Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR "T ".'JITX Tinpr," w it y THE OUTimiE DAILY LEADER! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1911 ' - i THE DAILY LEADER BY LESLIE O. NIBLACK jpubllfched dally from The leader build ing Wt 'Harrison .avenue and entered t the Guthrie postotflce aa second claw matter. '.MEMBER 0 F ASSOC! ATEDJP R E S8 S ,$ .45 j ' - - - - f DAILY SUBSCRIPTION 4.1 hv caitt4-.H. . ft BUSINESS IS PICKING UP teKLAHOMA (VyEELYpADFR I .... i i -ft ' 1 f " e Vi of rir rL M. Shflffiold, J3l'.:. Aency, Tribune buildlns. tilottgo office: N. M. snewieia Agamy, S. Kxpresn ouuaing. j. ffin. KuMfl R. Hrrigrm aimiosinir and Pres. fomii, N6.-'10 '-W rirrison. Editorial roonn, iui1 lrrion. To reach all dtpa.rlinenW ttKne extension 75 EXPO HI OUSNESS - llbnv. n -. The Boston Bnaves at least fore casted night on the initial game. 4 " . the Germans It is claimed that Jreat all captives well. Is that an In HlUtlon? Vi ' ' j Apiwrently it is the German eaglo tmd not the : barnyard hen that 1ms k'on Kluck. One side fjlea": , and . the .othor p'j ereat8,M depending on the route of fHe dispatch. , ' si In the presence of the Olse and euse the River of Doubt falls1' into lislgnificajice. After awhile Europe may resort to Me bajlot Instead of - the bullet to !tt)le itsf difficulties., ... ,' v t rs a: war In which the Cossacks win an enemy' oomanendatlon.,Qir.ihuinane and gentle behavior is some war. 1 . . -' " 1 ... A Every, time there ia a cessation ln the fighting some of tho rulers rush S: to the (front to congratulate the ar : mies. - ' If . '' In France the river jpiee iajpro- Bounced "Waz." That Is " ihe"place I -jrhere the German army oiee a few fny8 eince. f Ci'if.' InjiBd to fcalli jtuIe Frquni3y Hhey fi-t T ou'nw oi a lown uiac you couiu? i J feronounce anyhow. , , 4 1. i As a football taliclan explains it, ihe Germans, jliaf 4' been .'bucking tf)0? flmter, while the allu?s are ' trying for aln arouowi 4iie Jelt end' W -A tft .' " flTire 'ift 'weH-roundea co-nrdenTti the part of Individuals. h-.Plji4 gnot aiancessaxj Jiiprft i iK4.h UiKbttt u,e. ia. private . per?, soms , pTittiag away mioney in etock- infis or fitoring It in the (more modern equivalent of safe deposit boxes. of a staniihln fy. ryice in Die I or " saier . oeposnea m uanK3 European war. ,i ': ' C f , than ln i.tocMng'8. Those "who use " ! ' : iKa uifAlif iarwolf -omltei rf(n ft VUU 'ia'IVl,; V iVf i b T CVI1A U3 T AAA. him .Jhat the airship America will crofia ti" A'tlantic' safely' on 'her '.first voy Bige. She is to go across in thajhold i f fi I li V A . MENU ,LS viNjrai 1 -- . . - . i . - v : : banks'toe carrying a Utgf rdscfv is 'i TSS" I I-. I i. M J M X. . T-'iX -4 r IE u r v TI II 7 '""X'SWiies rren tit FREDERICK WHITE I 'I sense. This Informs me that when 1 want anything of anybody I have to work for It and perhaps wait for it. But when anyone wants anything ot me, they-have, to .wait or else giv me a decent show to give it to them. I'm in no hurry to leave Paris. anJ ) don't .propose to stand like dumb driven; -cattle ftt the pasture, .gate waiting 'to' be milked. I'll st;tV :hl exactly ' twel vertbifty? and then1, j 'no to lunrh. God safflt the!Xm'Dlon wealth of Indiana." ' And at twelvr;- thirty, go she did. .. The.' rest stayed. s. They stayed through .' sun. through . ehine, , and through rain. ' It rained cats, and do;''?, too, that day, believe me! At five t walked leisurely to the bureau an l obtained my permit to breath the air of rari9.: :'. "',,''.' Catarrh Cannot Be Cured . With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces Hall s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians In this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with t 10 best blood purifiers, fictins directly on tlio mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Inpredient3 is what pro duces such wonderful results (in curing catarrh. 8end for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. O. Sold bv Prusrslsts. price ,75c. . Take UU'a Family Pills for constipation. iKXKIKBMRlIIH X VAGRANT VERSE. . . j $ CHARGE OF THE NINTH LANCEliS Point." 