Newspaper Page Text
'A hi Or trfr h st i Uitilii 4 f i of r Hhthseu at the PosT-OrrtcK at. Ourimtr, Ok., s Srcoso u ass Matti. OrricR or r pulicatidW : ItAmtisn Avknck MtWALUKiaA ' if id v I VOL. 1. (RTTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, SATURDAY MORMNO, SEPTEMBER UJ, 1803. wmOMJjiiwau MOEfiTOUS IMS. istcrcd by Vint time the ruu nnyhow. they u ill make IttM'U mi-NI) Tlt.UNM. Thousands of People Waiting forTweln O'clock. REGISTRATION e IS OVER And All That Remains Is for the Seeth ing Rush for Homes. THE GREAT AMERICAN HANDICAP. All Former Races Thrown In the Shade by To-Oay's Event- .luilse Lime "nyn Aliout Tlimi-A Ton n lit IVmil Crri'k, .hill go Lowe o( tlio Hook Island road was in tlic city last night en-route to Calihvcll, when ho will remain till this evening. In reference to ,a ques tion put to him ns to trnin survlee to tiny, Mr. Lowe stated that the Hock Island would nbldi- br tho directions of the .secretary of the interior and provldo ample ap coiumodutlons for tlio transportation of passengers into the st.ip. When it was suggested to him that a town might be started at I'ontl Creek on the north side of tho river lie remained silent and neither assented or demurred to theNopinion. That a town will be started nenr the old ranch at Pond Creek there is no doubt, and it is strongly hinted that the Uock Island road is not disapproving of the plan by any means. felt by allolhctfl that as tho Oklaho ma people have had one chnnco to se cure desirable claims thoy ought to keep out of thu run for the strip. Will lluf.ircn tlir l'roclniimllmi. Sheriff l'aii. tor and a Inr-e force of deputies is nt tho lino, and snys tlio governor's pr jslamntlon In regard to tho carrying of deadly weapons, will bo strictly carried out in Li gun county. i ALARMING REPORTS. WBRttTHB DOOTHS AT OPLAN DO ROBBED? IMTTIMIS !' T1IK HTHtr, llro j-Null i rii-kril I'll l flitlliliini -i: Kimllmr llimiiirr-. Now go! O, for rain. Horses arb dying all nttf tlio Hue. PLOT AGAItiT THE HooiiiorH Ylltli l"n I HoruM Tliriatiii In Hunt Ilililci'x iiiiiIMoi All Iniliis In!" tin-strip. THE LAST NIGHT ON THE LINE. . lli.w IK'onlcl'n Spent tlio IJisl 1 fw Hours. Mtiiutlnn lit Orlimilo mill Arkmi'iis fit lloonicr Cliiniorlm; for Wutcr .mil CVrtlllcnti'S, I'roiu All AImir tin- Lino. iiumiiyiii:aii'h town. K.llO lit 111) I'llKIH Ills Lilts Klliliirc. Chief liushyhead placed his town of Kildare on the market last night and sold his ilrstlotat JIM). The Chero kecs will commence to advertise largely and expect to have a large per manent population established in their eighth town by Saturday night. This system of building towns in a new country is entitely now, and will do away with tho rushing, fighting and contesting which characterized tho es tablishment of thu new towns in Oklahoma. They wil,l bo on" in a few hours. At twelve o'clock, noon, to-day tlio great American handicap race will be pulled oil". It will bo a race for blood and homes. Ono hundred and seventy thousand people will enter. The sight will nt once be sublime, exciting, amusing and appalling. Th crush wii:,be intense. Kverybodv wants a claim and there tiro eight men to every I HO lures, iut to met -tion tho town lots. Tho Inst day at the booths along th one-hundred-foot reservation around tho strip was one of Intense excite ment. Thousands of new comers from the oast poured in ut the boothn and the clerics were uepi nusuing. It is not stretching the f.iets to say that Orlando, Hennessey, Stillwater and thu whole southern border of tlu Cherokee strip presents n scene ab solutely indescribable. Tho rush and crush at Chicago in the palmiest days of the great Columbian exposition gives but a faint a very faint idea oi tlio excitement and bustle to lie been