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K,Z$RTr?zr &T S'aKk 4 A? lA Ai' 4 .A fc t li Oi UNIERUD At TUB PoT-OrPtCP. AT OOtHMtV, OK , it Si:COD-CLASS MATtBK. Ortic or 1'oiiLtcAtioji! ll.mnt.v Avwntt tll IMlrtu y. ' I VOL. 1. GUTHRIE, OKLAHOAIA, F J ID AY MORNING, SKPTK.MJilOB 22, 180U. NO 2,1. l .A -j 1J4i 1 ' Sr , S 1 M M K ! Cui-u w? m m. at H t l Y. :A V WILL FORFEIT THEIR CLAIMS, Those Who Ran from the Osage snd Chil occo Reservation. AN IMPORTANT RULING. Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith Issues aa Edict. THE TOWH OF KIRK CHANGES ITS NAME THE NEW TOWN WILL HERE AFTER BE CALLED SANTA FE. RAILROADS ARE BREEDING TROUBLE Attcmptlnc to Hiiiiiii I'm orltp '! imns The 1'ont-n Tounnltx ('iiinpiiny AIT.ilr lit I'crry Strip ?. People in the strip arc settling down to everyday life. Happy, indeed, would they be for a day's rainfall. Hut thoy will hold to that which is good until their "rain prayers'' arc an swered by the good Lord and .1. Ster ling Morton. The new town of Kirk held an elec tion yestculay afternoon and changed the name of the town to Santa I'o. Colonel II. liowman of (iamett, Kan., j was elected mayor, iiiut tne election is legal is a matter of much doubt, as the law requires that three weeks no' tin-must be given and a potition sent to tho govei nor of Oklahoma to hold a special election. ICirk is picking up, nlthoitgh tho water question is still a serious matter. The l'onea townsite ct-mpaiiy has at last arranged with four holders of quarter sections for a townsite, and the holders of g'v, certificate art Hook ing there to be present at the draw ing Thursday noon The co npany" put surveyors to work this mori ing to lay tho town oil' in lots. It will give ovpry ho'dcr of a certillcsitu a lot and then have enough left to sell and pay lor the Kind, besides laying out parks uuil a largo public square. Kvory elaiii) about l'onoii has half iv dozen claimants. hiepb Sorenson, a young man from " JSust .Saginaw, Mich., cut his thioal from ear to ear yesterday at Perry. He got a lot .Saturday afternoon and llfcamod of tho money he would make put of it, but it was contested by sev eral pipn before nig)t. Up ha; spent pvpry cent he iad on earth Jo get out liero and get ii) the race. He was sick II ml discouraged )iut cotld stand li, lint lylion )iis lot ,yns cpiiteijtcd he wjis ready to fjuiu A tplegjam was received today from Secretary llokc Smith, stating that Ihp claims of all t'ospwho mudo the pip frqin thp Osugo eojiutry nnd the spilth line of the C1Uqcc6 reservation x-jull pot Ito considared valid. This will iijvaliijuto the claliqs of u large puniber of claimants whq were granted permission by Lieutenant Caldwell, cpmmandli)g the troops here, to go through thp Cljilqcco riserva lion, and to id alt i) the run from the smith bide. Scorching wea'ther, hot winds and dust storms prevail in tho Cherokee Dtrip. And the settlers are again buf fering under torturing conditions. Water is still very scarce and inmost places, being sold for 5 cents a glass rr 3.1 a barrel. The tow unites in which the railroads are interested have free water, supplied by the roads In tank curs. The govcrnniont townsitos of i Knid, l'orry and I'ond Creole, whiuh aro being boycotted by the roads, are lorced to depend on shallow wells and stagnant streams for water supplies, llullding operations continue, and frame houses arc fust replacing the touts Jlniuninkcr .owell, at l'ond Creek, is o(:)v all elfocts have Ijeoij' unsuccess ful- . AFFAIRS AT POND CREEK. Tho New Town Ilu 1 ropulijtlou of ()ne TiU.i I IVnplD. J'ppiJ Cpppk has a population of hflOQ enterprising, indnstvious pooplc Tho NVichlta town company was sue ossful In obtolnlnga vnluablu jioco of lam for Its stockholder J us, north U Hip i Indian nllottnont purchased by Charles Run!. John NV. Njos und John V. Mof. foL On tho west of tills Is tho Hutch Inson town company's quartor, iluttcd with white touts. Just