Newspaper Page Text
t&jSF"" A ..j... TtT" ' UnTBHUU AT TUB PoRT.OrFlCD AT OVTMBIB. 6l , Rata r ,C LAM MATrftX. Office op Pcbiicationi IUrrtiok Arnstrn MWWMWMaWHR)! ) i'f'tawinffmiwn4 if 5 IfeMB U fc j. i j i ty VOL. 1. THE SMOKE HAS CLEARED AWAY. Anil tlia Strip Shines Glory. in Pristine AFFAIRS AT LIVE ALVA, Something About the Towns On the Northern Border. STORIES TOLD ON WAGON COYERS. PrJAinili SCHOONERS, LIKE 'I HE TIDE, COME AND CO. THE WORK OF DEVELOPMENT. 'I lit; Onis til-cat Oi V It lor It it 1 ti Lot Cou- trutHiitn Lata Aci'lilrnt Sen I'roni the Si rip. A boomer with uuUcmtil hair nnd "sanded" optics sat on a claim In the strip. Ho was llfty miles from wutur, but as ho sat curled up ' round his slahu ho appealed happy supremely happy, and in Salvation Army tones sung, "Tin re may be Hies on you and llli-s on mo, but thero 'er no ll!e- on Hoke and the strip." Thus is the strip. There are many disconsolate people who made the rush jind 'ot nothing, but in tite main all seem satisfied. The strip is a great country and will prosper. The settlers are beginning to rcalire (heir position, now that the ovcito incut has died away and the sand storm abated, livery gnod iltilin has fiom two In live coiitestiuils ami the poor inos are scarcely worth the gov ernir ent price of i'fiOO. Tho gicat ma jority will, however, remain and get down to work as soon as tlio specula tors ( nd slght-seers leave Pet pic are going through here soutl -bound as thick as they did north-bound a week ago. livery train is loaded with people mining from tho strip and a continual proiesslon rf wagrns is cominp in. ..ast night a w.ig iitepp"d Into t son lit hound pat aengi'i train packed wit people and mid: "Is there anybod ' hero going back to T .as?" I'.very man and wo man u the car got up. Many of tho south-bou'id wagons bear inscriptions on their cover as follows: "Texas is good enough for us." "doing back to Dixie." "We're going whcic we have water if wo don'k use It," "Hog and hominy is better than sand." Tho people are deserting the l'onca lownslte. Last night not more than ,'00 people remained on the ground. P.v-Chief llushyhcud received his pat ent from President Cleveland thli morning for UiO acies at Kildare. This is tho first patent Issued for land on tho Cherokee strip. The Cherokee towns of Wharton, Cross and Kildare me booming towns, for tho reason that people are sure of clear titles to their lots. At Alva yesterday water was struck nt thirty feet, l-'or purity or abundance it cannot be exceeded in Oklahoma, it is ciear as eiystal and cold as ice, ind wells arc going down all over town. W'.th what is conceded as being the most beautiful townsite in Okla homa, u rich country and cntcrpiisiiig people, and n country hlxty milo.s s( and a laud ntllcc town, the fu ture of Alva is insured. Tho town is building rapidly. PRAIRIE TIRES RACING. Nv Oiitlinik of l'luium In the ri urn ltrT;itliin. Heports received from the 1'uwnoo reseivution last night state that an other prairie tiro is raging there and that hundreds of settlots have beon compelled to abandon wagons, tents nnd outfits at d lleo for thuir lives on their liorQb. Several dead bodies have been found and it is feared that thrtH numy will porUi. ' The boomors are returning to-day j?0"' by hundreds, dirty, tlro-1 and sore and I 'aero is a lino sovorul ln.nured long ut tjio barber (.hops nnd bath houses, waiting their time to go. cleaned up PPOBABLY USED BALLOONS. holll'l,,',llmpV, lluarliril lVrrr III ;:im-n Jlluuteii. naetly t noon a party