Newspaper Page Text
irt (Guthrie 4 irtrll'l "Sat KNtcuHt) AT TIIK PoST-OrdCR AT Ol'TliRjr, OK., AS firco.Nfl-lLAII MattMI ofucb or pvumcatio!. Hi,,OI, Awwi ! VOL. 1. GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, TltUU SDAY MOl NINU, SEI'TKMHKU liiimiinn - mm. m 1 1 1 1 1 ii.. 11 ' m"- NO.-,, AN AOTDL CRUSH. The Country Surrou.1yi.12 Orlando Sub- merged by Boomers. THOUSANDS REGISTERING Ilomeseekers From All Oyer the Union Arrive at Orhndo on Yes terday's Train. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR Regarding the Sale of Malt, Spiritous and Vinous Drinks In the Strip- TWENTY EXTRA CLERKS AT ORLANDO Ti lift Adili'il to tlie IIixiIIih till Mm lllllK. Iti'KUtrtillmi PriiRri'ihlin; ulth !ri"it l!.iilillty ,( Iclrnts ill .Still" li ter XrM IV0111 AIiiiik the strip IJuiindiiry, I liootlm there yoMordtty. At noon to j tiny 8.000 line numbcre htnl been given I out, tuul at 0 o flock, when tho booth ( closed for the day. ?,0I0 cortlfiuuto? I Iind been IssuciL Tlierc nro still nbout I -1,000 people nvnltinp an opportunity I to secure cartlflentcs, and the nutnbor Is being Increased dally. The move man t upon the roads In the vicinity of tho booths causes a thick cloud of dust to hover in the air. Tills is. of course, extremely disagreeable and u temper ature of 05 in the shade does not re lieve the discomfort of the liomcscek ors. At Stillwater, twenty miles cast of Orlando, the situation is much the samo as at Orlando. About 3,000 ccr tilicatcs wera issued from the booth there yesterday and an equal number to-day. Fifteen hundred people were still in line there when the booths closed to-day. It is estimated that 1,000 more boomers still await an op portunity to register tlierc. The scarcity of water and the intense heat nro responsible for the death of sev oral persons. "'lie sheriff of l.ogau county went to Orlando last night and arrested six 1 gamblers who were swindling the boomers. lie placed them in charge 'of u deputy and then went to Still- I water and arrested four more The i tun arrived at Guthrie yesterday und were jailed. Numerous reports nr-j i received of raids on the boomers' j camps by thieves. Horse stealing is especially prevalent. WHAT IT H'll.l. COST. ii Pliitm In Waiting in dust and a boiling tun to be registered. . Thousands of boomers surround the i booths on the strip borders nnd thoua-1 amis more ate coming. Tho third day of registration nt thu j various booths around t'lostr'n was' ovun more exciting than the second day. The erowds aro increasing by the thousands every trin is running by sections and is enn-yin uassongors ! from ovary fjtnto in the ni ion. 1 .... . .. . ., . .. . "V Wl llllll(. alio uguai big irowtis ion uutiine ; Cost of lfil) acie at a.M) per aero. , n..i. .i ..j.. . ..:.. i... I liitoret, 1 nor ei'iit on S.'.WMx'i'acrc mr i iniiiiini viii i.ruii v. ' k ,. i v iri.ii. ... . . -. . . . ,w. w. ....... V J wU.V .j , -w. ... jng janunod ami era(niiied with strip-1 porq. Yosterday was u terribl day at l;e Orlando booths. The hot wind and scarcity of water caused much suffer ing and tho men in line oxparioiiced many hardships. During Tuesday night nnd early yestorday morning the ranks of the patient homcscoUurs waiting before the registration booths at prlando increased visibly and were iiuguineiited during yestorday by the arrival of tlB heqonrt harvest uour glpjl, which came over the Santa l-'o. It wag in threo sections, all crowded to tho platform, and containod over 1.000 passengers. It is iiow getting to ' be a serious question to care for so. many people. During the night it , was found that a groat many sooners lind boon run into lino of the rightful bopmei.8 there. When those rightfully in line discovered this thoy roscntecl it savagely, r.iul a number of fights occurred. The counsel of cooler heads prevailed and a