Newspaper Page Text
. f If THE ODTHRIE DJIILY LEADER. SATURDAY, SE PTKMTJKR ID, 1011. 1 ! ' -I II II I I I' 1 " 1 ill 1 . -' ; ' PAOETFTREB etson l ii f I iats The bij? stork is always hwv. W'1 buy and show you every new style in J no. H. Stetson Hats lliat you would (hid in the bi.u' hat stores of cities. AVe have all the new colors and new blocks for yoim-j; and older men. Price $3.50 and $4 Caps Y sell the oriel. rated "Spear" Taps. Thev have 110 eiial for style and value. Price Sic, Ik SHI, SI .50, S2.0D M 12! A bitf lint' of boys' caps. Price 50 cents oooocooo LEADING FARM LOANS INSURANCE LOGAN COUNTi ABSTRACTCO- Bonded Abstracter 11. one 1 11 Orii, R-ar I. Co. Bunk I N BRYAN R. E.CARDU'tt.L Farm Loans u per cent short term insurance on stored cotton, lnsur anco on farm propertv a specialty. E. A. PENNOCK Ni vim I'honc k v. y. k x 55 K 8 X Pf RSON A L A NO I OCA" Martin 1 r: ;alvesl"!.. a:i tioii. A. L. Lar,-- li.-.-n i .uuMit i tendeut is in .Iesst ILiii t '.(!, am at; i " a, is i i ' ' : : li i a ; ii w i'c! s : r :n v a . a - ,' cr, s, ,-nt. re-.- b-' : .-, M.,-r.a- ' -ml1 ret urneit .1. W. Mr., an : i.i;i.e in Maola. wteiv's visit with lay to b; after i N. Mrv.iu, , : a s -on What a Bank THAT IS WHAT WE STRIVE TO DO AT ALL TIMES. - -- - Tie First National Bank Guthrie, X. Holman, President. CLOTHIER of the Lojan county Abstract Com pany. Mr. Mryan enjoyed the cere monies of the 0. A. K. of which or ganisation he is a member. He was also a regular attendant at tho fair and commented vpry favorably on the, hpb-ndid cxhibita of the. county's pro ducts. Llniore Mciiinli'v is hero Irom Tulsa on oil business. today Chas. Swindell is here today Irom Woodward on lei;al business, lie hav s the broom corn crop in his part of the btate is the largest ever grown. Mrs. V. II liornaday left today for a visit wt;h her diiuhii r at New ktr -'. I Mrs. Chas. Wiles of dates, is a guest of the buie for a lew da vs. AI Dixon, attorney from Meavt-r. is a business visitor here today. ache. Relieved by Lydia FOR SALE All my furni-1 E. Pinkham's Vegeta ture and household poods. ' ble Compound. Call at residence, 715 East, Noble. J.J. Abell. 1 M. E. Church, South. 'I ',. re ,". be the usual seniors at ti. M. F. hur smith nioruin: and Dm Lev. Aberuatl-.v will Fit 1 v. a r p.rlv l.oa mat t o'lpon nn.l r offi- f. li Should Give Tin roiitFst povi!.l(. rvii-e the :catc.-t )osili!( iminbcr r i o!e in the l'tatc.-t jMissililf uiinibcr of wavs. Oklahoma George Tipton, Ca-bitM J 1 NOTES AND PERSONALS OF Lenorc Burke Phone 25 Here's a l.vrii' for September, Most of all months to remember; Month when summer tell What h,is happened woou aim iun, . . . i l . 