Newspaper Page Text
tsanzrEms mmvnrxz FACE TUttEE 1 tit v) amnnm daily mudm, jrrowjiiswajMMaiaffii T NOTES AND PERSONALS OF Why Women Suffer H VES Big shipments of New Fa I I Suits, Furnishing Goods and Hats are com ing each day. Never since our store Was openedin Guthrie fourteen years ago have we been able to give you such exceptional Values as we are showing this fall in mens suits at Lenore Burke phone 245 U Many Guthrie Women Are Learning The. Cause. Women often suffer, not knowln-' the cause. Haokache. lica.laolt. il !;'. its.w, ner vousness. Irromilar urinary j.a "ak- I is as soon sail as a.nm-s.s, ,..,..... ill one.' Our deeds, still travel with us from a far. And what wo have Won makes us what W' are. .... morse t. Thursday. y . , . rluli Mis .Mamie Wheel- cr. 1 I . '9 ,50, '.00, $12.5 Part Irs. i. Kciicr jEaiiiainiiiuiiiiiiiij EVIDENCE JUDGE ARMSTRONG OF OK OMA CRIMINAL CO RENDERS OPINION Crochet Club Meet. The Social Crochet ol'.ih mouthers were snois i-st oi'ila y afternoon a' ,,. hm, of Mrs. William Sevan, t on Kast Cleveland avenuo. it was the regular l.trtu :l;1c ly meet am' and the usual hours at. fnimyvvork were on will he hostess to the clilh in l W eoiiS. huh a to.iuro of iindf at weakem,! kidnevs Strike at the root U-t to C;e .an.... No other remedy inoi o hnhl. en dorsed than iVian's Kidney Pi'is Recommended hv thousands endorsed at home. Here's coin ineiiii;' test hemp' f"ou a Outline citizen. ,, " ""haT VvlTfS LAHOMA CRIMINAL COURT n cy and hladder troah'm and i -a; fered a creat deal from a weak an. ....tit.,.. t.-i..k I ahvai s :i-v. an.; ' was very anxious to u.-t re!i. ''. Moan Munj-y r.ns c. mm Ci.en.i Ctn S-mi In a re and since then. 1 have 1....I no "at : n. r ,,.,,. . .. cause for complaint." ,-:' '""", :r",,; ' ,!',"u-" rri,.,. at all deah-"-' H.-nd.,.:' A !;.'..! .lud'.'.c Ai-envn.: se a hnt1v ask for a Kldn." r. i'ie. , o,. ... !,, 1 1 1 - .,. I ; n l -:-!-' :i n' I loan's Kidney Tills the mm.- 1 Mrs. llijiht had. Post. - MiPean le-..,. Unl'talo. N. Y. aw, i m jii. . . .v.- I 'nil Isis . har- 1 he imi i,.-n itipod'loed i'l thai ihe d' - i, a. I. oil had octal...-.! a C deal Initio;- license ill a d 1 si a i .-, Ihe i O il I s,.ld . mi. . urn UI!I!!!!I!)W ;nii!! L .'SIM iSm!ni!tirf;i:::rrrrntj niinlllHi j'-.e, n.w : a ;c a .- '. . !' ,, , ,. It w a. a . a - w he: cin ri o, leiidaa 1 was ' 'd a it a lol.. ' " I . loll m tie' ll.U i.r...l. An ice course was served t-ij , ,sa:l(. ek.r,on The - d i'ue-,., ,,, tlwre lii'UU" no ' . . , : after w .1 tae cnii iiinii'i' wit'., cliai'-aal aealHim.iie in .iii'i si.eciai aaosis. Mrs. F. t .,roV(., j; I -- Li an i a oocooooo t L i. GUTHRIE'S LEADING CLOTHIER &r-""" 1 - - - - ; i r. FARM LOANS INSURANCE loghn cooNTVABSTiiscico.L'i;:::,':;:;,,''';. , j,,;,, ,,as