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y WJKrmrx ,r ' UHtBKr.n at tnc PosT-OrrtCK at (rtnitir, ok., a-; SiioNti ilaas Mahtf WMfg W HJlll M rjnMDWM M:1W,T''M ' ' "iirirn-'w !WiiighwrfirM $ i.. i7 Xy fyfr " VOL. 1 UUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, SUNDAY MORNING SKPTKMDKR IT, 1803. 2T MM! HANKS The Great American Handicap Race y Finished. a IS wliile pupa raced for n clntin. The good nlil grandmother, with linos of scores of winters engraved on hor ex pectant physiognomy, liolil her hand gently on the shoulder of a loved grandson and bosecched him not to overl.iv lils strength. Tints was a mass of rue hundred and seventy thousand pooplo mado up. And all men expoctnntl All wanted lund e.-noetod to irot It. Almost mivc nerves of whipsieord mul mus cles of steel. Vt worth the ehae: Wae worth th da. That eot thj l!fo My gnlhini mv." Now see, look! Tho ailranc'ng coin .nit begins to scatter. Sp eri mil hot' .mi begin to toll. Kvcryono rus.ics forward and onward at the top of his speed. 1'ndcr tho Inlluenco of. lush and npnr every animal Is doing lis nt mosu The race is truly on, and tho souls of the racers arc in iU This Is uiaht men to every claim and five or ' lo fe'rout frco-fot-ull Amerloiui handl- 1 Vit Itllll lilt' CIllllVU Ul U HUHluntMUu ui HOMELESS PEOPLE GIYEN CHOICE HOMES. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Settlers Dash Into the Cherokee Strip. f TOWNS BUILT IN A DAY AND NIGHT. bi to ovary town lot and all ox poctod something. No fears of failure solacd them. In tho lexicon of these strip booffiors thoru was no sticli word as full. y( llumanl'y is a rdcullur inslitutinn. What if there was not nucli n thing as hope procl iu hope. What lured on the one hundred and seventy thousand boomers? Hope they till Imped and thought they woro to 1:9 favored. The hardships of registration week were forgotten; fatigue from sleep- town lot is the nrcniluui placed upon the exertion. Now and then a rider or teamster is seen tt halt suddenly, pull the rolns taut, jump to mother earth and hoist a small Hag, or make some signal of his intention to settle and claim that tract for a homestead, Hut an 'opening' is no respoetor of persons, and some or.c else may dispute Ills claim a belt of timber or other natural obstruction may hide a contestant or a prior ar rival with a valid, adverse claim. A discovery of each other's presence causes an angry altercation, while tho MANY WERE MAIMED, ACCIDBNTS RESULTANT PROM YESTERDAY'S GREAT RACK. Note- mul Ini'ltli-itW if llin Itwilt The N Timtih- llriy Mitt- li'mil IHpMIiuNW Coiiliirj. woro sun How the Town of Perry Was Taken The Center of the Monster Rush. itig on the hard soil with little to eat j poor, overridden boasts, with tho hplrit and less to drink was put behind. Tho ' " w """ly criiancii am oca en , , ., . , out of them, with nostrils distended past during the present was forgotten. , wUh M Thousands of oyes peered out from , ..u(., ttln a,i gray with dust, sunburned mid swarthy faces over the Utand panting and wondering "whatit strip Wth oxpeotancy. Something I all means, anyway?" was to bo gained by looking forward - I 'rl,0 nt lho now, ,town) , Tcnt" , , . everywhere, men rushing hither and nothing backward. nnd thoollinlpotoIlt fllklr ,,. 'J'hen tho race! I jt)(f ll(g ncfri0U9 game. A crowd suit- .Scarcely had the "word" the all dcnlv gathers. What does It menu'.' SCENES OF WILD YELLS AND G0NFUS10N. A' Terrific Race ip which Every Man Adapted the Motto of Self Preservation. important word "go" rung out, Two men on tho same lot. Only a t .... .. . ,.l.l.. .. 