Newspaper Page Text
TJTE GTJTITRTE DATLY LEADER, MOXDAY, 'OCTOBER 12, 1014. rWHTC SEVEV E5 Sl'KAKER'S DAUGHTEP WEARS COTTON NOV 5 mi m m s ,,, CLASSIFIED BUNION y V t. . J ABL THE DAILY TuEADER. (Absorbed "the Oklahoma State Cap- j ital March S.V191L) j Official Paper of Constitutional Con rention. j Official City paper hhm,.. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. in the event of delivery being loi- :. : prlect. or paper being rolled, twisted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED A cant or mu tilated, subscribers are urged to j fortable and permanent home with aiake ar mediate complaint to the busl- . nuss office in j.ersrtnby telephone or reasonable salary is offered a good Txail. woman of middle age to keep house Mai! subscribers; snould examine the address on the label or tneir paper, it, shows when subscription expire When you remit the label 'g change'!, If rot notify this office. If yuu wlh your subs-Tlftlon discontinued write the oft'lv, otherwise the- piper will tb continued. In rb an guise ad.. Irenes give Njih ol.j new adlr';Pse&. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cunts. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this paae will be seen by mere than ::0,GG0 people. """" j ii0 Stare 111 Mw mi Storage LAW BOOKS FOR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5. One vol. each of Washington, 15 i Illinois, 158; Missouri, 191. Address Daily Leader, Guthrie, Okla. , , DR. L. tt. RAMALEY and Su'-?pcin Tr-atb all diseases of man kind. Visits -day or night city and country, 't'i yea fa experience. ' .Ctlronl ud Private dlseaues a special ty. Guthrie office. Okla homa - avenue.' (Opjot rroffl. rhn S. R. R. TIME TABLE , C, R. I. & f. RT. No. 707 west bound, arrives 9:55 a. m. Depart 11:43 a. m. No. 70S, east bound. Arrives 2:20 p. m. Departs 3:00 p. m. Station division and Perkins. A.. T. & S. F. North Bound. fcpartt and Chicago Ex.. 0:35 a. m. Colo and Calif. ...8:40 a. m. 406. .K. q. 16 1C C. 18 K. C. and Chicago t:uu p. m. 412 K. C, Chicago .and Calif Fiyer S:23 a. m. South Bound. Arrives Departs 411 Texas Flyer .. 7:30 a.m. 8:01) a. m. 17 Texas Express 10:50 a. m. 10:50 a. in. 15por jurcell .. 8:25 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 405 Texas Express ll:u0p. m. 11:00 p.m. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Departs 418 For Ripley, Cushlng and Skeedee, except Sunday 6:50 a.m. 410 For Stillwater, iawHee and Cushing, daily ......5:30 a. m. ; Arrives 4ua From Cushing, Tawnee and Stillwater, daily .10:15 a. m. 41" From Cushing-, lUplcy and Skeedee, ex. Sunday.. 4:15p.m. d., e. & a. Departs 442 Enid, Hiowa, ranhandie, Texas, daily i.... 5:10 p. in. 144 Local, Enid and Kiowa, except bunday ;..T.v:.m ; 441 From Enid, Kiowa, Ten ' j ii From Enid. Kiowa, except Sunday ...... 6:45 p. m. ' FORT SiHTHiA WESTERN" Arrives 1 From Fort Smith , dally. .. . 7:30?. m. J-From Weleetka, ex Sunday. 11:05 a. m. Departs J For Fort Smith, daily 8:13 a. m. 6 For Weleetka, except Sunday 4:40 pm. ST. LOnS, EL RENO & WESTERN Departs 19 For El Reno, except Sunday 8:00 a. m. Arrives 20 From El Reno, ex. Sunday. 4:22 pm. k. & t. 14 leaves Outliria f-r Fallis No. t :. :20a. m. No. IS leaves Guthrie for St Louis and 1C C u 10:50 a.m. No. 15 Ai rives Cutlirle- from Failis at 9:35 a. m. No. 17 arrives Guthrie from all northwest points at.... 6:00p.m. All trains arrive and depart from Union Station at Junction of Oklahoma and Harrison avenus and Fourth ktreet. .""a lr''f t. c T W . . i j j -- " -n CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED, at once, industrious white wotrjn to cleiiTM::&J diiflfiS WANTED White woman for general house work.' Apply GIG East Har rison avenue. LADLES can, make 10 to ?15 weekly, copying, addressing arid mailing samples. Particulars for stamp. Rex Co., 239 Glenwood Ave , Buffalo, N. Y. ror a,n, elderly gentleman. . Address "M" Care this office. LADIES Good money making plain aprons at home; we pay you; no i canvassing. Send 25 cents for par Wculars and full-size arron. Cook Suply Co., Kokomo, Jnd. LADIES to sew at home: ?10 