Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR i H 5 5 4 2 1 r I 1 z THE DAILY LEADER BY LESLIE G. NIBLACK fnh!ih.l dail from The Leader build ing. Wt IlArrion avenue, nJ entered t ') Uu.hne postot'li econd eJa Mitir.. - MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PftESS DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES rr moiKh, by carrier Per year, y carrier, in advance l"..0u pir year, by mail, in advance H.tiO OKLAHOMA (WEEKLY) LEADER tnontha . . " One Year tl-HI Nnr Tork office: N. M. Sheffield, Spe lt!) Accy, Tribune building. Odeairo ffflee: N. M. Sbeffieid Agfncy. IJ, 8. Epres building. ""Biminwa office: No. "W. Harrison. iVnipnHg find Preys rooms, No, ' Hrri!on, Kditoriai room. No. 107 1-:' W. Harrison. To reach ail U-tV.'t rrnients frfswe extension 76. More bond- more ta.xesh Tin' kin-iergaiteu propaganda ubt tot down t the army-worm wa to inobiliz . ShaJl tlx- Heauuful i ' i : i- Kiiiube Income- an Awful Ke ! Danube.' i am !,.. ,!,,-. ,,r i .i r i:.-t -o easy if you ivcn i cot ilu- ma:'.-l- fair compared with that which now their dams in conformation, action memoes civilization. Prof. Laurent, r.nd disposition' ' 1 have ha( fourteen colts from ton (iiflerent mares, only one of wbfch Is registered; others, grades and nonde script?. There are ten different sires represented, three German coach, three standard, two Percheron and two unknown. About rhalf of these stallions were registered, others very high grades. ICvery one of these colts without a single exception has been almost ex adly like their dams in form, action and disposition. There has been more variation in color thai in any other particular. A. white dam and iv sire produced a sorrel colt. A -pair of illack mares by a light bay stallion raise,! dark bay colts. A colt from a blind mare has good eyes al of age, another from a mare v.ith good eyes is blind a.t four years. The offspring of the hones;, true ' ; puMiers. when harness it first put on ti.em and they are told to go. move right off without trouble, those from i i ... ... iMit-i:- never will press the collar hard. I ne gene: ally conceded superiority of the mule over the hiuny seems !o suggest the .same thing. who ictired lroiu his position upon (he staff of a Kuropean medical col lege to serve as a surgeon with the Unitarian troops, is the author of an article, just published in Paris, rela tive to the bloodshed in the "flurry in the Kalkans." Pid-rana had a hair million somiers in i he field. Of these ;,.,,fnio were wounded and '.':ho killed in the firi war. and in the second HI. eon were kiiied and wounded. Alto- utther about one-third of the army. i:,!iMi'. were killed or wounded. Th cr per cent of liulg.'i! ia's popula lion fell before the enemy's t1111. d' a 1 or wounded. P-ef Lauren; fimis tha; in tin4 Balkan war i.VU-ou men on hot h sides fell, killed or wounded, in a mon'm an. i .