Newspaper Page Text
Guthrie s ntumr. l.M i i n 1st PooT-OrncB at Ci-tiiri Ull llfcH'l IHUMIMIIM Ok., a Ski. 'HAM MAttlf Oi i ten OP Vvm u atihn . Harrison Avrsh f VOL. 1. GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, FRIDAY MORNING, S10PTEMBKR 8, 1803. NO- 2 ili' I JI I 1 am;iMiJuw ISP " ' i 1 HRw tc FULL OF FIGHT. siLVdn saNATons cettino VttllY TALKATIVK. ONLY CLOTURE CAli CHOKE 'lM OIF. Smntor Moreno l.le Minplonn of ll- rtiiiiliit; ii Plllbintrrer unit llr in i- miHt Talll for n Month lilt limit Stepping Teller (nils Iomii 1111 CillM;ilCi uu Hie Qnnriiui .Mutter VOORHKRI5 BACKS DOWN. Wamm.voiov, Sept. ? After nil it may lf neec-asarv to "Ptllv. l '"' " The silver men are showing inoir fi ;ht in the somite than it was thought was left, in them It ha as timed phases as :: fifteen 11I0, ami ri.'ht .now the silvr men ui o il iin ; lunch boasting ill quiet cornel s nvei tun or thre ; victorn'. I lie hive won ill svurimr adj'mrnincMt unit exci'iitive sessions. All sorts and conditions of dodges arc being resorted to, and t,lu hitCHt, Senator Morgan's resolution providing for ;v committee of si-v-n from each branch of congress to over haul the entire monetary system, will riiiiMMiO much valuable lime if the !.i!-. 'i - na tors can only call it up from the a endar. Air Morgan called up his resolution ns noon as the Ecnato had assembled ytsi'r'inv morning, and occupied the tiei ii'itil within a feu In nutes nf the hoins't fur 111 of the om hce-. lull. No -i oner hint .Mr More-. in g il f.tiilv hi'llu li.'d .m in, speech titan lie us-i-crteil that full t inn- shonld be taUeii to debate the linamial quest'i.ii If en.i'or Morgan joins the r.iiili 1 I 111 fllilmsti rei- and it li'nl.s as if -m-liua-, his intention - the e can in tin '.lie pi edietioli as to the date w,in the senate will vote lie again c-l 1 le-l.iil yest'-rilay his c anil as the 0 1 .lest talker in the 'cnate lie cim go al'iig, for days if necessary, juit IIS he did yesterday, liver lie imt for a vvoid. never repenting hi e'f ainl be coining" animated only wli-n iti'eresi. lejri:). to flag. .lust how many days it will lake for Mi . t"c art to thoroughly 111 cork- no one c;;n conjecture 1 1 took anoih r In.. 1 at spei'Lh-inakitig ycst-r.t.iA a' terniion. but he did not iret tliron h. lb hasalready snbmitteii all the -till lie-, which the s'..vcr men h:.o gathered and read dreary rc.oits in a u.o'i"l'iuoiis tone until everybody -ee, t !.i nself has lieeu tin-.', nut '.' en 1'elYc", who revels in imancial sta is ' e . given " 'il-T. 'c f 1 e-ii.'-l of Mi't Hut Stewart w.i-t icn'ily eias wl.11 liMi'lld to I'.'IV. . aul thil 1 an., m 11 itor ui Unit' 1 h mi him tlii'niU h- "' lung is iliiiu ; A ft Of adopting the i itin e' 's taken 'in. . HI ItMtlliltlna for 1 1 O'clock Htniitr Oilhtni Wltliili-nivn. Wasiunotox, Sept ?. When the sen fit met yeterdny Mr. Cnttom of Illi nois introduced ti bill, which was re- ferred to the finance committee, to rs- lcal nil seta providing for the creation or maintenance of a sinking fund. Resolutions wore reported from tho committee on privileges atld elections ! granting 3." each to .John 11. Alien I of Washington, Loe Mantle of Mon ' tana and A. I', llccluvith of Wyoming 1 for their time and expense in prose entintr their claims to sets In the "en I ate. Th" resolutions were referred to I the committee on contingent expenses. 