1 T KM tin joy tin i' ltr has bronsht, V , . Vi i Mul the changes sin nas iuBui. Frank (emitter Sherman. Monday. Fambridi;e Hub Library. M. M. ('. Club. - Mrs .1. H. Fairfield. John Nisslcy Sails for Home. Mayor Nisnley received a. cable gram today from his son, John, who has been in Fiirope. It was sent from l,i vet-pool and Mateil that, ho sailed today from that place oil the Mauritania. Miss Let ha ltardo is here from Ok lahoma City to visit out Siunl.iv with her parents. Eucher Club with Mrs. Barde. The Fnclier rhib reorganized for the win;te yesterd.nv afternoon at i o home of Mrs. F. S. Hardo. A very pleasant afternoon was spent at cards. Tin club will meet next week with Mrs. K. O. Marker. yirf. W. A. Fraiser returned from Maine, where film spent tho summer, Hho was accompanied home by Miss Margaret Lawrence who will spend the winter here, and attend tho liih school. Mrs. Dudley Doolittle, who has been the suest of Colonel and Mrs. Tom Jones, returned today to her uonif in Strong t'ity, Kaunas. With Mrs. Fairfield. The M. M. F club will meet with Mrs. J. lb Fairfield on Monday, Mrs, F. K. Iloiifthton is ill at her home with inflammatory rheumatism. Reception to O ,M. U. Faculty and Students. The annual reception of the Kp- worth Lenmie of the Kirst M. I1'. ,'hurch, to the faculty and students of the university, hish school and businesH collette was friven Friday ni.H'ht in the Leasue. room of the church. Ui-v. H. D. Collins was mas ter of ceremonies and opened the short program with a paper. An ad dress of web ome by Russell Mallard, president of the leafrii'", was respond- ed to by President Jlislop. of the uni- versity. l'ry'ssor Mct.'ormick of the hfiih acho,'rl I'rof. .larroll of tv." business i ollece. 'Musical numbe's ' were rendered by Miss Ada Wood- .wanl and Miss Clara lloyt. in tlo 'earh part of the evenitiR paper and ; pencils were given to the pilosis, who were allowed thirtv minutes to asier i tain who would become actiuaintc-l I with the largest number in that itime. The room was decorated with Ittobienrod and pennants and colors of 'the differ, -ut schools; yellow and WOMAN COULD ' HARDLY STAND Because of Terrible Back rhiiadeiphiH, pa. - i '.itT.r..i from 'v'-l'''ut sides, and trnbie backaclie so that 1 coubi hardly stand. 1 tonk six hot ties of Lydia K. I'inkhait. s ' e tr t a li I .'om jiounii.Bnil now Iran do an y amount of work,. sleep pooii. -at ' i, aim ui ii nn . r- a bit of I recommend Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ery siii'enne; wnmsni. - .ir. hr i I l.Hf.K, ItiJ Juniata Street, I'liilade. jhia. Fa. Another Woman's C'ac. I'r'e. i'lenc.-. I!.!. "I cannot speak ti. J.iL'hiy of ymir Ve(r-tabi ("-nrrinund as it has (inne wonuer! for rre and I (,;!,! not be withni.t it. Ihadd,s- t : -i-:t o-artrp nnwn.iim i w. ' tmt :l I i on in iianiij tani ami ui'-i-m;t h:v run dow n when I t" h Lydia K. ' Fiuharti's V'-tab1. Cm ounJ- Jt i n,e and I am in the- b-t of health j t-.t pres.-;:? I work in a f a tury a. I day I li.r.p i-iijes doir.i; n.v hotJw.ri. v y i ; tH'i what it linn- fornix. I -iv-' vou H-rn.iion to .ut.i-h n y ar d I ! ir-eaV of vm;r'' t'oriiiKiund t i - n-ianvnf rrlvfr'-n Mr Ah Kit. I w - ,. ,11 l . I . L . : !' I .iii i tt St.. FroMd.-nce, i: I. i ..iiiuer Signal. I Voiiien j ;e w bat ot,,- j hysii. ian raiiexj backache, i b-& lac? r,-rvoiin-. and th hhi-a. i !