l PERSONAL j i i 500 Mens Over coats at 1-3 Off 500 Men's Suits 1-3 Off AND LOCAL Utorney J J. Hlldrolh t riot court In Kiltgflsw i. V.. Slkes left this i m u The Only 1i. s ii -i- is hers f.nni Blackwell attending a meeting of the board, of i gen .- i r Mi i'ii e au.-p.ial schools of which he Is a member. Senator li. B. Stafford waa in Gu i li : rle last night from Oklahoma City. Senator Campbell Ruraell returned to Warner today. Senator Ha ry Beclcr It; bev from j Cliecotah conferring with pulitlciau.. . (j. Fleming in here from Tuls (oiifci riiiR with utate officials, lie s' vh Tuhsa is growing rapidly and li.ai the commission form of ?uveru mcnt is proving very satisfactory then'. Alto'ney ('. R. Huekner is In Per ry unending coon. One Priced Clothier in Guthrie 1 One-Thir d Off On All Overcoats Every Extra Long Overcoat, Every Regular Length Overcoat, Every Military Overcoat, Every Button-to-the-Chin Overcoat, Every Raincoat, Every Top Coat, Every Boy's Overcoat and Reefer. We have today marked EVERY OVERCOAT IN OUR BIG STOCK, not one reserved, at just ONE-THIRD T rpci mix a t mTTT- rvnmTT a t t-t tt-! mi uojDO mviN inn, ukiuiinyjl, i-'Kivn. ine re duced price is marked on the ticket in blue pencil I v it I i I if j f:; : I . ' ' ' .. ! V below the original price which is on each coat in Plain Figures. We have too many Overcoats We're going to sell them. This big reduction will sell them in a hurry. $30.00 Overcoats, now '27.. Overcoats, now $25.00 Overcoats, now 22.50 Overcoats, now $20.00 Overcoats, now $18,00 Overcoats, now $15.00 Overcoats, now $12.50 Ovciroats, now $10.00 Overcoats, now .f 850 Overcoats, now $ 5.65 $ 7.50 Overcoats, now $ 5,00 $ 6.00 Overcoats, now $ 4.00 $ 5.00 Overcoats, now $ 3.35 Boys' $10.00 Overcoat3, now $6.65 $ 8.50 Overcoats, now $5.65 $20.00 $18.35 $16.65 $15.00 $13.35 $12.00 $10.00 $ 8.35 $ 6.65 ioys Bovs $ 7.-)0 Overcoats, now $5.00 Copyright, 1909, y L. ADLE.R, BROS. & CO. Boys' $ 6.00 Overcoats, now $4.00 Boys' $ 5,00 Overcoats, now $3.35 $?,.65 $2.35 $2,00 $1.65 1.30 I Joys Bovs' ft :.!)-" () vercors, now v $ !)() Overcoats, now Boys' $ 2x95 Overcoats, now Boys' $ 2.43 Overcoats now Hoys' $ tM Overcoats, now 1-3 off in this store means that You Save Just 33 1-3 Per Cent. One-Third Off on All Boys' Long Pant Suits One-Third Off on All Heavy Weight Wool Underwear One-Third Off on Mens Suits All winter weight Men's Suits and all short lots of Medium Weight Men's Suit (except blue serges and black suits) go in this Big One-Third Off Sale We have too many Men's Suits --We want the money that's in them. You'll not do without a new suit when you can buy one at the following prices M.t'ii's8u.K)SuitH, How $20.00 Men"s.i27.:0 Suils, now $18.35 ktxS WfflMU now $16.60 Wen s L,L.."")() Suits, now $15.00 Mens $20.00 Suils, now $13.35 Men's -flK.OO Suits, now $12 00 Men's $13.00 Suils. now $10.00 Men's ?I2..0 Suits, now $ 8.35 MiiisHUK) Suils, now $ 6.65 Men s 8.50 Suits, now $ 5.65 .Men's 7.o) Suils, now $ 5.00 Men's (l.(H) Suits, now $ 4.00 Men's $ 5.tX)nitH, now $ 3.35 The reduced price is marked in blue pencil on the ticket below the original price which is on each suit in Plain Figures. - mmm-mwmw Xflfl- ... -1 r i u. ff If jtt i im . . . Copyrr;' . 