Newspaper Page Text
t Chilli fO i'l iiW' 1"&$1 V UTCRim AT 1IIH I'OST-OpriCB AT (CTimt, OK., S SfiCOSD-Cr Ass ItUrTI II Officf ok I'ubi.-catioji : Harkivin Avkxcr imnwiRBiaannnKa VOL. 1. (1LT1IR1T, OKLAHOMA, TUKSDAY MORNING, SKPTKMP.iai l 18!3 . N( 2-J8. I ' l ii Mi Him man jam amsmi mmm i i niajiaj aii. IMmt ll AFTER THE RAGE. Ill th2 Ciierak?) Strip Was On Saturday. Settled ARMY OF STRIPPERS, Scenes Tiiat Will Ever Remain Unpar dlilled iu History. HOW FERRY WAS "SOOHERIZED." Iho Hoisemem Won in the Race the Railroad Trains- With RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT HEW TOMfflS. Story of the Sooners Who Got Early to Avoid the Rush. There STIRRING SCENES AT ARKANSAS CITY. Ik'fore the I.nnil OKUr llimilrrtf UiiiinirfH In l.luo to ltprurit Tln-lr lilms l'ltflit of Ctmli-Klmiln-Inlri.-ctliii; Null . of part, occupying' the Improvised pulpits itml exhorting ti large mil attont lv i ongrugnlioni. Yosturday afternoon tents began to trlvo way to frame building mid meal ing of various kinds were held. Petry was lotlletl on Saturday in one hour and in now n prosperous town of 32,000 soul. 4 OIM.NM7.ATlON AT Ull.llUii:. l'nlilln Jlrptlns llrlil YeMrrdny Moriitnjc Special to the lradei. Ku.iiAtti:, Sept. H At this place, tho county scut of !('' county, or ganisation lilts licen effected iiutl bus iness is moving along nicely. A pub lid moolinif vti8 held nt 10 o'clock yes- teriitty evening anil was attention uy nearly nil the citterns of this town. Mr. Hurler, editor of the "It" County Democrat acted n' secretary. A gen eral government ivna founded and power vested in a committee of lire chosen Tivii rove. 'J lie townsito board has not yet reported. Tile provisional government will probabty iseuo certi ficates which will be placed en record and operate as prima facie evidence of title. There nro not more than 2,000 people In Klldure. ltoy llolVmnn, editor of the Guthrie Lkadkii was called upon to any feomcth! g, and especially with regard to the school lands, but no sootier was ho introduced limn a largo, powerful built, rough looking mun, ii tt cruel unfeeling lone of voice yelled: ' l!oy, wash your fnee!' Sheriff Gcorgo l-'enton, i'rolmlo Judge II. X. Woodson, Clerk Charles llobb and Attorney A. A. .Ilycrs, tire on the ground nnd doing business. There ate lots of democrats in tho Vi cinity of K lid are. ECHOES "FROM PERRY. SKTTLttMUNT AND GROWTH OF THK NEW TOWN. OOHTESTS, FIGHTS AKO LUCKY PEOPLE, HrT7.v rnnigrniil". IloMi t'.itntril anil I'li-intnit. I'l rtniiiltifc In tin- I to I'rrtty Perry. s::.i:cii ron Tho Cherokee strip Is opened. The great inco for homes Is a thing of the past. An event Hint will ever remain unparalelled in the history of man his taken place; and 0,3Sf,.):0 ticros uf land have now individual C'liers The Oklahoma null was great, lint it pales into lusignilicuncc when compared with Saturday's event. Where, Saturday morning, broad strotchos of uninhabited piniric, with with only bunches of sooner, and sol diers hero and thurc, can now be seen thousands of boomers and scores of thrifty towns. The excitement all over the strip during Saturday afternoon was really intense, and many murders and shock ing deaths occurred during tl.P grand rush. That a large portion of tho strip, especially the principal towns, was taken by sooners, no ouo will deny. Hut