Newspaper Page Text
rr: ) j&$ $ L. II S-w 1 5 P 41 41 11m l- ',r J M t ss s $ U -I -r j & i B .& U " if Jv fct J CT ' J $ bit Ws i u ii 5 i lr ill". Y ,W Lfl I V. lr J ! pp.rwgawwyyirpguJw''iy.'ygjy; GNrflRDP at tut PosT'Orricn at Gutum?, Ok. as Mttbk m'tm?iwFB"i wmirwoww .: - ftmMMim Orncft op PtrnucATioxi IUkm-ow Avat mmni)fmm'imxTrvcntmmmmwaMx VOL. I. mow mm i M.-mwrmi nia imniwii imWWCWAW'KI UWIIHIIWHUIMMlia THE SOONERS J had locntod. She had ridden alone a. id hnl picketed her hor AhU she ! .... ....i-..fl , 4ttlrt fi llin liliilil '!.. . . .r.-T-. '-, Yrtl ' I' "- " "-ft AN f i rlKIn r ' "IC ,n(1,,rlrtl uf hlr -orm-Usly had II 111' lliliUl 1 1AJ Sl( . f,ri. i (i,(j j.rnhlr jtmi the Oi.v irras- burned furiously, bearing diiwu i upon her. When she discovered hor Arallin Nights' Tales of tlis Cli5rok8oiln"K";.in,tcn,lof ",m,"u'1,r,'cr,,T0 , I and riding away, she sought to "llro OlTip back," but It wm too Into, the (Tallica i fin opt over hor andshe was lost. Her ho rsc eacnped. Anollicr woman lost RARRIFRs RIIRNFD AAfiYl1,erUfei"11 Mm,,ar n,annor wp,t ' Drtnnmno ium.u mvai jKUUre. Whon rarrol, aml Slllth ro. j turned to their claims they found three men contesting their rights. f UUTHKIJS, O M Y, V, i , l XJSD AY .MUtmiKO, SJEPTEAJLBER 20, IBU3. ul .ff wiu m '" AFTER THE nwawmino PAHLtAMENr OF PELIOinNS. Towns That Sprang Up in an Hour are Prospering Nicely. RIVAL STRIP TC'WNS. SOONER LARIETED AND STRUNG UP. Asa Youmans Glveti a Dose of Coll and High Life- BAYARD T. IIAINER NOT MISSING. lip mid l!l llrnllirr nro l'riilrlp I'lren At ore Arrlilcntii About the Strip. The Cherokee strip is all right, it is thickly settled and will niiikc a prosperous country. The new towns are growint uicelv 'I tin Hock lulniul llitllro.iil Kiikhrv.I In Mcinlcy IIiD-itirxn. 'J'lio disappointed boomer? who got neither claims nor lots arc returning. They form a regular procession on the road running beside the Sautn lo tracks. There were at least ten men to every claim in the strip. Deaths by prairie llres ure reported numerous. Nearly every lounslte in the strip has a rival. Knli' one of the oillcial county scats i -lip Hock Island rail way, has u riv. same name two miles ami "Tho" govern inoiit refused to Ideate ti county seutat the Hock Island station because uu In dian allotment had been taken adjoin ing it. Now the Ho k Island refuses to stop trains at the government site anil is doing all it can to aid the rival town. The same condition of affairs exists on the Hock Island at Pond Creek. The government town of ! Perry is being ignored by the Santa ! Pc Trains are stopped at Wharton, ;i private town Pit hpncfcpU So Nun . rot Tint lpor t tr llutft Itoi Kiltplntrd. ( tin .lo, tvpt 11..- Y. i r ncoil n'culti in iliin fit 'tes iiiinU il 'i''i the it wd Hint i" ";lit iniini.'.' in tn the imrliumeiit of ri-lijflotis in t li Art Institute yesterday, ntul cU.selv sent tluixcd eaeii fuse a R its oncr .used through the doors of the unditirlinn mid main aMUinbiy rooms Thotr presence was duo to the development that during the first week of the pir lininrul the liglil-nnjrrreii gcntr,, and for that mnttor women also, plnypd havoc with Hip personal possessions f tha general folk in the various audiences. According to the paper pm.rnted to th' pailiameul of religions yesterday in Iwhulf of the Shukii Soeiett of Japan, Kuddhispi considers the uni verse as haviiiff had no licjrinninT . n I as unlikely to huvo nnv enlin,r. It cannot trure back to an etrrmtv any law and so it riaehes the conclusion Hint Hicie is no end to the world At tlv s;i ne true It hold that in tlie futiiM-the litr of e.K'!i In dividual will ciij.v ne MirT.'r t'ire suits of its own net ion i !,i tlu ex-intence liCliop lltiilli of Kenti.ii;,, III RAC5 IS OVER. W.