Newspaper Page Text
THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1914. ' PAOE SIX CORSET Ml ntf . FT.'? ' I r) A y 4' If RAID ON ZEPPELIN AIRSHIPS (Continued from tied Au'tvi.i!". l'a'i town cn -- ! IVWV. I- i'H'.Hl'i railroad ,;ve 1 TK1KP Ti 1 '! An: c; p. nt:?!"!1! H'.i.'f t If rnian-. i S; , r. .'f. i : m:: br S.t;- .i" ' i .evrnter" (;.', rr:: i .f f !,'!! : taut r. ., ,: :-,jv n !rpc A K !.;;.( ' 1 - ,t ,ur.l;t:t t. piN-rt Muted : hat ( o !V . '. ,U ! Ho!!?a;'. Se: I he e c!V v ( :.: frnn'fr; u.i- S'KiS. :.;-.: ::,ui :u ,'!pre !r;tn i !-"Kl:X 1 1 !U Rome f .seaport at the ttiati,i. hy Frer t,j the Mf-; r'"f... -V o'x tnr'.'.ni' i f;:r.': ro; rtc friv'i IVtr.' K i'--s!.pr; 'a'p : - Ih .-')Ri'P p . . ?: P' .p',telai:e II. i-as rev .nr.a-sance. v'n.- for a :'' :' I.f ST -o.."' ! Ian. e: ; Ipscnhc t'-t h.;" !-.r thf irr-'".o-- hv t'p.p-.r "T i. . , ' . i , 1 ' -a , the i- the ;; ;: .rvl u he- :'. (' i e ! ' A - - ' - p ,". ' - : VI" ih'.H - -.'v.-W. ' : r r srr.uia1 .1 . '. r e rr. c ' SALE OF HAIR SWITCEHS! at i ... ;t. i. . s, f i -' . Sale Closes Saturday Night DEMONSTRATION AT THE LUTZ STORE THURSDAY and FRIDAY Our 'CorsofK'nv assisted hy Mrs. I-Vayno of tlioUos, ard 'orset" ( V.. will i;ivr an instructive demonstration of (inssard (uets in the Corset Department on the second flour, Tlmrsdav and Kriday. ALL THE LADIES INVITED Come and jjet acquainted with the new style features Cor this season. You'll tind them very different, and also- utelv essential to the new stvle YOU WILL NOT BE IMPORTUNED TO BUY Tiii servi- e is free. Mrs. Krayne will be u'lad to nive von auv information you desire, and her authority on Cor- M'ts roVel'S a wide scope. COME THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Page One.);:i .,o; u'iiur. A I:ni-e near the the .u-.-.-.vre 1 1 thai iner. 1 lie -rthv ft '! I'l'euv- and v s i- v ti'.c i:pv'.;'f : ::rMpd a stor a:.:it an j V.hert a :ri-onpr et the j "i.i'of thr ki: ':A the Js.tuii'eur. : hp--';:';:: t . r mi. ;e the -Pat oi the nipt :p,n,c sit "rench 'W- AK1HN'.; r TT-Kt . j ? ... The h..nnhAr.!:ncr.t "t" (.'attar. . the Austrian v ot t!ip i iii'.! r t ( attaro, in 1 'pl- i i'i a ti.!:n ! atraf, dreeot'. -:.t: are ra p:Pv .p pr. ;i ear.v P '.V Cp iprr'.an ee:i ilecvrate i w itli the I :vn e rr; - ,'v' ''pal .',: ''i rea ;e 1 w t e , : p .p. 'a : wi'e - c .' . a "p' he ;(.. '. jP: ,it; the Lutz Store. Madame Mitchell Special Prices ia t;"n. 3 1'55 A ' ia ten J 6 .t I! ' k i :v-ff a . f: . - t -' -tt va f $-: '. t ' n J . J i .fl. I' 1 iowns. i GAEKWAR OFFERS HIS IaLL TO GREAT BRITAIN. I London, Sept. -"All mv troop and resour cs." j This is the latest offer of the i ; a U -j war of H.iroda to the Hritish now rn j ment, as annotiii ed ! i ho sei rot ary ! if stato for India. J Nearly all the Indian potent'ites ihavo oxi-ressott a desire for personal ! service in the field, and many have offered the Uritish Koernnieiit 'all 1 i jHissejs." The government of Madras will supply a fully equipped hospital ship of tu-ds for the ns" of the Indian expeditionary foive. GERMAN LOAN BRILLIANT SUCCESS. Berlin. Sept. t Iy n ireless y way of Sayvjllt', 1.. .