1.1.. IT .....1 when the denso Hues weaved, wavered Bi-ro ". - crowd of sightseers jeer tho under and then foil apart, and liken meteoric . Hash tho thousands of boomers started ,j.ho f0rt,,nat, i,llVe received tlieir soure t5 disappointment, others to rewards of m.-rlL Tho disappointed wealth and good fortune. Nerves .strung up to a powerful ten sion; fiopos excited to the most intense I itih. were of a s ulden released from all their suppressed captivity nnd re straint nd given Till play. Ono hun dred and seventy thousand cti20ns, had inhered the du-jli for loino3. What it strtuwe. 1, what a fo- rocloas tl'ing i th.s desire for uncul tivated land! How it takes hold and transforms one from tho every-day, - WOMEN MiO CHILDREN TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT. well? Such was the nice of jjslotduy; at at once grand, sublime, ooltlng,ain us ing, avo, oven ridiculous. HL It was an event the liko of which will never be toeorded In tho annals of history.- Tlie evunt will go thunder ing down tho ages, to be rend with distended eyes in ccnti.rios to conic by I iho posterity of tho bravo men and i women, wno iiskcu iieaiiu ami lives to obtain a homeV A home! Speak ; oil of the loyalty of American t ilizcnship. A home! What is tlie country discov- -nil ff,i,r liii,iilnil Vinr4 mm In- Cfiluiu- eom.uonplaoe, to the wido-awnko man I 0lnc ()f Ur fr(H ni ,nuil of of aif.ilrs? tho brave. It has given origin to a distinct i No, the event of yesterday 111 never .nn,lns .. ill.. nntlllK ImiTin UlMlWll Mfi I b8 1C V1UVV.V-3 ...X. V...? .....- .-..-..-. The Women Make a -Winning, However, and Capture Some Choice Seats. A DAY THAT WILL GO DOWJI IK HISTORY: Graphic Details of a Rush Never Before Heard of in the History of Man. NEWS FROM THE NEW STRIP CITIES. Particulars of the Race to KiMare, Perry, Woodward, Enid .j pther. Pilapefilierriarkaple Cases oflsndur ancc of Horses and Bicyclists Full Details of the Opening of Cherokee Strip thtt "hnstlor." It takes the S1 a weelt muslin tsarer; tho bank aeeoantunt; the law clerk; tho pedant; tho cow boy; tlie savant: and fills them with a oominon dflsiro, nil touche thiii a common purpose, tfntll t j he bcsricr "rauhliy ' viU ro found o" auJ getting oovewJ eeordert again, ltwasbu a ono dav ttand to a packed house. T ero woio no complini'-nlaries isin 1. Tho" nation sat in tho iimphtlhiv lor and witnessed tho uJ.hlbHlon In tlie six million acre arena. 'J lie i.idUlor.s were ihoered. T,lo ial((i applnudeil lung ,md heartily. T'to players did i iiv worU wpil hut there wr no on-'-ore. Hed ilrc nnd muiic ilusi I tho Hid with nnyigw n,ft i;ft -iir;fl"" constltule.t lh WytKTnJexisting fornr aud Uog'.iter from""nYrT51lK4-, cate teutH aud dirges from dejocted and disnipoiiitod home ward-lion ml boomers composed the latter. Tho act was but tho beginning of dirt, obllviaju saving the on, msuming desire -lund, horacs--a spot where everyone is ah- fcolutely lord and mastera few acres of surfaic s'dl, bt. reaching from the tho end r.nd the curtain droppeil on r...nt..r nf llin i.rih 'to the center of ' the new Okluhoma. the heuvonb where no man can dis lodge or dispossess him: whore rent , d(iys noyor c me nnd landlords javo itp, cxltonco a cast'o, a barricaded stronghold a homestead. That Is tho thing! That is the solid basts of Amoilcan eitUcnsh'p. Did you s?o the run? If you dht not you uilssed half of your life. O, hut it was laughable In tllBliy In cldonces. Tho boomers weren't hi 11 ol kit, dl all. Mamma, how tho trains loaded! Oh, papa, buy me n Terry lot. l'erry is tlie stuff. Thov do have fast norses in water. "Who frowod that brick?" itohn Whontlo.v, nn Orlando, was shot twice In tho leg at tho start by the accidental disclinrgo of his gun. Miss Stilllo I'Ye.nain of Kentucky, I was thrown 