Newspaper Page Text
' - c . I 0 h il It ii : r. .l NTS CLASSIFIED Bunion f&glABp i THE DAILY LEADER. ; (Absorbed thja Oklahoma State Cap I ital March 8. 19U.) , Official Papfer of Constitutional Con tention. Official City Paptr NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event of' delivery being im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted tor mutilated, subscribers are urged to .'make immediate complaint to the busi , ueas office iu person, by telephone or ' mall. 1 Mail Kubs?ribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, It shows when subscriptions expire. .IVhrtn vrill mmit thp lnhrl ic Mcjncml fc If not notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued write t the office, otherwI.e the paper will Tie continued. In ehannhiEi addresses jdve both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 7 5. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. re! L AO n uV-iiJ Li - ' I.' U'u U . J C tl HELP WANTED MALE I ltAlljU'OAD Fiki;:lL., Jilt A K L.MICX, I $i:'o. Kxperieiicc unue-ctssary. I Send age, postage. Hail way, Care Leader. J WANT 101) -Two eneta-ut ic youn:; men, It-.- yeais, io navei tin n proposition. S''e .Mr. Allrod. alter ii V, M., llott 1 lone J Y0l".'(l MLN and women to barn 1 1 newspaper and lmmazine drawing If by mail. Send four cents in stamps ) for our illustrated magazine and list I of successful students. Assoeiaaod f Art Studios, Flatirou Bldg., New York, PERSONAL. 1 I ). Hri.Mil. hot v'H k"n M f JL lict.MieM. AtKtvv Buy ol your IHt.jf: t. f I 'fmn ti hpier IMnaitmtl Biur.j f i fill r aultl Vr itrUKKlx TO EXCHANGE f TWO CrOOD KAIt.MS to rrn lt ! f.iitliri,. iiroperty southwest for tnd I juirthrast from (Im brie. Wean busi- I See me iuick. Skip lirown. I over lleilman's harness shop on First rtreet. ! FOIlfKX ( M 1 A N(5 IC - $ 1 cash value. New 1 room cottage and 0 nice level lots, cl-' tr. no paving, to trade for land at cash pri e. W e have many fine trades in Oklahoma ami oilier states. InsuraiK'e, farm loan nnd notary work. M. Oarrett, 1 Hi 1- East Oklahoma ave. DR. L. Q RAMALEY T.r.t's ill illi':e-''' of "Ctn- kln.l. Yi-i'-- 'l.y "r "iht dj y ;tnd .-untry. V, yvnrr CiVrtiL Pi-;.-i;o ili--:- H-'-'-i-'l-ifrfJ tv (PltlM.o offieo. Ok la ft tl hoiM ..Vfnu... 0,.;ni.t European Plan Michigan I'.lvd. & Twenty-Third Street CHICAGO 300 outside rooms Country trade solicited. Rates $1.0 per day and upward YVAnnLX & W.VLLICK. Prop? O. M. nurbank. Resident Mgr. -TrlT 1 ijiii f J " ' AN CLASSIFIED BUSINESS CHANCES A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants a reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen. Should pay $:!,mi to $1j,0i0, annually; $:J00 to $l,&0ir will finance, business; you handle own money. References ex el. anned. S;-.les Manager, 400 k'UMr Bids., Chicago, Ul. SALESMEN WANTED SALKS.MLN - We desire a rorcol'ul n ml aSKresive