ihmivI to t;mhri( to send a, ! son. Ko '.e, lo huh school. Swimming Party. Cladys Petersen entertained twtii lv triemls yesterday afternoon with a swimming i-any at the hath houc dnne. followed with lad'reshmeiit -at. I laser's. Tlie irls were cliaper ,.,! hv Miss Mar.uaret Arniantn.i'.t fhlod I', lerscn and in the part (.ri. KormiiN Hidman. Mary llnmim- . . ...... . , ;.. v ; n ii 1 '.ronsoil . rev, l loroi ny i i--. - ,(.ssc Keihni--'. Kijsilee Kvans, A Done M.-Klhinnpv. Cctiev ivo Scxatier. lma Wallace. Marv Neal, louise I'.urke. ,;,orsia West, .lose-diine Wyatt. Ruth lUUlreth and l.ea Hashes. Six Hundred Open Season. The Six Hundred (Tali's fall sea son was opened yesterday with a ,.rv pl'-asanl. afternoon at laiv"- . .i .... i work spent at Hie mono m .1 Wittig Boudinear. l,. -..i!di ii;; i.e. -lit ! e ! a- M..s M ,, WHiu a- -HI UVd! 'Winn an acac I p.... his repuia " .... s:,t,.i.a. win i. ! ' 1"""'' a en ii. a r ..... Miss Clara Wl'ti wa- nui'. d in ri.i:..,. to Mr. Kliuer lUcad m ar Tic Mie at heme at Cushii;:',. County Officers Turn in Fppr. the stale h elitilled lo siiow that he i,,is p.. i id ' he spi id 1 I cioie la . lor the purpo.-e ol rcliuMiim Ihe pre--siiinni ion tint h per..ii is a la -v - 1 ald.liiit; in-, n o1 ain'cpi a i h.Cde1 Th.. lellow uu: am. .-in: .- w ei e 1 1 i . ' i t; ,. I'hc .'idnioii cull -t i ues w Im ,-, inl,. ihe county tieasui-,-: s olio ' 1 ,(V coun.v officers vest,,,,.,,' cV.-lun,. een.e to he a le.ohu, ca.e, nuMl was The -.mounts represents fees can ; dcUed h. .....Ic.e Fu. .e .he same , ..J,:-,,., eh-rk's otfi nr.:.::. .'-". --i " hllh ""' e.ini(.(, ...s. Fees I- ihe amoiin. el -'hhu, was lha, i. is e-,o, to admit ,;...,.., wer,. earned hut me collical stiC, ru,l- as the internal n; ,',,;, irmisu-er, V.n... Cmnh nue re.eip. The .!nli,iC,,m Is ... ' ! Ihe ,.eeml illl hlllisell' pull. II:.' his c 1 1 1 1 1 I . . . 1 1 1 . , H , , , ion ill issue . Commercial Congress Date Chamj.d.i A, ,' iuiere-.. case ,e, i,cd The ihh annual coiuemion of the !, -Imlre Vmnirou, was lha, where -sa.hen. Com.nei-eia; Conrre-s. in he h-ld -ha. .he man M-l- iri,,-!,. is no! a ii acorn id ice ol lin" , hist'ile.l for Nov. in I" l I " ii.uan Caests of t!m club were ' ' ( ulll. ,, man vO.o is prc ecwtcl as ic ei.or . , , i . i ' ...... i ........... ,n . a P. i Ucwio'ols. Worsteii. i AH hi. ii s(.n(l(, students should wl h. II' hooks this week if possihle. l-aliia Johnson of Meridian, will OMi. e Kr.r I. Co. Bank Bonded Abstracters I'holi 1 I.N BH AN i R t. CARDWLL I v y? : : y. y. y: y. :: :: y. k js jj ;; HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. 1 ; f ! .c ' i.'iM. have nan. d H. . ir I'aa-j'a-"' I.t Chariot'. I.'c h ' I. . H. S. - .- To'' i... t Ii school ;n Oli" . O i'Ii-ll! at 11 p..!.