-IERS A MAIDEN CL.IMBG AN OLDCONTESTANT'S HUAD. tfgtftsii m'wW.TOwnwuw STAR BEAHSOM BUSY PERRf. - - - lnterf Mlntr lliirtttPtinf Hrcrty Trtlk IVftin tlui pw County Scut Town-Nume 3!orp l.uctty Pooptp I)lro prnl. A fool for nenscd by thotttnnils and vns delltKjr ate nml uncalled for. .stinin Pr trnim niul stop nt 1Vii nnd lite enmity sent of "K." ItnilroiuK , run for the people, mitt Hie people must be accommodated. i I Messrs. Fitch and McUrath, tuo ' members of the Perry townsltc bonitl, I are on the grntiml. Tho tlttrd man lias not put In nn nppenrnnee us yet. j Hnktey, the pollei'inan shot by Frost J llutebrrnfl at Orlando last week, in i rocovorliig and tlittclteraft will prob ably give himself up and be admlttetl j to bail. I Harry .Mendenhall of Carthage, Ma, with his facu looking like tho ac of i spades, made tho run and located ou of the best Perry loU, Just south and j abutting the land olllco. ' The Hill brothers, .loo and Ted, wero WJH'UWtl E wiiijiw speaking of lln historic t In it. s.iitl Hint men believed in him bee .us,; he t ions such as "hflt did you get?" Int. I not left them desolate, and be- , , ., , ., cause the g.eatness and tnerev of ll.s 'meaning, they aecumn life hud done more to soften and ele- , luted ti quantity ol enrtn, both tigu cwo inilcs north and nil their citizens are sallslietl. Of of Perry, two miles south, but not at course, there aru kickers; some people the government site. ' The Santa l'e would kick if they were being hanged, is ulready equipped with stations and but withal, everything is serene. , side tr.iu!?, at the former two stn From all leports received there will ( lions. It ih believed tho government be a choice row before the cominis- site will bti d?populalel shortly for ,sioner., of the geucral land otllce In the Hie principal mason that It was oscn settlement of titles at Perry. For , pied principally by sooner and titles, every town lot there are two or more ' will be badly mixed for some years to claimants, and as there arc so many i come. stories of fraud nobody Is disposed to I COMING BACK IN DROVES. fiivo up without a .struggle. Titles in , consequence will be "hung 111" for UWcuxteil r.uuinen Ula.l l lct It.irli Into years. The land olllco will reap a rich , of'fics harvest of'fics. and unless prospective purchasers be willing to buy off all claimants, rial estate transiictioufi will lie few and tar between and hi. prove incuts will be of tho most flimsy char acter. The best part of tho toiynsite was looted l, -. 'in'' desirable lots which i hey failed to grab were laid claim to by their confei era t us who came o.i the trains, lutwltl. ttand- i:ll!l7iit!