on every aero on tho southern 100-foot neutral strip. In fact, tho comparing of tho world's fair crowd to the strip at present it like com paring Liliiput to Gtwliver. Tho crush is simply tremendous. Men and women nro huddled together in lines like swine with the burning rays of a southern sun beating down on their heads. Add to this the parched earth and the scarcity of wnter, and u small glance of the situation can bo gleaned. Yesterday at Orlando. Hennessey and Stillwater more than three scores of women and men were carried from tho grounds insensible from the eii cuts of tliu extrcmo heat At theso plueps fourteen fatalities are reported. The forces at thu different border booths ycrq increased yesterday, not by tens but hundreds, und the work of registra tion was carried on rapidly. . I At Orlando yesterday 10,000 ccrtitl- o.ites were issued; at Arkansas City, 11,000; at Hennessey, S.OOO, and at Stillwater looo. -At Caldwell a plentiful supply of water near tlio registration booths relieved tho sulfcilng of tho men In lino before the booths. A brisk north west wind came up late in tho after noon and somewhat tempered the heat. Out in line, with in shelter flom tUe sun's rays, the heat was dreadful, and the suffering was intense. Fully 10,000 people are still waiting for their opportunity to secure the precious cer tificates, and Hundreds of people who lire coining in on evpry Hock Island train are being added to tho number. The number of certlllcates being issued every ten hours reaches about 3,000 iov, and it is believed thut all will bo accommodated. Registration ut Kiowa was com pleted last night. A special from j'oud Creek sayf.: This statlop is but two miles, north p,f Round I'olnt, thp county scat of pou,n.ty L, which promises to bo one of thp yery bcs,t strip tpwns, since it Is thd proposed Junction of tlio Ilptchim bun and Southern railroad with tho Hock Island, now being built. Tho water supply nt this polut U Hno and of tho best quality and of easy sucioss Tho Uock Island has two wplls and a watering tank hero, und tho govcri ntent wells at Hound I'olnt tontat is a supply of water also, notuUlistubJ- ing the reports to tho contrary I r ders for supplies to bo received he "o indicate n rush oi bottlers und a big . . .. r Over lfi.000 tieopur passort tlirfliijfb (luthrtuyestcrduy fur Orlando. Outhrlo will nltniMt be deserted to il ny. The crush of people is simply liot rible. Many strip- schemes are bolng worked. (amblers aro Increasing, also demi-inoude. i City banks aro closed to-day and time locks nro on. Canteens nro more useful than orna mental now a days. Ned Cheadlo will conduct u pro digious business nt Perry. The Chprokeo strip is ull but opened. A few inoro hours tell tho tale. Santa Fe railroad men "uinplain. Thuy aro being worked to 'i. Three men will make tho run from Orlando today on a railway tricycle. To-day's event will be tho most ex citing in the history of throe decades. Sonic nlurmlng rumors wero nllont on tho street yesterday regarding the registration nt Orlando. It was said that two booths at Orlando hud been roblicd mid thnt hundreds of certlllcates togethors with n land ollleo stamp had been Ftolen. Whether or not this is truo is mi- thu i known, but it inn fart tli it eertilicates nil regularly signed und stamped were sold like hot cakes here and at Or lando to prospective strip settlers for $r apiece, l'rom what, source they come from is unknown, but that they were sold isau unvarnished fact. l'l.OT AOAIS9T liAII.llO.MW. The boomers who own fast horses have been bitterly opposed to the run ning of trains into the strip to-day. Ollleers have just discovered evidence that a number of owners of fast horses hero and at Orlundo have hired a gang of hoonurs tu