'I'll vice president tit 12:23 ocloek laid I efore the senate the resolution of Mr. Voorhtees, changing the hour of the mealing Jti the senate to 11 o'clock. Mr. Voorhces nahl: "Aftor full and carcfui consultation with the friends on this side of the clminbr of the bill to repeal tho purchasing clause of the Sherman act, and in whose judgment I have been accustomed to confide, and wno-o wishes 1 cannot disregard, 1 will ask that the resolution go over for the present, believing that if WO occupy the time of the senate carefully and conscientiously that we can make as much speed perhaps as by its adoption until at least a later day." The rear lutiou was therefore livid over. When the resolution of Mr. Morgan of Alabama providing for a joint select committee was laid before the senate, Mr. Voorhees gnvc notice that ho would ask and, if necessary, move that it be referred, to the llnance com mittee. A sharp debate occurred between Mr. Voorhees and Mr. Morgun as to the right of the latter to occupr the tin,.- Mr. Vurg 111 nsked If the rules had b -en " hair.'-i d durhi .' his iiVcnee and whin int.e :n d Jv the chair t I1.1t thc had not. said he v .is ill in-der. niidpio1 eili"' to address the si uatc in -uppo' t ot hi- resii'iutimi After Mr MoiLMi) had spoken a fee iiiinut 's Mr. Vo.uluis nnucd and G. A. R. ESCAHP3EST.. OLD SOLDIERS SEVERELY SCORE CONORBSS. the sen. M.'e .,f res,., nt, the eah wit 1 tie 'Jin- v .1 i 1..I' 1 d te i.t I " .'- . leas t 1.. M an 1 ' U "'llssill.l s inti ' pre' for th i I ' IK't elo. k a: .1 na il ".1 11 !i Ii -en. l 1 ! tli 1 ' as a ;il in 11 i:i l.t. eed 1,- it 11 it the el I .1 ti. iiro-'eed bill, "up -rar LEGISUATIVE COMMITTEE REPORT. Vrtrniii Not (II run tlm frffirenee In tin Aptinlotinriit or fn'-lir IIIDris nl Itequlrea by an 'III I .(i.m- niSliiUr - In- Chirr l,-i..rrt' Aniiiml ltrp. 11 M my ltnve Dlcil s.,,, 0 (;(H. 1 IXDIASAfoi.IS, Inl., Sept. 7 Tho first session of the national encamp ment of 4hci. A. 15. legan yesterday morning at H::n o'l-lock. ns did also tho flrst session i.f the Woman's Uellef Corps contention ami the Daughters of the Hegiment One of tho important roports maile to the uat'ouil encampment was lhatpf the pe uninittee on legislation! by ( tialrman Kcuv. '1'ho pin pose of the iipnointment of the committee was tu do something to se-t cure the enforcement of the two fcilenri laws, almost totally disregarded for many years, the first providing that discharged from military or naval services by reason of wounds or pi ivutinnn incurred in the line of duty should have a prefer ence in the app lintiiient to public of fices and the other reco amending that honorali'y di.seli wved men should be preferred by the business men and firms of the country for lucrative em ployment On this subject tho report v' if m I'it our report to llio na ' ' ' w ' Washtn-ilon. U -' . . ' 'orj rmurni a bill .i .5 1 -uli liavo croat ly 1 1 1 1. 1 etnnittloe it.- 1 n 1 ! -. " IismJ la . '. hn . . ,, ,. l .1-1 1 . . 1 . 1 ' 'i :. in iti ' no THE 'FRISCO HOLD-UP. It t.iltct AiUlees Temt to Slum Tlmt Wkt llonn ly St. Riitfld, Mo., Hept. 7. The latest advices eoneornlnir t'"' hold-117 on the 'Frlaco road tend tu prove that the at tempted rohbary was commltteil by the employes of the Kriseo road. Ar ticles of clothing have been found near the see no of the robbery, which prove that the robbora were railroad men. IMnnock, the onptured robber, was a former employo of the road, and It Is believed that his pals are either now, or have been, in the employ of the road. l'mi Aiiinrloiii M. II'd. VAalItJ0T0., Sept. 7 At the ses sion of the poii-Aiuorlcan medical con gress n resolution was adopted re questing the ltnpeHal secretary of of Knsluml for IiJdln to tue every means in his powo. to suppreaH chol era at Its fountain head 111 that coun try without Amrot the Mohammedans. It is believed t lint this would lie tho most effective means of stamping out the dread sconimgu President Cleve land gave tl roaeption to tho de'egntes and t e ladles tiOdOmpatiying them, in the Knst room of the White house. The ladles .assisting the president were Mrs. Uroahuni, Mrs. Carlisle and Mrs. liissoll. OI'I'K lAt.i ON IIAMl. All . i. i.r'ii ei 'i '1 mi t t .1- I 1 V lie ! Tlw Ono lliuiitreit )ut)l 11111 Kiii.pUc 1 Out I y tlir t' ;. .ill. .sin . , 1. .. S. hull lcsl'll d tl yi -.'i rd. iv 1 ic :: made il.ul 1 11" . 