Newspaper Page Text
(Btotntrt 1 CtlOC. Orncm ov 1'ontcCATipin Uakrimh Amuro n m in iwaM ii i ma ,, tH-tBKr.D AT TUB PoST-OFFICK AT GUTUXIS, OK., AS SeCONB-CLASS MaTTBF. J! ' M l !! "; I ii?J I.S. a iiwfcrtmii .SErTEMBtiU l'l, 1803. NO. 2i: VOL. 1. GUTHKEE, OKLxYHOMA, WEDNESDAY1 MORN1N0 31 ' klm it d n A4 IIII'BUWIWWMWHI-.HHUHWJWWWI t SWELTERING MOBS. They are Swarming Aboui the Yarlons Stilp Booths. SECOND DAY'S REGISTER. Forces at the Various Booth Points Being Redoubled Clock Work Registration. FEMALE BOOMERS IN THE PUSH, FAIRY DAMSELS GET THERE WITH BOTH FEET. TRAINS WILL ENTER THE STRIP. Onlv TIiiiho HulilliiK CcrtlllciitoH I'rom the (Imrriiiiient ltoulliH to Imi Alio" nl to llnl.T Cur-x I'riiiu AluiiRthe Strip I. Inn. The second tlnyl Tliousnnds of.,ajvelterliig boomers in lino uniting to register. Hundreds of peojdo left Guthrie yes terday for Orlnndo and the trains were taxed to their utmost capacity. At Orlnndo yesterday the sun beat down with Indomitable fury on the heads of fully 18,000 hoincscekers, and the scarcity of water and tho immense clouds of dust that filled the air made life unbearable to the niott of them. Tho crowds increase every moment and last night thousands of men were in line. Timo is precious and the lines ai'o as solid as a stone walls, the men citing nnd sleeping in their places. Registration progressed slowly yester day and tho "sales of plnses" were great, Mauds near the booths com manding from $-." i-j 810. ' Orcat suffering is experienced along 'the lines at all tho border booths, at many places dozens of delicate women nnd scores of men wore carried out, entirely prostrated with tho heat, dust liud exhaustion. There seems to be a great scarcity oi water at Arkansas City. Parties vwio ciiiiio in from that place last enlng say that water is being taken from the city in tanks and is rotnillng at twenty-five cents per canteen or ten cents per cup full. Along tho hedges tents have boen set up whore beer, pics nnd sandwiches are being sold. At nil places confidence men are plying their vocations wltl tremen dous zonl. Shell and three card nionte games are being plied up nnd down the line, and llsh nre biting with nvidity. At Orlando n police forco has been formed to look after the thieves, who uro plentiful. A Kansas City man was last evening robbed of his watch and SiOO, leaving him broke. Others have been buncoed out of their money. There arc ti large number of women ready to make tho run on the 10th. llicyelo riders uro plenty. Among the crowd are men. as old ns Methuselah. Yet they think that they will make a winning race. There Is one old fel low there named Itaker, who is not less than 80 years of age, but who swoars that ho will got n claim or die. lie has two revolvers swung nt his hips and is as confident as a young man of 'twenty. Tho fow doctors in tho crowd nre mak'ng money, and from tho looks of things they aro likoly to reap u har vest Tho change in wuter is causing much bicknes.8. Food, and very poor food nt that, is commanding big prices. A small sandwich costs ','0 conts, a bottle of beer "5 cents, lemon ado is 15 cents n glass and u cup of coffee 15 cents. UAISI.Mi Till: lll'VU.. f y Teiati Itiiugrrii Try to Capture a Month I.liiuut Stlllmiter. llotwceu 5,000 and 0,000 boomers arc encamped nt Stillwater, with probably 3,000 men In line. Yesterday 700 reg istrations were made, und tho forco of clerks In tho booths will have to bo doubled to-day. All kinds of skin games and sure thing snaps aro running wide open near the booths and excitement is ut a high pitch Yestftrdn afternoon a band of Texas cowboys rode Into Stillwater ueavoiwi 10 caputr v in a trianglq lc Somo .. Vtdy Humor ltt'tjunllni; Kimi.r In l'n.te blun or CrrtllU'utis. A well known minister cf city U authority for hestau.T i uhntH&i m H4 iUBMMHBihr "VHIi iJk oldlMWllUsentft ljtlllwator strip, ncnrosl Orlnndo, is being "soott ered" by 32 inun who have rogistorol at tho Orlando booth and carry certi ficate. This gentleman was in Oi- , lnndo yesterday and aver that th Mpmd of soonors lu question were seen to enter tho strip. 