go upon the strip and burn bridges bofoto the opening, thus shutting oil' train trut'portation. okpwtils ro nir sruir Oni-llnnilri-l the t'ltj to l'i-rrrr order. Ono hundred deputy t'nltoil Stales marshals loft the elty yestenlny und last night for the strip bonier. They wore appointed by Mnrslidl Niv. and nil arc good, nblo-bodttrt men. Theso ollleers will preserve owicr and give the signal for starting tolny at noon. MURDBH AT OKLAHOMA. (li-itrgit ( lilini fill n 111 sliont tislin Ijiltln. Oeorgo C'hlitu nnd John Lkllin, two 'bus drivers, hml nn allcreallon ytHter day, which resulted hi Chltin sbootlnff I.itttiu. 1 .tit tin died litttautly. All O K ill M.tilUfi-)-. A telegrams received from lletmes- !U!V this niornlM? says tho booth clerks are up with their work, and no lines insight. FOUR SOONERS KILLED, SOLDIERS SHOOT DOWN. AT STILLWATER. MEN TIid Stripper Itcfimoil to Mop While Loiilt. liiK Tor f Inoil (MiiIiiim and ere 1'lreil I'poo. NO ?.;. OT gihiexfi The whole world i after our hne. nnd pretty much everylKidy in tn u i li 1 shoes, too. You eiiuliln't (Tel Into nn llihiB better, eltlu'l", III Hie lliicof fon- .1 lierue tln went well. Icmk well and Ml well. Nolxidy wnnts a ior nrilele nli. . It conn's to notwi'Hi-. A bad shoe lonehes a tender sHit, nnd lender hi' u.iim toiiehed litlill. it oiiMiut to tnueh wmr porkoi book lightly, and Hun' ' 1h n leiidi'i nnil now -a-ilnys. emne to u- fur shoes. We luixe ewi'tlilntr snlliil le . nilluiini wear or home or mil iloorn. Imlne m plon-mi1. hssenscSimiclt & Hetsch, 1IB WKBT OKLAHOMA AYR. KKC.ISTIJATIO.V COMIM.r.ri:i). -liooth ThlityThinisiiiiil IVrtlllrutut Irihi1 C'ti'i'Uv ltelli-M'il 1'ioni Duly, .ludgo Woma-.-k, special agent o( the interior depavtmont, who has per formed well his strip ditties, returned lust. ni"lit, from Orlando. He lonorteil ... 0 that registration 'vns uomplcted at Or lando, only now tu d then a "boomer registering. About .I.VKIO certlllcates were issued nnd 17.000 strippers regis tered. A number of Orlando booth clerks came down last night, their scrvicos being required no longer. They were paid oif here and dismissed. Ueglstrn- ( matUu- iuUiolod for Enid, hae been tion irat almost cmnpUu.l -- , rwwWtrd liUo vrl l ' rtl sey and Kiowa nt 0 o clock last ntgnt. Hrnnwsejr. ACCIDENTLY SHOT. I'titnl Marshal Xix lui! supplied a lot of Nearly every man in lino lias a town jej,ty marshals to guard the bridges, lot or homestead locnted on Iuh facu. 1 A11 iijj,es wjj 1,0 watched from now Dusty, sweltering thoasnnds at Or- until after the run. laudo, Arknusus City, and all along the li-ne. The Silver lu''.ir Miloon was elosod yesteidny and the "bar .dorks" went to Orlando. .John (! ilnWe In a Bslvbrand slicker und a smile joined the crowds to Or lando ye-tcrd-iv. "I will not give tho road next Sat unlay .'n iry .natuniy," said a woman town lot boomer yesterday. Ten sacks anil two boxes of mail. A Mini Niiioeil Smith ltrrel Woninl. ' At Orlando yesterday n man named Smith, hailing from Oklahoma. City, was accidentally shot and perhups fatul y hurt. Ho rolled oil'ofaeot while asleep. Tins jar disturbed bis gun, which was discharged, bending a bullet into the groin. Tlio injured man wns taken to his homo Inst even in. THE DALTON"GnWfte ' Reports wero received in the city Inst night that foil soonors, names unknown, were shot and fatally wounded by soldiers nenr Stillwater yesterday. The strippers had received their cei tificalos and ventured Into tho strip in livntK imnil claims. Several sol diers came upon this "Booners nnd or dered them to halt, which they re fused to do, whereupon the soldiers fired upon them. Much excitement prevails at Stillwater in consequence. W.vntiih A good ollleo givl. who can keep accounts. Inquire at li ih:ii ollleo. Hook satchels, school crayons, black board crayons and all tho leading inks at tho Capital City bookstore. KM Tho largest nnd inosteomplete stock of school books and school supplies over brought to Onthrle has jut lienu received at tlio Capital City book store 10-1 DRUG mm, 109 HARRISON AVENUE, Everything in the DKUG LINE. WALL PAPER Prescriptions Filied Day or Night- cwrTEI.l-.lMluNK AT COST, A, G, IIIXON, Prop'r. CONNKCTION.