die j rf .nthrti n v wrjsr vkp f-l- p v Bill 1 11 4 thi) v v FOR. ,1 ' Jl'1 f.irm Pi ' n C- Tor town nr Drot. g J itr sale. "m (oj sale a ses and stcr LL Ajf . ' i p ii i Ml 1 'u if o iv 3 I gTa-fi irrJii"in !! Tijnruw i n. - rOL. 1. AN OBSOLETE WORD IT IS NO LONGirR "BOOMER" BUT "STHIPPEI!." LATEST CHEROKEE NOMENCLATURE A III: Ciouil fiitlirrln;: nt Cililivell Kan -A 'Igltaitco Cniiiinllli-n OrQtiulr- l"K til Spy on .Mini Who Tuko U litnl Unlawfully 1'ioinlumit .SiaUtim to Aililn nt tlio lluuieseekcr.. Ckuin'i:iu Kan., Srni. v-Tlie word boomer" ii now nbinleta fit iliis vi cinity, "stripper" having Mipr-iscdcd it Huip ami stripper arc the pilucipal topics of conversation on tlic streets of Caldwell at tlio piemen I limr The stripper is hen- in liis might and fatrcugth, booted, equipped for tlie nice to the pioiuisi'd land The popu lntlon of this city is cIiim to 1,000 peo ple, but it is estimated thai hilly 1.1,01)0 buy their ilnlly piovisinns hero. Tlii'ie is an abundance of yood water and camping ground here and along the line two and three-eights miles iOiilll for an army of r0,000 people. The mllitiry order issued "September 1 that persons must not enter llio Nit ip for the purpose of passing through under penalty of being nr lusted and expelled as sooners has caused not a few to put their wagons, teams, furniture, etc , aboard the cars jif the lloclt Island road and ship thciq Jo points south of the sti ip This ap plies to the settlers who desire to, lq fate on the south side of the strip hast night an entire tiain of cars; i;ft line for the South loaded with such freight. as .j i.mi: cuMMiyii.i;. lnnM(M'Lrr on Hip l.onlionl fur I'm mm. Not 1'iupcrly Oii.i'llfli-iL Wichita, Kan., Sept. G. -A inovq meiit was inauguuiatcd heie yester day to form what might bo termed a yigihinre committee. The puiposeof Jhe assooiation is to organize a sy.stcuj pf es)ionage oer men who intend to, niitcr the CheroUeo strip lands coi( Jpiry topic spirilof ttiu law goycrnintf jts opening, and ligliti'ug their title tq claims should they lake any. T'he particular fellows "they are afUr are jhoo who may be wort over "5:.000 or have 1MJ acres of land. The inccntiu' for the movement js Ihe ltnowledgo of the fact that hun dreds of people who are wul( fjvc.l are, Ostensibly putting l)ieir properly out pf tlicir possession in orior to be. in, pliapu to enter tlioslrip under ll. law- cimictaw u.-i. .mom:y. V.'lillo .Mim VIu .Minloil S(mt.i Will Siio fur Tli!lr M.ire. Caddo, J nil. Ter , Sept. 0. Tho bile men who married Choctaw wq men here in the nation are. preparing to bring suit against the Choctaw na. tion for tlioir part of the. leased dis trict money, The C'liicUasaws acted more liberally with their inter-inar-ried citizens and paid them their per capita. There arc nearly 1,0 0 of these squaw men and by the treaty of 18.M', they aiu entitled' to their shares just the same as if they were citizens by blood. IIIr Men to -pu.ik ut Arl(.tiii Clly. Akkansas CtTV, Kan , Sept- C Ar rangeinonts have been perfected for a mass meet ing to bo held next Satur day, under the auspices of tho IlQiho f Slulim U t-oldier' hosncKtlulf. V.; hectoftiry i?oltc 1-i nn.noul)red us oifc (if tle suut(.rs. Addresses -l also H") deliycrctl ly pv-pqator I'erltins,, p.-(!ovcinor Iluipplirey and pthers H is intruded as a sclpol of pduc;(tiqr o lliosp wli) pxpect (o make (he niq fpr lioiups on tie Cherokee outlet oq the tOtl. peiu.tml t Tran lie Klli. Ki. Huso, Olt., Ropt- ft A wpllaf tended niuss meeting was held hero yesterday by Intended strip settlers. 