and ! over weekly. Work sent . prepaid. Ttamped addressed envelope. Ivan hoc Mfg. Co., St. Louis. Mo. HELP WANTED MALE YOUiXG MEN and women to learn newspaper and magazine drawing by mail. Send for bur illustrated magazine and list of successful st" i dents. Associated Art Studios, Flat iron Building, New York. " ' WANTED Youngman or youn? lad v with spare time to solicit orders. Send 25 cents in stamps for samn'e and instructions and start to wori right away. Address, Business Alan, 229 Court Ave.. Memphis, Tena. WANTED Names and addrosss bj mail or '. nouses; big pay; Iivne work; information for stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth, Ind. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to , get. My free booklet, Y-366, tells how. , Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D.'C. INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn 58 to 520 weekly during spare time at home writing for newspapers. Send for, particulars ' Press Syndicate, 83 Washington, I). C. GARAG E MEN In every town to sell Victor Starter for $15.00-. Elver Ford owner wants ont,. Sells on demonstration. Lucrative commis si. .c'tor Ford Starter Co.. Den vcr, Coic. 'WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Good nloney made. oest trade iii eNirtencn 'for " ' jioor man. Machinery can't kill it. v,' Our gradu ates greatly' in demand 6n account ot our thorough training. Write or catalogue. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo. MAKE MONEY WITH US Amount J depends: upon time devoted. NO I canvassing. Ambitious local man wanted. Addres ' Ostrandr, Dept. G6. J2 West 31st. SL, New York. j MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach the baroer trade in short term, mailed free. Write Molcr College', Kansas CPy. Mc . j WANTED Organizers to ' HELP form branches of the National De- J fense League. - Work of a laudable : pubnc character. - High class men with fraternal orgnrlant'm eTperi- ence preterrea Large compensation rjive rfgreace and experience in first letter.'4 -Address ' National Defense League, District National Bank Build ing, Washington, D. C. BOYS WANTED to sell Dailv Osli-! homans and Saturday Evening Post on street. Apply 114 1-2 E. Okla. Ave., Room 4. t i-rn v-vit .. " week, 8 hours a day? , Woman wanted to distribute free packages i Borax Washing Powder. Ward Soap, Co. 216 Institute PI., Chicago. inmnn 1 U. S. GOVERNMENT uses Riehmon 1 Chemical Extinguishers that Kill gasoline fires. Auto and facto sizes. District managers make Vir Ifr'i-t-M ro'it Anto free. Rlch--ra i! Cl.ui la1 Co.. Desk 609. Wheel In?. W. a. y i !l AILL PAY lionesf men tip to .'f j -wwtt ?-9 mTtmn nmn m-nwfr- . vu.. -rilone AO canvassing. .o 'a,nai. .Maui W.lcr ,liusintsVoorhiev Uesk. Omaha. Neb. fSO MONTHLY and expenses to j travel and distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; per ' manent. Jap American Co.. Chicago. f2V0 ANNUALLY. Co-operate witft me erenlncs at home. EverytMr? fmlrhed. Don't worry alout ci - l - ital. Boyd H. Brown. Omal.a. Ne'-. Is it for rent? , war.t colusLa. Try Vie Leader CLASSIFIED SITUATIONS WANTED btvANTED-A iitfsltttwaas housdeeper for a Tfiojfrr. $y middle ; aged lady wifli'daobtfler? Address K.." care Leader office, Guthrie. BUSINESS CHANCES A, SUBSTAN HAL corporation fwants a reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen, i Should pay $3,000 to 515,000 annually; 5300 to $700' will : finance' '"business you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bids., Chicago, M. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS 'We have a fast seller; eas ily demonstrated No experience re quired. Big profits. For free particu lars write Inter-State Supply Co., Turner, Kansas. ACilONTiS VVANTKD Agents are com ing money selling ' our big . 