1 h Ii t 1 1 s; dec'oed o al lu'.on the oljeet .011 of sunn l)i 1.1 leaders inu-t il 1 em 11 ii . ir In.' 1 .ii.ini hi lif Ili-lliniT.:!-. Whin the e ileliac oil 1 u' s 1111 iiineciicnt '. as ninillee oa 1 ah s nf so i chair im 11 had in, in '.- r 'icv 1 ' if thepio 1011 -nl til' 11 n;,- w 1 in 11 lis III' .1. ivhii II del in te was iicnd !ir-i ., Li. lutl'a. inc ion ni-i'ibersa moritai i-i the "I ' 11 1' hi ir ! 1. , '1 olll Tlui. hol liioit I elu. in the horse rules 11 n .d lilltil fsnlu -il 1 y. - already the 1 ' o,',, n Kv "W99tfKpw PWP" w . urn 1 I0r-rrt -T - U . tu.acd hUapeerh bagnn Tunsdar,.lnK viched to Mr Tell .-r. of 'Jolouvlo, who .suggested the abencj of a v to ram. Tho roll wivs laIKhI and fifty "iIho senators responded. TT -- il f rrcatoceof a quorum w temporal My lie 1 tin ii3i' mS'JiXJPWraXid SHUT' .w2muTfti?Mmmm&& Pew-. ' -" utffOiii'Uoiorndo 691 . Uj -k the tie hot suegest tin alecrei .- ;ni to ' the purpose ill (I 1 . I I . 1 . - .. ' '.e cnale 1 , ' h 1 11- 1 I ' 1 enough to ji4-. !y t. 1 . m that tLcrc be a rpiormn pry.s, ... the business of Ihu Miiiatu wab tiunsictcd Ho boUovoil that those. who ycro ajmouatm tho rupeul of the ,ui;UlBlljHtH!3r'lglit to discuss MUtlous of the lolng. Iltw senior iM-na- while tho debato VkcWUTiiued to sic inai a quorum was present, even though U, might incon venience senators ei!iulaUy if kena tors who did not jcltev In ropeal were to be ineonvenlencod anil denied Ifto usUt-.'flltrlesles of this hitherto courteous 1 odyT Mr. Toller waa lis tened to with tho closest attention, but the declaration drew no reply from the repeal forces. Mr. Stewart, then resumed th Uoor up I read newspaper articles and au thorities on ni'.itt.Ts ot finance, and when his voice, slightly failed him Messrs. Allen of Nchrnbka, Mitchell of Oregon n.ui tli - reading clerk were called to h.s assistant'-!. Mr. Voorhees inquired whether Mr. , Stewart expected to conclude iast owning, nuil upon being informed by the Senator from Nevada that ho pre ferro I to continue in the morning, Mr. Vo irhees moved an executive session, and after a short cxe.-utive session tlnj bioi.ite adjourned I'iikIiiii t:i lliiliiln SurseiiiKi. WAbitiM.ToN, Sept. 7- Preliminary papers were sent out y est or ay for tho appotntuiout of Drs J l'. Uogers, L. T. Morrcll and C. J. Keynohi, ns members of the Hoard of Potision lis uniliihjg Surgeons at Pcabody, MllC (incll DtllllRil- W.ilIN'00N', Jopk 7. -Que hundred ' jd seventy-two thousand ounces of silver wore offerud to tho treasury yoatprdayutll to 7IH- The otTcrg - were declined atltl oountcr offers made at T5K. ICilienilllurca limited Itrrolpti Wabiiinoto.v, 3opt- 7 (lovem-nenl exKinilltiiro oontluno to cs-'cc.l the Veceluta. Tho troasury balanco. which i.h September 1, including the gold A servo, wns fJ07,ouu,0)0, u now Sio;. tLi,(ao. Cliurten l'oter' lliiuiro; 1'oSToniA, Ohio. Kept 7 -The lonjr I lonkad for personal stitcmcnt of' , Charles Poster was givon out yever !.Tl'ir. It shows resources of a faco value of S0'.'2,sl'i und tin appraised value of 3U ... T'til liabili ICS ore S75U.O0O, m itti'C of Uie V hole The ho'ii" adopt. the new to le of , rule, ritliiiit a ilivi-i m at ' Ml p lit. , and a Ij'iu jed until Saturday. Ilic 'till l'l.iti) ul Amrrlni, Wi .iiNolov.Sept. 7 Special Agent Ay res' imi.