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Guthrie r Classified Want Will fell Your Horns, Will Rent K R Too; 3 Lines, 3 Times, ISo. ' a In Meanwhile Tell Visitors II I! i I vi I iv buivg unci anu hue u MuniclDal Bath House. I GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2tl. IDM. PRICE 2c NUMBER 39 VOLUME XLVIII HOME ism French Women Aviators Who arc Now Scouting For the Army FR01 LUTZ RECEIVED m !um:ss im: ),. k-h"i UDJ WORD ANTWERP r - - ' , , f i j i . f, 1 Vv ' Japanese Attack on Kiao Chow Fails; Siege in Progress Russian Troops are Routed By Austrians at Krasnik Allies, In Terrific Battle Today, Repulse the Germans ALLIES REPULSE GERMANS SAiSfi 01 SOUTHERN FRONTIER (BY ASSOCIATED PRESS) LONDON. AUG. 26-AUSTRIA OFFICIALLY DECLARED WAR ON JAPAN AT 8 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING. LONDON, AUG. 26 THE OFFICIAL PRESS BUREAU SAYS: "IT IS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED THAT THE FRENCH ON THEIR SOUTHERN FRONTIER WERE ATTACKED IN FORCE BY THE GER MANS TODAY AND THE ATTACK WAS REPULSED. THE ENEMY RE TIRED ALL ALONG THE LINE." PARIS, AUG. 26 THE FRENCH WAR OFFICE WAS SILENT TODAY. NO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT WAS MADE. THE UNOFFICIAL MILITARY NEWS IS THAT FIGHTING ALONG THE FRENCH -BELGIAN FRONTIER CONTINUES FIERCELY. QUIET CONFIDENCE EXISTS IN PARIS THAT THE ALLIES WILL HOLD OFF THE GERMAN ATTACK AND TAKE THE OFFENSIVE WHEN THE PROPER TIME SHALL ARRIVE. LONDON. AUG. 26 A DISPATCH TO THE EXCHANGE TELEGRAPH FROM PARIS SAYS THE FRENCH WAR OFFICE HAS ISSUED THE FOL LOWING COMMUNICATION: -IN LORRAINE THE ALLIED ARMIES HAVE TAKEN UP THE COM BINED OFFENSIVE MOVEMENT. "THE BATTLE RE-COMMENCED YESTERDAY IS STILL RAGING." LONDON, AUG. 26 AN ANTWERP DISPATCH SAYS THE BELGIAN OPERATIONS BEYOND MALINES CONTINUED LAST NIGHT. THE BELGIAN FORCES DESTROYED THE GERMAN DEFENSIVE WORKS. BERLIN. AUG. 26 LIEUT. GENERAL PRINCE FREDERIC. OF SAX EMRNGEN, WAS KILLED BY A SHELL BEFORE NAMUR AUG. 23. LONDON, AUG. 26 THE APPROXIMATED DLaTH ROLL IN THE FOUR DAYS' BATTLE: ENGLISH, 2.800 DEAD: 6.000 WOUNDED. BELGIANS, 6,000 DEAD; 8.000 WOUNDED. GERMANS, 7.500 DEAD: 6.500 WOUNDED. AUSTRORUSSO CAMPAIGN: RUSSIANS, 25.00u DEAD: 30.000 WOUNDED. AUSTRIANS, 21.000 DEAD: 20.000 WOUNDED. RUSSIAN TROOPS ROUTED ON CHICAGO MARKET CHANGE OF TACTICS. London, Aug. 26. A change of tactics on the part of the wi? made last night. The French had j The Harue, Aug. 26,-An officii . , . i r,. hattie-; ' report made public in Vienna and three ines o? defense. In tne battles k 1 " ! received here today by telegraoh of Monday and Tuesday, tne Ce--( of days tcn cut through two of these lines',. Krasnik (Russian Poland), twenty - M"".N,r "'rr::: rii,n";:iWHEAT taxes jump td the intra line, oi v.... , - - '. trian victory, nearest Paris. i This line extends fr0m Amiens to The Russian forces were repulsed Dmok General Joffere's army wit 'all along the entire front of forty cut up. hence the new tactics, two miles and ae now in full ligt Now the Allies have quit tne o'fer.