Newspaper Page Text
UTE In Meanwhile Tell Visitors of Hercules Water and the Municipal Bath House. " H Classified Want Will tall Vaim Ma Will Ban I ur it! Too; 3 Lines, 3 Times, 25c I VOLUME XLVIII HOME GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA, FIN DAY, JSKPTKM HI II. 11, 1!U I. PRICE 2c NUMBER 53 Armored Automobile and Aeroplane Guns Used By Germans p H HUE E HUG II vtnUUN as m am IK 1 J V ..ww," !- e: SERV C 4" :- A ,-- :.. 4 " 7 it," , t i J British Forces Capture 1,500 COUNTY COURT Prisoners and Several Maxim Guns GERMANS REPORT CRUSHING VICTORY OVER RUSSIA! While Petrograd Scouts the Claims of the Teutons; Paris Reports That Germans Have Retired 4? Miles at Some Points. (By Associated Press.) London, Sept. 11. The German armies now operating in France, with the possible exception of the army led by the Crown Prince, are almost at the point of demoraliza tion. The Crown Prince's army is holding its ground at Verdun, but all the other big columns are being pressed back by the allies. One German division has fallen back 47 miles. Fresh troops are helping the allied forces and the enemy is being vigorously pursued. It is said the captures of yesterday are higher than first reported. Considerable bodies of infantry are being found hid ing in the woods, having been left behind owing to the rap id retirement of their forces. They surrendered at sight. This and the rifling of villages and evidences of drunken ness point to the demoralization of the enemy. London, Sept. 11 A Central News dispatch from Rome says: "Telegrams from Berlin state the evacuation of upper Alsace by the Germans continues. They are with drawing to Straasburg and Metz. It is admitted that the German army in France is extremely latigueci, wnereas the enemy is continually receiving tresn troops iinimiw urtno lii un um FORTS ARE CAPTURED .CROWN PRINCE'S ARMY VICTORIOUS, SAYS BERLIN Liquor Violations Have Big Part of Docket; Pure Food Violation Case Most Important .lurv trials will hosin in Jmlo Strang's court .Monday. 'l'iii' docket is unusually heavy ainl cuiitains many 1 i j i n r violation cases. Til' most important cases to be tried at the coining term will be the case of the state against the duthrie Cot ton Oil Company, charged with viola tion of the pure food law. L. Mo iAMirioii, inspector for the state board f V---;:.. ...... ;.-.y: J TO SUE FOB PEACE Angry Over Kaiser's Failure to Give Aid; Lcuvain Reports Exaggerated 1 t. 'I'heSe two 'i d' 'I of IN I".i:uis ami Kroiieli liae ; !' !! I ilfiw li within I he I.I "' lliirtv if.iv' The a ii jy, ur hivh is ! i mi ill - i S . I i of agriculture hwore to the coniiilaint "''e not !,i:n'o: '.u :, !ei i m 1 1 ' against the cotton oil companv, char,;;- between Knuie. : n iv, in.H that thev sold their produi Is Ull- I !:' ' i'fi- iluiil,-. i-!l uorl. ti" ' luu ; i : i i.ui:.i!ii, two i.ipiti In tier false labels. I h'' rliotoani!i : v.