plan was immediately set on foot to spoil the soonurV game. The whole line was divided oil' into squads of ten men, with a captain, and a bookkeeper was appointed, who made a complete roll. When the booths opened yesterday ' morning the general ollk-or of tho-liflu n,H fit.. l.r.,L1.nrtn, ctfir.,1 lit 1 !w lfl t n I IMul, " """, 7"T "' ; " iTIutMiulii Pu Will KiiiiTnitim and 1'urnUli 10 ine uooiu aim cuiiuu out iiiu name and number of each man, and ho A Pom 1'luuri'H 'OiimliiR Wlinl thu Strip Mill Punt. Therojai e great many people going to the strip to take claims who have no ide what it will cost to get one. Of course it is impossible to figure up tho actual cost winch includes a man's la bor for tlio yours ho will have to spend on tlio claim before it becomes his in fee simple, to say nothing of the pri vation aiut hardships he will have to undergo. l'or the benefit of thoe who have not studied this matter the following tiguiesare published. (Uunce over them ami sec whether you c.n stand the cost of proving up. lipMI.STI.AIl $2.50 J. SW). Cost of filing ? 1800 111 Utl so x Approxliuatecoit of lliial proof.... 18 (xj , Total MHHXl IIOIi:TKAl ?1.M) LANDS. Waum. .1 mi.... a 10 fin v irovf 1 uiMi v ioi'i Cost of jl.50 por acre . 210 00 Interest, i per cent on ?-M0 for llvo venrs -IS 00 Approximate cini of llnnl pi oof 1420 Total $317 20 iiomi:sti:ap $1 umw, Cost of filing ? 14 20 Cost of lCiOacios :it$l per acre JIM) 00 Interest, -l per cent on $Mn lor live years 32 00 Approximate ant of linal pioof 1.1 :'() water near by, howevfr. nnd Terry Is that respect than her coming ritnl to be culled Knld, on the I took Island road. It Is diverting to hear tho bjomtrn of those plnocs talk of their coming importance as manufacturing1 cobters at the samo time they are discussing the ways and means of supplying them with water for drinking pur poses. Hut they talk about batiks, elevators, hotels and newspapers tit points where to-night tlio coyote barks and the rattlesnake has nllinucO with the prairie dog. Those, however, who saw Uuthrio spring into full-flodged municipal life between high noon niirt sunset can know that this talk is more thnn idle boasting. mii.i. Pitmen AT KXIII. Kr. Nicl Piirrmt, if PI Itcmt. tn Intiiilo t lie strip In ClirlM Piiiim ltcv. Ned Forrest, pastor of tho I'll grim Congregational church in l-.l Itcno has been granted leave of absence from his pulpit on Sunday, September 17, Mint he may accept pressing Invi tations from homo and abroad, to preach at ICnid the first Sunday of thu existence of the now city. In his evangelistic labors iiov. Mr. Forrest has preached in almost every stale in the I'nion and when he expounds the gospel truth at Knid there will doubt less bo among his hearers scores who have heard lilm preach to crowded houses in the groat cities. This pop ular and singularly successful pulpit orator is a man of greit merit, nn 1 thousands of settlers at and near ISnld rejoice greatly that l'iy will have an opportunity to hear this expounder of the truth in the new country at the threshold of its existence. lorrlNPiS OP Till! STItll, Totnl ?228 10 C'DMJIf rixo- J '.SO I.AXIls. Com of filing '...$13 00 Cost of 100 nen at .'..v) per acre. . . 4m 00 Interest, I percent 011 Il00 for one year 10 00 I2trn $1.2,1 pei acre for coiuinh- felon 200 00 AppioxlinatocoM of final pioof... 23 00 Total' frtw 00 count rixo Sl.M) ixiM. CoM of filing $ 14 80 CoM of ICiOncios at $1.50 per acre... 210 00 IulcicKt, 4 por cent on $210 for one ear 0 CO Uktrn, $I.SB per acre for epiniul- Ui v..- .,..'.... 200 Oil Approximate cost of linal proof .. 11 M) lotal 4711 utl roMMiiri.vci ! lands. Cost of tiling .' ? 1:1 20 Cint of 100 iickis at $1 pcruciu I on 00 Interest, 4 per cent on $lfO foroun year 0 to Kxtra, $1.25 per acre for commis sion 30T 00 Approximate eoM of tlual pioof.... 