-!-" the direction of Dublm. The ve and are mobilizing at ,oses a,e enormous. 'The flight of strategic point., not in Belgium, but ; Russians was like Napoleon's van- qjishment t te battle of Waterloo." in France. The Germans are actively moving ; says the dispatch. on the offensive, and along the lines for 53 miles the cry is heard: "On to Paris" All the occupied terntory has be?n , abandoned by the French, including RAMMED AND SUNK TEN LIVES LOST WHEN VIC TOR1A HITS STEAMSHIP NEAR SEATTLE (By Associate.! J'lvs.-O SeaUle, Aim'. IN Ten live.-; were lost when tin' :assi'!m'r st Tii.-hip Admiral Sampson, was rammed and sunk by tin- Pritoess Yietoria. The eoHisioii oecurred at. l'oint No 'dint, twenty miles north of Seattle, at '! oVloek t!i:s! mornim; during a for and a thick smoke from foreM fire:-. The Princess Victoria bronchi the survivors to Seattle. BEYER SAYS COLORADO IS EXTREMELY DAMP I jiene sever. ea-hi. r 'f lb" 1 lie Savings bank, and son, a ' n . i artive, home tli is mornim.'. from a sojourn of several week in Colorailo. .Mr. Meyer was !iite ill upon lea v in--'' 11 ' ,i hi urns t i i 1 1 li itit;ro e,L Mr-. IVyT ri-maii:e,i in folio-ado ami i-' now at a sa li it a i ill m in Mould' r, ' Tllefe are several li'iml'-ed (;..Ia hitnatis in Colorado,'' said Mr. !!.-. "and forty or more C'tthiians thoio. Thi-y ha be. n the wett.r rei-aci Colorado has I im-.m. If ha -'' daily." Mr. and Mr-- T n'o and o". Howard, returned Pom Colorado to day. They motored h.o'k in ''e F: : which was in rolb-ion ui'h a cMe.-' en--. Mr. Fire fill sufers 'rom in;:irii"- rf"-evd iti the wreck ' iAXk-'-'? rill --if' .-i 1 ,1 k' i ill r- , V''? o, . "4 NiH , j . f s ' I 'V (,-. KNDEflL'S a -4 work cr' e;-., L 1' " ' fa 1, '1 ' - k iiici.knk nri'i:iM-:! Y - , i ' ' ' ' , ...v .... , ... ,i v t --i""' 4 S !,.. so:,,- ,, '. fcC' IA tier i i " l.ll.V u:k!:. I SARE BOMBARDED ADVENTIST ELDER THOMP SON GIVES STIRRING DIS COURSE; OFFICERS I o f ninniiii.;-.- o;' "!.a st-i,a tia tne M!'ell ill Maris T-i- r lixilia ry A ia t i'reneli anin, titeir ro:in:r'. over ( !erma n . m:. nd in l: fen.-r... enemy. Anions thetii .: a i.l t ill's io !. a thin dill. ZEPPELi RSHIP n ER ANTWERP AG Twentv-Six Lives Lost and 8 0 ()' - i Houses Uamagcci JJy JJonibs ' oil -a ho a re sen inr; t ho d'-vi!, are oii worlh'.' What, are oil a ori. in;: for'.' IIh.v would Voil like lo ee i:i-d.l.v eoaie.'" Were .Millie of the t.irfliris". i!ie -I ions .shot, by lObler ;.is. 'I hotii... on at his hearers last in. -a! on the Si", i 1 1 1 ! i I lay Advelitlst r.iiiij, i i 1 1 f I ;i' lliahland '.ilk. I'dd .. 