- w .in at' .:,cn; Ale,!, mp ! u' u !e ii the . ; lllurei! !lll'li!l"i:'l!' l;li "ilP'li boil- I I 1 -1 1 1 1 ( 1 I ; J ,il lull .-pei'd Tie", at I huiid so III ) By .W' Viatel Pre--. Xislt. Si-rvia. Scd. li.- I ho -ri.i!i- ..,v;:;.:r.! N-nih. rivtT trmii I U-!-:;! thi- Mieniv- '!!: ; !: l '"UU . ' h- va- 'h t.iu-i l'r..n. v'.hi.-'i til.- .Vi-tn..:.- ir, -! canipaii;!! aan:-! or ;a II. ; r. .i : : i i a. I.iiti.lnii. So;-:, m. . l-'iTiK-h liaM- rcvai'tu'cu M sa-'ha::- '.. Paris. .S'.t. ii. V. :r.- !'r fh':- '- ca- I'-n- i- t the effect that at -.!. o ;-im: i! c . a r mm- i;,nr ' ltr-I ! n: -m t I fi.rt r;;!c-. Si-t't. 1 1. The -m':. ;.. ' "( iciierai rettfiiet:: ..f the " I lie I Iritis! i t'oce- ve-tet'!.i;- iti.ic I atb! -e. : . i -- ii.' e. i j tri-ee !ir.!;.i:-'! ;: i : Ma:' .vi ' a; iticluditi th.e v. v '-in-fj'tantities oi tr.r,i-;n tot. '('has. iCyle, the man who had enough not wa rine in his room at Cres cent, to blow up Loan county, will also bo tried at this term of court. Hand .Mia ,(T'ty .Marshal of Crescent arrested Kyle after a. pal had tipped it oil' that the. explosives would bo used in blowing the safe of the 'Hank at Crescent. The officer found HO quarts of nitroslyi erine in the posses sion of Kyle when ho arrested liim. It afterward developed that the fluid had been stolen from a .storage house in the dishing field. Kylo was rec ently released on .fl.uth) bond after serving several months in the county jail. He wi's arrested Xov. I'lth of last year. SHOOTER !S8L U e : 'i T.I i ! s i I 'i i ! ,i st i 'I'liin'1' -ale f i'oih cv.-ry ihin.: ev ' ' : i ( I i ' 1 , i . i, 'I lie i li.i li ('I'l ii r I nod. r 1 1,,: b, in. in 1 1 on I co i I I'd w i ' h :t'-l II" from the s lira 1 1 I li 'I'll ill Th,. low i i' pltoii.i'raiih :"how' an e i upl.ine .mi operated on an aulo ui'H'ib'. Tl'e; e 1 1 : i i be' n : nsi-fiil Mia! litile li.i i In en heard of I'l em -li TO ITOlSlEMi a. ! oid. on miic- i li.- first w I'd, of t he war Tli nns built hv Kt'upp. ta l'IH'Ve. to b.' daneet (ins to an aero plan,, w hich i omes near otmur.h to lb,- ear'b lo see any t hi ir.r of valm w hen ."ci ml in-' HOLY SEE ISSUES PRAYER FOR PEACE ONLY TIPS OF FINGERS LEFT TO IDENTIFY MAN KILLED BY NITRO EXPLOSION RESERVES pei i ll to The Mil.. I.i ad' i Home, Sept. II. --The 0.sS.'l VOI't nr ' 'Kill lK;ee. .sep,. u. .an.', liinn,,. . Ko:n alio, the offi, ial orilt of tiio Vat- ':''"'1 v " '''"' "' u !,Nl'" I,lil,.l ,.t..,l l,.t...,. ,'.,., illlil install!!.' KI.IC'I taree mil' IBILIZEDi FORMER PASTOR TO BE of here today when an auto can hi SAILORS MOVING TO FRONT of nil i'i i I . e n:i" w b Pope I'.cnediet XV in the form of an enevelical to the episcopal v of t he I , !-''; ' 'I' world. It contains tln jn'oram lor w',n ,,ri ' U'""k ;i ' ;llw ' 1 i,U"- Ihi. nnntifi, .).. ..f .,.,,- Il,.iw,.l i, I I CiOSlli in.' I'llV II 11,1' h . I'"' Ji'UMIIl' U : ' Ilijf'T it'll' 111' I which, oninn.irir'J calls lor rfn'V.c,j 1 1 v i i a i ' ' ' ' 1 1 ? i' m i ii i u ii i in well t'if Um'lff :i!l(I lil'PPJ nearo t J . f ).titli- anions ,p,s (1nti jut ions ;j TO AID HAND PRESSED ARMIES i Oi w.f- one of the r. In t 'e- f : hi !ia in ii:"SS , i ." !'