'Icforo going far j they woro halted by soldiers, who, in familiar tonns addressed them with the salutation: "Hollo there; you aro soonors." A short consultation took plnce between tho soldiers and soonors when tho latter proceeded on their way, presumably to ptck out choice claims-. Whether this rumor Is true or not Is unknown and is given for what it is worth. Tho fact remains nevertheless, that therefore many soonors In tho strip, Mid'jS should be the duty of the sol diers to run them out. Tho deep valleys und timber lnnd of the new country provide splendid hiding plnces und unprinc'pled men aro taking nd vantago of them la gain advantage over Mioso poor strippers who now stand blenching in the hot sun tit tho booths. HUXIIKl'DS CO AM) COM II Immense Croud r (lutlirlc Cltlrrns Urg. NliTlng for Lot. Yesterday was a red letter day at tho Santa Fe depot. Hundreds of people from this city took tho early morning trniu to Or lando, nnd tho habit of forming lines in this country has becomo so fixed that the crowds naturally fell into penitentiary columns to tho ticket window at the depot. Luggage of every description uuder the sun was loaded on the out-going trains and hauled to Orlando. The afternoon train from the registration booths comprised two engines and thirteen coaches jammed to the doors with humanity. To-tiny w'll see thousands of (luthrio denizens nt Or lnndo. ciiouiis co.vnvi II TO Al'ltlVI'. Tliy Coino from i:rry Slide In till). llrnml I'lilon. The crowds continue t arrive every dny. Oulhrlo i.cpiiis to be the Mecca of the homo seekor. As a sample of where they come from can be taken from somo of .the arrivals of yester day. Including three doctors from viorida, a preacher from Mninc.n lum berman from California, a colony of farmers from Oregon, miners from Colorado, two bankers from South Dakota, an undertaker fiom Louis! una, eight lawyers from Kansas, seven families from Missouri and n caravan c f white-toppoil wagons filled witli negroes from A'abamn. A Utile C.lrl'H Kline. The troops are unnble to control the sooner movement and many say that legibtralion will only aid the soonors. It is openly said that the soldiers aro in sympathy with the s.ioners and while they will eject any that they may como across, thoy will not hunt for thorn. An organization is bcintr formed by tho boomers, who nro em ploying men who liavo exhausted their rights to tako public land, to go in nnd mix with the soonors and secure evidence aguinst them by belli"- able to Identify them if they attempt to file. Nora Wiley, u 14-year-old miss, suc ceeded in getting a certificate early in the day. The lines were blocked sol idly in front ot und about the registra tion booths, but sho went to ono of tho refreshment booths nnd secured n tray nnd two cups of coffee nnd htnrtcd towurd the center of tho crowd. As sho went along with, "I'leasc let mo through to tho clerks, gentlemen," the men mndo way for her and pushed others back. When she finally reached tho registration booth, sho placed tho tray on tho desk and said: "Mr. Clerk, I am an orphan, nnd therefore the head of my family, and I want to reg ister for a town lot." The men dis placed, nt first looked blankly at her, nnd then sot up a cheer. The clerk