'roui her horse and sus tnlucd a broken leg. She was enrod for. Thousands of licomera were lined along the Nanta l'u track near Orlando when tho first train pulled In from (luthrie. A man named fiSllotle hud his foot mashi'il by tho bumpurs of n train. Many people sulTorod ior water to drink with their whisky. The canteens came In good play. .lohn llutchins and "Stur" Mop ley quarreled over u lot at l'erry. Hutch ins' oar was bitten off. 4 Kluctriu lights and streot cars will bo built in Terry next woo'.c. Kitdnro was d u near all taken wiie i tlio boomers got there. Iluahy heail should bo tarred Slick rogue, that Indian. Cowboys, twelve In number, awlped excellent lots at llnld. Woodward is overflowing. Many people will worship In Terry to-dny. A Texas man named llrownlng was thrown from his horse and killed dur ing the race Over :i00 horjos polished in the race. (iuthrio is filling up with dejected boomori. Hill D.ilton is said to havo captured a claim near l'erry. Terry hu 2I.00U inhabitants. Kakivs galore in Terry pretty Terry. ""An Oklahoma City man wa crushed during tho run. Kit tally injured. Those Montana mon could ride to holl in a jiffy. m Talk about tho frontier. What more did j im want jesterdoy? Ca- Coffee 20 tents a cupaSu' WllW-"! for sale at KUdure. ih, lluahyhead "" "!rjftr""",a't'JW'J ll"l1'alJ'"WJM"' WWIilwi'l iwlluji t -tn mla I LJLU J . s k-7 The whole world is nfier our slio.. anil pn'ttv much evprlwMly in t. n it i i oui h1hh, too You couldn't K't iiil" iiiiMliing let hi. cither. In tin In . ..i Jotitwiar. Id'CHUT 1 1ti'S wiMir well, look well and III well. Nubixly wanW u Ileli-wheii II mimes to footwear. A had "dine toiiehi - Il tender vpnl, ntui li'lnlel ' 1 ftlif-l It' toiiehed llRhlh. If mmiwiiiiI to loin h miiii-iochH hook HkIiIIn . I i Itnfs lint 1 1 Im-a temiei .pm now -n-ilmt. roine In ii-fin shoe. We haecii 'i Ktillillilo fm tm liuine oi nut of ilufiK, lin-lne in ili tMlte. Eisenschmidt & Hetsch, 11H WRST OKLAHOMA AYS. EAGiiE DRUG m 109 HARRISON AVENL'E, Everything in the DRUG I WALL PAPER AT COST, Prescriplions Fi lied Day or Night- fftf-'m.l.IMIONi: CONNKC Richmond ! Second Ha A, G, IIIXON, Prop'r. IO.-ftl rai & na on New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices. See our Gasoline Stove ; they can't be beat. Sold riffht DOWN LOW. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bit. Firs? and DirisiM. Mom: ahoma. j Aiiot t Tin; "TV The hour hail hcomod to move with leaden feet as though some avenging Xumesls oro endeavoring to thwart O11I5 ii Oiuotlfia (it Tlum Aiimi the Terrl. lury nil! be Ilium A) Willi. l.dOKKK OUT I'lllt TUB MS l.VIW. Tho ontiro tract f-jnns h-ss than one fourth of the area of Oklahoma, which ih larger than auy ono of the twelve smallest states In the I'liion. Its lo cation is along tho Southern bound ary of Kant 111 and the Northern boundary of the territory and, in the Northwest corner. Its HUh from nnrtli In rout li la fiftv sevnn miles !ind the motives of Ihc sn-barned tlo-1 ja len?l,p froin 0!IH lo WObl nloal jnd by ulaeinc his villainous pnlm ', tnrce tjuuis jls wldth. The area of en tho minute hand. J Okluhoma, VJ,fri Hjurro miles, as Jlino moves, however, mid tho pa- I Bive". include.