Newspaper Page Text
9t VSSSJI itora fl Meanwhile Tell Visitors aily Clarified Want Will Sell of Hercules Water and the Your Home, Will Rent It I M laaan Municipal Bath House. JLJ 3 Lines, 3 Times, 25c, VOLUME XLVIII HOME GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1911. PRICE 2c NUMBER 1 Ik1?. THE Guthrie m nk u h im ik TO BECOME T NEW MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO SUCCEED HUERTA CONFERENCE OF REBELS ENDS IN IMP Umm Is Anxious to Become Dictator But Cannot Get Sopport r (By Associated Pres.-;) Washington, July II Information that Gen. Huerta will resign within two or three days in favor of Francis co Carbajal. the newly appointed min ister of foreign affairs, was receiver) from Mexico City today by diplomats Rebel Cannot Be President Torreon, July 11 --At the Carran.a Villa conciliation conference at Tor reon the effort to prevent Carranza or any military leaders of the revolu tionists from becoming candidates for the presidency or vice-presidency failed to he adopted. aceordiue to a lengthy statement issued. Guadaloupe Plan Amended Torreon, Mex., .Inly II - At a eon ferenee between Carranza ami Villa representatives here today the plan of Ouadaloupe under which the pres ent revolution has been operating was amended to prevent any military leader from becoming provisional president of Mexico. ' I To Tell of "Crime" Vera Cruz. July 11--Querido lo heno, former Mexican minister f commerce and labor, en route to the "United States "to show President Wilson's crime against Miro the greatest in the history of modern na tions," as th announced object o 1 is visit, declared aboard the Krone liner Kspagne here today that he re garded the capture of Mexico 'Hv by the rebels inevitable ' I left President. Huerta's cabinet because I was' asked to," Moheno r)e rlared. "Huerta did not give me a reason I am not running away be cause I fear the rebels when they get i there, and their coming is inevitable BRISK SALE OF TICKETS FOR RACES The sale of. tickets for the races! lie snen hi. me iair grounds tor the benefit of the Cimarron Valley Oil well Sunday afternoon continues right, a loos and a large percentage of the citizens have been very liberal In buying the tags from the ladies who aro selling them for the good of the ommunity. Secretary YVenner said: "Thejre are la few tight wail,., of course who never help and some wtm honestly feel that they cannot pat- onize Sunday races. Kvery publk I irit.ed citizen however should come through with his dollar or two whether he believes in races or not- surely every one believes that nothing would, help Guthrie more than to strike on or gas at tins time; we will surely strike it if the proper sup port is given by the people ot the city and county who will be benefitted, !f the ladies have not found you com" out to the races tomorrow or send your dollar in Monday morning." First Photographs o) Gen. Carranza and His Military Staff f f f 4, Vl ' -4 .ill l.l iL-..l..i- iliKu.jn 4 ( (2) JYiSta. ... v vMV A" if j ' V .1 NOTED HORSE THIEF GIVEN LONG TERM I V J rut- n-S Alex Mar jo, not'd horse and catti' thief and general all round bad man, arrested by Sheriff Mahonev several months go and turned over lo th. Joplin, Mo., autiliorif.ies, was yesrer'day in a i.Missouri district court and sentenced to seven years in th penitentiary, llarjo stole two team in Oklahoma and drove them to Jop lin where he sold them. Me then stole a team of horses at. Joplin and sold them in Oklahoma f kf '4- l f - NEVADA. SISTER SHIP OF , IS LAUNCHED!. I l!y Associate, 1 