-a ami a zero to get the fr-- "!!"-? as pi a huiupean war sue :s now imminent. One and a half miliums a month would be the c(st ' , ....: measured in n.en kill ej o- msaideb. Th-, io.-e ' of a war of :rief dura iio!: seems emote, mi ureal ale !M for e. and so deep the war le-sts that w:ii p.- called into service :n tn (Continued from Page One) the objective of the Austrians is Novihaar.- Theie iM a report in 'Nish that Aus tria will seek to occupy the Sanjak until she lias' extorted $:'u, oti.iibu' in -di mnity frorti Servia, reports from isli indicate. onderful demonstration of patriotic Watc hful w aitint-.' w ill ie : ';e .. (i.r in Oklaisoma toniahr aiui ouio row. The Kuropt-au situation leiumd- of the score tie,! in the ninth wi'h the bases lull i 111 1 "Train bandits' haul is An other example ol the 'ver- efuct e' (he reduction of all la?ses of rail road revenue. -j 1 1. .-evms io me I nar ho ' ' i. l . I . i l l i ' - lit . ll ' Ifj Vii" ' I .1 . ... wi.iiij. 10 UO to iret nfouer farm is to buy the best mares you can yet. instead of mules. I would rather have a pair of Perclieron or higu- rade Perclieron mares weighing pounds or over, if sound and all rinht 'or a farm team, than any ipair of .ruu!.-s that ever wore harness. If von :iae mares of that type, whether you raise hor.-es or mules, when uated ao uoi)d sires, vou will oiitain mod results N. y. (lulley in the 'rouressi ve Fa rmer. as a result of the cla-O; lieiween S n ami uiria - ti 'maa : . ir pel cent, or 'lie population of Buh-'ari a repM sents in-.- ton taKcn it is concen able that ti.e papula I ion of Kuro u : i u : ; t be reduced nv 'o te-r (ent result of a generitl war base,! upeii :.'ie 81avie-Teutonie issue, of -ourst :he less wonbi be In a ier 'than th are figures would show, beaue tin ariiu-s' vouiu i.e cotuposed of ttl :e-b,died .;,.a between youth an I '"il,,i'll """ -'. .v i.;eai iilHUJ O! II I Constmation rutc Q;i.n... modern rifles ate made u,.h a i.e., ,.7"" : , w,v'""" i . -1 t ,'i-niii, uiuiM'i; to lie. -omi ui eecuw ue.g m uiu-iina ratlm I constipated, as Mmr system imni C';:" u i. l !" V Mlwinc if i.i.irv., til. I IIJIOIV liei'inw !. 'Cuam ... m Tin ...ill"..-... ...... .. I- in, i'm nui- t.t-.iM i; TP'- I i ii,! vmi -i;e anv niiimna w :t . I ' ' n-'"'- v ' .i uiai a ui- i ... ' i " i " ... , i rews i'l tj. inornmu S tOi:i I ' " eneii,;. s ran vs I .'ongTcsf iih n get tr;eir ruilcage in addition to their saiari -, and yet they complain ;-a.ise tlcy are kept at work. iiii-r, ,New !,i;e i ; j s and keen weii yestcrdav afternoon '.' .e-re is no better sci fei'ii :i r,l ,,(. that vou lii'ln i see m tii'- e0,l; - e,,- ,: Mi.iv.- Mue nun i 1 1 i n e s s . .lust take one Io?e fonighf i tjea.i man iieeHuse tie must ' I . at your Druggist taKen c;-;'-.