-r talked of suppte-s .,1 re 1 nrt on t'n plate ha;, be " e;ivei, out - ' - department It sio.v-i 1 . ' - di .11, 1 ii I " r ' v" ,4s, . . 1' e., v,ilcd hJis, 'Ui.rted it' t j." ' - A' in. I '.Mod !. jfi, ; " pon..ti, ft total ot Willi kinds TV.1'-, J. t "! Hewctnry Carlisle hs ruled llitat black tilatcs imported and then dipped must nol be hereafter incU.derl li Mtimat inf the prodnctioo qt tlqitUbIMlIX5 ,s:ttea. .--" , a. id ',1.. f e' ern .in. thu ortlei m 1 1j ; dui ing t! it t: comrades, ex crford Ii. llai jamin !'. IVitler, Wll .0 oi.r tea !i 1 . .1.. t'n re ti s t ti 1 mi 1 ...,-u ullimii.' tho r ti :ui 1 II. liuiiiil.i 1:1.11 ami kn ,- ' "ii I posi cii.irii - 1 ir.:'lltler-'ii ' ( red tli .s a 1 progress nf car death trious ' . n I ' 1 1 it f 1 '--ni it ,. 11. is . 1 . Id III b.s Alili'ti , .si ,)f t urn- iviti deiiv 1 e viewed tho tng tho past : n to tho if two lllus sidciit Un th an I l.eneial Hen 1 nti'ining he said: .1.. 1 t 11 is in.- away .! '!. After .Ml4onrI II11111I ( iiinpniili.1. iKI'FKKBON ClTV, Mo . Sent 7 Stato Treasurer Hteplieus h is 11 ill tied the prosecuting attorney 1 f i'ettis county locoiiiineiiceqtio wnrr intoproeeedings against U10 PettU ' .unity Itonl I ii vestment company for non-coinpliance with the law requiring smh corpora tions to deposit SlOii.noii it), th" state treasurer before doing husinrs in the state. If the circuit court sustains the proceedings, which will result in a forfeiuire of charter, the court will t'.pp dnt a receiver to wind up its tUtairs and distribute its effects. tr. Ilccsnii round (iiillty. CittCAt'O. Sept 7.-The report of tho world's fulr special iiivestirating coin initteo exonerating Cjiumissioner Mercer, of Wyoming, of the eharare of dishonorable, conduct and finding Commissioner O. Ileesnn, of Okla homa, guilty of dishonorable, nets, ns adopted with only one dissenting V'.ee. 'l'lio commission Miiiiuitnously adnpted the report of special commit tee finding Prank I), llighee guilty of coin. net unworthy a juror of iwa'rds, ami recommending his iuiuici mte dis eh:. 'go. ' TI10 ft. I.011I i:tuIUii (,, .nHrf. ST. IiOL'Is, Mo , Seft 7v Th tenth annual exposition was ,opci c.l lpst evening, the mnmiuoth rjusic hill W ing packed to sufTocatiot, and thee r ridors and various department of thu big building being cwded There were addn sea .by tJuvdrnor V. ,f. Stone, ex-(lovQrnor Ii. 0. Statin ml, Mayor Walbridge and othors, in r- spersed with .Sonsa's Chicngo Marine band of o musicians. or 111! IOSH u'l t'luso who 1 u in - tiio Uto rit the orflar .' l tho ' v i"eith 1 .1 i pre- . Uvurc 1 meat j 1 'jiuorvitlve 1iyftvi'.Vi IClllinas Odil Foltinvs Will Do tlm fair. Topxka, Kan.. Sept, " The c.xecu tlvo committee of tho grand lodge In dependent Order of Odd Fellows was in session hero perfecting arrnnge nionta for the visit of Kansas Odd I'd Iowa to tho world's fuir during Odd Follows' week, beginning September 25. It is now certain that S.IKM) Odd K. 'In us will do the fulr. 5.. K01tnr4.1l Hair irl-i t. '.M.tSA, Kai.. Sept 7.- 1. ninntion mils icttlve.l , esterdatr Ult the r -11- vs I roads in ti.j (V ertrti Tu&satiger as- (let I In C lloiittis Ivi-aity In llainllo Who .May tVlili In Iti't'lOcr. Cai.iiwki.U Kan., ScpL 7. Sttip talk Is about the only anhjucl of con versntlon here. Dan C. liiuorentt.v, n son of tho commission of the general land olllce, and Special Agent Poo, for locating the booths, loft hero yrsterday for Cameron, K hi wit nud lllggins, and thence back to Hennes sey. They have alreidy established the booths at Stillwater and Orlando. Mr. Pike and Mr. Cole, from the gen eral land onteo, are both here. The former will have charge of