south of this and adjoining tho Wichita qunr. tor is thu lloek. Island's ploao of prop erty. Tho people are Imbued with the Idea that this town will bo another Wichita. The citizens think that thev cancat'irc te inity sea' at the (lolllg it's uesi lo ooa.N rains iroin mil " in iimuijr unci- a pioiongeu clouds, un'il his offioru arc supple- J'1,s.,l.,n thu C.US,1 w,.arp "l1,? ,lttS he0U-;B." ., , " l i ..i tho latest styles in millinery and is iiigntccl by ho prnyeiqj the settlors. ropiroil to sIt ,,. ... ff. ?,,. . iS u,u clty at first election, I'oml Creek bo'tig lo cated much closer to llio center of the eon My than Hound Creek. They also say tlmt they have a great advantage over Knid on account of the vicious light between the hoc lc Island town nml I he cllien town. The citizen town, or count, sc.-.l, i closer to the, coaler of the county than Is linid station, his will greatly mil Hale iiffnlust tho success of tho Hock Islanil town, anil In favor of llokoj. as the county seat is culled by the Hoc): Island people. Threats arc being openly made by tho citizens of "Ho i i ii ., . . i i . . I ivvjf iu iuii up mo rnuroau iracit mi- I..... ,!.... .. 1 .1 M'l... I ivin ii.mi-t are Moppuu lucre. x lie , company has n large foro employed tliere to protect its property, and lively times arc expected at any mo ment. The llokcy people have to go to tho railroad town to get their mer chandise, while tho railroad folks have to go to the county scat to get their mail, to do their registering and other county business. It is tho general talk among the cooler heads that the 1'ock Island of ficials have made n great mistake, and one that will cost, the company consid erably more than it enn realize from the sale of a few town lots. WOODWARD TO THE FRONT. A C'ltj I'.lrrllou Ilelil Ymtenluy l'lftern Ituiiilrcil I'opulutlon. loo Itlelinrdson returned from the strip last night and was n sight to be hold, lie looked as if he ha. I lived foru mouth iu tho vortex of a sand storm. His best friend would hardly know hhu and it was with dilllcult. that his family figured him out. Not withstanding all this he says he feels well and is probably tho only man thus fur returned who is not tired of booming. Joe's favorite spot in the Cherokee strip Is Woodward and he says it is booming. He claims It has a nonulation of nearly 1.500 and that n,.,iry ui ()f them are there to stay. 'j.jie y e i one u cy niercaniue company is there with tin excellent stock Of goods nnd their prospects nro godu for n licavy u(1 profitable trade. A city election was held thoro yesterday, but Mr. Iliehardson left before tho result was made known. He voted, how ever, and had the honor of putting in the first ballot. A PERRY CORPORATION, THE. OKLAHOMA TELEGRAPH AeJO TELEPHONE COMPANY 1'llfH Artlrlcn of Incorporation With C'Hpttiil Stork of l'lo TIiousiiiul The new strip town of Terry is al ready in lino with ti corporation. Yes terday in the secretary's olllco articles of incorporation of the Oklahoma tel egraph and telephone company were filed. The purpose of the institution is to establish tcle-aph and telephone lines, ip the tcrritpry. The capital stock of tho pew company is 5,000 and the headquarters will be at I'crry, "T" cqunt.y. Tho dircctqrs. arc: Itobert L. Moore, I'crry; K. II Moore, Llano, Texas: and II. W. fiiiinan,' Perry. ' LOTS OF WORK. Coirrnor Kriifrow Kvpt on tin. Mnc. About County CoiiiiiilsAloiirrH, trovernor Itcnfrow was kept busy yesterday waiting on the horde of men who wanted to bo notaries pub lie iu the new county. Qver two scores of commissions were issued. Gqvcrnor Itcnfrow, when Interro gated rogarding tho appointment of the new county commissioners, said he would not mako uny appointments for several days yet. Material is being considered. GEORGE F, HERRIOTT'S MOVE. SiiiTredH A, W. I.lttln III tlm (iiilhrlu Nil tlunnl Hint:. A. NV. hittlo has tondered bis rosig nation as director and vice prcsi.lent df thu Guthrie national bank, and is succeeded by Uoorgo P. HerriotL Mr. Horriott is u slire'vd business man, an able financier and will add strength and solidity to the woll known bank ing institution with which he has identified himself. Mrs. A. P. Saunders wishes to an nouncc toher friends nnd patrons her pared t of this c)ty. Cjpeulnp; announced later on. HI Harrison avenue. 