1 Packages of 20 Assorted Postal Cards. -5.000 Varieties." "Big Profits." rfeU everywhere ' at ; sight. Sample Pack age lc. Particulars free. Sullivan Card Co., 1234 Van Buren St., Chi cago, III. AOKIN'TS WaiNTDD 400 , . per eul profit selling our repeat order goods. Samples and particulars fr Luther Gordon Pldg., Chicago.' Co., Northwestern PORTRAIT AGENTS attention: Wo want you work. All rejects cred t ed. ' Absolutely lowest 'prices. Sent tohiy for catalog that will interest you. E. Hass, 320 River St., Chicago. AGENTS European war book. Right up-to-date. Big money maker. Out- fit free; 50 per cent commission. Ad dress, Nj-Hcnal Bible House, Pope n.M , Ch'cago, HERE'S THE WINN1C.R; you want, absolutely sells ' on 1 sight 100 p?r cent profitsrepeats, particulars free. Southwestern Supply Co., 438 So. I Western Ave., Mexico, Mo.' ' SALESMEN WANTED- SALES111?N ..wanted for country ' towns; 525". weekly salary and 55 per day allowed for ex.pens,es when traveling.' ' ..Western" Cider Cb.V St, Louis, Mo EXPERIENCED, capable salesman ;o ' travel for old established house with line that sells to practically all elites of merchants. High commission.-,-.' with weekly advance.' to rigfnt man, D. W. Barrows, Defroit, Michigan.'" SEXTON & CO., , Importers manu-. facturers and wholesale grocers, the largest house in the world jelling farmers and large consumers, want ( salesmen in every etate. Honest, 1 energetic men only. Experitnce de- I Islrahlp not essential. Permanent, B, . , . i . , " , JJrOlliaUie UUSilieSS lU your UOIUC county. Good references required. JOHN SEXTON & CO., LAKE & FRANKLIN STS., CHICAGO. PAJiRSMI-rv - WANTED Ttxpertence unnei'tBsari. easy work, big- nay.- Write for large list ct openings of-Do faring opportunities to earn 5100 , 5500 a month while you T learn j Address neares office, Dept. 2 J' National Salesmen's Training Asso- i i elation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. SALESMEN Capable specioltv r proposition. wortVo .r'lar.- alrroM - new hrn rmnary, rf- year with i'beral sdvan es Box '! :. 'owa nty, Iowa SATFSMFN WANTED ,n rv.. v.' Lu,. ..ii M-n'a grado llne of calendars and Advi-r- n.! c-infli.l nnpntnu fnr th rlrht man Position nerm - . nent. Liberal contract Adit's Terre IIail,e AvertIsin? prre Haute' lnd' win rrn MKtrrt l ANFnus WAN TED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ROOMERS Meals if de- . a n' ; sireu. bouui roi..s. yiu t i ; "".W. Warner. - Terms reiaonaftie..- '.,Tf.nnf R needed. iTiese Tarnis are .." TT-" ' ;"rear Gnthrie. Address -Keenoyta, , 1 1 mm m m a m . Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance.' J Houses , for Beat, . ;f - j ; f , Offi-e over Bank of Commerce. 414 Res. Phone 1115 T I TYPEWRITER. , , , , Royal No. 1 ... Royal No. 5. 535.; (salesman's , 5n nj sample) ; Royal No. K, new ... 'Roytl No 10 TpewrPers rnted Ribbons an! ! I aprl!es . ' - TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. . ilH t-2 East Otila. Tbone .'Muin. . I " T " "1' ' ! A 1 TuJ-ir ai t Cl'aV CLASSIFIED LOST AND FOUNO. LOST Leather a tot) with i'old front . bar and ro'ityf ' charm.' 'elf? raved with old English f'R" attached., Phnsc return to R, 1 . Stewart, i jpounty Treasurer's jlfl'0, ': ') LOST A mesh r 'bag, containing one nnd five pennies f chamois 1 eiWHwithlace ,blue ribbon. ' Eind( r retufa;o135 North Second street. V LOST Left or writing desk hi post office, po ktt book containing; smail ch .npe iuid livt: keys. Finder pi keep change lut return keys to post office or leave "at Leader office. Re ward. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED A saddle. C. F. W. 55. good second E. Walters, hand phono COTTON WANTED-lood grain farm to exchange for god midland cot ton. Will hold cottol for a yea -Robt. Workman. Lesne,' Ark. for nzjn FOR RENT Very cjboiee ' i urnlsned rooms, also equipment for light housekeeping ; at North Side Inn. Phone 843. Mrs! Ella Huling. CHICKENS AND EGGS. BOOKILVG IQRCEIR'3 ; for bab( ch'.x nnd e?gs for hatching. 'Spring de livery. The D. W.. Young strn'.n. single comb Wrhite Leghorns f4 range stock. 3aby chix 512 00 per hundred. Eggs, 52.00 for 15; 5"-" per hundred.' The Sanitary Chi nnd Egg Farm, R. G. Brown, 802 Sho t St., Valapraiso Indiana. FOR SALf FOR SALE A lot of home 'canned , fruit for sale; all kinds. For par ticulars iphone 68. , FOR' SALE Horse and buggy; horae - gentle, .. suitable for family se ill, at 111") West Logan. Rer. T. H. Call Allen. IFOR SAiLEPura bred Barred Rocm i 1 .