- of and !n is a redu er ol W. K. Jlornaday, who e-ii!ei lie- the fore by from one to two addi contract for printim: the Mate W.l- I tional units during ti.e time that ' lots at a bid three thousand doMa:? I devoted to temovinr him from tie- lower than the next low est ; idd r. I :i.-:n lin. Las received a tetter from 'io,. "u congratulating lnm on his spi-ii'ifi I RAILWAY BUILDING IN 1913. public service in fining tax pa - Ae( mding to a compilation bv tn f-rt money and j-roving tha' tins wo-, can ) done at a reasonable pri cry fine. I'.ut. nevertln-lcvj., ti- . is not a ptactieal pr.t.te; in t!b state 'out knows that Horr.aday Jo.-t in one v titi tiie job and wo'.ibln t tai" it again tor artiiin n-ar t'e money. The taxpayeis :i.ay expe individtiaK ate! finns to work io t'O'hing, but that fact, if it b a fa -t remains to be i .ta'b!ish i See Swearengen tor Photos a SERBS RETREATING FROM FRONTIER Xisli, Aug. 1. The Servian war of fice admitted today that the govern ment forces engaging the Austrian on the frontier were retiring from the southern bank of the Hiv t Urina, The Austrians are slowly ad vancing into the pass, but the Ser vian government contends that it !s a part of their war plan to draw the Austrians on jo u ,."oint where a su cessful stand can lc- made : -y the Sei i a 11 forces. ISKHiKiESRSfi!! BRILLIANTS. IRIRSRailiRIIIliB "SAFETY FIRST, SAFETY ALWAYS' Surely is .ire-eiijineii')-. l at.'l L.--for Biitomobilists. lmg i ti.e r.-.--t-r on each .Monday ot ac iben'-', ci injuries in!iic-t.eil an ! si.t une.i, i;r fat too many of tii'-m or. a o it.' ' i ar-U-sness and v-ant of .ue ,!- au lion and soun- jusit.."ii'. on !.'; ; of tin- drive;-. K-.e:y uv, :. " Hi ! i :au!':--.;i . :.n " ' tieart the L'e ,-. .'..!,' oiiit!. n-s. ions p; es'-l i ,.i ! ale! .; ii.r u ' ' a t lona I i 'o'ate .1 '. " :;i Sf.tetv : "Safety First. Safety ' Atc Dri ers, ; lb- o,r ; :at ' T (,.. -P. a : i . I'ass.t..- v le-, , : . ;r.- i -osmii-s t '!';; leu- r,- : I " Stop. ' ' t ! ' - -' (.bite; '! I.:--. :. !V ' .-. ;!. ' t:.t 'it- 'V W ! .-. .. . ; . . H !' .-''a a " w 1. i - ;; -; ' - ' . : . ' . i- s. v- 1 ; , : .j: ... : ' It . ''.be, . , : , I..:r '! o. a ' )',:.- I v'1'. ee : 'eiC, I ' i ' ' . - ,1 : I- ! . , , -, , . ' . . r l i ;. v :. . ! ;. v m ; - . ' ' ! pM f. THE COST O p WAR T!.c ..,- ' ' e : tl . t I i e ' : 1-1 I . ' ' . '' ' . e . ved1 d. ir. b.--i : of ! in humar 1. - .- '. .t:;n? ;,.;i-. - ; ( M .-T.t f'i! re- . ' 1 ' e ! . ; i t !, 'ei ft. t ' .., ! . ., ... ibuiway Age-fiaette the nilw:..- eiiilding during tic calendar j'eat -.; amounted to ::.T"1 miles of new nam an.; i miles oi auxiiiar. ::;.( -.. eX ius: e ol smin2- :itn :. ttaciv. Montana led all the s '.: s w.'th ', rniic- t'f new road, and 1 -.;i was a se sceon.j vit.c .:' : mile.-- 'I 1 recite of Wash in::' on u i:it :. and no other situ :'.:': a- :;iu :i .. 'P'i ::.;. ?. i he eonstru-'.io.i ti urn if-r of staf r '.cas ;n fa-.