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iwinl Jin r m ft 3!, M T tnkli-t & " 'Hrf H 1 $li& tf I "'"J-" IJWTGRCn AT THE lOllT'OFr?cK AT GrTHHir, OK., A SFCOMt-CtA M OTBC T-..,-f.,t. -tjTT---J...J1THT-Mr-in p,,, inn imwftlTI VOL. 1. 'irrn r or l'cncTioit II ii" Av . .- : ; ; - "TWIUBIinW 1M jJjJrMUM III WW! SWIM ! IM. I " II I 1 a OKLAHOMA, TUK.SDAf MOUNLNO, HKlTittMSKR 12, 1H03. ' 12 jm wi wiw "' ''; 'y""1- ""'' iiiJwwTW!lwi UBy!'1111111111""' niiwwwCTriiimMW urn miwwwao . i ,,,, , , i n n iimumbul iuwy wnmtu wi w, ., ,. ,J ri ciUTirnno, THOUSANDS IN LINE. Tha Great Rush for the Registration Booths Bsginc MANY STRIPPERS FILE, Yast Crowds of Prospective Solders De clare Their Right to Uncle Sam's Domain. EXCITING HEWS FROM BORDER TOWNS HFTYWACON LOADS OFSOON ERS ARRESTED. t FEARS OF WATER FAMINE ALLAYED. fi'ii IlrliiR KeRliiterril lit I In- ltnt of Ono Hundred mill l'lfly 1111 llniir AnuiMiis ' liirlilenli-t'rinuN nf People Louie (Inllnle lnr OrWinlii-A I'm 1'iiliitt Alum! tlm Slrlp. the number Of colored men ;mtl Humcn thnt nre npplvlng for eertilicntes So fur It has Iwon estimated nnu third nre colored, till inloiH upon polling a clntm or town lot, and n'l patiently awaiting their turn! Tltc registration ienot progressing an rapidly ns the iltlNioni throng desires. '1 here wore :i number of gentlemen watching mi I timing the registration nt different tiines anil the hlh-st estimate I hoard g'voti for n day's work was two thou sand, which, with the live days and a half allowed for that purpose, would ner. hits tli courage to nemanu everv right KUniftnlml l '" ,,v 'aw. When asked how she nttstetl the niclit tdie laughing! r i-eplted, "Oh. reading the stars, and tho hnloof ouch pointed to a quarter suction of land teeming with milk nml honey or n corner lot embellished with n massive bloek or marble, and they were nil to l.ctnllio." lint coffee, aaiidwlehwnid I. o Water are p-ssad ahnr the entire line every hour of the night and day. Scores of teams are hnulL.g wntr froni the springs ami river and foml from the city for tho u e of the camp ers and stock Tiiero Is no diminu tion in the supply of water, feed or camping supplies. I'uhmci Uullairher vntion ov-ine siti"-ii. st 500 booui' Tho initial move towards un taring tho lund of Canaan, Iciiown as the ('horokeo strip, lias been inudo The rush has begun and now all is pntli and excitement. Yesterday morning tho booths for registration wure thrown open and at each point wero I.OXO UN'KM or fiKTTI.IIKN waiting to' 'declare tliuir intentions." Tho lines from the booths extonded far out over the barren prairies. And those lines were increased and aug mented throughout the day. At each booth around the Btrip at the points of j plnco the number to be granted this nays th it he will emp'o-. clerks privilege at eleven lliousnnl at tiiu present rut c. His to bo liopod however, that some steps will bo taken to tic commodale all who apply, und we have every reason to believe' that mi h will be the ease. The lines beau to form last night at S o'clock, with fom young Indies in tho load. Two of them were frotti Kansas and tho other two from Ohio: the latter two being ucco'tii '''eJ ' an old veteran who had nearly r ,ich' .1 tho allotted term of tliret :.or, and ten. lty 10 o'clock the lines numbered TOO and Uopt Increasing dur ing the night until this morning, when tiiero were nt least 1,200 in line. They formed three lines from each booth, one extending west, the other two oast, each about one-eighth of a milo long. There was not much sleeping Inir in tho linos during the