gave her tho coveted certificate, which sho triumphantly waved as sho passed through tho living walls of men. i:OltMol's nioWIlH A I' A1IKANHAH CITY. , LKADKIt ItUltKAU. I AiniAxsAs Citv. Kan.. Sept. la, igai, Kscltciiiinil about tho booths Is u tune. Thuro Is no diminution j,, t, orowiU. To-night there aro l,ux) men In linr, and thoiiiiiinds aio arriving every hour. A Itoomer was shot hero to-night. IOTTIMIK fll'llli; 8TUI1'. lln-ezy Xutea IMeked Vi ut Kuiiiluiu KirilliiKT Itooniern, -He- lloomers, beware of while in line. pickpockets There is said to bo very llttlo wator for stock nt Orlando. The land ofllco at I'erry was the first to bo finished in the strip. Yo gods, what a rnsli it will be. All former onuulmrs will be eolimoiU.- T , fiiMMs of ',r. -i-boyi rpamov. WPoeisigeiJing pax, tUTo-'can canteenT"at ' tim. m wr a - .y.-entsrti. . ,w JW HwaMani f vwUiralla. III?-, sr. rlvcd yesterday to make the run. Ho rode through on a mulo. The strip booth declarM'ions will hold men already holding claims in a tight box If thoy try to bold one in tho strip. Word reached here last night that i j so r boomei a to- surroubi ed near Honncssy, Tho lot included men, women und children, nnd te-ims of nil descriptions. It Is nllogod that four i x regents of tho terrltorlnl college ti mined them selves at Stillwater yestciday ltybnoh Ing u fnro layout. At Orlando tho miro-thtng men tire right In the push nnd suckers uro be ing tlceeod by tho wholesale. Saloon men nro nlso reaping a rich harvest. "A horse! n horse! my kingdom for a horsei" is tho refrain, und "Aro you going to tho strip?" takes tho pltfuu of other forms of salutation. There, will bo muny "Ulchmondsin tho field," und Illchnrds, too. "".lntuCs Comes n claim renter resid ing north of Outlirlc, foil Into lino at Orlando nt I) o'clock yesterday and did not reach the booth until 10:30 this morning, uunurcus ot sirippors aro enjoying life experiences just now. .1. A. Oladdcn of Arkansas City wan In tho elly lust evening, lie Is n roalty boomer nnd predicts that town lots will be higher on the afternoon of the 10th than they will on Monday, two days later. The depreciation wilt be nt least .10 per cent, according to his estimate. Tho prediction Is not us extravagant as tho Imaginations of ninny who expect t" make a fortune in n dny. Captain I'osey of Kingfishor, was in tho city yesterday. Tho Captain has the latest scheme or invention by which n person may tho town sites first. It consists of splicing two Vicycles together in such a manner us to virtually form n pair of railroad trucks, with finnges and everything complete to make them keep tho track Tho invention would accommodate two persons and is supposed to make tho run nt the rate of one milu per minute. When the Cherokeo outlet is ndded, Oklahoma will have a territory of about i.'O.ono square mites. Tho terri tory of the five Stations is, in round numbers, .ll.OiK) square miles. Adding these large areas of country, a stuto would bo formed almost two-thirds ni largo as the state of Kansas, and three fourths an largo as Missouri. Its pop ulation would ho grenter thun that of any state admitted to the union since ,tho war, and larger than a half-dozen states now having senators and repre sentatives. OUTLAWS RAMPANT. THEY THREATEN TO LOOT THE CITY ON SATURDAY. An Ktrur! lolo Muilo by tho D.iltmi Hun- illln to Ki'toiir ilielr Coinr.ulp, Ark- iintng Tom ir.i-ly IteiiirtH. A couplo of gentlemen who came in from Ingalls Inst evening say Micro is more truth than poetry In tho roport that the " Dalton gang intends to swoop down on Guthrie next Satur- .l.. 