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. ....... .. . ..... -. PAGE FIVE L JTHE GOTHRIE t)AItT LEADER, WEDNESDAY, WhY 8. lot I. ii m. i 1 WANTS CLASSIFIED ; THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma Stato Cap ital March 8, mi.) '-Official Paper of Constitutional Con vention, r -Official City Paper : NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In tho event of delivery being im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make Immediate complaint to the busi ness office in person, by telephone or mail. Mail subscribers should examine the address on the label of their flaper, It shows when subscriptions expire When j on remit the label is changed, If not notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper will tie continued. In changing addresses jeive both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on thu page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. H K tin llHln ANNOUNCEMENTS Tho Leader ha-i been autlioilcd to an nounce Iho citiuli l.n i -i (it tho luliUWina. NATIONAL. Fcr Congress, F-itth District. James H. Rues. I K 1 i -1 1 1 1 1 1 . t City. (I win.) Sr ATE tpcirirnt Hoard of Agricultural .Tuhn it Kvor. Loe.wi Ciunty. (Dem.) J. .1. MoAi:.seor. PUUI.uii," Couiuy. (pern.) Lieutenant Governor. Hen LaKayctte, Cliccotiih. (iKin.) Hillnps, c:o-illl. lUem.) V. P. Putty. J'7I Kuno. (lcm.) Attorney General. 8. V. Ki villi'.;. Sh iwiHfi. (I-K-lli.) State Superintendent. It. h. Wil-soii. laiicU.isdia. (l'".) Secretary of State. J F Akow CiuiUasha,. (I)eiu.) JUDICIAL District Judge, 11th District, Frank Palo, Outline. (i)cm.) COUNTY 6hfriff. I-lCti iM.hHii, Republican . pill (Ju'.lirio. (U P ) Jnlrn Mahoney. (iiiihne. I Ueii.) Clau.P Miz", Crescent. (Dum.) Chap. 1. Pa vis. Mulhull township. (Dun ) Clerk of Courts: Pan M. Willi:1"!-". Cuthrle. It'p.) Frank A. W-0-s. Cut brio. (Pom.) County Clerk. A. A. J.ccr. Outline. (Rep.) It! K. ;-,t,i. iii'h Cifscfciit. (IX-m. County Attorney. Cbest' r A. Matr, Cuthrl. (Il-tn.) I- f. M'.riP-.n. Cutl-rie. (Pcin.i Arthur K. pwatili. Cuthri-i. (Ktp.) County Treasurer. Alfrrd Ait lor. CuMirif. (Pcm.) R. P. .St.-wart, Mulhall. (Rop.) County Judge. . . Jolm p Cliatpclle. Cuthrm. (Pcm.) ,T. C .traPK. (iu'Jiric. (U"I.) r ... f- ..intlli.AIlt,'! IH.ollItl". ClOSCCIlt. (POm.J Justice of ths Peace. T. II. Gutn''0- (R'P B. P. Hiirliiisani'1, CJuttirl0- (RpP-) County ciiiiiintssifiner, 1st Dlst. Wm liMur, i;i;liiic. ()"in. :d .J. ntx'rli"!.-!-. (t'ltlirie. (Rfj.) i;.. '. M j 1 1 ! i v . c iiin i'-. 1 1 i i ' -iv .) Coi.nty Commissioner. 3rd Dist. O-Nfil. Marshall, fpitm.) County Comjssioncr, 2nd Dist. 1 1. M. Oliver. ( Il'M1-) DR. L. G. RAMALEY I'ln-l-hn atel muk"-i. 'I riT.- al! .U'.-a-ui of ni.m Uitiil. Vii!s--'l '' "r iil.;it n-y 'mil C 'tintry. ?" years rvhfl'i.'lHT. I'ht'iai'! muI Pr va.c ili -:- t'S .1 Sl":-tal- IVT iv. ;ut!i:-ic iri rfHh'.'ma avnii'. (Opposite ll -Vvl 7-V it..ffl'- nn 4f. NEW M. K. A T. TINIC TABLE I.J. 14 1.MVM flUtll'i : ,r Arrives , , I . 1 1-111 , JO. 1 1mv. u ;uitirl Arrives F"'!i.. 1 fr is Uivpi s.iuain Arrives .SmMu'I" m Arrtvis Oithrl" SrOf.m ;, JC m ikes el rnniiprrlon witn Bin In I!m tia'n i"r I' IV u nil K I riifiiii.i nor Ti or r i.ns. CI1S. Taykr. At. 1 rc" .jT1 Uii European Plan MicbUan Blvd. & Twenty-Third Street CHICAGO fei oi'.