Newspaper Page Text
'7" KsTHnnn at tnw PosT-Ori'ici? at Gt'THRtr, Ok, s Skcohd-ci ash Mattkr. OtrK of !rttCATiojf IUw,ow Avtr iiiiiawi n if Tl riiiB 11ililH1.HrMBniW 1WKM u i$L & I - i $, w ) I IV i VOL. 1 BA8D1TS FOILED. ONE TRAIN ROUBER KILLED AND FOUR CAPTUnED. ANOTHER OHB FATALLY WOUNDED. ITperKlum Attempt to llo'il l'p tlio HiirltiiKtmi unit lllkiiinrl Klinr Train lit St. .linrpli Hint Meet With n Warm Itcicipllon llio OP.l- ceiA Unit llcL'ii W'nrueil it till WYro liillilj.j r t T. .TofRTH, Mo . Fcpt S.. 3s masked men madu an attempt to h , and )b the 2fo " north bi lii. hi vii tlia llm-ltniMoi .fe Missouri U.vcr railroad, which wnsduo to leave tli" t'uion depot here at 11.. IS last night 'i he plot ended In failure for tin robb.M ., in the death of one of then nml the fatal wounding f another I Tluee others were c.ipturcd, while tie fix tli made his esc.ipe Jut b oro the train was due to leave llibwity the ofllcials of the oad 1 arncd of the plot to lobit undlaid tluir plans to frustrate thu roihers und ca-lnro them If possible. Tho regular train was hchlat the depot ami u dummy, to it in appearance, was made up, luring on board a siiund of sixteen policemen hcuvi y armed. When the trnln remind 'lie water tank, tlnec miles north of 'lie city, as wiisi'iitlil wai Ulgged, and the ciigiiicor, obeying Tiis orders, tiiought hi. train to nMundsttll at on- e Thn robbers had thefe p'ans well Inld and ut onco proceenud to the ox press oar and ordered the messenger to up-n no Tho uiicjpeetod response was a volley from liif police who were on tho train j Instead of tilting Xo tli ir heels the rob'iers showed firjt and then began a battle royal. '1 hr six men in the gan flt-c.l sixteen shots at the olllcer.s on alio train, bat wounded none of tli em Tho aim of tho police was better, for Almost at the first ftro one of the robl -r leb, pierced through the heait w itii a bull, and a moment l.i'er another o tho gang b t the lu-.t with u wound In his breast win h will prov f.if I When tin'ir two eomp.inions fell the irniiiin n'r fourrobb.-rs attempted to inako tin ir escape, but the police wc.e in hot pursuit and only one suc coedi'U in getting awuy. Throe, were quickly raptured and taken aboard the trnln, together with th J 4-&4 V y robbers, uml Tli men tons excuement prevailed here when tho news was heard and a ernnd oii yajhered around the po lice station, where tho robbers were. ' The wounded man, it is believed, cannot lhe twenty-four hours A pos,o is hard on the trail of thu robber who scpod and it is thought he will ba tuken. Train Crwi Curry liu'lioitcm. Toiioxto, Out , Kept. 2.. The recent train robberies at Kcnd.illville, InJ , and ll.ini-ec'.i, Mieli , have ttrous- , od the Canadian express companies to n, lively sense of the danger that threatens their side of the border. It lias been deeldeJ to i un crows on every expiess train with Winchester i itles. Other precautions of a doiiper nte nalmv huve also been taken, but their nam e the manugement refuse to reveal. REMOVED DY SATOLLI. Tho Ageil Arolilililiuii Kcurlrlf or it. I. mill M Dupimnl. 8t. Loris, Mo , Sopt a ."5. Last night a private dispatch was received hure Irani Washington stating in positive terms that Monslgnor Satolli had de posed Ari'hbisho) ICcnrick A call nt the archepiseopal rosidence by a re ) oner ivas fruitless. Father Connelly, nl out whose nopointtnent as vicar gwiicrnl the whole controversy has .risen, was seen at the residence, but i lei lined to atllrm or deny truth of the i Minor Several priests woro cabed i pon Oro of them, who is said to huve been a close confidant of the committee tliat visited Monslgnor Hntolli . t Dubuque last week, said it was probable the rumored deposing of aged archbishop was a fact. Aimrrli at Oullnuili Mppxt. Vienx . Sept SI Arrests of An nrclllsts here continue und the police r in 're than ever convinced that thu r-iid 11 ey made jestorday, when a number of Anaiehlkt bomb, rev Ivors and le itlno- coals for eurrying bombs uero K.ilh'iil, niyjiod a wholesale Anar. h'st outbronk In tile bud. llm (ll'J hlirim.