Newspaper Page Text
1 OK ABSiRYU" ll- IUlK U W-$U ,l,Hlii wmmmiiii iiii'iiliiMiio raT-. - JB5SSi555 - orhc tctcv. . Arru H HI li' ' ' x N" st nf iiuthii . .n. Oik month. 4 Uih monln h Three atotitl ,"U tJMHllll One tear Vi I v JO 8 ' - hl t sn i en Sit moll I lift, One tir. . ItAtt Olt l TI'HI TtMII No 4f-, riit ' 4 m . m 1 1 ii m V. 40 M- I-" S.. I.-.- Wa 1 ... r oklai . I.'.. MT i .! I till . .f I II l.ol ! . .-. . )1 Hip. ir K ! l-r. p. m. ! .... !:. a. n i i rupiim llrl.' l All Intsnding settlers should remember thht It Is necessary Inordnrto facilitate tho work to hayo'your blanks filled out before going to the booths -You want blanks approved by the department officers and pronounced correct. You can't afford to make any mistake. , , , .... A slight error mignuosuyuui claim. Wo guarantee "The Loader" blanks to be abso lutoly correct. For sale at LFIIIo'B, McEIHinnoys's and this office. Supply yourselves before starting. All orders and ba.ineaa with Tn Lr.MiKR from Orlanoo will ho tran actctl thraujli Mefr J Rv Will Jam anil Arthur Hraitb trait. I r tin 1 brancli ofUie, op,oit booth. All strip. op'.iis art Maoy r 1' tnrned towarl ' e ee!cd. Gnr.r.R U ton tionn tlio bannb .ililv 'truck H na 1'iirin? lit- tl fc-ht r of fame he pr '- vv m 1 bo ) Ked into tb- Lir-t-l t f n.i unl.radei' w m at Wichita 1 u lj HI fantral w a, largely attentlrd Wl7il tw nt lour hor after th? opening more th n a dozen bouses "ill ! readv for ipancy at the t n 'le of IVrry. Tlik report t lint bad vnnel the DalUMLiS&r. ', JiilvW"Jfc,i.. I?4 TtiiT balUMM. (limb tl r lr and Kroom ll.eir.iun henes. Till editor of the tikl.i li-iirtial iitslil. ni". it 1.1 11 ri probably .1: of . slip up on in .ran jn-a" 0011 11 n-k. T"iies orirans !,.! he 1 T'iSi . lil avisdt.f.'rijrht , .mitt r M I. . 1 1........ r..i... i . " . . ' " ' . - -' v it tak -. inonv ' hu nli tcr. 1II Mill Ih I'erry Jons a fea .1 k a IWtr datiy of Uj HW town ! l outfit, with power ! from Kt. l-OOis Bat- press tirtlnv 11 a s s h .Il IX, 1 ' ol. ir .1i r in ikarira of broad-m n Jed H,i (ir'audo t .otli man anil is dui 1,' .1 .i.rrc,rt exist 1 u ro,pd rejfistr hi - " -" his tot power "l ad promote . --r Tltr Santa l railr. ud dUpIa- -. c eoinmcndable -pi.t of ener. .mi i ir olunteerin 1.1 haul water un.l 1! -. tribute the saiue to k trippers fr.-,- of charge Very ft .. s.rjoiatioas w.mlii do as inttch. ll II.. : there ar.- many Iencratie senators oppot-. 1 to the uaion iitionu1 repeal of tbe -u rinan act th '. will not conntensn e anv filibusli r nj to defeat its repi al. 'I hey wnl "niti-nt theraselrus by a p .s n it wit 1 th.-ir ftlee.lies ,nd t t. - holding that when vney naie doi . this tins ha f Ttnefl their C 1 t t.. the toiintn I" r i rn Ki ! .?- Kir .- r.ti.o- i wuim: 11 , i siding in -T 1,. Hfston write i ni- h wkm a loajr i t ter .n i'ii-h ' . u 4 the cou'.irv jrusl Ik- 1 1 a 1 1 st i-r ( uvv-al-zali'in v iei 1 m-j-i U of u p'n rush to . t.i s.-.- the 1 or ( I 1 roke s strl . .r ,-., , She'do i less retires to ' ran s-.