litigation lots of it will follow and the honest homesteader will re ceive hisjust duo. Terry contained a m.issof 8,000 people tit 12:11 o'clock. It M imposfrlble for any horse to travel nine miles iu eleven minutes. Nino miles w..s the shortest distance from neutral grounds to the town, Until, Kilduro and Pond Creek were also oc cupied a few minutes after 1'.' o'clock. It is unnecessary to speak of the dense crowds. There were .10,000 spec tators and prospective settlors who subsequently boiomo spectators. n.liiil!re Woniaik. snecial ngent, esti mates tho crowd that rushed from the diircrent central points as follows: Arkansas City, 3.0iH; Orlando, 30,000; Caldwell, 20,000; Hennessey, 1.1,000; Stillwater, 10,000; Kiowa, 3,000. other points, 10.C00. Kstiinating the fanil lies of married men at one to each certillcato bearer, the piiorokeo strip on Saturday night contained a pipti latlon of over 200,000. . Many uccidouts occurred, bnt in mpst cases they were tho result of ex citement and the fear that the plum v s eaten. At Woodward, Knld, Cross, Kirk. Willow Springs, Pond Creek, 'P.luek well and other points along tho Santa Ko and Hock Island boards have been organized and the places are swimming tilong niarrlly and sc lonely. Notwithstanding the dust, Kildaro claims .".,000 jcoplo but It loally has not over s.oao. Cross will nt once begin the erection of a 200,000 bank building. Tin: irsii rf it.isuv. The riujh to the'town of 1'urry oaji never lio forgot ton by the thousands TliPtloirrnitirat Mi'IIiimI- nf l.i.outlUK tu tin- Strip. An interesting part of tho opening of the new country is. the locution of government corner stone?. 'J lie In dian meridian runs north and south through tho Territory, a few miles won of Arkansas City, and ranges arc numbered cast utitl west from the me ridian line. Tho townships .ire num bered north and south from the base llnc'riiniiiug east and west and cross lug tho meridian lineal l'ort Arbucklc, Chickasaw Nation, I. T. Parallel or correction lines are 21 miles apart. North of the base lines running cast and west from tho' 'Ian line on the rorrcctlon line, uic found two sets of cornerstones. One set is marked "S. O.," nicnning -rjundurd corner," nnd are to designate the section and quarter corners north of the parallel or correction line. The otlr.r fet of corners nre marked "C. C," nicnning "clvslnir corner" for the section cor ner .south of said correction lines. Tho township lornci-b on standard lines marked "S C'nre marked with six lines or notches on the north, east and west. The ui,nship corners marked "'"C." aro marked with six straight lines on the south, east and west. All 'other corners cam man to four townships are marked with six sit-light linos or notches on all four sides .north, south, east and west. Mintli lVirj-. Of course, H wus a foregone con el ii sion that there wouldn't bo near enough lots to go around. And there isn't near enough land In the original 320 acres for a townsito such as Perry is destined U become .ludiro O. II. Violet, in company with Joseph O. lilackburu and several prominent citizons of Oklahqma City nnd Guthrie, have organized tho towu of South Perry.on the southwest (niar- ter of section 22. About 2,000 people are now living there. Actual icsk donoe began at 1:05. A mooting wns held last night and temporary organ ization effected There tiro still a number of vacant lots. Lord, tho dimt. O. tho horrid sooner' Perry has ten hotels. Its a pretty to wr site. This is an cjninoxal bu.W. Will Burton s dd out for ww. Perry is moving to Wharton. Ci-'-ss w',11 make a good town. , John Asltcr sold out for St. 10. The sooners gobbled the town. Volney Iloggatt still for nnyor. 