-Sde rooms Crun'ry trade ;-olicitc-'i. Katfs Si. .70 per dy and upward WAKPPN &. WAMdCK. Props. G. M. PeirlanV. Resident Mgr. FINANCIAL FIX TKR CCNT 11 ANS Ob' al noble to Iriy, bniH or Improve fsrm. ranch and city I xoperty or remove ln ctimbrane thrrefrom; liberal options; 5 rtars btfore payirs on irtn:iral; oa cr Dcfore; etc. For the rropofiUon, 1 2-? fr.-'. address: Asets Dept., S-Jte 14H!fOR SALE 7-room h-Je and lot?. Bscli E13S-, Dftllar Texae. f Terxp. JiO.'X. U J. Elacksan. WANTS CLASSIFIED SITUATIONS WANTED WANTIiTD Work by boy Iti years old. Reasonable wages; farm work pre f erred. : Hf tv, wrlf"''d on farm. , J Mi on :L',:'r,ufh;rirt',6kila; 'f HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED An experienced book- bindery girl. Call at Daily Leader office. WANTED An elderly woman to do housekeeping for four children. Call 572. WANTED An experienced buok bindery girl. Call at Daily Leader office. WOMDN sell guaranteed "hosiery to frienda and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; full or part Um; big seller; make $10 daily. Experience un necessary. International Mil's, Roi 4029 West Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANT tu MALE RAILROAD Firemen, Prakemeii, Experience unnecessary-. Send ag;, postage;. Railway, care Leader. WANTED Young man to run on S. P. E. as new a.geii'. Apply at news statnd, .Santa Fe depot. .MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach the barber trade in short term, mailed free. Write "lobT College, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Sure of sii'-cess. ood money made. Heat, trade in existence for poor imun. Machinery can't kill it. Our graduates greatly in demand on account of our thorough training. Write for catalogue. Mobr Parb-r College, Kansas City, Mo. WA.NTK-D Men to b-arn the i-arb' r trade. Sure of snecef.s. flood iniit.iey made. Tiest trade in existence, for poor man. Machinery can't kill it. Pur r-'tadu.ites preatly in demand on account of our thorough train in'-?. Write for catalogue. Mobr Harber College, Kansas City, Mo. PERSONAL. tiiJIltff AiV wrm rtrietrl'f f' rWelur VII., tht, Itlumvnd Hrautl. I v" )ti at Strtt. Alwv I'fiial l Ilv of ymit Utui-ist. Tnlo 'ifr. hli-h'c.r i1mnl Urvnd I'lIU He- ftoM by l'ru1nf wver.v where. LAT1ES When delayed or irregular us,j Triumph rills; always depend able. Relief and particulars free. Wrlto National Medical lntttut, Milwaukee, Wl. MAURY It you re lonely. Ths Iiellable Confidential SucreBsfjl Clnl) has large number of wealth, eligible members of both Hexes, wish ing early marriage i)enor!ptlona free. Mrs. Wrubcl,-B'x 26, Oakland. Calif. 2646. LOST AND FOUND. FOP NI Cold barrptte; owner may have same by calling at this office and payinir ,for this ad. FOR RENT. i FOR !ti;.NT. Sale o- Trade- even rooms, fiirnisihed. oil West Oklahoma. POIl HKN'T Several furnished hon--es, J. S. P. Hall. Phone 2?J or i:.". L1CIIT HOPSKKI'.KPlNf; rooms. Two neaMly furnislii-d, south rooms, with till modern conveniences. Cist, rn water. piJ Kast Vilas. Phone M.I. POP KENT Modem 7 room house, .istern, ba h. electric liht.