-.s e. . . cies tu ( aiborma n was i t, i : ,t. Noitii Dakota. 1"'.'. in Arhan-as, '. u Oregon. m Illinois. ..J; u, ':: ,n Florida h'l in i'-hiii'.ii'i. tup in Xortti i'ar'i 'l t. Knt 'i hv i- ; 'i'ed '.', ! o ; : ' - Ul.l ll.iie- (.':..') V :t, t'V'-tii , e c.'u : i, . . : r; a w it!i s-1 . ' ,-0"! ; .". . c j ; Jjma v, . -. - v-ij ; , -: i, i i nu A'e.r ';:-g.;!.a i i : j ' - be .- K' n ! , .t .ii '. u'.P- i. . mo:. iirt'l I'Cili a.'!'. le Ij.-.- e.-igp.'Oril!- :-.'-. '-. j ' 'l 'be l-l.e';i)!l u'' Illinois :. T :.m -. i; : slate- A merry heart ma'-etii a heerlul count'-nanc-e Proverbs. How fading arc the jo s we dot mon ; -.John Norris. h ). t J : i :ia '.' ilu i -t 'i i hit -e .' . K- !. Mincle a b'tb folly wj-h your wis loin: little nenscn-e now and th" s pleasant. Horace. II.- that complies gain. 'ii- w ill !- of his own o'dnion -.ti,! -i; i'le- I'rtin'in -aleir tmetrv, an i .Kje'ry is pa, nt in -j- witb the gift o1 e ' i l M!1HJI11'I'S. In tin- mid-t of t!i. fountain of ..'t re arise- Mine-thing bitter. whjci -tinus io 'ie- vt : v flow ei s - Lucr e' i . Alas' tiell all the 'JOiis aS-"Mlli -.1 ire :!! ids ciadb' io Piesi-nt lh"i' Jilts, t:.. we;e not l,i..'- and if !i ,M,o:ii tat-' iaor of tie-.'- ' i: powies is wnntin-r mav in !e -d fi-.-es-- Il.'.l. b and te- a Ue to colli' r liU' U. t on :.i bo.-om we (ail !., H ;.,.s! . lOet ie s afipail.i.-' wha an aw I'd Ir t j' tmn'ing; uu an do .n fion' o: a -III ! , ' 1 1 1 ' . :lfC!' a II '- OI I ,e ',. O ,1 mg i-:-;;' I n Nlai.p.i,. :h: e or.. f Const pat on Dangerous He ; . ' I i : e " ' ( Heia kep Qu'.hr'i'n clean. No Trouble to Remove Superfluous Hairs'i s, r,a- ;rt!fj - ; '. ,.'!!. : i. I ei.-' T. !' .. t'i 'tis-, ma'!' r ',- : ,'. - i,-.:. -' - 'i. (!.: r.. '.: ..i:"' or t i' ' ' ;:'( ed 'lb,'...-. "Six a ; k - v t's oi.- water an t : i:tt .'.; - .1 c. Ut-r.e. ::): t-1 ea-rv -:-f - "ii" ," ,n . er : n.:;,,;:es rua .n-' ' i " T l 1 !. . !,d 1 ' b.t i - ;i:c i. '! i ' - ) ' hI j: l-UUis i :.u".- , .Mirii- . ii ; - ,ie r ' j '. . i :: - . ' . -. : , p- :. .;..:. . K' i, -.- -- . o' Mute. a: ' i i'-f iti .i e : i i . . ' t t . ' i I. I . e 'i er e ? if-; x y. y. : x x ?. x 3 a BITS OF BY-PLAY. X -i y. y. :: :: x : r : : : : Notnirg Flirtatious. -ii- the riv',:, Ibi'i: o' i iia' nth' '..iiir'. Yep ' ' Tinlt -IT I : wa.ving h-! ilHmlkel- ' ! ;: a r m e ' Cinn- on. vo i tie,i --,glitei trim if;.! - a mm i iinriiii; imlows Inconsistency. ' 1's 'he wv wit;, ;i man.' How now'.'" He i.f'.-n s.iid h" wo.ii lay down :. . s ! . ' t ; o! :n 1- ' 1 :! " 'lei '.OA ! .