-s n lier lioudoir t 1 lofe her -mid ' Tll order o' -' . n .ry of th u-l'-rio-that no ' n l. allo ' t, 1 the str fi iu 1 ,c . , ,,r rnale I. ilia 1 ie-i.i' ms I. -trictl cnfnniil an I 1 pir' ,11 lerinj tluiifK'in mil o :in. . 1. th. s .I'lit-r; an I ! e.i in is to until aftir lue o-euli. Sol only t.,, I .tit t . ir names w ' Im taken an I tii. iv ill nit liea .l to neqa r- m land or town . :. .inv purt ' the trip. THE OUTLOOK I As uil vidsii . KTlt, . u cr (deveij "si I "in alooi ' tho tun iuh in a-t ni. li .!, . ivrits hue resinned the i. r 1 'in .EtflNQ. 'uii!.' pros- 1 men in w 1 in i- 11 1. it 1 ' U operation. aVj and liollei and 111 1 o Uwrs je fcioti 4 . and t.m '1 1 !, Mth fi' p'o, fc lie.,. ,,. nuIII rt ofi-m-' that re . f . sitmrJ las' neekkj, lorlon. While this Is t, ,,. ,, m 1-onU th same U tra m al. ' e j" ih uipal cities of the I niti ds. u-s. Hus- l iucsseuiywhereU taking on its old It t,rae look of prosperity ud 4 it twar be eoufidentta 'y accepted Hiat the end M k., ... . . . . . -, 21 " , ' ' "veij rcai 1 c 1 SKIN GAMES NO (10. IMPORTANT PROCLAMATION IS SUED BY THE GOVERNOR TO SHERIFF AKD PBACB OrFTCERS. I iimi lllc ItilMrtewtl I lq aae (MtartHR namtitlac mmm 't Milptatlir Pre !. The f nil. i n pr - it " ' ued hv v. rn . I. ii-'. n ii tr To ill- HhrrliT and '' !' a ,,?! ' r Wur Mil l ,,T , ,r, . I.S'll l '- 1- ' ' I"'" l ..I. ' " ' I "' ' fHI.ll J ' ,rcO ! i r-d i"ir '' ' "- ' .j.friti - i - i ' i'ii.i stlii tr;nk n. I Mh1" it in furtlvr ma1- 1 appea ht that p. rom- " Mich Outlet ' !'i .l.l.T" kit I"k5r- '-) Will- f.f . 'tu I. I. ' i -v r 4" -.f t!i ;,w, ,f,, -I '.r a pro I li n Viii- r ; -. tl Tia t f 1 1 : th. in !. 1' a lr--iV, 11 bveh.i it ti j'.'i lirli-',' ! tl.iii i --.i.. -i an 'I .1" ' i'. or e i-.ii am p'.i-i malt pir u. c iiii.m. r f.t,. r lllt'M-l 11S itrihV- it life! nr1 I ai ' mpti'l ,i'i tl.e. jirovl 1 . ' i la- p. I iii'tawn! 3 '.e 1 c 1 1 led ! al' (.r arh .? n ' 'i.ed m. 'ii .f a i.iid -re aiifji 1 iion e.-i. .. hi t(n f -hall 1 ..fl not te H. 11. i.m h' l-!!ar ' ' iiniriot l ii..t to c..J . m' t! 'ii li frtinlv .1.11! a-ii lhei.- .-lnrti I. Art ' v. fhaptfr :1 of ! law of OUal.ornj ptoide Thai - n toii i In. il"a'. pli) or' rn- on. or ofn-n -r .4iif-i o In r in-fl or w Ii" tiMHlurt'- itln r a-ow rf-! .r 1 m .i.e lieih-rffM Inn or 11.. 1. am z 4 tut- .f far.i. uiontf. !. 1 loiih tte raf,oran) Innkincoi c r.-i ntaav ranx I I layed itli diee. card, or ji, tl. n-n, (f,r '.Miner h.-i-W- '-rlil. i .11' r pr "-nttf 'le fd t 4lu. ( liil t ' a m,' allor 4 (If I i- puiiihalii- Ii) l.i ' of i t I - 1 lian i-i: I iiurlMfl dolla - 1 -r 1.1 r than ' ti.01 ..nut dollar..i'"! l unirioii mi hi Ii .1" o'iiii jail '" a t. m nui ! than .'.ni n.i iHir m ' ihan -1 'S iifon ihi ! to i o iiniauil um, thf l r.f- ikI .i!' n-n r.- . mil' in lint p iHinia -n 1 .1 j- lii'- h he ! .- ,il! Miriiant 1 .ft 1 r of the !i"iiof okla- ,.f " 1 1 let II- air. -Mint anj (.ini lolat f il..- !.iw of ' uii'l w li'" 1 irr.t'-1. 11 " irnfrsiVhw ma ill n "' 'he prtrtMni Oilalioni 1 h'-reln referr any y i-n )iall hate ' r ht"-' ''V diil t le 1 1 iiartli - Ivfori tin w r ni.isi-ta f ) prelisi .'ail!