Newspaper Page Text
TTIE GUTITCIE DAILY LEADER, WEDNESDAY, .TTTLY TWWWsRBPg- PAGE FIT Ii vW. i 'CLASSIFIED "2 THE DAILY LEADER. (Aitorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ? ital March 8, 1311.) Official Paper of Constitutional Con tention. I Official City Paper " NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. J4 the, event of delivery being i in -per4 ' "' l''-''' being roll I'd, twisted or Mtiluted, subscribe., s are urgtd to Bialfe Immediate complaint, to the, bitsi oesl of rii'fi In pel Sou, tj y telephone or ftiiiil subscribers should examine theiadih'ess on the label of their pa jir, It-ihows when .subscriptions expire. iWbfeji yon remit the label is changed, If rffci. notify this office. If you wish govtit subscription discoiit in ued writ the'iffif, otherwise the paper will t continued. In Imiii'.in addresses gtv botli old and new addresses. ... ....... ? .. - jC I A SSIFlFD A D V i' H fISt N C. i? a rrr. One Cent A Wm d. ; No ClafctoLed A d ft I i?.emr nt jiyepted Icr 'etsti than 10 cents. T' lrpliCnc your want ads t. "ii. . ,V I TF HMG- CASH. i I Your advertisement on tin faye will be ifii by moie tlun Ju.UOO people. :iiiiiii'fe.U)L!;liil ! ANNOUNCEMENTS 'i ):k 1 ;nl' i- )i:ti I i ii nulliwi U, 'I t" "a-fiQi.ii- . ai..!i.l :i 1 IiI.Wib: NATIONAL. FOr Conqress, f 1HI1 District. J..: l;..- ..I . 'I'"'' 1 S I A I b Prt'Unit UujiJ ot Atiriculture: j';. in n. i-'u v !, l. 'ivin C"ua:y. D-m J J. ;!'. I' -i.-r. I'i iibuiri' iii.y. Lltutenunt Govtrnor, If. i it i,al'.i Hi.', ( (D'ni.) - Jtii.-liai'd liiiiui'.-;, t'oi'J'll. (I'eiii.) . 1'. I'. lJUi'l'y. 11 Iteno. (licin.) Attoi'i ey Oetiti al. ti. I' fi i'U'., Hli.i w iu'v. i I 'fiu. Steta Supi iiit'.'ndent. I:, ii. W.I-..I!, u . i - ... . (iin i SWiCtary of St.ite. J S A:k'-W --hl. 'k.l:: ha. tlli'lll) JUDICIAL Dltitrict Judye, 11th District. I'raiilc Hal", liuiln-i". tDtui.) . COUNTY Sheriff. X'.lll iKTWifod (Ju'.hne. (lii-p.) ' John .M.iin.n.-y, ijiHliri''. iUi.ii.) fiaud-i Mi.". Crt'S.'CIiL. (Deni.) -)um. . ,a i.. M 1 1 ! l :S l.-wnvhip. (Dun ) - Clerk uf Courts: mi M. W.lhamt'. Ciiihri". HP'p.) I'Uiik. A. W"i.-. imll.i'.-. (li-u..) CO'iiity (.;irk. A. J . i-r. tMlhlM'. ll'.") J ).; Vin:iii.:li (.'I. -'"'-"'. I Viil. County Altuii'ty. I.I-:-!. I" A Al "'!', J ' 1 ' ' - "'- o ' J, i i -..ii. ;i::,i'. I.l"'" Vaihur I:. Sw.el., iM-'i'i". ' CO'irily 1 i easui t'i . , .IH..-.J Ada , , C-jilnl". ( I '-'! ) J, Sli w nt, Mil. had. I HV' ) CO.iuty Juili)c. a,i, i.. i:h-.pi--ih-. Jm..i-. ii"i..) J SM.n..r. Cuihi.e. (V. p ) County Siipfrintt-ndfiit. Marenv.-t H,..illt;e, I'lVS.-.'iit. ilwn ) JU-.iIcK ct Hi-; Par.i'. JV IT. S.iwird, (J.ilinl". (H"l-) Jl. J-'.' liurliiigaiiu. (iulliri". (;.'p.) COutily' CoinriiisMOnt-f, 1st Dist. VVrti f--li"an r, CniliM". ' ' 3..I. '.I. ' il.t'l ii"'."r, Cii'hri.'. ( K"p ) l.d. f. Mmj.i. .'. i in: hi :. . I I V. .i, i - i v County Commissioner, 3rd Dist. John O'N'cil, M.rsl,al. il-'iii.) COi-inty Comissioner, 2nd Dist. J,. M. Oliver. (Ii"P ) DR. L. G. RAMALEY phyi'dan fi ii ' t yurttenn. Trees ail 11mm-' of nun kind. Yi'r! 1 sy "f nlnht ei-y and cuctiy. M years . . . 