-i mjtt.y case they art s yn;ptorri of ' i-.-n.f femair- iieraiiirTnT!t or an inflam- i r. ;,t.i-v .:' ro'iv" f .r'.ttn. whir-H msy ii- n-oni.tne t v takire i.ym t . hk- harr.'VeC,taMe("otTrounrl. Thouanda tfAr'nin women wiihngly testify t at ' Before and AfterUsing Cuticura Soap and Ointment These pure, fragrant, super creamy emollients quickly soothe rashes, itchings and irritations, permit sleep for baby ami rest for mother, and point to complete bcab ment when all else fails. Samplrn Free by Mall (Uf.K. ftaav Of' f""1' I world I ral aitia u oilier! free wUh 1 M.k Addn "CuOcur.- Jn IJAi. .V-Vu. white for the university, royal blue and white for the hi;h school and pur pie and white tor the business col lege. j I'tunh ami wafers weie served to 'about two hundred n, fifty youn ,,.,))((, j,v Doughty nd Sarah ,.riuri at the first talde, I'uuici. steward, and floorula McCormick at tin; second and Ml.mche llavs and Julia Covert at the third table. MisH Filna (iraham and her ttuet -Mii-ii Rathei-iiie tJrali.'nn of Milwau kee, are vinitins Oklahoma l''t .v iss oience Graham vviio is t .,c!i- ini; in the Marlow ohiM)li in hpendiim' lite d.u with thell). Miss teatrice Lowix. who is teach illtt at Heward, and Mis- AuBUStlii Houghton, who leaclies at t'iyle, ar peiidini; the week-end at. their re-pei-tive homes here. Miss Lunise Hill Is ii)i from Kd uond for the week -end. The Hiyhland is once more corning into its own Watch 'em come. q y; yr v; ; .y 7. j: yi '. J'. 7 TOPICS OF TOWN yj AND STATE :. . . y; a v y; v ; y G. A. R. Vets Depart. Visit ini: Cnuul Arin.v veti ians de nailed fur their homes last nih! Cruce to Washington, Cuvcrnor ' ruee anuouui is that h will po o Washington. Se,u ;s. I at -cud a ultoli coiifereni c , W ill Let Cotton Rot. ' Farmers m .-nine i-arl:- nf tie- 11,1 toll bell declare they will lint j!', iheir eottull i Top fur the li asnti that it will eis inure t n pl i. It I ha u lb' ' an S'-I! it, for. Interesting Window Display. ill the b;u east W lllduw nf t i'.e Lu'' 1 lj- ( Jim is si., e i t i s. i . :!il:di'l s e,, nf 0 T I : - ' : lies;.'!. ;nt' The set tin. IS I i-I'i-i tl . h'a . ! Go to Church Sundayi WHAT THE PASTORS OFFER AT THE VARIOUS: CHURCHES -rinit C-.orr T!:-.e! and No':.'.-- C ', A i'. iln', I 'I-.' S n-i-i f Curt! nz . :i."ii i'.. t;.e A--.. Y: . ! Spar.iaf: V a : and W. II. ' .,r i i ; a i,ji.ii'i a .' t .: .'. : ; - Fv. F rst Vet "id st C-w-c'i I 1' i . . :. (':,:; a:.J N 4 K .o::h le? Mornir. k!. t: n, ! s 1 N. t;s I.'. tine lV'onaL' iV ! K a ;-:n f !" , - M J- in a most effeetho manner. The rare niorchanilisi', coupled with the window scheme, makes it u thini- ot beauty. Math mats, towels, wash cloths and white tpiilts are displayed. The window was planned and trim med by i'leo Mrisendine, fornierK with the I .ut peoide. but recently of Newton. Kansas. ll in now making his home in Fnthrio. Banker Injured by Bull. Nr. M. Fnlkeraon, Alva banker was desperately injured yesterday alien a mad bull attacked him Ue may die. Smith Contests Murray. ' II, If. Smith of Shawnee liai rib. I a conteM sun against Win, 11. Mmriv for the lVmoi ralic nomination in the fourth congressional district. John Nissley Returning. Mayor .1, F Nishlcv tnd.n re etv.'d i e.ibb'giam from his son aoini no in Kui-land. statin;; thai lie would ill Saturda.v on the Muriiania for NeW llllfc Will Drill Test Well. Frank flift ol iashi..n .1 . 