-ii The retreat from the stiip is in full force. Rneli triln uhich pulls in lirings hundreds of the disconsolate boomers, who only a few days ago went down to the strip wltli'lioarts boatliur hiuh anil I licit- minds tilled with alluring pictures of wealth to be gained from lots and quarter soctious. Their clothes are envoi ei! with tho dust of the piniHeK their vale mankind than the work of all the inoialisls ami tin orjsts combined. Professor (M-oi)'e l'nrk Finclier, in an titldrest upon "I hristinnity ns nn Historic l!eligion,"liohl that tho prep aration t'f riiristianity was indissoln bly iuvolieil in Hie history of nneiont Israel The most lengthy of the day was Hint of ('oloiicl Thomas ent wortli lligginson, of lloston, who npokc upon the "Svinpalhy of tle- llgilll.S. ' NEWS flREVITIES. luck" and "rolling atones Hock together" nro aphorisms arrested tuko in Perry yesterday, handed ("own to us from the time of once for selling liquor without license lleor-'o Frnneisril'ijtln or some other and once for allowing music in their man -.vith n Irani Of enra or fanatic establishment. They have sovoral lots tlioug'its. Thoio. truisms are exempli- with several contests, tied in tho cases at "people who re- "John Ward Is In Town" was one of spoilt! with a voclfeVous yes" to ques- the llrst signs put up in Perrv. lie has a largo force of colored men ped dling pop, besides doing an Immense business tit Ills stand. The water is ing the efforts of tho leg.timato claim- i f new. .nro begrimed, but thiti.igli the dirt . an be seen disgust and discon tent. Nearly all of tliom hnvo port able camping out (its and tliey are re turning gladly to the homes which they loft in such haste. ants who hnd made the run fairly ahead of them. Thoc.Mimnlo set by tho soonir.t was contagious. Men who expected to win lots by nn honest run when they found that the rule was to grab audi iiainer u sre. contest set up adverse claims and j The following telegram was received within two hourr. utter the signal was last night from Enid. I was sent by given to run thero was an average of S. II. Jtrudloy: "llayard T. Ilaincr and threu or four claimants to very lot in the S'.'O acres. Occasionally a man would (tilt, in disgust or fear, but tho most of them are holding on and tents i brother have been missing sinco 2 o'clock this morning. Supposed to bo killed, hot trouble." Mr. Ilaincr arrived in (Kithrie Inst nnd "Improvements" are so thick that evening safe and sound. pedestrians must pick their way as OR A pjN-AMRmCATT DOLLA!! through a labyrinth, lo add to the, ooufusion the soonors pulled up the M-uator M-rnrt lirl 1'p the Fuklaet Mirveyors' btukes, and in consequence nt mi lntpriKitliiiiut Ciiiirpi'oni'., IVAsmxtiTos, Scjit. 1!'. At the open ing of the senate yesterday, Stewart ot Xuvada, submitted an amendment to the repeal bill, authorizing the president to invite tho governments of tho republics of Meico, Central and South America, llaytl and (an Domingo to join the L'nited States in a conference to be held in Washington within four months from the ii.issnir( of the net. to secure U needed but one thing to complete ' ,u, adoption of :i common sllver-roln the chapter of scenes supplied by tho ' (which shall be a dollar of not more opening of the strip and this has been I tli.m '33 It grains nor less than ',,,,.. .itl nS'J.'Jt grains of pure silver) to be supplied. Asa oitPians was the vie-1 jlMIwl lllu.h jfovV,.,,,,,-, imtl l() ,,,, thn. He was one of a company of ,t legal lender In all commercial Missonrlans who seized land in New ! transactions between the eltl.ens ot .treetis, alleys, and even tho public nqtiarc nnd parte, nro occupied and spread out over the aero property. Adjoining the townslto aro thousands of men mid women, who insist upon dividing it up Into town lots regard less of the government