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z. iBitl'h'i'! nmsKi.n at tnr l'04j0rFtrR at (ttmtM-, On, i UooNn-ct.Ais Matti . )t n, I' w IM'M ICATtON I It Mmfm AVtf rTrnui in uaw inw wi ii ArOL. 1. STRUCK WATER AT PERRY. ADAM'S ALE YIELDED DY THE DRY EARTH. JOLLIFICATION OYER A RAINFALL. XtMVllniikllsliibllalicilitt the New Town A Lumber I'miilne On Note fr.nn n ISei-jr lltirg. Terry hud a jjranel jnb'.Ieo ycUer dny. Huns were llre.1, sonsrs sun; mill theru was a grain! street parade of tlie Salvation Army. All this wus over a few drops of rain, which eoolcd I he iAv and laid the dust. Once more OlcltiLomii was herself nc-am unit her old-time citizens were soon recog nized, as soap and water were freely ued "after the rain." Loads of lum ber arrived last evening. This morn ing every teamster has a job hauling, and 1.000 carpenters are bounding the hummer. Over three hundred tents disappeared this morning and founda tions for good business houses were commenced. Kverybody is busy this inorni.ig ami the politicians are wait ing for the governor's proclamation calling for a city election so that Pretty 1'erry can have o good olty government to head her prospctity. .!. V. Johnston, the pioneer furnl tme ninu of Wltiflcld and Uulhrie was the first to open up a furniture store and liis many friends are glad to bee him. He located one of the best busi ness lots of 11 street, near the L S. land olllcc corner. Colonel .Mm Kelly, of Pratt Center, Kansas, viewed the multitude of busy bees yestenluy and immediately took the train to pack up his printing out lit. Cool and clear water has bci u found in the numerous wells dug in block 15 and td. M'ssis. K. H. Martin & lira, are running wagons from their well ml nro selling water at ".'."i cents per barrol or 5 rents per bucket. Water will be as heap as dirt in a few days. A widow women of Outhrio owns con siderable r.;al estate in the Cherokee (.trip and i i fortunate to have no con test. She rode in a bugpy fourteen miles northwest of Orlando and lo cated on n good claim, then returned to l'eny and to urcd two resident lots lifter whit h she purchased a business lot. She now his many admirers on account of her rustling powers. The reghtcr and receiver of the lT. S. land olllee refuse, to make entry of Mings bent by special delivery through the mails. They are etiirned to the postmaster. ., i'osltna&ior Drneo has live clerks and linen are vacated in a short time. Fran I; Allen and Long Shorty have the best equipped saloon in Perry, jii it south of the postolUe. Tucljer and Jlutst. two (luthric printers on their way to Chicago, nr riwd last night at it o'clock on their iiicyeli's, viewed the city and started north uurly tills morning. They left Huthric yeclcrday at 3:30. The .Hank of Perry will open its doors lliis morning. Cupital, S.10,000. J'lesident Frank K. Uobinson is from Winiield and Cashier Fred W7 Farrnr 1 from Aikansas City. This bank is located nm tli o the Ulcliaulson bank. A train load of lumber pulled into Vcrry yesterday at 10 o'clock and was diet by 2,'i00 people and 100 men were iMigngeil to unload it. Tlio county cllicers nro located in tents all over the city and ure an Sou.sly waiting for the commissioners to lit unpointed so a, to erect them a eourt house in the square. County Clerk lllaehhuru lias his bond reiuly to liie. County Treasurer Ilarralson ha tiled his bond of 75,000 with the governor, lie has SI, 103 in his pos M'tslon for liquor licenses Tlw pro bata court is buuy holding court on misdemeanor cuse You can gt pleqty to cat and drink at your own prl.