13 20 Total.. .$3'.r 80 WATIIU POIt STUIPPKIt. stepped through and registered. This" matter greatly facilitated the regis tration, averted trouble, and is more satisfactory to the men. The first certificate issued yesterday morning was to u si.-k woman who had been in line two days. When night fell at Arkausatt City yesterday tho long lino of dusty, ihlfsty, tired (uen nnd women sank woni'Uy in tlio dust to um another miserable night Hoy gathered branches from the adjoining road and flies wore soon started nlong the lines. The boomers sang songs and called to one auother, making tho host of their condition. An old man dropped (load in the lino at the booth during tho evening. Ho woro tho uniform of un Witter. The following ordor was Issued yos terday by 0 I. llortinun, division su perlntendent of the Santa Fc. "We will run passenger trains into the strip as per instructions from gee tetnry Smith. As the water is very scarce in tho strip and Micro is liable to be much suffering on account of same, I will place water cars tl p'f water rft ICVrlr, Uildare, Cross and WlnutoH (I'crry). to bo furnished 'reo of char-go to everybody, IIOW TO PATCH MlONIIItS. TO HALT BOOMERS. SIX HUNDRBD PAWHi:E BRBAK LOOBS. DUCKS THREATEN TO IMPEDE H0HG8TBIDBRS 11 v inillm; ( p the Put hi III tho s-trlp. AliiriiilliK l!Cilrt Prmn stllunter ItPll .11 oil ll:iiiiMint. Watrh tlm XVuter 1'lurio und Null Thru Dhrrtlni; N-ith, It is believed that tho surest and most cfl'ofllve way of catching soon ers Is to watch the few sources of old soldier, but h.s namo and home wntor supply In the territory. Nearly could not be discovered. Ho had bcun el enptiri!(l so fn,r Imve boon in lino pirjep Mil cv'Piinr lfora Many i this way. After petting In thoy iiBV hupp matld sarioubly stok Mirnugh j And subslstoneo Impossible eitltor for dxposuro to sun and dust, and for want of proper food, ote. Hvorythlug Is as dry as tindor, und ctoryono is praying for rain. If rain does not come soon groat danger confronts tlio homosouk ors whon thoy at lust got on tho prom ised land. The prairie is so dry that tho least spark will 6tart n lire which would soon spread and undoubtedly tamsp'tlio lqssppivos.'and surely im immense nmpunt pf propcrtlf. i the tbomsclvas or thoir animals and nro compelled to hunt water. It is then and there that thoy fall easy victims to tho t-oops. Tho water question is disturbing tho townsito boomers not 11 little. Tho government has sunk wells at all tho proposed county seats, but they are not yielding much water yet; '.f hoy may rn,uitjtufq nbpulntjon u,ntl av we.lls can tto d.'u', bu.t- ths, is d.oult,ful. QrMt sufYorlng Is Inovable. llrfjuplit epntituios, hprse rat ?oon At Perry whore a oourthouso Is r-ueoumb also. 1 rom llgunessoy, on tho lino f tbo llock Island, over thu south Uno of the strip, tomes tho information that a ""oo b 'i iiucrs ri ( ot itlcates at t e to be orodted, and where tho principal oity of tho atrip Is expected to spring up in a day, thevo aro two or threo will-, ith 'wo or thre T fee- of ater i acli ' ' 1 j) 'A . i 'in ' trei'j Vuti' I'lchi'il lp (It It'inilimi lti-(,-urilliif; llcioincri. Don't sell your plaeo In Hue. The boomers are booming, tru la, 1 trn la. Twenty more clerks will be added this morning. The Santa Fe railway has got ie graft in nieoly. T 1 men dropped dead In tho lino at Arkansas City yesttrJay. Hutlhins arc roporto.l to be commit Mug many crimes at Arkansas City. The Santa Fe will run 100 trains into the strip on the day of the opening. Ten women remained in one of the lines at Orlando all of Tuesday night Tin: Lkadhii made a great lilt yoster day frpm the demand for it at the Or lando booth. It is now protty certain that not less than 2.0,000 will roglsto.r at Mm Orlando booths. Two inon and 0110 woman dropped dead while standing in lino at Arkan sas City