1 1 1 i . . ii n A TA fXpiTl'llI". ""' V , t. ,l.,..a a SI"'Ml- Jr ... '....n.,:... n't;.", ukhi- iMtffi-. riio"" h" NF.W M. K. i T. TIME rABLEv fiO. 14 leaves r.utlirlA -- tVim Arrive P-allH ; - No. 1 leavi.uthi i- 'M,:,pm ftO. 1 j leaven ratlN .r,.,m Arrive- ;mhrU. - fja 17 Laves I'-il - Arrives tilth!!'' with ho 1 make cm-.- com " -I I-ri m?n ln train No Uj for Pt . t.o w y ;'" 'Vni';3;! I 11. l: '. ' i European Plan Mlchh-an Blvd. & Twrnlv-Tliir.l Street CHICAGO 300 outside rooms Country trad? solicited. Rates $l..'.o pfr dy aaJ upwant WARDEN & WALLK'K. Props n. M. nurbank. Resident MSf- FINANCIAL FIX PER CENT f . ' A N S O b ' a ina b le to buy. bull J or improxe farm, ranch and city property or remove in cumbrance therefrom; liberal options; f, vears before iayln? on prin- ipal: on or" before; etc. Tor the proportion, address: Assets ivpt . Suite 111" PuiKh Uldg. Dallas, Texas. ID vv ft . i.a T CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED An experienced ibook bindery .nirl. t 'all at Daily Leader office. WAN'TLD An elderly woman to do housekeeping for four children. rail .772. WANTED Competent woman o cook and do housework. Oil at '.C'l East. NoTde: 1 IVE FRIGHT, capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and cell dealers-;; $2.7 to $r,n per week, h'ailioad fare paid. Goodrich Dim; Co., Dept. 7.72, Omaha, Neb. WAN T El - An experienced hook bindery uiil. Call ai Daily Leader oil i-. VVOMMN noil guaranteed hosiery to friends and neighbors; 70 yer cent prom; rail or part tlm; big seller; mako $10 daily. Experience un necessary. International Mil's. Do to2y West Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANT to MALE ..n'AI, YOUNG MAN for detective ri-pn M-nlath" Credentials nl aa ihority ieu if accepted. Send dj-si-ripiiui;, phoiui'raph and I" for re ply, in-pt A. i;-'e!ai'f liit-riiatioiial Se. r.-l -;.-! '. i.-e. I'.nv I '. Sail Lal'e. I I :i 1 1 . MEN illu.-irati'd ratalo"iie ev phuli: how v,e leai h l he I. al l. el Had.- in :.! term, mailed free. Wille Mnh i- ' 'i.ih'i'e, Kana'' 'it ', Mo. Vv ANTED Men to learn the harhr trade. Thousands bavo bei.-t-ino Biic.i eu.vful Btiop ownefi by our y tt in and rend to us for barbers. Pre pay now. 'fouls fhen. Was wini-' . at'ioii. Particulara inai'ed free. Writo Moler l;artier ColP-j-e, r.l t Main St., Kaiift:4 City, Mo. LOCAL KKPKESENTA TI'E wanted. No i anvai-.sing or soli 'lini' icqiiired. Good iiuoiiii! assured. Addiess Na tional Co Operative Really Co., V- its Mai den I'.nihling, Washlni?ton, D. C. WANTED AGENTS .on AND $Hi Accident and sickness polLy agents wnnted, wonderfi.l sellers; i.iit cotnniissions including re n. wals. S ron.n Oklahoma Company with JL.'LIM'l' assets. Write Special policy Department, Southwestern Surely Insurance Co., Slice', Philadelphia Pa SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED --Permanent or temporary posit ion by eNlieriem ed hook keeper, : teme.,1 a . he,' and e ish'u I , wp:!i best, of I'.-feiem '. Addi.