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PAGE THREE NOTES AND PERS0NAL8 OF THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 191 1. mmmmmmm - " m m iiiiii T , , , ,, , , , , im.,,,, . 1Mb N ew Fall oods 11 We are, eaeh day, reeeivinj;- li; .shipments of new Fall Suits for MEN and BOYS new Trousers, new Iwmii.shiiit; (mhxIs, new Hats, new Caps. AVe will show the tartest: and best stock of new Fall Clothing that we have liad for many years. Popular trices will prevail all tlirouh our stock. Von can conic here and buy new merchandise, and know that you are saving money. GUTHRIE'S LEADING Lk. CLOTHIER FARM LOANS INSURANCE LOGAN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ! Hrt'rfflW 'f W 1M1M with his brother ami family and otli- (! Wntliric friends. Offne Rrr L Co. Pnl Bonded Abstracters PI, one ISI I N. BRYAN R E. CARDU LLt k & y. y. y. y. y. y. y. y- u : PERSONAL AND LOCAL. H Mr. and Mrs. .1. U. have Setirned home niter a delightful niut cirins triii to Colorado. Mrs. Charles Ma.anej an, I family of I'.irsons. Kansas are xisitin.n ; 1 1 i 1 1 1 friends. Mis. H. I., linker o!' 1'erMns is tile p-.iest of her aunt Mrs. A. 1 Kankin n; Ivit Springer. I'.rittoii (.' KI ( " in I"'. '!. is is i ;,;. ,-t .It the .1. IP Fairfield home. Mis V it 11 .i (Mens re:u red. :mi:ii--f-..:u a month's isit with le r lr.:h-r (..i. Owens and family in Texas. ( ; : . 1 1 F. Loan is here tmh; "ion C ;.:.ins. n cil l.:i-iness. Ce.'-e !.. I'loof is !ere from Fail. :.,! Plisine.-S. M v r-'Il Mn le. ol 1 tin'.- Ont'irP' i . n.i-: l.eie a short while last rrlz'it. I'v.i-in of South li.s-ta. 1, ;,.!!!.: ' Fre.l Clit-iil of '., T.ui:i I i.i.her ('.!!. .aio js her- f.T a i.-lt I!. C. Conner, oil operator in the 'Tulsa field is here today w.-dtiim Mose Wein herger. .Mrs. I., ti. ISaker and her sisier, Miss Wilhelin will leiu e iuLhrie, Wed nesday, for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Pennsylvania. SCHOOL IS mbam Lenore Burke Phone 245 In every thorn delightful wisdom 'In every rill a ;.wt el. instruction flown. Vuun.4. Wednesday. Mid-Week Kook t ltih Kather ine Fields. Trinity Church Ouild-Kectun at Ladies of the M. lv Church-Mrs, L. II. Matchett .Missionary Societ y of I he Christ iau Church --.Mrs. F. ('. J .in is. Missionary Society. The Missionary Society of the First. 1'hristian Church will meet Wed nesday afternoon at two thirt.v with Mrs. F. C. Davis of J I I North Ash. Circle C. will have charge ol' the meeting. German Ladies Aid Meet. The Herman Ladies Aid Societ , will meet with Mrs. Henri Kitter husch on Thursday afternoon. .Mrs. Alma Fan-is is eiiteitaiuin. a few friends for her sister, Mrs Civile Oden of Muskogee, with a slumber party this evening. 