yestcrd.iy. Over 100 copies of Tim Daily I.ji.uikk were sold at the Orlando booth grounds yestcrdny. A booth in Guthrie vrould have niiido thousands of dollars for Guthrie, hut not for the railroad. There will be an unholy scramble at the depot; Saturday. "All who ride must have certificates. Judge Womnck says tho people will all bo registered In time if it takes a tb on sand more cleil s. Henry Uootzel of l'rincc Hdward's Island Is Here to witness the rush. lie was at Oklahoma City in lsS'.i. When tho boys speak of having played 11 man they mean that they have worked him for all he was worth' There were more njen rei)d(qg Tin; (KApKK yesterday at the Orlando booths than woro loading all other papers combined. A surveying outfit left Arkansas City yesterday evening for Caldwell and will go south ontheKoclc Island and survey the townsito for tho Winflold association. The payment of tlio interest monoy to the Choyennes und Arnpahoos is not yet complete. Kacli maty wonyti) quel ciinu 01 mp, two trmos roeolvt Pliock for SI 5. 01). A Jolly crowd of Missouri I'oolfie inon from Coifeyville. Fort Scott and other points met in Arkunsas City last night to decide on the mode of pro ceoduro to get 100 acres of strip land It is estimated that 100.000 tons if fltw hay will go to wasto in li county this fall, for the want of ronpers ami a market Too bad. It will be noeed in tho strip before the 'wintop pnl. The Vnctt townsito company is nm- bitluus enough to rcquott the Snutti Fe "to provide it with eighteen miles of sidetrack. From present indica tions tho Santa Fe will havo to double tratk its ontiro lino through tho strip to accommodate tho expectations of prospective townsltcs. A special from Idscomb, Toxtis sysr The Cherokee str.ip, bns 'afleotcjd m,a.ny pf qur suUslnnMal cUkeifi. Ma,ny are interested (n. seeming an iqtorost In jots in tho prospective town of Wood ward, which is not far east of our county. This will probably become an important point in Western Okla homa. Appl'catlon for otublishlng a national bank has already beon made, and Is unrl.r co ulior. by the r u ptr 1 .p. f ur em- tnranre'ti itr-i; r A report whs brought to the city last night to the effect MU over oo I'nw neo Indian, flUed-ith bad whisky, were creating grout excitement near Still wntor. The report .'miner stated thnP a band of redskins had ridden to the registration booths near Stillwater nnd wero Intimidating the men in line. Four miles from Mil hvnter about a do.eti bucks raided 11 party 'if boomers, stealing the contents of three wagons, It Is reported that a number of worthless Indian have been employed by designing mc i in lie in wait and hold till) horses of legitimate liome steadere as they rusl. ner the plains, after a certain few of the "men in the s homo" havo pussed Other reports have it Mini the linlinn bandits iiitenl to fill up the pnths ii,( crossings in tlio strip, thereby impending the pro gress of strippers Many wild rumors are afloat, but there la foundation fur many of them. It Is now pretty certain that a bond of Indians will endeavor to work tlio "allotment raokct ' next Saturday. This plan U for lmlun to rash for claims anu uuid the m down as allot ment. Intending settlers should not, i give way to the greasy red num. vhich pulled out of nftt-rnnon even tin 1 oon Coons in, 1 j h.' til! itfht, belt Ihey shntili not get in :i light booth line on a 'lot U Without lg l!nfeot anti". - m WATm AT Itftlir. I'amrs Have Arrived ami Nett'era HI net Agent Knullsbnry gltrea out informa tion to the effect Mint pumps hare ar rived at Knld and be plated In position atonic 'lhere will be plenty of water at Hie new town and sUlets ill not suffer. From present Indl. ations there will be water supplies at nil the other ! new towuv Drnwnrd In Tlinbrr Tmrk. A young man named Albert IVarton was drowned a ffmhw etsjetc aar Walnut r'vr Welncaday night. He rode his horse Into deep water, Wnea the animal became frightened, reared and threw him into the water. tin tor the I.yrc, If a feller's good at lyln' nut lyln In the shade, Hut lyln" like a follet ll.