238tf Ladies calling this week at Mrs. N. P. Sagor's hair dressing and tollot bazar, over Mrs. Saunders millinery, will bo given f ieo samplp of Mndumo Graham's tjrpat oqinnlotlon heuutiqer. Cucumber find elder flower cream, llan-js cut and curled this week, 15 cents. ?8tU If you nro ivalUtjr for strip opening dop't fall to buy your drugs, station ery, etc.. at Ullio's drug store, the old reliable corner Harrison and Second 'trcet ,.. 2-'8tf J. y. Coulter and M- M. Ilrowu have bought a new stock of hardware and iinploincnts and wIU locate at Perry. ?I5 5t Hook satchels, fcshool crnyons.blaok board crayons uud nil the leading inks at the Capital City book store. 10-1 11 ha-. 11 "el'ew Medl iut I. -c i- v t n.a v the r n y1""'8 are shallow, and deem others so. AK EXCIILC FIGHT. HOT TIMES IN THE HOUSE Ot REPRESENTATIVES. TO STOP FILIBUSTERING METHODS. I lie llrmocrnt Virtually Sprint; Clotiim on Ilia Ilepubllcans I'v peMkrr I'rml In n Towrrlnc Ilni-e Mnr lllrlllnc Frcnpi on tlm I'loor Hi" I'lertlou I' lllll I 1 llmllj llpportcil, Wasiii.noto.v, Sept. '-'1 Tho decree of King Caucus dctnimited all personal considerations in the house yesterday, and the Democrat!.- majority acted as a unit iu ending the filibustering fight that had blocked all legislation in the lpwer chamber for a week When the house met the benches were crowded with resolute Demo crats. The committee on rules had held a meeting over tho protest of tho Hepublican members, cx-Spoakcr Heed and Mr. Harrows, and hail de cided to report, if necessary, a rule that would disarm the filibustering Ilepubllcans The caucus had re solved that the Democrats should sit In continuous session until the bill re pealing the federal election laws should be leporlcd. As soon as the journal had been read Mr. Loud ol California asked ttuaiiitnous consent for tho considera tion of a resolution calling upon the Aecietury of the treasury to know how many ounces of silver had been pur chased under the .Sherman law in .Inly and August, uud also what amount of silver had been offered for sale during these months, and, if the government had not purchaeil the J r.00,000 ounces required hv law, to know under what authority the secretary had acted. Mr. I'll li objected and thereon the struggle began. Mr. llurrows moved to dispense with the call of committee lvports, and immediately tlcncral Cnlchings, fiom the committee on rules, pre sented his report, which provided that no other business should be in order until tlii' reports of committees had been n reived Mr llt)rrows attempted a think movement b raising a point of order hat the report was not in or der becnuso no proposition of that kind had ever been sent to the commit tee for action. A parliamentary duel then followed between Mr. Harrows pn the one side, supported by Mr. Heed, NV,X the speaker on the other. The members crowded t. area in front of tlu spc tkcr's desk .. id the galleries listcne.l intently. .Int the subtle bl ..tic .)f the Mcliijim leader went down luforo the l-'Jadswori oi tho (icorgi.i spenker. Tlio speaker over ruled the point of order, poli:" out tho committee on rules" iTouId originate orders of business for the house just as the committee on ap propriations could originate appropri ations '1 he decision was received with loud Detno.