--Sul'scriptions th'.is far reeeived to the o'. Tamil war loan have a spurred the brilliant s m -eess of the war loan plan. One paper speaks of the public response as t he "victory of those r.t the Somnif." The call was for 4.2o0.f00.0t0 marks t $1 ii.-iOcH '"Oi. With a number of reports not yet received th-4 total suhseription to iHo inf orial tur:d already is :'.!M0.U'".,."O.t Ear s. The treasury prtifieatop hich wtf ot iered to the amount of 1 . .-.'. " t marks have 1 ecn o er s;.bs( ri 'ed '' jf,.t iioO AOa rnar's. No Foreign Money. The newspaper express pride that this has been reached wishout foreiirn sn's "rip'ii.Ti or ..-H-ssity ..t ser.din erip?!on ''.la:.. to niany of the w oil-to-do . !e r;: an s now ;n the field. On aoi o-.r.t of the une;e '.'' i i : ess t'ae final terms of paM.'.vn; have boon postpone-! 'intil Pe-'ent er last nisht report from low! .planers stated that th. lenv.av. Brraies in Kratve every w lr have ns'ime. th.e oensive the stro;;glv etitrer'hed enetuy. rrofvt yo;;r r.vw:a tiy rtnktas tire njtreral water; L. L. Bil'.'.ngs .:i deliver it at your d-or; either o-t or H?rcj;ps. JO onti th 5 ii'bn bott. Phone Protup? L-livery. Sale Closes 1 1 wmmmmsmmm, ii'? ... jt-.-j;.. "..r-m- and row w ,o I M',rM';- !ea,i. to l-v br.ver. It 'Vs'.s-.'N III .-i.n- ... !: ', .. cf s-eers, Jl" to s : r-K' I tri-,. .ere ;;.oel !n " Ml0,A -! ' -:r i to c'" WiS- " (3r'!"'i '!: 1 wheat: I " Ifiv'; :.! str: and .- the f.!:n rev- ... I ;,v ik.' !- . ep:- :..! er, il Ml. -V SsXl n'f'r" ?;" Wlrk I -er. .', -;. r. J I :.,tv t.ien noth'.n; orth while -,. J. - f .' I o .-.e fn :-! ;t -N.v York Herald " , ' ' ' "' T . , 1. . I UPHOLDS METER DEPOSITS. ' i- I . ' --T'-- ir'":;-'-;'- l X ! 1 ' 1 ' o :.a , J Saturday Night AMERICAN TRADE IS HARD HIT AUGUST EXPORTS SHOW HEAVY DECREASE OVER 1913; WAR CAUSE WasliinRton. .Setit. ';!. rossibilities of the far-reiuhing effect of tha European war upon American trade are indicated in a review of consu lar reports published today by the department of commerce. Of the $o,000 ,000,000 worth of pro ducts bought by Great Britain in 1912, the I'niteU States furnished '20 per vent, while America's share of (ler mar.y's two and a half billion dollars' worth of imports was l." per cent. Kieven per cent of the billion and a half dollars of products bought by France came from the United States. To what extent trade has been in terrupted bv the war will be deter mined in a measure when the details of Austria's exports are compile-! lat er this month. The total value of the exports was $1 !u.;!?,7,."4d, compared with $ JS7.tni9.020 one year ago. What part of that decrease was caused by war has not been worked out. Other nation involved in the Eu ropean conflict buy much of their imports from the I'njtted Statjes. Kisht per cent of Belgium's purch ases in 1012. amounting to nearly $1,- ;pi,tV.."top, came from American i,orts- The consular figures show that of the products worth $3OS,nO0.00O im ported into Brazil in 1SM2, only 1 "i pet rem ram" rrom ine t rate Mates although 4 per (ent of Uracil's ex port were sent to American Kr!s. FOLEY KIDNEY-PILIS F0K BACKACHE KIDNEYS ANQ ELAU lit WAR FILMS TOO HORRIBLE FOR USE Frightful Heaps of Dead With Ghastly Wounds Prevent the Pictures Being Shown Tho'isands of feet of moving pic ire taken on the battlefields of ,'-i;po i.ave arrived in New York, but no public audien.e will ever ee th-m. Mr. S. Lubin. of Philadelphia, on" ' tbe !Ti:i)ortan: figures in the motion picture business who is at the ) Aslor liot-l. laid yeterdav that to! 5 how any of the films recehci would to ine:-- riots, lie also told of t.v ar:v.ored abiiv-ta in which photo- t r.i ,-:-s r..r.e taken chances with own ' in tuanv places where ille: s jr; 1 shrapnel s t i : i- t'-re-; ar- all too horril'i. ::ov ror trie mo:1 .. r r m . 