survey. . H.imiiT l.urli ti'il. Cliickasaw and when boomers reached thero tho regular they found all the American states, The amendment is uu innovation as to the character of the conference. It llfty men with rifles only to support provides Hint the action of the delo their claims to tho land. Youmans gutes shall be binJing upon the gov- held two clulms, asserting that his ! partner had gone in search of water. Tho lirst comers did not molest him, but now comers promised to a'd thorn. IIu went up to two of them, or- ernmrnt which sent them. When the common coin is agreed upon each gov ernment represented at tho conference shall open its mints to frcj coinage for thn benefit of holders of silver or .liver bullion. The icsolution of Senator I'ctfer of Uorlng them off tho claim, at tho same Kansas. drectiu the Interstate com time raising his rille. Oao of tho man i inerce committee to toport whotlmr asked him for his cortifleate. Ho had I legislation i , nocesstuy to rrevent the none and did not propose to get one, j i"''?"11"" of inter.-ta to trains by ,, L l , , 'lawless poison, was taken up, Ihe witling, "I am a socnor and I would hphjec-t was not disposed of when the like to know what in tho h 1 you are senate loft the chamber to participate going to do about It." Tho men de- ' '" ,,, ceremonies commemorative of ... to.1 nnil -ooii returned with two I l,'o..l0flth anniversary of the laying ------ q, , .,, eoriior stone of the re pvisoncrs tail Sunday dozen friend. In a spirit of bravado Youmans said hod already klllid two settlers and would get away with poino more. 'Ihe mcu promptly placed a larieton his neck and string him to u tree, leaving tho body to warn other sooner.. MORESTRIPTRAGEDIEB. ' TnoWnni'ii llurmil tu IlratSi by i'rulrlt Near Perry Monday tieorgo P.usiwll was nliot and killed by Jim Ocrrarhty. Kach cltilni-d tho northeast quarter of section 17. Cliff Stafford v. -is killed by Jessce Thompson in n di pute about n olaltn. A mils lie' oiy -ias. i roportaU by ( arle II. arroy.and Henry Smith of . hauttiuqna couity. Knnsas. wlio ran irora Orlando mil loiated ndjolnlng -laltns a fe.v titles west of Perry. Nome distance vest of them a woman Wantiih: A tonant for a splendid. llrutclass storo-room nn Oklahoma avenue, at very low rontal. -I'KXt'KH UoimitTSON. Ocncral Agonts. l'ur Sale Clit-np, Oue bank safe- unJ one vault door. Can bo luught at liulf tholr value. In quire of Ilonry 15 lazier. Orlando, or Ueorge II. Uodson. Uuthrlo. Ok. ot Tim 18! Cln-UH With Its great animal display, oxhi bition of aquarium feature, deep sou monsters, Itomaii hippodrome and living phenomena, will ohlblt here Wednesday. September 80. It Is scarcely necessary to remind our read ure that the world'w best show U com ing or whun,as It is duly announced in uvorv conceivable form within u radius of forty miles. That everybody that can come will he bare on tho (jreat occasion goes without saying, and that till who do come will be highly jiieased. At I iciichlown, a snliitrb of St. Charles, Mo., (ieorgo huens, colored, in a qinrivl shot Kdwnnl Ituschmnnn f.ittillv. I'.nschinann returned the Arc, ItlllilU' l.lletis liiigMH'er Knnpp, who w.ts shot In the like shore train robbery at Kos-i-b't. Ii'.! , and is lying at Kendall i ill. . i- i. -ported very much worse and in il.tiu'-i r of death. , I '"in List advices leceived from the I mreil states consul at Sin .lw, tlieie is .to doubt but