-u at IVrry. The maddest and best tliciscd lady in I'eny is Miss May .Soli null. She lo en ted a good buwiucss lot and a man told her to get ott or ho would kill lior. She emigrated and says she wlslu'il lif knew thea what him does now. Site has been engaged ao ste nographer for Wedt I'erry. Lemonude stands ura disappearing nnJ pop peddlers have emit. A d'spatch has been received for Fred Mailman trim Eureka, Kan., that his baby is dead. It will be nicked up at the postolllce. Leave your names for telegraph de livery nt Overstroet, Wallace & Fil soil's tml, southwest corner of the J a nd olllee. j'ulibt brewing company took in taSrt last Monday.. 'J'hclr lumber ar rlvod this morn' tig for a largo utire hiuiso. t'ol H. V. Swartz of tho Newton lumber company says that twenty 1 timber firm were recorded up to this time. Tha Southern dealers havo a Jitt'e the best of it. as their lumbsr Is totdetracked nearest to Terry and will be pushed forward flr3t. l riVE KILI.UD. I'ecnlUi ("M Kiint i.i.i In a 1'imni)'. jiiIii (nil .Mine Wit KKSliAllUK, Pa., Sept. 22. lly the carelessness of a mine foreman an ex ploston of gas was caused In a Plym outh mine jcslcrday afternoon in which live men were killed and six In jured. The accident occurred in the Lany So. 11 colliery of the Lehigh it Wilkes b.irro Coal company, ut Plymouth, two miles from this city, nnd was one of tho most peculiar ever known in tho anthracite regions Two miners, Flannigan and .tones, were building a high stono wall nt one cud of tho J, 000-foot gangway in order to reverse ail air current. 1). W. Jones unci Wil liam Jones, two rock contractors, were fuporintending the building of un air shaft i.lxty feet deep which was being bunk from the gangway to the work ings below. While theso men were working As sistant Mlno Inspector Lighty de scended the mnin shaft to inspect the works. He had a naked lamp on his cap and pa sod a ong tho gangway and down an inner slope on his way to the main or cooper gangway. lie had not entered hero more than twen ty ,avds when Ills naked lamp ignited the gas nnd a terrific exp osion oc curred. Tho force of the explosion swept everything before it and was so great that tho rush of air passing along tho gangway tore down tho high walls tlie masons were building, crushing Flannigan and Owen .lone to death. At tho same, time tho workmen in the shaft were struck clown by a mnss of rock and timbers, shaken from the sides by tlie force, of tlie blaze. 1). M. Jones and William Jones were both instantly killed, and many of tho rockmcu and laborers at worlt with thpin bustninod more! or less severe Injuries Foreman Llghty's body wus hurled from side to sldtiof the pTssagi and burned and charred beyond rccog. nltion. A I'cimIciii Frtiiitl. Wichita, Kan., K. pt. 22. Jean Hon nettl, a Frenchman, was arrested hero last night by a deputy Unite 1 States marshal, charged with frudulently drawing a pension for years, lie suc cessfully obtained niouey from every quarter by impsr.sonuting a de-id brother, who was si soldier. The fraud was given away by h's wife, j with whom lie Iia I u quarrel recently, which ciusu I ilu'ir separation and the existence of a very bitter feeling be tween them Viitoil Aeulnt tlis iii net Ion. Omkiia, Nob, Sept. 2?. The Fnion Pacific e.nployes have voted not to submit to the cut in wages proposed by the officials of the road. Tlie votes of hearly l.'iOOl men have been counted, t))o Kansas division being tho last one to get in. Outside of the Nebraska division, which covers tho territory between Omaha and Denver, the votes are practically unanimous against any cut whatever nnd over whelmingly in favor of federation. Counti-rrcltcrt Uoilllri Ovrr, .Ti:rn:m-or City, Mo , Sc t. -" - , "! - The blx counterfeiters recently ar rested in Callaway county, were given a preliminary hearing at Mils' placo