night, neither was there any sleep to be rad in tho tenia adjoining, as the howling, screeching und Ringing throghoiil the night was enough to awaken 'he dead at .loruMilciit. There was considerable demand dur ing tho night for refreshments, and tho hawkers of various edibles did quite a thriving business. Hut the most mysterious personage about tills booth, nml probably at all the others, seemed to bo ".too.'' wl.o if It requires thai number to register ail applicants nciorc noun oi me mm hist. It can be stated upon '.lie authority of C. II. Strohen, the trim dispatcher for tho Santi l'e rallrotd in this city, Miat the regular passenger and freight trains will be run on schedule time to and 'through the Cherokee Strip on Saturday, tho Intli iust.. the day of the opening of the Outlet to settlement. T 1 1 is re era froinl t- i .;tv nUAiuilic3, in 'J'oxas, fir turning their t,r"s home ward. Vnrly nil these mf own loo acres of landtjsh in tU-fona Star state and found upon reaching the threshold of the stiin tliat they are not entitled to land in the new coun try. It would bo well for intending settlors to "rend up" before tfiey leave home. A girl Willi short hnir, painted face and a smirk on her face, was among t'uo fiist in line at Orlando yesterday. Mho curiied her canteen ami looked tongh. All roads lead to the booths. The Santa Fe depot was crowed yes tcrdu with prospective settlers who interrogated one another "regarding the f.trip. . All tho hotels nre crowded. KILLED FOR MOffiUT; in at I trlli roil HIO JANKIRO. Itoifllnlluu In MRS. JANE VVRICIIT MURDERBD AT KAN8AS CITY. TOE PBBPEfH-TQRU ARRESTED. ilolm ClnrU, n Iterfintlj- HpIp,hI U.oi- mix Oituvlrl. Iinil llnrfv .Inn,., u KniKin Ully Ctmk. tliilvr Arrnt lor i lie Crlinii Clnrk II nn- fCKRtl nml Iniiilliules loiic4 Other (rlmlnnl. :rrv, ai., .lane Wriglit, pisjJWtetor of Madame Wright's employment ngener in this elty, was found dead in her oflb e in the Hull building Saturday evening She hud been foully murdered and the here as lioing somewhat renssurinir. deed was eommltUd within hi'itr'ni"-f, though the fact is not lost siirht of I Inn linlhi'iit. liOsmiN. Sept. 11. An ofUrfnl ilto pateh has lieen received at tit llritlsh legation here wh'oh seems to throw light upon-thc situation alTalrs in tho distill hod republic The message ro; fen oil to sa,v that Ilio dc .laneiro Is in a Miuio oi perfect tranquility, niarniiw lnr renorta to the eontrarv i with' I Rtuiul ii,-. l'h streets, It Is added, wear then- n.nal aspect: the theaters am open and matters are running .llolltf lis 'I'lie ottici il inessaTi' adds that the llia.'ilian goet tnneni N strong, has the (iintideiu'e of the m ij.irily of the people and tli it it is aide to roprevs anil will repre it all rcvi 4 There is a significant iding to this uiciisure, lioueei, ami tL.itis that it is admilU'd that the insm gents hav ntteuw"W"J t.i s-i,.er . ill'idlnga at Various pdn's out they were re fused, and, it is said, a pear to be thoroughly disheartened and likely to surrender nt any moment. 