standing In fropt of tho land ofllcn at Perry Satur day with watch and telescope took note both of the llightol time anil the ipproach of boonurb. Kactly at 12:07 a ch'ud of tlusl uld b wen artli p frnni the aiimtnit of tlii hills to the Mitt teas! along tl.olina of tho old tr.u whl'-h served the purpose, of In dian truflc to other days and nuw furv?s as Uio rout c of the stugo line -t eon Wharton and hJ lv atcr The ciou I grt 1 ijb- ' . i t i in 'i cq.. 1 'jo Mi iIj.jTi Tin were r. troop of hard Hilars b'catlr.jr trf u inl the tr ml upiArwill,i in llio flr t niiurter of a race The;, eed wis tie ! inetidotis. The horactt fait l Hew imt the ground and thu luisv of 1 1 mo be tween tho first sight of tlioTltlcrn and their mad charge upon thr pralrlo was InflniteMmal. Hill Dallon's forifmed Iiowp whs In the lnd wlth.lim Master on u . I Ider. It wnsl'MI when horse rider cam,? upon the ground. The novClii lino of (succession wal .lolin Martin, a cowboy, whore horse showed no more signs of heat or fatiguo than that of Mnstcmiu. THE DUST NUISANCE. Omul Hi'Iiik Drotnij ell by I IjIiik Itrcil Ifetnlr. Tlie dust nuisance must be mi r pres sed. This is imperative, merchants all over the city are howling and they have a right to do so. Their goods arc being damaged by the Hying frag ments of real estate, which creeps in not only at l lie doors but nt every crack and crevice. The street .sprink lers should bo pressed into service without further delay. There is no shortage of water in tho city, far from it there are thousands of gallons of water in (liitlnic. Lot it bo used. A KinST-CLASS CIHCUS. Snncrr I.rnt (il Ttvo (iuotl l'crf.irin iiiucj In tlili City, Sanger fc Lent's circus exhibited in tills city yesterday nnd gave two cred itable performances. The show tents were pitched near tho Santa Pe tracks and the ubujiiilious small boy was on hand early to see the ears roll in. San ger A Lent do not make many preten sions as to menagerie, but for lingwork they have one of tho best equipped combinations on. the road. The circus has made good money tills sea son, where other chouses have failed. 1 he entertainments giyen yesterday afternoon and evening were wry mer itoiious and drew good crowds. Feat ures of the performances' were Juliette llcnnelt, Jeapers; James Mcsseycr, cannon ball purfoimor; Miss Stellu Cornalla, bareback tidur; Leo llros. , high Hying trnpeye; Signnr Aroaris and sister, knife iiupalinent; llenuett, M.i s..n and lVLon'. horizontal bars: Cornalla llros (three) tumblers; the Marlines, balaiK-io and revolving ladders; MNs Martinet spring1 rope and 11 llel-,.,K -ml .Thl, Al.rtt ... Charles McMnhon, jocey and bare- biiek rider, who lias i'lst joined the. iir- cus, is a phenomenon. A feature of the side show is a baby lion, which was bom July a.". The circus exhibits In Oklahoma City to day. II. It Hilton, pats agont.nnd thoj in .i.n. o s of tho sliow aio genial gen tlemen ami know their business. GIVE THEM THE RUN, THIRTY BUMS FIRED THE CITY. OUT OF C'oiillildirc Meu.L'ruukN, Slu-ll Uorlo-ritiiiiil I'lrkpiK lictH .Miiht Clio (iutlirln H Wlilu lt.rtli. (iitlirlc has no lovo for crooks and bums and tho later sue rapidly catch ing on to this hardened fact, Tho last few days the city lias boon overrun with bums of all kinds, and conditions and many citizens have h uttered from their pretence. The bums are either going to tho strip or returning therefrom and manage to drop on" at Outline. Yesterday Oflleer Oobkey corralled thirty of the easy-living individuals near the depot and on pain