.! .' Ma : ... I 1 fear of Cod. SIGN PEACE TREATIES INJIDST OF WAR Wasliinu'on. Sept. II.- In the maia of t!io Kiiropeari war, I'lfa; Pritiin. l"';tio . Spain and t'hin.i he,,.' ;t;n ! ) si-:i jn ai e i o.'i: in iss ion ircita s with the I'nitel .State:--. tine off... t or u ow con vent am wnabl . e to - v-nr the !"nif.i Stat' s from teitm lrawn suddenly into t oonfii'-t. I to' a t in m. : ii .and ' .en ! ido w n to ;i t oa; , , r 1 1 ' u and t'i- s !, in;; all t' : ' I'iiuti. ; .-( t: Xot h i n a, a :,! n !' II ' o e ' la I' ni'-n ' - ii.' )',"'i .1 i: ! ; n ' 1 1 :' '. .oS-r I; 'I: a i v iy ness.-.j ;. t xnli -i- ii TURKEY ABROGATES HER ALIEN TREATIES NINE MINISTERS TO HEAR CASE OF REV. P. II. BARKER tola Kan , Sept. II. -Nlti" nilnlaters 'i osho pre' le, tery of the Presby jl'iian c'eitah bawi been a ipolnted to j sit a- j iroia in the second trial of I the (. v. I'ercha! If. litlier, forriteiiy I pistor of th" first Presbyterian i-li'inh at ( 'offe vlile. which is to he I held oil a date vm. at a place ol hi! mnn'iti' i"I later. Itev P,:i!er was if1 1 !"c e fro-ii Ho- 'ni'ii.drv about. ,i year '" I Pn .-s ) 1 a.-o fo'lowin;' a trial upon charges of ' " A d;-.p.c h the ai d m:M. p-i -i illations In hln 'I'i . '''I -O'liaaiiV '.,!i ,.r,.,f..,,,j s.. ai'peal'-d it, f h J!IT ''- i ."-.i! i -in, I the ca.-,. was ie fare.' 'or ro t ri.ij in trie lower -i ) da ': a I fieri. N'm-dio Pri-uliyterv v. a,''ii '.i ..-.J t - -iiiipn! ' . ' .'.fun at M--ra'i n! ?)' ib ' "trtti'd iCev. S. S. If'Het.. ', ;.:"f.,- f the first Ir"--!.'T- terl'iTI ' h '.T'-'i of F'd l. a J ri-o-lr. ' :i -A !?ie. ... widely !)'' f I f- i' i t';e tTi! will ri"i be ' I " : . - ?, .W.tshiiiiitoii, yept. 11. TU Gormaa euih.isrtv received the following wlre- lewM Loday from llerlin: "Official tieaduuartors reports that the German Crown Prineo'n army yes- tei'day took the fortifications south west, of Verdun. The Cermati 1'y.ritf Hrmy Is &Uaek ln the tortroHS nonth of Verdun." Pet ra rad, Sept. 1.1. Austria will Hue for peace a a result of tho ter rific defoata Blie hn suffered In Ga licia, say semi-official reports here today. It is gaiil that the AuBtro Ilniwramii fiovertimeut is disgusted over Germany's failure to send more troops into Galieia and threatened with Internal troubles, will Deck, the best terms possible. Wash in gum, Sept. 11. Tb German embassy received tho following wire less from Berlin : 'llerr Ikdffericb, director of the Deutcho hank, after touring in Bel gium, states: " 'News of defftriictlon of BtIglaa towns Is exagsoratod; Vervlers and rirleinont, industrial centers, and Charlerol iuito intact; Ixiuvaln and ln'nant only partly destroyed.' "After tho surrender of Ghent, a Gorman officer was Insidiously killed uid another wounded. The Russian ivairy burned from theer lust of lestrm tlon, although thore was no fighting In that district, the Bplendid stle of Count Mirhaeh. the Prussian i'.i rli.imen tarlau." TWO DEATH SENTENCES COMMUTED lie I a Ilea (,, a: !. e,j Well Kn';vo Aottior Lives in Lc-jan. ' ' ',.. ,-.,! - ; : P.