that Ati-ctHider Week-, v. ill b extindittd ami brought Ir.ul, tn this country. .1 tl strnt'on, icrvini.' a term in the ( o nt :ulo suite r risou. and John Kei'linn v:ivcd the bars of their colls, and after settling a thirty-livo foot wall sn ussfiillv made their o ape. At Denver .Indge tir.illfttn Iss-.'ed ait order p nnlUlnff tne llovky Monalnin lime nnd Dollar Saving bank to re sume business 'I hi . bunk usyim Jit'.V 17. iHthnt! the j mile. Sir JMward (i'cy parli imentary scrtury of the fi i' 'tfn ofll 'o hi the hf.tts" of (omuiop brII that the Itrttihh consiil nt 1 o b JanHi,, re ir.el that t ratio :l I i fyWi jiara ly.e I. A bnmly has been cnaclel lit lllac't Spring, Ark. .1. S MPhatn nnd .1 It. (i,v-hru be?aino involved In a quarrel over a hor,e trade, h"n a desperate llglit yet'iirrod and Miibam vas statilicd to death. At l.eetchfiehl. Ivy., five escaped from the eoiintv night by gaining neoc-s to the lath roiim, then cutting through a bt lek wall and letting themselves down by means of blankets lied together. The large barn of Judge John P. HiggiiiH, two miles southwest of lloustonin, .Mo, together witlra vain ilble jack and 450 bushels of frrain wus destroyed by fire nvolving a los of P3.0 )0. The Joiirnul of Commeruo of Liver pool says negotiations aro iti progress which will result before the expiration of th resent Knglish mail contract in a dalle service of steamers between Southampton und New York. A barrel head with a nuasage writ ten on it in leul pencil bus been found near the month of tho Hulifax harbor, telling of tho loss of tho sehoou"r Senator Prye, from (Glouces ter, Fourteen men "went down with the vessel. Uoulonuit Coventor Daniels of Kansas :iuious thtttsn extra ses sion of the legislature should lie held, and has written to .ill the members of the senate nuking their views on the question. . Coventor T.llmnn, of 'South Caro lina, bay. that full control of the ro lief work for tho storm sufferers Is in the hand of tho Hod Cr ss society, Willi huailqutirtsr at lle.mfort, and all contributions should l.e sent to tho society. John Taylor an Inoffensive- young white man, was want..ily m.irdered bucoloicd man iiam.'d John Me Cluren, near Soutervillo. Payette county, Tenn. Tito murderer was ar rested mid a lynching U pypoptod. The court of annanlfl of Ifontiiek-y is dosirotts of reversing mi opinion of tlie lower oottrt suttnlning the rlgh s of the Coebel lottery, but t.) do must reverso former opinion- of the court, and is hi somewhat of .i quan dary In the matter. The National Hank of Ashland, ut Ashland, Nob., lnu resumed btuinesi in .in e.xcollont condition. The bank closed Its doors on July tl, owing to the failure of its parent toncern, tlu American Imii and Ttu-.t compauy, which resumed a month ago. The elegant residenie of Hanker Ij. P. Atiib rsoti, Arduime, Intl. 'let , v is destroyed by lire, together with it unlit o (.(intents Tin- (ire is In-line I lo lie tl.o work of mi incendiary u 1 it Is thought that a servant w- i. m RUturtlted the tlonr v ill coal oil -ml fired tho building I" ' veiigs' for .n e words she had had "'i her en-i -s A dispatch la ' - th i. no triitl in Hie re,, the I i ' i cinmciit is abut u ' f Mtumt I UOI.IKl'. ' ".'III l The government, n l-suiiif t certain 'il,a UcutuiC4, t he a roeei le ratllvely, literally, mid nictaphorl cully during the great toboggan race to Perry pretty Perry where peo- ! nln itiIti wiiter