of imme diate impiisonmcut caused them to leave town on tho lirst train. There was a greut scramble, but they all pulled their freight. Keep the city clear of bums and loafers. I'AiAL iijAiitti; ri mi, A tcttler Lines IIU WUr, Two (lillclren mill S1.I0.) In Motif.). i:.Mi. Ok., fcopt 20. A terrible iu eldont occurred six miles west ot tills phieo about 1 o'clock yestordny. Ilaker Tomlinson, wlio Jiad settled on n claim nt tho place roferro 1 ta, lolt His wife and two children at bis new found lit mo and wont to tho land ollleo to Hie his papers. While absent It prairie fire, fanned by thu terrible fontliwcst wir.d which "has prevailed for tho last few days, overtook his family, who were unable to run away from it. Ills wlfo and two children wtro terribly burned. Mrs. Toinlin sou and ono of bor children can not jecover. Tho man had 51, too in his wagon on the claim, all of which was dostroyod. The lluutli riusm. Wasiiinoto.v, Sept. SO seoretarv Smith yesterday afternoon signed the plllclal older abolishing the bjoth aioug liiui-iicroKPn outlet. Whan the prder was made Tor tho booth system it was provided tint they hhot'ihl bo prorated uniil sueli a time as tlio sec retary of the Interior abolished them JHspatehos from tho oHIcert, In oliargo state thut no more applicatlom aro bolng made. If you oro walt'.rg iov strip opening don't fall to buy your oriigs, station erv. etc., ot LUlin's dr'ig storu. tho old roliable corner HarrL on and beiond i-troet ,"Jtf .1. T. Oontter and li M. llrown have bought a now stouk of liacdwuro and lmplpments and will loeatu at Perry. 2t3- 5t Book sati lels koliool era, nti bi-ai t ri ' .11 . il l. f e t. ,. , k the x rai it l st re y, , UITTUK1K, OKLAHOMA, wstriMLw Mmwmi mm iwimi ji LAYS OF A rAm.T ninfrin Atnat tS DUlUl lUMllUrUljIbi ; I STmnrsTo tub front or the i ci i v op perry. ' RIGHT IN TBB PUSH, .Many 1'IkIiU Oirr t'tiriirr I.oti Hut tin l'i- tulllIcH.-Iliiril I.uuK ,fl t'rlntr .HiilBe IMrnr.l.Jut"1 Terry isattll in the swim. Many people ure leaving1, but double the number coining in. New towns are bulng luid o all artwort Uitt Innrt otllcts but tltrrx- U but PVrVy. Thorf are iunn women" in the camp, and, nlthounh the sti, k to their lots pluekily. are nearly nil siolt and are utterly worn out A grant deal of sickness existi, and there are no facil ities whatever for earing for tho inval ids. The people aio v-j ,n i,- that men lying hi dlrtjr MatiKets In titfuln, ant feilng for tvnlci, iVLiha nil attfiition from paers by TlieaJvii i ijtU of men who have no business there. Tliev have no lota nothing to sell and no means of making a livelihood, but they prowl around nnd stonl whitt they can. Superintendent Stockton saw u band of ubout a doen men riding tibout town nil tiny vcsteiMny, looking; into touts and freight earn. In t0 after noon lie was given u tip that they In tended to hold up the oxuresa and freight oillees He divided hia men in to watcher and had tliem patrol the depot all night, and proitnbly frus trated n robbery. lluilding is beginning hero an 1 there over tlie touii,ito, but tho unaettled eondltion of affairs mill ea building it ha.Rrdom operation. Carpenters aiv getting .' .' .vi a day. Naib, which eo-.t I cents a: selling for 10 vnl. (i.ilv.inl'e.l iron is stilling for ;", ecu is ami all Iniil ling lnnterinl is ni'oportiiiuately liivfli. Whnt ktore. 