before the Flitted States commission, ers yesterd ly. ami bound over for trial October 0. There Is a btroug cjiso against lliem, and chances for conviction are good. liirrM.l tho I'orfr. Topi'.ka. Kan., Sept. 22 Owing to the increased (wight Irnljlc on the Salltn Ft- SVitlMil. u forpo nt klvli' ml. I ditioual meclrinics was added to the shops in this city yesterday, and it is said by the otficialh that other men will lie employed by October 1 in car riqisiring and oilier departments. NEWS NOTES. Union town, P.i , is practically put of witer, the result of he long drouth. A good, soaking rain has fallen In every nook and corner of Wisconsin. heavy enough to completely squelch ' die lorest mes. Arthur L. Hill, an ox-Columbian guard, and three others, arc held at Chicago, on the charge of luing con cerned In the murder of John Switch, who was killed in a saloon. A heavy rain and thumlor storm pxssed over Madison, Wis., which at t lined tins force of a tornado over a strip about two blockl wide, doing miol) damage Fivu hundred labiring men who arc absolutely starving have, arrived by th ) Atlantic Sr. Paciti - road at Mojavc. Tue men claim to bo from the Cliero ltci strip, but nothing is definitely Known Va f'cit roll, proprietor of tho. Hotel IV la Plua. Monterey, Mex , who wus arrested u few daysagq tin of attempting to murder and --Jf j. wealthy Herman Jew, has been sen tenced to be shot. In ordor to more effectual y break up the s uuggllng of opium nnd Ccls Hals into tho United States in the vl rlnlt of Paget Sound, Secretary Car lisle) has deetded to semi two more reyenno cutters to that point. Monsignor Satqlll has returned to Washington after, his long tour through tho West and Northwest. A to the messages recently received bv him from the pope, ho said they were of II private ualuic. The casu against President Potter of the defunct Muvcrlak bank, of llos ton. came to nn abru it termination by Hie judge dismissing it, declaring there ivu no evidence upon which to convict, An official statpment of the pension buicau shows tlio tolal number of pensions granted clnrc March , issn, US5.'.a 0( thesn 4,128 were issuoc) since August 20, of wjilch 1.712 wero original and l.ti'7 IncruaBes, At Toronto. Ark , tlie dUcovory was untlo o( tho horrible butchery by Hubert Itrlseoe. a colored man, of his wife w-ho had boon sitting up with tlio corpse of a child against his wishes, Ju beat her head to a jelly with tho butt oud of a shotgun invitations ivili b? sept out from Pittsburg to the labor organisations throughout th country asking that delegates be sent thereto a conven tion to consider Mr. T. V. Vowderly'8 scliemo of consolidating all the na tional labor organizations in one body for political action. (JUTHIUE, OKLAllOaNLA., SILVER m SCORE. LIVELY SKIRMISH SENATE. IN THE MR, VOORHEES IS KNOCKED OUT. lip AtltlnpU lo I'oica n Vule oi the llriipal 11111 liter a Hot llrliatn II l Cuinnellril to .Muiiiltiii tlio Attempt Th Antl Itt'iicilrrt Ar Prcparril lo right to the l..l lllltli. Wasiiinoion. Sept ;. Yesteiday In the senate was the most exciting of thr picscnl session, .mil Ihedetermiuii lion of the opponents of icpeal to debute tlio measme to their hcait's content was made manifest. Mr Piatt ofTorcd the lesolutton for a cloliiic of which he gave notice last Tuesday. Tlie rulcsof thesenate, Mr. PUtt said, ought U fueiliute the traijsaction of husines. Tin. nropo sition would not be denied that the rules of the senate, as they stood to day, made it almost or entirely impos sible to trausjet business The senate wus fast losing the re sr.cet of the people. It was fast being considered u that cxMcd for the purpose of retarding and obstructing legislation If a vote on