-, No Mun'n.Laud uod the 11 11.. Indian reserves anil allotments anil was finally I , 4. , , t L-Auiuiiui i.iu t.iii:ruiici; uiiiiuv. Ueiii'O of the boomer Hang bang!! baugU! flul qliy"-je stfjrteih Now tipy'ro off! IJlliy'-je stfjrtei Tie race is run. Tlie great American pver. handicap is At, this hour thousands of .nen, who yestgrday wcro homeless, with starva tion Staring them In tho faco, aro now tho nroul possessors of HJO aoros of arable land given them by the kind hand, of rncloSam. A oountry has been tranbformcJj AVjiorp vesj.e,,dr,y waj f Vaff4"1 Pah-ip p,i:hqllqV woodland, oxcitlug scenps provall. Tents and dugouts dyt the broad landscape and cauiplir.s with tha binoko culling heavenward, are to be eun on every hand. At the new towns are grent marts of trade, with men doiiijr business tho same a If they verc at t'.f proverbial "old stand." Over 0,000.003 acres of land hate been tacked to tho grand territory of t ali-ma, with Outhilo the capital 1 pi rss princess of them all. All alon tho north and south boun daries of tho strip was a holld niaM of hujnaiijtr out boforp the hour for melng. Tho line was huge and hete rogenous. Tho 100 feet of neutral ground was covered. Men, vomen and children lined the threshold, wltlk in tho rear of them ns far as the eye .. -.i.i 1... .... 1 ., ,b.uc, ... uw nour imnii unm There Is another featu-.e regarding pouncing .111 the minute hand and ti,s cw lund that is Interesting. The ... . . .... . ... . . . 1 coinpleto.y covering It at TJ o clock. I Tho act under which the territory ol whelming. Ho;tos for the homtilou arid fortunes lor the unfortunate wfi Men Can-it Nit f(ir t',ur Ni llic ItHre fur Hlllllt'H. IMillnsophurh and hiiitorlnni tell us that history 1 peats'1 itself. Kvonts which occurred centurion ugono will be repeated they say. This may be a truism, but in all casai whether tru isms or not, there nro exceptions. The wildest flights of, the hifrtorianJ of past ages codi not conjure up the mnr"oijm stupendous event wliicli occurred yesterday and never again will such an event occur between this period and the time when the brass mounted trumpet of (iabjiel soun Is over the hills anddales of this broad nnd prosperous limit for shops to closo business The opening of tho Chero kee strip, comprising nn urea of over iiO,OU),oj0 acres, was fraught with no, small amount of interest Vovnft Uv peudous, it was grand, yastKovoi- r- T3 m em -nr MW .nTd VNi 1 mil n SK. lIKAnQl'AKTEUS 1 1 11 itrip Supplies, Harness, AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.50 U J, Bndtos, inips See our Mammoth Stucl. Don't buy until you K-'t o'"- prices, member the number, in, Harrison avenue. Sign llig Collar. R. A. P. E standard time. TJil brave and com- Oklahoma was organized stipulate ngeous move of the hour hand acted U'"t "any other lans ithin tho in- , . , . . ., dlan TerHoiy not embraced within na an electrical oiiiotle fln 1L.0 waiting , tl)OV) bonndur0, M.all hcreaficr bo- thousands. (juieUer than a llah, or COmo a part of the territory of Oklu- quicker, tho fclgual flew around the homa wnjQr..lio JnUInn nation or Cherokee strip on tho Wpm tribe V"fsuoh lands shall lg..lf.y , v to the president of the United blates w.uu nun uiu wiuvviuv !JJ "u"1 "' i o i..i .,. Uu r,tu,.,, il.,.! c.,l. 'They're off:'' , nn js shall so become a part of the said A vast domain freah from the hand torrltory of Oklahoma and the presl- l0uld reach wcro networks of animals of t.od was alwut lo fulfil its purposo Icnt shall thereupon make proclama- ... . , . . I 11 1 .,mr iiS,,FmIiiu tlon to that effect," Thus it is only a and vehicles of every description uu- and begin a new y cr of tefulneas . J J 'rthe sun. Any ihey go! l-ell-iiudl. hurry K n Ue' tt lh,n of Ulc pabt oni, CAPITAL O&Y" BOOK STOEE, BEADLE'S DLOCK. A full line of Books. Stationary, News, Oi'fu Supplies always on nancJ. .id Srhotl Y. IrIr-J30TfjS -T H- Tho plain buggy stood crowded next the ox team, the Knglish cart and tlie dashing sulky wp.