salesman for a hi.v;h class calendar, leather and novelty line to represent us in (Jut brie, also for .several counties in Oklahoma. Will onsidei applications only from us ii of reliable character and real selling ability. Thos. J. Hcrkman Co., s J7 I'M' oi t St., rhiladelphia, l'a. LOST AND FOUND. K.Ot'N I) - A ke tied in initial "V ' woman's handkerchief. Call at Leader office and !"' for adv. KOr.l 'Set ring at .Mineral Wells J 'ark. Loser can have same by ; i limn at residence at Park, and pay ins lor this ad. LOST. STRAY LD Oil STOT.FA' One bay mai'e. about ! 1 years old, branded on right hip "DM " left shoulder, weight about sun lbs. slight ly knock-kneed A. 11. Hiehmoud, Sll. W. Noble. FOR RENT I'Olt HUNT Furn'shed or i.infiirnis!i- ed rooms for light housekeeping. Phone IL"-'::. FOR' HLNT--Furnished roams. S;riel Jy modern; gas, electri liglit. tele phone. Light housekeeping West Noble, or phone 1 lit. ,. Wbctder. FOR IviCNT Very choice furnished rooms, also equipment for ligh' houstdu'ei ing at North Side inn. Phone !ir. Mrs. Klla llulim. FO R J I ION T Furnished rooms for I u 1 i t housekeeping, modern ion vetiieiices, cistern wa'er. -'-'0 Hast Siriiiger. WANTED TO RENT. WANTKi) 1 or "i room furnislied cottage, or ii or t furnished rooms Tor light housekeeping. Address M. I'. care the Leader. WANTL!) A fiirnislied Iioii.m. or o rooms. Must he modern and reas onably close in. Phone M'T. Wanted ,v Sep'.. 1st, if possible. FOR SALE FOR SALli Thorouglil'fcd Great Dane puppies. W. S. Ifranaman, 2li S. Drexel. A (lit HAT I5AKGALN Ntw .".-room cottage. Modem in ec 1 y n ." 1 j Only $L"tto. Term strong. Phone "'.!. A. 1! Arm - FOR SAidv -$:!.'' '; !." A. ri-'h liot - j torn land, ( lose to Cut iirie. This ii ;t bargain for a short time. We can . match your trades. Try us for fa.-n loan-; insurance and notary woiu.,ti Garrett, 110 1-- Hast Okl a. Ave. . i lw-: l-'ill' 1 I I ll iVe li't "1- 11. 1 i.'.i ........ from 'JO to :.n lbs tor sale. V. K May, Phone KJa. I mile norCi of tcjv.ii. FARM tANU. LAKliF TKACT of good farming land now open for free seltb im nt in Oregon. Over Joo.oco acres in all. Good climate, ih , soil, and dte s not reipiire irrigation to raise finest tops of n.rain, fmit and garden truck, l ot larue map, f ill iiu t.t uctions and in formation, and n plat of t al sec tions of exceptionally good claims, -end fl.Pt to John Kt ele. Osegon City, otegon. Tiit iv years a F. S. sur veyor and timberman. An opportuni ty to -vt a gootl fertile fiee home stead near town and market. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ,'i.,.:t his ti. v ee T. A. F.a-JUHT a b'an .irranu'-mt nt. He w i'i i h interest OH. TiitvciTi; nrt hdffe.ire-. iroods pa Ved fo ebrppin; or itorage. fi C lio:!;p, -0 years txnerlence hnnd'.;n? frooda. Piano a specialty. rhon ":7. LAW EOOKS FOR SALE O .;.,'..;. ; 'tep.'r'.P. Vol3. 1. 