-; Kleep im: porch, 4 lots. Phone 1111 after f o'clock. FOR KfciNT-Four loom house, cloe in, fin uished or nnfiirniie-d. Phone 019. FOR 3ALC. A CKK.AT HAi::.IN7 roomy, mod ern. Three line lots. Only I""". $1.',u cash and l r mouth. now rnited for $1.7 per nvnth A. H. Arm strong. Phone POR SALE- One set. Phone 31", or call Cle Iand avenue. situ'l" harm ss. at TJu I-ist FOR SAPlv- 7 Shoats. A. 17. R. .", 1 -i mile west of t;uthrio. FOR SALI7-Scholarship ;n Cnjutal City ltusiness College. .1 T. Krejs, K. R 1. Guthrie. FOR SALE Nice nw Colurnbia pboncgraph. CaJl at leader office. FOR .SALE -A :- ar-o;l Oak Ctove fillj. n fine rondPinn. 'M rlxn kt or 1"". John Mahony. FOR SVLK C,;o. city brok" drivir.r horso anl l.'U.'y. Roason.ible terms. Phone 3-11. 1)R SALE Iool Luine.s property on Oklahoma Avenue. E. J. Ii'.ack- !rain WANTS CLASSIFIED WANTED AGENTS $."..00 AND $10 Accident and sickness polky, agents wanted, wonderful sellers; bis commissions including re newals. Siroui? Oklahoma Company with $t,3Sl,tM2 assets. AVrite Special Policy Department. Southwestern Surety Insurance Co., ;ii8 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AOWNTS 'make big money selliuy: our line of specialties. Write for our new catalog and free sample. North western Mailing & Mail Onler Agency , Astoria, Ore.. TO EXCHANGE. FOR. EXCIIANClv 200 acres of good upland, with (jo acres in cultivation. Jii.t the place to raise stock, and clear f vncu-m lira nee. Want t ity property. Try us for fire insurance, farm loans, notary work and a general real estate business, M. (larreit, 1l('i 1-2 Last Oklahoma avenue. WANTEI) TO TIUDE Two resid-nt lots in North Guthrie for horses or mules, or what 'have -ou? Address Alfred Fteveiis, Aard. Oklahoma. FOfi TItA.DK .V jcood school Qtiartef lease for livestock or fjood auto. Ad dress 211 So. Vine or riiouc 771. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED IDEAS -Write for list of Inventions wanted by manufactur ers and prizes offered for inventions Our four books cnl free. Patent pc cured or fee returned. Victor .(. Rvnna & Co., 510-F, Washington, D. C. A SUBSTANTIA!, corporation wants reliable pnrlv to talilisli office and inana':c salesmen. Should p i- $',tinu to ?i;.,ooi) annually, .fiimi to S'i.Ooo will finani'e business; you handle otvn money. Reference;.? exchanged. Sab.rt Matiap'r, Pm; Fmher Hid,;., Chieapo, 111. SUMMER RESORTS. SOUTH PLATTE 1 IOTEl-Soul h Platte, Colo., 20 miles to Penver. Cozy, homepke hotel, hi hpatt of the Jtor-kiCK; home cookinc;; pood trout fishing; rates $2 a day, flo a week American B'yle. Chas. Wollbrecht, I'rop. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS TltANSFEIt and baggage; goods packed fo' shipping or storage, fi. C. Hollie, 20 years experience handling goods. Pianos a spocialty. Phono 727. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Xew L. C. Smith ? 4,.(h Xo. 5 Oliver l' Smith Premier 15.)0 Royal No. 7. 