01) Nwlmt litigation thero wll to. J .birycllsts weren't in it at Perry. J . ltinil olflce la located In an alley. Lou Pitts got what the urchin shot at ThousmU of people got lots of dust. They hnro n good salt well at Wood wartl. It hi a straight-out sooner crowd at Perry. , x. It'rnmc butldhtga are going up every when., Perry will have freo mail delivery in '.to days. llain'. HiIij'. Oh let cyeryboily )r.iy for raits. llnrver P.cboo junnetl two lots and lost both. Men selling dust spectacles arc get- thi!f li'-h. ' Ned Cheadhgot thero nud then tho fun legnn. Tho circus saloou sold alop at 10 cents a glii'S. The people wero herUad liku" cattle on tile trains. The sooners tire holjrfitg oft to that which I.s good. Speculators aro inn Perry and V.nA. Wator(V) is atlll sold at l'arry for 10 cents n fork full. Side Irnelci tire to be put in at Perry by the Hnnta Pa. ' S . Over thirty lot in Perry were talw by young women. ,i Dr. Charles Huilth fot a lot adjoin ing I G. XlMaek. Unrly Sunday morning not less than 500 took the best lots. J. Hoy Williams got a fine claim four uii:es from touui. tho wind. They captured enough real estate to biilltl n town. Two moil nre reported to hare Ulll-' ed i ach other icar Cross to-day In n, d'spuie over n elnlin. I Kllsnn A Wiillnco nnd eK-llealstcr Over-.trcet spt-nt nil day Sunday In fi i iiinbllng over Iota. ' ( til Ornor atnlhs oror the grounds with majestic steps dlctntlug who the ' town ofilccrs shall be. Mayor Volney HogRntt fl '"rlslied n , roll nnd said ho bcHevcd In quick sales nnd small profits. The Democrct was started nt Kildaro by Utick A Harter. This gives the new town three paper. T. M. Illchtinlson 9lcl up tho situ atlon and concluded he would lin y n location lor his htmbor yniti. For God's snke and the existence of Perry citizens, J. Sterling Morton please turn on a rafn nt Perry. Persons who fallod to get lots at Perry content themselves with pulling lots out of their earjtand noses. A 'voinan cllmbcdm top of the first coach on tho firnt trrln and rode to Perry like Neptune on tho wave Although there was a company of I'nltod States troops nt Perry, they permitted the place to be soonered. Insurance AgcntTlMekcrson. of New York, is icing lwonted for mayor of Perry and Agent Spoer for inarahnl. Harry Cadet nnd Hurt Parties walk BULLET RIDDLED. AT LliAST PIFTEBN MUND8RS COMMITTKD IN THli STnll'. SCORES OF FATAL ACCIDENTS, In the tireut It nli tlnme JIiihjt ()hmI M'iilur ii Tin lr 'Hint Arr liroHdwl In Jljutrri. Although there w,n no lolajBce or outlawry attendiag the oponrfnf, many inurtlors, which will doubtless fo.-ewr be shrouded in mystery, occurred Men witli bullet holes in their heads were found nt different points til the utrlp. Thy hud been murdered, hut by whom? Maybe some homest.der after wailing long months for a homr. was bcliKT iH-aten to a claim, pernar the wound was self-Inflicted, or again the vast p.'airle may hove been the scene of the settlement of a feud. In addition to the string of murders and accident published in Tub Lkadkh Sunday the following hnve comq to light. A-jfUj'' '' 3aTili-V -act - jl-i- ill I " 5 ?v Itllllllllll Uitll llllll.