'r? e . e 1 -Mps of fbiin :.:en and in man:- cases revealing w-.-nds and disfisrurement . . ar.J : car.tjom i-V" w:r,, it:.! !! j;it ::.--t to !.- vtpi. 3f .nr. j f p;e' ip;r,4 "A ere show;; the ;;ni- I Markets by Wire o: n s of ti e :-:.iir, micht. and probab- j CATTLE: i uoui i, :art .-xpressioas of syni- rw-,"!'d!' ' -lo- - N'- : III - or !.:.! ;imon.' r:,!'.,' iiei e:;,;, ; i M- r f E . ' IV .i-ka. to I III II . ! S I III -" "-- : I ! . - . . . . . srTrrTrmTft?aft"' :l 3 3 mi 3 3 4 4 4 3 rol.M FELLOWS' LODGE . . M ...... j SHOWS BIG INCREASE j Kd Wesley delivered oats at Mul jia Saturday, j jimtical reports sn'.iinitted to thf Drown i ailed on Mary.' POVoreiKii grand lodge of the Inde 1 yy ,Uvn Thnrdav tneniu Urine Hicks an,! family spent Sun day at the 1'harley Nicholson home. Kd Wesley went to (Juthrie S'lu (iav evening-, to atfend court this I'('K. Mr.. Pave WahSer and Mr. Kd Grav .pent Sunday with Mr. and ,, .. , ,. Mr K'i Draper. Mifseo and Kdith Nicholson hiivM i,on pii 'ning cotton f.r I'.r i'.r; Hiiki xdr and Mrs. Henry Carpenter caiied on Mr. and Mrs. Ko1!a Kobin- ' .i..n Stntd.v afternoon. Mr. Uertlia SummerB atul baby upent last -week vitli her mother, M:. Ann Mrattain. l)wight (iarti'T snent Sundiv vr ing with Herbert CaaM'ilia and an- 'do!-di Hrsle. ' 1 . . . . . . . . . j Mr and Mrs M. 1, Hon. I arrived ; at Kag!e Cnne. Texas, their new i me. n a iv aev a. I n;. t .:s. .i.ii i,ei eeK a;.,: so;i . hon.e- Saturdav 'ron; Coh-ra.;.. 1 hTe -hev have been 'ir ,i! n;t t!.t v mont!:s fur their health. ! TODAY'S QUOTATIONS 4 HEAVY HEAD m I pretty sure itn of at & torpid Iitcj let Tutt's Pills aid nature in it work. You will b auromed at tk beneficial reaulta. At tout druggiat au(ar coated or plain. "No Alum must hcTtheVatch word when the Duys UaK.lIlgtpuvvuci.;;.A Alum is well known to be a powerful ' ' astringent, and should never be used in food.1 Prof. Geo. F. Barker, M. D., of the Untied sity of Pennsylvania, says: "I consider the use alum baking powder highly injurious to health. Food economy now, more than ever,s demands the purchase and use of those food articles of known high quality and absolute puritynd healthfulness. ROYA H Is a Pure, Cream of Tartar BAKING POWDER Contains No Alum Perfectly leavens, leaves no unhealthful residues makes, the food more delicious and wholesome.' Atlantic City. N. .1 , Sept. Sta- pendent Order of odd Fellow a' the opening session of the annual con vention of that body here today showed a net gain of .V in the membership of the order and receipts amounting: to ?lG,rr.o,iiO'.). a g-ain ot ?-7,S."il over the preceding year. Questions relating- to a controversy between Grand Sire t'. A Keller and J'Porters of A. C Veatd, of r.ra- j vctte' Ark- IuMib,u'r o!" ,!'" 