Newspaper Page Text
r V St .HZ GUTHM In Meanwhile Tell Vliit Classified Want Will tell it ! of Hercules Water and, 1 I'TTit Vmm Mama Will Ran Junicipal Bath House. LL L I! Too; 3 Lines, 3 Timet, 25c B IU , esse GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1914. PRICE 2c NUMBER 69 i VOLUME XLVIII HOME J::'::...:.:..2i..; rsrirTUTTT7 DAILY .JUL JLL -LL 11 J r. rfl 'ft ' ? J - j;-. Mi I. . V . v i r ; '''J : f P a LONDON SCANNING THE SKIES FOR GERMAN BOMB THROWERS W FORCE Allied Forces Made Gains in the Somme and Woevre Districts CONSTANT BUI CHARGES UNDER BATTER OF GUNS f ' ' 1 1 . e I L ' .",'rr - ' ' , " ' J C ' - : ' V - v s ., - II : s .w V . . V . , rfi V' - . ill IU i l '. Ui in)S''vV'' I" ' " 1 ' " ' , It ' 44v ' 1 I - ,1 v " Nf - s " ' v1 -(.. ' I !.'l v v 1 ' ' ,1;" i, 1 c w vn - 5 s" if1' i.' I Ki.' -v" V J,rJ. .V' f ' 4 " " " v " . 5 f ' - H '" v ' ' " ' v f i ' v ' 1 ' " ' V 1 BUSY -TIMES AT ' LOCAL. POSTQFFIGE First of Month and Fir ' ter Means Much W ' Federal Employ Quar-r Ui 1 6 German Forces Redouble ji Efforts in All Quarters; German Squadron Bombards Seaport on Baltic; Berlin Issues New CasualtyXist That London will not be visited by the German Zepjiflin raiders of the nijrht ia witnessed by the precau tions which are being taken in keeping the skies lighted up with rays of powerful searchlights.. The photo .shows the sky illuminations at Charing Cross. In the foreground is the obelisk known as Cleopatra's Needle. Many hoteis famed the world over are shown' in the liht ray which Hashes along the heavens and lights up the celebrated Embankment as this avenue Hrtintr the Thames at this point ia known. HSU PS BOMBARD JAP FORTS (By Associated Preso.) London, Oct. 1. German troops and ships are re doubling their activities in ail quarters, on orders issued today by the Raiser. rrt i Trio t.hirtv-eijrhth German casualties AEROPLANES ASSIST GER 11ST made puoili; tuuay guutanu cignu niwutviiu. jictaiivo. i -,- It includes three major generals, one killed, two MAN SHIPS AT KIA-CHOW; wounded .end -Major- General 0:k?.r Beuter, .dangerous ly DESTROYERS SUNIC wounded. (ROCK i OUT BLOW (IL D BILL HUDDIE DIES FROM INJURIES IN RING BOUT FKKXC1 1 MAKE PROGRESS. Paris, Oct. i. It is officially announced by the war bureau: "There has been no modification in the general .situation. We have, nevertheless, made progress on the left, to the north of Somme and on our right in the southern Woevre district. The constant thrust of bayonet charges and the battering of heavy guns has made but little alteration along the heavily entrenched German center, but the less rigid flank ixxsitions have been hammered into broken sinuous lines, both on the left and the' right Yon Kluck i being forced back. GERMAN SHIPS TO BALTIC. London, Oct. I. A news dispatch from Petrograd says the Ger man squadron bombarded Windau, a Russian seajort in the l'altic, September 24. The forts replied to the fire of the ships, which after destroying a lighthouse, withdrew. General Von Auffwhurg. commander of the first Austrian army, is reported ill with cholera at Vienna. News dispatches from Switzerland state that Austria is confront1 ed with a serious shortage of food supplies. London, OcX I. The official statement from the German general headquarters to Reuters' from Berlin says: "Hostile forces advancing to the north and south of Albert (town of Prance, eighteen miles northeast uf Amiens) have been repulsed. "The front battle line is wirhout news. In Argonne our attack i progressing steadily, though slowly. "At the outer forts on the Meuse, the line i without change. "Yesterday the enemy advanced in' Alsace and Lorraine and in central Yo.