-l!.. A man supposotl to be W. It. Jones, linlllmr from Mob'erlv. Mo . WHS found ed past the loud ollleo and thought noar Klrk wUh ,,, bo,,y riddlod with how nice it wus to bo on the outside. ; bullv,tSi Papei-s weio round on the Though like a wnmlorer, body hen ring the abayo iitiine. The sun gone down, ' llorkncss be over me, .Mui-ilrrr.i nt siillmitcr. "J"8"""" - Two miles west of Stillwater, in a Kotwithstanrllng tho rush and ex- (i1Mlso n.idorbrush. thu bodies of two oltonieni 't was a gooJ natured crowd imomers and a dead hone wore f guild that sprea-l itelf oicry Purry Suttir- Sunday evening. Kullets hud pierced day. ' the hoarts of both men. In the cloth Sunday's I.kaiiki: contained tho most ! ing on one of the bodies was a card of graphic account of tho opening of any I Filson, Overslreet A Stewart, tin which paper iu the country; copies were was written in pencil, '('. C. Kelly." aold. I Anmiiir tho first horciiieii uliol Mint In the Mi'. reached Perry were Jim Mnsterson and A mysterious Cnrl Craig. toa's fiery stcetj. hor-. ami pntty much omm-x The hide world is after our lio", fiKi. Yon couldn't Bet Into iiumIiIiik Ih'-Iiit. cltlii r. Im-i-iius. Uioy ui-ur well, look wi-ll nnd lil well. Nohodr w .ml It conn to foot w i ar. A had -ln . Kiiirlics a lend' r spot, and i tniich ! Ilhtl. If Mm want tnloinh inr po, rl liook lit ,v i I U'li i Mm1 lmw-.t !.i-i. rut i-to us , Iiiii-j We lni i lnw li III! nf I .! ,11 1 1 MHlN ill I W lii must .1 tlmt'H not t .ii r ii in nut of llool- is or pli'iimitr. llUff Mtll I ti tl- EisenschnvidiL hotsch, ItH WHS'P OKLAHOMA AV15.. in i pit t EAGLE DRUG blDllfc, murtler occurred Sun- Mastorson rode Kill Dal-' day near noon tilijut throe miles uIkjvc Orlando Lewis Ilivors, aged 20, liall ing from Iron Mountain. Mo., had bueli left by his folks to watch a team while they went to hunt a cl-ilin. I'pon returning they found young liiil-wgs urj ofjffbloh W. llocViffnlNr ajUemiter 'liieciaiii wa 'tdxntsfW WjC ttivers nan ronnni ted salcidc, but this theory does nut hold water. Tho young raaa ws nntrdered In cold bloo.l. There were no niors Inn', iu the grand null than on n. fourth of July oelebratlon or picnic, when there aro ... ...1. f ,1... cn., ..' Uiveis iii a. death strttfrzlo with a Thotowtmitoof l'Wnd the riwli J,etlolo Jn llls sJli0. The body the-re Saturday antt iHff rsn uacx ncre ; uipi lo QAmio j,nd n corftner ttHlniNlnt? nirlit rtMltl sUklMMI Ilia ' k","""'v .'; : ; . TT. .isannnor0 109 HARRISON AVENUE, Everything in the DRUG LINE. WALU HA1JI5LR AAP C30ST, Prescriptions Filled Day or Night- A, C, HIXON, Prop'r. OSB'TKI.Kl'HONK t'ONNl'.C 1 10N."XDa Kich Seeo monds ti r-vr Ti TN j na nana m '.ore. mt wr Af & ss$h hhp cUy i u $ With a salt utrr ell anr evcti that exhamteil within ono hut nfler 19 oloch Saturt:.iy, what could have hoe'ii expected but great urd utiparal e'.ed unVring Governor Jlenfrow, Imps tor Swine ford, Special Agent Worauck, Secre tary T. J. Uvre, thief JtTslico Dale and Clerk Kdgar Jones wltiiCHSod start from the Prlando line. lentil lo All Mooiir r. Yesterday three miles from Mulliall the body of a juiddie-aged man was found with a