'Sox" ereisn Odd Kellew." was extn-lled ; I from the order by the grand sire for attacking the i'atholir !iun!i in lit publication, were referred to a spec ial commit tee. ANXIETY ABOUT S5.0Q0 INDIAN OFFICE PLUM i Washington. I), t' . S.-pt. Tlo I 1 n orawn out 8Uipejis. over the filling of the l'ive cnili.vd Tribes MU)erintenden' v vacancy in reaching i a ,liniav- e rotary Ijme ha re f.rned to Washington and tho report i '''' 1l,rs fent to irnentigate thw '...... . r ... . .... . .. . ( " ' ' ' '" UIV" h i nv,'-;,,,! S"" ted-ra! p! :m , .... I li;-' e (!! rr r eil ;it I lie ill' ( Mi'e. It is said that a ppoinucn- u j a ne,c s u;-erit:feii c!p w i l,t I iouncfd : efor.- ' n-to , r , 0 in': l!'a tiojl i CH '! test a- to the , o'l - t i.' i c" the reports o'' 1 ins'u'i turn a t'j w llolil W ill be liUtlleil. BL'Y-A BALE MOVEMENT IS GROWING POPULAR Thorn - i J f.'dax : I Look Well Fit Well Wash Well Wear Well Tlr-.t's a ' rut .shell" description of Silver Brand Shins. The :.cs- patuins are v.we attractive than ever. Blues, hi hot: opes ar.d i r.ks rrcdo::,.:n:;:e thniioh te-, ,.'! nt be J;::r.t! - vi ether colon and mixtures to satisfy a!:r.o.-t u".y v ish. The .!: trt are c;:t fu!l ar.d roomy to rt comfortably, c::di-j d r.ever hive a cai!e to ahout Silver B;..:;d ih:r;s :.ot wearing scd they're noted for that. Silver Brand Shirts $1.00 and $1.25 nen Weinberger 120 VV.Okl Avenue housewife ? A nm 1.1 'The general public is now respond -ins to the "buy a hale" movement, and when it is fully realized that auch purchase will help each indi vidual in his daily task, and its suc cess or failure will most prohablv mean a profit or loss, at the end of the year, in each individual lino of endeavor, we believe tho movement, will continue to grow, and become a factor of much Importance." The Outlook. "Yes; I am going to run tor office.'' "Your friends seem pleased. " "So do my enemies. And that. looks kind of omnio'.ia. don't yon think?" FEW FOLKS HAVE Druygist Says Ladies are Using Re cipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses ltd color and lus tre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused bv a lack of Sulphur iu the hair. our grand mother made up a mixture of Sase Tea and Sulphur to keep her lock dirk and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who alue that even 'opir. that beautiful dark shade of hair which it so attractive, use only iiis obi-time recipe Nowadays wo Ret t his famous mix ture by asking at any drug store for "! tent bo'tie. of "VYyeth's Sagu and Sulphur Hair Remedy,'' which darkens the hair so naturally, so ev etilv. that nobody can possibly tell it has been applied. Hesides. i: take- off dandruff, stops scalp itch- and falling hair. You just dani j ,i hiionte or soft urush with it o . draw 'his through your hair, tak I n one .small strand at a time. By inn. ttit- fca itdil li iiai lira i , i! what delights the ladies with Ww-.h'a Sage and Sulphur is that, idrts beautifullv darkening the ii.iir after a few applications, it also '''.no ba"k the gloss and lustre and i;i.' s it an appearance of ab.itid.iaie I'm- i.iie aI (Jwl pnift Stote. '. ' LI in i m : i 'v if; .7iVl V V I GRAY HII NOW . , i v c " w s- r i at J I W 1 1 1 : er court. - f ?!f"7 L