- The CoiiiltiS llri-. si, . li SnnW Kent's gr Richmond's Second Hand S .ludg'3 Woinnck says ho knows noi whether registration at Arkausas City will be complcto.l, tho booths not being in His province, but at all other places the boomers will receive their certificates. l'coplo aro lining up along t'.u rail road at Orlando waiting fo- the llrst train into the strip. Itr.C.AltDIXC. KKINISIts. Ik the fjlrlp 1'IIIei! Willi booiiiTH. Turties who came up from the strip last niglit say that the country is fill ing up with sooners to an alarming extent The stor gjos that every niglit familiar f.ues disappear from thu various camps and are not seen any more. The supposition is that they go into ilio strip under tho cover of dark ness an.t trnvel until daylight, whon they hido in some timber, within a reasonable distance of some townsite or choice claim from which they ll emerge in duo tunc Saturday afternoon and make enough of a run for the town site or olnim thry propose to orcupy to put thoir horses through 11 good sweat. It is probable that somo of them will not omergo from their hid ing places till others have passed them und they will coino out and with their frosh horses beat those who run fmm the lino and ut tlio same time havo their victims as witnesses that they passed them ou the road if ever they should bo arrested. I'tiited States court otllccrs who arc hero now. nnd who have had considerable op portunities to know something tibout soonerism, estimate that fully 1,000 people will go to the penitentiary as I'oooner.s" from Hid Choiokpe strip within the next two years SANTA li: OI'l'ICIALS 1IHHK. Thry win Do Much Shuttle to Ali Strip tlcni. jr Tn'IoIi V nui down tho lines during tho dny i7iirtreporl all kindsof stories con cerning the booth regulations. These liars should be arrested. Chief Clerk Colo onion. d tho lino clerks away because thoy do not make out tho papers corroctly nd it takes extra time at tlio booth to torrent them '1 ho Santa Ko will bogm recolvlng freight this morning for points in the strip and train after train will unload goods of cvoiy description at Whar ton, tlio station name for l'crry. It looked for a time Hint tho prairie Ore would sweep down upon tlio thous ands of sulVoring, sunburned people In line at tho registration booths yester day, Hut luckily the strong gale blow Imr from the siuth. swopt it in a V northcrnly direction. Water is very scarce on the grounds at Orlando today. Tbo-wntor pcdlers aro doing a laud ollleo business selling water without Le for live cents a drink. Most of the water is the color of brick dust, and as thick as tho ham in the iu-cutit sandwitches. There nro 1.V7 car I'urcell waiting to ba rushed Into the I strip on opuning day, and something like ISO at Arkansas City and Winfleli'. 