the booth at. Hennessey and the latter at Or lando. These gentlemen think they will have no trouble In registering 10,01(11 nt each lnoth within the al lotted time. The ofllccrs and sohlhis are cer tainly doing tlui. duty at this point, as they round up und bring out a few sooners and wagons going through the strip every day. and it looks almost certain that the strip will be entirely cleared by opening day. MMtiti:itn im'Mi;asixo. llniiilri'ilt or I'i,i!h at Klugfldirr Amilt In ff lite Optmlug. KiNonsiir.H, Ok , SopL 7. The rush of home-seekers from the south Is In creasing daily, nnd hundreds nre stop ding nt tills point to put their horses In better condition for the final chnsu. The latest arrivals at this point nro tho mounted men from leans, men that have spent the greater part of their lives in tho saddle. They pro known ns the most daring of riders ami nre superbly minuted for tho long, hard ride for n homo in the now country. The dust and extreme warm weather Is. proving very discomfiting to many, and there are deaths daily. A few days since there were seven deaths near Hennessey, anil immediately the report that cholera hid made its ap penrnnce was ilrculnted, but the lie.i it less eanar.l did not have the effect of frightening nny nwny or deter others from coining. ITinliylrl-lin Colony Kit Koine. Wiiiiita, Kan , Sept. 7. About fifty boomers from Denver camo in hero yesterday en route to tho strip in ad vanco of tho big colony of 500 Presby terians, coining from Colorado to lo cate In the new country. Chance tor Clilniuc Panama, Sept. 7 Tho legislature of British Uuiana offers a bounty Of $3.-i a head for 3,o:w Chinamen from the United States They are wanted to work under contract on a sugar l nutation nnd in tho gold nil ties. A IttinnNIi Hit I isl lit Clilnso. Ciiic.vnu, gpt 7.-I)r A. II. Wilson of OougliM, Jfti , fell from a cable car in tho UiSa'.Ii sfeet tunuel vea lerd.v after Utoon and was so ludly in jured that tne tile I at Alcxlnn ltroth- crs hospital mat evening. Patiil I'll-J nt r priiicllidd, Mo. Si'ttixnrtui.n, Mo., Sept ".The ex plosion of a gas dine stovo yesterday caused a lire which deattoyud the res idonce of I)r C Y. WrlghL und fatally burned Mrs. Wright and 11 1-year-old son. ' IIod'h JInctilHlHtl StrKte. Ni:w York, Sept. 7 -Tho 900 nm- 'clilnists in the employ of II. 1 1 on & Co., printing press manufacturers, struck yestorday against a 10 per cent en. a wages. . r . mmmm mLi f f 5 1 Jb if ? OUR. SI-IOEvS T and lhe HinnW Mittunv ta- lr.intf of liMttmr f Im iii)i!f (; Minsli'fi for toxrr. i ,h on tin- It't'l .ttiil cmirr fin tho ti... ,, iI.h-.h'i t.w, imll ..pi . -,- ti,.ih ilmiifli il u 1 s. 1- at i mt tiui.f Otn -1 . . I...1W uini t lilennant .is a .it.m.iii. n-.i 1 -hm u ir, imlr- ,,U M1, s and .u . i mir itrio't an rt -nif .mil mt 11 vuiltnk at nur sii.n.s, mi II wear iHHhl'ii t'lsi. r our fuirt. H (iKilUt'.lt w lun Mi - C 'Vrr t AUK r .. il 1 i-ai . I I.. I pi pieiisi . ,.i I !. . ., ' ,l.i, ..ull . I, -.. ElSENSCHWllDT & HETSC k FM-IF 109 HARRISON AVENUE, Everything in the DRUG LINI WALL 1JAFLH Prescriptions Filled Day or Night- flvtf'TKl.r.PHONK AT COST. A, G, IHXOh CONNHCTION.-Wi op'r. TJ 11 9 lenmona s Uuronod lilt Ut-T4 ItocKroau, ill., Hept "' "', n fin .1.. ' i..l 1 und then ntlempUiJ While lM 7 John Hart, ' ueir this tit, Mar- wd ctivelv, mil I IU-U 1 I the il ' . ' omrnfl t rwfci- .'r 104 1 ' Curt mi 1 mix ' -the ot tu Uu. count rv. Ill' -'! ' 10 lit) ,li .1- Jl. ' II 1 . i' ..! '.in .1 i' r ia .n.n. , ui . 1 i .inert, fiwaintt 1 . houlqurtur. to la in tr-.t-jtii', ot opr Mull ir um U r 1 1'.C to sl iv t sll . ml v' .1 (ti a wel.nt to . 