1 , Outline visitor to. lav. lie wain ml farmers of his neighborhood had . . . i. .. i. , . w t . . , I n ! ! a ra iseil minis o u h e n test oil well near Fashion. Farmers Stride on High Price. The neuro cotton pickers of thisj ountv who have i n receivinn irom , $1 .0 to $l r per Hn pounds for pick ing will be disappointed tins tall Cotton fi'owers sav they out nl ai furd to pav more than , cuts :ni i;. Mrs. Sumner's Funeral. The funeral of Mrs anc Sumner whs held from the llivou home, ea; 1 end. thin inorninR. Hev. Ueo O Nichols preached the nennoii The (leceaHed turn 7H year of tu-e The temaiiiM were taken to near Meridian',, Cuiiint; Day at the ( hrUliau for mirinl. 'iliurch Kvery member of tho chun ii ih eipei-ted to be pieeut and all Oklahoma City Official Here. trieudi of the rliuuh invited to jolr. Mayor trt'aliJt and Foiiiininsioners ( (ljH , j, ,. Iloine t'omiin; Duv 'I'rueblood, Hampton and MlKliloy 01 OklahoiiiM City attended he Cimar ron Vallev fair here venleiiUv. the nue'-tn nf Maun Nisslec. Thev ex -pressed t he into 1 ves an much pleaded with the .splendid display. While, here thev wen- taken for an automobile trip ovei the city. Hock Injures Miner. William Molt a miner in the Sparks mine near I Litton v ille. was badL in jured, when ii larne portion of rock i-nlled down upon It i li Moll was knoi ked ttncoiisi ions. He was lui niediateh taken to bin home near Miami where it was lound that his e was broken and thii! he had le n iM'd internal iiijiirit-s. Moit la in ' critic a i oiidiiion and ' ''XIM" to live. More Election Irregularities Charges Deputy Sheiitf l Knbej't son is ,11 lliar Creek township tnd.ti 'orvin. wnrranis on cle'tion nttiiii'i 'bu ' I with eleciuin irren'ilanites Return From Auto Trip. Id", . h v at. . Frank I err a ho have b'-en mi an automobile 1 ' of the no; t li counties of the Ml, ite in tin' iiileri st nf tin- Mas-mb' 1 'nUMs' ni' -. have let ill ni-d . 'I lie;, I'pol t IliU- ft u s e. s. Sold at Cents W. il 'O.i le K .,' i .Ct-.ti. I ': :da - ii . md it i ic i V n . a ! ii it i b . n i .i 'em ,.- ti,-,; i- .mi - 'a'- h t bi s D-i.i n s t ntr men is e,i.,i in . :i. !' inr;-: . OF THE CITY West S-te r. L C- Girlish, Wrinklp-Free bkin t asy to Have r.f... , , 1., asters Read 5: . 1 ; t :k , ''. breait I INVITE YOU TO SEND TODAY FOR a n1 learn hew tlie ; 1 1 ! n ic 1 o , .1 a i o. tv .'.1.1 1 rxpeni" of fin ni'i.1 :it!."i. When you ar tuiej ord al.i'iK to ! e othfr mi:I ,M v In e: li ' lert. 1 tUi'p!.iui hi-w to :ie . U hm Unle in vim 11 ; weaieii .in. I 1 ''i" r t ti -ni your il.illv'l t '''"--I'llirr it i llfl VI"' nuliiir ilee-i not inu -i 1. -1 1' s- . : . 