-s' A. , i are of .1 ,i-ii-l r. WANTED P.y iiiiin and v iff. loom ii,.. i.i.ii - io care for 'an "i''1' ! lelel elicc.". 'all 1 I7i. BUSINESS CHANGES. A SI'I'.STA.NTIAL corporation wants rel in hie part v to ,.staldish office and niaiiaH. salesmen. Should p iy $" "IHI u $L..ue" annually; $."uo to ::.ii'ui will finance business; you handle) own money. References exchanged. Sab's Manas:. -r. Pi; Fisher P'M'J- Chicago, HI. WANTED IDEAS Write Tor list of inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for inventions Our four books sent free. Patent se cured or fee returned. V dor J Evans &. Co., GIO-F, Washington, D. C. GOLDEN opportunity for bustler. Sell Willow River. P.rit ish Columbia, l ow ii -iie Lo's and Acivai-e. Coal. Cold, Ti-i.:r. Agricultural lands and wat'-r power immeiiiate'ly available Located on main line Grand Trunk pacifi, and Pacific Great Eastern rail roads. Navigation in three directions. Pitt commission. Easy to sell Ex tensive adver isinir campaign. Pros pp.ts sent aeents. Write today for excpisivi- apreticy. Pacific Land Townsite Co.. LL bards St . Yan ,. uver, P. C. SUMMER RESORTS. SOFT II PLATTE HOTEL South Platte, Colo.. 23 miles to Denver. Co? bom'like hotel, in heart or the Rockies; home rooking; pood trout fishing; rates $2 a day. $10 a week. American tryle. Chas. Wallhrecbt, Frnp. TO EXCHANGE. roR EXCHANGE On of ihe best dose in. modern, cLar residences in Guthrie and some money for a iraod el.-ar farm. Also a good clear farm of 211 acres, near town, want itv property. Try us for fire insur ance, firm loans, notary work and i.-. to-ral resl estate business. M Gar rett, 110 1--" E. Oklahoma Are. wANs Q -WANTS mm mtm 4rm j 4ft Tnr-nrMrif itk CLASSIFIED PERSONAL, IAOntSf As yon OnifeW ft CkMuau-ra rtl tt Olamond lirand. tot yaars ki'iwu aj " ilesl. Slleit, Alnavs Keliahlc Buy" nl your OliiyUt Take no other. lili-hcutrra Diamond brand i'tlla ari- auld lj Ilrugglala e vary hero- LAIMES When delayed or :rrgular ustf Triumph Pills; always (lepend abl". Relief and particulars free. Write National Medical' Institute, Milwaukee, WH. M AFtRY If you are lonely. The Reliable Confidential Sueeesafj) Club baa lar?o uuoiber of wealthr, eligible members of both Bexeu, ,wlb Ing early marriage. Descriptions free. Mrs. Wrubel, Roi 6, Oakland Calif. 2C46. LOST AND FOUNO. I 1 1ST- Sm Jil led 'o with white spot, in Uiii ad. Reward Alb-u Dan ner, '.i'4 West Mansur. lOI'ND - Gold barrel te; owner suay liave same by calling al lliis office ami paiiiL',' for this ad. A HIP HAP pointer, rjiolted. blari; rind while about two and one half years old, answers name il Wilks. Iriloi nia i ion warded. Ileward if i et hi iied to ice- plant. FOR RENT. LIGHT IIOCSEKEKI'ING moms. Two lieatlly furnished, sout Ii rooms, svilh all modern conveniences. Cistern water. Pi.'! Last Vilas. Phone -I-!. Ck HI'. NT .Mod'-rn 7 room house, ei-iein, ,a:h, ( lectiic liebls; rleei-in.:-'; porch. -1 lots. Phone III:: after " o'clock. EOH PENT -l our room hom;e, (lose ill, till liished or iinfurnisbed Phone i;ih. Pop KI'LNT i'i loom modern hour.e, fui nished ; cisteiii water; "I- Ea'-U Mansur. aitr.ictive sun ouiiilii)'''.'