'i hoy demand running of trains on opening day, and protest against tlio men owning raw horses, which tho ordinary settler cannot afford to keep. It is oxpeeted that unless trains run at tho opening tho fast horsemen will rapture tho towusites anil best lands, for hpecuiatiou. To t.ociilo u Town. Aiikanhas Cn v, Kan, SepL (i. Tlio Vofica Town-site anrj lii''ovomcf jpmpany, t'n"orgi;ii'tiqn yhich was vTcctod eriJ Saturday, ljeld i meeting at Highland hall last Hlh'1'1, ''''icy propose 1o Jncfttc ii tfiv squt'l of Kit lbre. the county Miat a'ld it iiortli of tlio I'oiieiirpservation, on tliu Santa I'o ia ili oud. A I'liilillni; fur Ititliiiuiuni, Nkwakk, N. J Sept. 0 Two , tlious.i oiisaml people witnessed tho spar- oust,, fr;,, I,,, tout at Caledonian park last ,r evening evening it"' mini bijut. of tlie eve ning was between lloh,l'il7slinuious,of Australia, and Jack lliclccy, tho iiilitdliwvcight cjiatpplon of Ireland! Jtouni Nrst-l'its: plbse iq orf llirkiijr fipd r,iiilim op tlio ropos and made fi laughing stock of him Then ho punched lilin three times In the nose nt long lange, while tho crowd laughed, lie slapped .him a round the ring for two more rounds mid in the fourth punched him a. few time anil then liclpedhis man to his corner in a dlbiiblcd condition. lincIMl lilttno (ii SHyiM. Lo.MihN.s'opU fi ((bi)g lexers wlileli Ii.tvo 'passed bctweuu Coinniaiider Kvcrott and Sir William Voinon liar ourt, chancellor of the exchequer, with regard to the silver quest iou anil Hie Ilrussols confeiencc are about to do published. Sir William, in one of the letters, says that the failure of the congress to reassemble was due tq the pjilted States . . " " "' Allefc-nl Tf.tIu UuUm I'uiler Arrctl. Cl HA. Mo , Sept. 0. Thro tpen wrrc nrreslod hero by tho oityauar fihal, upon telegrams, supposed to bo the robbers of the train at Mound Valley, Kan. They are now held by the authorities awaiting officers from St Louis. -i . st - ETEcr AT tE IotOrritft at (irtHinv. """ " '""rmuiifciini. j SENATE SI1.VEH MEM. prills .1 Surprlun oil tlio l!c.c il I'orccj . Itmnnnd (uoriiiu nl All Tlmr. Washington, Sept. n - The silver men In the senate yesterday sprung u surprise, on the repeal forces in the declaration of Mr Stewart -thru hore after a quorum of the senato wonld have to bo present when st imtors spoke upon the silver question. I f the opponents of repeal insist upon n quorum being present at will bo a now move nnd may wjriounly interfere with tho program of tho friends of the repeal. Mr. Voorhccs submitted his resolu tion that the senate meet nt 11 o'clock Instead of 13 on and nftor Thursday next, and it has been intimated that if this does not lesull in biinging the debate to a conclusion night sessions will bo pioposcd. Hut If tho fiiends of silver insist upon a quotum bodily present constantly the ell cut of early meeting and night session will, to some e.tpnt, be counteracted, ns, in stead of fatiguing the silver men only, practically the entire sonato would suffer alike. Substantially the entire day in tho senate was consumed by Mr. Stewart, I'epitblicnn, of Nevada, who took positive giouud against the re peal of the Sherman act pntil silver was lonionclircil. Tho vote of tho senate 3ft yeas tp 2S nays -to ptocecd to tho consideration of executive business, was the first set back tho lcpcnl men liavo thus far sustained in the senate. C. A. n. REPORTS. What 'Hint or Adjutant Cruy Micnvn- A .MciiiImthIiIii nt HilT, .",:!. Intl., Sept. (i The annual (Iraml Army icports have been complctctl and iriulod. That of Ad jutant (icucial Hi ay is piobably the mobt interesting from n (.i A. It stand point. The returns for June. 30. 1893, gie a membership pf .IHT.'.'S.I. Iie puinber of posts is T.C'JO; departments forty (ie In uctiUlion (o the meni irislup in good standing, there are re turned delinquent l.'r.To, and remain ing suspended, ll.oiil. TIk delin qiiculs aro such as tiro in good sl.