-ratlc applause. Mr. Hurrows promptly appealed against tho decision of the chair, and Mr. Fitch of New York, as fro.tiptly piovcd to lay that motion on tho table, Mr. Hurrows sought to incrcaso tho parliamentary tangle ty aoving . pending Mr. Pitch's motion, that tho house taken recess for one hour. Mr. Patchings raised tho polqt of order that, pending action on a repjrt from the committee op rules, only one mo tion wnt In order. Mr. Iturrows was allowed to mako an argument agninst tho poll, raised by Mr. ditchings during which the speaker Instructed the qlerk to read the order. "I object." shouted Mr. Iteod, ugaln and again, standing lu the ulsle, his big frame shaking like uu enraged lion Hut tho speaker only pounded the desk with his gavel and ordered the clerk to proceed. The hot blood of partisanship was coursing through the veins of tho house and tho con fusion, grew worse. "Nothing can be gained by ordering tio clor.t to yoad a report when he has no right to do it," cited Mr Heed de fiantly, lie then went on iinpasIon ntely to Inveigh against the action of tho spoakpr "Tho s.-eakor decldod that the ro port of the committee on rules was receivable, by a ruling," he said, rals lllg his voipe impressive'y, "which is tho most surprising uvor nude in leg islative lilRlury. Deniocnitlc jeers I Oh, you havo got to force your notion,'1 he continued, liiruiii? llorccly on tho Domocratic majority. "Wo'ro ready." u chorus of voices shoutod hauk. "Tho speaker decided contrary to the decisions of all other speakers," ho went mi. "Which speaker'.''' Inquired Mr. Fitch "llo decided," Mr. Hcod continued, not deigning to reply, "that tho com mittee can originate legislation." Tho tl-rlit continued ull afternoon, tho HepubliciiiisKtubb.irnly contesting every step, but the Democrats word able by nam wont 10 musicr a oaio niioruni anil CTV llieir noun, ill s:u jjt uns apparent that tho end, of the tight woillu ue ini ino leuui.ji eiee tlnns bid would ba rcpoited, ttestiltn tho desperate dilatory tactics of the opposition. Tinally tho motion on tho ndoptlon of the of tlio commltto on rules wes carrii d by a vot of 170 to 01 and tlio houso intjouriied CLOTURE STHICT AND fULL. I lie UnU Mljlch llio ltoiit riiut It 1 Nfceita-y ! Ailopt. Wahhsgtox, Sef 51. The com pilttco on rules of ' he liouse ij p.r?i paring to report, i it finds o Uo necessary, a wh.h provides that, upon lt adoption, t o clerk shaH call the roll of coinnnttcesand.psnding that po motion shall a entertained Tlm rule Is in tho nature of a strict elo turc. Intended to prevent filibuste Ing against the report of the federal cIpq tlons bill, as, under its provisions, no motion is adtnlssih o whUo tlio conv jnlttees n,o oallcil to mako their re. ports, not even a motion to adjourn Tlii I'rouzlit Ilrnktu In owa. Dks Molnes, Iowa, Sept. 21. The drought, which has lasted for two months, was broken this morning by n t i r.n wi'hproiC tsi.f Leavy t, , s ncfore n ght F OLYCIAMY DARRSn. World' nrlUinent or Itill.nt ltf fiKei to l.Wli'ii to a llrfomn of It. I'tltcMU), Sept- 2". The hnrmonv that has character! 'pd tln sessions of tlm world's parllnmmt of religion slan the opening d ly was broken for the 11 lilt time yesterday. Scores of professing Christians have listened without demur and, "as a mutter of fact, with absolute interest to the ad vocacy of Huddhism, Confucianism, Zoroastriauism and other Isms, hut they drew tho line at polygamy, nnd when from the platform It was du clared that n polygamtst could also be a Christian they lifted up their voices iu Indignant protest. The gentleman who thus put his foot iu It was Mohammed Hussoll Alexander Webb, and his "topic was "The S lrit of Islam.