'I hum jisoii shardy 'he v, !i man jdn ed n;on liirn . r I' ;. iii ; sha lie-iul fall aful the I re -:m !ii!oi; jii-'i o !:i ji rn pa hi lo re -.J...OU him. Ilamani'v sold itself for !i,ii:.-hl Silt t!ie Ii!e of till' Son of i ,n I v, a : ;' i '. "II for t h" ransom j,ri' e Do Christians Die In hi , tli m ion of the '. M : b. .' to s.i , e I a.t! whl'di -a as lo-t ." I ' ; I r 'I hoiii;i, on jdaeoil a s;.e i id - i f ii ; "'li the .vord "that' and ,': m'. i i i1 to in- hide 1 fe, mind, home, ilitli-Xl. I lid ill.'Oi' enee. ( 'h ri'-' ' is i , . !:'i o, ham ihi' v and w ill 'oi -- ;,e i..' the ' , i i i.i li raee. lie , ;,).. I,, .; ! ! . e r ;.-.-Ji from the o . I I (,! h: J I. . ,, A..-! ! .-.hi. h !- fie ..-,! GUTHRIE MERCHANT IN GERMANY HAS NOT BEEN HEARD FROM HESiMH STKB, LOOM COUNTY FARMER. ARRESTED While oo Visit to Germany Is Held lor Violation ol the Enlist ment law Herman .1. Steiner, a Oeniuin farm er rosidlnn near Meridian, this coun ty, who recently went to Ormany on :i vl'tit vvith his wife and two Mill ion, ha been arr.-sliil nnd Kentmel to three months' Inipriaonment for alleged violation of the army enHsl ment hiwH, in ordimj to informal Ian received here. The Stat depart-' ment a' WaMhinton H investigawlnt tho ciine. Tho lii-t won) from Stelner enrne from Alplrta&. Hi an thirty mil fro in I lie frontier of ICIhumm or day oeeitrred, lie has likely been trnpresHrd Into set vice by the Cennans in their at teniit to rhocli the oiorat.lou lit A Is.leo. Is Lutz Safe? "Is l ). laitr, 'resident of tn f.ntz I ry tioods 'omiany of this oltf hii Te?" Mr, LnU and faiiiily have bfin lit Hnrope ttevenil months. "We have not resolved n lino from Mr. Taitz sinro the wr hrdkt) out,'' ald f.'eiieral Manager Prod lilntz today, "(in July 2' Mr. Iutf wrote that lie was in Ttwiferlnnd and was leavfmt for ICarHrhiio. Ormany, t" day That U the last wp bavo h"ard. However, 've feel no alarm. Mr. I.ntz !m an invalid and It Is not HKHr he :m '! ImprpRHfd Into xnUltarf "erlci" An uncle of Mr. liiit. Is general of one of th various Oermaa hi it'.ldeR. Four Nephews in the Army. Mi Welnberper, of this rity, came rrom Hungary. He has four nephew In the Air-itro-irwntriry a rm v. Main Army Marching ci Poseo. T.o:-don. A';.. - A - i-M'- 'i rx- 'lar.Lv T. iejr.c h fro-: i viit-jir: - . i; i-i.iji : Muelhausen, and tMe troops aligned , t0r fHeer detente. At the opening o. the war. the Fre.ich probably felt that their capi- - ,.r,,r. in tne orotectior cf V."..: :x o I! 1? : h r. ' ::-' t 'a ir.s lM-fj-ian invasion r-f ;ala-i.t at '' Pjitii mr.i iii'-ei" tir'!,'(.-,t'::.'e;:' alorj; a w fmr.t. (B' .UeO. ia' 1 VT( : ) (::' a.:o. Ii! . A':ir. : i : ?e-..?i'ion t! Kof ,;,., w ill , ii ra 'A !1 o'.t. v. -. a I f ; . :r. r, i .-' t ( n .- o . ' rdyV ' 1"-':;-. Max "..,i' i. r 1 ! ;j -ii:;--'t,e a. ' ' I he-. ; ', . . (BY AS'.' I A I I i I'l-M . , LONDON. AUG. . f A D "-PAT CM TO KtJTEII'i FROM ANTWf HP "' !" 