- phono r,:::. FOR SALE WANTIO-Cood residence proiiertv for fiale, rent or trade.. Se M. L. Mock, Guthrie, okla. I'OI; SALE Second hand luiiih.- r, suittahle for ham or sheds, at old fair grounds, noithwes' of town I.. K'odma n, COR SALK -Nice new Columbia Phonograph. Call nt leader office. P. ran a new rmver rypewiter rot sale. Price jr.a. Latest mode!; ha?, never been used. Apply at Deader WANTED M ISC ELI ANEOUS INS L h ANCiO - peMt com tan lea mid rates, ru M. Hock. I HANSPEH aud bageaj'e; oods packed fo' t hfpplin; or etorai?H. D. C. Ho lie, '.'() years txpeilcnce bandllilg Ki"idH. Plan.icj a spo laity, Pbon 727. TYPEVRITER f XCHANCE. New L. C. Smith $ No. i Oliver J...ihi Smith Premier LVou Royal .No. ",' .ni Royal No. Ll moon Typewriters for rent, f'.'.oO to :: nn per month Ribbons. Repairs. Typewriter Exchange. 11$ 1-2 Ias Oklahoma Ave. Phone 7. H. M. ADAMS, Attorney arid Notary. Chattels aud Farm Ioana. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent, Offke over Rank of Commerce. Phone 4H. Res. Pon 1119 Brand now Oliver typewriter for aa;. Price $!u. latest model; ba never been U8d. Apply at L" Jer Offlcaj i" t : t: s.; -1: v depautmevt. sm . !"'.!.-"' i tii'i Vi"'"'tu'l..n 1 1 i ',. .Pi'"- iv. I'.il - Sm'. d -!''...i ii v:", t. i'v. . a i j i'C 1 : : !! . .In'v )S i!l. .Old .'l.-TI oJ "!.-d. ' ' t ,:. :.c;. i: i... i . i!!...-t. . a:i e--1 : I i.S'f c;.- :i'i-l ! '. I - i : ' " !.f'. .'- ,-i i'... (xi.n-i'." .f .! C'.-'.-l I..I-. off a id i-'.iir, h"" ;' . i" ; itii'h-. i.U'i... mi .-e T.r.l.-o.'ee w p: "r ! ' ' " d.' .wi.-.-i ici'l Ii.'..': '-i u - on.- I... I, 1 I .1' ): l.f!,.-.. i-i ' 1 W- -d i ; .-no: V-. c 1000 Men Wanted 1 RAILROAO FIREMeN, BRAKE MEN AND PORTERS WILL 3E NEEDED IN THE SOUTH WESTERN STATES IN 1914-1S AELE- B0DI ED YOUNG MEN CAN QUALIFY FOR THESE POSITIONS IN A SHORT TIME BY TAKING OUR PRACTICAL COURSE. AT SMALL COST. COLOFED MEN CAN QUALI FY AS TRAIN PORTERS. For Particulars Address OKLAHOMA RAILWAY INSTITUTE EL RENO, OKLA., P. O. BOX 793 a m l is u . a: s m x i A i NATIONAL LEAGUE. k a si h o :o ' s o m Standing cf the Teami. ; Won JiOKl Pf t New York Chicago OiiH'innati . f!:i St. Louis :::: Pittsburgh :to iiiladeldiia I'S ilrooklyn -7 Los. on v.. :L' it ::i Xi .-)'.':; i;i is : l,'.o Reaults yesterday. I'hila.lelphia. liosfon. -LI Nev Vtirk, :,'; ProoUlyn. 1. Chicago, ": Cincinnati, I. St l.mis, I ; Pittsbmr'h, n. Camea Today. Ilrooklyn at New York Philriib Iphia at lioston. Piltsbitrfih at. SI. Louis. Cincinnati at Chicat'o AMFRICAN LCACUf. I Standing of the Teams. Won l-osl Pet. plnladelj 'i.ia ''"i! I ii-troii ::. :;l Wasliiiii't.iii :$ '"'": SI l.oiiis o' "- Ronton .... '-' iii, ao Cleveland - ' G -:: ' N.-w Vork . . Results Yesterday. ('level md, S h; y, Louis, i! .'