-. Hir.uv. Sept. 2 It it, rumored Hw1'' tlmt the of Uiiuia will alter the -in essiou to thu throne, making lhe tirand Duke Michael, hit. youngost -on. his iiieeessor It issuppoud that the ri as hi hi- thifi step is that the ..n-ow iteh is of so sulky a uaturo and i.toi.itl) without force of ehuracter Siik.i lliu l'ullinin Conipuiy. C. m r.srov. Te , Supt S3. Kv-Col lei tor of ( ustouis N. W. Cunoo, a loloi.-d man, ha brought suit In the I nu. I M .tos e.mrt hero ugalnst tho J'ullnian 1' Car company for re fusing to -II him a s'copor bertli in ihe (.jlvc-toii Hot Springs train a year II o itmilmi Macililu uml 15U 31 l.oit. hi I'm iuhU' ro, Sept 25. Frag- mi ut-. of oodvvork, coats and other nr. i I. age have floated ashore in the ti.i'f of 1 iiilaiul, showing that thei j;u.iaii w.u- hip Itouirflka, w'h ten tin ei and I mi seamen, has fouudcfcd nnd that all hauls are lost ll.i In nt tlm 1'ulr. ( ihlauo. Sept e.l A drizzling rnln, which f'll the pren'or part of the day, kent peop'o from the fair ostcrday Tlii-! Sun lay ci. d did not ven 1 ma- i ut, uml theattei. laiice was even huiala'i than usual WEEK IN CONGRESS. rin llmnrm of I iii-oiiillthuml her in to llo (Ironing; WaMIINOTOX, Sept !!S. Tlio sltuu tioit lii the senate, ns day after day passes, falls to show encouragement for those who arc making tlio battle Sen unconditional repeal. It is only tt dliynsslonatc statement of the truth to ny that tlio repeal forces uro. ap parently no nearer victory than they wtre ten days a?o; that it does not ap pear that they have made a convert in the senate for two weeks, and that I tlio prospect for unconditional repeal ..3 not so bright tii it was when the ro Wtful!i p.v.scd the house with tlio UneJVoJteJly large majority a month tig". Tie senate will again this week prore its claim to be called a' delib erative body. The week will bo given up entirely to speech-making unless tht unexpected should happen. ihe tav einent " sessions beginning at 1 1 j'vloek Mid closing at ti o'clock an- Inounceil by Mr. Voorhees Friday went into effect to-''ay and is to continue during the entire week if no longer. It inunderstood that while this truce remains there is to bo no elTort. as on Thursday, to force n vote on the re peal lull by sudilen t ictles. in view of this circumstance and of the addi tional fuet that silver men are still resolute, there is no chance for a ma terial change of program unless it should come through a compromise. The house will devote its entire at tention for the coming week to the Tucker bill for tho repeal of tho fed eral election law. Tho debate will run, according to tho special order adopted on Friday, throughout this week and next and until Tuesday, October 10, of tlio week following. Mr. Tucker of Virginia will have charge of the debate on tho Demo eratie side and Mr. .lolinson of North Dakota on the Republican side. It is probible tint the debate will be of an exceeding y lively character. The re construction period will bo lived over ngaiu, and Tammany and .John I. Dii'-enport will cut nptomlnent llgure. !