-ges. "His attacks' were energetically repulsed." , The German wings appear to le folding back on the center, clay ing the sole loophole for a backward movement by way of Rethel. The German main supply base at Juniville, protected by heavy masses of troops, as it is absolutely essential that this place shall be held fur the rt ictualiag of the German armies in northeastern France, appear to be placed in a soniewliat precarious ituation with its single line of railroad. The line of battle has changed considerably since the beginning of the actual contact IkUvccii the two great armies wluc numbers and real positions it i not jermittcd to be made public. The front now presents sinuous windings, looping inward and outward, at vari ous iHiints in a country which even where is adapted wonder fully to dcicmc. The allies commanders are husbanding their men's lives by keep ing them whenever possible from frontal attacks on pu-itfon where the Germans are in advantageous situations. (Hy Associated Press.) Tokio, Oct. 1. severe engage ment has been opened by dermm warships which cannonaded the Japanese positions near Tsing-Tau, the seat of government of Kiao Chow. Two officers were ikilled. A German aeroplane assisted tne warships. The Japanese war office announced that the artillery duel at Tsing-Tau continues. A German torpedo boat destroyer sank in the harbor yesterday (Wed nesday). It is said the destroyer was simk hy the Japanese siege runs. It is officially announced that, a Japanese mine sweeper off Iviao Chow was blown u'; and sunk. Three j men were lulltn and thirteen wounded. Another Japanese mine sweeper 1. tl . ,1 was damaged, wun one man luueu and six injured. (By Associated Hrrss.) San Franeiaro. Oct. I. "Dill'' Hud die, a young pugilist, fighting at 1 10 pounds, died today from the Injuries received last niaht in a eix round bout with Arthur "Knock-out" car roll. , . ' , Huddie was knocked down twice. lie collapsed in his dressing room from concussion of the brain. r IIP a i in i u i OIITOR GAR OWNERS SENATE COMMITTEE LETS GASOLINE OUT AND LISTB UVVtti " LIEUT. COy. MOLESTER ACTING ON PARDONS Special to Daily Leader. Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 1. Gov. C'ruee is hurrvinz home to prevr.t I-ieut. Gov. McAlester from prantin pardons. Pardons iHu.d today wre: V. T. Allen, wife murder, life; Oklahoma county. Charles Jaspers. murder. life: Pittsburg n-ounty. .lake Txwis, murder, life; Carter county. T-.nios llo!)',s. manslaughter 1' uuitisii fli:i;t to isalttc. Xevv York. Oct. I . Captain K. (n'etsche, in command of the Dan ish steamer United State, i!i lh from ChriMiansaud. aid that lie liad picked up a wireless in the North Sea containing the infonjiati-tu hat thirty I'.ritish warships were on their way through the Cattcgat to help the Russian fleet in the Ilaltic Sea. SEEK TO OUTFLANK GERMANS, v London. Oct. I. The 2th day .f the battle of the Aisne find the allied armies p;isl;irg witlt all the -trenth they can bring t- lcar in their great etf. rt to "i:fflaiik the German right w ing and force it back from its Jiue of cni!m:n!c.'tti 'n t'irr.:'h IVlgium. There is cvideiice that thU ni.-vrrv. i-t is -gi:irn'ng ' ! tnde meti-;ng nrfre-en liapjci this prti..n ! the Gi must fall back to a'i. ;;. r Mefcnsie I'tic. ill LLIO S ASKED By ITALY DEMAND MADE ON AUS TRIA FOR SINKING OF ITALIAN VESSELS (Cy Associattd Press.) Homo. Oct. I. The Austrian sov- frnn.eiit todsty replied to the Italian note against floating njlues in Hi'" Adriatic sea. Austria deplores the Fir '.;(;; v kalian ws.o Is, and proicisen to x;i' ! measures to rernoe the niena e l' (My Associated i'ress.) Washington, Oct. 1. The Demo crats of the senate sub-committee on finance today voted to substitute for the tax c r two cents a gallon on gas oline in the war revenue bill, a tax on motor cur owners of twenty five cents a horsepower and one dollar horsepower on motor car sales by manufacturers. Tiie committee estimates that this would yield an annual revenue of sixteen million dollars. There he busy limes at postoffiee. First of tho montl. first, of the quarter period tfi nces are coming in from all siiiall offices over the state that buy sup plies from