77. no Royal Xo. Pi 1 Typewriters for rent, JJ.ini to taVO'i ler month. Ribbons. Repaiis. Typewriter Exchange, IM 1-- East Oklahoma Ave. Phone 7. H. M. ADAMS, Attorney nnd Notary. Chattels! and Farm Loaii. Real Estate and Insurance. Ilouseg for Rent. Office over Bank e,f Commerce. Phone 4H. Res. Pon 1119. CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. Pft us furnish you a Sanitary Gar-bisr- ran and Vep It clean for you Phnn 8.12 Have The Ivador dellvorcd, 4Sc too. The Original 10c Pattern Worth More Never Sells for More vm - Sktrf 17 " Dr.7lS New Idea Patterns August Styles Now on Sale Why r-' 1" a partem" when voiiran t the brt for lUr? I.ach partem has aseam allowance and a most helpful rurtin; d-ajram. If yon have tried the re.:, now wt the hesr. Any Size IOc Any Stylo King s Racket Store ( a- ..m ..In the X i Jfi K X I SC K 5K K K X X sk NATIONAL LEAGUE. ft Standing of the Team, Won Jxist Pet New York H -7 . '1 Chicago io :: st. Louis ;i7 ::; ,."io: Cincinnati ''' .'' . I"3ttt -burgli 32 .:. .ITS Philadelphia 3! . "' Urooklvn 31 : ". I7t Huston -S l II. Results Yesterday. At Pittsburgh, New V.irK, Only one j;;iiiie scheduled. Games Today. Hoslon at Chicago. Hi ookl a at. Clnfinnaii. New York at St . -Louis. Cliiladel; hia a' I'itlslun 1SRRHIF. JT. KWSJIKXSIHI K AMERICAN LEAGUE. ft Standing of the Ttamu, Won 1-oRt Pet. PJiiladelphia 11 -"t . : ' ' Detroit IJ I Washington .... .. ;: : cliictiKii v.;. Hos'.on ' .'t'.t 7 St. i.ouis ::; :: New York -'I ll - : Cleveland -a Results Yesterday. At Washi n,,,toti, 7: Si. i.on.. : At 'New Vol k -Cle t l.iml . grounds. Al Phibel.-iphia- Detroit ; am Ai I 'oston - ( 'Iiicm co , rain Games Today. Chicago at P-oKton. St. Poiiic, at Washington at Philad. l!"bia Cleveland al Xew York. . t Condition of the EMPLOYEL5 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ul Outline, Okl.ihonu, Ju.n Jo, VM4. Assets. on Ii.okI t ; ': 7: I. '.. ins (in in.. i i (.,.! i.i in n I .'.,i:i.- "ii :;tiH K s'" "I H.V Knililluic iuct tlMiH,-; K.-.U . I.i:.- I ei.iMiuvlit in - 1 . : : ,!).!. II I,;;, i mj Iii-mII ;on;o jtiiil- I ji s burro wit 'III.' Il'MIl Ti,ii .,, I.,, i : s; Lubiiitit's. 1 . ml iiist.illm. ill :(', k $i.M,.'L: I'l A'lvanee piiym, m f ..-k I ii'. oJ.' 1,11 l"' Ii I'L 'I'M ::.' Jul, est .;ikl in .oiv ,ni'-e .. ... s .! I Hills p.i...ble .... ti."" I n.liviik't pi-it:lrf I" ', I" vj T"!,l ! : i.m.i ; St, i ;,. iU ill: il . '" lie v " I I. fli.irl.-s Iv. m I." .1 ' ,ili i', ll.l.llle'l ;l -- i.H inn. 'I" 'imilv J I that tin- ,lVe :-t.l'.-llieC e Mile I', till li. si uf my ku jwl ie ..icl l.' ; .i l.t (J lie. in f. t -ll Mil .Kri yt-U.I. V S i ! '-' I 11',' Sh!.v. i iln-l iii'l " " '' I" I"" in' lic-j TlU l,iv f J":'. l'"C JIAKUV -'. r, ;.,-. "'.;. i v i n'.ii Correct Att-:. i r ; r - I' , WILLIAM.- o a. iii;in:s Crook Optical Co. u 0 No Wo nosevS are alike U- niffa that auaoi A n.l t!,eti is .1 r,t f,o most ..f Pieui with our I.iht Thev look will and ftieR well. Vi'm OptI.ltl Tii.'.i i .fi.titiTtfii i,'ir a i. can I 111 I-!ii ite r. ir broken b (,ir rdiev n-.iT.3 vo-i of !: HI-i-h Prompt fiervice and im.derate elni.s' s. S. T. CROOK, 122 W. Okla. Ave. Phone 371. Col. T. G. Payton Livery, Feed, Boarding and Sak3 Stable Phone 1575 J. 8. FAIRDLLU TrDrr. C"!, W'kkI and Rtnt car lots Ooodi jveJ. ii.'Ti r.n Hror-.