-o side by side. A homemade yfagH anpeared ncjet, an antiquated vehicle from tho father land. Thon on the lino! Tho bright-faced Kastern girl mado grimaces at tho typical cowboy, tho man as old as Mothuicluh hold a plcfuued ehorub In his arms Tho an.lous housewife In quired et the Montana school lima" in if it was not almost noon, while tho polished broker from lloston held a colloquy with ths sturdy 'lOcr from tho golden stata The small boyXrom Oklahoma won!d wpft patiently with the selou of a-Minnesota statcEiuau acuiry, iwisuhi unit lumvivu iim) tarncd; sliotlli. lai'SMut,'- cursing; a cricltlngof whins, a jqiiey ' oatns, a cjond ol dust -through wasliQiil mul rayhie. ot hills and bullqws, rucUloss upd lwllbeiit-this muddy, sweating, innililongri tlirong. A man U downr Uo's buaton! Hut see, ho eauuot rise. His leg- la broken No matter, poor (itW, It Is his mlsfor V, 111 00 merlon uiiucr uuo tno siaio or territory of Oklahoma, or mado a Kepi urate state . Tor sale. A cplpndld rcsldeiico tifoprrly on Nuulc avenue, Capital bill. Will glvo tlmo on half a( price to right party. Call on Spencor iv Hobortson, Itooin 8. tlray's brlok block, zl 1 the rule and each and every rattj bucklo.l his girdle tighter and strive,) to bettor his condition in life. Thuus ands of people who stood on the border of the promised land with Intuuiioni to rush In where sooner j had feared to tread, stood back nghant as tho first forward break was, tr ' Tho magnitude of tlip. aljM them, and all they could 40 - tul yipw le Jut fecedinjf forms 01 utrry hcriiestendcrs' in tho 'sta .. fr homes and townsltca, Man d hi ' . "7 "T . .... j ,., . . , ,. went down-porUb..l-i 1. , l you are in -ytof he, t e lebrau-d Ciueiunatafa. lire LOOKEERE I il. I Am Here to. Siry! 01 1. rush; hun,d.roiU suffered, btN 11 NVft fqr ielf, and self a.lone, arft fcympathy remained stagnant ',ft thu elrcum amulent atuioBpKwu Tt. raca at yeaUMHlay waa a tolosaaj ixkiWUn rtlh, '1 If y CaUfc. JllV) - .r hiTonInk I le'jri for a pi ... 1 SOlllO' TI10 lnpi' nil.! innatdiMnnlpt. t0.k of school bo"k and a hiw1. u ill? u ever brought U (iutarie !.. just w j-fe ( - ... . ,., I ma ,.... ...I n lliA fmMa I I i, . Itt rfllr kt tir. tune. Noono tliniKSOt ciiiKicing tip .-... - -r- 1 10 l or stonnintr. The kindly brothei hood ,-- -- I. CrrAltll Ol IDllll IB 1'H" - --I ,,,.. v . . . i ,JlV ..r. . .kr,,,.. toltUfin 'W(ii,'r iPBMfBffJW 'IeWPt pnr , mr horao falls. ! . staggers, uiinuiy jjiuji , vMl V) Tho poor beast, endurance was over-, lnnsl i,,, tod. lie was cruelly, rashly urged as tho . tO-a loap that he eoukl never have every covered, even n ills bot conaitlon "uoP , ani form, nr p'aed "n a strain of en-1 ' ji0 durance where ovryMilpu mist f,ud cdOi-i I'elf .aniaaaes . h l- v dble. 1 i.ail un y at i.e. 1 for want est ho-. oyer tluthrie . .11 bo in .mber 'JO. a axstuily-ru study hf loves to Indulge short ut. man's hu- Oust-luogriincd .ind tl.e rays of a boll- x x- Juwands of ineu who Juul WL-' "if 'lie In a quiet and un- 4dtat uufi'manner. were the wildest a .nttervaeo ami the crushed and in ngMll forai of a comr;.le. stoviw.l 497oin their wvldcr.ed tllght. WBI? I.rtolf, with the lnscrin- 1 .1 thalr eountonanees. To suc ceed lotjfttliors suffer." So niuoh for I Ihqtf i&hjrrand men. on ara m ',iim m' ti Homo Si- mm i.ri . - InrjsrfBl&. th:owIor. i.l o. t. iPJili Warwlc t rue KoaU lUntr. tlie l'tcif . iaa42IUIHDw Traveler iba New Mall unA the lioid iU8ei. HlByele. , jrotall, come and got my prices, at li V Ok- aluwia a . 14 'JfiHL. . "r.v V llMC-Ui XI r .llir' ,1 '. I'' til an I r EL. H. KNAUS8, AI ilnagci The English Kiteifo., THE OLDEST HOUSE AMD ONE OF THE BEST in ft? CITY. Rates $1.25 Per Dgv. Board Reasonable! 1 r 3) i ,r" v wnpizmrsm- - " ' "IH T fa - . , ; if: ""'''iWai-r. , r' ' h n'lM Innnch 1 1 "f- t'vttis . ri - . rayon uiv ' 1 hi r ' :m, no civtm ninn .. ... v '-rH, "Uf'.-fc..