't'i toe prusaiirs rs t'iro . hout tla j " n.ii 11 ort. i i-i hofvr, ' 1 't or ia j .1 i . 1 .jj TK-i j all -onsen ted to jr'raift. 1 "tr. APAMS '.dH CHpSEN. - -U-.: A Collector Is-liort CSS.S00. Jori.iN. Mo., Sept. 7. John W. Cal vin, city collector, has resigned under a cloud, his books hhnwinif a shortage the exact amount of which has not yet been determined. It will, how ever, be in excess of $S,.",00. No Miniliiy l'ulr Closlnj;. Chicago, So. t. :. Apparently Jiuljfe Oojfpin's order restraining Sunduy closing of the world's fair will stand to the end of tho exposition. Judg-e 3wlng to-day. atte. mtur delibera tion, declined to '.nter fere, YcU.rnii Miiilval Orlllo llaad. lloerox, Sopt. 7 John S. Dwijrht, tho veteran inusieal critic, dlel yee tor day, ogi'd years. TUB MAHKETS. Kiiiit-i l lly lr;il ii. I'rlcci were Quoted as follow uboikl. D2l,o No 3 li.rd Ijjl third het 1960';o relected Ii rt H'k.I7i' No 2 red wheat, bfUMc "i .up ilur .M.I r. It!.' Ill said thero woi A. It. in Canada, h.ll.lU l t Hrpulu" ! 1 1 " I n' .-st-.ind'n. ,. , .1 'id 1 ports. I.&.U. l .n. , tut year I 11. Ui- Tho commander four posts of tho O ono in the City of Mexico, ono In Hon olulu and he had received an application for one at Lima, in tho republic of Tern. During tho year just closed thero lma boon morn culls for relief than in yours past and the same was lihjrally given. The ofliciul reports show that fr!77, Sl.'i.ri? was disbursed by tho various noaU on the work. The Woman's Heltef corps had distributed for tle relief f comrudes, the families of do. tltute comrades and itie widows nnd orphans, f:8,8.'ti.87; amount turned over to post during Hie year, KM, 4U0. .tO; amount for tnetuorial dujr, M, i1iiW; makiny a total amount ox pende 1 for refiaf since orgiiiiuuulen at 6 m :,.'. oa. Tlu oorm had a tolol liieinbcrbliip of isr,830. su liioroiiso over last year of over 4.300. .1 1, it.. -i the roued wi . . these rods to Hlia for tn ...,..: Ute ir igatlo.1 eouveution Weptciu b rV- -. "I. cmr vol' v jrwliwa l Ja'. K 1 '.ban tin. Mo - isejft. 7 The St. flair county jttd ros 'vho aro 1" con tempt of lb- 1'nltau tftaiet cuart in 11 fusing to era. r a tax Ut.v to meot tin- liondd inrtbt. In,-sn of tho coun' v, tm ! in- 1. -.t tii, 1,. slne the tmtriioiug of their troubled oemg suti jccte.l to closi- confinement m jail. fttmutaader-l.ipCftUf ' (Irawl Army. 'A--tl" . . St ,'t 7. . Haling f vinif iWeme. i' 'i V I'-St'OTt manner v 1 iilof Mirn,. 1 1 uoininsti l Captain . I, O. H A'.i i-.i-. .w Mnssa'ii sets at 1- -i nandt 1 t cl.i -f .i; 1 0 nmi nter ' - --t of 1 1taiu;,'.ali;iy t'o-te w:m a 1,1 aHll Tifl OI ' Htllil'IH," '' .f 'i'iiid-o 'kroutrh uie r (ii ,, h.- 1. Second Hand Store. New Goods at 2nd Hand Pric t D Tl 1S-C Sec our Gasoline Stoves they can beat. Sold right DOWN LOW. pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bet. First and DWs'on, M& fnlajSifeiEwei "l-irU J ,r ,1 v " J ' "larj u'lfllt vo '. re J wtw.t.-lf'Mi- No 1 red wuo-t .ti ,-M ' I Conn Was Hrm anil at tttecloi' prk. j mivo fuliy Ic higher thsn jpct,nlv. Ollorin uo not l.r.'e and demand wan very brl-i'.: Ku- 1 rclpts of corn M ears, a year K'O Oi cur. Nu I i mixed corn sold ut 31c, N'u 3 mtxud, 11.4. 1 20' ir No 4 mlxoil, tao; notr-de. .:2io Nu '. htir. 31 jr. Nu. 3 wiille. 30,.aie. Xo 4 Hlnin, shlpcr paid MS36HC (or No urn 'lue Hem fhis quotation w.a HOinla-lly 87 '.c MU.Ustpr.' river. KANSAS CITY I.1U STOCK. KAMSAH Cr, Mo.. Sspt fl-iltle-Ite-celpu, 10,719 calves, .l.Sitf; hlppod yenterdiy. S.M) calvci IS8 Ta-in-rUot f jlrly -Otive und Me uly for koU steent und eows coailAO and Wo.torn hieirr wi-sli UuU and feeder. sti-oiu. culvvs steady-Texaa steer doll and 11 oak to We tower cows vreaU to lowsr. Iri-sc(i bror .mil siniinln steers to '04 75 tows umi licifir ti ra3' Texas and indtan btei rs rj'3iu Texa-. and Indian cows 11753. 