1'ins, by L, A ni.F.F, BROS. A CO, 1 -3 OFF In this store means that you save just 33! PER CENT eadintf Clothier, Take Advantage of This 1-3 OFF SALE jm AT ONCE Banker ( 'rcsccnl. II l Adams is here from Lee Cockrum, Robcrl Bledsoe ami li. Raj Knelslej lefl today for Fior Ida win-re the; will attend the MB" niekv Military Rihool which has win ter headquarters near the coaai. uu lil April. A. Clark Is here ling friends. from Wa ll. M VanKleet, of lb Cuthrte d : ' ill furniture factory, was In Cliem e lasi evetilns. ISa Renrei int mi ithe (icorg i ill'' eily p t C, Whit'" ulglil from in re K. I' i e, president ftiid mauax' t of the siiiool ntld office CurBltltfO coiiiptiuv, lh saiiKulne over the outlook for the new factory's nuccoai Mr. (Srode Is active ami cnergwUc abd wt I tnuku good. He lias Just moved his famll) here from Indians mid now I I sides iit No. 821 Baal Noble. Coin ractor Ben Daufc'hprtjf ot Sul phur id le'ii' attending th- nt'ertti of ill Inn d i f regents for the aim i noiiu.il ! FRESH TOPICS ! ! OF THE TOWN Lincoln, Neb., ;no the guests of Mr tiud Mrs. K. W. Hewiii. on Kast Washington avenue. They arc ail route to winner. New Mexico to spend Lie been called to the bedside of her father, l. L. Henderson, who i. not expected to recovr. Miss Grace Garrison, of the state board of agriculture, lias etumed from a week's visit in Fond Creek With her father. Wm. Gairison. Miss Bess (lano is visitiiili las. Texas, with relatives. in Dal- Mrs. I.. . Beadiai Saturday evening with n-r for her son Walter, dinner was served, the entertain' d I a "stag" din A slx-eou se second beiiij; MENU FOR THURSDAY. Breakfast. Sliced pineapple, hominy and cream, baton and eggs, corn bread, toast, tea and coffee. Luncheon. fork and beans (a left aver I , 'a' ed potatoes, griddle cakes and maple syni. cream cheese salad, tea. j jf Dinner. I'utinc.l corn soti)t corned bool (dmked ! fin less cooke.-i. masnti turnips, celery knobs, casta d ))iid ding. black coffee. Th;' Uaii) Lender. a "sparkle course, which was beau tiful as well as original, the entlr,' dining loom being a mass of fire wnrks. The Beadles home v.as deco 't H With red carnations, eotored lights and Christmas bells. Mlwet I". tit' j"e Beadles, (au( lliniilton nnd Mrs A M. Cjiham of Des Metres, la., assisted the hostess. Tliose present were Messrs. Wirt Wilton. 'Bud" Smith. Frank White. Joe Haskell, Wilbur Hightowor, Heniy Fowers. Bdwin Olsniith. Jesse Ov.r:: '"!s;;d, i' nu io.v, V.zr y Mat f'.:'"t. Harvey Matehett. Cecil Oris sell and James Abe'l. Mr. and Mis. Charles Uerr have returned froaj a ten days' vlsjt In Oklahoma City with relatives. Mrs. Htiwaid Prtc and chHdfetl tiro visiting he. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gentry, in Clay Center, Kus. Mis. I W. Thomas of Knid is the Kuest of her sister. Alr. K. 1). Wal ton, on IfCfl Noble avenue. Mrs. J. A. Menef'- has returned from a week's visit in El Reno wit I friends. M is. avenue, Mrs. S. C. Golf. V.; Kast Vilas is entertaining her sifter, tjoekhart of shawif ! j jj Itv- Federal ion if Women's . M ... i dnuual meet lug ot the fedcrnUou aad .it III., nieeling I he delegliH's will be OjlUSen to r.