-iudiug, hnvp piiid dues and but for tho neglect ot post officers would b.s so r. turned. '1 hei p has been a not b ss of inumbcr ship in the ia,st j-car of '1 ii.'iT. 'During the year tlicro wero'7,U0-J ieaths lq the order larger than nqy previous, year. 1'rom .lno 30, ISO:.', to .tune 30, Ib'.i.l, under tlio column "Hxpended in Charity." there was reported SI7S.8I5 -5 J. Smco these records have boon kept there has been reported under this head J.'iOO.OOi). The report of tlio iiartermaster, (ieneral .lohn Taylor, shows receipts of S-l.40, and expendi tures sy.oi; Valance in the, treasury, SI-, 1ST. Thorn remains in tho (Irani monument fund S-vTal TiirlfT llcirlni. Wafiiinotos, Sept AVhen tlo' ways and means ooiiiinlttoo resqiAcd its tariff hearings ypsloiday there were proout Chairman Wilson nnd lioprosenlallvcb Dalzell, Uurrows, I'ayne, MoMillort, llynum, Stevens and ISrockcnridgc. Mr I. Leslie of Philadelphia npponrcd on bohnlf of the cement inanufacturerK of tlio United States to nrguo In favor of the retention of tho present duty of eight cents per 100 pounds on Portland and all other classes of hydraulic cemontsj The duty under tho old law of iss.'l, wis thiity rcr cent nd valorem, I U on account of under aluatious, n chango was made in tho MoKinlcv to net ns u speiific duty of eight cents per 100 pounds. Joseph Kcuuian of Califor nia appeared to argue in favor of tho Imposition Of a duty oh raw si k. Mi. Ceuman stated that lib was' tho father, pT silk culture in tho L'nited States.' lie ami) hero hi ls0.' aqd settled in California. NEW? DREytTIEG. If. Mondragan, city treasurer qf Santa I'o. ii short SI.O'JO Iq lo sjlmol anil city funds. Tlio stpainslilp Uinbrla brougiit i'JO.UdO in gold and tho La Cham pagne .', 113,ooo francs in goliV Near Agullar. Col,, W. T. Walsh, nn Englishman, who camo to Colorado for his health, was inurdutcd in cold blood by two Mexicans. Charles K. Myers, wanted for rob bing a Missouri I'aclfic train, has been arrested nt San Antonio, Texas, and will be brought back to Scdalia. The Southeastern Kansas Medical Association is now iir- coiivcntiotrlii' l'-ort Scott, Kan. Tno' occasion' in ii flqartcrly iqeetlng of, tlio nssqeiatioq. In thp senate executive sosii in the, nomination of .lohq J. S. Ijasslur o( Forest Cjty, S. . wltoQ qoiqjutioq iad bepn fibjeeluil q, was favorably qcted ipqq. 1'rivatt' letters from tlio Cqno stale roport that Vil ICorckliovoii's oxpodb Hon was couiplctuly destroyed altar tho death of their leader. Twenty white men lost their lives. Tho Spanish cabinet is trying to got Spanish banks '.o come to the relief of tlie llanco Lhpanol of Havana, which is in trouble on account of having too much money tied up in ptu- j T tilted. Silntes. .Trtdtfu lfon's. at Los Ailgcles, Cul , has onloi'od tho tjenor tation of Cliuij Sliang Vuon and "do elded lliere Is money to deport China men under tlio s,U th olauso of the Ucary act. The pnpo in nn encyclical to the Hungarian bishops cnjoinupon them the avoidance of countenancing liii.scd marnnges. Hie holding of tinnutl (.iitliolio pqnrciisus, Hi" t-leeUn pf Worldly men to tho dlH ntld 16(ltv iu the U'njf- Tlio Iii.inii govornniont deeitlnd to postpone until ,luno no.vl tlio final e.v pulsion of the .loivs from Russia Tlie various provisional govornor. have bcoq ciupowcrcd to grant another year's delav in their departure to all Jews to enable them to settle tlioir u Hairs. J'ntUrr ockcr. wli,o has Ipft Homo fqr Aiqenci with letters from the popo to Mgr Saiolli and Cardinal Qibbuns. wq;, commissioned also topioscnt to tjio cardinal a por trait of liis holiness. Tho portrait is carved in stone, and is set in n frame of gold studded with precious stones. The work was done by tlie Vatican artificers and is