11 ' ' ' SAYS ANOTHER MAID ON T H '.' ( I f Y V, Y A ft'CI L! A I H ' H ! P VAS '"' !' '' '"''"'"J- :' ATTEMPTED LAST NIGHT. i ' "' !" ' EFFECTIVE MEASURE S TAKI , f;Y T ill'. t;f I '.'AT. V L I T A H Y Al' , '" ' " '"' THOHITIES. THE CORRESPOSDI 'ii O 'i T I N t, F ',. C'-LSi D r H t f.f P t ' MAN AIRSHIP TO RETIRE. ; ' '" ' ' ' : ' "' ' "'' "' ' : THE BOMB DROPPNG EXPl.fdT PPO'.'ISFS TO urCOME A MAT ! follow, nj The C-rcui TER TOR INTE RNATIONAL CC'.f;.Dr .RATION ' ' '' '''''' ":" THE BELGIAN AUTHOR IT I F.'. AFC CLAIMING THE AERIAL AT ' ' ' ": " ' TACKS ARE A VIOLATION Of T i ' f hA'.'.f CONVt NTICN. AND A P. f ' ' ' '':' PREPARING TO PROTEST Of r o'. Mi.; r o !.( TlU PO'f ' '' '" ' ONE REPORT TODAY SA ,'-, T HA r TVI'NTY S' LIVf ? V, E P r . ;.'. LOST. ' ' ' '''' "' '' '' '' A SEMIOFFICIAL DISr-ATCM ', A Y ; ANTWERP V f RE SLIGHTLY DAVAfD . o -..ii !: : : I t . . II e. ). . m a lr '. era and he .. IT I.. ' -e I' ' 4 i i. rO I'l.ll'..., ee-. GEORGE FRAZIER PAILS VICTIM TOCOPID'S WILES Cou-e I'l.cier, Guthrie donei-r a n, j me.o man. has taken unto hltn- eif ., Wife. He iplietlv li;..ed nivtiv to i'.ivpn- worth, Can, ant on Monday was murrb-d to Mr.i lOlla Silverman of J i ijm.i - cjiy. TP,, h.ippv 7iir is no' njoviro' an automohile h'nymoou 'hr.e.ri, Iis.--oii! i Tliey will return to fluff, rn - riet no-!, and will reside at i. '.J lai-ii I k lo I ..nia avenue Thi rid- in an eM im able and h.s levj ',.. :. Kana- 'h'v lhi-y jars. I'racr .am- to flit'.rie in lll-i a-'ion .i mihi; !.-'i uririi i "O i i I i rna It v O'iei; , 14 -1. rn Ml". DPMI MOLSES 7,t- ir -tjt A' Of'l'TS VO.-I PARIS. AUG. 2C A GERMAN AEROPLANE FELL TO'THF GROUND INSIDE THE BRITISH L'NES 1 N M. 01 I '.,N0Y Rr(.iO.- VF.-Tf PDA v. TWO GTPMAN OFTtCF RS O' '.'.M':j A1 'III r D QUESNOY 'S SIX r,':l.f; FPOV iair. PARI. A '. G. ?c - !LE AUG . F ' F KILLED TODAY WHILE H S E H ING 0 V E -' PARIS. A l G y,2Z PRE L-N a t-",ri r- , DAY BY FRENCH SHFLLS AT ClLLE. 1 :-! t .RON ; T. A' A S 'F'J TO , .. ...A - , m v.- h ; 1 ,. j i T ! I V . ' I tv.r e ! ' (THE WEATHER vTV KM 9 WARRANTS FOR CONGRESSME' Wa :: -0:1. I ' (' .V . : e. r.. r c:, '" v. iit 'W ; l.-if-i' ii,. 1 TO SETTLE I I C ,.-i . v;: . : : NORA T R j u 3 L L D tVAG'NARV r . V ' I S ' - ; '; 1' r. !CT j f - ' p d t'e 1. ft nart ef t-e French army, ti- Eng. ,sh epeditionaNe. and the fighting i v.'."m: '...).,( . tVe ll't-sinn ee?!-i,,wo fl.lniant. So the greater part of the v. '.,...! of v.-w French forces under G;reral J"re t'-A h ii.i-i n-mv started to take back Alsace and Lor- '.. ;:i . - ; 1 eA c: -!ieVe,l fr, 'e( , 1 ! I II. '!. !!a-n;:: n. Kr T t wnat GsvemTient Fcrecaste Report Via Cpeiia N'fi '.-..;'. la . Ai Z'' To rieht .n.' Tin- liy. tcf-ralif V ralne. Th army was cut to piece. (Continued en Page L Haw T';..' L-J !cr de:;it.;t j, 4; j. Jin. -r d.-:.w (Continued en Paje Three)