'licre ate in titration are dofng bna- j euqfa MW'id 0Md . eal, A urc),p ,,, tcss mi ieulv.iiHd tho sttnlc trowa ure '.weutenuil with a little brown augur, i a luvnry WTiteh ootS" all tho way from . to ','5 cents, according tcrthe supply. Thr town la a vat coayivge ion of tents t all sIzjs, i.i which the icople llvo i tl do bust jet-s Tents terve as llvei v stables, law offices, sa loons and 'e i.leneiM witlt, eltu'ming impliulty. Yesterday v. tnesso.1 llu aettlcment of over 33() lot contest: that Is, some of the holder pulled out and thoio. re maining commenced aetu-il Improve ments. The town la alroudy begin ning to put on metropolitan airs lu many ways. The town of Wharton la growl, g rapidly. ltobert Owen, attorney of the ChoroUee Indians, and who fs their genera manager in town sites, is overseeing the sale of 1 ju at Whar ton. Corner lota are sailing for &T.0 and huitlu lots at S330. Thero la a Itti tiact botweon Wharton nml Perry, which has been liled upon liynMr, Thomas Cook, who is reported to hare arrived in tho promUotl land tt little sooner than the other Unflnlo Jont. of Uarden City, It, tho r.t act ual settlor on this cjuarter. He rode fast liorsus from Orlando wltli one elmnge. lie planted hia slake and built a house. This quarter is tlilcklv aettletl. Seventh btreut is the main thoroughfare between Wharton and Perry. It will bo bridged at the foot of the Perry townsite by the JtlcJiard- win lumber company. Another meet ing wns hold at Perry yebterdny to tie vise woys and means for an early city government. Addresses were made by Oilonol bam Orerstroet, Colonel Sam uel . Colonel Win Col. 1 Smith, nnd Col- ouel John KiirijliL T.i mianii- J ..ii I...1 n tho ,i..i... .... r i tiT. j, w.. ,- ... . ..w itwirwiii viiivu tW it- lowing ns enumerators: Qhlef, Col. obbI Ll Oruer. It. . Dlbkerson, Kd I'nttoM, 1M ftlver, Muj r Hay, and 0. P. MeCubv. As it lakes 'J, "'K) oamea to lauUe a city of tlu nrst elas, tin onuineralors took tlu- names of I oo ) and foranled liiem lo ihcrwur Hon frow with a petition f jr a -.pei'al ele tion. s Volnej lloggatt ft.mito be in th lead for. mayor. U P.. me has i strong follewiug. Conbii'i iab'. eh. tlpuoerlng ia r ,J1K o:i- A0AU.IN i!lb ARM .lOHrph S.'reJr Miitiinb-il lly ' A.-i-lilonful !! h uci'i'T h I..H. While driving into the c iy vister daj' Joseph : e le n.a th aiiatii- doiit, Stoe' waiuuli 1 was oitrrylii i gun wi duiitnlly difeultart-1 i In Hteole's t -n makig erious wou I)r 11 tnovod tht i . ,Ui 'ii. , tain ' am! 1 1 u a a I 1. an 1. 1 1 lo'. I ugly and ,mii I'll re- ,'. i.l) i twelve ii Oe ,t of il i ' "' 'i-m '. 017yn1 blt.-o. -1. i pot laht ulg'.t and 1-am.ed a ti) ' ll riiihe 1 t'l-o h'v 1 'i at a THURSDAY MOKJNIlSd, the tl 11 In '.V.gto ever-bod.v n t 1 bvtl. After n Imgi- Rtrnfr.'l" the nm- ' 'd'e ns rontnrpd. ".orepott of a d,adb,dy Wing, found .t tho section houso last nltflit . 'PWloiwl . end tlrttnk II'im inn" They .n Utrrf. West and .mt It of HP- I'onea ntld ! Hi r. .'r.- mis thiii!r i (otintryis oinplelrly li tlie (mis'"! - in l mwin i"- ujul Unit Mule of iwi'itlro I re port ml on tho border c: s of atlll water Some cm ions sooner Iiil. dent arc re ported. Arthur Meltlhbeti-of HI Ho rndo, Kan., rodo twenty -ouc miles north of Orlnntto to n claim uIhjiiI which he hftil received a tip. lie rodo by ti compnas nnd found tho laud nil tight, but u iiinn was thero ahead of him Industriously plowing for wheat with a yoke of oxen. In the al lev of the lilnck Hear, weal of Perry. IleberMile. tt young trnvcling man from Kansas, hoped to seen re n claim upon which he had long set his heart. Ho is sure that nobody passed him on the wny. but he found tho littlo valley full of men and Hie claims till taken COSTLY