'But thf HV-U not a fjemeral policy i8 eufficiently Indicated hy the fadihatHfife Now YlbadDUa $av not restored their legal percentaga of rosorve; Tho OondusUHi la JneviU a'bfe tlnat there la private hoarding oir THE WAR NEWS. f. A .oo& deal' bt.-en said about T'l.vlng reports'' Trom Europe's battle- ' grounds, but the authorities concern d, on both sides, should get a square deal from the public, and the fact is that aside from accusations hurled from one aide to the other and back again of cruelty and violations of mil itary ethics tand unnecessary dttmc tiveriees, the war reports, what there "( has leen of them have not only not been vainglorious bluffs, but have beca o v,c-ctm serve tive. Gen .French's first dispatKi stated that li escaped ;; by the siin of his teeth Irvtu Jini Jiibtion by Gen. von Kluck. There was no underrating tl enmy nor I bragiiig alxt hi own j&ide. The Gtruian dispatches have not teen r laugUt'in.oiie foiae statemect, so far -jut 'tu progress of th battle is oon v'cTned."3t'is reccJlei that tot until three. days after the retreat of the German rigLt wing began near Par is did the French war dispatches re port any such turn in the tide. All the storU-s that have in the Jast week ben printed reporting tLt the Ger mans were in full retreat again, in cluding the one that reported that all the automobiles in corUicrn "France wre er:agl jn, roUowiag thm up, cmy from irresponsible -n.ris, not srom hmA quarters. Of piia ac'u.i hare bten censer va. tive snd orrect."even if 1(KrUUy slow great deal more value in putting it in circulation to pay for good stocks an bonds., There are splendid bar gains in that line at present, and the enterprising man "who secures them will be much better off than by sit ting on his funds. It is not of much use arguing wltrt a man who is suspicious of the sol vency of the country. But the best way to convince him of the mistake I.e is making is to show ,the prices at which he can buy dividend-paying securities. Paris, (By Mail) I .went overiiio the banquet room of the Grand hoi 1 to have a look at my countrymen ln a mass meeting of protest. ' i diin t at all care to get out of the country myself, but Lord, how they did! Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill. Tonic is equally valuable as a General Toole because It contains the well known tonic properties of QTI--1.K and IRON7. Drives out Malaria. enriches J!'kkJ, Build j up the Whole K BRILLIANTS. & ninaisitiRKiiii . History casts its shadow far the land of gong. Longfellow. in'o HOARDEO IriONEV, ' Tb Uicreaw of currency lu th9 t'niU-d States outside that held in the I irwumry fa. tS27,0(M).O9 ia JLft two nattta. la August til re u -a Si 1 1 (too ri , . . September zr.swszs.' cir vc- -t .., urn $li.00(WO w e.vici?-H )- t Cod is generally for the big sij'.mi rons agaiust the little tni'. Bufi,;. Pabutin. The world ipasseth away, and !ie lust thereof; but ho who doeilt the will of God sbideth U refr. I. John il.. IT. . . Vet e New Ycric ouitinue' V.-hi. : . - i Is, The banks of that i-'-t fully reMored their If Jon tio hot rise early you cm never make progress in anything Lord Chatham. ' The charade r "is li'.c w Lite ;a;e.--if once blotted It can hardly ever 'p CtMcRr toY tirt-XlIawes 1 -1 C V lhl VA ho; a The original Mr. Tip was there wi'h hjh) daughters, and dozens more lie him. Women, women and women, all worried, all pretty, all perfectly will ing to ret acquainted with anyone who spoke Amcriean. Two commit tees were drawing up elaborate, long winded f resolutions behind closed doors while tho impatient cro.-U awaiter an answer to the priue rnustioif "Wfcfit uro vou-eoing o do hbouLn3', li roamed and iulci T sliNildn't be surprised if she hnd got o'it of Gemnny, though ' Yes. niy wife's in Switzerland; only safe plaee; she can stay there forev. r, for alt I . No, I get a cable every two hours regular . Yer Coo"c is charging 23 ir1" cnt premium for cajhing Paid more for a passage on the Ia France than a good motor car would have cost Come down to my. hotel, then they II trust you. Par, we Ameri cans ought to get together and ta'ce care of these women: why, if we only would I say. cable Wils-.n tlurc's fiftv thousand demounts stranded here, and he'll get buy Only four f ra s left. Out well