Press I Quincy, Mass., July It Turbine en gines ami oil fuel furnish the motive power of the twenty-seven and half ton battleship, Nevada, which was launched today This is the latest addition to the navy. Her sister ship is the fk'a homa. The ten year obi niece of Nevada's governor was thes ponsor 1 V . t "-r oA Y - t- I "A. it TH il GOWNS LlLnL UL I P RE A ANTHONY DREXEL'S DIN NER PARTY "AT PARIS A THRILLER -triW-.xvV.K' WOMEN 00N WHITE APRONS AND SERVE "FOAMING SUDS' NO. 1, ('(H.aSTOI, JACINTO TKKVINO. CI 1 1 W ()!' ST A Fl AMICKTO SAUNAS; NO. :,. CAPTAIN JKS' S VAI KHA I . VKNI'STIANO CAUKAN.A, '.llvFK olT'llKM I-)"; Tlie m v v i-M.Tviv CI'slT WPS SM.INAS. No ( AP'IAIN M l It 101 ,KS ; ,o 1. CAPTAIN CAPTAIN i VII.: N 7. CAPTAIN A.I.K KKI ( Mu VP l.l II ; N4. H, (jK.'irrn s:I.Iv.n' NO OAPTA.N . -S' S VAI.nw,: ,M ". NO. :, MA. KM: All ; NO. m. iai-i.m.n i.i.i i. i.ii..A New Bedford, Mass. July 11 T" women took the places of striking bartenders at ivne of the hotels foda' The proprietor was the only hotel man who had not siened a nag'5 acreenient with the union reinstating the strikers, lie said that he would f keep the women behind the bar. Huerta's Plight Desperate Vera Cruz, July 11-Huerta's plight! in the City of Mexico is desperate Only tw-o of his faithful generals are holding back the entire army from re volt, and day by day, terror grows with the fear that the dictator is grow ing insane with his renewed drinking PROPOSES TAX ON FOREIGN GRIDES V.'a-hiugton, Julv 11 -An annual pet cent income tax m citizens ot the I'nitvd States who marry alien hearing titles of nobility was propos ed in a bill introduced b Kcprseii (alive ilowdle of Ohio. EXPERT SAYS GUTHRIE IS ur ...... nvrn rir mi Pnni HE MURDERED MAN ! WHO REFRIENOED HIM Oil. IN I ALUS Wll; Van Hron ha pn oil -torv Twrn' years ago a oun; man nanT-d Stolpet l t,,Skog. Okla . Julv 11 Behind tangW school nesr Muiball Hronfhp ronvjrtion of William Harper in "as one of his pupils. From MuHial'jthA fUjtrit court here today for tbc Stolper went to St. Louis and worked ! lnrPr of Thomas Crawford is a Mor-. in Che weabi lureau. 1-rjng a T, j of man.p inpr3fjt!IlJ(, to man vaccfti from thre to the geological! Kjvp years ago Harper aS pennl survey department at Washington. H.- LF. an(J , Harper f-d became an oil expert nd patented l af),, j.ivpn , jr,h ani ..yntuallv be icontrivanc for lo-atinyj antJ. :nes 'stained an tnl-rst in rwfo'dV Four years ago he was ployed ' j errf,rv ttntP the Standard Oil company It wis Stolper who locate,,? the first well in Ml this was ilpyep.;-, at the tiial In a quarrel oer Crawford's wifo at the Crawford dinner t.jH Craw 'or d was killed. The penalty wa fixed af deith the Ciishing fi"ld Last month Sol Ter was ordered to make an oil sur vpy or the Standard in Loran. payn and NoMe counties. Ist k at Mulhall he rnewefi early day a- ""AVTlii'NGALLS. BIG FOUR oil here "Tbere i oil In gre?1 quantities in Logan." Stol;-r said. 'n'-fer Guhtrie 1 a pool nine mile-j wid." On th ftrtngth of his old teacher s advie Vsin Hron is buyin oil leases. SI0R5TI TD BLAME FOR DISASTER COLLIER CHANGE!) COUPSL CAUSING WRECK OF EM PRESS OP IRELAND !Bv A.- .oci ited Pte?s( Quebec, July 1 1 -Th-- i"i;i., ;u..t 3d. war; held to hi nil" for th- em press of Ireland Hi ,i -in m t!o find ingS of the, rei k o:n mission handed down today. The romnnsMon ImbC that the di; atr was due to the Stop change of coiir.-e ord r, il ic tin- tbin' officer without instni tmns from ttu first officer, who war- in i .