-..- of Mni i i ; ii ' i to ; da in hi'i s houl. o" I : lo thP a i I -' h s t ! i o . . i Puher Siiof. has move,! to Cuth li . o semi l,;s dancrhler. Mae. : ic.'i ch)(d. The l.dlow n.-'V students from Loaii eoiinty lav.' already enrolled; !-;, ,N i -a, Louis Tis her. Kim st ITatt. Harry Cainph.-U. Myra M CI. Han and Mvrih- l ap-v. Oi.'.ir T.v."! IF''. .ii. la- a C of Merri'-k. and V Kint-Tisher. will ' i la this y,;ir. AH sud.-i'.- it. do.:'.; :: W O' k Sll'.'Uld t !. V 'II ' hi.- w .- school t ;.' m a ' i ' ;. w . I! hi- .r. i. To.sorro ( "...rk. da;, for p. N. Inn' a '.-I i, Si'.i'cii ol t 1 ' -; . . 3 . K . - enroled in ' -choo!. !. 'i-.i'!'s ' ia V hue n ,, C i'hrie P. O'l d ! l..!l s. hool. -- C.i ' te i tip.r. Judje Thompson Speaks. j . '1 ho'ci's n. r. ; c: Ii' an care , i i , . ... r, ,.- , .ca.'.'v a"omev .C Hkl - iwn ei .hlri it j ho'i a "'ir'-.' nd a' pie-em .!.-:.-ity j c "tn- v at'orr. v "f ih;U onroy. w i ' i:.-". L's ni-1 f as the prim i '-'l y,. I . ....p. !.,-fo:e :!.e .Tohn Fa 1 is ! .''. l esda .lie ,'ok, Frank (lat. hell, F. .1. Allen and , v Cickard. An ice course was serve.l at Cm close of the afternoon. Miss (emovieve Sealler will enter tain the Hook tint, on Frida. Tangney Burse. Tae maiae of Miss Maiaa-i -paimuey and Mr. .loin. Pa rse of Tul sa was solemnized in Tuls.i loda-. ,..- a;e wel: known Cuthrie vounu , people for Miss Tallin. ' has made ,,,.,... dos,. I Hon .is urn-ills' Imr ion- ;e here whih- employed, in ,lH. Oklahoma Slate P.ank. and Mr. !-,:-se was connected with the Na- . . . . , . i ..Til efi III e I im. '.tsellll I O., IL '1 e oefoi'e his I raits f ilOUSe. tit. Pal: ' of slole.l opel l h I -oil ol " ilu- . ci . i ed I he al l i' le 1 ro m I he 1 1, i.-t -.. .... ,'l'he , II iIiiih is as li.ilo.v-.: ! Hamilton Cheese hactones suutmhu. , , A ,,e.v indaslry in Oklahoma .hat '"lite person or Ihief wlio steal is ..Uii, t.ronnd is r! - factories, proper., is nl at. ... .m j,,,. X n .mher have hee estahl.shcd dar person who receives the same slo.m. i ,.,-.; iiroi.erl'. knowim; M lo he stolen. I!"' ) n :.: 1 lie pas i ji'iu .no. . peril. Ctmpvnt Think of eating green-apple pie on New Year's Day! You . an !! it. N' inml'ie a'c-o.,t v ! Make ereoil-apple S.Hi. e .. . n .1 m;.; to .his lecipe . t'k.'oco t;ood a. ad .ipplc ( 'm i. p. (.I... r ia poo Ham heed k'i;li. ' '-. ui.U ..(.-., c.Mik until ti-t .' . i' l thi.aish i olamh'i, '.vm-1'1 .til' t.-, I .oil ...piii. .".d put la.ctrd: '. !v in hot I ilUC lid . ,11 o t. '.' 'Oct tuhher ii'H'A Next Peiemlu-t. or i.cM, open .1 jar. tale .u.t as mm h apple same as ..ii need, and make ereri. -applf p.o. Won t ..ur people he p!oj;;el r XV,,I1,t thev :.a, ' ' N I . -t hel 's the Lost ever" ? Atlas E-Z Seal Jars o, n.i,i, .C"-'" oxvlmie the Lpd.: ..ii. I pic.'i.t dct oioia, mi. Abso- n;A ell! A'e.olufcli bali.taty, r.' all pl.l'.:.. II 7,c J i .nth n vim i an ""' 1" pi'iim. I.. mat ., appU", pea.