-s hen lyln' Is Ids trade -In this here blossom weather he eon fish at his ease. For the perch ar- gettln' hungry nn' hi tin' bad as fleas. NO ARMS" ALLOWED, nil xi 1 in 1 1 1 1 pi, .j, 1 ' V ''lil l I '-i it 1 'Mi'iuK-da 'V -i-aatA III I Vo The hole world Is after our shoes, ami invt 1 iniuli . 1 1 shoes, too. Von couldu'i get into anything Niter, ill In 1 1 because they iarill. hwik well and lit ell. Nolimh ,1 Itcomi-s to fiHipu'iir. lmd s. t,m, i.s a tfiidi sp.,r. ami 1. tuuelllMl IkIiII). If Mill want Inl Ii Miur piii'Uet book In lit he h t'iid 1 spni now -ii-dn-. come to us fot -liiii's . I i , nutii ,,,-m 101 inniM 111 out hi iioitr, iitistuiMs 01 pH'.furc Eisenschmidt & Hetsc 11H WKST OKLAHOMA AVI ,. lil I Ol I .(111 1 ,ol 1 Mil 11 . u.iiu: - GOV. HBNFROW I98UK8 AN POItTANT MANIFBSTO. IM- Ati I'ereous Parry Intr Poiireali-il unit Ociidb Wan pons lit tlio Strip Oppii Ina lob Arrested. inon. of the BANKS WILL CLOSE SATURDAY. Mntiinl Agr.'i-nu'iiti AiiiciiK CUjr ltxi(k to Plum nn S.iiii,,,(.r !!! All the banks of the city ill be closed next Saturday during" Mis whole day, und the bank nilL-iaU and clerks will tuko in tlic rush. Shpu'd tho Dalton outlaws enter the town they will meet, with a clostd recept pn at linuiicial depots. A mtituul ugn. 'itian'. was made this morning to tli I -. ell'ecl by baukers of the city. Wtdillnjr I'ri'miiit. Following Is n list of those present at the lleadcr-doues wedding Tuesday night, together with a lltt of presents received by the happy couple, who will reside at 107 Fast No.blo 11enue. Tho ceremony was. performed by l?ev. Jool Smith: Mr. nud Mrs. ISamstiy, Dr. Trlbble, Mosara. .Hiullill, Sum Wisby, W. A. Muson, C. . Robins. Mont I'almer, Charlie Hosworth, llnvllti Carter, Mr. and Mrs .1. F. Smith, Miss Stella Wisby. Mr. Frifhk Dehny, Misses May Pulse, idllyuu Laux, Alice Hodman, Pearl Duncan, Mr. anil Mrs A C. Ilion, Mrs. Buck, Miss Nellie l'an coast, Mrs. Miller, Ker. Miller, .(iss. 'oe l'arker. Miss Xqru ltoeder, Mr. und Mrs . I ones, Mr. and Mrs. Heedor. The presents wero as follows: Dr. Trlbble. rocker. Miss Nora Itecder, chontllc poritiorr. Mr. and Mn Hobert Kumsiiy, doc orated water set Mr. and Mrs Jones, Hour chest and dough board. Mrs. lluck, house pi an Us. Miss Zoe Parker, water se.t Mont i'almer, parlor lmnu, Snn WUby, fancy screen. F. I UiUxy, Mm Hill. Horbart IjSiioh, Arthur llraltliwulte, Charlie llosworth, oil painting. Mr. M'ller, fancy vnso. Mr. and Mrs. Itobbius, silver iiickln castor. Mr nnd Mrs A. C. llixuu, stand ta ble. Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Trlbble. cloco. rated glass set. Miaeus Alice- ltodiuan, I.illyn Ijtux. John Mvvajl, NtiUon btouu, half ilojer, fnirsy'ioeyibi, AiiuimliiAiiHiiian, Ifort Ss'ott, ICnu., 1 0Bminodoro&antiftmd orouhot unit. .Mrs. Curter, worlc basket W. A. Mason, parlor lamp. Iv. T I'.tttoo A Co , table linens and towels. Ktllic I'hclps, St. Louis, Mo., crochot slippers. Mr. and Mrs, lloeder, tuning. tbl and. kitchen, Frank eUJr. Jim Hill, Stelia Wisby, Nollie prmcoast, silver curd re ceiver. One I.tift. Hov. W. Wimberly will be the only pastor loft In the city next Sabbuth. There will lie servKos at the M. K. cliurch, south, at 11 u m und s p m. The oUier congregations nrai ec"d,IiHy invited to attend, tuidj take jvtrt lit the sorviees,. W.vsinxoTo.N. 1). C. Bept. 12 the (loM-riior and Meeretar Territory of Oklahoma: Ukstlhmrjc: Yon are hereby direct ul to take the neeearv steps to s,..hai tin provision against earning de.idh weapons, h recited In puragtaph -'no, section 7 of nrtirln Wit Ihratejiil of Oklahoma, is strict h; tnfmt4mS