- 1 .!. kv'i i ' -n. iirh 1 '.iii'iualloii At aaaaictra.- -!,ai. bind t ! in- fl "V'T to apftrar hrfore lliedlt " ' .owri, aid lheacntl t,ai, fsll l il ilw frajlrd ball, rsai l ai "ic-traoport la r.-d M the awl omvtmkml Jatl-te (IfclsboSM. t euwatj f adjacent to the Chrrns- adiaeml to the Cbtni M(H ' fMtlM. fa safe . keepin. In tastfoon) ' ber I fcaie (wrirsatia , nj mut atttej the ! ot the tenlJi-rr ot Oklahoma. 5br Ittt iaj .f Sertem!r. . I. nn. W11 1 1 T. B s t Kr. Joeraur of I'Maiioma T -mtory. ' VtiUum ' a)Ja)a Atala. C.WawraM, Jn li. After the mil-I laiaaaa. aawaaa,a. fa. - aV u aa . ll'll imri vHwmwm jvmwwamy wu vT.r iu Ham tvsooaded toanad'rss of wel ,, mm9 y .b.j ,!.,, f ISadea, and proposed tbe lot- ter Iua'th. descrioin liiin as Die father, f I 1- 1 un tiy J he i-t peror aii'! I tliark your r. ya' luzhn-ss. I iImiiU my lousins in the i.ermau 1 ire. luch Crinca has doiie lis u tin st duty to nnjf forward 1 is mi-ii .ui1 asu-mble them around the mipernl standaul rlirouirh jour uniteil effurts the nation sianah , nrraje I 111 ir.-sn armor as once tbe illvum lie ro, Heiiiidal. stood. , tvalfililiiff ..tit Ilia vi.ii,.. of ilia I . a I world.' -.. ... .... ,.... ... - Aipulntinriiti ly (iiitcriiiir 'linf. iKrrKasoN Citt, Mo;, Sept. 1 1 t.ov erniw Stonu 1ms aueoptml th'- r. -ina-tioii df C A. Uelluy as regent f the normal school nt Dope ti iwdeau unJ apnointud .I11I111 II. Kainev. of I'u.l inont, Wayn eoiintr, to till Uu- a caney. ItotJi ant lepnblnans '1 he governor uibO appolrtte I II I. stt. to be school oommlaslniii-i of i on r coHiitr, vleo Coiiitnisioiu etoii, r , siKned, and Alien let of Hexter t . be public administrator ot htod.l.ul "ounty vice ll. t. ltrown rei,'nil .al I rouble HI lln tl ol. Cult i.o. Sent. 11. Miat p'umlut to lie u spirited rate n 11 broke out u train In east bound pu-si n , r r.itts fiom California points. i no chief particij ants nr the Southern Pacific and the Xinta le but liefore all is on-.- all tin toads w ill W in olveil and the luti-s all the way through frmn th P.n itii i oast poin.- to till tat'., wi I. -' . i -1 1 1 . 1 to 1 let e 1'ai ll roHit a tl. 0 tin r of lieiii"- the ai?f,'r.-ssor in the ra. Miuald )lsn- ('orrrctrd tlia Hrror. Sn.ii Mi. rnipt 11 Ueorga . W'si.Uin wa arresUd in ( ooer eoun t l.i-t uilit l. sheriff PoiU-rfor t.'i li.iI 'ar. n. oiiimitted ill ast 1 1 li rtiai 1 and --il o-.l 111 the touut, jail in ti. Utt 1 l tl ' T.ltl- II llltl'llll-.l Wowlson presented a cheek for (1 M ut the First National bank and was paid glflO by mistaU. The err. r -not discovered ui.. I after Wo.. I on bad left Off 'ur ti'P I nr KlNMB I IT. 1 S,l I I 1 Kuntat feUiiu Press uuvk-uiumi u... ir.ends numbering '"ii m all t'l ast nit';.' for ( hieago to attend th-e " ! -fair The party was .net licicatti. iioIob deiot ii Sieretnrij 1 lemlernr 'f Uie t ' ib wlio gave ti mi nftaerer wearers a ln-rt) vcUot l'atuiiiu,)ullvr Hiwuaijr il, JfriiKM.NCTs. Mi. sept 11 On aoount f 1I1. ii.i,. v of 1 iiinnlssloner JI iuh !