-u. i -. mm m'm n m mm m f a V wk u k xu v m n W. M. BROMON, Fjt Loi, r.unr., Abrttct M Only compete btTu of title k Vtj. To-i rT H aid jrine!pl at nr offleo. 119 W.O:&lioma Araaif. Guthrl. V THE OKLAHOMA ... j v- r...nif VCPObIH prxiirt ic-u uj u I fiMr D?olt Boim. Fireproof World of Sport IHtMllllMRlMllllRIIII FEDERAL LEAGUE. M Standing of the Teams. Wou Lost Pet. Chicago (1 ..YU Indianapolis is j' ,'i Buffalo ... I- ,;o . Hwli iiuoi e :;.' ;'. 1 . ,V.' Kansas city .: : n . ('-: Uroo'lilyn 'ii . PiCslnu-h .... .... :"' .;7 Louis . p: 4h Rrsults Yrcterday. t Cbba i;o. ."i ; Ka n --a C : t , e. At 1 1 1 1 1 1 , t n ; i m . 1 1 : ; . 7. t l.ouis. I At Hul'f.ilo. ; ; Pitt .!iH c!i, 1-1. Ai Hrookh n-Haliiiiieie; rain. Games Today. Kans.i'i ( at Chi a;.;. . Piftsliii! ch .it I'.iilf.ilo Hall iiuoi r at. Hrooklvti St Penis al 1 tuliana j'oli:'.. y k s? s h a mi y. AMERICAN AliSOCI AT ION. h Standing of V.c Teams. Won lost Pet. .771 ! Ill 7 : i M 1 1 a ukee ...... II ' t linliaiiapolis II :',' ' "lev . land II :;s M itineapoli.-; . . . . . II Kansas Citv I.' o Lieil-, illr I;; n ' 'ulnni'in.: : Si Caul j; ,,o Results Yesfrniav. A ' I u ' 1 1 a ti , i j ol i , . , :: . s I'.i u l. ' ' I'M la ml. I . M i ii 1 1 ,i pol i 1 1 'ol'iui 'hi-.. ,' . K.i n ,e: i'rv. A i I ,oiii.. liic. i ii ,-i ii is i : Gamfi Today. M llllieapolis at ( '.- eland P. IMS, IS ( ! ( ', il ,1 III till M ilwaukfi- al Loui ,vilr. SI i'aul :.l Indian, ijioli ST Ml ANNUAL St Al t Ml N I of tho GUTIIMIt IMHLDINC. AND LOAN ASSOC I A r ION. Asuots. I ' i ' ' 1 -' i i i 1 1 ' I I.- .( h "11 HI- 'I ';.'..:', i ili C I 1,1 II - . ,11 .1.1, , ' ' 1 1 1 ' I V . . I"' I . M i I 'II ,1.1,1 l II ' C It. ll ('':.!' hi ii iic i - 1 1' I I ,l ' 'I 'i- 1 1 ' ! ii ' m . i ... . . Tic,! ... ... ,. . ,i ic , f .villi HI . .1 I " I. I '. .l ! 1 MK' I It Ii 'I'll 1 'I I'l'"! i1 ' f I :.. ' I" ', I M.i. .M 'i. i . I'll II' I "l .' v. I.. I 'in i, : ,'i.i'. .'. in. :. Total -.;.mn :t ilr , ,; I il. I i heiii i . fan in "I I ."!' ' ". ' I W. M I'.i., 'i ...ii ai V 'P L" i,e e n on. il a ii i i L hi d. . -.1. iimh , c i r l ' , 1 1 t '. a I ,, i : i '' i ii " li t i till' i,. - i.l i, iv l . l ' , vv 1 .(,' ""I H'f. ! II. I. w M Ll:t .-.i' j;,-.'!. larv. , - -1 I., '. !!. , Ll : . I ' I I .illl. ih. d ta l L. . ML' O. ' . N'M o v I nl.lre , , ,,ii hi i- hi i-.n-. NnV. V. 1!') 'L "KM. I ,- ii-. I Ail-- L v .; . l-.l I LT-U V 10 il.M V ,1 i: KAIL I 'll' l I ' I ei '-''.' w.,.r i:e V.U':-'o but In on..;ii .;n' it. M1 Clan In th ' it", ii u ui.ii'i'jif h. - on t.nii ie".- al' t pC'(.td.-ltf IC'Ill IU' i. Optometrist Guthr.e, 0"'. ,. r- 77Z I"."3T" ifPS u m m. ' v. A 1 X n tttablltbed Prton. 20 H- m!vt ari l w tf or w I,'.? tfAPl !lft lrn STATE BANK J w ln'orl on tiTDIt flLKlt. I ! i - - Vai!t for reil. ltj loa. KKSHRJRStRKXKIilllll IK WESTERN LEAGUL. it SK SK KS! SSSHES SIO Standing of tis Teams. Woa Jjoat. Pet .i 1 . c I penver . . . , Sioii City . Pe., Moines St. Joseph - 41 11 . ... i' in Piiuolii lis 'O'liiu ha . .' '17 Wi Int. i -: ' Topeka , , . . -' r; p Results Yesterday. ( St. .U.s'i'll. I. Toi'eka. i Ai IVs Moines. :l, Wiehila. ! At Sioiu City, .1; 1 lemci, i Al Omaha, 7 ; I ,i in oln, Games Today. I )Cll II .ll s-'ioi ( 'it Topelwi at St. Jom'i'ii. Wl liita at H. :! M m II. ; ! Ho old at Oiii'lh.i. f HLD SOX AND CUHS ARE LOOMINCi UP e. York, lulv . I'i'.e K. , S.. o 1, 1 1 tin- i 'uli., lo.inie, iii ,i Lie il.ti K Iii'l .'