-omo of the Kemoeratie members, led by tolon-I .John IL Fellows, the Tammany orator of New Yoik, ivho hold chafimanships of the more unim portantcoiumittces that were deprived of clerks by the "economist-," and "reformers." are arranging a surprise to meet the economical platform. Most of thos w ho supported the re nnrt which deprived tlirse committees of clerks came from locutions at some distance from Washington anil the members above alluded to pr) osa to test tho sincerity of their j rjfessiotis. The members who are cut off from what they consider their rightful per quisites of their positions now pro pose to retali-ite by moving against the foundations of what thoy term "tho reformers" Thev intend to offer u bill or resolution to abolish, or at least cut down, the mileage allow-ancu of menu .'rs. lyuter l piesi-nt law theme. eru dim tin t xtn nit- Vet and Southwest rucoie I um tOOJ to SI, 500 per annum in mileage, tho amount being reckoned at the rao of twenty cents per mile for each milo'l trailcd to ami from Washington, and propose to see, in a practical way, whether those who havo been con spicuous in cutting olT the clcrhs will vote to reduce mileage. .'Mile hell Coot In I mining. Nfw Yoi'.k, Sent. !, Charlie Mitchell, the English pugilist, spent Sundiiy at Coney Island No was shown through the Coney Island Athletic club house, and said it wusu good house, without being very enthusiastic about it. U made no difference to him, he said, where, he fought Coibett. so long as he got fair play. Mitchell went to l'ar Itossk away, last night for the purpose of commencing training foi tlio great tight. Kllb'il In o Wnll. IlAZAltD, Neb.. h.M t. S3 Hira and Fred Dudley met death In a peculiar way. The boy, in playing, lost his ball in a well and wont do vii after it, on his way out his hold on the ripe sllp-cd and he fell. His father wont to the rescue. When raised nearly to the surface, lhe lope broke, and the father, with his sun in his arms, fell backward. M'hoir skulls were crushed uml both were dead when taken out. Klllril ut n Dancr. C.vst.v, 111 , Sept '-'."). At a country daiwe, held at tlio farm of Mass Fritz, near I'nion Center, (Jeorgc McMeeehen was fatally stabbed by Charles Car penter and a man named ltcrry, and two others whose names are un known, were badly woiimloJ. Tho row was caused b too free indulgence in whisky. Mint Sue I nclu .sain About It. I.o.MioN', Kept '.'.V Tho Dally Nows conclude an article from llraail by remarking that the 1'nitod States will have to bo reckoned with in any at tempt to interfere with tho manifest destiny of America by restoring the monarchy in lliazll. lllim ty Hint In Itr.iiililj n. Nrw Yoittc, Sept .' Hrooklyn's streets weie tho scene jeslunlay afternoon of a bloo Ty riot (hat lasted nearly three-quartors of an hour, in which J.ltl Italian laborers, seventy oight Irish laborers and sevauty-liv.' policemen participated. Many of the lighters were badly injured. Two lliijn Kllluil. Maiiion, Ind . Sopt su. Two boys, each about in years old, named "re bpectively Conn Keller and Henry Frank, were killed yesterday by lbs by lhe Panhandle, ns they attempted to cross tho track In front of it In n buggy. NEWS BREVITIES. Uodnoy Sltigloton w.-fs shot dead, I). C. Slaughter fatally wounded and William SUmper seriously wounded ut a dance at Dripping Springs, ucnr Louisville, Ivy. ' Two. men made nn attempt to rob the safe of the Northern Indiana Nor mal scllocl ut Valparaiso. M'hey were chased and both shot. One is dead nnd tho otlur seriotnly wounded Thoii names are unknown. Mrs. S. ( Shriglcy was instantly killed nud scvoiat other p issciigers seriously injured by a cul.Uiun of motjr trains at Omaha. THE GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, BOLD DYNAMITERS f THEY ULOW UP GENfiRAL MAI5 I INIZ2 CAMPOb. HIS HORSE KILLED UNDER MM. W hllo Itrvloivlns HI Sutili '4 wo Itnniln Am I In on M tit Mini In n irrlilit, mill lie mkIiiIim it Vi'iiro Wniinil - f'llliplM II. Ill Millie i llotiio II lilnc mill W ii sp