- ri;' . s v i.i-n I ; , . ' 1 ; ,e, ;i, x p. a i ;i I" ' enthusiasm. The German amrtss'ador', ' Colin: Von Pourtales. at 7:fi'i o'elfe'k in'' th evening, in the name of his govern ment sent to the Russian minister. oi foreign affairs official not i! icai'ion of the declaration of war and two hours later an animum eineiu to this effeci. was made to the people. Last night ti e capital pr sen fed a spectacle el' ei: auidinai'v animation. The Xevsky I'tospe t and all tie' leading thoroughfare: were filled wl'h war 'Yen i"d people, niarcliing in piocessioi.s carrying portraits of the emperor, with flags waving and torches blaring. Fm!U time to lime "lore was an o'lhmir-t of cheering and singing S;ie:i uers ti ed w if, cut ausiasT 1 harangued t1H crowd--. In Iroiit o: ! the Kazan cathedial e;n h : roi . s -ion EMIGRANTS STRANDED AT N. V. halted, and a sudden Inisii fell over New Yoik Aim. ..I One th,, r -and U"' !'i oc.'ssion ist s ; tlcui the strains five hundred emigrants on the H im ' n;i,lon-ii antie.m, sue- in per iling and Xorth Coin, an Lloyd piers j !" ' 1,:,rM,on:' ''y ' se. 'ion of the in llobeken weie distrmlel todav '"'"cession, rose in ,he ail. the when 1 hey learned tUi; the Vatcr land and Princess , Irene would not. sail signs stated that th- -mio had postponed sailing indefinite!;. . .Many of the emigrants, unable m rea b could no; umierstaml why they were not allowed to board tiie .shins. I'here were LI'ju thin! -."lass and steerag'e 'passengers booked for the Vatu'land. Many of these emigrants were leaving for their homes in tin old country with aj 1 their househol i goods. Along liiver street uiouj'S ol men surrounded by weening women tml hildren guarded their baggage, w hile interpreters endea'. oi' i to ex plain the situation to them. Many had come from distan' points in the West and did not have enough money to return. The cheap hotels and lodging bouses in llohokeu are o ererow ded. Chief of Polb v Hayes lias the reserves patrolling the S'ciion around the do ks . prevent A I Li i ;ittacii the 'In-', 1 wi-it wilc!i ;iii(l iv tiie time yon ;iiv i c;ily for the iron, Il'if iron is irmly for (lie work when you use a Hotpoie I- 3Vi ft crow.U listening silently with bar'Mj f h,.;,u mi,,,,. ,! ; iS ' " !t ii-'- ; ' , wee - u i j 111 o . ' i f'uwa.d and Hi" d - nions : in t ions were resumed with r. newed ardor. EXACT CAUSE OF AUSTR0-SER3 WAR! Aus:r;j had demand.- I ot st i,i t' at tin- , .(!: -Sla i iimi emcnt Ml Posnia bo sole- ei at oin e and t hat :in ur dial- mini-i.ment .- mete I oui to tiec-c involved in i he Helgr.ide plot a minst .'.l ehii'ihe l-han Feniin and, leeeni!', ;e-s--in,r., at. Sa..i-jcvo. Let us sliow you liow yoii run do your w hole week's iroiiinu' wilhoii! diM-oin-fort, I roiiUe. or loss of 1 i 1 1 ic. ami nt a lotal cost of a low cents You iraliy can not. afford to he wit h oul this wonderful hot weat her help. Let H end one out f"i' a free t rial. Telephone - - - 111 trouble. F-ar is felt in Ho'eoio-n over tin Ion:: s ho? et,i. ti as tiie result of tie cameling of the sailings of the skips, "ii the llamhui'y-.'t !i)"i'i'-an pi'-ts at lejeb e men wiij i,e thrown on o! Aork. if a genera!'' Ibirciieaii w ar :s dec,,!,-.',!. GERMANS ARE REPULSED. Pa l is. ii g, ! '1 be I iermali fo: . ' whii Ii cam- into ("caiie.. near Cirev. !: mib'.