tlie repeal bill was to be reached n vote on tlie clotuie must lie forced, lie oil'ered the icsolittion in good faith, bi-ln-viug that it was practically the only way by which a vole could' be reached on tho repeal hill. Mr. Hoar th. night Mr Piatt's resolution was open lo criticism in that it gave the vice president (who was not even a uicmheY of the senate) the powet of dclciniiuiiig action of the M-nute itself- a owei of fixing a clay of closing debit ami a clay to take a vote. He did not think that the senate ought to impose that duty on the vice pies d -nt Mr. Lodge said that the scu.ilor Irom Idaho who had command of Hit1 silver fences in the senate (Mr. l)u boisl hud staled the day before yes tcr.kiy, in his humorous way, that he (Mr. Lodge) had been "beating the drum' for the foiccs of repeal. Ho was pci feet ly willing that should be so, (or that tho time (or action had arrived, it seemed to him that, nt the moment of action, a drum bi'at was more appropriate than con versation. He believed strongly in the pr in ip'c of Mr. l'l ill's resolution Mr. White then addressed thesenate on the icreal bill. When Mr. White concluded Mr. IJeorge. who was en I tied lo tli3 lloor. siiid u prpfercd logo on to clay, being l. Mr. Voorhees said; -Mr. Presir dent, if there is no further debate pro posed the next thin r is a vole. I move the pending amendment (offered by Mr Poller) be laid on the tabic and on tlial motion 1 ask foi ttjc yeas ami Piiys " rending that motion Jcjnes of Ar kansas, moved adjournment. Mr. Voorhees could not see that anybody had a higher right to tho lloor than himself and renewed his motion. Pendipg that motion Mr Hullcr moved ap executive scssi n, Mr. Jones having withdrawn his motion lo ad- Journ. Mr. Voorhees lose to a par iamcit;iry inquiry whether before the question wits put on Mr. Jiutler's. motion lie was not entitled to huve a vote on his motion to lay tho pending amendment on the table. After hav ing the rule read the vice president decided Mr. Itutlcr'.s motion was in order. Mr. Vooihccs expressed the hope (.lip motion would be votec'elowu. 'J iu is, fm- tie senate loelelerminc, . said tlip yiti-' prusidcn. Mr. ltutler rose to u parliamentary ' tneieltre.. A ctnnn nf pt.f'illi, e rii'tl,,, 1..j. .. vh... ... ... ..c v...v. came from tlie repeal men. '1 am In ' order," retorted Mr. Hullcr. "I rise to a parliaineiitAry ejueslion." "'lliat is always in order,"' the vice president announced. Mr. Jlutler's. incpiiry was whether there was any executive business be foie the ;unalp The cjialr so under stood. Mr. Teller su 'rested ibo absence of nqiioruiu. The oil was called and II. tv tlve senators ics, oiidcd. I Mr. Wolcott then moved that the ' senate adjourn. On thl motion tho jeas and 11a, s were tahen anil the senat refused to adjourn yeas ill, I nuys 34. Mr. llut'er renewed bin ipotlon tf rq into oitvutivo sestiou, wh eh was voted do n yenx SO, riavs III. Mr. Teller moved the senate 1 1 adjourn anil Mr. Voorhers-tiijalii ashed tor n yote on the pcnd.nx'nmci.diiicul i'ller said Mr. Yooihces had ,-Mr' lone what had uevci be fore lt-c) duiii' ii the senate. An umeiidment hut In collateral to the question before the senate was lo be voted upon without notice, with a preut number of cn ators absent unel 11 rood many otlicrw wlio desirod tosncalc. Mr. Voo bees dcnliid lip hid been unfair. As for criticsni of hlipiolf he intended plainly, frauhly and fpar- lewslv to do his duty as he, understood it aid take the eonsafiuiuicc'i., After aiore discusvon c.f this hind Mr. Voorhe s witlidrcw his motion that the p iielinjf ametidiuenl bo laid on the tabic, nnd Mr. 'leilci witiuiiew his motion to adjourn. !