1 his official message Is reirnrded tlovornor Swln.'ford was busy at the seemed to be every whore nt the same land office yesterday afternoon c.v time, nnd yet was not once seen by the writer; and the strongest part of tho whole si'.Vair was Uinl every one in the cnti:e lino w::( trying to lo'l .bc whore hih mnlcs could be found, l.ut they wme ev deully playing horse with .loe, for ho had not found his mulo this morning when legislration plaining strip matters lo ougor iiuos tioueru. Sooner will be tarred nnd feathered nt Kllilare. MR. TELLER O.N THE PRESS. The entrance managed which uroioHriUh mc of the register! ildifliiatjvere stationed, wlio Tiucli anv disturbances I'-AvMnv - .. !rrr immediate vicinity laces. Kor the inostjttart the lines were or derly, and hdSlvil not bee fo-lh" Uramalure Jrf. moi. u bit of tiuplcafttBar" would have occurred at imSAiu oilicurft ut the various bootmio vory proficient in their w-orSKsflfhe day advanced and tho scrp 'ntinojihiwjijf prospective set tlors were Ttfmi ing. "Strippers" were admitted Jnto' booths U A.t A timi:, and n dignified sentinel in United Slates uniform, qoeupiod a position npar one ( booth tp sue that not more (hun sjx men registered at one Jts calculated lat npt loss than JO.000 BIHll'I'i'... wore lined up in front of tho ninny booths around the strip during Mini. lllij'i At Orlando there were not loss than 5.000; at Arkansas City 15,000; Still water n,000; Hennessey i.00-i; Caldwell 10,0' d; lvi'owa 8.000; at other booths the crowds were estimated at from 8,000 to 10,000. At Orlando yesterday morning 150 registrations wore made eory hour during the afternoon nnd toward night the number of men turned away i dadied over 175 per hour. 1'ullowing aro tho OKI'lt'KllS IN T1IK UOOTIIS: At Orlando .lames Cole, olllcer in charge; Jacobus S. Jones, W. V. O'Oon qgliu David I.ascallett, llichard .ewls, Christojiher Mnller. Yesterday's Santa Fp trains carrlid pyer 1,500 peoplu from this eily to Or- Japtjo, Ijesldes eight baggage cars jpaded with luggage, Juncli stands, law ojllcca and rip raps. Several stocks of merchandise wero alsocanlcd up by the through and local freight .-trains. All this is but n faint indioa lion of the army of homescoktrs that will toon surge around tho thresh hold of the promised land. This pre liminary rush for booths will continue until Sulurduy, when at 12 o'uloek llio grandest, most exciting "run homes" known in the history of man will take place. tiii: oki.aniio 1'i'iiuilin to the begun, and sorry the Tin: only 1 could not help but fed for the poor fellow, enormous irculuti- n hKADKi! 1ms, if doe would come ' to Tin: I-kahkk oBice I ulor ill" ii ilm- fmirp Antl-.SIUcr 1'iipem 1 1m Home. Wahiinoion, Sept. 11. When tho With Be,lnto ,net' Saturday the resolution of- ,j , ifered by Mr. 1'eiTer of Kansas, calling lor inioruinuou wii.'iuur ine uiiiiouui banks in Philadelphia, Nqw York or ISoston had mainluined their law ful resei 'o anil wftf(vr n.e in currency, 'i. I'eJPer lid tint the 1 inks had Ufen iinr- thousands of people, as her olh . . we:o in the heart of tho city nnd was killed when most poople are 'on the street about 5 p in. W hen found by the janitor of t-ie building she was lying iqi.ii tho lloor wit' her hands und fe.q tied togeth ..' .1 her face presented a hor rible s.c '.it as she had boon struck several bbWB whieh il Isfigurc d her in a terrible miuiuor. She ha I evidently, been strangled to death ns tlrgcr marks were plainly noticeable upon her throat, It ves dillleult to obtain a clue to the perpetrator of the crime, nuduutil josterday there Is iiotlii.i; to indieato wlio was the actually giu'ty pirty or artles. Her sou, .lolm 1'ioisy. by hur first luisbniiu, nnd Albert l.uii'-k, who had been in their employ for sometime, wero nrrestel on mi pieion, but were subsequently roleasul. there being not enough evideme against them to warrant the opinion tli ittney were connected with the crime. Tiiero seems little doubt now that too real nerpeiraiors oi in, muin inai ii is an "onicinr ooinmuulcnl'. n from the llritish government, nnd therefore likely to