-,' tbencit ngo'tlii Imard of railway aud ware'i 1 s.on. rs act f r yester lay d ' I X . w hufSPQiil" is fo Bttt asd Clifipest ruit os lt Hailel What 13 it that gives any Pafnt Durability, Beauty ot Finish and Preservative Quality? PURE LINSEED O.L--ONLtf. To i-Tcrr frallfii of Hammer I ar Prptmi 1 aint nuM be added mention of I'otf Riw l,infl tM to red.ic mrtx for !. nt nr When m mAi a. pa! 'on of pore, fn h I.m,,,i i,i to a gallon of fatei. roa bc.t that ; will hre a rei Ijr .,ixi Pan t-3 i u-. i n IJr r4 OIL ' "' .r ...... ... j..... n- murrain. i '. n?.varv addition of I in - - "ii pi hit uunonnr oi if ii .-o IM it ased. tbe durabi.itT la 1 h Paint is ftDviat eomomieal, a. ciip . i HU other Iteadj-Uited raJt ,Da...nrb m the MMaaif-r doet aot pay t.rr l.ine rHI wed at t6e rate of ,l olK,'I..,,',;IOto.S!-'?0 P"" f',"p Artr ihlntied witk pare l.taeeI int. one fmiloa of the taixturv ami corer o kanar feet two! coat, oa rood onrfaee. i There K no other Paint made that n offer ahvltc proof of duraMlit i at a eot of SI 'O per (ta'.lon to the con nor tlftor sa.e only by f. 13. lillie &co.drug.bo9kanews depot, guthrie! SOUNDS THE TOCSIN. GOVERNOR MK.Nt.lY OPENS THE OHIO CAMPAIGK. tcu;hej um um sobjecis. . 11 win rw ih 01.1 i. r ivieeiM Tarir KeforMi Hrfm t taw - lam Mrtanwr aad Mirer . r III OpMatt A ll frawfl .rrri tk (tfrfnur. Am-..;. Ohio, Sept n -The Ropab ' 1-1 ea'opaifrn in Ohio was opened I" re yesterday with a monster meot n - 'iepablicao. from ail parts cf 1 1 ; , rned oat by thousand to Ritre i.-rtior MeKinley a s. .id off Two -, .il train brought the marehlnr ill s trf.m Cicreland nhile hnndreds ".' -r Cepablieans fnru that city .-rivel ou the regular trains. B I- eifat una were present from all tbe i:i iMi'acturinfr cities with.n flfty ni'le f Akron, many Itep-jbHcan iminjr even from Colnmuns-and 1'ittv I'urjr Every township )0 huinmit -untysenta marchinj- club or a car- ii. "mpany. A eoi:s.-riative ejrti- i.ile . aee the nmnljer of v itor tk ." o 111 fter the s reet parade at oeK i-uvernor Mc-KiU v rk :'! at '-TeersiiK to one of the mrjfest po nti at gatherings ever ass in bled in bio oernor .McKiuley. aft ra few iioislo lory remarks, sa ii "tt'c line in 1 "!iti-al dlMtrssioii for tho ! Iir-t li'ue si ni- the defeat of I '.' VV me t ilh fleep roneern, sind la chafieil .ii'luions from those happily eistn,k' u in 11 we last u'semblrfd. i'ha busint ss ion-tit on cf the country baa real l ju-t ajurm inon; our people, and it 1- s,. prave the preilnt of tbe I'nited s.ttfs has eonveoeJ tungves in extra r i.uaxr session with a view .1. U im nr".?tt,,r""r prompt relief President o- iiiii uhuicu nu;n ' ieelan s last me sap to c 11, n , -!i" .intiif etiicf cxeeutiye eh ea tl e pre-t lit e nidition of affairs t thu opviatiou of the Sherman silver ,1 tv. Oorerns.r Alt Kinley said that rieiiv tor 8berman hid mtrodneid in the last eonress a bill to repeal tlic silver laar. and hf talifwaMt llic mwit m .