. Postoii. ., ; Piiiladeijihia. ::. Washin;.'ioii. 2 . New York". I 11 &1 I i.'ti oil . N : i 'hicai'o, I , Games Todjy. i'hic.'i"o at Detroit. St . I mis at Clevela mi. New Vork at Washington. Poston at Phibtdelpbii. aKKawamwiiW"""" ; FEDERAL LEAGUE. Wi Standing of the Teams. Won Lost Pet. Indianapolii Chicatro P.iiflnb) :;l -"' '", Ralti' i.ore . . . :::: -' '''' Kansas City -II :'""' I'roo'Cyn '' ' Pit!: !iui fib '' 1:1 i (mis ... , . :'ti I" :' RratlltS YeateiJdy. No ja 'ii i.r h dub-.l Games Today. ( hicaeo at Indianapolis. S, I .mil i a 1 K a I is. is hi P. i ll llnol I- at Pit Isi.lll I Ii I Iii I fa I o a i Ilrooklyn. . tK K K? K Sfi V. K W M M M K AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. U3(i9!iXX:i!SiS5Kl Standing of the Teams. Won Ixrst Pet. I oi.i.tille .... : . . 4 2 :: .r.s:: Milwaukee ".' ill '-" I Kan.-as City I' :: ' Cleveland :'.7 :: I ."'21 Minn, apoli .... . . Imlu'iiapolis ::7 .:7 . r."o ColauibiM ..::-' - -1',: S'. Paul . ,,; Results Yesteroav. t Indianapoii -, 'i . 'le eh- ml, :: A i l il w a '.' ; M inie-a ,.oiis, 2 Al l.iiiii.-Vi'le, ii; Col'imici H. At Kan-' o ( "it v - St. Paul . t ain Games Todjy. f'olut.ll'US a' Lo'lisVib'. In lianapol:-, at ' helan ! .VLtltO-a polls at. 1 il'. dUHee. Si Paul at Kan.-a-. City, y. y. v. y. y. y. . y. y- :o i x WESTERN LEACUE. txrisX3lS5'. JHXI ! Stand, ig of th Teams. Won I-o t iv t ; D'-nver . . Si .I.e.'ph 1 ! - Moilie, Sua i ( 'io l.iieoln ih.a :i 1: Ji i Wichita . . ir i'li.i . . . s t Results Yesterday. Wichita, Lincoln. 2 lM-3 Moin : O, 7 St. Joseph, D'.; Sio iv i v, Topeka-Denver; nun Games Today. Lincoln at Wichita.. NOBOOUPABED Kidney Troubles Attack Guthrie Men and Women. Old and Young. Kidney jlis seue young aud old. Often come with little warning. Children suffer in their early years- Can't control the kidney secretions. Girls are languid. i!ervonsf sutler pain . Winen worry, can't do daily work. Men (have lame and -uebini; backs. If yo'i have ,mv form' of kidney U" You must reach tin? cause- the k idney s . )oans Kidiif Pills are for weak kidneys - Have hi'oin'.'ht relief to Guthrie peifple , Guthrie lestimoiiy proves If, Mis ,. E. Coi toil, h"7 W. Mansur Ave, Gutlnle o!;la., -.avs "I have piibiiclv I'l'iomnieiideil Doan'y Kid ney I'i. Is on two previous occasion in i,i' of their t'.oiKl work in my tam.L Since .ivitiK uiv hist jslate. Inellt. I hav" pl'OIII'ed Dean's Kid i.i-v pills at Cramer's Drnr, Store, (now the Corner rharmary) and they have eaied my oin of a distressing kidney weaiuiess For sale by all dealers. Price f.h cents . Fo -.t.-r. lilhui ii 'o , iiul falo, New York s.nie aeeuis for ihe I'uitedj ,'tates. j Reuieiiih-er the name Dons -and iaki- no other. Adv . 'I'op.-k.i at Denver Sil, .Liseidi ai Sioux ' 1 1 v ( hii.i ii i at I es Moiio- I A TEXAS WONDER ' Ihe lexas Wonder IlleS kidlie.V i ! I, lot bladder llO'lblef, dlS'dlveS etavel.l '' Hies diabetes, Weak and lame hacl H. J i heumuUslii, an, all ll l eeulai it ii s of, it., iia.,.,1 ,ii i, I-., l,l... in l., an i,-ii t . I..