-. Toller said tf the senate desired to ijo on to-n!ifht, w Cur as lio was concerned ho was perfectly wllliiif. Thero wou14kLc found someone teaily to debate the iiupstion until dubale wasclinuste-il If Hie set saw tit p force anil there was a majirlty tiere tp ilo i'. niilht soss.ons. Ihe o poneutB of rerpiH (lullU'P irady Ui ttebute tho question lie hue) t(c loll eallod because he hncw it wijs one of the obstructive measure'. IliauU Uoil, j that were left to lu minority. Iu had made the mot'oii to iidjouin for the s-jinc purpose, I Did the man frcm Iudlana nnd the people he represented suppose that he could bulhlozo the American senate and violate i;s trnilltion with im piinity? If he did, ho (Mr Teller) would toll him (havlnjr Imil n expe rience in Hie senate) uutcdulintr Mr Voorheesl, that it never had been done and never could be done. The opponent of repeal, If they were not SATURDAY MOWS INC., tieitteel lairlv we-rr lesource-'nl eliolwli mill lirnve- t-noiif.i in tnKo such -tcps as tli' mil u ,tv Llnau could tike and vvhic-ii tlr,,' we'l rfne'w how to take to protect their rig! t. Mr. Hill inquired wlint objoction tliere was to voting on the pouclinir nniMidiiienl nnd then udjonrnlmr until to-moriow. 'I have never road tho amendment nor heard It read nnd 1 want to speak on It," said Mr. Morgan. Air. Voorhees asked if there was any time In the enlantler whin the opponents of repeal would ngrec to lake a vote on tiny proposition con nected with tho subject. Mr. Teller asked Mr. Stewart lo whom the question was directed Mr. Stewart drifted oft Into a gen eral discussion until Mr Voorhees reoealed his question. "My opinion Is that you havj asked the question entirely toopreumtnroly," .said Mr. Stewart, and tho lnfeetloiw laughter went from tho lUr to tho galleries until several sharp rn of the gavel restoicd order. Mr. Voorhees said the senator from Colorado had snld in some'forincr de bate there were HCteMi senntors who wanted lo speak. Would he ngrc that after fifteen days' deb.itc- na clay to each senator -jti vote should be taken'.' Mr. Teller did not feel nuthnrised to speak for oilier bunutois Mr. Voorhees thru put it in the form of a request for unanimous eminent thai deli ite terminate in tlflem dais, to which Mr. Wolcott of Colorado, ob jected, i Mr Palmer, Domocrat. of lll'r.oi" took excentlons lo somo of t'ie re marks of Mr. Morgan and was in turn ' interrupted bv Mr. PetVer With the question if before his e'eetlon lie hid not pledged himself in fnvor of tho Ireo coinage of silver. .Mr. Palmar I had heard that before, and it was no' I so. At 7:1", Mr. Vooihccs move, to e;o Into executive tossion, and al ;-.?,:, the senate adjourned. i bulMtltUtn Im lliti C.oirjr l.l l Wasiiimiiov. Sept. 2-' -Tli. ""Suv iiniiee on ion-mil iiiiiuis huh vevoirvj.. oiiy to coiisiot-r i in .I'creiry suo" .. tutu for the Chineit: act 'I lie d t cilssion developed tho fact that every inemlicr of ihe commitleo favored the extension of lime for six mouths with tho possible exception of Mr. Heavy. The hitter gave notice he would olfer an amendment providing fir identifi cation by photographs. Tli? co-mnit-tee udj'jurncd without action. Work on tho 'iHilir. Wasih.noton, Sept. '."J Chairmen Wi'son of the ways and means com mittee, yesterday announced the li-u. ocratic members of tho oom-iiitlee Would at onco commence, work op a pew tariff bill. At tl(u conclusion of the public hearings Mr. Keed made a piotlou that tin; hearings be co .nuocd for two wcclcs. but this idoMm a, -"; J'.'' "l, 'rT '' m promptly voted down by tho iMtortavr- l9. f ' . " ' ' " - r T' ' ipotm Mail yrtc relay purch el Uv l.l..r,B l.,i.erlr lor tVlc-Mcn. j Allu tapper, who Ui.M for ' e ist Wakiiinotov. c..t. 2i J. H. Mo- iiireycnrs Ivon