..';; ill tile two lliaji'l' e.;;ili'S ll'll ill::. Li'- week pit elidetl. The i;7illli I - ( t ill ,! lli'Ce .'.ll.-i i-S;i'!i I Week III. II! !!' some- lime li'll even j t Hen i ,. s mil ',t eii ij ( In, ,i:','. v 111- j I "! i" il Lie IclUUe ill '4,1 C , WOU, ' i-'.-l llle'l .1 I il 111 hold oil ... C'llid pl.O e I I n.l (i i -. . i . t ", ,1 i I III .-. 1 1. 1 A er ll.i I ; L ke !: ii i vs ill make the team ,i con -I. n. ie; lor li'Mi'i,;i .ai lone, held li, Me I I ' i v '.; men I Lie ! "ii . nierii i it. i oiinm; 7a ;l , I r.'in i jl'.-aiU'j .iiled Hie ll!clii., had down It" !i M Ie moi e I ha n a shade Ii v heal - ,iic i hem 1 1 1 in- .:, i im s in 1 1 e and then I'll'. , .) W'.e h in don t a ,,la nd.,t iM. The ul,,; ;,eell o ho jn I he hefd I" -il i"ii I o ;-Uc the ( pan I s a ha 1 1 Ie ' ' i I In- lead. ' ill' i n hi I i, a Iter ,ta 1 1 -la' I he w e. I, w ell w j he double vie -t"l n if Pllli'liiii c, )i 11 alow I of the C'Li. ami diopped lour in a row, lop I'Oi : otf the week l.v loaillc, t ,Vo lit Hire, t . St. Loui;) The Kcda are now well uii. l.-t lhe ,,7'i' mafk. Pin.sbui'K tli "peed lo t U-IM It place, The Cubs (L've t Ii in a deceive push. St.. Loilh; did l.llrh well, moidly al Hie expense of lhe s!iiiiiiiu;: H.-i;i and Pirates. A.-.ide Ir.iin (!hiatr,o. I!(iklii made, the he:; hhowin;; of t,fie week, ana ill rtm jWwwfWgiiiiMt '.'"". i'i1' iiii .i.iiiiiiiii).tiiiiiimimaiiiiii.if iiiiih,iih,,ii ; im.m.M. i,n ,p,iiiiinn,iniini,mm wiiii.wMUi''i.Miiiiiiii'iii,aiiiiii What a Bank Should Give THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO DO AT ALL TIMES. 77i First National Bank Guthrie, Oklahoma N. HoIhi.hi, Prc.-iib iif. droic Tipton, Cashier l.'. I I You Will Be Lost Home Paper ft 7cND IN T MiS COUPON ULF:.'.' i i o-ith.ittins; ail ot her clubs. Koblii.son'3 men are toi iHr down to prominent conteriderti sooti. eowever. Phiiadcl phi.t ',,i,s hit hard by the CianC at tack, while Huston, who a fortnight n) was winning, droned tlx aines in st: veil. A TEXAS WONDER Tho Texas Wonder cures kidney find bladder troubles, dissolves jpravel, cures diabetes,' weak and '!timj batfka, i, an,i all Irregularities of the kidneys an) bladder in both men and women. Regulates bladder trou-: hls in children. If not sold by your, driiircist, will be pent by mad on re ceipt of $l ()' On fcmall bcJUa la 'wo inonthn treatment, and seldom fails to perfect a euro. Send for tes timonial from this and other states. Ir. P. W. Hall. 2"A2fJ Olive fixer, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druirglsts. Adv. UAVI'l'll An evjielleiiced book bindery eirl. Call at Paily Leader Oil ICO. uutnne arage Phone 58 J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor G Guaranteed For jfM 5,000 Miles l M Kdgar C. Herrick wM Guthrie. Jjijlf Tho ictlcst jxtssildo sorvico t flic pc.'ilcst, possible numlmr of )i()tv in the greatest possible innnbcr of wavs. ic nww'pmM yjjww fi ihm imwiwi: 1 1 wnimil nil Without Your on Your Vacation CD t r I I t. i V