2, 3, 1. ... ::. l and ... on A a.-i in4ton. 3 : ULnoi.-. '.pi. Address Daily o. 0!la. , ;i i " t'l i. L'V M;--Leader, i H. M. ADAMt, Attorney and Notary. Chattel and Farm Lo&c. Real r:ta! nd Inturanc. Houses for Rpnt. Ofr.r over Pin" r.f Commerce. W - 1 Ty. ,. . i , .. i CLASSIFIED (First PucHdl.ea Jn.TUe. Jjeadev, IS. Wli.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; State of Oklahoma, county of 1)-, gan, ss. Iji the Founty Qourt of gan County. 'In the matter uf the estate of deorge. W.-Blair, deceased. All persons having ' claims -.asainst the estate ;u Georgu W. .Blair, de ceased are- reipiiretl to present the same with the necessary Vouchers to the undersigned rxecutor, at ttie of fice ( the County t'onrt of Logan County, Oklahoma, within four nion'liK of 'the date hereof or the same will be forever barred. Dated Angust HUh, WH. Chaileo I). Hvans, Villiam j. Nell, Hx'ecutois. (First pnbli.slied in tliv Guthrie Daily Leader, August C. 1!H .) CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, LOGAN COUNTY Pursuant to the action of the Slate Democratic Committee, a convention of the Deiihierais of LouHn county is hereby railed to meet in the city hall at Guthrie, on Saturday, Sep tenibcr ."dli at o'clock P. ,L. o select six n'.J didegates an I six ill.'' na'.es to l!u' Democrat ;c t'.tate ce venlion, to be ludd : ' " Oklahrmia City on Tuesday, Sept. . i't. 1 The Inish of represenlativii in f.a-d county convt-ntion sliall i;Y o'ic it le :a:iv for ev ery Vfc -five ''etito- cratic votes, or major tract. 1 tbt .c , of, eii-d for governor in th" n-T.-u-ti election of File, provided that "icn precin t shall be ciitiMed to at least one delegate to said county conven 1 ion. Fnder this ratio the number oi doUates from each precinct will bi as follows: Votes cast Dele 1 it 1 ii antes Guthrie City Ward 1. Precinct 1 . Ward 1. Precinct 1' . Ward Precinct 1 . Ward 1', Precinct '1 . Ward Z, Pt iri' t I . Ward ::, Precinct 1'. Word I, Precinct. 1 . Ward -1. Precinct -. Ward Townliips Antelope, 1 Antelope. Pear Creek Fisark (rdar; -p and '1 Crescent, 1 ( 're- cent, '' Guthrie Iowa Iron Mouml I.awrie Mars hnl I Mulhall ... N. Cimarron Oak View Orlando n 14 1 it; 1 1 1 1 It: l i :pi ::s in i-: 1:. I'. :;s 1J 21 it; 2't 1 :, ( im.irron Sev. a rd Spring Creel 1 Sjirmer . . S,iringvalf . lim,, Hill . - ,.,il.t M, is 1 Precinct cam-use-; ate l.eivby allcl neet 111 me cm hi ion 10 if .n. o't lo k, P. M., S nurd iv, August. Jl, and in the country tlistri' is at u c lot k P. M.. of the same day. Such other ! urines v, ill be trans ;tttet by the county toiiviniioii a the ('invention itself ma seem fit. JOHN FA VHt, Chairman. Louan ('t)tin'y fcntral Committee .1 Mi)S LKYVIS. S.-cr.-triry TYPEWRITERS. Loyal No. ! $! .1.1' Loyal No. .", (salesman's samiile) Koval N11. new JTa.fu Koy il No. M $100.'