with the capital. Itt. C'ciy of Kansas unci (Mdnho 11 v, has 1 been tippomted Cliinose inspector of V1ch1t.1. The pi tree pays SI a d ly. TERRIFIC THUNDER bTORM. Itiinf r Mil' Art ISiilnl.n; nt (tin Wiu-Iil'ie I'.elr II 11I J rci-kuil. ('inc.iao, Sept A le'irifle thuu der storm brol.e ever tho world'ti fair last night. The roof of the Russian section in the art bui elin was ludly wrccUcel and il iss hi the s!c)u'lit j was broheu thioivu in the room be , nealh, fill I in;.' against frames and p u- 1 11 res and doln-f s me diimigo 'lhe j rain poured into the section, but tho re department turned out with tur pauliiiH, cpicied tlie roof and secured 1 the url property aRiilnst damage by j water. Ail the other building's weaincreii in. storm Miiinliiisr at (ir.iinl I'eirli, N. II. Hl'.AMi 1'oitits. N. I), Sept 12 I (irnnd I'oiki is in lhe Hiroeti of in tense e Element over a case of justi II- j ibe huinicldt-'i which ei?cMirrei shortly uf tor dnylicrhl this inoriiln. The man who did tho bliootintr was M. i Murphy, president of tlio Statu b.uiU of Ueynold', who Instantly hilled Charles Linlc at 7:30. Link lud at tempted to assault Murphy's 0-ycar-old dautjhter, about three week's. ni;o and liealii nilit before last A Cjuueriil htrllce 1'rjillclol, T1411111: IlAiutj, I ml, Mupt. ;'i -Hrand Master S.iriront, of the t'lreinan's Ilrutherhood, who ivfirtied yesterday from Cincinnati, whrro he nttended the fruitless conference! with Presi dent Inf-.tlls relative to revokluj the cut in want's 1 rdercil says he believe, there will hi a general of all feilortpil employes 0:1 tin rotd by to nlpht Ktllf-il hy l. luiinilii. AlAltsiiAii.. SIo , hept ."! -A man iiniiuill Milt Hurrbi wus instantlv killed, near Xelsou wh,fo worulpir ...1,1. .lnnl,ilfi tvlittrll lint, ll.tlll- llQft.1 ,. .... y ..- - -.-.0 - fn ci)parncr tlu fio'il of slumps. 1'horo wan a preinaturo e.xplonlou, and a fuirt of the sunup struck him on the lead, mashing in tlio skull. Atiuiist Ullleil III. Ilaby. Sm.ioMAX, Mo., Se'pt ','i - ll.irrel JJamiiiois, who liven near WuMibm-n, a faw inlps o: iorp. cjiinu h.i no last ntjjht drunlt iid il it maj rp-'l . Hirciy a ilass tunililpr ut hi wife, mUsim hpr nipl httiii(" Ids babe oa ! the head, nearly Id Injr it llanin.-. 5 is now under arrest without bail. li I'ar In Ilia I .unit. Chicago, Sept 'j;. FranU lvesatraln deinonslrated Ills ability lo lead thu , JJnffllsli cliauipim Holieits r, mtttry chase whon heoloodlastnlght's','amo of tliu billiard contest with a total of 4,001 points so far made, louvlnj the man from over tho water with a total. of but i. MH). I'.iii't CiiUi-it, San Iu.jcis,og, SopU ?.. -It la Mated that spspunaeil mluos in Col lado, I'tul) and Montana owe tho San r'raneUoo powder company upward of 301.001). which it U iinposilbln lo coj )ct. llenucsU for payment ure an swered with 'Ho i'j Clevelauel " A Muiled I'.i iiirr ' ii clil I''. . .. ijiuis i a, Mo , Sept. nitihm. a wealth; und prominent faifntr upi stochmnu of thin county, committed suicide by liaiit'lnf,' i ester day afternoon at ills home, eight miles south uf Suillhtot), yMI'TKM.HKJi ii'., 1803. QOT Al 1. nn Tim Mlnrr II lli.n .,. I IKJUIIRflS. iitiiiiit iii i iitoitr I -lint t hi .! ! ,11 on i y llrrocrrwil. ( me fici, Se t v--Tho big Hani ' coi k, Mich., evpioss mbljcry is nt nil rod. The detectives have censed their work, the evidence is all in, the molicv j located ni-il till the robbers in restod. I They will In- brought up for rxttmiuu j Hon in tho court at M.irqiiolto, Mich., i Saturday, nnd the money will be pro duce. I in (unit us evident',1 The i-iihb rs are V. I lloinn of Mar quette. Mieh , nn express manager, i who wnt the r.rigii'titor of the con pirncy: Diuiinieit llogmi. his