'PI... .,..,, .til .i uuj. iiiuuumraui me KUlll ciuuu are j , . , . " , suppressed for obvious reasons, but they declare that there is great dan- gcr of the outlaws sacking the city. I The bandits have a rendezvous about I fivo miles from Ingalls, and It Is said reinforcements aro going there every day. Tho proposed raid is said to be partly for pure cusscdness nnd partly for revenge. Arkausas Tom, the ban dit, who was so handy with his gun in the Ingnlls fight, nnd af torwards cap tured, is said to have furnished his pals with much information as re gards the lay of tho town and how to liberate him from the jail in this city. It is possible that thy whole story of tho proposed 4-aid isa big bluff, but, nevertheless, It would be well for Guthrie citizens nnd ollicers m keep their optics peeled Saturday nnd Sun day next, when tho town will be prac tically deserted " - f. FARMERTRAIN ROBBERS-'' Were the .Men Win. Held U tliu I'rlfceu ut .11 on ml Vnllf-, Deputy United Stutes Marshal Jack son of Coffcevlllo, Kan., wns In tho city last evening. Mr. Jackson was tho officer who enptured tho bandits who robbed tho Frisco train nt Mound Valley, Kan., last week. Tho capture was made ut Ingalls Sunday and the name ot the men aro Charles ltcuhut, j Charles and Oeorgo McCluro und W. I W. Curroy. Jackson says tho men are I not crooks, but overgrown furmers, who wanted a little notoriety. Their I notoriety will go a triilo farther than tho men desire, however, ns thoy must nnswer to tho chargo of slaying K. press Messenger Chupmah. Tho booty stolen from tho men wns found on their persons. The wonld-bo bandits aro sullen and refuso to talk. Dully l'upir lor I't-rry. Hon. John XV, Jacks of Montgomery City, Mo., and Robert J. Ilodgo of Columbia, Ma, nre lu the city. Messrs. ks and Hodge are prep-ring to Xlnr a Demn.-mtl,. lnllv nt IVirv iunt W n os tho building for their olllco pan i constructed. Their pre sos nnd a complete outfit has arrived ut Vorry, and to-duy thoy shipped all tno him ber made ready to bo put together can be done to that embryo city. Doing old nowsnuner meu backed With Ullinle cnnttnl !,! n..ov ,ill ' J"" vMt (UVtt w oo aa important factor in the poUJ ' oi ' '.iitory, TRAINS WILL RUN, TRAINS TO E JTER THC.STRIP Or. OfH NING OAY Only TIhimi Hold lift Ortl 1 1 in I I'rimi (itneniniei.t lUolhi will lie Al lnvvml mi tho Curs. All doubt nre nlltiyetl. Trains will run into tho Chorokeo strip nest Sat urday. Seorotnry lloko .Smith yesU'itlay Is sued nn order govornlug: the railroads on tho atrip. Tills Jiiattcr is one of mutual agree ment between Soctretary Smith und tho railway managers, und Is substan tially In accordance With recommenda tions made by (lovornor Swino ford. gonoral inspector, who rocelvod l.l0 Inst evening tho following official to.'- ographle communientlon with tho ac companying order: WASin.VOTO.V, Sept. IV. 1S91. i. i . oh iiiiMoni, tjiiiuiin, UK.: inn um w tliiit tho iK'compBnvltiK orflPl-1 given due iiuhlleltj- mid proiwrlr oxocuted. 1Ioki:Svitii. Secretiiry of tin- IhIiih.i. Order of Department of tin- liiteilnr. Washington, Septomher 11. itu Jn view of tho proclamation lued by till pi eslilent of tlm United Stain llxlng Iweho o'clock noon of Spptemlicr lijtli. 181)3, ns the hour at which Hie ChiTokee Outlet will ho opened to settlement, and to the cud thnt the ruins and regulations heretofore prescribed for suM opening may 1m the more flTectually i-xivutod. 