-i reseni tile he al fedet I Iron at tl" stat. meeting which will be held in Muskogee sum' time dut Itin iiie tu aimer or early fall. Dele ijates will ill: o lie chosen to re pre ittl the l:ica Federation of Women's ctubs to bo held at Stillwater some time uext May. All tii' committees of the city Federation will be called upon for tbof i' reimrt at the meeting and a genera summing up of the n'fir's work will be had and new plans perfected tor the work of the new Mar. Mr. and Mrs. .1 W liinton, of iirt East rittveiftud avenue, are the prood parents of a baby girl, born Mswdny . Mr. Rogeia or Klofflaher la the Sliest of Mr. and Mrs. J W M and fami!v. imi Wist Clevelaud RMBttl of the year, fjc Imitlltitioii lal- Mr. and Mis. George Alstons. 419 West Logon avenue, ure parents of t 1 i-poun.l baby gfrl, Mother and clrlld a e doing well. The Kensington club i!l meet wft'j Mrs. Claude Wright. 413 Ka.v PerVina, Thursday aftetniwm. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Hewnt JF.)s;cl Of Hi I-V.lle. 111.. "ie guest of Mrs. Henry Brauu. Bmi Mtnsur uvent"r. is, ThtlJM 'b;li Y'llf hold a m"e iidt u.-xt Sal uida- at the Carueglt.' library for the IWpoae of electing the officers of the bjdy for the ensuing year. The local ; . at ion is COOpOted of eight clubs, namely, Acorn. Altrurian (former'y the Excelsior). Cambridge. OonwrtH Science. Oread (or young women's elub). Etud,: 'musical), and tfci Shakespeare elub The local Benev- olent association is also an honorary Mrs. E. M Chester leaves this , member of the federation. TV tit"': ot evening tin MarthaJl, where she baa ing neit urday will be the regular M s. F. E. Buck has returned from a few days' visit in Oklahoma City wiQ friends. Fa ul McXi al has returned. enm wliere hp Is engageVfi lli ti bauklus bnlneHS. after spending Me hoidsvs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W MeNsal. F B. I.iibe was elected prcsldeni of the Ch negl iRiard yesterday suc ceeding Mrs. V. L. Rhodes, deceas ed. Mib. Frank DjI was re-e'ectoJ vice prefident, and Mrs. A. C. Hlx on was reelect el secretary and tress urr, 'i'hi- hoord eontemplatea mak ing some radical ehangm Is maufc e- CatMn Hodges returned to bis home in Stillwater Insi evenlni nitor having ipeni th" holidays in ibe city With ltis daugi.ter. Mrs. F ('. Hunt at 7i7 East Cleveland tvennit Tl win Im. a meeting or the C. W. B, M on Wi-dncsdsy sfiernoon iu If SO o'clock in the basement of the Christian church. All lade it of i he congregation are extended a cor dial invitation lo attend .mil take pa t in the meeting. Refreshments will be served during the nftrnoon Toe chtittigi church cnorns win hereafter i t lor one long reiiears al which will occur on Wedie -dit nights lusfiid of two ajtori ones each week M-t lias been the custom here lofore. The rehea sal will be undei the direction of Mrs. Maud. Melaln g-l w ho has le;ed ,141 1 11.11 g' . ie ' islt ioni'i Mmo i,Mit1Unnr(ood left last evening frv (':. i'1'ii; to spend the wet'k end with relatives. Fcrgei vout wrongs. Dig a grav In th" depths of yourself and bay your grievances. Let tbi. be- a for gotten spot. Your heart will feel gfl If a, vi-lglit had fallen front It, and ii divine pea'' ml'l cotne and abide with ou. Keep your account in tie NaHotutl Bank of Commerce. Guth rie. Oklahoma, and you will be happy. I SHORT CUTS ! J TO THE NEWS i The case of James D Larkford . 