a masterpiece of its kind. i '-i'--5SMW.tSJL-j.... -i-.,- -TMH.IWIIV via ' i Mm ' " I nr.Mt.v , , , "" r jm. a,J(i n-,, l..r"7ir.;rilum ,- -' 1 S. e-. '- t ntuvavii wlu t- .r -r rJUff par len... n U5r ni . rK , s ., nCiM tti nn mjuwwm "i I mWTwt' ' mhinw iiibiiu mt ia UPTUHlli, (ICLA11QMA, TPUHSDAY MOfNING, SKPTKlinER T, IBM. ANOTHER HOLD UP. THE 'FRISCO WAY LAID PACIPIC, MO. HEAFI WRECKf-DBYDYHAMirsriPLOWl llirfo MMheit Hen lm I'n. , ,i,, ,)r. n Whom t Cuplurrtl In tlir 1 , n iiulnr ami tli' -O ii- j-p in 'njj Tliey Out .Sutlilntr III . u- other ) Tliey (i..l n y Willi tsio.mio. K.VSRA8 ClTV. Mo.. ?ept. VTrlu robbern umdc another ntlftik on the Krisco roudlasl nirlit. This time the Oiimo was committal n-ar I'ncilie, Mo Itcports- that cmtie fr im St Louis nro decide llv ion tin. ting A dlstmlch coming tlii'migli iim United 1'ross stiys Hint the outlaws secured nothing. A special sn, it is lliotiffht tliey secured about from the ells- ttrgo express company. The former story is pi.ili.ibly coi rect. ns a telegram to the chief uf police nl Nl. Louis gave the sume in forma tion Kxprcss train No I on Hi-; KiisLo. westbound, was ll.iggeil wittl u reu light a few miles east of I'aci He, whiih is about forty miles west of St louis. The train ctiinc to a standstill nnd two men held the eng ue crew at bay Whl o a third wont to the express car and demanded adiniltain.e. The mes senger refused t o.ien the dour. The Voiniuand then came from one of the gunrds to blow her open. Ibis command was almost instantly followed by a deafening repm t and the wonilwoik of the car was wrecked Then the three highwaymen Joined forces ami tried to enter the ear, but wete impeded by the wieek At tins juncture the conductor and n lr.i!:cuii:i inslnd up to the robbers with p.stol , drawn and commanded them v Mirrender. Tho robbers an swered i i Ii a pooity di ret ted fusihide wiiicli tl'e two tr.iiuuicn gave back With interest. u h iineNpecled rcsislauco un lieivcd tho io1'1k'!s, nnd two of them (o k to tlmir heels The third wns pverpowi-reil and made a p"isoncr. So far us known no one ns hurt When the train p'.'lcd mo Pacific station the express ar presented a sor.-y t, lit. Dyuam e h. il tni the side o. Jie tar. '1 p, isoncr was p'.aeeil uler gu.i il . Hi. station and inenain pniLeent'il eiteil villagers to tlie number nf about the depot w' I'rcss ci riespondciit i h .d gatheicd ' n tho Initeil ! ai rived, nnd it I vas onl, by a rush ol the olliceis (i battle was prevcqti I. otTMHs l-ur io rj.iuiiT. )fiarale Ikittlo lletwecn u Miu-,-ilrirB J l'oao nnil Terrisory lliiinlt. Oklahoma Crrv. Ok , Sept. ti - WoVd lias boon received heie of a desperate battle between Deputy United Stales Marshal O. S Harris' posso and two desperadoes called Three-lingered Jack" and Toeuuiseh, a negro, near Koouk l'allsi on ihu bolder of Oklahoma. When they wcio inform?.!, "I'liice-l'IngcuHl JacV nud Teiuinsrh would be at a "top dance" in that neiglibor hood that niglit with ,i quantity of whisky, Harris a . his posse laid in wait for them an. I suriouii.ied them in tho road. The dcpeiudoos drew revolvers in each hand, and roJc through the 'guaul in front of them, keeping-' u, 'a c''i taiit ivc. They fit oil four shots before the posse opened on th n. Tocumseh's, horse vas Uillcii au.l Jack'b wounilcd, but )otl escaie. Hurrishnd five men in his parly and Hicy were all on foot and were unable, to follow Ihu despcradoca. Later pews has rmchcd hero that Tocuinseli Wns shqt llir-ough tlio body -nnd could pot possibly yeeover. ' hroc lnKered duck's name is llooqe, aud ho was a member of the Dalton gnu ft'. Thoio Is a largo reward offered for him in Kansas, whore ho is wanted for train robbery. Tecumseli Is also a bad man nnd is wanted on several charges ut Fort Smith. f May Not llo Uhot Anr Alt. Washington, Sept a-Tha govern ment may after all take steps to pro cnt tho execution of the two Clyjr' ftcos who t.ic' sentvneed to 'be shot tfeptombor .' The matter v,w dis cussed at the eabiitet meeting yustoih da-.