with ti forlr itm. iliikt. , for money anil plant canary bird seed I I on their lots. Tun l.K.uir.n hns nl- ' ready printed several columns of mat-i ter pertaining to people who got sotne- thinir. nnd below nfo tho names of some well known Oklahoma pevons j who fell down In theVlehi place. i Wash yiuf face ' lliliic Cill is home, I Dance halls are booming. Hurry Hurtles got a claim, Cop- Wulhu-e is in tho push. CM Harnes has n good claim. The sootiers are getting reared. Perry 1ms a population of 17,000. The now sliip towns are nil right, Charles Filson owns strip properly. Charlie Ingram is still holding his own. A big ball will bo given in Perry tonight. Yesterday was a pretty day in ; Perry. The lino nt the h,w'. very poor and brackish and unfit for man or beast. 1. 11. Shu phi ml and Judge Ceorge S. Cunningham bad their eyes on a lot east of the railroad track. They were driving a fine team and hnd landed when a tntilo tenm ran into them, de mollshlnr their backboard. Owing to the commotion that followed, they got nothing. Judge J. H. Corrignn und W. W. llindiiKiii have formed u law partner ship and aro ready for business on lot !., block 21. J. H. Corrigan has prat tled! in New- York, Chicago mid oilier Fastcrn points and has been eminent ly successful, while Mr. llludnian comes with enterprise and ability. Mr Scott, of thu llrm of Scott A Pcscek, ol Oklahoma. City, rode :.'.. miles hi one hour mid 37 minutes on Saturday and secured one of the best claims on Hot! UojU. Iu "says the I wliplo country was worse than -soon-I ered," that hundreds of mcu were in I the country and banded together to 1 isslst each ot tier. u P- ' r ir . 2ir -7V-ri i n r - u.:, i-TTtsWc- i?J N r? CXflSS 9- - -- . ii Tlie w hole world Is after our shoe-, ntul pti tt iniieli v ei shoes. t.Hi. Nou ,ol.lirt p t Into nn.thlua ' iter, i !tlu-i-. ii ju"m :,":, i wen. look w i ii unit tit well. NoImmIv imt t coines to footwi-nr. A imtl shoe tutielu-s a tender spot, ami t- i .n i i.Mii-iieu iikiiii. ii mmi want Kitiittcii iuir pocst-t IkmiU liRhtlv. . Hi, n I,,, ill.,.. w.t..t ,.,,, . i, ..In , ........ . .' ... . .., .. ., ,.,,, . i-i,, i, i,,,,, -,.-,!,,-,, t.iiiie i,i urn nn ,11 HIV li III III" ' II. Ill' (Mil-- TI 11 1 , 1 I I 11 II (-nine tn u T.ti-ul...... ' I...... .1 .i ,,., i .,.,.. ,.,: f. i f .i. .... : ,..";. """' .- ."- ."' i.."ik -1 ,i- ..ii . iiiiiii imi in'iin hi mi in ii'itn-, DUllinn flf lllt'tlisUV Eisenschmicit S& Hetsch , 1 1 B W 1ST O lv T.AHC M AAV IA. EAGLE Ul, lliL, 109 HARRISON AVEIMUl Every thing in the DRUG LNF. WALL PAFRH Prescriptions Filled Day or Night- EwrTr.I.LPHON'i: connkctiox AT CX)BT, A, C. IIIXON, Prop'r - ichmond Juil-e l It. Mentz is here from J Hraxlicar City, ha. Tho judg- will land oillco still s.,e,. n,o law pracllco beie. Judge Ment. was collector nf the port unib r Volney lloggatt will bo oleetpd j the Harrison administration, was a mayor. i member of a Into constitutional ton Two Ttu'ks from 1'ie woi Id's tr are vcntio'i and sat on tho bench in l.ouis at Perrj ml1' f"' s',x Vents. His friends me Thol nd office fareH. dot..? plen- ';' '-' ,,,lm lo U' " C!'"'ll"c "' lhe l W work. j 0,U' c ,,f In , Ceorge Price has an olllco near the' land of Hoc. j Khner McClung rode home on a I freight ear. i They now have North, West and South Perry. Frank Hayninond of Win Held has got a flue lot. COMING BACK IN lli.t-il nnovLS. II irk i Tho IVrry bar association