1 Eastern Star Picnic. j iAujust thirty-first, the Festal On., of the O. F. S.. so called because :t Is I he anniversary of the l :i th of Kobert Morris, founder of the ()'! was celehrated by the Outbid' Chan ter esterdav afternoon and 'eniii-, with a picnic at Mineral Wells Park., At three o'clock the ineiiibe.s of t'n" order and .guest abnt t w Hundred in number, gathered at tie' park an I enjoyed its pleasu,,is until s en i o'clock when a sun'p!o"' dinner ws, served in the park navllion All paid a visit to 'V. ; i M.,. w he read futures in i." c ir Is, an I after the dinner hour the panilieu w.i . cleared for dancing. ' The evenillK's deasures w io mar-i red by the sudden illness of Mr. Mil chell with acute litd west 10.1 which was brought on hi overwok for Pie occasion. lie was removed to his home and spent a restful night, so lhat toilay. though siM'I'eriim from the shock, is aide to be up. Miss l.enore Hurke retnrne, home after a week's visit near rid ings. A week from tonight, inesday. See .1 ember eighth, a iieimfit recHat ,il be irien at the First christian Ciiunh j for the church choir, by .lam-.; it. Keam-r. Afternoon at Bridge. Mrs. Hub' Simpson of lef f,-so,i 'it. Mo. was honored with an ia- a mrrcury will surclv .l.-strnv lh. s.-n I loi m.ii iwton ai ni ei . mm- of smell and tcr.T " xn . .. , ,, whole nyMem when -m.-nnir it tliroiieb " ( ' ' ' " ' the murous surfaces. Km h articles nhnulil ((( West i 'l.u.d ave'iii-' 'I'll' nex'cr be us.-tl xc. pt on pr.-sc-riptinnn from rf-putabic physicians, as the ifimaS'i prie winners were ,tlr liron they will do is t.n fol.l to th cooil you .... ... can powitdy derive from them. H.ill'.n son w no ni.nle m-li se,re alio .mi- ' Beware of Ointments for . Catarrh That Contain Mercury, n i ninrrn cure. m:i nu i ;ici on-u ev r. j. , ,,, ., ,. l.,. ... ,,i -.l r Tl.l II ..t-.l,,a r,n ' I .( 1 1 K I..OWH. WHO 10.10 v iii-ii. y ot .... .... .... merrury. an.l I tnKrn Intern. iMv. aetlnu ., ,, .. to I i Sin.n directly upon the f lood and muemi snr- twi of thn svstem. . In huvirc M ill's sua. lr. John eN'eal of ( )kia aoma Catarrh Cure he sore von pet th irnii- tnr It Is taken Intcrn.illv and mad" In 1 Mrs. Klltott Lyons. Mrs. r red Toledo. Ohio, hy I J. Cheney & Co. T. s- ,.,.., . timonials free. jl-'T-. Mi. Foul- .1 1 Fold by PruiTRJsts. Trim "V per bottle. Frank luown. Miss iuii. I llo;uin Take H all's Family Pill for contiption. j .... , a i I 4 1 ' V ' ' I t 1 J I ' I . I I .- T ,11 I'M"' Prof. Ryan Has Returned. I'iv;'. II II. K'-an leiarned Monda; Seven O'clock Dinner. A delightful sii.eti o'ciim k dinner ic. elllim il'om llenver wiO'le lie w,is aie iat evening at me Home I een t u-ae, in tu.iieal work. While --. ;, irs. Wm liion-.m. ',vt.-. there ho took trainin.; ander ' , ),r;d tor tio- host and !o'Mes. . . . i . . . !e,iu.ic.- .-".i -'.risk) . a noted violin-' Mr. and M r hlnoM Loits. Mr. and 1t of Ne w Vot k Pro:. Il an 'i uaii- j ; i s. ltroiiM:i. r.'b :i and Itied for memlier.-hip in the I).-rner siu.i lii'-uison. Mr nd Mrs Uansotn or- iiestr.i and expects 'i,,;i;i:! of Kansas City. Mo. and P.:i 1. -U.-OIiSolI. t !i;,ilion i.ereaf:or to spend his summer vaca- lions .ain' i:h that ion J'rof. U. an reports briiht prospe ts j Mise l.elali M Pio rson and li o lih for th ioinina c,.ar in n is dej.