iln'j t.iuiilual Mllli.ity llcio. I.i.rt'i ova. Sept ' A liomend oiis Hciinntiiiu mjm.ium d lieu- y ester tiny y nn.itli'u pi t i nui'ilei (icneral Mm tine C.iciimis iln fmioiiH !si:iiiKIi t-.iiii iii.imli-i i- .ii-icJrnt of the i-oilll il uml Iln- i i i mule I In- null t ii v promiuciauii ntii wlmh g.iti'lhc thione of S am I Vlfonsn II. !en t'inl Mai title i .inipo, wi present at a review of tlietuiop or iln distrul mid, sin lomuhiTiv a luilli.iiit si ilT, ho watched the inaiieiiveis mid seemed Inglil - please 1 with th. a pe.uaiicc of lhe tioups The lump-- Ii ut alieadv co'iiiiienecJ the match pa I wh n a wild eeiteil looking man v is imlii-ed lobe push in;: his wa tlnoiigh lliceiowds mar est to the stall of the general. Snilik nly Hi,; man pulled what ap pe.ued lo K a ball from the light hand pocket of Ins ti onsets and llnew it tit ( Cinipus. A lerrill ex plosion followed llofoie the lepjit had died aw, iv. and while people weic too tiiitiel to move, the i i in took :.tni!iei . hall f,..., I.e inside pneliel of hts mat ami Inn led it at the gi'iieial, w lio w as then rro'-liatc upon the i: round ll.ippil , a man in theerowil .Illicit the bomb throwei a arm ju-l as the scionil i.e.idly missile was iIiio.mi, and while t epli U ' amon;: the-stafl' ntln-ers. itili.l imt fall e ose to lieiieiiil Martini' I .unpos Tlien 'he man wiin hid tin own tli b.imb was suued ami Ihriwn titlie froi.iid, half a do.en people holdin1; linn , i.mi ii. Mil the stall' i.Ciu'ii L-iovv'sl aioiind I he ioi in of the n at ;,fi i ,il (la -of the Iio'mIis or "petards,' lis the.v .ue tinned here, was found lo have i'miIo leil right under thu horse upon wlni h the ;, nral was sitting at the ivvi w "i ; p i it. The force of the shatlvred inti u bleeding mass the four le,rs of the hor--e and also tore its 1 open, inflUt ng in June suihclBiit to bill the animal almost initant v. The general fell h-ivi, n !n n bis hoi-he's lers were iJv : limn mnler him, and, being a u3 h . age, he was at Mrst tlunji J sns- tn mod ueveiu imeiim.nij How- ever, lie was only part I v innneilaml toon st-ig0' red to Ins feet wip-dlht) dust and bioo.l 'flom his iiuiforni. mounted tlie hiic or his aid -1 -camp and, without Oi igniiig to glanco in the direition of ll.e man w,,o tried to Hike liis life in sod ist.n-iily i manner, the gallant old soldiet i.i.mly ordercil theievioiv to continue M'lie exertion was too imi, h f.n the vet inn and, nitierug fi un lo s of blood, he w.i, oblig I lo al o hi-r staff i. Ulcers to assist him oet u' iho bnddie. when his wound was itlli .nlctt to by the surgeons in iitleiulaiiee, w ho tried to liorsuade li tin to lean- tho Held. I'.ut the hero ot th- atti'k of m....i.. t..... :.. iu-i .. l i... r ..,.).! i illtflllU itldlll 1(1 iqii, txicn III- Itilii; i k the ciespeiHtv t mlNis nt lhe head of .. . a his troops, nui, not to be s nr it away from the field by lh loss of a litlie bloo I. Tlu general laughed at the suggestion of his officer , and eiilci ing a carriage had it driven lo the fionl of Iho reviewing oint, and then thu march was continued, thu crowds cheering tlie general until they were ho use. Tlie wound which (iencral Campos is suffering from i. not believed to be dangerous, though it is u seiions injury t- a. man of his joars All agreed that tho general displayed great courage, nnd after the review he refused to tutire to his quarters. On tho other haml, tho geneial tele graphed to the queen legent, Maria Christhia, telling her of the utteinpl made upon his life and annuuuiing lo her his determination to crush tlio criminals who were thus dUturbin? tho peace of the kingdom. Tho queen regent, in reply, te egraphed to tho general e.pies.'ng h r sine ore sympathy witli bun und