liatcliot burled in hit the head. No papers were found tQ iden tify tho eorpso, as it was undo and the Henry Greeley of Columbus, Kansas, elotliing missingv .soar inn oouy ..,,rll ..round n stake iii bhiok III a stake to w hlch was pinned a paper near 1 o'clock Snturday. Ve. is still , bearing tlicHfl words Grant Pauley of.Klduri'uo, Kas., eapM sitting by that stake and will not be ! Sooners t iii-Pil :i boulevard lot conVJIUieu uiui lie is in uie -.nuuu plew goods at 2nd HajiOrice, I See our Gasoline Stoves the) can't i : I beat. Sold riffht DOWN LOW. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. et. First and Division. Dauth to l'lr.t Srttlcr'H llniiM-, George Todd, of tho T. M. ltlcliard son Lumber company, built tho (lrst fiamo lioisc in Perry after 12 o'clock Saturday. Ho took in tt lot of lodgers Saturday night. IVrM IVrry-IiloeUn 31 j or. Tho West Perry Townsito company orgaulitdd Sunday uitd oloeted John J. H'lin parllolpatcd therein. Such a . Jtoort ,nnyoi.f na Charles UobWus i'.u-d and jam was never beforo teen iu tho west. Sogners had settled the town and tiiu horsemen beat the trains. When the first seaion of cars arrived puoplo fairly rolled otT ilie eoneho. jumped out the windows and nattered. The sun shone down with terrliic force, and this, coupled with tho wind, made tho air like blasts from a furnace, ror lour iioiira um fcorumblo for lots kopt up. Two' men fonght on onp lot, nnd two women carao together on another while n. "syndicate gong" would try to a iion-workable bl iff on inno cent men holding down a portlonof the government rosorvo or 41 stroet Along lowiinU 8 o'clock order come out f ehaos-that is slightly. Tents went up ovjr tliq stio wrn puonoui 4'iial rapidity, nud restaurants, lunch htimd. law otllcos. blaek'iu tb shops. Ifinotlide joints, s.i'o.n- 'an I alK cuil cans dives, nc. ,p i,. .'V . anu liayllot weir ill f . ' i ' .'ld ".' ' ntlon. (Hi Suniuv f't c were In d nt many tents and on tho gr.anids, clerk. McConn rode into Peny with a bro ken lmf. . Plucky intm. Over lOfl.O.iO people are sleeping on the ground in the strip. ShorilT Claude Parkor of Lincoln county was in the push. McClung, Uosenbau-.j and Al lllxou all have good Perry lots. Kloett-lc lights will be in operation at Perry by Saturday nct. Hud I)ra?c has undisputed possession of tho best lot on tho townsito. Criiikshnuk sold a oar of watermel on at r.o Venti. w'thln an hour. h. G. Nibldck of Tup Leaiikii nailed a corner lot nnr the land otMco. Iloggatt for mayor at Perry. Vol ncy's friunds arc staying by hi in. Mine Alice Dabin of this city bus a lot near tho land otlice in block 2. Ono man paid S2.10 for a place near the hind otllcc in tho "llliuir lino." Governor llenfrow garo valuable ns sihliince In the reglstrntion booths. Tho men wont oil' nholy tit Alvn. There were no r.coidents or trouble. Miss I)nu.y, of this city, roUe. on the engine of the lirt, train nnd got n ilno lot. D'.menelon lumber salla ttl 30 per It is an Interesting fuot that iu the null from Orlando to Perry 'many of tho first claims near the neutral ground wero passed by. livery boolnor thought tho other fellow stoppoJ. The crowd at Kildaro is greatly ovor-cfitimated. There are not over S 000 people in the town, llusliyheatl soared the people away. Willow Springs will inako a line town. The sight of the first