loth Inst at the opeulm; ef the Cappsi(Tl Von will give publicity !o wTMB I Signed 1 - ,- UoMvn S,'CH'i,ii ni 1I11' ii.l" 1 inr (IPHMIh. l'.. Sept. ! I, lstU Sheriffs will m the .ilo- order and law are cnMl i-nloru'd and an' hereby authoriml toetnplo) -ill ni-cessar deputies to arrest tutnies .oluiiug ih' same. Ity uitlerof V. '. Ukxfbow. iJiiM'tnor. T. J. Lows, (secretary. Mrs. A. I. Sauuders wishes tj an nounce toiler friends nnd patrons her arrival in tho (ity after n piolouged visit in the cast where she has secured tho latest styles In millinery and is prepared to suit the taste of the ladies of this city. Opining announced Inter on. Ill Harrison avenue. -IIHtf EAGLE DRUG n m AH If ulvl Is 109 HARRISON AVENUE, Everything in the DRUG LIME. WALaU 1jA1-1.R AT tXJBT, Prescriptions Fiiied Day or Night- A. G, HIXON, Pr: W I'M I ll'UOM; CONN'KCTION.- Ci Richmond's - -s. v - - -" Sj ! Second 1 Sanger-Lent s, the best tented shows ever seen in tho Quaker City -Philadelphia I'tt Ledger. Uuthric Sept. 8Cth. Coming Qn Its Own SpsciaT Train! Tin ts reat Kuiopeun it ml ( niisollilHtloii, Ai..erichii SANGER & LENT'S New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices Sec our Gasoline Stoves thev can'i 1 beat. Sold right DOWN LOW. pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Are. het. First ami c:t,;ion ' "" HI"" !- Big Collar Saddlery Bouse, m:nyi i;iliis 1 ou (.It VM) International Allied Shows, Plri'iis. SIi'iiHRerlr, lllppuilriiim- and Aiuarlum. Wll.l. KNUUMT AT Guthrie, Wednesday, Sept, 20, SI a Is trips Harness Bridles, Whips nnn spq 'ujjpnuuj biuiiiuuuii AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.5t) UP. . ,i See our Mammoth StotV. Don't buy until you get our j.ric member the number, 111. llarrisxin avenue Sign Hig Collar H CAPITAL CITY BOOK.STOHEl BEADLE'S BLOCK. - 150 World's Distinguished Arenic Meteors! Monster Menagerie iit Kiim ,UIM llriikta. lauy .Speclmetm of Secii-i Xcer ltefuji' Seeii In Amerii-q. A full Jing, gf yopki:. Stationary, News, CL ' Supplies always on hand 4 H. A. BOYLE, Pro- m n LOOK HERE ! A I Inst of 'vw.(tuii-. Surprise wrHlleli d. in- A.UU MKW FBATURBSI AUTISTIC PBEnLESS. PURE. Fur particular fck vbrlous sdviirttslna; indlinin. Two t?ruiiil ishlhltloiiH dally. Dim ii- uK'ii ut 1 und 7 p Ui. Tllh I'l'M. AM TIIIJ Nt'crucD In UMI. the I,ittor but Nut In tin, Purniur, A notieonWe fouturo of tha forth comlf,' oponiug' of tlio htrlp in tho large mitnhor of Southern tltirkie who In.. tnd to mnhe the ruce for liomojf in tho new land. Krcry tni!n an my ul tho points of riWutravon uulonds mecriuc DO.. Iiui f dtrUiek ta 'he c achts of the "innta Fe I ("am LYNDS LOGALSi Watch this s,jiacc if you want an) thing in our line. FOR SALE. buggy to A horse or horse and trade for town property. A running maro and saddle to trade for town propeity. Deeded fjrui in Logan count ' to trade for town property, I. ilWng house, furniture and fixtn.i r isle. l''ruib fo ule and cnt I Am Hereto Stay H you tiro in wiinti.f tlio lok-bratisl Cincinnati .ifi or Tiro und lJmnlar l'roof; If vou nro in want f the tolubratcd Aincnctin h-lpniate. Homo Sowinjr Jliiclilne; tia or llu""' Singe. L a - JrJ If you uro in wuut of Illcwlos ami TrhycWh, such tw tho cv tin t. Kins' of Scorcher, tho Kow lor. tlio Orlul, the l'himiK. tho i Warwick, tho ltiul"''fln8' ,tie Tolu(frnin, tlie Telephone, th i Traveler, the now '" uuu l,lu numi vneon im'jeie, n w i retail, come apifj?ot ' prices, at 100 K. Oklahoma nvt. Uut'.r E. H. KNAUSS, W:najl I UP' I.TI -t - i II. CAUL AND SEE US. The English Kitchen THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE OF THE BEST in Ue h 1! .Rates $1.25 Per Dw. Board Mm Ck. brc tiR'rit ii t vot cape Ian J 3.TO5S: etw5i no .nortet and nulcct route betV. fi .r.""-.Z ":." J J9Srunn' T o trtopt nta. Tea.p ni' nlensuriL . .- "--v. J' " -! btUlwutm"