depict the situation in the most favorable colors. On the other hand, the message sent bv the I'pltcd States minister, Mr. Thomas I,. Thompson, slating thnt there is dnnger of bombarding llio de Janeiro, is looked upon as being the most trustworthy statement of the state of affairs existing there. KANSAS AT -IHB FAIR. ' li Mute! nml ii Territory Mill Set lorth '1 Ii til r (InhiM. I'liicvoo.Sept. II - llogiiiniiig to da. tho KniiMUis Will bo hero for a week, and Ihev will have as companions the people of Vermont, Marylnml, Michi gan, Ohio, Volorndo, Hie shoe and leather men. tho army of railroad employes, tho New Mexican citizens ana the silvorite- -ii the West Tho veterans will ah, " 'nto w itii the 1'epublic of Costl o Koeley in stitute graduates, go llio amateur athletic union. "J states and ter ritories celebrate iB wool; will lCr r l ' "s "HINr: ClflSS- Y ! ' -tfE Tile whole world N ufi.i inn sIumm, nnd pietty much eervbody in tov i siloes, too. Nun ei.nlili, , , Intn niiMhllig better, either. Ill the lino O because tbi w, n uo, , n un , ,. jj,,h,Jly wnuts a poornr I conies to f.Hilw. ii. . A bi.l s ,, i,es n i,.,,,!,.,- ,Kit, nml tondi'r sit . i touched iRhlly. If Mill want to to. i,h . mi po.Ket iMH.k lihtl. nml th ih a tender pot noA-a-iiMx. cuiiio iii a fin sho,.... v,, , ,,, ,., , , autiiinii MMir for lioiu or mil of iIoom, buslines oi pli uie Eisenschmidt & Hettch, I1H WKST OKLAHOMA lio represented ur their governors, aro now under arrest i n I Unit their ! The exposition managers expect this I ' and insert it few lines in It-? olnm he would i-robabiy re over til it iuu!c j hud paid thslr check diUmut-BvcblAsrot MSMNIl TliA WA "ttmwdMfc nor Mti. i. ... t, i.a ..;.. 1. Il..,m truwu. D.u . v.. j, ... I fitted by the o.veontlve otlieers of the sol vos with at the hard'hl. they aie ,..,,,..,., ,,.,,,, vloi...., the law i . .- .:'. . .: object in killing Hie w was for money. Yesterday a'teinoon the poll.'c nrrosted one Jol n',,. wW wus released from the Kan-, . peni tential' September .1. ill lev i iiig a 11 vo years' sent enoe for bur-fl iry. and he has confessed his) ai t'eiput. u in the murder, in tho actual work of nhieli he oluiins to have liad no hai .1, how ever. The other, Harry Join- a cook wlio lives with his l'c ul 1 IS Independence avdime, domes connec tion with the eiiino. '1 hoiv1 is no doubt, however, that the real murder ers have be,en captuied. week's attendance wld oxeocd that of last week, whieh was l.M'.i.Qmi, the banner-bearing record for the season. The attendance for the wholu month of May was ,mly l,o;.0,0j". Tho emergency r , -A Saturday received 13) eases for iUment, hut only ono was serious, Unit of un oinployo at the Murine cafe, who tu ' ''illy jammed his beau through a swinging glass door. Tlio paid admissions at the world's fair yesterday was 31,83;.. HiintHH II. Uteri to Vltlt tho l'ulr. KN'SA Citt, Mo., Popt 11. A A liLllo Swiss waLeh. with chased ttoltl aw. which UaLbeloaired to tho spelal8aiitn Je train wIUi S15 mem undergoing. Thore have boon a num borof business houses a nd Industrie of various kinds estnM. .!'.! here. f)ne liiindry, two barber shi ps, ono feed store, one tobacco i iurv, one doctor. Lawyers and rtiu-nU too numer ous to mention- .!. seem to b doln a thriving bit .'