0, U Wallnce was appealed to ih' supreme court today Iroin the dis trict court of Atoka county. The directors of the Chamber of commerce mem Saturday, Jan.i.., IS. to elect eftica s for the emulng year. Modern Woodmen Initiate. The Modern Woodmen lodge last uighi Initialed several candidates p , . nivsti lies of woodci-alt last night ai Odd Fellows hail. Thirty candidates sec 11 red bj Deputy J. M. Fife during the past week were vot- 1 d in as members, which makes a gain if 11 members for the Ulg ill tlllvi weeks. The lodge will give ,1 box supper ente taluiiient on Tuf dii) night. Ji. unary 23, and a big mas ipi'eiaile ball n. the pity ball aoditO rltim Tuesday evening, FcbtUK) I- Germans Wilt Give Annual Ball. A I'ommiltee 1 making extensive , preparations for the annual German 1 n tpii I'lide biill to be given In the hall auditortuui on Thursday 1 vonlug, Feb. uary 5. Kids Having Sport. There wn tch sledding today among "ie selnml ehlldi 'II. mailt of hunt plated truant to en Joy the rare spni li wn.- again quite r'tppery irl tin inorning following the slight , now . heavy sleet and bard free,.. la,i night. The Fattcrioh Fuinlture compan; took advantage uf (he : Dilation 1 hi morning and used gh to help their wagons delivor 1 1. naud '"Id iit Ihelr pre Inventory sal-. Re'iuiotion for Woman. Governor Haskell is in receipt of reipilitllion papers froin Ibe governor 1 1 ( olorsdo for Mrs. Tokia Davis, who 1 said i" be under arrest In Okla homa iit She la w-auted on a fcl- oii.'. chnrga Divorce Case Transftned. tie divorce case of Helen Tillman t Edward (' Tilluian was (rans- I I rroiu Hie din let to Hi" "tlP- I 1 lor eetlii Tues'lay at rcqucut of the plaintiff. tu,rH A rjxste lemt Slierilf Mahone) late Tuecday af U'iiooii raided au alleged Joint under Hie MeDanielH 1 tllor Hhop, corner Sec on! street nnd Harrisou aveuue. and r,l Ai hut Nash and another negro ' lunged with selling liquor to . 1 ailed .-' ' . a ko filed a eonipiaittl. A lot of poker ehlpa mm! .nine whiskey was confiscated by the herlif One of Hie negroes was ! .h( the complainant as Ibq p-. c, who had robbed him of $l '. ben he had purchased some -4r t r there early In the afternoo&vV Hn:it'i. mnag liiv.y lilll'fi'.ll, of the ,l)em- has reiirned "Gem" Under New Management Tl .' Cent theatre now bas smiling faces to g eet vcu and the manage ne'i,' inti'es al the theatre gTWOg oeop!.' of the ei-v to visit the Gem and note tl,.- i-Langea that bavo tak en place.. U : to need cf anvttllng l he 'f in i it ml I at w 1 j iru Iium til taatsil. . .... nliott.. iinmlier at tl..- -al.. of the indemtiltv Inndi. We haul. loo. Ami we've utetttV of space to ...commodate toil. The b'ai'l of regents for the ft at'- iio-mal scboo's are holding the rejt. nl.i miarieily meeting this afi.'-iiiOuu in t:-e state superintendent's omc.. '- move, and store gqgjte time, and Si'V. ral car loads of street paring material arrived yesterday. The severe weather has ch. .-ked utreel paving work for a few days. The cimpany expects to work every Open day, however, to .ive iiie labO: ing people emplo)inent through ibe winter months. t.i S r Fair of nose g on Okla honia aveuue. between Oklahoin:i Slate bank and Carnegie library', finder ret UTO to f O l.utr. D G. s'Oi e. DAY IN FEDERAL COURT lu tin I'niu'd Status distiict court W. J. West, on- of : he panics r rested. Uj United tttasea Mfjitbjal Aleiiibthy se-'erai weeks ago tot manufscturins "moonshine" whisky lu C'ievlaiil county, was arraigned and entered a plea of not guilty to operating a distillery in violation ot law. judge ( .'.literal beard arguments in a number of bankruptcy matters this afternoon. I lag day Saturday.