I've simply got.'o .get that nit pin. Say,-ain't that Senator Mucins Why. he'll be able to do something, sure! Well, if t hat little poach in green ran stand it, I'm in no hurry!' and so on. Yes. its' ricky for the American to;iri.t thesp davs if he kPOS of a cood Ltt'u? reach in green! Fv i n trt from flirttio-thf r is William Watson. -... iMelinite. lyddite, darkened heaven, But straight at the, guns the Lancers rode By the light of the rage that within them glowed . Straight . at the guns, the deadly Eleven, That had raked and shelled them seven times seven. With never a halt or a needless word. At the cannon in ambush our horse men spurred, Knights of liberty, glory's sons, , . And slew the gunners beside th'jir guns, . And captured the cannon, tho roaring Eleven, That deafened the earth and darken ed the heaven, Then their dauntless remnant came Out of the hurricane, out of ' '.he flame. Covered with smoke and dust nd fame. Shout, you hires, with chorus sent Ringing JroniCaithness right to Kent, From far'Xo'rthi&nJierland down pt , Devon, ' " Shout for your heroes, Britain's sou3 Who quenched in silence the thunder ing guns That darkened like doom the golden heaven. ' , The courage that lifted their hearts shall leaven All who in England's name go forth From east and west, from south to north, Under the great godspeed of heaven. Why, Use 1 - - r "fl ? .i i : i --1 Inrerior: When you can have your house wired for ; f ; . '. ) 11.., at .such low cost - ' itltU'.MlMiWfc With the use of EDISON MAZDA LAMTS the low- monthly current consumption will sur- ii'.n prise you. What Would You Do? There are many ' times when one man questions another's actions and motives. Men act differently under different circumstancB. ' The ques tion is, wnat wouiu you no rigiu nu if you had a severe cold? Could you do better than to ta'ke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is highly recom mended by people who have used it for years and 'tnaw its value. Mrs. O. K. Sargent. Peru, Ind.. says, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is worth its weight in gold and 1 take pleasure in recommending it." For sale bv all dealers. p! Si K 35 X 28 K & LEADERETTES. x y. - x j& & 'gal r ff -V toiat Mj ,,.. lr rrt and rW.p, is L.rd la get evon th-n.- This tmy be par tU'Iy cue to 'foriga. cw!rtons. but naturU cociiozw ia this fo-intry ttxd-.; to an overahundajj e f.f nn7 and iow coztln- nce of tiM tnefy 'nrarious leud-ir.-g tnirtj arg-j.s a tendencr u- Tijt tlrl in r , - I mmm V VJidV 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Uso For Oyer 30 Years 1 Aiw aj s Lears I tbe signature of re closed except a fw of. the biz stores, which are Si- mrft emi'tr. with clerks readini t'.e w ar news, and those little j laces 'ha' f-ell Irov'.sions. Think of being in Paris and not beir.j a le to L.iy anT- N'ii aufpums are open, no heater?. The cafe? are shut by 'a at S o'tb-k-k at r.icht. After that is s one s tr.;y entertamnuni is to lon to soire of the bridge over the Seine and watch the sear-lnigh's CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. j Playing about the F.iffl tower, looS- L"t ' f-:rr!?!j yea & Baritry ir.g for Thing machines from Ger-rr-rr j-p ran-:-: - rr rp" -ftr !psn ' '". or-w"w -1 i 4. Z.:.-. a r.i " i ? oa. PLoiie iZZ. ! wirckss citAblisurutnt. ' I went to th United States 'con sul's office what an office! it'; three flights of stairs in the Aveitin de l'Opera. Yes, up three nights stairs, if you can get up. But yon can't. Positively not. unless o;i walk, climb, crowd, push past h mass of pretty girls and old women fussy old men, young men. aunts, gro cers, millionaires and professors fro.n Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul and points West and South. The o.iiy thing is to nit down on the stairs, as these young ladies do. and talk1 !l ove. n Every fifteen minutes ti'.e crowd moves up another step. Suddenly there is a commotion on the landing above. A lage black satin beaded lady h.-,t-fainted! She i handed down to Y-? concierge, and whisky is given her by a man with a cropped mustache whom she w ill never see again. On the M;iirs wordly wise girls, traveling alone, discuss the sit uation In a business like manner, and prepare to hold the fort till midnight. But not 1. There are three good rules for the Anuican tourist: 1. Ask three dif ferent officials wcat time your train starts. 