. ''. There is one tiling more that ailglit be mentioqed, wliile the-e i . nit much complaint water is not a plentiful near the booth as it was during the voyago of our nue'eat 'i ':id parent. Mr. Xnuh, It sells 'e iv rod, one dollar per ' nrrel nnd llfly unts per barrel at tho spring Occasionally a stripper can be seen to walk out over the 100-foot strip as far as the danger line, shu lo his eye wl li liis hand, look longingly out oier the promised land, and returns apparently well tatifclied I am afraid a groat many of them will bo like our illustri ous ancestor, Mr .Moses, will have to content themselves with looking. dead imaa. led to Wdirn t unravel- I berSftl the Kii, UMtorlsf asswia ingof the crime It had icon con-! t'on, V- Aind from 'iopek to the s tacitly worn by her It bad been ' world-, fair, will leave this elVy to- Wliat thu ItiiunirrH Want I'lnnt. OlI.AXl)0 IlooTll, Sept. 11, 1SW. Special to the luidur. From all that I have spen 1 should judge that there aro more people here, to ttp square inch at proscpt, wanting something, and wanting it badly.than unywheio in the United States. Somp fount to eat. soipo wnnt water, somp whisky, somp want to register, a few want claims und there aro possibly a few wanting town loUi of the latter, there are probably not not more than twonty thousand at tills booth. Thero uro ot ptesont probably twelve hun dred in line wuiting to comply with the requirements of thu proclamation, and it is quite uu interesting crowd. There aro old women and young women, comely ones and homely ones, old men and young ones, rioli and poor. A prominent, fcaturo of this booth is I'roiii the North Mil. Akkansas Citv, Kan., SepL 11. Since yesterday morning thero Iiub been a continual string of covered wagons arriving hero and going Into camp in Uivorviow, Harmo'i and Lin coln parks along the Walnut and Ar kansas rivers. In addition to these at ieiKt 500 arrived on horseback, and possibly 1,000 over the Santa l'e and Missouri Pacific and 'Frisco railroads. Conservative estimates place the num ber of arrivals yestordny by the differ ent avenues at 3,000 people, making in tho aggregate about 12,000 homo seekers In tho immediate vicinity of Arkansas City. The largo number of arrivals is at tributed to the facts that the registra tion booths would opened this morning. Uooth Xo. tl, under the charge of Colonel V J. (iallagher and a score of expert clerks, bVlocnlo.l a half mile east of the Santa Fe railroad and four miles south of this city. The man to take his place in the then inaglnary line was John ii. Cameron, a real es tate agent, who resides in Kansas Citv. li wa,s born in liiirliugtou, Iowa, 30 years ago, but has been q resident of Kansas City (or twenty years. Ho tpoU li position Saturday evening at (1 o'clock No. S is J. It. Soav, of this city, a nephew; of tiov ornor Seay, of; No. 3 Is J. It. Anderson, of 1531 McUuo street, Kansas City, Mo.; .No. 1 is J- C Colum bia, of Arkansas City. Kan-, n nun who has bJon waiting here for this opportunity to goi a uomu on me strip for two years; Xo. f is Frank Howard, of lloston, tyis. Tins line at 0 o'clock Inst evening wu a.oro than a half mile in length and numbered between 80S and '."m persons, who roprosont all shades, nationalities, conditions and sexes. The young man who has just passed and tho purpose of his resolution was to know why tbt' was being done, The debate cocmuml on the motion of Mr. Mcl'hetsoi. of New Jersev to rpfer the rosoluLc a to, th5 fliinnte committee until ' o'clock when t.n repeal bdl was L.i.l b.'fore the and the resolut-on went over until Monday. Mr. Teller of Colorado was . ecog ulxetl ns having the lloqr qn the repeal bill, but before lie began his speech Mr. Stpwart questioned the proseucQ pt a quorum and the roll was called, Forty-three to their names and Mr. Teller proceeded to address tho senate in opposition to