-, but tho full scqpp tf tic ip. struetioqs, given H(q secretary cif the ipterior coultl not bo lenrncd. " Hiort SIR.ooa lq lll Apcoiiiils, Min.m:ioi.ik, Minn , fcopt a 1'hllip el. Seliiejf, loller of iho Itonlc oT Min iionpcilib. left Saturday night for Chi cago, and a shortage of $15,0J0 to 35. OOu has been discovered. PEARY'S EXPHDITION. rti'iMrliift- QiiiirturK lur Hid M inter nt Ilia II unit uf ISow ialu liij It. dlisn, . V ft- pt. ii.- Lieuten ant Peltry's Arctio atcimer I'.i I wn .n rived hera yonterday. Hie l- ft IVarv with h party U well at tin head of p.ow.doin bay, North liivculnml. Aug imt 'JO. Poary had nt Hut ti.ue eiluv doH, twenty tons of walrus iiieut and eleven deer on baud. Tli ti the houve won ne.uly cumploti ,1 uiul lh parte was iiv.'iff in n. in re v ,i ,vr.,', men en love' d,.?ly ji.iii -.i-n , (rm if j hcttJiiuurti -, t in i.u ,,,,; ce chic ., wliem Hun we , , ,1 ,,, readme s for UiUiv aland ej, (, iu,u next ph.i;j Ilia I or it i liiolitu Home I'.ule. I.ondo.v, Sept 1 -i'be house of lords wa filled ycstei lay with mem bers and vlfcitors ca-o r to lu ir the il. bato ou Hie Hm.'' "t'e la I Viir S(l'nct, trvl b-rd f tin- .uliiiir- AUy, movojl tU ww. on l v .ulnifr of the. pome rule bill- Tho dti'viJCji Ib-wni fdilre. liberal Unionist, niovod tho rejection uf tho bill. J. CooW, jr the piomoti r of the uow party In Colorado, has issued a tal' for ijoptomb r H. t'j ado t o, ..ner ' tho platrorm hcrctof. ri ff U.4 w the proposed new I. Vera! trty America." T ' --r- ute Utmv ithrr, '.i .V,,." y' Jr . r. iT'uwM.prTrrmrTTTpa.tir ati-m.-1- rmum ia n Wiwhi iowa poi'uusrs. Titer llo il it II tniiuniofi OvivftntlfW it nt N una ,1. At. .lojpftli for Cot i rilor. Ins MoiNKi. low. Spt i. The Populist state ronrcutiun. held here vt'stonlnvt was entlr'lv lii'iu nioui Tho nttetidnnun was np to the average of similar gullwrlnir lu recent years, .ibuiit '. i m criHlitisI i'i!'',ii tiling ii' nrtetl A full state was nominated The platform imlorscs tho (n. alia declaration and wiv! tbore are only two parties, t c I'eoplc'n mi I the gold. Upon the ilM inetive slate ie of pmhibition the plutf rm i . in fatyrot the ,'resent law nn'il it can be suei-eciled bv stat- m n i" -1 1 t ni trol of the liquor trnh- 'ilietnki't named is us follows. (liiiiTiinr, .1 M .Ifieph i t'restnn: lieilti-n in' g.) eiiini, I', A. tt of V n ti -. mi ii emc judge. A W ( Wi'i'Us nf Wmterset; state mipcrintemleiit, Mrs. :ate mtpcrintei 1anha4Uin n. With row of Mars! PHOMIBITION rtEPUBLlCANS. Tliotn or Ion i Sornli! mill Niiiiih h t'nmtl iMln for Ooermr. l)t.s MntMs. tow. i. Srpt. r. Til.' KepubluanH w ho deem prohibit ion the most inipui taut political question lie fore the people of Iowa, h.-ld n stale 'eon en tion yesterday and p iled com- p.uiy with the regiiuii Ki'tiublieaii oig.iuialioti for the ro'iiaindcr of tins enmpaign b rionuintlng n taii'liditlc for iniviinnr nnd repudiating the liqtn i plank ndnpted at the Augu ,t convention L. Collin of Tort I) .;-.. was unanimously nominate. 1 for Mwirnor. lie has been prominent in the I! 