.J Typewriters rented. Ribbons ant supplies. TYPHWIMTFK LXCHANGK, 1H 1-2 Kat Phone 7 NEW M K. &. I. TIME f ARL F S'i. 1 1 lnvi O'.l'lirin ;i irt Arr.vr Fl I " r' ' Vil 1; ten's tt'.it'i'i.' JO r, Arriv FI!1. ll'.f'i.n. .' in tftvM ratlin lf-a' I Arrival riot hrt. 9 'kv 17 Imvn ' w ArrivM G'Jtttri S:n"; ! Vn It mriVe rl' cnnn',.-t:"n nm'n !1n train No '.B f-.r 5t. t.otiit. Kin- nt City anl all j.'iln! nr.ti of Fi:" I cms. ayi'r. 3VANS AS ACTORS IN DRAMA f)ne of 1lie n. os' i 'ii(ir--s : v nnd n,ost Iwautif': si 'He- te t .r, ' T Pr-dce of the CinN" the t -itt' 'na 'Ai.ieii is to l- jrtsfiPid . t !'.;! Die park in Oklahoma fity 'P' :. :L 4 f'-r the ben lit 't t!.s 'iklalioma buihiiiip at the I'm. i:...; P c!f,f pj. position. I out1 in w hif b ".'. :! p.ila'i. th oriental ;-rir.f-ef- 'l.T -b'-r y; th. preat -b!-f MuPnotna'-. t."i a group of nuns and eh a nil tie :n w th the soft in;e ef h-T f.'i'e A -'ler!.; 1ak 1" ti ad a i fart tif t!i' y'rir;' settint: ai d h fia. i v" o matt'. HKdudi.'tK f.-vial Mt'.' wari v i I 1e idai-pi in it fr.r th. jTeno T!:e ctar.i w 11 b.- "r-l,' ar- 1" tP,:it t'-ey vnil do tb.-tr part in tli ag tLe Indian n.aiJeus b i i .a . m.T' . i I .i VILLA SUPPORTS 1AYT SONORA GOVERNOR A T HEAD OF TROOPS TO "SUP PRESS ENEMIES" tlU Associated Pnssi NogalcK, Sonora, Aug. J' -lose Maria Mas torcua, governor of So nora. lias arrived here at the head of J.iiui) or more troops to dislodge "the enemies of honest govern men I. Majtorena is supported by Geueril Fra'neisco Villa. Those whom lie proposes to war against have the Hip port of Carran.a. Ma.vtorena, in a signed statement, dtvlarod his action was decided up.ui when Cirrana. alter Hiving jan b'ued supporters of the governor h: nored his protests and demanded his resignation. "I've no a tit Lit ion ."' Ma,- -tortna coiirlmled. only vv.sli is tii siM've my counlry and I vvill .l.iill.1 turn oviT my oi'i'iei In :iJh eieeted successor-- in 1 it 1 "." Constipation Causes Sickness Don't permit yourself to become constipated, as your system imme diately begins to absorb poison horn the backed-up waste matter. Fsl Dr. King's New Life Pills and kecpjvei:. There is no belter safeguard a 4,101.0 illness. Just take one dose tonigMt. '.Tic. at your DruggUi. OLD, CRIPPLED MEN TRY TO HARVEST FRENCH CROPS Paris, Auk, JT Kural Fiun' e :.; nciking a valiant, struggle to hat". ' its crops. Only old or crippled imm and women, viwntis ami cuiiuien working in the fields. The womb"' I'lill.i' suun.v ami ritdily cuPiva .d count r'vsitles aie almost dc-eite.l I he men ha ve .40110. t he !i 1 d iS(iipearco. ; a i t 01 l lie cai 1 ie a ; . been driven off and tin; inns ate closed . At Ktretat on the Norman ' out til a population 01 i.auu, outv ,.1 men reniaiii j : ! the only horn's cr a few old annuals. Americans u.r a la rue nuiiiicr ol villas uierc ami Hi- stead ot polling aim , .no; it'iuin. these wealthy people are working 1,1 the fitdds and ondiard-, eiceriii4 up the peasants. No home is too lelni.'e Pi f ;, til" Frcn ii i'Li g. Kvery i.ridf, t roads and ciilv ert is rata: l 1 !