the repeal of tho Sherman net Tho llrst hour was devoted to a denunciation of ' the press f..r attempting to coerce tho senate into passing tho repeal bill. He said there wer.i no longer great newspapers which directed public sen timent; they wero now run as a man ufacturing industry, to inuke.inoucy. r t grhu IIoihg'. fteislim Very ISrlnf. Wamiiixotox, SopL-lL Whun the house mot Saturday objection was made to the consideration 'of a resolution proposed by Mr. Miokeljohn of Nebraska calling for information as to tho administration of the pension net of iMio. Mr. l'aynter, from the committee on elections, submitted a report permitting Kopresentative llelknap Of tho Fifth .Michigan dis trict to make a contest for the seat hold by Mr, Uiohardson and giving him sixty days iq wliieh to take testi mony Then tho house adjourned to Monday. CORN CROP IS IMPAIRED. 'stolen from her Aod.v by the inuider crs. It had foil lo the share oi Clark. Within two hours after llio crime, Clark, unstrung nnd excited, sum moned an acquaintance and iriond of a week, Charles Cheek, a b irtender. ' To him he showed his moncv, then ,iulled out the waKli ' I've a mind to l ,nw it away," said Clark. Why ' ssked hK friend. 'Well I've a iruai! -" saic t lar, ' that's what l'l' 'do I'll t' row it uwny. No," sudreuly vha:h mg his mind. "here, von 'uke it and keen it." Had he kopt Ins nrst rcait'lon re- Lonoi n ' iiansiers unci Wie strongest garding the little gold iliniipicie the brokers .hat the pinouued pol -jv of murder or Mute Wright might still be tins goMrnment win result mueu morro evening at 7:10 o'clock for t'hieaitJL Knsllili riiiaticlem thieiisy. Xkw Yoisk, SopL 11. Private ad vices from reliable sources in inner linaucial circle i are that iquoh un easiness is being felt in London over the emphatic piliey of the present ad ministration eomeruing tlio repeal of the hherinnn not. The largo majority i ir it-s repeal in the house und the pro pi etiv majority ill tho senate orfa' oned this srjdden uneasi ness. 1' is v'Ueved bv the ablest a mystery. Hut the watch wus pnsssd to Clieek. A little scroll upon the front or the ease bore the initials !. W." And when Clieek read of Jan Wright's murder yosterday morning it flashed upon hltn that he had in his keeping thu watch of the dead woman and that lie, probably ah n , knew tire identity of her murderer The police wero notified A son of Mine. Wright nud her uoman book keeper identified the watch at a glance.- The watch had a broken crystal nnd the hands had stopped ut one minute before 0 o'clock. The timepiece hud doubtless been out of the way a fow minu.os,- for Mine. Wright's book keeper, lust of her friends to see her nllvo. did not leave the ofiicj until, after ft o'clock on the night of thq piurder. When shown the watch Froisy at oj;eo identitled it as having belonged to his mother. He had not pot bed its disappearance the night before, else tlio motive of the crime would have been nt once apparent. Ltint night tiark confessed that lie had had a hand in the murder, but that Harry Jones was the principal, it was Jones who knew of the woman uinl her, hoarded wealth. It was Jomj who planned the robbery. jUpoPSlfe Madame WrJghfe- oflleo on Ninth street the two men stood Saturday until thoy saw Miss Williams leave the olUce at 0:i'5. Then Jones went up and soon nppeure 1 at' the window, the signal for Clark to join him. As Clark rem lied the door Jones was beating and choking the prostrate lanrvr ijinortntions of irold iuu. .' h United States than had been estimated. The four exists that tho present poliev of the administration will force for eign nations to promptly join in an international agreement on silver. v. U. ml 109 HARRISON AVENUE, in the DRUG LINE. Everything WALL PAPER Proscripiions Filled Day or llighl. ftsrTKI.KIMlONl-; AT GUST, A. C. HIXON, lopr. Rieiimond's r-yr O- second Hand Store, New Goofts bt 2'M-Hand Prices. Sec our Gasoline Stoves they can't be beat. Sold right DOWN LOW. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. . Oklahoma Ave. bet: First u,., Division. G B " ,- H 8 S Bll Kiel 1 A OP QiH AT 111. V u M rvii on : Hfr i 110 uC1 IXJl .is Jroli woman. I nev senriliocl ner lioilv for September report of , tj,e nioney together, it was Jones ten years, (my ! who found it and Jones ho tied her taken from his nncket Then they I ed A I'iiII of Jloni lliini Ton I'olut In Con llltlun blin-n n .Monti, Ago. W.siiiNOTo.,Sept. 11. Tho Septem ber crop roport of. tlio department of agriculture shows a decline of over ten points in thu condition of corn t j 70.7 from ts7 in the month -of August and t3 3 in July. The chf.nyu is marked In nearly all of tho surplus corn state. The present condition Is r7 in Indiana, 01 In Ullno.s, txi in Iown. 2 in Missouri, 7S in 1 Camas and 71 in Xebraska. In comparison witli the the nust uire. were lower, .o j in inm, iinas ami feet Willi cor 7iS m ls7 and 7tt tl in lssft In the ! same uior.tli in lS'ri the ciiidltion was j 7t. (I, or nearly three points higher than the preseui month. Iheto bus been general decline in condition throughout tho country which has been caused by the widely prevailing drought. Tho condition of uhoat, considering both winter and spr ng, when harvest ed was 71 against 5 3 in Irttt. Tho i; average is tho lovcst since !-S5 wlion it was 75. The reported coudiiious for the principal wheat growing states, aro; I ml in mi a$. Illinois 00, Wisconsin 80, Minnesota i'.". J own 83, Missouri ill, Kansas f-i, Nebraska RS. The ic has boon a further doeliuu in the condition of oats during tho past mouth the general average stnudiug Co:iKi-i' ut IIiiIIkUi.ik. Cuk aoo. Sept 11 All the irrout re ligions of tho world and of Christen dom, all shades of religious belief will bo represented and exploited in tho coming wsoks lu tha hospitable halls of the art rulnco Ttiis religious oosinos combines many congresses and ineludeH tho great unrliamunt of relic '.ons wliieh opens, its sessions lu day and continueN fur scviUiMeo days VTlie purliument is, of ogitjr$ii the rutin fenturo o tU" series. Its oujgot, lit the iauiruaire of Mr. nonrtuy, win be considered chief patlHal tho ooamlo church, and who sneaks ox-cathedra, is to getlmr tho world's roliglons in an ussoiiibly "lu which their common aims and common grounds mny bo set forth." Strip Supplies, SAIDL m i rjavr Pi MS af-: Et&mr? r ess, rae SBEtWRS. ips -M $2.50 UP. : See out MartmiOth Stock. lJ..i. 'm, inetnber 'lie number, in, Harrison a.. s iU "ti. A. P. 1.JSa- '& CAPITAL CITY BOOK STOlk, E us in an - , his majority and the oetognanaj.jjro,i jst i 'i.igainat 7d.3 in August. InSoi) thero. The capitalist and tho trMafgitiiuer l'.i,', it wns7S.ll. Tho condl are once more on a coininou lcvoJK'nii of rice is b2, barley 83.8 against ,1... nf. fur ti-oultli- Anionif then ber who have staked their lit ilth a4 comforts or nomo lor u enanee io mm, a slice of the last pieco of publi. (VH main Is Miss Olive Hunt, a lueny 1 tlo milliner of this city, wh although modest und rotirlnir in ma PtAui iiL'ust Tho returns of the faejojn in or lonaeeo on eplenloer i Xuvorab o than liiose ci Au f taivMng at I'i-i-ondlt'on of