this office. The Guthri office is the distributing point for postal cards, stamps and stamped envelopes. Today is also payday for t he run I carriers in the state and the Guthrie office is the olearin house for this part of the postal ser vice also. Also beginning today and lasting for 1.1 days an account must bo kept of all parcels received and dispatched from thin office. JUSTICE S DECLARED V EXICQ CHILD GIVEN CANDY, ' DRUGGED AND MARRIED Sapulpa, Okla., Or t. 1. dicing drugged while on her way to school placed in a taxlca'li brought to Sapulpa, married while in a snml conscious condition una deserted a few hours later by her husband, was the experience of Luella McCarber 14 -year-old daughter of Daniel Mc .aroer, lnisa oil man. 'hhe was found in a hotel hero by the polico after they had been rotified to he on the lookout for her. The abductor and husband could not he found and polke say he leU the city when he heard that officers wrro on his trail. He met the girl while she was on her way to scool lie gave her some candy. She ate it but remembers very little of what occurred after that. He obtained the license hy saying the girl was is years old. Her father took her home this afternoon hut lias offered a larpe reward for the man's arrest. TOOTH TAKEN FROM LUNG OPEN SEASON FOR DOCK 11 'J MO DCOIfl TfMHV ULUftll lUUril Isaac Talor. Tinted States distrkt attorney, rereived the following tel egram today from th" dopjrtnient of j ustice at Washington. The telegram was In response to a (juery made by Mr. Taylor, with reference to' the open season for nucks. in okiartoma "No chaime has been made In the dosed season for waterfowl in Ok lahoma. C'lot--ed, seasoD is .lanmary sixteen to O'-tober one. Thre is potidins; a proposed amendment of regulation nine, which if adopted. wiii m.iXe trie waierioM ciose'i sea son in Oki.ihoma, i-enruarv 1st to e;iteiiiber l-'th. Tho amendment has nor rt l.oeii auoptp.i. Jones, .ctins; -itor, WasiiinKton, 1). C. TVieliiia, Kan'.r Oct. 1; A1 hrcnchv Bcope ,a new German surgical instru mcnt, proved to 'Ik? the one thins that could remove a tooth from the lungs of Mrs. C. S. Current, l?,m Palisade avenue. Mrs. Current got the tooth in her lungs last week when a den list's forceps slipped and dropped the tooth into her windpipe. H wns thought, that it would he Imixwsible to remove the tooth from her lungs without cutting her windpipe o'on, but ihe bronchoscope proved that it could he done. The operation itselt was very simple. The bronchoscope a long tube with mirror attachments which permit a view of the Inside of the lungs, was inserted into her wind pipe and the tooth located. A pair of forceps then easi'y removed it. W CONFESSES TO MURDER OF GIRL CLERK Terrell. manslaughter, four , ana rul.? indom.ify J. (families of the vietiivs. It is reported that Italy b-miM I iiii indemnity from A.istriu of o; j i mii!:.n dollars. nnn liUnHUU HOP IS LATEST rob years. I.lnncobi rturton. iseminole -ounty. J. Orlando Minheil Akron, O., Oct. 1. Harry lioomer "'I, confessed slayer of Miss Vinne L I'.ecker. 22, pretty girl clerk and mis sion worker today entered a plea ot guilty of murder In the first degree when arraigned in police court. He was bound over to the grand jury now in session. It is understood that P.oomer will ask that he be permitted to l lead guilty to .he indictment which is sun to lie returned soon. Iloomer. in his confession, said that he had killed" iM " Beeper, that he might rob the store In which she was employed. The prisoner said lack of money due to being out of work! ha-i led to the murder. Miss P.ecker was murdered Mon day afternoon last. Poonicr using a hatchet. murder, life: 1 1 erjury. years, served Muskosee county. j ourrjaJrgh'en j.IXnr'oV'iOSE DEAD WHEN JSIITO 'ioma county. A. Watkiris. girl: life; Pontotoc I'finiy. Joe,an. pardoi.ed pa ting ?."" o:rt costs. I I murder. 12-rear-obl j STRIKES KOTflBCIClErr";; Mii-!.n;co, O-t. 1. W. K. C.oad ' skell. (!.!.). owns a three-b '.