(-,. iiy of the K -publicans in the senate woakl now vote for its repeal, n a great majority of tbe Bepablicans in tbe bouse had voted for the Wilson bill lie took it that the law would have to fo. If It wus not repealed the IXemocrats would have to bear the blame. The governor continued by satntrtbat thj Rpnbl leans of Ohio footid ttoiie).L ir.otif.e. mmnfajul nt 1 gold, silver and paper maiutalned at equal raloe and international. not einto vuutiui. aftaao autnla.d "We do not want to strike down cither gold or silver," he said. "We want to use both - metals, but insist one shall fo at parity with tbe other, uii'l that both shall be equal intrin--..rally as leul tender and debt-pa f If K, I vi , -l lie Mint "lien uie uusines disturb- aneo betraii the ouUUndin),' currency wus the largest In the country's his tory, being SI, BOO O00,, or r.M.23 per capita. The trouble was not, there- f ire, due to a lack of currency. Hut t,ie InoI,ev had gone out of circulation nll(1 ,lnil !,,. hoarded by the people. 11... .,j .. m r . 11 in 001 inuiiit- in me inmra once ns stoied. with an abandonment of the declared purpose to introduce u reve nue turilT policy in tbe country, confi dence ioud come back, the money har h .1 would once more find its wy tut" 'Ii hanks and the channels of tr.,,1. ' 1 In iToi"-lol 1 tl r lit 1 1 to tbn Ini-lt? I an sti"ii ami railed at eution to nor. o por- t us of the r. port of the committee . .. res',1,,,.,,,,. vU.uh were strictly iutliiie.1 111 th. 1 hicuira aonvention on NwUnui Mr Neal, new the e.ndi- date for Demouratie governor in Ohia nuw l"l I'l'lliuimiai rvn-Oiur id UDid Hesatil the dUIerence waria here aiid aVuMfB" "H n"t to be reeog. MWfji 'il1!' Vu'".' ''l""1rtv"'i,,athe turlffrtTi: t 11. 1 need I to be riven to mp.iri. - that mat result to Uomettie iniusti -. that the llemoirits pr. h,s. 1 , .oandon the raising f rev- 1 .oandou the ruismtr eny - tiitm .-nstoins and resort to dl- fiim '-nstoins and resort reel taxation: that no regari will be hd f r the lulMir and involved In domestic Industries, itnd tlutt i&e new t.irirT bill is not t U- framed on prim iples of justice No noart.r U to be given, hat all our vast industries must surrender without lei ins to the demand of the (ant! reformer "Thi. then, ' said he "Is the 01ee of the Democratic candidate for g. emor la it tbe voke of Ohio? Will it be the approved utteramv of the oti of Ohio".' This is the principle upon which the revision is to be nude, .iri-i it is th" tariff r 'form referred to to Hie (.resident in hUreuent messagu Ui w ulcb be declared that every effort of his administration shall tf did- hated. - ; AMaeiallea ef ,'n.taaVa t Wrk. ' UK Af.o, .Sept l; -Xotwilhtaul-tag thriouuter atti action of the re ligions congress there wasaUrg. ,tt. teswlaace at the contention of the 1 naii-'nai association of ; clerics lesterilat n adilr. ,, s utiie .f it el ... IV , till t -I 11 1 oin was dclivi n l I. 1 lift of 1 he rung c- 1 ii h 1 lank I i' 1 I 1 1' ibt 1 n t- t . fie Ii, 'a 1 1 1 n 1 1 j s . , . !il f'll .1 Hi legislat.o.i ami uiu. the visitors drove thr. .1;. ' s. ar afternoon the par In 0 , ah. 11 h 1 , f it D- mi so. 1 J - ,Mr " ' - -- raw j - oinr l"a r. i mirr 5"mr own -ntrol aas iml bmL KANSAS DAY AT THE FAIR. A Mat laterntttor IVcJnin ut prtrlir ml fMt;. 