starts out '" ,"1"1 '""" - ln,!iil li.nlliwr , , ,,w.. h ', UV.l.p, ill ijiijii biiape. ltlllllll)-l' lllllll t" (il't lllld I 1(111 lllllll. IvA.VSlS I'll v, Mo.. Sept. 111. The toll-cat from the Cheiokeo strip is on in full force. Kuril train which pull-, into the union depot from the South west brings hundreds of the disconso late boomers, who only a few days to the strip with h!h and their minds lilted with alluring pictures of Newton Crumley has established a Iinck lino at Perry. L Tents nro crowded up to the very door of the hind ofllce. I'p hi Perry they size a man up with tho dust he's got on him. Tho townslto board will probably begin its duties tomorrow. Two . womun had an exciting en counter yesterday over a lot. Perry will be a city of the first class wealth to be gained from ttm n lots and n twonl vd-iv. I (piai ter sections. Their clothes are n iwonlj H.1J. eoveied with the dul of the prairie. Tluriy car loads of lumber were sold i Iheh faces are begrimed, nut through it Perry yesterday. i the dirt tan he seen disgust and dis content. Neaily all of them have port- Second Hand Store, New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices. Sec our Gasoline Stoves the'" can't in. beat. Sold right DOWN LOW. 1 pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Av;. bet. first .id Divisic. . :-: RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything Strictly First-Class. Ihe Ions of many lives and simply served to tidv.ince tho interests of I avaricious speculators ami sooners, i wlnlu tile Ik.iicsI settler, nnvloim lo S. K. VnnVoorhecs and wife secure a home and to till, the soil, was captured a claim near Hod Hock. left out in the cold Joe McNoal anil Oscar llalsell each AN EPIDEM1C DECLARED. made good races but staked on the i .. .... -; .: .. " ISrmikwIck, C.i., In tli Cr.itp ( Yi-IIimt Street. lever lliuniiniU l.invni tho (It). Much kuffet ing will result from the j Hkinswick. f i i , Sept. 18. Hlevon burning of the nrairics. It was a , new cases of yollqvy eve.r great mistake. iilovolofoil Siiturhi.y r.ii.rtho board of licalth bus declared Cm disease On Monday two women boarded the j epidemic. Whon the announcement neck of ti mule lot,, contestant nnd j was made the residents became almost lit.,.. j- ., I panic sttiekun, and thousands are utUl hbj yoM tA -, rlv M JH. tIu, (ly Tl ,inil ,n S II, IJ'tulsWDrth got a portion of a (,0 weather is unfavorable, llospl stroet. Ho was sucttcssfiil In liluck-1 t.ils me being built with all possible well llaok, howevor. j speed Miss Nancv Hash of Caldwell. Kan . ' i'H"ro r a si. .io,,,i, rirm. C 1 .!. .. . ... ... .-ii .iuki.i-ii, .no, ,-iept, j.i. ine hatdware firm of W. P. Samhirs Hon assigned this morning, hinblh able camping outlits and they aru re turning glmlly to the homes which they left in such haste. One and till tell the same story of the management of Ihe registration booths ant the mad race for hind on last Saturday The iitenfs inanngement of tiie opening of Oysters, Game and Fish in Season. the strip. The plan followed, they I tleelarc, was a failure and resulted in O 2S, O JE& 33 3 3?B. Regular Dinner From 12 Lo 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Second Door North of Harrison on Socond Street. CAPITAL CITY BOOK STOE. -BEADLE'S BLOCK. A.fnll line of Books. Stationary, News, Ofiit. Supplies always on hand. H. A. BOYLE, Pr (M. Scl r. Her w: ' in the push and got a lot. name didn't v.etn her, John Chlnninmi got there in good , ties H l.tiOO; estimated assets Sl.' shape. The lunch .stands hi tho new I town arc ruu by ce.ot.tlnl I , 'r,,c 1ac1'10 ,,,ll!' '.awrencc, Mass . , havn posted a notice that on uu. mint lining the rosb a boomer broke his - of the dopresslon in business it be- LOOK HERE I th; sale of conn, n A. W. ti Us, u 1 1 at St I'ritneis, V l I'r A Ann- nr? t, lauhtorof n-tr t ttdu. I, i - i.. j piautttv of de IK'l.ll, tin' I Dll ,11 . 