-, p- a. lies, Wets, slime , cue, en ., u .'.1 t 'u"mi: tlll'in 111 : aii.ili pic. c I I puii-spiiii ......i.i l'.'ll nte I ii led: ol n.a 'pes. 20 panes CO icnpe . None . Mji.oii Ha. land; S., ,:i it- In lallio'c, ':.i.lii i i .inks. HAZEL-ATI .AS GLASS CO. Wheeling, W. Va. 11 1 v ssUH 1W Mmbr of Rict Lmadrt vf ihe World Anaciation. Cotton Damaueci By Rams. II, -aw ram. have .la...:.: "'" "' 1 "!''""-'- , ti,.n crops in ihe eaaein nan -d' .i. sm'e Tin"- will h" a fal. etop ,,lwit!isMli. ... " The , oIK.I. ' l.o:,an. Urn ln. Pavin and Oklahoma it I'h r coinni. s will '". fall Ihiel' as Weil as ihe fM-civer of the Uoh'fi roods are each iii,epeii..-nl i cnaiinal , a'.iit v of ...e and . Il ia o.v i- I in- d.n l,e . i - .i: i , inn. on M lk I 1 ;,.,. 1. .0 . o; .. .M- !,'' Ml fa )"'! 1 11 " ,r,.l j it '! ! 'I ' ,; a ., ,.. . '' "I '' , ,,,., i , ,.",, . .;.... --11 ''ufl ihr .n'l.tfiti i'lii tin iifuiJ i-'l .i.n' y .ni'i lrit no ;t lo tile Tills I Dcmarid Drainaje on Vine. c,,.. , -a.. I . v i.c I.e.. r Vine '- I l ee I ' ,.,,.,..,,,, .h.r !.. y P'C in d .a t na -. ...pes M ),.- :h.- air! toad :, !-'S- Vll yikc- The- sinl, in .lone Wfoi Entertained at Luncheon. y.,.s . puke entertained at iiu. heon ' . st.r'.a. at Tho,ps,:,' T..;, Koom for Mi? s ' .'.'lis' I'iere;-. Mi... ,i, Woodward and Mi.- Mali"! Van Iloe."i'. The Ladh-s !' the Ma-ciiees a. eel Thar -lav .C :-., ;,! " ''' '' CliV IjAHIiAl.t COMPANY. I .-I us furnish u t Sanlury (Ur- bat;e can ami Keep " olemi for ro., phoiiw x '.1 I ; , 1 1 low i lie I i I i - a . ai ' let- I ! I . ni ' ' . ' ii . ;a :: :. a. s. :. : PllHSONAL AND LOCAL. V. v. y ' "A 'A k . v- y- " K :!l M, i IP - m Chime , o I .,' lac P. lo i "' i tm- a 'e . , ..i. a. ' " ' a .it r ; . . i, ; I s t,. - ll 1.1 tl.el'. I , Kilh '. is lu re from Knhl to- .;..., 1 ill itjess TOWEL SUPPLY. ' hen hi itn t ftpintm or all kinds fur ! , , .. . ui m y le.ismiHhle prices. i re ii hay. - J. I. Frays. : IK Ic'V. I Fm.RY KIDNEY PILLS MnunniPT iiiuucdcitv cinuuiJi uiiivLiiuiu 0K UAGKACMt KK'ifYS AND HLAULltK Holding For War Prices- PAKER7S HAIK BALSAM i. . ' ni-' it. .Ir.i'T. m- ii C is.- e'' t'o 'A IS.- i j,,,. : I ";arch w.n etre' laae d . ' j,,.!,,.. o" Mr. and M 1 ra , j '.,. Heli-'io.- ."" we! d iP'tiT tic Pannes, n . "' 1 j..v. lira. .mm. M'f :'''1 " ' . , , , ,. i 1 M .rr. Mat' ' A ' I I .if! l.eiOl.ilU. -I- V. - . H'iMce. am! i em I'c'.'.' r. 'Pc m '1 jiii K .... -as j ml a , ! I'l e I I t !:.- ' vh at i : o n nMaho'ii i. an "i o hi ain 'nail 'm. . h.ddm . f"i ' ' ' OPENS FOR SCHOOL YEAR is ' , j 1 ti. ..v. . ; -v 1 'ih I - t I'll iP. -n ' I 'S DO 1 kj U lv. i ' i.i.'t vj 'Onyx' :0; Hosiery (,i, s ll..