-c-vi s, w ho w il! he ilr.r led for ' I. front to till the gaps an I Mke pl.n -ill the fiebl armies ..s tie . liiOVc t c vv a rd. Summer Constipation Dangerous t'onsMpation in Su iiitm r-1 i rn u more dangerous than in Die fall, win tor or spring. The food ou cat i- often t (illta mina te, an, ; 'nore lli-:e ly !o ferment, iu v our s'cn 1 t . Then o'i are a,pi to drink nun h .old wat.u during the hot. weather. injuruu- our stomach . ( ' d i. , ' '. v er. Pto maine Poisoning and ol'.er ill-i an natural n-..ii!!s. Po Do-Lax w ill keep you wall, a it im leases the Pile, the natural lax.i'i... '.vlti'h rids the bowels of the coiij.-i ',d ptdron tins waste. Po-J)o-lt w ill mal e you fed better. Pleasant ami eff.. tivo. Take a dose to!i!.:!,t. a'ic. ;it your Druggist. WOLGAST AND MANDOT MATCHED M.Pv....;.- . , Wi ., A 1 Wed -a-' ot I'adiila' , Me Mand". o! "iv !! in . ,i4! ( ' d to .11 v '.ell Hi III t ia.i I,' re I'nda.., m-,-:- ic w iiint--. will met . 'a it 1. a4o 01 L: 1 mia- '.'- 1 i A 1 , . and !.. v'. t-dne d : elol i- IS. 'I';- Ullte 1 ! It- iini-iii mi A TEXAS WONDLR the T'-vas Won.;.r are? l.!.n'V in I bladder tto ible. d:s uh-'.i rav't, iih:- tlia.'.etes, weak and lame bae.l.s. heiimati-tr., an,j ail lire darities oi j tlx -.idneys an.j bladder in both men j ti,.) women. Itepulates ti. older tro i Ics in t hil-'lren. If not Mild by our lruL'i.-t. vviill be sent by mail on re ';t of $1 '. On. fmail bottle Ir wo months' treatment. n-l seldom . fails to perfect a ear. St r.1 for tea- j lmonials from th!- art-1 ruber ftai. , Dr. P.. W. Hall. 2Jr Olivp Street, St. j Louli. .Mo. Sold by drut-v'.'U. AdT. j imiDoi'ttii;';iiii?; T. C. VINSON 'A K T'. t;m to t .'-: of th Xj r 1 it- '.,!'t! oi hi t I'A" - : ''. tri? Fave anl S .--la Ma?3e. 1 Scaly Treat a f ; p. I ilty. : '. 1 Hair cut 2 v: street. Stop . i. First Y. !n f.r a "alp j'l ! trp3trrT.L yci i 1' r 1 f ; ' German Rapid The tie: man arniv i c.piii ped Pli many autotuo ale-- be i ri'c i a pel I sre puns and se in !ilit;lil;; lor ic e titi i lie ciioiin a: ui .'hi T'u- - '.'id i ;' has tilrea-D !t. on ;v-v ', : ' . ft- '' iu ft iV. in .v: ;; a? jt v. Vi WESTERN ASSOCIATION. a k n m x . atanatng of the Tcimi. ! ij 4,.. ... : J NL.; 4 p , . X . ' Xm, 1 -. , ; A:t:-u 1 v r' 'J : w 1 ''fs0 f irW' i; 4 u ---iiV r .7 " , 'A - ,Aj,f v s - , " At i ' - ' ' 5 t. ' : ' Ih. v ' .'f .:"S', ,. ,t- . . -wi v : !. 1 - '. . n ., ' : -.a 'un -."r ' i ( ,s .Jti. I-. r In the Won lxst Miisko'-M'!. ;. M ( i!- lahoiiia Git.v ... '. I .