- I. , "ii ' I ami women. Ref'ulates bladder tio i- hle.s In children. If not mild by m-n j dl iit't'lsf, Will he sent by mall on te ( elpt of $1 00 One small hot lie IS two months' (lealineiit, and seldom (alls lo pel feet h ('Hi e. Send f ' " t' S Unionlals from Ibis mid other rtates Dr. K W. Hall, Z'K'J Olive Slreei, St Louis, Mo. Sold by drun.:lHts - Adv. TODAY'S QUOTATIONS Markets by Wira CATTLE: Kansas hi v. Mil. -I nly I Receipts, I I, oho Alai k ; , s eadv , I he hic.her Prime led sieers, $7 .Yi to f S l',u I tressed beef steers. ,fA vu In $'1, Ml. Cows and heifers, $1 lb", 'o r.'in HOGS: Rt-ct ipK, C.Oliu !lai l-'e. .",e lower. PuL- of .sales. P' L. to 1 ::r. I op pi ice, IfX I . VIH AT: lian a:; ( it v. io , I nlv I luL , 7 1 I 1 eple, l.l.ber, 7 1 I S I leoelilbel , . I :' S COHN : Si Jd em li.-r, L l I I I lei eiiti.ei , '; s. GUTHRIE MARKETS. Livestock. Steers, prime,. $.7 (I i- lo $0 uo cows, $4 r.ij to ?." Heifers, prime, $.7 mi to f. ' Rinebart hoes, $7 .1:. io s nu. ITojjs, $7.2.7 to IS.nii. Grain and Hay. Wheat, per bii., Jtdc. Corn, er bu , 7.'c. Prairie hay, er ton, fS on lo $12 no. Alfalfa bay, er ton, $!U. Straw (wln at), per bale. 2lb Straw foa'sl, jier bale, 20c. P.i an, per loo lbs . $1.2-7. Cor n chops, per in lbs , $1 so Kaffir corn. p r bu . $1 on Oa's. per bll., 47c. Pioduce Live Poultry. I .miter under 2 l1'" . I'11'' Spr in?s, over 2 lbs , 2("". liens. Inc., o, l, l?c. Turkey.-, obi Tom-, Ihe. Roosters, '.e. Geese. I,r'. J 4 ' Hides. Ilbb-f. rrreen. 10f Hi.ley, i reen i-hlf, 1 2c. -.',' j To Parents. Cuai Jiati-, or loafers ,. I , ' Njtie Ih berel.'V jilu-n that Gut hi I -. ., ! IxjJfe No A. II. T. A., will pav ; I lo.oo reward for the and on 4 1,; , v P f cn of tiny pfr.-on or persons hunt'ufr or fisblns; or tres;.a!"-lri: on , IG.e property of any member of tbi" lodt-H. Lincoln Albn. Pre.; 1-Yank 'A-i.n Secretary. WANTED An evperu nc.-d book. binderv f-ul Gail a Daily Leader offi. letter flies for na!e at The Leader titfKe Pike 3Sc, 3 tor 1 Oi. HUERTi REFUSED 1LL1S BRIBE BY "BIG BUSINESS' SPURNED BY DICTATOR. SAYS FKIMND New i- oi k, ,1 ill I ' 'ha in;; la i. op.' I i ii . i lu la ! mi el e-.l -i. io M.I.. ,-.! .,, two in on . ii s a i'.o i - -' i'i . .1 i o'.i . . ; ' i ii Ida 1, , -i.ooi i,io--l I,, i . .- . a I a. j're -.idei I .. iii l o',i i ;.i I i :. 1 i.ll l it II I I.Ul.l 1 ISI .- lo 1 " 1. ' ..; a- I" ! ) .' a 1 , 1 ir. 1',,'uel . I lo it" oi ' i a ; . , . .. lead III '. Illilll 1. 1 , 1'. I a- -a ' , .ii I , nt e w b"ii. -a ,1 ; - -. i - I ...ii 1.1" cxpuoiif ii I Iii .a . : .a . o 1 1: .. bu; biif.iiie.-w" .ii n . ;a a' a (Ii if III. nl :-.! '. I in in 'I i . 1. 1 no. -'!'-- "- " 1 Mei.'... i.ul til" p' ': i . , t . . II lea sl.ib'.-. 1 1 1 : - i . 1 -1 1 1 a ii '. . I i , .ir ia i ... i a l ed I ' i a I .lea II I ...I I .ii.:. i a l.-r on bid ti hhoublei . .aa re .'-I '. ii.i I i I and ri".' i i i -d I .' I a p: a il. i lopUlli.-. a ; colli, reli' o-. in- i . 1 1 :n :..: ma I inn el. ii ..-ii-.l In olio .;. P' esiden: ll .,!., a I '! - ll.i I Up. II' i. lu.. I I-U i'. a . a,: , , , - ii' 1 1 -. - a p I ,i I 0 1 1 1 1 a k i ll 1 . ' I h- I'I e i di Ii ! W ll -a hi ha , he. -II :'.l'--. I -ii all a inn .' . an. la" i!S.. lo!. .1 ' . 'll : I .-1 . oil i ill ' ' ll i I i I ' 1 - leal 1,1-1.' . a i . d.