1 hereby dhect that no railroad triiin Ik peimitted toenter said outlet durhiK the sl huun befoie snld time for opening. For three hours after said time of oxiiing triiins will lie all'vpd to outer sai.1 nutlet only under the following regulations: L Tiny must lx for rjtiucriil ue. and not linsisl or chartered to im fn,iriHl passenger or pastieiigoix '-'. Tim trains must bestntli .it tho edge of Filttl lnild Ht least t lit 1 1 nmiiitex before the hour of iihiiIiir, and not I Ik entwed by pnongers ctiil. i t lm n thirty minutes before the limn (.f ih-h- ing. 3. So one shnl.' entor either uf said trains as a pnkspiiger iiiiIcmh Ih holds u certlllciite from one of tho Iwoths. 4. Tho trains may stint upon said laud any tlino after the hour of opening. . Trains m-ist stoji at ery "'ailon, and at liitennedf.iU' points nut more thnn five miles apart. (I. Tho trains will he limited In speed to 1.1 mllos an hour. 7. The rcKiilnr local rates of passenger cliargos shtill not Ijh i'cei'ded. 8. Xo one shall bo allowed to board snld trains after t uy enter the strip. The United States ofll rs lu cIihikh will give, effect to this nrd'i. HtiKE Smith, Sieieinry of the Intv.rlor. PERSONAL AND CENERAL. 1U11 Orunter was arrested by Dopttty Jlnrshnl Tnmiin yesterday on ihn chargu of stealing horses in tho Chlek- usnw country. Mnjor O. V. Ilorrltt is horo from St. Louis to participate in tho rush. -iic, l u ll r r n. Messrij. I. S. IIofrmau.GeowoSt-ode McKeo und Oruikeliank uro visitors from Chnndlor. Jdgo John Upright of Chandler Is in tho city. C. .1. Wrightsman, Esq., of Tccuuiseh Is in the city. Dr. 6 A. Mooro of Oskaloosa, Iowa, and It. 11. Norton aro preparing to open n loan olllco nt I'erry. Presiding Klder Murray ot Oklahoma City was in tho city yostcrday confor iug with Kovs. lluclc, Smith and Green regarding tho holding of tho annual conference in this city on December 85. llishnp Newman, ot Omaha, will prob ably preside. It. II. Hill of Ardmore is hore to make the run. A. G. lllaok of Dentonville. Ark., Is hero with a view to locating. He was formerly private secretary to Senator Horry. Hngineor Journny of Nevada, Mo., is horo for the purpose of stripping. Charles Wounor, of Galvoston, Is tho guost of his brother, Fred. Judge Fuulkncr of Washita county and Colonel Hubert L. Grcot.of 'Lnfny- uiiu Luuiuj', .uisbuuri, nrq visitors in the olty. Ii V. Tobbo of Denver is the uuest of A. O. a llleror. Judge 11. F. Green of Chicago is hro visiting Judge Charles Urown and nre- I paring for tho strip rush. I W. T. Hurgoss of Wichita and editor Hitchey of tho Wichita llco aro in the city. Mr. llurgess will proparo n mag aluo article on the strip opening. Mrs. .N. l Sagers of Chicago and Wir-hlta has located in tho city. Shu has opunsd a ladles' tollot room ad joining tho V. M. C A. room. K.vSccretary Martin Is in Stillwater to-day. A boomer was drowned in a north of Winfluld lust night. creek From the amount of stutr somo ton derfoot boomers uro taking to the border, one would think they wore golug uround tho world and stop bx weeks ut every summer rosorL Tho governor und secretary of Okla homa have loou instructed to take the necessary htops lo strictly enforce tiie prohibition nga list the carrying of doHdly weapons upou the day of the strip opening. KxUovornor (Stoolo arrived at Or- ...urn. jaaicriiuy irom Indiana wuu a i party 10 enter tho strip. D. M. Hoper and Judge Fred Hcetls of Heeds, Mo., arrived vestonL-it . htrlp." They roglsterod at Arkantias t'ltv Mnmlnv. - illv Miy at 111 le s 22Slf Gomin QMs Own Special Train! '.I.uiopo'iu ihkI 0.''UimIUI, 'Ion. AllH'I'h'll'l TI, (lien 'H & ;LNT'S UlAMl SANGL VIM Shows. International toeixxlronc aol Irriin. XI nBrrlp. Au.uiirlt Vt T WILL KXH11 Guthrie, WedneseptJO. 150' World's Distinguished Arenic Meteors! Mo.NSTER Menagerie Wllil lleiKtu. Of llnre ManvSmc mvn ot ShcIis Never llefore Swn In America. A Host of Yniidlnu Siirirles Un (iralli'leil. ALL ARTISTIC. NEW PE. f-'EATURESt RLESS. PURE. Tor particulars see ",J!l",SW.:i;B miHliiiiiiB. Two grand 'Ibitlons ii.uiv. DiMirsopeu at 1 mid 7 p TRADE RS If . 