Newspaper Page Text
V'XGVs STX iT'" r THE flUTITRIK DAILY LEADER FRIDAY, inOUST -5S. 1911: 1 . 'T. (. Star Special " s SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE TLllte SttOIPCB Were vau with thr crowd who were taking ,i: vantage of our Rel Star Special Bargains last Sat urday night? l:rom o'clock till closing time the store was a solid mass of eager bargain hunter.;, in that. Our well martialed force lu:u!'! the the appreciation of everv esi.d :.ii;ct . even- section ot l!ie store there was a c.amoi tins am situation jx-rfectly. The smile of satisfaction pla-nlv tol. Read These Items and Come Tomorrow Night. 20c and 25c CHILDREN'S HOSE 15c One big lot of children's hose, fine and heavy ribbed, four thread heels and toes black, tan and white. These are some num bers that we are discontinuing. For Saturday night social' per pair. 15 50c and 75c SAMPLE HANDBAGS 29c There are about 4 dozen in tins lot. made of patent leather, silk, and imitation leather, in many different shapes anil sizes, for lxth wo men and children. Regular 5x and 75c vab. ues. As long as thev last OQ n Each Z3b $1.25 Black Messaline 98c Yard Wide AVut 120 yards of bcautifull black Messaline. full vard wide. All silk our retrular $i 2? seller. It will all go and it is a splendid opportunity. This is, beyond anv question, a satin season. Buy what you need Saturday 7 to 10 p. m ' 98c 50c Table Damask 39c This is stock from our regular Piece: .1 1 Extra qua!it in the lot. mercerized snow white damask. The pattern arc beautiful. Sat urday. 7 to IO p. m. 39c 15c and 25c RIBBONS 10c A special purchase of alxiut i, ooo yard- of plain and fancy taffe ta, and satin ribbons ranging in widths of from 3 to h inches These ribbons are very suitable for sash" f-. trirdlc and hair Uiv. The vames.are trom i;c to 2 Tomorrow- night 10 10c GINGHAMS 8 l-2c Arrived today all new patterns. The thing fur serviceable school dresses, washes like linen, (lood widths. This price is not good Monday or next day. Saturday, 7 ' Q.n to 10 p. m U2U I'r.'o1'! new worth of them 1- Men's $3.00 Hats $1.95 err one r.f them. 72 of t hem picked up at a price. The actual -'4.fir a tUtn-n lio.esa:e af.t to 10 1. m. $1 195 $1.00, $1.25 and Sl-50 SAMPLE HANDBAGS 79c This lot consists of alout 75 sample hand bags. In a variety of good stv'es made of good quality leather or Moire ilk in such c!- ors as tan. navy, grey, wisteria, black and green. I he regular prices would St.m to Si. 50 a; ,1 a few at $1.' Choice of the ,, range trom 79c 25c WASH GOODS 5c To close out a big lot short lengths and full pieces of it;c nnl 25c wash goods, we are making the biggest sacrifice of the season. It wni do no cHd to teiephone abut these s f .. .woiKiay murumg. atunlav 7 to 10 p in. 5 All Summer Hats 50c T! is i yiur last chance to buv t':ee hats at fliVTiamie-i and packed av.av. 'I an v To clean the n erv s:i"; tie re ren this price i- made - aPut price. ; hats. Those that are left Mondav will h Thisisag'-I Most ,,f t'es Some of them sold for $km.) jjQQ All Summer Shapes 19c 1 save o or $4.1 j '.' or.e ' '( re i- :ext 4ea -on ar f them at .. . . 19c 7 10 P 7 to 10 P. M. RAISED BY ADVENTlSTS (Oontifuel Frcn PSoe Oph :i 4 nnl in t : a' f.rt Ghastly P.ctjre T:;i Tr.t : r.-l ; ins .. ' '-a .. '! x is : s r-' r-'a'f- tn the kT h. :.c warkei '9 : initial T!. i:e r-j- V hp r'.f' .s-oii ; 1 -i tf'-.:Ti:.- r tj 1, r. A r. RECORDS BURNED TO HP ;i; V't ri--t:t: frf.rii ,(.' Ho May Prcf t T rs--: .i: I K!r Tr r s ,n sut t' tvi- it;-a th tfrat by M a" ' ;-n-:t tr. ; Ian. a:,v- have N ri M'-f . jr. rf(.!j!;-.n .