-ii't-, i ii.ive retimed iioii..- :roai melit of the Met'uxiit uuive;i! . TOWEL SUPPLY. Towel and aprotii of all kinds fur nished at Tery reasonaM prices. Sc before j-ou b iy. J. D. Crays. Mail Dois tor eaie at TCe Leader offie: pr1c 1.00. in in Colorado Sennas. 't - K a Kar lias letulied i'loiii a lie. nt is ill Colorado Springs. Think BR 0 WN'S When You Think New Fall Draperies 1 1 TO! LtijLAiiiuiiii .eJU 1 Hii.'la. Have tlic siiinniti Avinds wliiitc( your ciirlaius and draptM'if's lill they look faded and worn ! I o you ! hink id' Inlying new I'rcsli d !'a(ci ics tor t lie coining cooler season w hen there will not lie as many open windows and when fresh cheerful curtains will add ntiicli to t he abearance of your home I -o ers of t he iiouie heaut i fill should isit our Drapery Dc- . i it nieiit as earh as possihle and seled Iheir needs from a nisot extensive and heautiful display of the newest in curtain materials Two large shipments were opened just this week See our west window. "Ready to Hang Lace Curtains" As the name implies Ready-to-Hang when von receive them. Troublesome heiniiii;' and hcadi nu,' a oided Can actually be draped on rod or pole and ready to hang at window in less than one minute. T!ic-e hav e Iktii i"'A ,''v'"' cei -iic r uc -t'Ctircil tlic line Pm (iiitliiir. W c are :c i .a i e, 1 t,i show u a -icendhl line .d ilcM'j.n- an vfV es. Sec lt.ivv t!ic ate ma-lr v illi palcu. lu-a.lino. XidliiiiL; hM;c ipenni;.;-. aia- -,.'cii int. i tin- curtain tho'ii-h x ) i i c ! i the 'na he .'iipiH'.l in an instant. I lennniu:' . r inn-mo nn nccc;tr. This icatinc wili r!'- i-t!i .ip peal ilinini; limp' e'eaom- lime when mntani arc lahcn down ami elcalncd. o licm to up out am! -cw up a.ain. We are showing a complete line of Window Shades MADRAS CLOTH FOR OVERDAPS U in lies wide, in In-, initial .shades of brown, '-lien and Pine, per '.aid 6!jc NEW CURTAIN SWISSES UalnO .no'.s rtiiile S Ai-:,es in new paitern:-, per .i nt L' I and Uc MADRAS a, imli.-, wide, in plain i ream and cc i :..i,ole.-.. .per ard 2ril CURTAIN MADRAS in a ;-,ood a oi I men: of width - and pi leer. daniL de.d-'.ns ill elloW. piirk, 1 : . ', ! 1 1 hpie add i'.l'eeii. pries per v ai a ;.'( , li'.'i , ','!. and 9fic IMPORTED riLET AND LACE NETS MI w iiHiis, sonic with i-,, a I lopml lioi'ders. snitahle lor ilea: panels Colors eern and tt hiie. tV eil M om. per ;u , ?:c to VALANCP CURTAINS M ado of pi, i in S w i;--c, w n Ii no.i I i loral Holder-, ill . 1 1 1 K , Mile and -elhiw, ah,o plain 1-,-ru oi'.ia! le i nrl.nns lor dinine. rooms anil he, loom- Priced per -ad ol three fl.:'.. and $l.hO CURTAIN SC RIM", in phun white and eeru. :s iiiiiie . w up-, ,m i, (tonal vahie at per ai d ;'0c DIG LINE OF PLAIN MARQUISETTES AND VOILES in i ream eern una while I'rLeM per aid :"n . ,h" , and 39c EDGES TO MATCH A DOVE, l-o jnaec 'ion .. Prices "' ! and . lie STENCILED SCRIMS AND VOILES Coo, a ssort men l of paileina in all color tor coin ianal ion i. -nitahle in an. room. Pi ii ed per ai d I'l oni I He (o 50c BURLAP popular material lor varionn j " : i i " -. ' olors hPie. L-reen, nauiral. red and o: a n He Per . t!)c "KIRSCII RODS'" I io ino'p praclical rod to i had ail :!'