1 fBtcioo, ept. n.--la a beantifal ' ! Itle grove in the rear of their slate , lol'.injr yesterday. Kansas people 1U , tine t with rapt attention to the paid . ine -rords of their oratr if'. T e baiidinc warn thi U nf k..f c people at tbe fclr. (irratan . -' ' - - . na- "uiu ik aeea iot a (Treat distance. j nt the people of other state, were UikeviM? attracted. Interesting col- leet m held the spell jboo .1 1 he. reaoarees of the s.tate wer. lavUhlr dUpUred. In the rear of Lie boiidinfr aeaU had lieen pro j ride.1 for teveral tbonaantl peop e and j they wire fl led tJn the p at form be jiide i-m-rnor Lewelllnir -t liis t .ft". mioii. r- 01 the state board and other iron in n eitiaena. 1, flu a Jires of welcome j inalA br lion M l ..).... :..... V ----- --..- u ll--MICIII III the state eo-nmission. His npeech was a Bttin? nelcome to the tbronar wrhom he faced. J II Curton, a member of the na tional tommifsfc, welcomed the peo plf en U, m. f of the national eommis fck ii lie said that while other states "1 re content to eaJcbrate one day at the fair, Kansas took a whole week to show her product and tell what she knows. IJoTcraoi Leweiling was the orator of the da-. He spoke in fitting terms i ini' m niier) oi Ide lair, ami com. j alimented the people of his Mate on I ! their attendance. Ihirinjf the after- 1 J noo 1 the celebrated Mcxioc elob jrave , 1 .0.1(.7-1 i tin- liUlitlib Tr or- j franir;-tton w I Celeste IS Xell as assisted br Miss is. l.ianist: MU.. .Ieit , Ix-wi-ilinjr ami Mrs Annie "s 1) jrys. baoaat Objfiel to Tailor. Ve.iixr.T, Svept. !1 deter j m'ne.l effort will la? rra'i 1 a nuat-; 1 .. . urr 01 nansans to nave tin- appoint ment of C. II. J. Taylor a minister to Uoliviu held up. The effa.t will first be rnu.lo thrcngh the prc! lent, ami a protect will be flled. If this falls an effort will be n.ade to have Taylor defeated for confirmation in the s -nate The committee on foreign relations is not inclined to look with favor on Taylor's HDDointrm m Tim ' P'1, at i iatrenchod behi-d a most rorrmdaij'e lot of indorsements, n.1! tetifxirf to Taylors unii'nutioiis anil fltm-ss for the position These wore secured llirt iirn the theory that Tavlor wanted to bo re..rder for the District of Co'uinbia. I ...liny to Mcure tilts, the ii-iprt-Kdon uus that lie would seek t!ie anoonitinent jis ! n'ter to llayti , '-'"'" "nriaU i-ira.mi. " vinotox. se ,t. n. U,.porU re- 'ceivtd ut the It terior denartment from the ChcroUee outlet border .howed that the iirst day's refistra- ton bad ben mtirc.y satisfactory. The dispatches indicate that iiure than S.OCJO homesteaders took out certificate. The only looth which was unable to c.ire'for the rowd was at Arkansas 1 ty, and ad- itioual cierko were sent from other ooths to it t-ommi-s'' ner Umo- i.