1 -lent in"t Jiasi' ,;...- ami I, I . I , 111 II 1 ieu ttv S 1 illd -' if leg in two places, near Orlando, but finished the race und got a lot. I. M. HicliunUon is at the head of the .So.uhw eteiti National Hank, which isdohijr buahiBi-s in block St. A man who made tho race was stir rounded by three sooner on Hhick Hear, .Sunday, and was beaten to (team Wait.-- t .nver a .u Ceorge Purke I 1,1 -dm. ' :i w i-lil'S f ill4 business ill the iu-1 1 a cf town, rhoy tire conduct- i.l;-, net. 11(1. John lhi-,(ii is right in tlie push He h. - 1 ity-ttve men nt work petting I Am ere to i..'-f L 7 V I V o comes necessary to reduce wages. The Pacific mills Were tho first to start nr after the shutdown, starting tm the old selieduln of wpyes. Tablets fiom ono ponny up nt tho Capital City book store. 10-1 r 1 .1. '. Coulter and 1 M. Itrown have bought a new stock of hardwuru and I implements and will locate at Perry.?" ?l.1-5t U.oincrs' supplies, quinine, extract Jutntlca ginger, Lillle's pills, etc All will be needed hi the strip. Huy litem at IAUie's drug store, corner Harrison l'. Hrickner, tho contractor of ' and second atreat. tf b. ft Mrs. Armstrnno- re n ly ..'itam-t a ' nnt (IIvoich fr-jiu Armstrong, nnd laU blood has twisted l-efecn the two " i ere .s uitteli comment and ihdig i at Arkansas City ovor tie. shooting of John H. '!!!! by a soldle- llest cigars in tho city drug store. at I.illle'fl TiStl If you tire in wantof the Ic-lebratcd Cincinnati Sufe. lire or lhug or l- iro nntt littrglar rrooi; , It you are in want of the Celebrated American Helpmate, Singer, U., a Jt you nro in want of Hleycles and Trhycles. such .is the ceb Uratid In , Kin" of Scorchers, the Fouler, the Oriel, tho 1 hieulx, tlw tn.. Warwick, the tioad King, tne ieiegrnm, ti o tv t. me, u.- . on. Traveler, tho Noiv Matt and tho Ho id Queen 11- jr. si' ' retail, come and got my prices, at 10ti li Oklaho -a uvc, e. O . E. H. KNAUS'i Iianas The English Kitchen, piaiii i lit t- THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE OF THE BEST ill tlie CITY. Ilien B-iice JastSnturdny. The shooting was wit r ,,ta mm linlrl iiffpr-auil l " ftoo-" ,7 fliantl th. Illinois bsket has , boawt cruyo .1 v I hntrlinv . - - - -" th bo' -'at-jLi.- 'sat'Si'els liool crayons, blactr- j isarum, . . r -,,, ,.. , ruToaa and nil tha leading lnt 1 SoulhoaU qr tvf 9 ipu, .If. .iai' - l l4fll book store. IQ-I K Uoatati. - - .------ Vic i ir sum o) POUlllV ! - - , iil. hit He A to , lm. und Uooks. tf If vou aru wult'.r.Jf for strip opeiiln don't fall to 1-U7 your drugs, station ery, etc., ot Mine's tiruy storo, ro,Hable turner Ilatrlson nivl street ur. - , .. ,. -The shortest anu quieneav ruuvv-"..- . pplcslon.hah'vlt')B.vltu.iiv.v,v , - . ,. ,. . -vinviv a uirnest Ttmtr tjrrwntr Tt!Trtioiii rntiwat" Spates $1.25 Per Etev. BoariS Reassnalile CO -srvtlTSHtftUT .A..yf ... ST" - " xr-i Jdo ":TX.r-r. ---r - 'jm a 'I I P hojVlWlnV----- PA ?7I??.- -e"