!'' for holh plain eii'lnns and over- draps in Praivi ami oxidio-d linlsh. Priced ai ea h tlolll I o, o 70c "J Begin Now to Plan Embroidery and Art Work for the Fall Season lie (le- li h n,, to,, e-n-h- lii sl.-ii'l liieees lur t he I olida s. ol w il I I I .N I I ' M I I p ' lighted wih the iiandst selection uf Art (iomls now on display i ir Ail section. If you have not already ii1 ed t his depart inent. make a visit mmui. W'e wii. t;laH show you all that is new. A grand display of Art Goods the remainder of this week See window tomorrow. Oklahoma Cushions a new design - w ii ii hack, each bOc New lot of Cushions, with hacks, iieailtilnl new ih" kn , stamped on daik linen, pined at each Tabte Runners and Center Pieces Handsome new designs stamped on pine natural linen i raMi K.ood vaPie, each . .$1.2'j Turkish Towels Stamped in beautiful de-imis, .size .' Ix 1 ill. ll:ic alaeh, each E,0(- GU EST TOWELS All new and stamped on uood (pialit linen ii'P k. Pi ice, each . . . .35c Huck Towels -d.e !vx in new' d. -i-ns I'M' e , a' ii C5e to 69c Baby Turkish Bath Towels new lot iii neat ih sijiis tt.r l,!r. vj.e ! l-'y ilieiles i'l'C e 2'Jc Special on Huck Towel-- cw ileal i!e.i;', n -., sie I ,' ,'pi in ''.',, value.,, lea i nre sab- price, eai h v- Pillow Cases Size 4 2m 30 inc-iie-,, f-i,unM, in new d'-supre lie al ie ii doen hd In leallll e ' ah' at per pail . lor 3hc Nilit Gownf) all lead-, iii.op-. stamped on a ;-ood ipialiC of lia ln.-.oiili 7"c lalde Ic.llille ah at each 09c Pteady Made Launchy Bays :: lot st. in, pe. word "I a n nd i , " on i 1 1 a liai:, a I le, c.l ( a 54c Cluldieos' Dresses d-' I II lot ,, eilildl I'll - lead , I M.I 1 1 ' a mpi-d lill'-n.- dl e - oioi - ail-., id ( and lan. Pe aj. s ! - o i. c.i;, A ood ' ,c . a , i -' ea I I : i : a P-. e i , . 1 Ol. Embroidery Notions Bunch woik nerdlen 2 lor 5c H.njle Crochet nredlrs 5c Tat ti nij rIhi' t Irs 1 5c Lmbi oulrry needlsi., pkij 5c Tapentiy nredlrs, p W j ..5c Stilletos. each 5c Embroidery Poups, all sizes 5i., 10c, 15c and 25c Complete stock Royal So octy Floss, all ijiades and colors. Ml Ws New Royal Society Packages For the Fall and Holiday Season t ale laiw -de ovine, the new " let v I 'a. Kac lilt l it p!eii(.I a si ! I i i ,ei 1 1 i , i na, le up i ! ni, li en's 1 1 1 rvis, la -lip main- 1 1 1 1 l: i i Id.'ii-e-.. .In -.sin "ac. pie-, .ija-ai-, -in, ill -t!e, m ina.le Hinlci o.,. oa-ni . ,., ,,, M,t . ,1,1 !x lilieli -i t u liiie m -,. ami i h ai . ml lit I lle-e i,i L,i'.;r, ti.lit.ii'i -Ulln ielit ma I' i ia! ami lv i a I S let f !. t . chii p!c!e w , a l,in- am! im -t i in ti. m, atnl ile a'-rain- -!i.,a, mo olicie t. p!a r the ilil'- ''' "! p i'.' iio ea, I, M, !s,i-(- We have a cjooj supply of D. M. C. thread on haed. nfArly all numbers, white and ecru. Complete stock of all te popular crochet and embroidery threads, white a ,d color s Jp to SC.50 White Wash f AT f UTnfiU Qonf 7fL fn 1Q U Regular $1.19 Lad- Skirts now for $1.98 I leXt W QCH Oept. til tO lttl ies Knitted Union Suits I ' ..... 