train as it entered tho cut to the strip at Orlando with Us cargo of humans, would have intulo a great picture. Was there a photographer enterprising enough to catch HV Tho big.disgust that spread over the countenances of the pooplo who went to Perry on lawful timo only to find tho townsito eoonerod, was suggestive A Ni'KNi I'utiirtjSlitit. A negro mimed Jennings from Dil las, Texas, wus struck with an nx bj A. V. Gilbert, a white man, tit Perry yosterday and faulty injured. G.l bort escnped. "iBiirfinl. DK UUU Demi IJiiiIj nt ii Woman. The dead body of a woman, entirely naked, was found Sunday near Wood ward. No murks of vtilvnco wore on the body. Whether the poor woman mot death by prostration or murder cannot bo told. Shut liy a Solillcr. Ail old man named James II. Hill, of Ivingborn, N. J.; was shot and in stantly killed by a soldier at tlio south west corner of the Chilocco rciorvation He started into the strip before the sliftiul was given. The soldiers wurnod ar Saddlery Horn lli:l'Jl UTLI'" I "I? uppiies, Harness, Bridies, Wiiips AND SPURS. SADDLES FROM $2.50 UP. Riv Strip S See our Mammoth Stock. Don't buy until you p member the number, in, Harrison acnue. Sign N; ir prices, liar. P, r of tho prrsone of an epidemic of la ,tm to stop, but ho ignored their or grlppe. dcrs and they fired upon him. Tho Tl.o iuorry nt Perry Saturday was sum of SS was found on his person and "what wero the soldlors doing was turned over to tho sheriiT. thurc?' Certainly not to prevent the j --- townsito from boinir BOOllOie.l. or, if Tlirr.. Miinl.iM tinnftimi. they wore thoro for that purpose they failed to do iholrduty. Mint In tlu l.l'K. J. W. Austin, of Hcxlur, Kan fought with nn unknown man yester day over a claim noor Wharton, Aus tin was shot in lite sidu and danger ously wounded. Ho was sont to his home In Doxtor. MI.h l'im.iiii'b I'lUtiU. Miss Posson of this city is contesting a lot in block 23, with a wan ut Perry. Sunday tho man put up a frame house. This, Miss Possnn pulled down, und oontinucs to pull down tho hotiso as fast as it is put up Arrcitsiit l'i-rrjr. Sliorlft' SoruggA palled ' a aboil man yostu-dny. A fellqw nainotl U Million was arrestod for assault; N. II. Kamne a us Jerked for an assarU on Joe IMm. il'arkell, l-nr. 1 thousand feel nod flnifchinr inmbor at Fifteen mlnutos aftor l'i o'clock mnro tbnn 2.000 sooners were btaU-liig off lots. Colonol lMukcmore and Pustmnstor Merton jointly o-vu a lot frjntinj on the acre. Charley Iniaiii s-as he got there r,.ct nn.l bv llu-iU-inu'i h II have that corner lot Georgo Price. Hon agent, Is holding u .plundid lot down, und is doing a W. P. bust ties. People at IV rv to- t f'c trees by n.ui..ln.iM.u . -U'.li Viw' a bVeath V..V ...,.. - of fresh air Will Watson. Lou li-i .--y. A 1J It Hall of Js.per- ounly M iii ii""! I nii.:-. thool hm Is in '. Li- 'ii pw II be i-cd after proper p'lb',. . Mo i lathe .ghost bidder, ubiiit iIjji after mlaisters from Oulhrlo for the most j.vblicotion is (.ive.i. Mo,, gut a il i Morgiiii iV 1 .' II L- lilS t I III land ofllce at 1 llefen'el . ' I i-airi,- adjolnin'e 1 t nfi ' ii' u of 1.1V, till' Tho nroUIOst j-flCfiLjWtlio day waa made by Judge .Mason nnd Miss Daw son, both of Chandler. They were j mounted on line black chargers, and were the llrst non-sooncrs to secure claims adjoining Perry. ,v ( Tlio nearest tlisVooco nroiii tho lior- ! .1.... tn n.n intm nt Puri-v U nine miles I .ill. IW fcMW w.. - - --- - . by tho ridge route, yet when the train sighted the townsito it was covered j with people. Could those pooplo have gotten there honestly? No! West Perry is organized. OflLors nre, J no. J. Holes, mayor and C. II ' Uobbins, clerk; Goo. S Cunningham, city attorney: J no. 1). Deboles, troas I orer; T. M. Neal, iiolire judge. T. P. YlcKennon, marshal; W. I). Alnutt, A. II It iles, M. V.. West. M. A- Moselc ('. W, Iv rns, f-amuel Pelner. A mniiU-n la 'y named Sabatha Sharp f . u ii.lali"in i 'M went into thu nt.ip tii b'"iiur wrgon at Aiknnsus , C i , WlfJ'n u h.ul pusse I over tho Ii -.t i-Uiiii -.1." im.i,)i- 1 nui nd 'iltinted i i in '-. "f p?" 1 1' hail not .. - "' pr" u' ' It ' ujugn for ' cr ' After .s ifter '1 Near lllack Jtear 4trna;'iv't of here, tho dead body of .fame? Ifetir- tdon or.MIlford, Mass.. !i' tound on the prairie nftor the rush. He hud been stabbed todeath, and tin. weapon with which the crime mis committed was found sticking iu his breast. Fur ther north the dead body of W. I', ltlakc, supposed to be from Gainsvillo, Tex., was found. Ho had boon shot through the heart. The dead body of Madilenu Grangor of Torro llnute, Intl., wus al&o found on tlio prnlrle. Thero was no murks of violence upon tho body, and it is believed that she I died from some natural muse. CAPITAL CITY BOOK STOKE, -BEADLE'S BLOCK. A full line of Hooks. Stationary, News, . Office and ScIho Supplies always on hand. H. A. BOYLE, Proprietor. LOOKHEREl I Am Here to Stay! If you uro in want of tho Celebrated Cincinnati Safe, l-'lro or liurglor Pi . or Plre and Hurglar Proof; , , v ,. .., v . If you are in want of tho Celebrated American Helpmate, hingei. l.ojal Home newmg .Mai-lilne; Arclililltlill.v Slmt. At Otlundo Saturday night Henry Doylo, of near Tcuumseh, was accl dentally shot by a friond. Tlie wound is iu tlio tibdomon and may result fatally. ' ' ACti'oof Msjrlieni, Oscar Parke and Henry Tiller quai- rollcd over u ilnl'ii, north of Perry Sunday. Purl.otit Tiller's ear oh. If you nro in want of llu-yeles and Trhyclcs. such V,cl1,P ' ' King of Scorcher, tin- l'owler. thg Oriel, the I enlx, tic tcntral, Warwick, tho Itoail Kin?, the Telegram. . . 'l' h'l'oo ne the t urlcr Traveler tbo New Mull and t ho Koid Ju--u Hlcy.-te , nt wholesale a ' iVuil coue aiul t S price, ut 100 R . - aR.oma av . t.ulh.ic Ok . R. H. KNAUS Manager. The English Kitchen, ail Wat laraia i -Haai i Tag '11 mkI m'. ii was good Dltil'.f 111. U-n Themnn M IMde 1. 1 will- a .ta'.i.-. t P. n as .i entiont-d im 'i- (1.. o VMS StWI m OLDEST HOUSE JUID Olffi OF THE BEST in (ncOT. Peir- .1'iit iejs.ico n:.ouw -, f il ny till rre "Tir u r i a banuer of tuis city, i wounds naiidajr. ::' -:KJfes $1.25 Per M Btard Heasonafc'e .'iC i-.. 9 JiK (flWf aum- 'ii-tC ." ,UiiilWUiQilUnj;t, T- i aimruw t.4Mw .uwk u i uumit vrtiToim hiic ntt '014 'iUli'H.V IhoU J liooU store. 1Q.I K Uootm. ' - - '. . lj TM.V...' i.. title Jt Co , urngB ana hooks. o Vll'x,0,M. t'M- iMf. uanivMi''-. etc. IThc Ehorta t antniul. kt Pinto Uetweet liithiio om. .SttHiiat. tvuJorU-'1" . - ' if cuiiipUxrou.1.ah'ilit?siifir, mmiUrp, cTc l mc-autinw .." .,.--.i..v taa"' 1 v ic t icwsp ruo.Tr-ornvcet -roTrnr tf-r rniuvat-r -j jt,,.. --.- .m Tri J"Tsj(I3' 1 ggrg