-aux stated that he v.a- confident that a sufllcient number f Ixoths had been provided to handle the crowd, Tho epartmeni, he said. liad learned that Um newspaper stories sent Hast irow tac border bad U.en irrosslv ex- inggtrated, and that the onenin" ' wotild arore a succevs in ,.Very war. Atfrnnpt to Wiitk 11 ..U" Train. IrTTU. Ma, Sept 1 1 -A dastard- I ly attempt was made to wreck tlieS:0 pascugr train on the Mi-souri, ICan- sas and Tuxas read last night at what I is knewn aa tbe .Suiinu-N brido, one j inUo BcuUt of here A railroad tie was . plaerw on the beams betw en the ties of the bridge. Fortunately a heavy freltfh l struck fe tie before the pas- fsengvr train came along, and thus 1 probably saved the loss of mauv lives. Sererat ties on the bridge were torn ! ? It waa a narrow- escape, as the 1 .a. - .... . 1 -- - j lee 1 ar this point. ,,,. c, .wiM ' Just 1 I'" llT- o.. Sept IX Just twentjr-five .tars ago to-day, when ... .- .,.-., a-' w-mj, Mitsoerl oa the frontier and 4s City Hti ie more than a strugd village, .l.iin .1 Hoguu was . a.t. 1 1. .!,.., ,i- .1 . 1 . ssoan oa the frontier and Kan- traggling -oose- p or the diocese of M. Jo seph then -oiuprUing the thinly t , tied slreuh of country 1, ing betw set- the Missouri and I bar'lto'u r.vort To. 'AaaM d liUlvin ll.wn u 111 ii... him such friends of his earlier days Ih Mleoatt as are still iii.og and cele- , r -- ---.- . .-.WH- , urate the silver jubiiec o his eouse eratiou. Mill Itipnii 11 1 at urn lit-. WAawUi i"N 1 t 1 1 - The house jttdlciarv eomuiitu u.oided yesterday to rrfpatt favorab't the bill introduced by reTjresentattti- Heard, regulating the payment for materials for govern reent buildings. - i. hi 1 makes the bondsmen of a coutru tor of a got em inent building 11 sp.,iiMli c for fuil pay Went of all liiU-ll.i'- Used 1 . the 1- in. sriii turn of got. 1 nun nt buildings 3l44eri sill) Kiiuaa. PoM-luni. WssUlsiOTOX, Jsept 1J. Pensions have been issued to the following per sons in Missouri Klisha Wills. Mew aitati.I". Wiilotts etc J r. Donning. Mart V. Melr bt Join Mary (.rm Ntaff Hi'. Vtuan--tt UAtiU. UjoiAr ihil, hiiiuia I Heck with, Kaitoka. 1 harlcs II m,-, of tienesee, Ifan , tt.i- gi.mtnl an in- A Corner "ii Si tik. Mo v tone of tl.i nt '1 s ' itt . I XMida"ted .tficr th I il 1 at St .ter ' 1 1 11 corner ( tii . 1 -.tirch of - r 1. fternoon ritual of the Mu- jiuie order il e struetun nd stone 111 '1 tt i'I iot ai, of bi k u; ai . h. colnp e't . j n I ni ' Ad Iri s es " H r x. were Kan RkAR Ol HANK "mini n in.rai Inn, a . . YOU Don't Get StPiPDed- Wc are headduartcr-s for Strip Outfits. c have the largest stock of Slickers, DUCK OO ATS, Jeans Pants and- Overalls, 1 SUITS i TRUNKS AND VALISES. be theJ f.l-oi' JZer STf "",? ""er fjuality of goods than any outfit in the city, and sec .us for the best goods j . viivinm,. 