111.. I 41 I Il l' I 1 I ,'l I These are made of white Ratine, Eponje and Linens. They are especially good for v.ear right now you can only appreciate by seeing these, what splendid values they are. Formerly sold for irorn $100 to So.'S special, each $1.98 l o ii win 1 1 in I .ai nir i 1 1 1 1 1 i m ' u s i i ;i w oik lePl II I li-la ' in.itci i;ij- lur tin w Suit atnl I)l'ef $ept dewing Week Is the occasion for this great display, and it will be inter esting unusually so. now for 49c Lo'H weight. fJelx woven uir-rroir umcn suits 400ut 5 doen tj close out at thi$ price. They ha-e la.e trirrmed kneel and are pbai and late trimrred at reck. Sies . 5 and 6 For "'f'1 sold at ea. n $' Ti now t-ey are eacri 4)c Railroad Fare Refunded on a Basis of 5 per cent of your purchases. I . r 4 5 s. uu GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA r 3) Parcel Post PREPAID on Mail Orders tloli all" 0 1 Man's Son m Germany. I W"i;i -v,.r ,.,- a" Robertson School of Music l I- 1 4 1 s l-'iltxh Iluildinir MRS. Wm. M. ROBERTSON, Director Tcaeiier of I'i.ino. Yoi. e, Theory. Harmony and Teaehers' Training Miss Ora Scrutchfield, Assistant Piano SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Terms Reasonable Phone 1107 ; i : . U- Despondency. I ' i'.;. ii iMii-t d n ir.Ui 'W-' i ,'.e ion. an 1 ip:i -kP di-.pprs a ,, :i . aiiKM-r.a'.fi l.iaieis are ta- en r"r sh,e n ail ne;.T. 1 !-n,:and N'.i. :n. I. Ki)i-rt.-on re - jie. , i i.:r.i lorn lit:- a ann an! -ji,..-, v i '"'' ' ' '' U- a' 'ier Si lio"! of Ma.-ie. room ..-a a in i,. r:t. if. : p.-i K; ! c.illin-. over Monar" ti ;( ).;,.,; ,,f I -!- . S-otiai.d. ,n. -tor. . of An:st .:'-t for y ,.; ' ' ' -laid 1!; n:oa.ii r.t ' Oip;N. Tio- s.',n,ol . ( t;.-ra.,m ..' will .;:n - ,t. Till. An ewi.iblU t!lt. .,.t,. tt , ,,;t. o- ':i: eo-ir ,. '"in: otfeied in 1 iano and iR , ni,, ;.1... n fr, (i;ir. A si-Hi r training flas will ive danef-d joiidl. act'ial expel i- ,no. in tea.Lir.jr. I'bonf Hi?. Wheu U-y '. '?:,. . i ; lv and the I)'. T5:na Confact Case Thrown Out. 'a Issues Requisition. Cn,.d bcjUCjj to Deaf .i i '."-; ' U ra : i I." Yt . r I l Children Cry Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OA S TOR I A CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. -,l .of for ciii.dreii. f us furnish Ton a SaniL&rr Gr ;o not orro- our ' n-i2iaor . i,.c -av. r- and '. hm rn nd I it fln for too. .apr ?-t!?crfe for It. A; a'A lr..u ' Phos i ; :. r"al itr; 1- I lUlllniji i:'.- it at your d vor; cither --et or I!r s. r " cn"s ti 5 H. I-otr 1 ffrared to 1o all M-ca tjfle rhvc K. Troinpt Unds of pss pi; In? at a reasons!!- tVliverf. coL !! Iteeps on bsTd a iprd cf C9 Kan'.l, globfi isd tJiirrers ncrj C"