2. ivm't be afraid to tip anv body if you want favors. S. t'se your common sense in preference t. all advice, even this. 1 acted on rules N'os 2 and 3.- I got in at last and received, not a !eautirul eneraved passport, but a miserable jurj lo typewritten sheet certifying that I was an American ritzen. The Ftenographer who ty: ed e in the blank was po cor- d tired with writing nams for twenty hours that he actually srei rrinc right for the first tim in yarf At ; the Bureau de Tolice of quarter smh tactl s were impossible. You ran't foci much with martial law;'t!r are useless here, too must; do what you're told. So 1 waited a while on the sidewalk, r- eeivirg gratuitous lessons in every Fnmpean lancuace. Negroes. China men. Poles. Hrgltsh women. Russr-n and Italian stood massed, on tha: narro-- fjdwalk all day long. Tin-' Americans did r.ot. 'I'm from Valparaiso, Ind." a U'l yo'ir.f With glasses f.nally ar- nounred to her English r'a''t ' friends, "ar. 1 I'm ha; :-y to say tht t!.e war pictures at 'the Opera Cexl. in inf:n?t misdom. en do we t ;'i-ie. iucay end v, euc.cs.iay. ..:p n.e with a rn:aU bunch of common tLe oa;a la UJa)'s Leader. Call at office pr, telephone ur and 'a' repre sentative .'will give an estimate on wiring, your home and explain our monthly payment plan. WE DO REPAIR , WORK ., USE EDISON MAZDA LAMPS :v Public Service Co. of OklaHoma (Ligh t Co.) 1 r-y Telephone 111 Is it for rent? want columns. Try Vhe Leader KllX!IMRMI(aillMI1 M " ' T. C. VINSON 8? The tlmo to take care of the sS " "' """ ' ' m hair is while you have it. Elec- 3illllKKItJKMMIIMKfta &' trie Face and Scalp Massage. & m L. L. Billings, Dealer imantfP Si Scalp Treatment ' a specialty.' M M shipper of Guthrie Mineral Wells M 8 Hair cut 25c. 119 So. First 'Si K Water. Shipments made to any 53 street. Stop in for a scalp 28 X point !n the United States. ft treatment m K Phone 629. Res. 913 E. Harrison. 18XX8ISII3IIXIXIIIKII IRIKIIRIIIIIIIIIIII IH my h.ame fusea and Tokio, Japan, has five biscuit fac tories. MoAlester. Okla.. is now under com mission government. Letters sealed with white of eg? can not be steamed open. Ja:i:in baa nsked for increase i space at the San Francisco cxpp-,:'- tion. Thorouuh soaking in sea wa letigthens the life of telctra,, h poI.M ies, weni mi u iaer 1, anj all h.tgili ule o 1 an j Waddei 'n both uj-j. A TEXAS WONi'KR The Texas W03-iei rur- ki.i-4 and bladder troubles, dinsotven rg(. ciires diabetes. weaH and Uui isacl-a iteumatism tie hidceys Rnd women. lieguUtea Dladdr tifr ties In children, (f iot olJ hy jem druggist, will be et.l b 00 i celpt of XIM. One small .w..nj' wo months' treaimecl. and efellora fails to perfect a cute Send for tes timonials from this and ether ttat?. Dr. E. W. Hall. 232? Olife Street. St lO'Jbs. Mo Sold by druggy's AdT." ovveec cream zdc oer av '.; ' v . . . Whipping cream 40c per pt. Milk and Butter Milk Phone 636 Piersol Ice Cream Co. Olsmithisms The war In Europe is their war, not our, and very thankful we.oujht t be, anj are, that it is so. .But Just the am. all of us who know ecOugh , about our ancestry to knptf that twns IrtslC English, Frenchi Gentian, Canny Scotch or Ku.-sUn. secretly , of epenly pray for the uccess of the country that rocked the cradle of, chf ancestors, and "are the better Aaier- i Oct lstcrole leans for it ' - ' i The Duck s'jooiln sea i official, rent i?hootifl 1 oa licea? egin )ct lst.crtes'Jan'lftn. 1515. This .aafi. 3 on sale, si .j eacn. Gunsi and rifles lor I.VGERSOL WATCHES 1.00. SAFETY RA70RS $1.00. Ftectric-Flash Lights and extra batteries. ' Foot Bulls and Foot Ball supplies. KOBIX HOOD ECLIPSE DCADED SIIEU.3, best, oa eara, C. Pipei. Cigars, and Tobacco, Playing Cards, ; Pocket Kniies and ererythlnj la Sportsman's Goods. fi S ' : Remember: If yoa have a Cash Re-gister, Typewriter. Fewlag Machioe, B. cycle or Motorcycle out of order the best plare la Guthrie to hare It repaired Is at 01mith's Phone 1? S 9 n t ! It! (2 15 1 1 2 . i rtJ OLSMITH ARMS CO. - IGuthrieJOkla.- Phone 198 if-