potatoes is 71.8, a of over II points slneo the Au- port- vacant lot near the jan divided the booty tills) and the tell-tale gold watch After Claik'sconfessior Harry Jones was soon befora the chief a smooth faced man of medium height and build, neatly dressed in durl. c Mil ami vest and liL'lit trousers. He has blaelc hair aud u rather open, intelligent KniiiiK lloinnrriitle Noniliiiitliiiin Oi.ay Ckntkii, Ivan., &opt 11. Tho Clay coui'ty Democratic oouvention unit hero Saturday and nominated tho following ticket: SlierliT, A. S. Wil son: treasurer, Joseph Itrailbury; o orlt, James C'olTeraUn register, (leorgo Ciiinmluga; surveyor, T. K. Housey: coroner. Dr. IX C. Tylers com mUsioner.l'irst ilbitviet. Martin llubb. A.ntiionv, Unti-, Sept. 11. Tho Democrats of Harper county mot in convention Saturday and nominated tho following tieket- Sherlli. W. it. (raves; treasurer, George W. I ro welheounlr clork, J. C WikolT; rogis- titr nf iloe.lfc 1 I,. llAlilier: onrruim. illlil ill a I A Trimlile; iiiirvuvor. l'.ltnr Ifi.Bilr -BEADLE'S BLOCK.- for commissioner of the third dlstriot, Lewis Wuiton. A l.tiurreiirv 3111 Carrier Arrotloit. , wi,hSK, Kan, Sept- 11. Satur day night George W. tiros, tho colored mail carrier on route o. '', was ar rested by Potto fitee Inspoctor Coulirnu nnd Williams of St- Louis and taken face. Ue is ;8 years old. lie was lo -j'opoka and lodged in jsil charged uiuurinj,' uiHii-i (jreavrwiwiiiBn, "i wllli stealing regutoreii lotton, aim too, was questioned, uuv u uetuou i packages from the llillll knowledge of the crluie or more thiiu (i passing aoqunilltuiice witli Chirk, if Jlr.l- I). l.illum of St. .Imepli Ilruivne.l. nny aequalntnuee at ail. I liere U no doubt, however, that Jones is guilty. "exit IK MlMl&fte t ffli.Mki' "HbHk Itoll.i lliiiulltii Dki.TA, Col., Sopt 11. I. II Condeo, shcritT of l'at kor county, Oroguu, or rivod hero yesterday afternoon and positively identified the two dead bank robbers us Fred and Tom Mo Carthy and the escaped robbor as Hilly McCarthy. Mr. Condeo is well acquainted with tho M Carthys, bav ins' to face a revolver in the bunds of J Tom McCarthy ouce. Hi. JosRl'll. Mo., Soot 11 The body of Mr. U 1). Davidson, pro prlotor of the drug storo in tho Tootle Theater building, who was drowned Saturday night in Lake Contrary, was recovered vestorday afternoon after u soorelnof nearly twenty hours f.iloiHl lliiflu- Toi-KKA. Kan. Sept. 11. The ver dict In the Hughes court martial case is fflven out U'-tlaj i no go ni" conours in the findiug uf tho military court and Colonel Ungues lias oee J.lshoHOrubly disml&scil A full lino of Books. Stationary, News, Oftice and Self Supplies always on hand. H.A. BOYLE, Pro ,.ietor. lookbereT""' 1 mil I himiiiii sewiMf ihti aw I Am Her to Stay ? If you are In want of tl.c Celebrated Cincinnati Safe, I-ire or Kira and Hurglar 1'roof; If you aro in want of the Celebrated American Helpm it-. Homo dewing .iiacuine; If von are in want of Hicycle. ami Trhyclcs. such as i. . King of Sooivhers. the l-'OHdor. th- Oriel, tl. hu ,,. Warwick, the Koad King, llio Weriiin. t' 1 'l ;" WtaJfS"Wi2;'..' E. H. KNAU'SS, .. i iflar 1 -i 1 i Hoi a. V d I hi ; enti ni i OlUl ul, 11 oleale I i rie, i :. i i i Manager. seMMeaeHMi' inline; ul The English KItetie.HL THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE OF THE BEST ill the CITY. .Rates $1.25 Per Dw. Board fe38onf' it i 13 R. P"l 11 -rrr- r mm. ' vi; mmmfmm0mmmmwwom: d r n g or '"fiwifffn-n! lil Ats Easf ijMffii - "MIBS iJ7oruo.iufu2jni 'iitirf, Jbi .. i-! Vkiikt iliiiii'r iii J . L'i M.irflfUUUUCUnw