1 Onco opon, and the strip country will exhibit tlio predominant American characteristic of got there in rapid im provement; that is. if thpso who go in havo enough life left to move. A greut number of tho western hortes on the grounds will not be in older to make tl:o rm for the prom ised land. They aro not eating ar drinking. They will not drink the watur in this part of tlio oountry. There aro u number of men at Orlando on horsback from Wyoming, thut have bought native ponies 011 account of their horses not being able to travel. Last tught tho Willow Springs town WILL THE BANDITS RAID THE CITY TO-DAY? All Shouhl lie I'ri'p.ircil for the W01 (Illy II ink Helm; Clmeil, urn (Jon hi'imntly Sufc. Will the ton's come to "(With io to-morrow'.' was a question which wis anxiously asked by many people in (Withrie yesterday and last night. Since tho report of a week ago was noised abjut it seems strange that the bandits should visit the elty when they well know they will bj given 11 warm reception. Hut still, outlaws, as a rule, are on the mule order and their general cussedness may cause them to swoop down upan the city If for no other reason than to terrifv her citizens. The banks of tho city will a. le closed to-day, the time locks having been set and cannot be opened until Monday. About fortv men have been , , , . detailed to guard tho city, and should rlonds of lumber nt I , ' .,,,..! ,,. . inu uauuiis comu my nut mm 101; city is not entirely deserted. A report caiuo. from Orlando last night that tho Dalton gang was at that place last night, but cre ated no mischief. However tho boom ers were on pins until the ilcsporadoes had disappeared. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. A h-n Sanger Lents slices visit I'lltsburg noKl their canvas-es must bo enlarged, if such Ih possilile, as thousands were turned away at every exhibition while here for want of space. It is the best show over known in I'lltsburg. The big shows will be iu (Withrie Wednesday, September -0. For Salo. A splendid residence property on Nolilo avenue, (apltul hill. Will give time 0:1 half of price to right puny. Call on Spencer & Robertson, lloom !, Oray'H brick block. 231 If tpre New Goods at 2M HaiierT,r!& W VJHti Coming On Its Own Special Train! The (Weal r,iiroeiiu and Consolidation, Ameiirnu See om Gasoline Stoves they canl be beat. Sold right DOWN L9W. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave, bet. First and um-i -. SANGER & LENT'S (MIAMI International Allied Shows C'lreiH, Mi'iMKiTlf, lUpiioilroiiieiiml Aiguii'lmo. WILL ILMHIMT AT Guthrie, Veffiesday, Sept, 20. Z3& li Co! . m & strip s lar Saddlery Hon&e, ridl33, Wiiips , -- I M&1 A m IlKADQrAr.TKUS I'OIt n D s mwa Harness, AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.50 UP. See our Mammoth Stoct. Don't buy until you get our v-ires. Ko ember the number, in, Ham-on aeiuic. Mn nig uuiu.. ' A. P- S. GAEHii-aK? B60S .STOrE. T. II. Klkins from Tocuinsoh. was horo yesterday camo down from Or- ! ( harlle Ueattv 1 lando yesterday. I W. !'. Hawkins, representing tlio I Uallas News, is In towu. I W. T. Walker of Heaver was hero I last night enrouto to Orlando. I Sin -o tlie banks tiro locked the ban- .11 ...111 r.,l ,t f.f.1.1 flnnl M.itiiv a I 4.BV.1...V.. ..--'. .-' -v IIIL3 till. UVV II .IVII. w...... (icncral -Managor TNlckorson anil a ,, ..lotion for ollleers . . . , ...... ....... ,... iii nt t-i e ii, Rnin 1 vu,"i" . . 11. v-iariison is ncru iroui i.ariii- numbor of liigli olllclals of the hanta ... . ,, iirnt town In Ilio .... ... .i. ti... ...... ir,..i,.v . m ttC 1W. "..- " o. 'l- ... l.."v ......... j. strip to orgunl.o In this manner, ami , T))os McXcb1 of Kansas was In town on Saturday when tlie people get more , vcsKrday. Ilu will locate nt Terry. Fe road arrived in a special car yes tcrday afternoon. Ml-, ftiekerson says regular train Will be run to the strip today in ad dition to tlio many extra trains. The regular trains will run in foir sections, Vlie llrst leaving Orlando at 12 o'clock, ami tli? othprs at interval!) of twenty minutes. 