10 i.i.d freders 8i3 50. mixed OX7i0. Iloui-ltHoeSpts. &; shlpiieij yotciy, Z.itt! The innrWuv for heavy tiij:i imn stoady 10 ktrcn. lulu, ucllve, btroii; ta 5j hlihor. 1'r.u - r.. .-nl from ?s ir, to5 8. In 1 li - i"is '-'J n'l'pii'.t . 1 I'.erjiy, H. t'rii. , .on f ."1 iioi.r tiui n iaa sjpr.n;. 'in 1 . : ni 1't ii-- o l' r. ill .ft. I.JJi lb, il' 0 a . ." 1 ' .' ,) tii extra dro.i 'i o ' '.' tiii 1 - .5 a 100 saddle. good to etr, T5 eJJ Southern mirtr and geldtn m, SS5 i7.'. Wi'.tir.i 0, unbrcken, ? VI We-ti-rn t 5 .Tt S'0111 Rci 1 '.- 1 r, y co el ipmcnts. 'T 0 tnar-'-t or cd sicp wa slron.' others tin- t!OJIlC'i SLAIN BY GH1NPSE. Tii eaty-four -leu Jtiincrml ly 1'lrut - Tiyo Ainurtiiiili Woiiihii I'uiiturril. Victoria, II. C Se;it. 7 Particulars of the set.ure of a -teutner andinas sere of the pnsseiipiTh and crew by l hiiiese pirates liuvo been received bv the steamship Ltupn-ssof China. The steamer was the prlvnts rrop. crty of tho Uitucso consul at i'onantr. Twenty-four men aboard were intir dcivd and fifteen seriously injured and f.0,0011 fell into the lunds qf Ute pirates A Mr. Alexander of Brooklyn Vas unto ii),' the Ul.lod. Two t'hineso and two American womon were carried off by the plratus. Kightoen passengers wlio oscaped tho murderous atiult of tho pirates over crowded cne of ilia ships boats and were Urjiw-cd. tt .Ul'C .icons pai."'.r "Attam-., iv o'lniJ't. halt. 1 '1 1-1 it Hi. . then withdrew i..l ilinsi. I .TRMlgt'AUTKUS rKt 111)1 olilwil! 8S I 9 19UI l.UOOi AND SPURS. ridlst-WL'Us vSADDLES FROM $2.50 UP. . by acclaui-tiori IntH A. VVsll.rr f fnilianitpolis. w ail See ti. .Mure 'sroc for Itio .1Iluc. .iKiTKnsoN' City, ilo., Sept. 7. Two liundrod nnd sixty niroes, nicii and women, passed through thi city yc tordtiy, en route from tho state of Alubann to Yale, Kan., whero it Is said thov arc to be put to work In the cottl mines in place of tho union striltors. Donvnr tiixl Itln lliunilo ISitru titR. Dkhyeh, Col , Sept 7. The oiiriiings of thu Denver and KloOrnndo railroad woro for August ,100,300, :i doorcase from the same period of lust year of Wat, TOO. The earnings .since .Inly 1 nro SMa, 191. a decrease ot &7S,M5 from Inst, year. ' then elected senitii' ,-. commaudir, I roenibt I and J. C. JUraer of Tts. was altcly ! Matnrh ue numb' K -IXik .III, Willt'k' Ysrtit Vloturliiiu.. LOMios, Kept. 7 The first pf o (our races for the international jfold pup given b the Hoyai Vlctoiin Yacht plub was bided to-day The oontei tants were tli.- I'nnce of Wales' yacht llritannu i""l t'i" Kavahoo. Tho lhltani.i,i w Cuuiiiose HAI II I Itzcl, jr . yesterday probably opra, "Ti OWi.. rlascSBBVai ilBBBBrt nil Trtr" Dead. Kept. 7. Adam nd composer, oicd mptkm. Itzcl wus wn by his roiuic rtr.r ' No Moro lliutikut Itttej. Ciiicaoo, SopU 7. Newspaper and hotel moil's p'rti' rtonrsloiis to tho world's, fair ura to be discontinued over tlie Westorn roads. That de cision wus arrived at by a meeting of Uia Northwestern committee yes terday. ' Cheap ltnlui lur Iho Him keyeii. Ciiiuaoo, Sejtt, 7. A rate of ono fnre for the round trip from nil points In Iowa to Chicago nnd rnr lias been uttthorUod by te Western I'ns seuger nssQciation for Iowa's oelebra In t the world's fair September 90 unilSl. l inioutivl lUnk Kobtjor Oiiui;lit. Ciiicaoo, Hept 7. Ono li V. Ward suspected to btf Kugonu Cr.iniskoy, one of llio ullcged robbers of the TawJcy bank ut I'oughkuopste, N. Y., is under arrost here. Tho bank wns plundered of 9S1.00J in government bonts. - Slany Convert, ltumnlnir AVork. Urns York. Sept 7. Noticci of ru