luugratulat- , ing him Uoa his escape. Tlto'bonibs used were largo iron j hpheros cl aiged with dyuamilo, and their explosion was so i owerful that it broke a nu nber of in! )ioi(ses a long way fro u the uweiwii g point overal persons In the crowd wcro injured severely by fragments of tlie bomb. In addition lien nils lluslos and Molim were also wound -d, and a livieguaid Mainline near (ineral .Martinez C iniio. w is instantly killed, ihe nam.i ot lhe liomli thrower has been usetrtulneil to be l'allas. lli knoini us a notoiions anarchist, and wh. a qaesliune.l ccrnlng hi erimj dellantl,' u.lm'Ucd that he intended lo 1: II ( Mar tinez Campos und Ids s'aff Tlie an- ' archlst will be p'-om; tly tried by i poiirt-inarlinl. and maj b shot wnlun j i wenty-four hours. I (lon'erul CampuM U the ilis'hignishcd soldier wlu brought tho luiiist ic bellio i to an ond on the d -fo it of Don Carlos at l'ena de l'la a, In March. 187ft The high dignity of ciptuiu general of thearun, which is equiva lent to that of tt of Franc", was the reward for his greats rvice to Spiin. In 1SST (lonural Maili.fc. Campos was u aileoominandcr i.i iliief of the army in Cuba. I.aliCreyt Scirre In thn Hire Iliitil.. Nbw 0IlA, La . Sept ;-5 Many complaints eome fro.n the left bank of Jefferson parish, h.-re the lute lynch ing occurred, of dillk-ulty in securing luliorem to harvest th" cio s ihe rice crop needs iinnu'diate attention as the rice must bo cut " a Iprge poi tion i,f it wnl U 1 "M The nogro laborers Icf. la luig.' na .ibers duiin the late ci iteim-iit. -id n has b n imp sslble u indii'O n of l'n 'ii o rcluru TUESDAY MORNING, SAY THHY'RG, NOT ATRAID. i Hut Now Vrl riltiilll 'IuUp I'roenu I tlonn lor 'llil'lr Own siitcly. I Nkw Yoiik. .pb 2" Naturally all 'lliii Hubbub about nnnrchisls and 'their threats to foree capitalists to 'di.gorRti hoarded millions has ills tin be' llio money kinffs of New York hist ii little. Mini condition of the masses Is discussed oftoner in the inillioimirts' club i nd the situation reviewed i nd lhe siieuil problem solved from he stiindpolnt of ilia man of n tllii -i. Hut while tho moneyed men of New Yoik will loll yon that Ihcy hive "o the slightest fear of laiitfer to pel n, or piopei ty. from tho allege I f nut in my of liungiy men in the slums of New Yoik, they will admit they have taken precautions. tine of the first discoveries tnndc by a reporle Mrnn IhUl Collis 1'. lon, the lailrojul magnate, nnd or neliiis VnflUJBbtili had been notilled nuile, reeenllv 1' an alleged anunlt- isl that theii new nahiees on Fifth av euiie would shortly be blown sky waul by that et of the nunrclilsu the dyn amite bomb It 'was lenined from one of the young gentlemen employed ill n confidential cupae i'V at the (Irani! Central depot that Mr Cornelius jtnlerbilt ie en ed an .iniinvmmis letter lo lhe etlV, t that his in w house on Fifth iim nue and Iviltv eightli street was m danger. One of the workmen at the , I unl.n- I isbeil lesilenee also disioieii I a eard tin Led up-ill the coveted e to the building. Anything nppei taintug to the de struction of property, or threats against Yandcrbilt or nnv of his friu.ii Is oi ussKtauts. is at om-e re ferred lo Supcrinl ndent Hvrues and the nuisance, oonset at "iiec. WRFCKED DY DYNAMITE. ru Mm liiHtanti- Ii nit-1 not llirrn UitiniH PM"v Injure I. Sv l'lavi'io, s p- 3- An ex plosion oe nrted on Main I reel, be tween Folsom an I Harrison, at 1 0 clock vesterdav m.uning. Two peo ple were kille I and six seriously In jured. The e.lo-ini tout place on the sidewalk in fioiit ,f lolin Cur t un', union sailor l .n ling house nnl is Mip'n f.,1 in have bee i an eplosi ei of li in lie with the r 1 1 i nt to injure iioa u noli sailors un I to h-ie