-. o' the i-ollier at tbe t line ran.;; How many of them will stick witH '.a, photographs of 'the meniherK "C j 'arnui'.ii in caso he comes to an opetv tary staff of Ceneta' Car- j which have! just been obtained, is j made up of very young men THe "Jeff Supreme" is old enough lo bo Ibe lather of an man on his stall j u-iiii,. .,,, of il. v.. y,,nn:. m. ti have ."devican soldiers ba.v aviating eternal aiiemaroi weak with (icneral Pati'ho Villa, something which is considered prob ;i!,b in the near futiite. h not ktiwn a. habit or wbi b done enough iu Cm revoluthul to hectne world famouc, Americans who; last: nil another sol,!b r-pnhie h... have conn' in contact with then ; "'": "I""'- !:,,ous a i .. ......i. H:n . I!ipn tfi he aide Mil .Iters . t en t,i il WHICH Sill! illllll I FOR BIG DA ifiEfi p untou nnrnnniTiTrn Pimnnr I Jl LJI WITH 0 SP05I Af'etmtth of July 3-1 Oler !0n p. Cter-f rnt ( y. L?forr-titf-nf ()ffirr on Jo'i E'lliberi?, Dle ?o'l .Iii'lRf 5rsrp Named hi Smt, Chatpes IVbe Imrrioiitient Charting that tleo client '.'a-, im ,i i.oni i jiitho'O ci'Mir atjrj hu'ii iltnt Ibctehy. aKoIte s : for 1 ,e liov Willi;!) to :iV tib .1 ' : U III U..U !' 'mill, i!rcet.-d i::ainst .lil'li.-e .e I v .-a rang. 'ran!v I ale .-old W. J li!on.: for tf n;,:!)".", exi tn;.t ryl and , . s ' i t f '''a::ei. i I t ;.t ''i e.-i i nt ,i WaULih was oider.d placed in .o I . j t, , ,(- ((,,.,,,, n , S OUSTED AS JUDGE ME HELM HN WHEN LAW RENCE ADOPTED COM MISSION FORM On an i nforma Cmn Ji 'tie,) .v .1 H lii.rui. a .tat" eiitot i emi n rifle i" . I ,, , i m i , i '-n! ( i! v ' it i ' ti : a 1 1 .i ' j M tel l I.i.i mnrni'ir li'-' ' he o-i ' t ; ; i k t 4 t . f ) 1 I :) ti, !e ii irld In oil hue hafiM-d V, l II di - i'O' Hi,- 'I h It!.- 1 1 ' 1 1 1 r r duritfj: Hi I" i r I o ' I -c. !, -!,(.! ioii d an-! Pb l I I . . i I "i"" !., i i i in Kan . Ill VI O'l Hi I ..I 1 1 I" ,: i ti ' !j -Im- ro-'l I n J. I 1 I. ltJ M :aid'-lg' .-. tod iv poli .11,1 Melll , AP-i" ' r, in i In- K ins i OSE Of WOMEN SHOW THROUGH SKIRTS latest tee lor Filmy Skirts Is Carried to limit By Society Women - ( Hy A ssocia i ed f'lfsS, ) Pans. Julv II -Anthony J. Drexel dinner dance at the Motel Hit, this week was the la rtr vsj of the series ho lias 1" en ejvinn this season, although, siraiu.'.e to say, not. a grand duke was present, Atiione; 1 1 1 dinner quests u ' PrincesH (Jm l'au. iuny-'l.ucinire, who was Miss Nativldad Terry, daughter of Ant bony Terry of New York and Havana, other diners were Princess I i'Im-hIhh a; -Itristein. Parcm and Har mless Maiiri'e ih Rothschild ant Count I h'. Castidlane. Hose Show Through Skirts, At tho ball whioh followed there wen- more than a hundred dancers, iticliidinji; te Crund DucheMti of Mecti leiibern' Schwerin, Prince ForJiuatid, of Spain, the Me Ghauines, who was Mirt.s Theodora Hhonts of .New Voik; Pt iuc sa Murat, form.)rly Miss Helen st alio of Cincinnati; Mra, Potter 1'a.luier, Mr. (Mia. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Cary and Mrs. I'TJerick. Pell. A notalde feature of the affair was Hie latest Parisian craze for filmly tulle .skirts with mharmeuse tunics. Many datHvrx wore theso gowus. wlioco irarisiaretny la vr'Hled hose of pider- iTi teyture of darker hue than tho skirt to make them stand out In ellef. ntirfi Figure Vimble, 'pi e k Id ral ri'sult M to give S nuch more iindrapoij fff t than if he wearers aiM'eared In 'incovered . fleshitu.s, and when undr th Uk liatr.ieli' r thfi entire fseure n evi ih-d in p t fit o'ltlino from liroat. lo foot '.I'lif. a nembi t of men sat aroun! 