qiunptlon in various parts of tho Bust orn and Middlo stntes uonUnuo to ooino In- Concerns omployiug 10,000 men liuvo given notice of resuming work within the noxt ton days. cd junior vice CQmmandur.wlVHuuVi v pOblllOIl. "-- .1.0. II. Adams, tho ngw command-ffin-chicf, was born In 18U. in 1861 tinllsU'd In Major Hen l'crloy l'oores' vl llo bnltalloti, which was llienucKu. of tlm Nlnotccnth Massachusetts regi ment. He was promoted to a captain for his valor lie participated in ovary battle of the army of the l'otomac, in which liis rctrimrnt was outraged At Frederick burg he saved tho colors from capture after eight onlor bearers lisd been killed, (le wus captured In I HO I nnd held prisoner for nine months He htt held bvrnl utJke of trust since the close of the vur, nm Is now s, rKcnt-at-arms ot Iho commonwealth lie has always boon netive In the work of the (i A. ii, and hnb been a delegate to the last twelve national encampment. Major William McICinloy. jr. spoke to a gathering of 3,'itW enthusiastic U, A. H. men at Armstrong park. ' I'litti ittlC. J you get our pi, '- l.;g C(ill.ii. SAUNDER5 A. P. o mm S: . i. CAPITAL i.'it BE?DLP'S A full line of Ijooki?. Siatrn. Su. pKt-s ' BLJDCK. News, OflScr im ys on nana. H. A. LiOYLE, Stutui of tlm Xiulivllla Htrllcc, Louisvili.k, Ky., Sopt. 7. Tho strike of tho shop-men of tho Louis vlllo and Nashville road continues with luit litt'e change In the situaf on. "the shops remain closed and the men keep uway from them. Mnn.-ieliiuiitlt l'rolilbltl(iilkt4. WoitCKSTKit, Mass., Sept. 7 The st.-iln nrohibiliun cunvcnliun assomblod cre yesterday. The following ticket I was nominated by acclamation: I l.icutciiaiit irovcrnor, u i. siiiuiii; secretary of state. Stiniuol IS. Shap leigh; treasurer. Wllljort II. Vurnlinin. jr. ; niiditnr, Alfred II. Kvaus; attorney general. Itobert !'. Haymoiid, LOOK HERE I ii iiiissiii iisi i i " " lAmH ere to Tin. St. I.oilU Ki'iuilillo t'CH'. The "twico-a-weeH" SV Louis, Uo public will Up sAVit free for ono year to uay porban sonding a club of four new yearly subscribers, with four dallurs to pay for tho saino. Tho llep;iblic goes evory whoro and Is the most pop ulnr paper published hi Amorica. Its rcadors got tho news half u week earlier than It can bo had from any weekly, while its lltoiary, agricul tural und other departments arc un surpassed. It tills tho wants of every member of tho family, and should be read In every household. You con get four iihiv suheuribcrlbors for It by a I a few minutes' effort Try It at once and sec how easily it can uo uone. ii you wish a package of samplo copies write for Uiem Cut out tills adver tisement atii Knd with your order. Aiders 'l' U i'ul'1 '. st Louis, Mo. rtr TtTTttr ' I If vou ure In wautof the Celebrated Clncinnntl Safe, Fire or or Fire and llurglar I'roof; t , If you are In want of the Celebrated American Helpmate. lie Homo Sewing Machine; If you are In want of Jlloyeies nu x ncyeies. sueii u . m . i a until mi' i nu i triiii mi i-iiiiiiiix. i in Klntr oi aeoreiiwrs, uic"".".i -, ...- ...--....., .- Wurwlek, tho ltgwl Kin. V,e, Te,!err,n," Ul 9Vkc, tl Traveler, tho 2iaw Mail and the Iload Queon llioycles, at i retail coino und get my prices, at 100 li Oklahoma live., tin E. H. KNAUSS, Stay; 1., ar. lVol ' , It i ' .1 , v tfj i i ' e'tii in . .VrTf 1I iger . -' t The Enerlish Eitehitf- THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE OF THE BEST in the CITS Rates $1.25 Per D?v. Board Reasop i is e v T - n U j - ropnST ft-ai, i uclt tsr IT ' - m . ' cry at V n. rst riass 1 very ba; riif t j. 1, :i .- i)8, r. the it KESSJwSMtSSK.?..- 'VlJVt- tf'tt w ftnd IJf., KtJUt.Y r.rjti. m. aiq Tjjjt.fsJ pf. Ttt I