-ts , K-so!;itior!.4 to n i f;.',fi r- .t r r !)o ins MVSTERYCONNECTED WITH DESTRUCTION OF MOR RILL HALL H. T. iKent-woitliy, was in Hie cl'ty today. CORN GOMES OFF AS EASY AS YOU PLEASE "Gets-lt" Used By Million! It is tlii' first titnr that a n-ul, suif-as-fatt i(iii) on i-,. luis I'vcr licen disi-i'v-fii'd. "( 1 K'l'S- IT" in i)n- Hew iim'ii- of Stillwater, He say the t action of the state board of agricul ture in ordering the ntate fire marshal to make an ot'lieial proho of th burn ing of Morrill J lull, the administra tive buildinu vf the Agricultural & Mechanical college at Stillwater, ,is the result of ;i growing MiKpicion that tlio fire, was set by incendiaries, li i.s said that a number of financial rec ords that would disclose the nature and amount of certain disbursements were lost in the fire. It i.s reported that the IVoard of Asi Iculture is in vestigating this Bituation and tbat shortly a statement will be made to the public. The affairs of the eollege have suffered greatly as the result o. mismanagement and the political activities of the contending factions during the last four or five years. The Agricultural & Mechanical college, an(j the Agricultural Experiment Sta tion are intended primarily for th, advancement of live stock and agri cultural interests of Oklahoma, an I especially for the education of t boys and girls on the farms of Okla homa in the most practical way. Tin'' t.'.uUHy Who Ui- th- WvW Cr Ur. Cora-Cure, "GETS-IT." emlcr. Ias-. nu ;ui cntlvclv nr-w prinri :;1. K is a new. fii l'!'i-rn t I'm inula, never stii-i'i'sM'nliy lnil ali'il. It mak' 'ini shti('l anil thin vanish. Tw) l.-ip lo til'- work. Yon Uon't ')unlU' up 'iii '"' an. m.iif with stlcliy tapi unit plustcv.s tliat pre. l4vn' on tlii Hi.n iniii tin more l'li-h--:i I in;4 salves ihal (Ikii'I "s.a put." 'in !iiji( hat'KiaK at I'orn.i with knives ur riLZn. no ha't'iliiiK or ilan&cr of hlo.iit noion. No nioii IruipltiK aroiiml for ilays wiih wore -oi'iis, no iiio!' i.'o. 11 pains. 1 II .'TS-IT a now tin- biKKt-sellltiit i-oin iui( in ilif worlit. l's- it on anv or -oft corn. wall, callus or bunion. Tnnlirl'''" nlisht. ';KTS-IT" is .!! by ili-UK(fit8 t-vci v whtre. L'" ci.Mts a to;tli. or sa'tu direct bv K. I .a wrciicc ,V t'o., (-hicauo. ..(.,..,.s.r-- js i, (iiithilp by I.tllic 1 .i .i Slaty. (':., owl .li Hi? st, he'. BLOWS U RESINOL STOPS li 1 ons 20,000 SOLDIERS, FACING STARVATION, KILL AND WOUND 600 How This Wonderful Ointment Ends Itching and Heals Skin Eruptions The soothing, healing medication in Itesinol Ointment and Kesinol Soap penetrates the tiny pores of the skin, clears them of impurities, an.(J stops itching instantly. Kesinol" speedily heals eczema, rashes, ringworm, and other eruptions, and clears away dis figuring pimples and blackheads, when other treatments prove worse than useless. Itesinol is not an experiment It is a doctor's prescription which prov ed so iwonderfully successful for skin troubles that it has been used by other doctors all over the country for nineteen years. No other treatment for the skin now before the public can show such a record of professional approval. Every druggist ells Itesi nol Ointment ffiiic. and $1), and Resl nol Soap (L"c.): .but for trial, free, write to Dept. H.i-R. Itesinol. T.alti more, Mil. John Twam- Gen. von Emoiicfi, German Commander. Who is Dead W. T. Greene, Hopkinton, N. II., writes the following letter, which! will interest every one -who has kid-! ney trouble. '"For over a vear, Mrs. Greene had been afflicted with a very stubborn kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills done more to complete her recovery than any medicine she has taken and I feel it my duty to k 4 -W- t! tr tZ'. K ? recommend druggists. them." For 6ale by al 7 irs $v WEST TO HAVE i CHARGE OF GRAND JURY j y v-J? fib- V. v i f a - , u. ae (My Associated Il'ess) Vera Cruz, Aug. 2S Twenty thou sand ex-Federals, under the command of Generals Almazan. Aguilar and Ar giunedo, have naken the field near 1'uebla, according to authoritative dls- liaicnes recenveu nere nv nmininu )his imI.nK lr()M i 1. 