2ACK Fi'ULHALL'S All those wUhini-a horse 3 ride 10 a eJalm should bv all mean jee these ' liorsos. '1 hey have beec raiied on the ' Cherokee Mnp, thereforb are elimatcd, 1 I and beiiiL' a inod thane thev are Hi to run fv.r a man s life Horses brought I to tbte lountry to make this run will! not b in the lacewith such horses as you will get from this lot- The-e hon6 are now for sale, and it will be ' m." aim to pleae everv one. If not' j for theojieninoof the Strip thev would not be for sale at any priio ' y,., m att-uc-mio ' OAM MAI THEWS, , i Mulhall. O. T. ' I Hoineseekors' guide and latest map, I the test thing out; compasses, etc., at , Mliic's drug store. tf W..XiKi: A tenant for a splendid, first-class store-room on OUIahosa avontio, at very low rental. bl'KXCKH 4 ItOKELTSOX. Ueuerai AgeuLs. Williamson Stage Co, Stage leaves Guthrie daily at 7 a. in. ua (uriuugt;, barney apere; arrives at Chandler at 4 p. m Leaves Chandler daily at 7 a. in., arrives at Guthrie at 4 p. m. OlTice- lat (Jus Khoads' cigar store. ' , litmit M orl'l1 Fair lliiten. j Kfleclive August 1st, the Santa Fa 1 Itoute will sell round trip tickets to Chicago at rate of one faro for the 1 round trip plus S3 00, making rate , from Uuibrie &3.A5. Tiekuts lhnitod for return passage 30 days and contin- uoiu naseage in each diroetiou. U K. Delaney, Agt. Ilometeekers' Ouide with latest map of the strip, county seats, land otllcw. county lines, etc. fur sale by V. 11. Lillie X Co., Drugs and HooUtu If e navo a number of choice proper ties tor sale. Cull on us. SpitCKrt Koniwrreox. Clunoral Agents Purties going to the strip should ,0 cure an aecitluiil iioliey ot (X M Harms it son, general Insunineu agents. H I.aillos, see thntlogant 11 - Due "f statlonury at 1'. ri I.lTlie A Co. s. Yor a gead skava. hair cut or sham-,' poo, go to Towor llros., artistic bar- j ber, Hi, South Second street, optx silo postoftko. Oood work guaranteed -1 Kveryuody who attended N,ngl.r A I.CHI miows, anil 'Dtir name - Uri n, while here say tl .t it u the t rl,.,t that ever.hibii. 1 in m um 1 u . tinnati I Ohio) Dai., star Subscribe for Tbt J.i n n. TO THE LADIES. Mr. N i SlJ llill - S II till mli is Ml A I .1 ni ) t i M ; J 2 J IV J i QIa STRIP HORSES ()i IMHW 11RR1K)R. iiihiuli nntjnmn i i 1 " - LOOK h pa K3f fa 8 Snws 8 Q for- ST D1PPFPQ I 0 Bu StrlPDers Hub ber Shirts AliilTO mm for the least - - .. - money. .x -LStS "SSf OTPIIMQ TT ivc ilAilUlC none nut lri rpr a5gBB3)sv sissasj mzWij ' " 'jgfS 3jn.iiri., Shelf and Ilcavv Hardva'e Barbed Wire, Iron Steel 12 OKfahoma Ave, U1.11. A Mi r u 1 Pus.diMt. CAPITAL NATIONAL, GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA. Capital fully paid, : : : : Undivided profits, : : E :-: RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything Strictly Krst-Class. Oysters, Game and Fish in Season. Regular Dinner From 12 to 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Second Door North of Har-ison on Second Stroot. EAQLB 3!i2J.o3ji:- zSr 3iaLi1rc3fci.C5C3o32iL FINE I IQUOHS. IIBAKniKS, WINKS, .-it.s DeiicMfV Corner Se.onc: St. n ii wntn oats and Hats, rrrinrlo mgniiiarhtnu Com rw saST - V VI C SiWlMWLsUu HIVE A OO. A "FT -AND, (3 0 il U W Lys Wagon Material. GUTHRiE, OK, M I. '1 1 i.m 1, I ,!, , x ANK $50,0uo 30,000. I ciaa Ii r AM) CIGARS. in I'onnccli. n. Oklahoma Avenue, v :ty.stHm'iffmr J'l irnrrlrt t1t nut. 23.1 , iare i- ia an txea in a tetytuoa'vuT x "Xtl .l1" t ils hit mift-la