0 .1 u v. ' - . li halth i woitH auMii.Klor. tn 1 a. ep' my k "hthui oftr write for the free treatment, in. !!: 1111 i'.-'r ..) I . 't ,i-f. " Women ' Own Medic l Adriter " 1 will fUMii! ail in pl.ii-i wr. n .1. To suet me. v-m .1 11 -if t:nt eiTei . nurii yoHr feel ins', iiml reiutn to cr Semi todar, ai y'U may m-l i '1:1 oil -i miii. Aod re-w. MRS. M. SUMMERS, - - - - Box H, SOUTH BEND, IMD. Mwawwaaiwwt iwi iwmiiitwiiininiwiw ihwiww nai inawwaa aaw a ai Morninr, Nubiei t Tin eci 1. '. of I'ower," Ki rnnii; nabi.-i t : 'Avni in Sinned " !, c,h school, lllliverrdt V MtUdelllH ,iii,i ht ranker:, tin. I a cordial welcome at ail our ro-rv lceh, L. I.. MK NNON, I'af.or. Wjnirr Ave. Conyreyational Chtirttr Cut tier a I'ltcl' and . 1 11 street Hev, I'ahin Lane, Minuter, Sutida school '' -i m I i ine w ip with pf--n hini; at II Sermon uifleet: "Cod'r A inaz ill 1 ,ut i' the luwnlivi I'l'o'nleuiM Winclv," lot Soli inn Lin- s Baptut Church. I(i'h'ii,it' ve.viiesh at the Miiit iiiiii h tuiiini'iiuv; neiiiiou lii the ps- U), Christijii Church Cuiiii'i' A -h and Nobif Toiiioruvv wfcll be t'lobrated as will be ob.oTVed bv every depart llO'lll of liie chui-'li Mible hi'hool. ehurcH her ii e and ' 'hristian Fiulea vor. Mrinj; vour etiuin your friend, votir ueihbiir with vou Knlist in our "o to ihurch" impaitu for the Jit'it three uioutlis. HihU- -' hool a , ! , (.' a. m Interuiediati C. F at 7 p. in. I'cu-r iiu-et Inj- W'dtiesd:iy even it n; Mnrtiim- n'lbiei t : " Tile LeSSollH of the SlilllUli !'. ' l. eiiiii); silliitf t. "tiettini; the Most tint, ot Liie." I he -v eUl4 Hervice is I'Spei ialL liie ouiij people iood IliUBle at all ta. M-1 ii-.-s. St ra i'(;ei's imnb' v i b on;'' CFV II FINI'LFV. Minister F i it Mi eshytei un Cliur'h ' r i n i-1 Division and Noble. Sa hba I h r' bind '' t H III. Mm i.iti -et", i. e ! ! a. in Y. I ' S i F i'..::" p. m Fi i i:.n.- -n '. i' e. ',' ,:u p iii. i;-;m I-: XM'IKHi-, I'ifHto-. Your complexion rtetdt DAGGETT PHRFIHCT I - ,1-1. .,f NwYli 5riel f-r t . I ...... I,-.', (,! l-'i i!t 1 " ' .,,,.. N i l ' . i. i ' " ' ' I I ... a. i "i -n'.'.'t. I ,t l l l . T U ' ). 1 1,1 -i '' i r i 'l I ' Look Well Fit Well Vash Well Wear Well Tl.-t't. 'i! . . , !.- '..-: L" ;.. .; r.t.; he:'" ;. fir r:;c. .1-.,! j-.-.t t '-'..' ' :.ty t '. t t '. : V cu. ; u i.-ii. : -e , t f .'! i i r l.t.o ;t t i i. . v. r. v. Silver Brand Shirts $1.00 and $1.25 Ben Weinberger 120 W.Oki Avenue My Free Offer ! I am a woman. I know a woman trim!. I know ber need of rmpathy and belp. If veil, mvilitisr. re i:nhppT becaimeftf fll Bealth, if mu feel o n ! 