Newspaper Page Text
ABLY m ; ii nrnTMBiwi wma Classified Want Will Sell Bin Meanwhile Tell Visitors Uriil Watr and the u Of T uur numc. ?viii nsm i Municipal Bath Mouse, SI 1 Too; 1 Lines, 3 Times, 20c, VOLUA1K XLYIII HOME (UTTJlUllb, OKLAHOMA, Tl Y I V. A II .Y 1 1. 1!M I PftlCE 2c Tim ;u w JUGGLING S LOCKif Wealthy Long Island Society Woman Who Was Wff EQM f RQ UfAUT Assassinated While on Visit to Her Physician i nnmr nrnintirn f1 u ii ouuit nciunncu tl t H E !1 IL5 . OFFICER G FOR MOONSHINE P UDTAT10NS 01 WHEAT KANSAS PRODUCERS ARE LOSING FIFTY THOUS AND A DAY BRAIN ELEVATORS IN KANSAS CITY IN ON DEAL Doolittle Asks op Congressional r Investigation of Export Grain Prices Topeka. July H -As a rvsalt Chum- by Kn-.i, ahoat l''''"''''! jc;,l tr'mal n.a.l.. fur iK.l.tiial that t K u.s.i.- '"ity :.' ! - ,:, is v.;iV . s. at grain .'levator au.i motatioH. ' i Ml,.Ili fr;ilt... i(ai ', l. x,.v export mean a loss of a least !":-,..,.,ftri.fl -st.-r.ia V a ffnts a to the product. Con ;i()r, u, t;1, . ,..,,.,,, , !- Krcsstiiau Dndlfv l'Mii".t:c v: ! u' iissi!! c.-usnrin!.: t!.. N.-,v I la v hi Fourth Kansas listri. t. notifif-l 1 ;: ra iu a , ,;ir,,.,(,rs tor ti. all. la-i local grain men ti...t he ha.l jttiis. f, ,,A1,, ,ixv ,lin,.i.v Hi a resolution in -o-ur-ss calMin: '"" ,n:ilUlll (lll:,,s , ;--m(1 n-oi; a " conTc.-siona! itm-.-tirat i..n "'" w,,;,. . r Mr,n .V Co'.l Kansas City Mutation j, ,,.f , t. , ,-;-,,.t. .!. ;. M,n.'an J)(H)!itt!e has also askcl . onr.-.-i j ;lif,lf;,.,- ,;. ;,,,ri.,, hat s hi. to call upon the it-partm-nt '.- ,.,,. s..jv ...,,;-., w,.r,. no- :!f incrcc for an in vi;si ua t,,iii conditions at Kansas City. K th.- claims' -f tlif Kan- ir e. .1 I are true tile pru!u. s are l.tsMiv tnousanil dollar- a u;-' in tl.c p ipioted to Mem in Katis.i-i tl, (rici' paid To: eNpO:! Limit iniiM ttiITU II1MCC CICHT lfil u UUilLU I Itlll V;fhim:ton, I (. -Inly II ' ' " lay in couvpletintr tlie ro .rn oi neat- , ins 'i noiniiia: ion of Tlioma. ; ' ! .loncs of C!iieaao, tis a !,,eiia. - ol j federal reserve hoard today a is.-. senate . ankiiiLt ami i-arrt ncy m - i mittee 10 .postpone nntM tomorrow report, acaitist Mr. .lone-' eoet ir.n !- j lion. I Senator Hitchcoek. ac'itti; . hair' railed a. meetnuM'l' ih ommitt' h.r , , i tomorrow '.o revim.v tim .vmu-i. record. In e(-cntie session later j Renalor Hitchcock will tthmit ;i n.m . live testiaionv I'.e naidc ptihlic. ami an effort. v i! 1 he made to have th ' reports considered in op.-n session of the senate. Tine administration fit'h' will a lannelie.i in earn. st when the T T it -h-eocK report toe- in titni j i s t- 'o he the most iuorous that ha acierie j the Wilson refine , lirl i- enca-s are be in f huc.mht ! h.a' on; senators from all parts of the try for ami against tin- I're.-i nomine". t. - i i LANE LIKELY TO BE LURTON'S SOCCESSI Washington. .lulv 1 - A!:h.. i.:h ' IM-csident Wilson has let ! e-an j io, is cotisideral ,en ' t o- ana .in' a tit , of a siiov-sor to the 1 it" .fasti . !. if- t ton of the I'ni'ed St it. s - a : ; I co'irt. it ;is n ;i..rti d t it.i 'ht in . ;r cles dose t - Wi it.