- from :uic, is repoiteo e,e:.;ed wit'n heavy los.s"s, bu: th.s ha.- tint been confirmed. Ajipiiently the Herman army h tuidieating tin' 11: st move of t i F' i: ii'-o-Prussia n war. Augu.-t '. ! i.11, to: ty-femr v. a : a'-o ioda . . t ii and ( bemad.- d,,.shed in t he i ' ' s- i bnitb- e t!-,it h ar at Saar- l II Sell. V h ' e tie '. i : i Ii ee i Ii l ! ,e t i i ! . ! iieler tie- j i ii r.- ol i,e eti'; 'or i -ii e. his !:i:n,i.i - baiitisin of ti'e. j bimanv i- 'akiug tiie fn!!e-t j ::.e advantage o .a-r sc; ii u i ;ori t v c, .! Vi are-., in ra , . i i ! mo 'ili.a i ion i Si rv ia was slow to a t am' Austi I delivered an ultimaiiiai. giving ti;. Servian go . ei mm nt until il o'clo last Saturday evening in which to teplv ami aci eid the tetnis laid dow :i i y 'Kinjieror Fran-. Jo. el s govern ment. The gmt of t ;u. ,,! imatum was t ua' Servia -iiouhl disclaim all respon-i de lot the plot . tha: S. rv ia slucul 1 promise to do her bes; to capture and puni-di the cuiispirators and sir.i-1-i'es- t'e pan-Siavii- adivitii- of h"; sub jects in Ausri ia. Servia's r pi.v was un.-atisia'. tor'-, the Austrian foreign otti'e announe ing tha' S'-rvia so hedged it- ept -ance o' tiie terms- as to nullitv i effect' of the dem.ilid. Follow in-.' was the answer ma.p' ', Servia, to whii p ihe d i;i monar. hy i iooi; e i.ptnins ami began ;np;:r a-l y v f r art T-sk -v tv Li'ijht Co. Too Proud and Huqhty, "Set ves to r t'ig'., I !oi i vt rv i.oip' on i he bbe k." "What'.- He- ai'-w . ''.'' -n u .in n - Now die w ! ' ; .- 1 ' i go ihl.ii -I'c eilli a:-'., to 1;.lk' bin h ;i ml the a mi r . Cleanliness and Good Health ia Tbo Highest Type of Refinement TIIE MUNICIPAL LATH HOUSE OtTers Every Opportunity j lions for w a i : j .-ei v ia 1 1 - -1 . .-s -nee e ami oi i e t ! ! to-: d: boi I .. el,, ions v jlh t 1 mona: ev ; ! ' 1 on v in' ed of t a m- -. , i -.. , ," j i . U;a -I! ia lllll! s'l. h r e i! mns file Se - , pi llice impel l.l I, ! ; ' ia n governi!, , t w ill rc-idib. i i 1. , itli all th ' . :nam!s o A ust - in j Ht'll-'ai V W 111' !i ill .-'"',. tn .- U lei! e-S ! til i rinuria: .o-ts. itaiiili-siaMnn- aivt ' I. -or I in i,. i'.'hborin.' eouprrie--. j 'I'e cause tje Seviall :;o ' iniliell' i Oll-iders it .s M.elebv fill I I I I i 1! g til" i l-n-tMytfTTrnnTi irr mniHintiriinr mw fi rvi irirrTt iiVksiAr "T. TO CALL IN RESERVISTS. New Vi k. A'l- I 1! lb ,ti-h j o '.! v net u , ' -ov em men! oi a iv in " --t, the ! 11 Ml all si m-eri t i .i my ami naval re-n,-; in Am'-nYi lie to be called oil Inst net, oil- ' ii- i !':( t weie in eived In : mi lay Olll the 1' iti:-'- '"llle; ; I Oi fl. e ' I V xivng Con-'. I biie!,. .'o-wo!thv a II O' t ! I er V i - t - ill .ui fo- LmJ.imi nil the .i.'