WATERMELONS. t l-i -in Mi ii Oct titn unit Ar r.i I1 My tho 1'olleo. A number of ronatnbouts lonnecled with Hunger & Lent's circus raided a huckster's wngou eaily .yesterday morning and stole therefrom six watermelons Tho huckster got ou the war path bt a jilly and caused the circus manager some trouble. A Mil of 440 vritK nroapiitpil to Mr 7n who finally managed to compromise ,. , . l u""r i,,u k:i, j .. iiirmu iiurioiuem were fired. Thank', Aw fully. The Fort Smith News Itecord snys: The most graphic neeoaut of the open ing of tlio Cherokee strip appearet in Thk LKAiiicu of (luthrie, Ok , last Sun day. It was ono of the "" descrip tive pieces wu linvo seen for a long time, and showed up man ami human ity to a nicety. j, ilhi-it Thirty Diiyi. Vl.lie l'ellev. n young mm, wns aortenccd to thirty lays lu Jail by JuRtle. Morgan yotlertiiy. lie pur olned housebote goods fr'4n Mr- Uanibry'a notion atoro. . Ii. T. lialner'a audden trip to ihb city isbtlll cousin anxiety nt ,llUiM. Another telegriun wut recoived in tho city last night saying that Hnliierhnd disappeared uttder raystciioua clrcttm taneoa and hat foul play was s ne eded. Ah Ilaincr a in (Juthie ighl side !!, queer" "actions. THRSB MBN ACT STR NCELY A STORE. IN Sot I'lfn tu ii Dmwcr mid M el Clntlilaic I'roiii K. '1', Pa I ton i. t'a'a. Mora. Yeaterdny afternoon thr. e loiifeh looking fellows entered the store ol B. 'P. 1 'at ton Co., pre'iimably to purchase (oods. One of the men on gagotl hales m an McKay m conversa tion while tlio two others went to a drawer containing soeka and set Hiv to ita contents. At this juncture J M. llrooks entered the store nnd the men ran out One of thu loughs grabbed a suit of cloths as lie lott the, but was oiiused and finally cap tuted and ia now behind the birs. Tin othor two men made good their escape The actions of tlio men were ver queer to say tho least. Whether thin were bent on robbery or arson, oi both, is unknown. Thu police mi looking for the pals of tho culprit be hind the barf) 3InJnui IVcllr, The celebrated fort u no toller h returuad to our town nml -wHImbI horo till )liwl;iiwunllpnifntr lontri lll't lllitl sge-tfiu cimneo ano ie tr1flS2: urant ami utura traet Don itnt. i n -"-wsf" 'tff'ir-:' - r -- . -, I lost stolen or uuriou proiwrty. wu .. . it. .".ii- . ' ba eouktilted nt tlie Arlinaton. roon 8(1, No. 118 Second street till Monda noon. ConsultatloiiB, ladiei We, gent 51.00. JlStf. l.uitcil to IUnl. I waul to rent a four-room furnishc Im is,-fr u f iniily of three; no child ' ii-n i .it will pay a uo'xl l-rlce io. , i ,i 1 w mt An, -ne lii.i such , propei iy i. .11 ,id.ln.aP. O 1L i luT, it.. ,l WlMi A position at'er . or book Uee; er In a bank ut Outline ur Perry I mi i ,ii aduate of the to ni lily llusi I i -. t nllege, tjuin y. IL , am ." year- f i 'i ,.ti ! ea n fiirm-h tr.iitt e.t re ref uir'.val lu ihu citv after u piuloi I . in lb- east where die h is -ei i e ttioltitist styles in in lino r a' ' ' t.i-ei.irid to suit the tn-.tei.if t'" ' '" f "i s i itj Opening una' 'i 111 I lu nson aier.ui. J I in .-s.f I. ulio- cw Mug this i It .'- i-k hair dre ' 0(1 .it -1, 1 m ' i .1 i 1 it II ill . u 11 r 'n( i I ei 1 ' at 1 d or 1 t Mrs . I t at in.. Addi I. II wife of n promlneut yi un.r farmer I if Von urinn want rf llicvcies and Trlcyclea, such as tho celebrated lnt-iiul Mullial' ". ikmi-this city, turned th- lamp over i King of Scorchers, the I'owler, the Oriel, tho PhionK. tin inntjai. I w . lat .,t and Huh- clothes caught I Warwlclf, tho Koad King, the Telegram, tho Telephrihe. the ( otirl -r, tl.J Mrs. A. P. huundi-rs whes I an fire 1 ho moth -r ulUnupt tl to rescue Traveler, tho New Mall and tho lloul (luoon l'icelev at w h.. esa o n" I I rouncc lob. r frleinK mi 1 nation-. !.