'he hall I'lmti aduiiriniT the women's 'voe;, 1 1 1 s i , t of going: out&id for oo'tna ia-ii,ie. The women wero either ideated with su. h mat Red at iii)'!,,!, ,,r iini'iiiisdouH of thft v.-iv M-ir "'iari.'is were he-tog dis - 'i - .ed ti , in flouted past in '! ph.i ln,.; rl r,i ,i I , ,, TRRUR1 c over mi: MAGNATE. PUSSES MY. Hot ..princ?. Va . July H ,iK. Ircal's, financier and rilroai i man. died today of heart failure. ! Tf was responsihlp for ffa up- j bu ldinc: of the "Big Four" railway. ' f r hf i .-;a ! H. ",'t?'-r urnd t'.'da'. '""o i-'a'li; T' i hroucht l'-.i- U .-veil i'i.M taken frrrn h" Kaliu w 1 1 . 'hat tct- N'P'AS if. i' bed tl, , ,i'l, li tile week tt.i -'-I ''" '.' I-' ' ri-iri'tn to pull I " ,i" '," .: !'! : ' : ' well Wal- ' ' r M it.-s '.'" i-'.irk'-'ob!' I IM ,.P :- ,nV .' 1 I f., .-- jr-event ', iron :,-n:: d.,i--4nd from al re;rt-. t'i.-.- .- !.-' ovrly The d'i'"'r iv - ,l.e h'-- is down "j jr, i f.-rt and 'h c and is pi j b.oy in ;i'V!i': oua 'i ''' '' - Wh fV'te CI hlTje l f" ! move th" '-HSinS I'-i.'-"!- t'. ' ft 1H' e, !- s:ii; 4 1. ).. -M V, ; ' div T.h,e f':!is n'i II w ;U-t'd ra-;.-MH'ilI''1 " f ar- aT by .liidire Strang l.i.-'t year wln-n in i-i til vl to iini-l r '1 tiest ion ; pio '.undid in a le-inn: hi l, in i ininb rent in th" ice ol' W' '. T' Ol'brie (;.-,., (,f)(ni;iii . wh'-ri-iu W .-c l '; . 'iitc- th,- :.(- i o'nr air, n i,ii;il ,l!tni,(2' ; 'i ' ;i ; ro-d to tin li.jnn ard to ha v. 1 1 .-1 1 1 f I fin-n wi' ra . j.i o'a in i by t di mity a nd L'.'ivi' liriml lo-l. v for a.p ., r i (,i i m I'll. itt v i-oilt-l .it t 1 i. j'liv ttm a h i h .'ill pfobabl ii. i .'l lli'n r 'Hie i)l! M f I t I ,) .11 A' ! !,,'. ,(i -- ;,nl, f!i. to v, I i 'i' b ill. II. ' lean Aim t'i-. ' t.ri-l- ml. i on l.'h' b Wdll' a O.l "I 1 I' ll ' -. I to! ' f 1 . v I ' b 'i ' ' ' ' '. ' o ' ' i. ' , , i : r I (,,, 1, I b l ej I ,1'li" ! M i ! ii f'l i ! C, in 1 1 ti 4 r I !') . I i t : f, , : -i'i v jut v in U 1 1 hi, i o n t I v.uiHn! Wit'isdi J o damar Th ;'n '--etit .nd ' - for e'l'l-ll'tv and $!t,.:t, pf'Mal 'l,Tn.; d 'on .'lit Jl 1 1 . U x " i H-.-.V i o , - r c r .0 ON MISSOURI mm ELK5 GJIHfR IUR , I BIO CONVENT IGN FLEEINR KSIlf BifiOHS BROCK, iSftlEfllCiU, WINS 502 MILE AIRSHIP RACE I "'i . l ' l h -r :2 ' ri' ,-!,,-, . t'l;i; Jij I Kji- ' ! . -A !! tm! i . ' ' imr ! , Mr-,. ,-i 'n.-i Ml l; . .. I o- , i -,. !):", ' , !" -i':d ' i' r, ' " '- '' -. n t- v. 'f' - I ' ' " - ,.. -r - f .... ; , , , - , i a - - - j .i . i i - -.- d (THE WF.ATHER 5HLCO IS ACQUIT Trn J600 Monthly to Ca-e fo- Poor I Jar Jul j the railway "Card"" of th r-mjntry. of r.ot suiPy s r turned hy t,,s yiry It cos'f tb6 taxpayer of Lo?an Mr. In ran was recard da? one nf C0'inv mor thas Go each "v ut'i to! Hi? 'home was at dncicnati. Hi ci?b icz tie poor tzi tie isi-zse j'i's'.e u ttl '.czl ?z zJL-:czs. f fHo rtA if Th O Ir'"'A t":l-o Jjet! . '.etiant governor ot M i 1 -1 r ; ! . -i r du a l ' r to ha ' !., T !'ndi Tbnr dnv t , ;;,. fu r ,,, r F'l. f r" w a i fo co river '.fdo-.y , Ti .- --iff ..,,- f ii and w - fo;i, d ', um-irry work' r. I ! "i "It b. ::.U. Pr, J ib. H .a , ?. P,j ,v t ' . ''isht in up tb.. In the t '!. !. J.' . '. ff C- - f l' ' j 3 .iff a ' ' -.!;(.-' -j-e - r 1C .'-I, ' .' A . - il r-: ;i. If 'M. of d.'fi'i a re! i -'.,' , -bippmi: !-, ':; r- '-. r.f the ' ) ..f,,!, J. . r'-ciroad ",e a idrtf ot ' U I'ansis ' tunrt n t 'H . n r.i 1 1 t pin and t a o f io' 'li- t' trad-'i;a K a " - ' - a r 1 Te ; Th" ?a;s in j ?; 'A jlhirrs. Tar- w .' a n ! : i a jl,:- - fo':rd rml'v Fri-!a i tnct ourt h-t, i. 7,,,., : ''. '"". r . r- .. - . A -, -t i V't Ope-'a IM