.i'i ' -i' Jte.l t.e I 'I le , i v . e v ci'i m u ; us : d' len-e (b'sire Pe wit h the d -ci ! mom to I. "o e ,: . in -rielei!. .:itlo!i- -BILLION DOLLARS TO i CIRCULATING IKEDIUMI After a . I I ; O -V e 1! I , - ' I -' toll. I! ha ; ! no' no ; ... v . ' .' e ' it it g l.jiar.r. ii - to : i- p ire la w The I, av al 'o. e- oi t be HI, il'i- i p. i I'd I o an , octiiig' rr 1 'i ''" . ):i ,s had jm-t . .m bub d th"ir man r.ei"-. had bi- , .' i;.ii a'. I w '. 1 1 l'e! e. vi ti.allv m a -trf ' n.o '- . 1 , ,t iotl v bell tie W fi I held ' pem-ed i BRITAIN IN THE SCALES ! London. V:g. I Tie D.iii i ,,i..n- ' j -je ,-a s that the impi-h .abile' h,i- lle'lll it I'! V del ide.l not t ( .-en, I ;,!l , ex, ed f. b.r.iir y fori.- .ibr-iad. let " x,ikc i ', .:;.' !;u;iii-.i1.'. e 1 tort to f;- vint tiicit lir,t.i;n from being iiran into ti! war. SPIES FAIL TO CROSS LINE Cobb n. i ;. . '-m in . Vie A i..i r.' J-'-i-h'-'i o'-i.-r. dre - ,! Wa in to '.: Ii h s . : : i , el -e , e i : t'e- in:; '1 .-' II. l e ,:, b r - li'i- pa.-.-c, i'i i". "Ml 1 Ti 1 gallon $1.00 1-2 gallon 60c quarts . . 30c Phone 636 Piersol Ice Cream Co. 11 i OLSMITHISMS WOMAN DESPONDENT. ATTEMPTS 10 END LIFE 4 Strong Point. i Pt ' si.ri ".u'''-: :u ' .,l!'f'it'! ' p' ' .: ' g:!s a:e s.ii. to he go-id d i ' t ui- r '; f"'-i,'ii r-t::'d ' jnoro- -a:-' :,'..: Va i -V -n T.ire j, v oid iii an. .tnd r : 1 1 - to tJ.-: :-. w-t of 0 '. '':';. a ': o::e. 'I key -an .t.i. --,. .,- t .... , e - m . , s. : ' ' ' ,t 'i - : v. ,. i, ,, 1 1.1 a- n ! Tre Conventional Tring CZAR'S CAPITAL THRILLS K'.. :i K..ri , .. b:eie- ; rri WITH PATRIOTIC FERVOR V-t.d t ' i i ' g o"-!- - ;--.-! all -,.!!- ( ! W, '..te -b- r :' 'ig I - Ce.lil.lti' , .1- H h '.i-k. V is ! ' ':, !:!,. i, eOth Mb- i I. ri .. ill I 1.1 i a :'!! ' illl-t H ! - i i I ' ' 1 1 t .' - t I i. vi.,, .t r. . 1 . ' '- s i ' t - o :1 C . . S ee:-. .- r. 'l it ', . . a pes -- t: ' . i in g at ' , e.i.ei .: . -"; . ' t, ! of to s i : - i ..ui ..- i"' I.. . h :i . , No she can s i (. -' ad--il a -I'l TleiT'e: s of : . ,- ,:t VI . j. . . .. ,t ' be t ee : " e ie .' no ' "U l" :.i ii- f is i -ei 1 e ' lb" : . i 'I t i , '. ii. .. ! obiici .1 . d - : . ; .,,! s ', . ', v. h , a ; . , ; : . . ., . ... g , ... i i g . ,i .'. I. '' ... - .' ' 1 - - :.!.." i - i 1 in ' it. :) .- ! I V 1 - .1 o-' . ...rrr ;eb i ti . -t !l -'e ...i ,. -v. a .- - ' . '.' '.' "i'Y. an I k.-i't aliv enth : alb ! by sup. : .-1 i ' i - u . No ha . " 1 ( cn taught to ho .i i ; .-" .tehiy o-hoo!, or gatfi-g-ii-f. in after life. Hut 1ft di' .- -- - iia you i:i religions 1 oi::: :,. It Is the cb.irae- ! " r of the religion h t ;s the afniv'M, ! u ".' : .c n s of ,, Mb, tntt ' '- m ithf r d- hasoa nor i ': oil Hi" i'.itt : ite ene ' Ites with o' lipuy. N. . ''''' n-ir.j a .:ss 1!M of ;g coot is. THC WLA- Olsmith Arms Co. Phone 198 iTBSbWiAAt tL'tinakJtiw krurs.i irovok-'l in j. If,---isu .-i 'it.''l s J T " i'' i ,r in: tii S Srf..e.