'pub liian party for many ,eats lie served three terms ni the board of lallwuv totninissioners and has been identified with the movement in favor of tnfety liaui appliance. Tim ClKlit llinir I.w WliK. WimirA. Kan. Sept r, -The first of ,i Lit h of fort y-th'ee ease, brought Ii. the l.iboiers ng.iiu-t the llirber -Ii.iH Paving c.m,iiii un ter the I t hour l.i w w.i,tneil here esler il.p. .iinl (let ided against the company I he (oinpany hired the men !, ihe li-iiir. paying theui at the mte i r l M) foi a ten hour day. Th emirtli -Id that the fat that a stlpulitt .1 ntnoint per hour w i , agreed to InsU ,td So mueh n iley w is proMimplivi evidence of itl icni t. evade the clfflit b ur law. The deiisiou will be nppenle.1 i:irPHi ItnltM to t one IHini. Jt i fi i soy Cuv, Mo -pt . -At n, meeting of the state board of rulrouil, .mo vvaiehouse commisionerH ester dav re 'Cii-ntathes oi . com panies eio present e,ni reiiee was bell and an agrecne it ntere-d ",t"' "n ' an Wder u.adt b Ihe In 't'1""" ,.presH .ate, 'iveii;v ll'"1l " '.'m-ral ' go .ls. f.ieh a-fi oard 1'ijr fruits nnd ineii iuuidisc to go into effect next month. li r Iron Minn cU iiJllun. Ui i.i'i i, Minn., Sept ii OrffAnlaa tion has bcun effected of tUj IiHo Superior Consolidated iips, control lug the Mi'sabt uod ''-' ! Iron jnines and the Spnnlsh Ameik'..u iidueq ill Cuba. .Ii h.-i I) llockefel er. Cole- iftuc. iioyt vtctmuro una otn-rs nro in it. 'I lie capital is the head utlieu will be capital is ?.ooii u hi, anil in ew York. Another Mtilllttu- I'omjilr ley 1) ovureil Hi.ri in. Sept (1 Tho Lakal An 7iiger s.iys that a widespread .Nihilis tic conspiracy, the object of w liloh was to anoiiiplisli tlio death of tho c-ar, has Wen discovered at Moscow. Kigbty-t!e students, eight professors ilnd fjve ladies who belong to aristo cratic fuin lies are implicated. yoioner's enlist Mn prN hfl, tol.,Sept. (i -Jury in Hi i,is of Dr. (iraves lus ri'.iorti'd Ur. (Ir.ivci, -The coroner's T. Thatolt(t that, ju Ig'tug from the letters tlio deo.'aic I left bi )ind, be conunitted suicide, but that (ram the l -stint my iiitrodticcd Hiu jurors were una bio to doaida wUutlier or not it was a natural death. lluir tlio IIikIiii'hk l'.irt Ilnrneil. M.M.rt Hks-o, Mo, Sept . Vector duy inornin),' between 1 and 3 o clock half the business houses lu thin city were destroyed b fire, together with Hie contents of the buildings. The fire originated betwoen two buildings, and ih sunpobeil to bo the work t ni inceudiarv. ' " Ca of rti llii-in Co u it AliirJIsit, luj'KKA, Knn, Sept. 0. T ia state military lunrd met to-jay and will pi;s c the billh oonti'Acted by tlio H,ughe court-martial. Yauulient tor nil the expense have not yet been certified to, but it U probablo that the Cponkoof the farce will not fallkhort of 3.1.0U0. Nulir.mUii l'lipulltt Nomlii itlon. Omaha, Nob( Sept 0 Tho PopulUt 'onvontou nt Lincoln lust eTuiiIng noniinated .lu'lge II K. Ilohomb ol llroken lt'.w for tho position of vupretuo judge. Tin usual bidiraa' nient of the (bi'i-Jnj nlalforin a .uloi'ted. -titner fellll Out. Loi isMt.t.K, liy., 8ept. o The cm ployufthc mechanical dcpnrliu -nt of the Louisville and Naliville rail road compnny are still out, nnd the indications nre they will remain out unlpbs tho company mabos sou-" concessions. A MUauil 7IIC4M llurutril. rwi i iki l Mo, Hep', ii 'lhi i Ii n i .1 ( u!!cfe at sli mive Ills i o l , , bin in d at "i i . .tin ll.olli.o, lil' e,- l- -, (it ,, I jiiic"-'! I-1 1 lie In' was nl ,i. . u i i a rj, oi in Uillml On tlio lUoo rnic'i. Omh v, Neb., Sept. ' lijU warm in? up b - lioi,su the driver uf Atttempt iiiiloi.i arid Uille.l nn U-yi.iruld biv wlin w is t rosiiijf the tri. It The diiver i-. ai ustut llunucil Illiittetr Io u l)no.-i:i ije. CiycAOo, Sept. a Mux Uothschild, a wealthy ilothlng inaiiufi turor, coininilte I suil de jcsleriljj l '.,aiig ing turn i-.f to a diur '..u-i World I air t lift v. j. Sent ii Aunl.Uji' ,, Total udmi-.sion'i a'lyehterda, were 100.9 i9, of vylilcli 140,- I v.i paw. Till? r A 1) nmro s-a Jm THE Ol.nSOt.Olkn'3 IM POSSI53- S l''l wk SIOM Of INOIANAPOU3. 