-' Amid a babel of protests from feminine and mascu line throats, he went o to uny that polygamy was a matter of conditions only. Once he was opposed to 1L but now he knew it eoubt bo beneficial. It was necessary, however, to under stand It, nnd no one was qualified to judgii who did not know its theory and prejudice. Tho people in this country were not qualified to judge of considerations existing in another A mnn could bo n good and puro man nnd prnetlco polygamy If it was iu the proper spirit. A tnlgiity protest, louder than all the rest combined, went up at this jointure, but, nothing daunted, the speaker went on to sty tlmt il tin y knew as much of the subject as h did they would know that a pohg.imist could be a Clir'stian, provided he did not manifest a sp rlt of himisu uisness. Tills time the protest was so cliciucnt tho speaker concluded he hud Mild enough, and with a final defiance to tho effect that tltey were condemn ing something that they knew noth ing of, lie switched oil' to a tilk on Mohammedanism. This, also, he claimed, wis not tin lertood, doe largely to the fact that there was no Huglish liistoiv of Mnlinmmed that was not full of prejudice and error. No Time for I'lec llilnUrr. Chicago, Sopl. '.'I President Don ne,), chief of the world's fair congress auxiliary, liu. refused t allow tho international congress of fre thinkers the use of the art iiistllute, tho now famous structure In which lliu parlia ment of religions is being held. Mr. Honney says he will not sanction the use of the hall by any body likely to criticise the church or d'ug the name of the, Creator in the mire. The free thinkers have secured another hall, liowever, nnd will meet October I. Mmheil III Us i.l ton I'nlp. PiTi-Mirim,, sept, 21 While the miners wore ascending from thu Santa Fe shaft at r'roiitennc, one of them, .lames llalliday. jumped from the ca; and full I .g short of i -aeb ing the edge, sh it head first 1 i the bottom if the shaf , strikiujr on his head in, I ahonlujrs mushing hut head to a pul,i uud killhig bin instantly, llo was a, son of Lnlio Hnlliday, the man whu died so mysteriously last summer after att inline a minora meeting in Pittsburg I 'ever Aililt 111 Trror St. Lot-is, M3.,SetL SI. A speulal from Savannah, (ia , says: "Fever has added its terrors to thu already over flowing cup of misery of thu uufortuu' ulu dwcller. on tho sea Isluuds on tho const of South Carolina. Hundrodsof neon icoplo arc reported slok on these Islands us a result of tho stench and putrefaotlon of tho dead unburlcd. bodlvs loft Wilt Iluiploy Only Aluorlc mi. McKi;'niii'. I'a., Sept 21. Tho hard times are not bringing unmixed 111 to tho worklngmen of this city. A report Is current to tho effect that none but American citiens will here after be given work at thu big plant os tho National rolling mills. The of employment to many Hun garians at the mill recently is in line with this policy. Ivloit by u Ituiiuir-iy Motors St. Louis, Mq , S.-pL 21. NVhilo rnnnhig full speed down Mount pleas ant hill Ip. tho Eotithern part of the pity, motor car (13 nn into a wagon containing four parsons, throwing tiicm ott, wrecking Vito car ami wagon nnd killing William E-somul-Ipr. Jack Gclst received serious In juries of the back anil Win, also In terually. JowJlliHo Hull r.'ni'i oniorr. Ksiu, Ok., Sept. SI. Pursuant to a cull tho citizens of this town met In mass convention yesterday and organ ized a provisional government Tho following ofilrors wero elected: May or, K. J. Shnpion of Kl Heno: clorjif Auooii jiaruea or i orjLjAvgriii.-Ta cx, troahiirci'.., ,-i'5?V, JMohltn, ICuiVflty ottorney, f. f Greer of York, -Neb.: marshal, J. Kingfisher, Ok. II. Mediy of liouuil tlio Wurlil on a "Safety." Htiiv Pi-miii, Sept. ?L pipta,itt Alexander Gcrdcnltz,, a wcll-bnowu Hungariun sportsuirjn, who has unready pcvfnrmot a bleyclu tour Which coYcrnd llnly, l'ranco, Spain, Gibraltar und Tunis, now proposes to start on a tiip around the world, which will probably tako u year to j complete. Appointed to Sucfeml .Imlgn Frii,un. JKITKnON Cix,'. M.O,, Sopt 81. Ali-inn 'Vjturlo was yesterday ti- Iipiutcd by Governor Stone ustoelnU iistice of the county court of Sullivan lounty for the second illi-trlct, vice Jonah D. seaman,, deceased. Dui-I lletwctii Olllmr. Kans .8 Citv. M -. Kept, !. Da- tectlyoiiorg' and Coir table lhily Solan, psai-f ol'lcers, fought an impromptu duel with pistols iu NV. II. thiisties baloon, on Missouri avenue, a Unit lu o'clock last nlfht. Six shoU, according tt rollabli' wltneasts. were hied. Not a hinglo lull too't elfict. I'lriily .r ' ! Ni. Alva, Ok, Sopt 81 Tlio first great event in a new town was cele brated ai Alva yesterday in ibcjlnk Ing of the first well. Water wasfound in inexhaustible qualities, soft r.s rain water and nur a no .1 ,v djpth ol i ty ei nv Kll1 J0Y11, iTAM'JlIOltUT, County Clerk , SEVEN MEN KILLED. 