-e 1 j ;t!f whi h be h.s raised uti bis farn.. The e.ilf i-! tl months old r.nd has two j perfectly formed b'nd b z-, but ouK tone foreleg, whiih is in the ndld'e of the lrea?t Th alf Las no b'.sdcs, tho leg starting ap- PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS TO BE HELD ACCORDING TO AGREEMENT VILLA SAID BE SATISFIED WITH SIMIAN Peace of Mexico Assured By Con fereoce of Leaders; Mine Titles Void (II yAssociated Pre3.) Kl Paso, Oct. 1. Luis A. Gulrra Itenavides, secretary to General Fran cisco Villa, under date of Sept. ."!0th, telegraphed the Associated Press that an armistice had been declared throughout Mexico with Aguas Cal ientes as a neutral zone. He also stated that the. elections will be held, according to the first agreement, October 5th to 10th, Three points were agreed on, he said, at the preliminary conference at Zacatecas, after which Villa's party left for Aguas Calienteg to confer with Obregon and the other Carran za leaders. Villa is SaisfieoV El Paso, Tex., Oct. I.-rOeneral Vil la, who is on his way today from Chihuahua City to meet , Juneral Ob regon and others of the Carran.a del egation, expressed optimism as to the the happy result of the pending con- freU!c.., in,,. a Mlrri m 1 rewtve t hfu. agents here. Villa telegraphed whil enroute as follows: "1 declare that all is working sat- ' lsfactorlly and we hope soon to roach a patriotic understanding which will assure peace in the republic." Villa declared in effect that he does not want the American troo.ys to con tinue in Vera Cruz. AH Mine Title Annulled. Washing Don. 'Oct I Of fticial ad vices from Mexico City to the stt9 department announced the issuance of a decree annulling all mine titles granted during the Huerta adminis tration. Border Patrol Resumed. I-aredo, Tex., Oct. l.Ppon tho war department's orders infantry has been re-esta'Mished as a guard at th internal 'cna! bridge. Cavalry is mtroling HO miles in each direction. This move has been made to prevent filibustering. GUNS OF CAMPAIGN Speelal io The I . il v Leader. Clinton. Oct 1. judge 1 I f breast lone. The'liams t -r'"" J Arkansas City, Kan :r: l!: .vi .ir- Tlie I'rctH'li t't (Cortinued cn Pare Four) iv net! '' i J.lted at te Altar. The f ".- 'r.z letter ojis rv-iej 'today l.v the brV of t'.e rovnt'r irourt: T!prk of c'irt:- 1!-r i ito f'-:rriise li- ei I get 'rm "ou. M and my ci :e.i ati.i r cf a i.d aLo C I o ;.:n r. yars o ; !nd his sk'S.I cr';h' t ? .f ivim r, C( 1 : ot. i.-c;. 1 of Ko'-w, 1; d and rrl . . bad hU Toft torn off and was oth rie bi-rt when WPinrs r. ;trf y b h 'he tan ore ndinr on rvk road norh of this city. c,, vf t w i: it sau in 1 .rk hr n'iTA Trre and a party of lac L. S.'ay, I from Vin.'; I J were riding. '01 , 't - ea" 1 -. on tb" i-1 1 ! T. j ho; .: rod. rM! deal like a k.m-1 pa o;ened the IVraocratic cam l.ere. He spoke to 3.'') po Preeling and Howard also Republican Text Book Issued. The rv i i-u:t,palgn text , .'or n !t con i iht. n a has j.!1-! 1 n reliefs .f iif 2 rSi r s in 'r,ls KjI , an! is fi;?ed Hi;! issu-d. 1 a! c ' .--.a e orn- fp'iKe. DIAMOND THIEF AT NEWKIRK. n; a ? !lt r I-ar'y s ,j q j v" den rra; P.ed Uvm ihe bitter SaVr- kirk, Okla . Oct. 1 Hobber Lot nibt -rterj th ho:r.e of Satr. .iliivan and n;ong th- rtkles of vsisf taien was a 3-4 krat diamond ting. The Louse nas ransacked frciu la tie primary cata pairs. io? to Attorn. USONS TO JOIN IS . WILSON PEACE PHAYER Knijiht Templar laon in (Juth.-r, as well as throughout the state of Oklahoma and -probably all over in I'nited States, will join tn the praytr for Kuropean peac e October 4. th day set aside for that purpose by , proclamation of President Wood row Wilson. (THE WEATHER A. vxA .. V:. .O 1 T. ,ViiV er T. lay o 77 it' 1 1 (CopyrlaSjU fcf MeC1tt- p) i4...t A'hat Government F0ittter RepoHa Via Ooe!' (Py .so-;a?e-l PresB.I New Orb ans. Iji, fv t 1 - Tot. : 1 and Friday, gfnerfcl'y fs'r. j