brother, I who was the express mes-tenger oo tho train that wns robbed. Jack King, the I champion of the United St itcs nt the (ornish ulylo of w rcstlin,; Ju,k lint I lcr, of Murquotte Mi, Ii , nn ml round crook, and Uerrge La l.ibcijv'. ii,i ts ; railroail stnkei. ' TUB BRECKINRIDGE SCANDAL. iiciuurrrr l lieu ijr fir ll.ilsn.l nit I, I (Mirrei nl lir Hit. '0"t. I WsitiMirn Sept ;. Th.. ease oT , M ss Madaliii- P,i hud against Con ri'C'Muan lrpJ(imidM ef Kentucky, eanic up yesterd iv I. f ,re Jni, Cnx on the dcinutri-r tiled l,y tlu. ,t.. fendaiit, ullegitijr the dp la.ati-.uwas bud in bulisluni'i'. The nri'ler was brlellv argued bv V.n ill Tolten, nn beh-ilf of Congressin'in r.r.'rkinridgr, nnd by Jere M. i!sou mid ('.idoron Cal lisle for M if s Pol bird Judgi Cox disposed of the matter in very few words and overruled th. defen Inn!.' demurrer. Mr Wi'son therein un prepared nn order which ,liHo;o (ox .igni'd reeiiiiinr the defend ml to plead lo the dt'cl.'iiati ill within lliree days. LOST AT SUA. Ill- s, liooner In litirro Cl.11,4 Huh ii 1111. 1 lrl IVrtniM Dte.ttti. llosrnN, l'pt. V Tl.e steamer Pulatine, which nrrivcl vesteielay from Muntaii.a, brought the survivors trom the wicck nf the Itiitlsh sohoou- yr melinere which capsirccl by n sud den squall w lion locate -n miles from Mobile. The vessel was b 11111.I to that i port from Key West I here were eight persons incliidinir tlie cplniu's wife. Those who pei ished weie; I Captain John Char. ton of Port Iconic, X C , Mis. Certnitle (hnillon. Mate 1 Triieni.ili Holmes of Aiiirtiull'. X. ('., I Henry Sand. e-nk ol Aiinap dis, Hanicl August, sm 11,111 of II ivre. 1'iancc Aiinv ol tlio Cittiilifi 1 mil. Cii.vki. M), O., Scipt ". At the business session of the society of Hie Aiinv of the Ciimbeilmid, Seigeunt , 11 J Alton of Kan,n4iun Cnlonel I. Sililiilioliil'. of MiSMHlll, Weie ''livtltl ru pu sib nt. htttano g.i was m . lecurcl as th not plate of m;. iff. 1 editor and proprietor. Kit. nit A. Hoot, ictlrcs niter forty yearn' continuous service in iieispurer work. DANCED AND LUPNED, tlorrlli 1'ulr er tlio Jteiro t Im Ciiusntl tlie llo mil i lr.l(,e.lj, Kuwoi.i., Vn., Se t '?. Twenty men look the negro Smi.h f r .m Po lice 1 an Jtiuii,! at 4 o'clock this morn iui, and liaued him t a Velcory limb. They then 11. led his body with liullets and le t it placard sayiu: "'I his is Mayor Trout's friend." A coroner's jury of business men was summoned qne yiotv-J-l tho body lf tho nutrro nnd rendered a verdict of death at Hie hands of unknown men. Thousand:, of people visited the scene j-of the lynchimr lietween daylight and SsfiO o'clock, when tlie benly was cut down. After the jury completed its work, tho InJy w;ts placcel in tu hands of otll -ers, wlio woro luiali'o to Huop back tlio mob. Threo hundred 1 men tried to ilrofj tlio body through , the htroetis of the town, but thu Hov. Dr. .Cunpbull of the Firt l'resby teriau church, and Captain 11 11. Moorm ins, w itli pleas nroventecl.lhein. Captain Moorinuns hired a wacfon and the body was put in it. It was then conveyod to tho bank of tho iujoUo, nliooL one milu irom 1 1111 Hnnitii nf ttw. jyiiriii. eru tho body wus elrairireil from tho wagon by ropes for about joo yards and burned, l'lles of dry brush wood wore broujrht nod Hie body was placed upon it and more brush wooilon the body, loavlnt,' only the head bare. Tim whole pi'e was saturated with coat ell and 11 match applied Mh body vis e.Hii-. SHtjK'd wUInftUlnUV. Thu ciHiinatloii was wtnu!seei iy scverul rul hundrHtlX"-?' thousand people iit one iiiiiu mo iiiuu iiiititiiiuiy.i n ,i ..'.,.. 