1WKN1Y OTHERS WOUNDED, SOME FATALLY. uWFUL TRAGEDY AT IiUANOKC, VA, A Mul AllrmpU to KUriti u ,lnlt mid l J'Jrtit on t,y tli Mlllttu A CtiUfrtl Mini ll it nii.i !t..liUoil a Woihihi nnd Hip Itlrcni Utitiptrl to I 3 lull 1 1 1 tn IIik Miivor Orili-iril tlm Mimillti;;. . HlMNnhK. Vn ytnlth. n nc'L'i'i 21. - Hubert induced estcrd.iv Mrs. Henry Hisln.p v-.T of -.lll U do farmer, to cciinp,.ny him Into tin empty house He then locked the door and, li awing n razor, tlemindeil her money, and, upon her refusal to do mi pounded li i Into Insensibility with a brick nnd left her for dead. Mis Itbdii p soon regained conscious ness and told of the out rn ire. Smith pronched. At .1 o'clock the Ho.inoke light infantry marched to the Jail by mil era of Mayor TiouL (inn ids were posted and tho streets in the. immedi ntc vicinity cleared After dark the crowd was inorens-Ml by 100 men from tho vicinity of the woman's home, headed by Mrs. Hlshop's boh, a fire man on the Norfolk uud WeUern ru II road. At ii o'clock portions of tho mob battered at the side door of tho jill, where tho militia nnd Mayor Trout hud retired. The sho iting was com menced by the mob.and the Mayor was shot In the foot. The milili.i were then ordered to leturn tho fire, and a volley of about twenty-live rlllos was poured into the mob. Seven men were killed by this (lro ami twenty wounded, some of them fntnlly. During tho excitement unused by the rwlloy the prisoner wiu taken from tho Jail by an officer and secreted. Thu dead ulid wounded weie removed to n drug stoio nnd tho olliies of near by physicians The luUitin then dis persed and left the ?one as quietly as possible. The follow inu Is a list of the dead as far u known lit prcamt. Dead S. A. Nick, hotel proprietor; Will Sheets, fireman on thu N. At . itiilrond, ( buries hit more, conductor I Ion the N . iniiroint; .1. 11. Tvler, , i lliu Hid: (Senigo White, shot t thn Ugh the leg uud bled to death , NV. dunes, engine, r en tho ,N. ,fc NV ralh-oad; .lolui N Mills, distiller, lil k I roek liijnred Ocorjre 'Settles, wf Vinton. I moi'.wlly wounded: Otto 'ii11h, shot i through the body, will die; Will Iiddic, shot through groin; Tom Nelson, leg off; hero While, idiot in buck; .1. II. j Mel thee, shot iu the log; Sliep- j herd, shot in the leg: K. .1. Small, shot i iu the abdomen; (leorgo ). Monroe, j shot in head; Frank Mills, shot lu leg. TintLi. iiTiTii77iii5s. gpimitloiiil Tragoilj In Whl.ih it tViunnit unit Two 31 nil 1 t'.-urr. Lomion, Sopt -.M. A nenwitional trngeiiy has just ocmrred tn this city, the result of which was the death of three persons, one of them a woman. Tho oilier two wero men supposed to bo livuls for tlio friendship of the woman, but this is mere conjecture, ! as all three died almost iustiiiiily, , J'auy .Montague, a ballet girl who lias been employed at the Uir.piro, left tho tlioater at 1 o'clock, ibis morning for home. She was met by a man, and whon uor.' Kings Cross the pair were dtoppeJ by a fecomt imui .lust W'luV rassod between tho throe is not known. Thoy talked in loud and angry tones and attrautod tho atten tion offpassers-by. Suddenly ono of tho men nulled n revolver and shot thB woman, killing her alnuvU instantly. HQ then shot tlio other man dead and afterward turned the wvnpuu upon himself. NVhen tho p.Jino uri'ived tltey found throo dead hoik, Ollluiri Morsleil by 1 lilcvoi. Ft. Ioxack, Mich., Sept SI. An armed posse has left Mackinac island on a steamer t' capture the supposed postoftko thieves who aro trying to escape iu ii s.iu loau iMllcors on.i. tut' fclilileil tlnee luenJuiMaba.