- la Gai . a .1 . : . ,. i '" I .i . h- I aa i tin- pi e--l.i . u I -ii "lid n:i '. , i . i . -; 1 1 1 A ; i : 1 1 1 : I -- : i a i i 1 1 ill-. I 1 1 " j oh -1 1 I ;i" lie i I an i Ina o- la ! Hi i i . -, . I -. -ii.ii a : . ha. kill. I.." " a ; n-d 1 ... -I a I Ion oca iii -d o ' a I I a !i .' I i n ,1 I . .a (ill HOLAX CIT KOI AX GIVE IT TO TtIL CHILDREN I'i i. . . t ph'..-io 111 the w ol Id lei . a,!,!! . I. I'll. V I'l'.e In" O il ta it-, like b ui'Miail.' It ! nub! and -.nils their sen.-iti.' oi",an-i. ll i : I iion :il', ! a lid keep , I Ilei I H-lliS I ea n sell , SWcel and W biib'aoiiii' ll ipl.-s I he :-a llle '.' i'oW " 'ow ii up . !. n ideal lavalive For .--lb' In all il ru " :' i i - NOTICE. Mv fillentioil ha- been tece-nUv called to a Deflect iii usiilf, tail li;:lils, ami e' iallv a hi;'h tat" of speed of automobiles-. o one .an "la mi Iflioraiici ol Ihe law. I O" et ve II all'l i i ep (oil of I roil ble. IN- i pei ! foil '. . N L PMI'I ER ( 'oioiiii a iotn I pilblb- S.lf. t V Col. T. G. Payton Livery, Feed, Boarding and Sale,", Stable llmne 127." GUTHRIE HOSPITAL One Block Hast Court House The Gutnrie Hospital ia an incorporated institution under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, and is open to all reputable Physicians and Su' neor.B, anj we are extendiny every Ciuiteay consistent with good businea., methods, to them and their patients. It will be the continued policy of tbf Institution to maintain a high standard of excellency and a cordial rela ' onship with all. Crook Optical Co. r - i0.. 7 J ll , No two. noses are .alike i)"U) W 1 L- ..j t a -e.v i;.,.-, ;!i.u cmrio? o-:ir L " Glasses at all. but we can nl. trie m .-t or th"m v'.itii ..-ir Lp-'at !i, '. -i. ; uoo , Ly0 Gla.-.s Mountings I :'" ,' oh;), '.VI ,1 .1 I.-l Ull'il . ,1. We '.ip.-r.ito the P-"-t i'i'i n; i'" l LdSe a e ea ii I : I :., ,te '. Oil' h'.,;.en ,"11.... .!i .-..:! I II ) O ;r policy i Prompt it-r; .;'ir " i of i i o Class "f iCl'l III i I i ' r -. ' e I ll i . S. T. CROOK. 122 W. OUa. Ave. Phono 371. iii"siMBijiwr. . s J. B. FAIRFIELD EstaDlished Uoi Phons 2i R Transfer. Coal. Wool a.nj Storajt 'u ta and ' "r'U'" -t U K car iota Ononis pat ked. etured arid '.';; ' ' VVeri H Is.- . J H8IllliPaliaiCIMIIIlXMaKUiiMl m M m v. 'a ji a a m u W. M. EHOMON, Farm Leans, Insurance. ALtict M Only complete abstract of Ut's u Ix,t4 Couaty. Voi pay lotar! B H aad pr'.iiclpii at our offlco. 119 W.t.fl'aLvui A Gutiiiirt. ff THE OK LA HO M . STATE BANK m t:Hs!tf protected by C.uiran'y La. In'erei-t r Cm destti. A Safety Deposit Poies. F!ripro ,f Vaults for rrat. Voer l loan. A 19 . m 204 E. Okla. Ave. t Ice Creams and Sherberts Try our MINI PHOSPHATES orul 204 SUNDAES ii Every thing in Fountain Drinks j,tMttXaM .Wfc5 Guaranteed For o,(K)() Mile: i juM Kii-Gir 0. IIciTick )jM (JlMlilif. VW ft 1 . fU..tiVa-liatettJ Guthrie arage Plione 58 J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor QxTVtillWtPVKIf See Swearengen for Photoi Toil will find It at the JUclfttt. ainrniV'MillTaaiiAit 4 . - 7 ' . - A 2S-J J V- I'i t p ia tho State, U.1 a ! : Spec!a, I I com, ' Tt, accuracy Optometrist f ettoie, Okla. lifl i i . 1 . t t