-' i I'ort Sim: h ...... -' ' Tulsa -' J'' McAle -icr '-' 1 lelll'V el '' -' 1 Pi t Results Yesterday. A ; thh. horn a i 'it . I . i em At I 'oil SHIP ll ll-i.opee , At c b-i- 'i ' -Tu! -,i : rain. C I I -1 . ram Games Today. Tulsa at Mt Ale- It t . ) ii; hn.:ee at Foi l J-'lliPl). It-n. v t 1 1 a at ( !i lahou.a 1 'it v a k w. v. w x 14 NATIONAL LEAGUE.. Standing o the Teams. Won IrfiRt P' ' eA Voli i:.. ton :-' . I .' i. I !M a o ( ' . lie i n ti i 1 p; il l. ! ic I'll';., If I'I I I', I !' I Heuiis yesterday. I .11 I: . ! . e e"' , f ' I . I II . I II ,. 1 Lit 'on " v ' .- ! P : i ' i 'sc. l hi i Games Today. .11 at I n Y u . I . ! - 'ill ( : I if j j ;- 1 Fire Gun Ready to of Searchlight j at. ; '.: : i . j d ; '.'.e : .ic; !'! ti I r .ii. ole i ban t ic'iMnc. will lo- :.i : . ma n v li und 1 1 11 mi' - t y rid of Sport V V AMLRICAN LEAGUE. A v! S KXlRSt K ?tarultng of the Team. I'i P.o- , ,l ! a '.i I , V . i , I. oe I v ( rtraitlt Yesterday. t I'hll lib I ii,. '.; 1 I 1 1 . 1 I O o. t ! Vol f . ' : SI I .tun- . I . m P. I le : i u 1 1 , V. .Hi I'll. 1 leva land , lain. ja me! t od.iy. i.-l.ih, . 'v u i-. a si x .': w w ! . Ft tf ft At. LEAGUE. I a x t'i w : m w k h Standinj of the Teams, Won list '....n ui. I'i Pel c I I I alt- Yc- t. r .,i. !. . I -lo Lac I"- F .l P; !. .' ll'e I PilOl.c IX. 1 -v-r- j - . - 4 , r 4 ; fc'-'i- ..... A' ' , t It , I i v Shoot With Aid 1' i - -W f ' j K h jfcVfiN' . , ,i 1 t, V - 4 i.tvvU--'-.'. yaril-t off. Tlie rapid fire gun, wliP'k I is ! he t Cue Krupp factory ht I . I urti.'d out , i an nianv bullets : ! iiunuie into 'he b-t -piiig troops of mmr. j. x. x m x x x m n m n m m m W AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standing ot ir.a Teams. Won liMt P't Won liOfit Tct i ' i ., ti m M 1 1 ,v a is "i'i . a i 1 i'., (V ... ii Ltnif.v lib' . .. .... ,'1 .'.i' . ." i I ..I . levcpilld u't CI ..".PJ ,' i ...ul t'olumbm- bii t, . ."ii! i; : .Li iii.ii 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 v I Vn .a't; : i it.: . La n.'-a cjtv 'i I i7 . it si .I,, M iii nea it d i - ul 7-5 . -!." :' s! Si. Paul 17 S." .il at Results Yestercrav. At 'levi-latnl, Milwaukee. 4. A t 'oluiii Im- , ; K.i muis fits, t. t LoUisv ilie, i; MililieHpolis, 'J. A: Indianapolis, v, St Paul, Ik Games Today. , 1 1 1 v a it Im 't al I lid la na iiolis. Kan. -as City a' Louisville. Miiiii'-iii'tdi.-; a1 t'olumbus. Si Paul at 'b ... land. y. X K K K S S'i R M WESTERN LEAGUE. ti K JS K 8S K X Btanrtlng of me Teams, Won Ixist Pet Seen ( it . M 4V I U Ii V e i e -e 'l ,-;( . . I ..". ' I 1 1, ..!.,.-, Hi ti.'i . 1'tl'. Lin oln 'it', ,U III: i i : i . ti.' 7'J . 4 : I..;..!,., .,1 77 .DJ A.- !,r i " '"' Results Yesterday. ' it Ml t i' i; I t tl V i , 1 . i I una i. i . : , I mm id n , tl. t Ii, . ,.l . ', Tupesa. !. v i 1 1. Mo in. - I ; Wo Ida, D'-tl't M.P.'tMmh ctl teleptlOllft l'jli !. !p k '":) Ctutlirln Iean. Guns Wilt) Wtiicti Germans formed liege and Its Forts illd fe-iind-"i.-.-tii-tll t- liTlcj ,l) are : III mpp ta-tor- J it ill he .'a dl f il' t .s t ( a '- ''. . r...4vj-7t 7i? .v " '-, sv v Fbone 414. ro3 Hit-1 feed tUm. 1