1 WA fw J N I TOE VETS HAVE A G.W PARADE g I (f 4 ' TOE VETS HAVE A Gil MID PARADE ihr UitT u lino rut, ih i;rt t'art'rn lnr nnil liuwi.niM) i;, TrH (tM the lluyt In ill hi Uat, Thritii tl,s Ktrrt,tth Homo I1ti Mil lK ttH.i ttaylr il. ttmtMi. !nitn l-ff.s, freat b.n i.i. i.s 0,0il tint . Sept fl. -Tho whieh hold nearly 'if the tiro ml Arn.'v hive in rneaiit pl.n is and eots ate In I Vi'l v Ii ..i ' ronni iu every piiMu- sellout and hall in th i il v imd nhiln ti ills with flags ll)n;: from tl.m eviii park nnil mii a ii I lot. The v ist t-iow ils have been perfect y handled. 'I lie sun lixtl sciireely risen testerdny ere Ihe people b.-gan to gather along the streets of the line of iiiinh to see the parade. Wire cable, along the stirets kept the crowd nvvay from tho uiaiiheis. In fiont of the .-out I house was a stand 10 1 feel long with Keats for -'.Oiiii people Iu the center or it was it decorated leview ing stand fiom which the coiunmiider-iu-cbief saw and was checied by passing thou sands. Hvery houso along tho live mile route wes ilucor.ilfil 'Iho weather to-day was cool and plea ant with a light brciv.c. Tho main column begun forming eaily iu the d.iv at the coi nei of Mei itlen mid sfvenlh streeUt The line of mat eh was down .Mcridcu si i eel to 'I oi l(, west to IVnusylv.uiln, nulh to Maiket. east to New Jersey, south to W.ishiurnn, west on Washington to Tennessee, wheie U was ills iuhmmI . 1 Tile pliM-e smq came down the Hag envered Rlleel with 10(1 mounted police in tin' load, followed by tleueial James It. Cunialian, grand ui.iihIiuI, nnd lm stuff of ann mounleil men. all In full dri-is utiform. Illinois had the pltico of hoiioi in the lead of tho 'roci!nloi and under 1) ' in linciit Coiiiui, iiider K A"lllod gelt Per thirty posts and .',',0011 men mailc a sti iking n ipoarancu Iu tho middle of the line weio n hunilieil or more inoq singing, "W'o'll h.tng lloke Smith oq a sour unple lice, ' a senti ment thnt was nun. Ii i heered and not infiei.iiently hissed by the lool.eis mi. Indiana with her Ihous i nl , of t craiu lnou,'ht up the ten of lh" pin i ession. u u I Hieie was heerui'r .ill numg the line when ovl'i-osidcnl. Ilar lison was seen m.iiilinu m tho i.niUs with hi old rni, nudes of (leorge II Thomis po'it of this city. In all were iietweon l"i,U.)ll nud IlO.u.iu pie in tho pnnule. poo TUB PATlftDMCI COMOBKSJl. Jrr" 'M"l Plillti XputikA to tim flrtml V.irlOSl ralr OmherUe. ritit-Mio, st..i.- ,-., ,i. , at I ii Mil. I Kiiliiti) thercat Aineuetin republic and I call upon tlie I at holies of Ameiiea to go. in oik hand benrbig tin) book of Irutli iud iu the other ihe of tho l' n't toil, Slitcs,' f.iid Papal tieiegaie Milo.lli, wrapping ihe n pie folds of bis lobe of olVl u about1 him and hpeuUiug itii a biuniu'f intensity of feylmg to the talholie ooligre.sH to-day sifter .Indge () !: Ion Of tlio New York Rupieiifj coui t, thn presiding ollicer of the delivered sui address of welcome. Scale 1 near tho chaiiiimu was the Archbishop of .ante of tho tirccU church in his full rogalia of olticc. wniio on llio opposite of the singe were two titrbtined teprcscnlatives of tho faith of lluddha who had conic into the hall to witness tlio piocccd lugs. Tho pipal delegate spolte iu his own tongue, the Italian, and his words llfierwnrds translated by Archbishop Ireland. Ilo said Hint the lirst great Catholic congress, Hi- wlcal and model for t,his nnil cvei y such gathering, wa,s. whe-n, Christ, sur rounded Vjf I b.o children of lsriu'1, de levered, l(t, great dise.ourse on lltn uiuiiuuun mo iiuriicn at wtin-ii ns "Suck llrst the kingdom of Ho I nud 1,11s juRt'ico nid nil other things tdinll bs added unto von." Heroin Aiiicnc.i wns tho key of tlio future and llio Pope had charged b'"'i 1 speak out words of hopo and blessiag and the mn-sngo ipiotfil above uibiiop viaiierson