been 1 erpet atod by union Miilnrs (leoige llolines a Steve Ini e an I I'.iiek ' (innis a lion union s.n.,i-, were in !.tantlv killed, Wdlmni 'I, fatally wounded; thules Oimii, fa tally wounded; lkl Minuh., latuily wounded nml .lohn I urtain, .Ir., seriously wounded. UUROLARS ip'TIFIED Demi lloliljci- Willi iralo, lhe I nil., llai Xuini-il Itoliiimiii. Vui'iituiio, Ijul . Sept '!5 The lot'l . ttempt 01 robbri y i.nd its Ir ij; enili j is Ih le pic of inn vei ' - -.i.'i btri'-li Yf-ti.iiy Coil'., i" ' '. "VffiU a twat morii m on he 1 1 in mis f frank 'ftfHi'nson n nu iiat nt ot the lunik-, of lie two men slmwi, that they were prepi red for robberv. They shoes with tlu soles lut oH', heny b'ack capes for tnaslcs and ugood stipph-of cartridges. Letters and p.ipci-, found in the tr n k of the wounded mm show- his i i i is ( la ire I'obinsiui, ami that 1. is in toe employ of A .1. Courajr iv i , J .'3 tiu 1 ?!' West I'uiii th btiei I, i in i- nati. Ho was als.i mi acut for W l.ambsoa of Fort Wavne, as, n . Dumber ot rece pi-, and collpjtr fH. Is hcic among tho papers. I'mtimllnic Ai.ill I ra Ms IU. ,1 it i.ONiiov, nept ;. . Ulgnut -il lo , . .,.. ... . . .. . ... ., . , .. , . , ni-i-iM 'IN. ill bin. iliLiiilb, ! n .. lU. U vi il'T " ' 'I'll iv u 41 tlihU 'IF I ltr powei prot l ,i ; again, t allow i g Fieo Mason . in i -.t 1 11 i-.Ii a p ,i ui lodge in the ltorghese palace, which formerly Ue.lougeil to the pope. This inslallution is dec aivd to be a direct insult to the Vulican WKl Muiy lliu l'x.ir4 I) in-liter. Loxuov. Sept. ; A dispitehto tho Chronicle from Fails mentions tiic rumor Hint a man-luge is projected between the Due d'Urleans and one of thoTlaughtors of the czar. It is said that tho meeting between the t mnlo de Faris and Ihe at Copei lingen is ininil -tl to pave thu way to this nimriat e. l:viiuniH fur Deporting C'lilnuic. i ox, Sept. 35. Secretary Carlisle has written a letter to At torney Oenerul Olney, stating In effect that the. treasury will pay nil expenses incurrel for doortiug Chinese mulct the deary law as far us its means will iiermlt Tho execution of law is tlnown upon tho department Of JU'jlllC. Mupi'inlail itsnkt. Va8iiioto.v. .Sapt. 35. .Statistics, compliml from ofllclal data, show that from January to .September, this year, MO state and private bunks In the Culled States fai cd, nnd that seveuty tivo ha.o resumed business. In tho su ti" time 155 national banks failed, sei i u ty of which h ive icsumcd. Item irkali'u Der.i iu Souuilliix. ViituHU, II C, Sept is Tlio I'ntted Males fishery bteitner Alba tios. a i rued here jestoiday. She ve tioi t hiving iuade deep sea oninl Itigs nil the coosl of Alaska, reaching a ilei Ui of I, '.00 fathoms, ihe greatest iLpttt eer leached riotii Mliu iti.iiinu Wor., IVnt, Mass. 'Vpt ',&-The cloth depailmoiit of tho Ot'.s company, oin phi.nig 7'i0 hands, or about one-half the cnliro force, slai ted up this morn ing The mills wbl run for the pres ent three days a week ut a reduction of wages. oti-rui l.'lltor lleml. Foiti Woisni, Tex , Sept. 5. After six days' illness Colonel William Ma lone, the managing editor and chief priprletor of the Fort Worth tlnzel'e, died esterduy afternoon ut the age of 'i 1 1 ii was identified with Te.t.ts join naii-iu sin e !