1. t u : t I ......v., an. Mit-M- n.rn ui.n i..,., i,y wi(( jo0sIy SJI0II,S for acuon was 10 nave neeu expecieu, I11:inv .., 1,,,'pe tlie nermaiiH will win since the troops have not received L1( ,klmH. ho boolnill- ,a (lff tll) their pay and faced starvation. Itjitisl, lion." says Twamley It is reported that General Aguilar has dynamited a Constitutionalist Three Marriage Licenses Issued. military train between A.niaeo and! The following marriage licenses Puebla, killing and wounding about were issued by County Judge J. C. ion, and has destroyed the tracks, Strang today: isolating Puebla. Finest Henry Morris, 21, La Junta, Federals la the Isthmian districts Colorado; Bertha Payton, 20, Mar- are reiKirted to have refused to be shall. mustered out. and their movements Henry Giesher, 2a. Fairland- do ara suspicious. More than .".DO Fed- hanna Giecher, 21, Orlando. erals. who have been mustered out. Guy Spencer, 27, and lv:t Terhune, have taken refuge here, savins that!1". ,,0,h of Crescent they feared execution if caught by th Constitutionalists, despite the asstir ances given them. They cite many instances of such executions around Mexico City. The problem of caring CITY GARBAGE COMPANY for these men, who are without inon-j1 u8 furnish you a Sanitary Oar- FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS rOK tmUKAtHt KI0NIY9 AND BLAU Uttt ey, is likely to be serious. bage can and keep It clein for you. Phona 83. Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 2$. Pe titions for a superior -court gra;i; Gen. vtm jury, circulated in connection with j '"' r obf A I L.' . i.ioiiin n was sixty-oil" He joined the armv as "5tay-at-Hom ' Sufferers of Hay Fever and Asthma Get a Bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound! Restful sleep, relief and comfort from choking, gasping asthma and tormenting hay fever for thoso who take Foley's Honey and Tar. It spreads a healing soothing coating as it glides down a raw tickling throat, and stops irritating coughs and sum mer colds. For sale by all druggists. Seven room house for rent. Matchett. I.. H. the election contest instituted bv J. Jennings against Judge Ji. I. Williams, were in the hands of At torney General West, Thursday. an West was examining them to see that 1 they conformed with the law. T'nder the blanket request made of West by the governor, to loo1 into all charges of frauds in the primarv, " """!"" J" i Mn, ami was promot ed two years late,- to ., licitena ney. He look -art in the' Franco-Prussian war in IvTo-TI Afterward he v;m I romoted through aH the grades un ci he l).'c;nte nia.ior general in Him I. When he was appointed to the rom mand of the Tenth Army Corps he was made a general. the attorney general probably vill ' , , have charge of the grand jury, shouM ' TODAY'S OUOTATTONH An investigation into the vote in Tiryan county, home of Williams, has not developed that the vote was ex cessive, 'hut has shown that about, five-sixths of the republicans voted in the democratic primary. Investi gation is now being made as to the Part the negroes played in the Hryan bounty election. Hot Chili Oklahoma. at Smith's, .'04 F;.t Hi !. t-i re it. ?-!r 'j'.-'i- 'ton. t - Y. - i a -'. In Plages t: f li f,ii to- r : ourff-s:9 in , ' ' (? r:-'ui a; fr,- 1 LOCAL M SECURE VALUABLE CJL CONCESSION The f'o-Operative Coal Mining eom anv ,f Milton, Oklahoma, has won t signal irtory in Its fight to secure additional land surrounding their first lease. This week K. L. Iowthpr, gen- -al manager of the company received word from Washington that their b-n-o f,n itr.ii acres of valuable segre gated 1 onl land adjoining their pres ent ";'!u:ng mine had been apprn- 'd K. the department. To give an idea of th.. value of the lease secured " the Mi'ton company it is neces sary m give this comparison: A OaHas. Texas, company is now put- -itiv- f;.-.n a .;,onii mot s:ia!t not far rom the Milron jroperty to reach . -fo if .-in of coal. The Milton rone any' lease of K." af re.s has a seven foot vein of 0al ex;oed on the sur- f.i'e. if. if. Reynolds, of tliis city. 'v.-iO is interested in tiie townsite of tor. -Aii! begin a campaign i-iirne- Markets by Wirt CATTLE: Kansas City, Mo., An;;. 2. Receipts, 1,200. Market, steady. Hressed beef steers. to $!'h Prime fed sleers. $7.7 to u. Oows and heifers, $4.25 to $t..r.0. HOGS: Receipts, 1,.".00. Mallet, r.c to 1V higher. Hulk of sales, fll.oo to $n.1.". Toj juice, $H.2j. CIMARRON STOCK HOLDERS CALLED TO MEET, PIANO BARGAINS. issued the following For the next few days only you can get the best bargain in Pianos that have ever been offered in Okla- WHEAT: Kansas City. Mo., Aug. September. !S 1-4. December, $1.0;; f-x. May, Ji.l . CORN: September. 