ol i.oliiiuliiis. Ohio, sound jd tho keynote for the 1ih- cushion of tho grimt social (piiistious uelore llio congress lu Look encyclical on the condition of labor. Thcic were a number of other speeches no the industrial situation. fIIYSICIANS ir-l OONCllUSS, l!l'pruttlve 1'ioni Alt I'lirts Allitrlc-.i Ml at lliu ChIImI. W'AslitNfi'itiN, SopL (1. Missomi -h -slii.ius far oulliumber theii Kan sas brethren in attendance at the Pan American Mudical congress wliub begnn yesterday morning al AlWiugh opera house l'roui Missiiini aie I to. tors (' hrv-U. A l". I'-ci n-i.s. Ui)lf lb Poial. .1 (J I vuust.ct. II. C. Uallnii. XV. II. I' I', (iregorv. I .1. I). (Jrltlith. I' f llnghei.. (i Ilnlley. II M. Ilvpes, .1 P hu.clie. II W. l.oeb, I! It Lewis, II II Mm Id and P Pnqiun 'Jhe oily Kan .ns v no have thin, far ic;isU'i cd .i'ie ,hii i t.-i are . It I)ewee-. ani ti Low I'a lu:. ny at 10 ociwt, la Wnli.iui I'epp.-r of I'unniivan'u oscorteil I" the i'1'ufo.Mv tl.o president of lh I'nitid Slates mid llishop William Paiol ot Marvlaud After a short ni.ivir bv the bishoi). President t'lcvelaiiil delivered ihe iiddicss of wcKoine Ini-or lllelit-u Mutt !. C in. ado, SepL a- Kxiiloiico in the caw nf Juror UbfWw charged with ot ferlng Uii awartlfe ta uxliibltuiaat tl, fnir Is nil in nud lib. irnnerallv llll- ( dersloiNl that Coiiiinlfsiwiur .Mussoy tinil his siieclal eammiltoo of lnviu gallon will report unfavorably to H li., who will bo dfauutsied. Iligbee deC-lams that lm will light the com inltteo's deeislon In the courts if it ia against 'ilia i , . 3S5- y ii sssLt i j . .!. i. Mini in every tuilillc sr inol fts "-. S.' t 'SCJB-tSfr. 1 1 ,, '"" 01 tut and i, x f r-T-r- r, ;l:i.?!Z?Jz K-v taa,, "irim or i iriTtr wgifMritMiML.'msj i-h 7i- nKSiiV I A "' msr ai. fc-. v 1 OUR SHOKS TAJUK and ili- PRKV In. I I'linpiiif n,,.lit,!,. !orlinliiM for lovprii of ifood fnotvvrar il, , t ..f I. or mar iiirw Ii ,t. .. -.-.,, i, i in- ipm anil pnsirroti I In- iHirHi'tbonk. lloo't mn n v II 1 ll.ll ...u'll ...I a.. .'. Innlrifnh.iii,i. I -..,-..., " ' '".ill UMiutu M Mill IIIIIIKM Veur-I' r , i uToi.anta. ".ul. ,,'m': -.'r"V ,'" 'l"s I.m.I, tliov an-- -i.ll f,.,n. ,r onn"?k s. ;?.-; ;,,,r"!:',,,l"',",,,,,",,l,''',"J .ir..-ll.H.H..rall....s,.,;, EISENSOHMIDT & HETSCH. EAGLE DRUG 109 HARRISON AVEIMUE, Everything in the DRUG LINE. WALaI PAPER Prescriptions Fllied Day or Night- t-H-Tl 1.1 IMIOM. lcnmon econd Hand Store New Goods at 2nd Hand Pric SeetJur Gasoline Stoves theyucan't v beatSold riht DOWN LOW. I", pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bet. First and Division Big Collar Saddlery House. in: "U Strip Supplies, Harness, Bridles, Whips AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.50 UP. See our Mammoth Stock. Don't I member the number, in, Harrison CAPITAL CITY -BEADLE'S A full line of Book's. Stationary, News, Supplies always on I-I. A. BOYL LOOK HERE I " in, iniqjninirTT tt i mj' I Am Here t'otay! iu ..ntof the Celebrated Dll III C or l'.r. J Oil III l' ilouie u'ul i:aiflar l'roof; :u v. untof tlio Cclebr.itou Stvvinfr .Machine; l'tov Jfoiiiohuld Oo.,,.f 1VC1, 1W. lorm. o. Payment made , .. y at my place.corner Harris,, una II ?r and Orlando THE (k rr wlUH i 1 y 8"3. & van wvriw d w., jl ji'U are 11 wain in in vi--- i "- Kiojjr t niir-ln r- t -!- BvSrataira Deals iST0- 2:58. A t""rrifn ryl AT COST, A, C. HIXON, Prop'r CONNKi'TION. - VKi nn UDi uuki: - . i olt buy until you get our i rices. Re aenuc. Sign $ig Collar. s. BOOK STORE, BLOCK. Office and Cliiuinnatl'gac. l-'irn - - rf v "ou HivWoa . IUJJ.Ji, em, 'XiL. STOBL m. mm! am diuiA: in iit"lni- I H ,ina - ijr. i a3 ." -heev'44faO . I - ..! lenuli) S.i Courier J r m, I 1 B I -f -! I 1 IT .JWvt . 1. . .!lUliiipv 1 DUl lit JcitLio, 1 f'f1" nd