--"' Muribrei M It ut;r. i Wasiiim.ion. lu.l , Sept. '."i Tie beare'.t of tho Ditbose county s- air s lath-hipeof I'ndiug the tnui le of Lie i-alt.'ii lu'iuly, provei' frn -less a d 'he ,..,.. icttirne.l mui. i i 4'i.lcJ. SKI'TKM 1JKR 2U, 1803. FUN IN THE HOUSE, A COMIC OPERA SCENE ON PROM INDIANA. CONGRESSMAN BREW MIEY8D, Itlnow to it ijoMtlou nr l'rlvll la lv plain an Attempt to 1 1Mb llfn ftr HB (IVfr u I'uttrlh-Clim lnit olBrr Slew art ( imrget tki I'reaMant Willi ViolaMn.; I lie (-mt. timet. W'asiiinotiin, Sept S5 A scene from n eoniie opera couldn't have been more nmn-ing than that upon nhish tho b.s i',i. curlain lose futarday. It might Inve b en entitled "A Indiana I'oliti.s,' th plot uncovering the trills nml tiibnlnlions attending the elTorts of congressmen to secure the de npitnlion of obji , (ioiiable fourth-class postmasters. Mi lhet. of lnd ana was the airgriivn! person nrd Fourth A sistant Post mas rtien oral Maxwell the obji et of his indig nation. Rising to a question of pergonal privilege, Mr. lhet explained thai soon after the Inauguration llti hud filed charges against .lames Hazenoiir, postmnstcr at Celestmu, lnd., on the ground of incompetency. In pro if of this charge he had sent to the clerk's desk and read the letter which he had filed with the charge. The let ter was written b llaisenour won af ter the Kepnblieans ea no Into power in issi, and fit nisliel a model illus tration of tlie acrobatic nlaerity with which some fourtli-clnss post must 'rsenn turn their political coats with changes of administration The litter was wr.tun in English, but c ung closely to ieruian idioms, and the reading clei k win entered licirt ily into the spirit of tlie affair, lead the litter in iliahvt, to the greut amusement of th- house. In tlu let tei the writer pledged himself perpet ually to the cutis of Republicanism Mr "llrotr. sa l tlmt the fourth r)-sis-limt i ostmasler general had leftlied toaet upon his letter. The h mso lO-ald nol exactly se where the ques tion of pnvllegi ei'ine in nnd Mr. Durrows callid the speakers atten tion to this .fact. ' Oh, let him go on," pro'ested Mr. Cannon of Pllnois. "lie liny b pre paring to b. ing iiuDL'.isl.nicnl against Mr. Maxwell." Mr. liiutz replied that lie was com ing to tlu question o' pri i ege, and Iheicupon presented another let cr, wliiib was read, ui' lie.sed to hints -If on Heplcmb.n ji by llazenrur m nluli ;i inibe of l was orfeie by tliolii li r if Mr Ibev w aid pi nt linn U riitinue to n Id the i Tin ih'.uv est . tli . le'.t. is IS flll'l s ("lull o doiu In pin Hi. , fi.u. t .r. i-n A'a it bt liilri'HS t 1U'- lilt 10 n ur tooel, ii pird In the i-imp me llleilv bur i wan J iUj o.lls to k I iv ull i in ' I'' e i 1 1 'lid il it nil rite Al o 1 uiu i n i,l ii I I will m Ma yu i tt ircs"iit ut tV U u i i.ili ! t mo keen tUuol V Mr. Ilrets mrln llaniod and his eves I nslie I a In ib I.. Hi need this lit l"inpl t i bi i lie a p ih ic oftl -or. The nio'i b is lu.l ii.H I. onvnlscil wli.'i laughter at Mi IS. 1 1 uhilllric, a-id s mi" iii'veient laembor laughing ly sagge ted th. I Iho Insult was put lei'e enongh. At the t .uclus'iiii of his speech, Mr lli"t ill'eiel a ici.idutien lor tlio apt) dntirient of a enmntltteu of three to ase riain why llns incompe tent, corrupt Republican otlU al had not been dismissed. The i pea iter, of course, ruled that the mutter did not prosunt a question of privilege, and icluctniitly Mr. HreU it to be referred under Ilia rule to the pigeon holes of tha poslofltce com initteo. AFTER THE PRESIDENT. Charged Willi iolu t lnjc ttie Spirit or thu CoiHtttulliiii. W'Asmsoio.v, Sept. MS. The lepoal men feel reasonably ctuilldont Hint ti vote will bo tnlton early in Ootober, ut least ill time to get the repeal out of the way fcr the Tucker elections bill, which will pi olubly leave the house October ti. Uhoy believe, however, that should tha election bill reach the senate before the linn iclnl measure is disposed of, tho former will not dis place the latter. Tho picsident of the L'nltod .States will be accused in tho hiintn to day of violating tho soirit of tlm constitution in endeavoring to destroy the independence of tlio lawmaking