-', m,.i l. ., ,i.-.l .- ;..,..,..! t. I ...! ' i ,.i mv r.rices. til 10li 1! Oklahoma arc. (itithtiu. Up If" M-nTIOlHIiLi SJJ.lbWl. BIG FOUR WRECK. KIVjiT KILLLU OUTHICIlr AND -A sconE iNjuriED. QHB BCCTIOM RUNS INTO AlTOTOBft. lhro of tho Injured will llo Um 'Jrulin AVro UnnHlns ' tluio roEi'llinr, nml Uhea Ilia liutigrr n lll.curered It Wa 'rio ltc to I'rrvsiit the .t0. limit A lllnmltr .Millie. JlANifvo, III . Sept. ;o.-Thoofldna section of the lllg 1'otir e.vprew Xa , aonthboniirl, crashed InUj the rwir of the tirst section ut ;3(l o'clock Inst night ICight persons were killed outright, three were fatally Injuretl nnd Hourly n score were more or lew aercrelv hurl. ' Tho engine of Hie second tectlou tan ' clear through one sleeper and two coaches. The dead arc: CHNfR KlMMM. r IMyton, Ohio I) ITH J.lcnaoH of fvntiilati i Ohio J V. I'owt'J.t. of VI. nnn. thlu Ii L SWfcKTOf lAulKtllll' K. MlMNlRDrrKHsot I.imcr Mh.ini, lnil. Kt orm.v M n, uiiitlrntlHi ! Vol m. M k, unldcntlllrit oi M. Wonts, unhl nllll. ! The first soction earriod nnn Ohio A Mississippi sleeper for Louisville, one Ohio it Mississippi chair car for Oreensburg. hid , Hve duy couches and bnggage and express cars It hud run to a point three milos south of M in tcno when a local train, which wns preceding it, slowed up, and ti Hag man was s-nt lmclt to Intercept it. Tlio cnirineer on tho first section i ?m) "T , "if" ul,","l,.,1"nV hisrl,'.lIi" , to a sliuidstill. Tho flagman of the tirst, section tu turn started for the ear, but the second section w is fol low ng s i losely tlmt he hud gone but a ipw ynnm wlien arouiii u shni-n onXr'Vt'Everythinff in the DRUG LI1ME. lion was now at n standstill nndsthe " 7 second sect. on hud not lessened if. speed of thirty-live miles tin hour 'J hr currp was portly tapoiiblblp for Ihis ,ar,jiTiV,,,K em nt-ii n-oiii iieum. i nu engineer, as his locomotive rounded the curve, re ver- it the oniriuc. Seeiuir flic hone 1 lessuess of any attempt to check the spfe I of Ins train in so slioii a ilis- i tnnee, he jumpeil down 11 nhniiL- nient. and his (ircmau folloneil Imiii tlio crush eanio then aii'l Hi imn motive drove ahead with m gl-tv f lead with m gl-tv fou , ' SE'siHS! i ivo mt- a 'avy s I e ftaiae wor i in" niir wona j tie s ri nir i i tu. n Irivpo mt t'ir ilm cli i -i forward, which gave wnv more com pletely, Its tltnboru being llgliter. I'lils couch utul the coach ust forward of It were almost completely de molished. All oflhe tlneo pars were crowdcif with Dioplc, tuiho than half of those In the s'eepcr huviiig letired for tlie night. The passengers were thrown fiom tlielr berths und from their scats. Some were eru -lu-d under beams and beiweeujthe broken, grind ing timbri . of tlie wieckcd urn. Tim i iifcluiitir litninoil. Kaxkakii.. III., Sept. So The cor oner's Imptpst d-veloped enough testi mony lo show that Tliomus Amos, tho engineer, of th- second s ctlon of tho Washington express, was exceedingly I negligent in uran-iging his engine and I It looks a if the jury would hold 1 im to await the action of the grand ju y ' BLATCHFORD'S 8UCCUSSOR. I tiu I'retttliiit hiii- Wlllliini I'. Horn- lilontir ,iielilu Jnttli-e. Wisnrim-ioN! Sept st- Tho pusi dent to-day scut to the senate tlio limine of Ullhnu P Homblower of 'New ork lo ho ashoiiato jnsiiee of the supremo court of Hie