- HI ST AI ' 1. for Y "iir MoneV F,rrT Kind Irom C.-ton la S.ll. Fur Men. '. ' C.MA.n .v ('..lor am! S-va: I Mni t P"' P- r Cr; Cotton Cop: No M.n ."-t m in .. 1.1 a :a t " . . .n c I a ; a "w F0I2Y CmmiC TABLETS 1 t"mih5JeV. LvcAvtive lk,.-LsWuU- .u ',w t.n-- K V. I -'.. a BOSTON S NOT I D BEAUTY SPECIALIST, r M!;s. A. M. UYAV ' The Rexall Store Tree Facial Massages Free Persol Eeai-ty Advice 'J Fn-r San-ple cf Harmony To. let A ds -Kin. . r' of ;C! t a . - . 1 .: I a - I ' ii a ' . - , '. j -Y'.-s liotit fall I..!" - Free Eeat Lectures , , 1 P ,. .a . ' ; t : e l . s n,., ! :-i ; o'i: . ike ,i !v iTitane of Fas in n :. P ! t i . I -4 F.-'h Gray's Dru? Store f r f -.tT M.r:. -t.v T" M 531 Elf ' ' 1 i p - ; n e 37 -p e REX ALL Sto-e i:t W. 0!a. Ave. T Gutr.e. 0K!a. ' , v. : .. : :: x :- '- : -: "-I. f TOPICS OF TOWN ! , y. AND STATE ) , , ... -.. -.- , v :: :: : : y. i Cc'o'-aao Weather. . W'. o w ai's o i-n t" "a-- " ' . w;.d- se-o w-i-1'- '- we :.' jc I . I ' -' .' ' on ( i ' ; . n , a .p.,.- . i p." sai.! I'd! v " o ., , , ''''.",','.; , ,,. . o- P. "h DiirrPora Quickly Cu'-e'l. ! .. - with :!.;'.'' .!'- . .a., -lo-ia ;..c' :".-. : .- ' ":i ' : ' ! i. - '., " -' a ! " an : , . ;., n - a. . i'h..'.-'.i ..!.! l. i . ....... ,,. ! , ;. "a: .- i it ,.!.. a: ! "" ' j i ,r j . , .. : ;..,' . rp- - M i 1 '-'' '' - ... .,.'. p-,. Th a :- !.' ' ' a ot dit...' '. j ' . - 'wo -' ' . l .. i'.c - ' -m I" ' - iinrn-rEp'odv ' ' ' ' s I ' CI I (.e t r .' M"' ' .7 Wlioli's..!.- J J1! ll Cf s a l hs All '.'"J I Tax or M w york 5 c I More Ra.n For Tomg'-t. . .p ., . .. ,P- and T! CM Hs( Muc Bocze. pp.- now h n ' .. '.,,, r,..iP; 0 d.'S't'.V '1 t I' ,;,,... - .hion - .i"; " 1 a' "! ' .' a-t ' - " n v - " of 'm' F.r?".' Rectal Spied d a '.. r. a. :- ! e i . . c C I a. ! ! Co ti - I on el - ( i i ,, ; r. . n r : . - U r '. P ef !; air, r w a ! :" ,s- o w : r: -1 '-a'1 : -i p- ' v r, ! ': .r-'V r-- Divcrce Grafted Ey Hj-" j ;-t.- H '--f- r-arfe.' a ' if.t PcPi ".e-sc 'i In !. ;'ii t r'"trt 1 I 1, . IMnrlinf r race rowder V. T- fi w t.- . if V.' Complfiion Brut,ful S.ft ar.J v'..-o.-. M nv if " t r-.- 'DOPE FIEND PLEADS GUILTY fND TAKES PENALTY I T rr'y flo ' '. N . I r. t ' lr H-cfo-'-jUaCfJ-a' l'rr-.-l .nt- aa t. 1 cum tf J-ei'i.ut A r tn u. : i'O'J uer r'v ' ;-- tV . P Hru W' '' ffr 7"o..Vf "tinr r Aa.. 5 Or. tSlKnal To.M C nI. Pri. T. W i . t fa- T- la Loo Well Fit Well Wash Well Wear Well :n.l . f laanlr' ::: l.e'i .!.- . ; l'- Or... . 1 1 I : It.-.. , . , .,;.. as lo r-al.sfy ;.! t f .'.1 ! !. v f : r . r i - ;i i ' -'. i ; ' ti et I:.-; '.... t'.v ;c : .1 Id' t'.at. Silver Brand Shirts $1.00 and $1.25 , Ben A " XX X ' ' i Avenue , yr f VUi J - . , x ; " "1 i fflfcjpw. J t? r ? t