-itrumf ienijiu a running Ihurnnriwri'P butt' can Uiii.-roluirfuj In tho wounding of 'ono'inan Hi onoh boat, tho ono iu tho w -'. .rmi t ,"f-ri ... biiillnc-criift 'being fntally hti.-t. it U thought, Tlimpfoeri found tho odds too groat for them and lluullv isitiirii- cd to Mackinac Ibhiftil for reinforce-1 incut. A I'lijrltlij' llorrllile t.rlint. ii.VN 1'b.m i-.ti. Sept 2i. The police aro looking for I)r Kugenu West, who. thoy think, isrepnnsible fort lie deatli of MUs Addie (hltnour, th young woman whoso head wu found tloat iujr in the buy. Tlio polieo havo a theory that Ur. NN'ost performed a criminal operation on tho young vouian, which romiltod iu hor do.ilh nnd that in order to conceal tho cm douco of his crime ho out thu body up and thnw It iutotho bjiy. piuyvil the Kaucii nml IIUil. ST. lloiwoll After liert $3,1- ii) of hit own, ho di-npii lied fro i his last night and this inoinlug hU fniewoll letter wa re by hi wife. Ho left lii ndnlrs in order and full instructioiib as to tho ben uiellxsd lo tonlue most upon hi awhi-U. 'J'ho nvei w.ih Ins road lo death. Au It ill. in flii. I uiinilrr r:i. Sept vl N .'urate'' from , ZJ::l 'i'X'Vhi nUi e tci J.iv f nui' doln much' rt..ig to ou.itl.n an I shipping in the barlKir. Several people- were lulled and nunv wmiii.tei i lie it u 'I. ! i ' i-if underea C C, I fellC zl. i!!!. -"d, t:.1v ! fc ' r : ; Rlj- ; ; . ,nL " '"' --"" ."i" . "in. ' ''";'"::"' "''V '""uiimi ntweil. NoImmIv wants ii poor iu. i i. wcrj finally p?rsiMded to disperse by l Ul "HV i. in.'' A bml n," u-lu's a tendci spot nnd tinik i .ot the nmvor. ouclied llRhtlv. If on want to touch vour pocket ImmiI, llglith. and till uie uiiijor. ')(' a tender spot now -u-dliv. corn.' Ions lov si dim. We In i evVril d ih s 1 lie crowd gathered around the jail mi! mini wear for home or out of doors, busings r ,o..,.l... . ""''B s again nnd kept increasing as night np- i hours Mo.. Sept. Si-aHltoiii"yV"rJl"i-i7iTri:'toW tho I'h.onlx. the Central .... played tlio races and died. w...h..T.. the Courier, tn lonlnu at tho eaut bide 'ivvnip'hn New Mall and tho lload Queen Uicyclrs, at wholcsaU unl 87.0C0 of his wifo'K money, nnd ' retail, como and got my priccp, at 100 h. Oklnhotna avc, (iuthrfe. Ok. ir bPESCEH A ItOBEHTSON. Cieneral Agents. 1 r 1 mi it..... J Eisenschmidt & Hetsch,--- 11H WRST OKLAHOMA AYE. ' EAGLE DRUG 109 HARRISON AVENUE, . Everything in the DRUG LINE. WALL IJAlJJkR Prescriptions Filied Day or Night- CdTTELKPHONK Richmond's econd Hand :;New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices. Sec-our Gasoline Stoves they can't be beat. Sold right. DOWN LOW. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bet. First and Dltlslon. CAFE :-: RESTAURANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything Strictly First-Class. O XS. T Oysters, Game and Fish in Season. Regular Dinner From 12 to 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Second Door North of Harrison on Second Street. CAPITAL CITY -BEADLE'S I Vr" IW I . ' i a full line of Books. Stationary, Ngnvs, Office ant1 Supplies ahvayjS on hand. LOOK HERE I I Am Here to Stay If you are in wantof tho Celebrated Cincinnati Safe 1'Iro or llnrjjlar 1 or I'iro and llurglnr 1'roof; .... ,. , - If you aro in want of the Celebrated American Helpmate, Singer. Loyal . Homo Sewing .Machine; !E. H. KNAU83, The English Kitchen, I y - "" " THE OLDEST HOUSE AND ONE OF THE BEST in the CITY, Rales S1.25 Per B&v. ol uorner oucon AT OC3ST, A, C. HIXOH, Prop'r, CONNKCTION. - XwR re. O 3ES, X 5 :!& BOOK ST-OBE, BLOCK.- 3Ch", Sto H. A. BOYLE, Proprietor. Manager. Board Reasonable j etna uiclahoma Avenue.. (0pp, T.and0nio- j . tPt. is- ro -v uaiLJ 1 L s 5? Q Di i nuvt- juu trieu vtsumj ugaia lie's drug store? jUpj stare - -f J Hll- :M. " "4II I z&ri:iatgrx?r-!!?iivt . f r rjg-!- rzr- ,. r TW .i-T . 'wiwff'ir.-' ". - t .T..wi,.. V - - o 5.