1. . i.U.riKll'f'j. Lurv tho uaato in .Mayor Trout's y fyan'l. TJirifo l miioh indiffiiKtlnii - juynlnkt'.MtiMr'ilroitt ami l(iu miuui, i and maiir throatmif voniniieb liavo iHpi) opeiiljr uudo. I'aptain Dinl, tlio commaiulur o( the nulita 1ms left town- Mayor Trout has also disap peared, ami IVesldent ISuclcner, of thu city council in a tintj as mayor. K.Ncltenicnl is ruur.iiiL; hinli. The people arc ta lkoiir of hold.ucr an in dignntion n:eetimr. and it Ifi rumored, tl4t tlnoau n,ro Ueluff lundo to burn he town inilcsA aatUfaetlon of omt wrt is renderod. Crowd tlironv tho btrneU and all publio placon. Thero In un immfmse crowd in frontof Oalcey & oolw no's umlertukini; hop, whuro several of the (load bodies lio. Tho number of oitizojis now tleud I nine, nnd several of the wounded oatt l not recover. OSDORN FOUND GUILTY. tliu Kauua breTclurv of Stiilu Couvlntuil nt I'rlinlaul l.lliul. Toi'KKA, Kttn., isopt. '.'. Tlie cuiec of tho state ugainat iscretry of Stiito Si Og'jqru, churKM( with liUalllne; Oyriw Ielnnd, jr.,- wn tj.vcn to tho Jury ut ! c'eloclt this fomnoon, nnd In an hour a ver dict of guilty v nn returned. The verdiot uj a surprise to lawyer and othurs w)io walehei tho trial, an a huiitr jury wuHlcoko.t for. The court tl'lll llr.1. ,i!i,u until HltllnbiV , or posfclbly not until Hie last ot the terin uo innslmnm peiiity pro- v duel by law l Sl.ocw una uc 4 year u jail, with tho mlnbnu n ut tho dis cietii.n of the court. I'nlil Hi' B n-leni-o W pr- uuunced. Mr Osbe -rn cle-t-lluc. to tay wha' ho w It da u n,ijju.i njii..ujmi -v- r x v t. ' HSzb 1 m$ "-4 Vr jm t- -rlrrcr.c: oP .1,,,l',lClt.!,"'vwm',,l 'T nfl,'r '""' "',"i- n'"1 l"'uv ""' f',,' '"" UcaufM 7i;,.t uonrT1'! Il,' g:' U" ' ' llll.g !( tcr. . it her. Ill lb ..'.a J" " ' ,n.' . A ,K,a r" touches 11 1, ttdei unci, and 1. ml '.,"::; , ' . .""'V'1... "''V"!l'. "- - ly- "-. '".' in II- HIV S.HHM, ty,. Ii,,. antninti wear for home or nut 1 iI.hms. Iiui,uh .. . tusenschmidt & Hetsch 1IB WEST OKLAHOMAAi !. MUli 109 HARRISON AVEN-J Everything in the DRUG WALL PAPER Prescrip.ions Filied Day or Night. Oar Tli I.KIM ION F. Richmond's Second Han St New Goods at 2nd Hand Prices Sec our Gasoline Stoves they can't be beat. Sold riL'ht DOWN LOW. Re pairing of Gasoline Stoves a specialty. A. H. RICHMOND. Oklahoma Ave. bet. Fiht &nd Giiislcn. OPEN DAY Everything Strictly First-Class. JEiL O "3EZ, "S? O 3E, X ISES E2-. Oysters, Gamo and Fish in Season. Regular Dinner From 12 to 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Socond Door North of Harrison on Socond Stroot. CAPITAL CITY (W"W'7 JEADLE'S BLOCK. I a e 11 A full line of Book?. Stationary, News, Ot'fu Supplies always on hand. I-I. A. LOOK HERET Am Here to Stay I. If you ure in want of tho Celebrated youroln wantro-7 the Celebrated If uotuo powinj; .iiueiiiiic-. , , ,, iiiAoninu nun i ri ti'vi:ii;a unit . .. Al... U yK ,nVo is core erV Hie lvlen the'driel, tho I'hconlx. tHa frnlrul. ll.r Warw"clc. thc Kol Klnff. the Telegram, tho T. lephonc. t. Coun.-r. Hu Traveler the .New Mai land the Ko-id (Juoon l'b-yclos, at . t...!esa.e ' S, come and K0 my l-riccn. ut 100 li OUlahoma avc, Uut.u.e. Ok. 'Kr E. H. KNAUS6, The English Kitchen, BMMt--M-i-MMMM-m-----M : 0L935T O'JSE AND OHE OF THE BEST in llic CITY. Rates $1.25 Per Q?v. Board Reascaahle "" wo n-ntuvj. . J. rrm Sjfm l 11 I 11 1 n . f I.. , l-tii t- 111 1 ' la I - im V'''.l"'l - N...k lUtl.tU. ... c-M'iiliing -1 inii ,. I AT C(T, A. C, HIXON, Prop'r, CONN ECTION. "&0. AND NIGHT. BOOK STOB "D JLf, Sen Oi BOYLE, Prop u-tor. Cincinnati Safe. Tiro or lluiglav 1W American Ilclptuate. S.Bttor. Koya. Nc , t c .. .,,,.,,,, imn..rin j- --.- ... vcica. a i v ii u.i cnu .- -.''- -..---- I-I..I Manager. bH; - c." - H5rr.uu. ' or mm, , cOpp. Laud Ofll-e x arxr- .tiCI A J.- - rV A. r.TTT" . -.JL . i. i ... MB I I 'Vl Vl I