7ft 1-4. December, fix ; split. May, 72 7-S. A Merciless Judge of ; ithne f .?:.!. wafer. nri.e for Th- Ixa.l-T .vr tie eu-n b-i K-eries mf".j Th- :n;, i,....t;.lZ. i'.'a - '.'. ri.a'k t' f. 1 1:1 -at - ' t; :ri! rj.n J an 17 r;;,g ;. .n t in - -s i.en ti lUr fl f r si! it t t . mm -m IU CI diatelv to M' 0f Kd '4r $ e Jf j .e 1 ' hav; Uea fti! of Lau-'iJ. :he fc:n;any to nsite. for lots in the Milton :r p.'-;e .-.3 a-i v :p,jft .rt-r wtu iince. Pries 2 Sc. I for JLC. If We Had a War of Our 0t. Mora'nrpim I o r cloryinM. -Wl,f a f(,rJ p;i'res Got to soariiiiu. Hi.e TLe Leader delivered, ic mo. 1 . : One Who Shows No Favor. A merciPsi judge is Father Time Uefure hi.n the weak and the wantins go to the wall. Only the truth can stand. For .wars the following state ment trom a (.uthrie resident has withstood the at em est of all tests. -f. St irgeon, i2!2 W. CI-. eland Ave.. ;;itiirie. ?as: "My bacK t,e gan to aehe nnl sometimes I was hardly able to walk liomn from work. Tiie m is'-les o.' my loins seemed to contrat arid whenever I istooj.ed, knife-like imfriS darted throiis-h my kidney. - The kidn?- -?Tet jon were seHnty and i.air.M'Ia nassage and trou.'l,-! me at night. ' Seeing Doan s Ki lne 'pills endorsed' in our loial r-aper. I cot a byx from turn Corner Pharmacy. The first few doses Y.flur-.l me and If was n..f Inn" before tnr. troibles l-'t me. I have had no need of a kidr.ev nedieine iirwe. Sever..! of my feh'on- work men aave fiken Down's Kidney Pills and have be. n cured of kldnev rom- r.iSint. My former endornement of :h: remnlr still holds good." Prb e .V.,-. ;,t sll 'dralfrs. Don t sinirdr ask tor a kidner remelv get Doan's Kidney Pills the fame that Mr. Sfirpeon had. Foster-Mulburn Co.. Tro; BuIIo, N. y. . C. (t. Hornor today: The company has been trying to noma; 33 1-3 to 50 per cent off on make- arrangements to start up wo- k everything. Pianos, Player Piano, on the well again and have money in Organs and small goods, new and sir;ht from several different, sources, used pianos. Krell Auto Grand, Recently a number of suits have hern Bush & Gerts Royal, Newman Dros., brought against delinquent subserio-1 Hainer Bros., Schaff Bros., Wagner &. ers, and all these suits that have Krell Piann ieen Iried have been decided in favor of the romnanv. It is booed that it ntiutriauiN-WALLACt P. CO. may not be necessary to 'brim- anv additional suits. In order that the situation may b. gone over by the stockholders, I hereby call a meeting of stockholders to be held at the Chamber or Com merce at S:e)i o'clock P. M.. August 3 1st. It is not the purpose to se"k f'or any subscriptions at this meeMng but rather to tallr over arrangement which have already been 'partly ma le for the raising of money, nnd it is especially d' ired that all : ' holders will turn out. to the mee'; 1 ; It is of the utmost importance tit he work of the company te resume I I without further delay. If is belie. edi that, with a concentrated (ffoit the work may be resumed and prnsecut to rnmpleflon. KEXS3BU Try a Leader Want Art a X :o: k k x :t: x :: :z : luris u 1 own x AND STATE K k 7. v. y. : y, v v v v Cupid Finds Marshall Fertile Field. Marshall couples wedded !:: Dr. Farl Smith and Anna Knoub s; P:)ilip Oros and Xina l.ogne; Cba"; Winburn and Mrs. Ktta Millman Not Accepted Yet. The application of M isp lvrothy eton as Red Cross nurse win, the Pritish army, lias not as rt !een ar. ned by the, Hrpish eovernment. Guthrie Men Interested in Gusher Messrs. j. A. Milne, Mike Cassidy. I.. I. Peland an-!, E1 Petejs.n are in terested in th .J! ! fis,. .it Vav on i.i' .1 1 hk Kiixer nas neen e-o'ie. in at 2.2''S feet. County Chairman Here. John f!. Favor, chairman rf the ounty b-mo-ratic committ j.r tod.n- from his far rear Crcecenf. A meeting of the county ommittee ha? been called for September th. Guthrie Garage Phone 58 , J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor All Plain Tread REPUBLIC tires now adjusted on a Twamley Writes to RitzKaupt. Eill Hitzhaupt recehed a letf 000 lie GUARANTEE EDGAR C. HERRICK 210 E. Okla.