- !! t - t ' ,r i w'l l'is" no tin e in emh Tc : . . S.-cretarv Kane ,:' tie- lat.-r'. ! , , i p.irttnent is rc-'a'ai.-1 a- m to he name-! than air. " : ; a-n i jMssi;.i'it;es it.- iihfii.d In k ! "'." j fact that the rr.-sidea- is kno-.t, , ; j very nn wil' ins t break u his 1 net. S'-cretsr ' War (Pirrisoti r i ! t-nrne- !ifil''";i! deU'-t N" th" conrt by Jus s-e Pitney is !.. hi, - ci to irrk .Secretary ;'-- lecti-m highly rrobablc Fornm' ?o'ieitor fb-tura! I,e',-'i..iri of ?t. I.euis. oll' ltor (" n ra! 1 hi ' -. JutV" Alt." n !5. Parker. 1 .r,m . rat:-- jirftiJ'Mttial r.oTtiinco ;n P-. an-! obt- rs arc hinr tilhei oi" as '.o:bfc- Th" "last rernoved nm! work .v ll imumdhiMy hog-In. In th1 state capitol bnih!;-!- t Oklahoma C:y Revenue and State Enforcement Officers, It Is Said, Are On Lookout U there a liquor "still"' oin-r itin in Loiai: comity.' That is ;.he retort that has bee:? received at the o'fieo ,-,f th" I " n i ?i T t.lM'-t revenm , 1 1 1 . t , . :- Of.Voy.5 haw ii.M'ii sent h"p' t.i wa'..-!i ro. evi dence 'lint t i ; ; i - it ad to the (iM,M-t;oi f tlii- illicit dis.i iber. 8l;;t- enforce ment ,,l'''ieers are al.-o !i the u round. 1" ' 1 1 ' '-moon, him" i 1- ,., is 11! Mill facturod li nini ben shitmed u .ill part1; oi tin' .'.'ate. I ! . i , ; t of n myi-te-rions tihtul" i if this. Kiinl. 'aiti' current in (bnhrm hi.-t year nml the sherh'hs i"rf tried in vain i -Tfn. j rmi'!' t Mi location. I' s rumorfii th-' j "jilant" is localcl Mnicvv!ie:v tfc j 1 J . i 1 I f O 1 in- . . I . . I I'll I , 1 ' 1 I.I ' ' i . . F fit . MELLEN SAYS NEW HAVEN REPORT IS POLITICAL ' ' I'v ,---ia Kii''( I'l-!'.-:.1?.) I V,. .i V, Hc I Ml-- 11 " r.'ixit" i.l a oin'ii full a.en-;- to the lirtn's eif ! U-a Xev. Haven BULK OF OKLAHOMA ' ('liiaia w Ilea! is lnuvin-: in l.tfue I qua nt .1 i s direct from country points n. '- fu ; han a i s of l'i is ea 1" .- crop ha (;. i . a am: on!, ."am ear for Kai V . ra iiroa i i:i - loa '"I :.'. for ( ii' ': '. t on . mi aito'lmr Ts:. , ;., , , , i,j..i. r;!l. (;a. , tj., ,.N,n:,i:; nnns haw ma ! Verv lat l:.' ;!.: of : -mat to vo ; i at ; ; ! a. p i i : !',.! lat a:- r-' .. liv- ... (1.n ,.;M hil V" 11 ;aken nmsrjv !,, !h!i !:,-... GUTKR1E GIRL TRS TO KILL SELF I Ait."' ilispla.' Si!-.; .let.roseil iahi-l, t lieeallse iinii'l't f c-iel a !- tr!' reeetitlv : I'oni her !iu -h . n 1. ! rs. . Coyine. Wichita, foraa-r:,- o' rie, 17 ears .-.hi. fired a .2. eali "'" hiil'et t!irouh la r rmht , w rle ahoie in h. r bedroom, Monday ew'ti- I1U . 'I'je iiiliie' OH -s, , f Vo'l.hl :,' ! 1- ..let .o,,,-.;i ..'toiijij 1'i ralt, ie ii: rev. -r. i i a- fofiiH I'lv Mi,.- -tn s I'.-1 rv DAILY NEWSPAPER WHS HOTTEST DAY IN 28 YEARS bi'.n'av '! bj.-bly ti.; :,' j i'.o f tie m t. :i .a! t:i. w- -.' : her-., i it as ta- h lb ! in Th- a 'aim m: !-::" j n .. .v : -""" "-: - br- : 'a at- ttrr!a-' iIj ri:: t-; 'in. m ;.f- ' oantr. j- t . .- t t. . ' corn is b-rmi-m .::. A: ob 'o k y, -ti-r-lay a:t"rm':: t'a" . -j--'e-1 to lb4 1?re.