-. 1 1 I' - e -. e i ,v . ir: n per !, !. I f 'A .. n til 'I he ttH-:i'v r 1 l. ilb laaiaa . -! Sc'i'l. l l A '!tsj:t ::; i '' o--rre-; ' ii. i . . i .. .-. . i ,1 . I I I .1 ' ' sh, -i, . e , ,(-i,i , CiIcii!.aei s.i s ;!;a' t ii ; e:'. l.tire; liavc ilcu-.itci !' . ;r t .v. .-i t.: with tlieir K.i-tern ar:i... .i'i-! It.t.c t'e.ui.v ! I'll the i:ie'.:iv - rear. 1 ri c,i-; w a v . e'eie-i l'r;:-si R.tiH'. Sv;-: 1 1.- Nov lmat v. .i- '! H'. :i :i; tn.,,:' ! a strikitij; a nii'ie. '. I'1- i i - the Allie- .lit e-' eahle.i Prt-iee'i: W'i e- I f; ! t i r;--ie a:!e: OIL WELL STARTED ON I MILLER FAR WEST OF CITY ii- ! the ! :.- Th ir.s .r:-i piav.b ' elf -. "a -, in ..- .r-m KATY TO KELP 'C .'1. Ill Ul I. ATlfill TO ELECT SENATOR By OIRECT VOTE: I i . a 1 eTi a are ' I'l - Oslahoma City, .Sept. 11. The ex ecution of S. A. Plank has been d Jaed until jMicetubor LI, aad the death .sent.'nco if James Nash com iieitiai to lifo iuiprioonment by Qor 'TinT t.'rij , e. liiauk wan convicted ::i. i I'jl.l, iu Ciiocta' county, on a i Iujo of luarderiag a wouiaa .oi l l'j children. Ho wai sentenc ed to be eltjetrvi uted on March 14, tjat a as reprio-.ed uutil Scpteoiber 11. An appeal before tho crLmLnal ci' irt of appeai.i hui not been final! ietera,-iied, hia.o the ota. N'i?.i a i.s i.unvictt-1 ia May, l'tli, v.l Rogers, -janty, on a charge of mur ! r a: d ji'itnircl to be electroc ite-i ' i'..- : i A stay ,v,ii given until Sep--i! ii. The goM.rnor is opposed l.'i- Pa'. J-uaiaumect. (THE VVEATHERj A i ii. e pan.. .;, a Ajt.i Part Stei'h. C dr;;i- r an- ;. rt;-, uli i h e .', I ; 1 je r tarn We-!- i !-, a. "a '. s 'ii'. id ' ' i f ar : .- i! ' .-1 1 Ca - an ai , V i ' I At!e-i Fa- 1 , It the t- . - -. i , , : ' t r c , e .st' 'i t .i Was ; ! . r it' ki'clf-- !-t. 1 1 .i 1. "a 'ter a lcitt'e east ..J l"a: i- :'.'.e ' .cr"i..-- i v a ; a . . f;,r1t Av-x. Mi'vri-t forces, attacki'i !ioci .Me.r:-' ' (Continued cn Page Four.), (-. i- Issurs Reqii.8 tion. A : eipii -i;i..n , ts .- - .. a 1 !.'.- '-a e '1 :. :;:,! '-; ' , 1 j. ir ii K,i,".' is, a .-r : ti .':' r : ir.n .:" il'rai.k V h., ; ai;'ei ,,a.i- i J ' I 'Ci .1 i .ijc ..; ,ii'. e-CI ..--', , .i!iia..ii.-. , THreserrran Killed. ' a : - I K . - . a - ;.,.-:.!. ; a , ' . :.' i .- '...h;, T . . .- . t .. ti a :...- - , '. '. . , a . ;. - . , e v .a l ', 1 "A H s t -i r . .v i . rifiu:i -.a- ii .iiaiai" -..-n A - ! i I nt occurre'l. :: 1 ,!y 1 , irc n. ... ., c. ...- I a' I i Ti a to r: ":fc."e ri' i. ,"r a ;. is i.o ,-ereprf H -;..;. Joint " V.'. ' - H-- ki 5 ir. j Hare Tile Lrf-i5er d-OTor-t, iU mo. Fatsrlay ;-c .-:! j Ulr. i -:." IK ; , ur si -4 -t. rtni! tiovernment Fcrtcter RcpoKa Via Oell Av iVd IT-rt9 .i'- trie ai i. La.. Styt. 11 Toni-tht ; irtly t.o :lv. la ncta port-oa: . r i I t 4.