'his morning the road otllclals will be at the depiA to render all aid pass ible to tlio enormous crowd of pass engers. t llorbcn It) lug on the M'i". Over 2Q3 horses huvo dropped deal botwoon horo and Orlando this week. They were ownnd by boomers and conld not stand tie prosstiro the town will bo regularly organized, and wlU be ready tq do business ns such. AU buslnoss men who aro go. mg to open storos and banks, and all purchasuis of resiuont lottt wero pros nt The executive otlicer will bo called "president." Much talk Is prevalent and many In- nulrles are being made regarding the trains that will enter tho strip on tho opening liny. 'From the conduct of the nianugoniont of tlie Santa Fo in tho prcvlom oponlng the public may assured tuat an iw k"- i"v 150 World's Distinguished Arenlc Meteors! Monster (If Iture Menagerie Willi llllKtl. Muny Siieelinoiiiof Species Neier Ilofore " Seen In America. A Host of WondtoiiH .Surprl-i'S- l'n parulh'lcd. ALL NEW FEATUnESl ARTISTIC PEERLESS. PURE. Ova 3,0(.0 people are nt tlio Santa Fo tUpot, mauy buying tickets to Orlando, Over 100 women left this city yester day for Orlando, to register, l'oor women! SupL S. N. Mallory suys tho public schools will open Sept. a.lth and not the I Bib. Hon. .1. II. llonlty of Oklahoma City was in tlio city yesterday. He will locate at l'crry. Hundreds of curious people congre gated at tho depot yesteul ly to seo tlio enormous crowds. Tlie certif -atos given out at Out -le re ogui l. For paitlcnlai-s sisi various advortWIm? medluins. Two grand evhlliltlons dully. Uuorsopenat 1 and 7 , in. SEADLE'S BLOCK. A full line of Books. Stationary, News, Office and Supplies always on hand. S v-iiooi m H. A. BOYLE, Proprietor. LOOK HERE I I Am Here to' Stay i Till Com itry I 1'ree. A strong fooling lias dovolopod in bu-iness at this place on Saturday. ( the crowds at Orlando mid Stillwater It is now inougui vuai an oooiiic-i, ; ugaiusi vuu uoomers who uuu m will bo ublo to register before the Oklahoma. Tho utter havo nppcared noon hour to-day. If all are not reg-1 in largo numbers nnd H is btrongly ha ...a !.,.. ,v uiid no ft vo ites. Twintv orthlrtvco cheswllt r -ably bo ro-looth Thin .day, will be ipalrod to ac -oiniiiouui . v..u ,., w this point. Since it ussurod that trains will be run many who huvo .good hordes will abandon the plan of going in on horseback nnd take the train" Look for M) WX puoplo on tho l'erry townsite thiS evening, LYNBS - LOCALS. Watch this space if you want anything in our line. FOR SALE. buggy Inwantof tlio Celebrated t Ineinnatl Safe. Firo or Uurglar I'm. or Firo und Uurglar l'roof; st,. Uoval .mm tot tho Celebrated Aincncuu nun-"- o - If yoli are If von tiro in wan Home hewing aiaciuno, , ., If you tiro in want of Hicyeles and Tricyolc. . t" King of Scorchers, tho Fowler, the Oriel, tho -'' ' ., " . , ,i .....I i.-L.-i il.. Vilecrrain. the lelMljOIi.-. thif ""rwc Z, n, tod Uuoon lit at iraveier, mo -u -" --- - ,, h retail, come and g""y irlec5. at ion B. o ahoio are. lm e i i n'ltl C.iiiriel, holei-a ai to (ieorgc I. Parsons, sccrelar; of Coylo it Sm .lis ivliolosalo jrrocoi.- is" interviewin. Orlando tnorcbants. Volney lorgiitt of this cltv -nd Jmliro li I MunU of 1Oiilwiiu .ro ca the ndldtttes for mayor at Porry, i o chances in favor of YottW- A horse or horse anil trade for town property. A running mare anil saddle to trade for town property. Deeded farm in Logan county to trade for town prpperty. Lodging house, furniture and fixtures for sale. Farms ioi $a)e and rent. I CALL AND SEE US. R. H. K z-WJ SB, (Mllttile, Oi, Man roi The English Kitchen, THE OLDEST HOUSE AHD ONE OF THE BEST in the CITY, Rates 1.25 Per Bav. Board Reasonable . - ' i,in v vaw- . V vu if 'fv It li. r s , il.Kll. I ( .1.111 1 Or.anuo. ie ( U. or Qi kireot. tiutLrie . 's-'iiiuproTed fat-rm,, , r, off passengers but,. ,'.." F tenm 'in hu VI f -Da ess. 1 !. S ' kt M J -a V -Wl I f' rji I Willi a brov MBfcrV.Wr J.- r.-. .. .. i i zajal -1 ir,