bi-anoh of the gnvorninent t seekiug to ooerce congreaa Into the passage of the lepoal bill. Xoli.u to liiU ell'eot was clearly lnd eated in a resolu tion Satur ay nouiiiig presenU-d by Senator Stewart of Nevada, upn which the senab-r unnoiiiioed that he would addriss tho senate next Mon day. This ieolut'on declare that the ind-i endenee of the co uidinate tlep irtuienU of the gover11mo.1t must be maintained un I that the use of tlu power nnd influence of one tlepait irient to control the action of nnother is In violation of thu constitution tiud destructive of our form of gov eminent. Tlio introduction of the resolution created u sensa tion nnl tlie di Mission of the mutter di Monday w ill uertuiuly at tract groat attention, as it Indicates the intention of tho si vcr senators to divert tho tl seusslon of tho senate to tho allogod attempt of llm president to control tlio luglslallou of oongress. Aftor the Introtluciloii of this roso hition, tho olotpra resolution was taken up ami Mr Turple of Indiana argued against its adoption An 03100 fur 11 Tnnl( t Mil. ' Washington, Kept sfi Tho ap polntinoiit of II. 0 (inrvey of Topeka, Kan., as stut'stlelan for that sUito in the agricultural tie, urtment U an other rccognitio.i fo.- lliu struight Democrats In Kansas 'I he indications are that In 11 few nays nddil mial ap pointiiients from Kansas in the agri cultural department i l uu iloiinenl aiel the. vnl o in jur n aneo of the r com biutiun I ci.i ei il,c Djniocratii- factor- in U.ut si it-e. ywfas-niui..uii.ti,).ri inmii,i mm fl(pfnMMBMM n i I ' A WALK OVER COMPETiTIOf H (lie route we tnle 111 the "Inn' trade, and we not onl i njo ii miisi It ini inifii-iuiK to cm eii.times. Our siiM-w l(f fomwe.-n i jniid eniripi tthou in a point a mile Is lieiun hem Init. Th -e t leeoid fni -pent, tin aii-e tlimmli thei can't take wings, the) tal,e U i gi tiinu iiiniiiM'ii'il with -o ilium p.ihof feet that cm n flay niaUtsn "' I" l i" ie Hie 11" K.ip- 111 I lie pinei'S-lull ill IHIM Is. lluuigli; IliK li ebt iilnii!.' to Ihe i n ii .,f sun t ,.'i e to fellow. ' Eisenschmidt & Hetsch, US WMST OKhAUOM I- . 109 HARRiSOFJ AYENl- iiiVsrvmme' in in WALL PAPBIi AT GOS . Prescriptions Filiod Day or NigliN A, C, 11X0 , i'r-p'r. eirJHl.I'.l'HONK CONDUCTION.- 1 ' Riehmond's Second Hand Stoe. !few Goods at 2nd Hand ?riccD. Set- our Gasoline St v -s ih . .1 . beat. Sold right DOWN IAj . k--pairing of Gasoline Stoc a ipec:al:y. A. M. RICHWICMO. CLiuicraa '?. bet. 1 ' Ma DksliiP. CAFE :-: RESTAUF1ANT OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Everything Strictly First-Class. JSD IE OBtT1 O 30L 23 2EB 2?B. Oysters, Game and Fish in Season. Regular Dinner From 12 to 3 p. m. WALLY ONG, Prop'r. Sooond Door North of Harrison on Second Street. CAPITAL CITY BOOK SIOBE, -BEADLE'S BLOCK.- A full line of Books. Stationary, News. Oifu- . nd Stl mi1 Supplies always on hand. H. A. BOVL1C, Prp,, or. LOOK HERE I 1 iiis mi iiaMiwiijaaMMwwwwaswitiiMiswlMPint I Am Here to Stay If you are iu want of the Celebrated Cincinnati fcafe 1 no i iui,; ir 1 f or 1'lre and lltirglar l'roof; If you are In want of the Celebrated American Hi 'p aate, r i r, 1. ; . v Homo Sewing Machine; If you are in want of llicyclcs and Trliyeles. such us the n i ' ited In King of Scorchers, tho Fowler, the Oriel, tho rl.i.nis il. ., Warwick, the Komi King, tho Telegram, the T. lepho ie 1 iniin. i Traveler, the New Mail and the I'oud Queen'es, ii whocsa I retail, come and gel my prices, al 100 li Oklahoma ,iu , turn tU hr E. H. KNAU8S, .Manager. The E THE OLDEST HOUSE AND Bales SI.25 Per Oev . Boaid Reasonable KO. 2 i drug rm, a li re ijiy- s - aii-H . .ML ."uatg nglish Kitchen, pun js ONE OF THE BEST la tlie CITY, 0 III' s ft15 , M$