1 1 for lionseliol.l dutii-s. pleasure, ol dailv om-.v .yment. write and tell me juM how you nifTer h i I i k t !' r. y free leu Uy' trial r.f a horn traatmant suiO'rt ! ,vir needs. Men cannot underitand women ' Mill WIj .t u'f wiincn ktiowfr',,m expenenr. w kn't v tjet-.iT lit oi cny min. I w;eit to tell rou how 'f cure ti - r ! f at heme) .it a cost. o( tttmut IJ rents a week If '11: er I" m women p -cul; ir ailments c air" i'V pain in the t'riid. hat U, or t'oweta, (ealins ol waiirh' fin'! areuKinc down icnatton. (militia; or diipfacamant ol ..civic or tnt. cf.inic Uit'ney and bi.idder weaknaaa ot conita'jon and pita, pi.r.fid nr irregular pervoda cntarrSal conditions and dachargei. estrema aervou. nest i!pret,'t kpir It. metanchoN drure to ety. faar ok (imeOimi? evd f,lni!t to h.ipen. crernmit leetins alone the inina, pt,l(ttii)on hot Hnibei, we innew tallow com ele ion with dark nrr let under tSe eyei.paia in tha left or a gcner&l loelmx (hat In 0 i) not worth lirini, MY FREE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT w elv r '-mj net e.t .0 ti, n-,i witti-Mit 'ae d ingers and r.ii'v li! Hii.tin, - fvm ttie ayioa t vounc or old. Tn Mother 01 Daugh ). i-1 17-11!. 11 In-. 1 l.i.-liet, anU l.i-eu- r"i l i' l me K ir worried nhmit i. -iii" n u-.i'i.t .1 t"'t tl.ivi' fn -il. .fid - l - li i- t a I. r auU Central M. E. Church, South. Suriibi 1 ai )ol to Si'l'llUI!! 1 i :lli) H It!. Kpivoi til League, 7' 1 p. w. Chi-!, 'I li h i Marr, Supcrtntendrn. nkin, ITmm;'-i '. A I . urdiully on :ti .1 to ail ii'i 1' I'M JOHN K. A ItKKN A'I'JIY. Pastor. TOWEL SUPPLY, towel and aprons or all kinds, fur nished nt very teasonable prices. He nerore you ti ii y . J . D days. LilliVs Drug Store School boei-, s,..i 4,mi on and an wo .vi-di t u serw liie ii-u;;iw well, we r spf 1 1 full-, hui'fiit that all who know .vliai hooks la'"- will lined uiako thfir i'i haiuen as eatlv as poHHiblu. If this is nut (bum and all wait until chool I.", ins we shall not bi able to givu vou satisfactory krvii't. It ake-i limn to malm thwai: kchans'n books and 'he work cannot De lone in a hurry without liability of maklni; errors. Miiuc in your old looks now and M us make your -hant'i-s beftit" school bRinH. Wo continue, last week's special ii our voting contest. . : No. I Mrowuie It ih) and LOW votes. No, L' Mrownin .fJ.t'm and 2, OhO voten No. Folding Mro'.vnio $a.0i) aud i, 'mu votes. And ho on through tho llflt. We al io ham three or four cameras that ue not of thl.i .mar's pattern upon hich we will make a, Hjiudai prk'. "erfuineH will also be ou the special I Ihis week. ,.oe odors ill get aij'.i votes. I'alui Olive Shampoo with tlir ,i!:i' of Fa Im Olive Soap free, for ado I lid .".'UIMI utiis. CONTENT CANDIDATES Ah i oiint stood Snpt. 13. Moanis Mads' 6.iu."i Italdw in. llriii e .VOT) .Clike, l.enoi'i (tl.ivi Durliutf. Maud 4041?. I iik.'v, A net 3SJ.y5 'aniuhar-oii. Nona rif-WO I i-l- i, Marie tkS?-'v. .aw s.ui. HMlii. e 2.V4100 l.ohuian Mrs I'aL'.tr 9HZa flisi.ii! omen &0.V) ne. Nellm 210K5 'I. ., Olive 6710 ite ;, ttuhv i0R. sniiili Kate 243' eiionr Marv LILLIC DRUG A. STATY. CO 'hone 61 206 W. Okla. Ave. . , .. ".'.-;-i & RAMSDELL'S COLD CRHAM i,it il-e ra laj ilill f.i away tha mark at Time. ' - ' ; ' r-' '' r " '.:'.: t,i Iir.r.J M.i:.-. : -a tti . :i c .t r. I'! : t t ' : c v. ;M .t!0 t . :cs tj satisfy '. :-- - : j r o'v. to r.' ccv.fort.ib!. t- t ,:i ,r,u. .t i.. ; fl 'if L'l i i its virtue, a.