I' ulted i States. ihis nomination was made to (ill thu place made vacuo t b tho tecoiit death of Justice Sumuol iilateliford. The presi lout also to duy nominated James J. Van Aleu of Uhodo Ishiuil to be Htnbassidor extrtior liifiry and minister plenlpotentlni". to Italy. Still another nomination wus that j of Ahruham Wakes of Kansas, to bo ' regi-ter of the hint olMn- ut Wukee ' ney. Kan. All,.., It lt,! -..a -.f Uro i ,, j I,, 1, ... i , : , "" "" :.". " uuivci ii iiuoiie u uneys til iiauceiiy, Kan. THE S1LVEH PiailglS!r'i TnTrri-wtliis- n I'i'l li'nvOTO.V, Siijil. ea In th" sen roelonliiy ilr. Voorhees, loader of th wpal forfles.afforascnsnlional deiiuneliition of lite New Yrk b.tuk- j era mil a defiance to the press that ' has been critn islug his actions and questioning his motives, de.nanded that the miuorlty senators tut me a .la le for a dual ote; and Mr. Dubiisof Idaho mel the demand by a losilivi declaiation that the anti-repeal men wmilil opni'i the parage of the ie toil bill by ui ailing thcm Ivcaof every advautue alVor.'el them under ttietuic aii'i ti- i gin of the senate, j Mr. Voorhces relaliutd ht giving notice that he would today move for ' longer and more onlliiuons n sloiu. A jlutlu-i Um mh I n, lic.t'i. I Port Kt'orr, Kun , Sept m -Two liltlo ehildien of Mrs. Virgin Wood, foi . si t In hers.-.f had I.e. -ii tut d sm, ii o L.i.lly tin-ii'd ifU'i vaids iat Whitti r, S ( , the boiler of a aw mjli CAliMled un.l liichard Nnh iS he .wird'd for ojg, .tames KocK OalP Me.Malion, Hen , Sunt, i u,i, 'lt.11 it i'u t In the . itr, 1 it ,11 1 ' ' II ft,! tl - it) 1 r n 1- o th I 'I ts an 1 tt 1 t nt . f 1 piincipal fair at ti b....-...g: I w.i - ll ., ihe oontraat prloe of tlie tllll'S IX ri.'" 1'" C.ll .I tin '- jt tvrt rrw Ulr&&U ----V v.... .. r IV.U11, Wl.ltlU Mt,,n-- . INTCtflSS shoes t , Y ,,,, l.r. -t JmT. . W,I11,J! lie II ti'llller spot milt -a-l , . collie to US tiituiiiii weni roi limiie oi out of door, biisjni'si oi ph-.ini Eisenschmiclt & Hetsch, 11 B WRST OKLAHOMA AVL. EAGLE 109 HARRISON AVENUE, WALL i Prescriptions Filled Day or Night. tetf-TM.KPIIONK ichmond rfM 1 VY Sii! second Hand. Store. New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices, See our Gasoline Stoves thev' can't Le beat. Sold riffht DOVN LOr. Ri- ft" pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bit. Hrst and Division. CAFE :-: RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything Strictly First-Class. SJ "S3L O 3E2. "1? O 3E5, X2 S XS. Oysters, Game and Fish in Season. Regular Dinner From 12 to 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Socond Door North of Harrison on Socond Stroot. OAPlTAIrGITY -BEADLE'S A full line of Books. Stationary, News, Office and School Supplies always on hand. H. A. BOYLE, Proprietor. LOOKHERE! apaiaJia a a t 1 mmmmmmmmtmamimmmmmamm I Am Here to Stay I K yon tire In want of tho Celebrated Cincinnati .Safe, Plro or P.urirlnr Ptoof or Plro and llurglar Proof; ... T1 , . i.!Ti v ... If you aro in want of tho Celebrated American Helpmate, hingtl.oy'al New .......W .-......, ........ . llntnn Si.u'itifr Mfielllliet i EL H. KM AU8,' Manger. The English Kitchen , O fHlTHE OLDEST HOUSE AND OHE F THE DEST'ili the CITY. Rates SI.25 Per 0v, Board Reasonable -Tiu-ifou.ivavn - vuicitvavTonttf vtrrrvsx tB'niTO"nrtrrnnwaii'"Tn'7Ta,Qao " TlT Oifr- J",U, ''""1 "Verlm,h lu to : , , . . till sluie. IV e c hl -nil. ,1,1, , r ' PAPRR AT COST, A, 0, HIXON, Prop'r, COXNKCTION. - tSSa s BOOK STOKE, BLOCK.- 9 i' JL ' .' '"Tfr'g TSw : tlT "r - TS - rr j