-s. ?v'"b V u e;i ! - t at NOTHING BUT FULL .SUR RENDER WILL DO FOR CARRANZA PaRTY ate 'Ii i, tat" in- ' INSURANCE ADJUSTER 1 SETTLES SUNDAY FIFE LOSS Y n i' , 'ill ? 1 l -v ' r !CTni!?r lullllnL UilniiV. ENGINEtP.S AT'D I J REMAN OF WESTERN k()ADAVOTK I TO QUIT WORK 1 1 tt rr ii in.""! T r jl i ' n - n n p r r r "J : ,0 1 )U I DICTATOR DID NO! SAIL! I I ROM VERA CRUZ; REB ELS SWEEP PACIFIC COAST . : ; ' I - a:i i i Hap. ta Onl No I. e.tve a - iiii'.. M .! ii !.-1. REMARKABLE CHAPTER i IN RAILWAY FINANCE ih 1 iiufiSt iilD as mm n 1 . Attorneys For Joplin Boozo Din pensers Say Inter State l aw Hat Been Abused I, ml w .I.UiMU ,Hh,'-.l:r .MAN, INDIAN ARRESTED Hit i.l RICH MAN HAS THREE WIVES; IS ARRESTED ; i ' (. 'u, i i! ''Ii' tl II I ! i I Hit t Mljir ! a 'mil! i i ' i !imi 'h I ." ol a j a.epi i I'll v a ; Mi, n ne !' h is ".!... I , . . i i; I l.i i on a Ii t I h ' ' .it'll r ; 'i . ';. . I'm in,. REGISTRATION BOOKS CLOSE 25TH: HAVE G0 REGISTERED ESMOND YOUNG FOLKS FORM SWIMMING PARTY d I" CROP AND FARM MACHINERY HE CHARGES LAND CLERK WITH BRATT' 1! 1 MOUSE VOTES 121 TO 122 TO ABANDON MILE AGE REFORM GOLU M SENATORS GIVEN COSI WHITEWASH Did He! Use Oltielal letter Heads Io Bolster Up Mine Stock Game t A -.oi luted I 'reSH. ) V-b. hiti :!oli. I. " .ii.U I I i y a. io!.- o! I:;' to I;.'; tj, hottse todjy .ihamlohe,! H . iini..' i.i i.a of "milea I .-t. e in ' a lid .o I e.-a, w 1 1 h the Mint I.' b a iiiin i', ! r -ejit aid a-:e allow a it e "' 1 ' hi '. i em a mih- .) h way for 'o ' an. if cni - a - --' -" for Ji'tuitorx I i I , ! i . Ill', 1 1 ! . i I i . - ... ' "I' f I '. e a si'iritiil !- 'a t i i .!-..'. . ha '"( -! of "in ileii a a ! ' 1 .'..n I;. ..!. ,t . d I ' ti.ot i .i.;. t - a b ' t C ndel u oo I 1.1 n'l b' - ; "i ' a ; ' an i . .oh a i a n ,; hot h voteit ! I"- !,,!:..( rat.-. "Gobi Moid" Scnatoi s Exonerated. 1 ' ' "!:' ."; 1 lOti o ;l Sa lUlt.Of'S eoll ! la d . ti l hi i !ia ! i i of miS'lst: of "lie la I i i.i in r 1 or ho i, i (Ht.of toll Of "t ''."! I b I'.oobiia .ad,! lame sdiimii1 wax oii'.a im d in I in- l imine .; of I he in -' '-I ii a ' t a ct. im.. it-, i ; i oaenti'i! to -mi v. biiiii -' ..b oii ', i i I ia tie., ( tin; ptrolk-r of la" e-it n nc - ;t ;i.i f, '."treii In thrt ' io e -: ,i.:i 1 toil a ha i int' oaii j) toV cm mi t !.( ' o . , a mi to t h, ruin", ' a a ! -', , nil,-, -;, ( ,. j 'I'm- ';'. ach! tlaf lb" Me tin (or ao .in. i: -1,11 . in i!. mitie did so -'. te.b i ml- ;i!i, a ad" Ho Use of it" ' eit , in I ,o it nc s in m'tuiiotirim t: !!... i rt. :-i SEEKING RELIEF FROM HEAT CROWOS THRONG BATH POOL b. an i io 1 to 1 away from t!i !"!' no i , ,r ,, av men. WOHK'H ." 1 ' hi!, t . n i , d, , : he i,;it,hiim pool be -i mi. ,: al at!, bo'isc .ill ere '.i ei e SS n CUTS l " Ijo T(.) STATE ELF.CTION BOARD ''" ' :. 'ib II AVIe-t ' '-lb, . .. lh... ....Hh- ; ' '.' -,, 1' I,.- ,.c t'l,- , ' ' ' ! ' : " - " '.:' : .1- '. ':! a .,, ,- ,-ir.( v ' ' i - - at!, , in. .' , ' i.a IJ'I. ;,i' ' ' ' i - . - ir ! o:-; n (The weather 'UL ? - . f'.A-; D