3 1 U GOMPAN, Spencer & Robertson AGENTS. Q U E-WvLJUfcuB Watch this spuci; ii jtm want anything in our lint. FOR SALE. A horse or horse and buggy to i trade for town property. A running marc ami aa'ltlle to trade for town property. Heeded farm in Logan county to crJe for town property. Lodging house, furniture and iiitures for sale. Farms foj sale and rent. CALL AND SEE US. Miss Bosworth's HIGH SaEOOl'j - FOR Young Men and Young Ladies WILL Ol'KN 111 the University Building SEPTEMBER 15. Full Coin 'mis in Latwi, Mathematics, ScleniM, History ''hud Literatim. Preparation for College unit Teaching. TtlSKIilKiaNOIiiS: SecroUiry Martin and Mrs, Murtiu. Judge Dale and Mrs. Dale. .IuiIko Foster and Mrs. Foster. C. M. Harm's and Mrs. Idinims. Hon. 1). T. Flynn ami Mrs. Flnn. Dick T. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan. FOR A GOOD GO TO Cleveland Ave, West of Division St, WM. ADAMS, Prop. - FOH A IjOOO 1 " t m2?7 "zr" - - . 1 1 inu JxA.1 KJ U JL&.A.AA.1 Livery Team EUREKA eARN UVEKY RIG Go tc STflPI PTnW'Q w b n iu i uii u T T iiivery earn. T. u. I .u orld u after out st.,,1 . ml inny much every body In t" lh vh.ilv . .... 'i.i..-, act hrti. itt.v 'diiu better, either. In the llni 1U IS. KM.. lll. -., ."l. w,..j, Hid im- n -' i..j rt,-ni u...u lltf.) II.... ....... ----. .- , i i..j .i..w, i.iiulu'i 1 eo iiies to footles r. '.,..,.. ... .......i. Uiuc.'iiHl iKhtlv. If yi. .,,",,,. t s for shoe. -W 1i-im ierlhliiu In' u (oiihrsNit iinu-ii-i. ,', f ,i,MI, imslupssoi ttliMiUi. mi tunin vveiir fm home nrv i i O . F -4--n . Eisensch-midt & Hetst vtt 7rT " 1n R. A 1 iiu xrt.-vc .wivnnruv"" no vv iv.vl i EAGLE 109 HARRISON A.'ENUE. Everything in the DRbT5 LINE. WAIv.Lv PA1JKR Prescriplions Filied Day or Night Ba 11.1,1 I'lidNJ: econ 'rfc x j vl WMEr, (T a . -.b a u a oj ftcoiMi riant t.opa New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices, See our Gasoline Stoves beat. Sold right DOWN pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND Big Collar Saddlery House, HL'ADQl WUTKItS 1'OIt Strip Supplies, Harness, Bridles, Whips AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.50 UP. Se c our Mammoth Stock. Don't bu until ,'ji get our prices. memlK'r the uiunber, m, Harrison avenue. Sign Ihg Collar. CAPITAL CITY -BEADLE'S A full line of Books. Stationary, News, Office and School Supplies always on hand. 9 H. A. BO.YLE, Proprietor. LOOK HERE ! iwnsnwm i ! iWi ' ' I Am Here to Stay! MMBaMaM MMMWMMM MM-M BBa"1" M M HaM amm M MBaaBMm If you uro in want of tho Ccdebrsited Cincinnati Safe, Firo or Uurglar Proof or Firo and Uurglar I'roof; If you aro in want ot tho Colubrated Amorican IJolpmate, Slngor, Hoyal New Homo Sowing Machine; If you aro in want of IlioycUw and lrlcycles, suoh-as tho colobratod Imperial King of Scorchers, tho Fowler, the Oriel, tho I'hronlx, tho Central, the Warwick, the Itoad King, the Telegram, the Telephone, tho, tho Traveler, the New Mall and tho Houd Qujou llicycles, at wholtw'- retail, come and get my prices, ut luO E. Oklahoma uve., (iathrUv t' EL. PI. KNAU88, M2S? The English Kiteh THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE -' lit ,.!'. lit vel'. Nobodv wnnts n poor m i lti.iic Mint, and tender i n.ur Doekei 'i-miU llahilv. and Mini at oosiV A, G. HIXON, Prop'r, CONN'KCTIOX.-HWl they can't be LOW. Re- Oklahoma Ave. bet First and Division. Re- MC STOKE, ' a. v P. SAUNDERS. -El BOOK STOKE, BLOCK.- y Vllfi OF THE BEST in the CITY 0 ' Q . i K IS R UK 1 v.l if i JV ju. Rates $!,25 h Day. fyqriUtfflP&M drutrst CUHiaii At. Eist of CjK