- ' cockrels, ' April hatched; will sell now for 75c. Phone L. It. 15J. , . ' i W.EL4j DRHuLS of superior quality, j bleam and gasolino power."-Great-! n.o .'- earn i g capacitj'. LoomtB Drill Co., Tiffin.' L. ' TT. 1 ; " the month shall fall1 upori -Sunday of WHY liAY. RENT 7A nice, 3-roonr a lloli(lay th6 niee,lng of aaW house, two fipo lots, well and cave. omniisslonerg Bhall 1)e nn Good location. Only 520. .A. B on the second day of such month, and Aimr.tron.?, phone S99. ,, - jpay day Bhall be.upon the fourth dav A GREAT" BARGAIN I have- a"7- of such month; and, -provided also - roonv, -modern 'Jiouss. on the st ' Side for sale' at a very low 'prl e. 1 A. B. Armstrong, riione S99. .. FOR SALE Four more days left Iw , lbo purchase of implements at i-,of price; one ana 4-norfe ar.ns ana Tilnu'd faTmirtir mill f Pnllnr 1 -""", r i rTZTrlT'tiTa' -1 FOR SALE ON LAS IbKMS-i acres of fine land, one mile north of i flnfVirlA Plaftnd nd nrrmerlir ati.'v- . I,.' ... . ' . . . .i'up for consideration and no' claim" I divided into six-;), two-1, one-! ?, an I 1 . , one-Mi are lots, ("sail soon or you will miss a bargain. A. L. May. Lock 228: phone K-52. FOT'R IjOTS in Hainer Addition, will p,, f f horses. Phone V R improved 1R FOR SAT E A well acres in good neighborhood, on main mad to Cnthr! clo," to schocl ...and rh'jrch hve 'phnn: roodibo"s- rirtr rt roctd writer purred tr tr.!M; . 'cr.h -.rd. fen-r In rend rern'r: . : meadow, balance past ire: , never-falllnq; sprina: In' pasture:' Bonie tlmVr near spring. This .and M P "0,1 na lays fine. Priced (n seTl terms if needed. Addres "Kfe- noyta." rare Tsder. FOR SALD Quarter section, good location; near Guthrie; 80 a. cul : itRl - grass Ian4. small improvements; some fruit: farm land lays fine pas- : lur little rough, bnt roorr Krasi. ) . x i n ni pientT water o ; ! care Leader. TO EXCHANGE FOU EXCHANGE;; room two stop-. tnodern house in cood repair. k In and clear f enr vxtC ranp one story. 5 or. 6 room .JToreus of gooJ trade to o'xer. Fire ; Insurance farm loans snd notary jork. M. Garrett. ll 1-2 East Ok- 'lhoma avenue. ) PV WANTFO. WANTED to ear from owner of aood I farm Tot ale.. Send cah price aa i rirUoa. D F- BuX MlaneapoUs. VT" 1 t '-JV S3" CLASSIFIED PERSONA.. diUKHf A-tt,f. LADY, 41. worth 5 6 0.0 JO', would mar i ry. G-ilox Toledo Jaie, To ledo Ohio." : ;, ' CUT THIS OUT for luc;!-;Se:id ' -binhdate and 10 cents for horo scope of your entlr0 life. Prof. Raphael, 499 Ixlngton avenue, New York. MAIVRY -Tf yfan are lonely. The Reliable. Confidential, Successful Club hns iTrce number of wealthy. Iiiil:if I)Mncrs of both sexcu, wln inf early n'arriage. De'icriptlons cpc. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. 2046. LADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Pills; always depend able. Relief and ' pnrtfcuTars frev Write National "Medical Inslfnt--". Milwaukee Wis.' j ' FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOME. For confinement;"" ' publicity avoided, adoption free If dfsired; doctors, nurses, care, klndness' arid home com forts; prices reasonable. Write for booklet, Mrs T. Q. Long. Office, 2024 fontgall Ate..' Kansas City, Mo. (First .published in the Guthrie Daily Leader, October 1, 1914.) RESOLUTION. Be It Resolved by the 'Mayor an:i Board of Commissioners of tiio C'ty o' t', thrie. Oklahoma 1. That the third day of ea n month is hereby designated a.nd fixed' as a regular meeting day of the Board of Commissioners of said City of Guthrie for the purposes of taking up for consideration and passing upon all claims filed against said city and the allowance or rejection of he same together with the passing or appropriating ordinances for the pay ment of all claims allowed, and such other business as may properly come I uiuti uudihcpu wo i. 7 i' i' - . , ' before said Board of Commissioners) for transaction; and that the fourth day of each' month be and the same uWwy ucuatcu Ar in"iTi TL-Tit.h nil -lalnia nllnueil. " flnd ror whlch an appropriating ordin- ance has heretofore been passed. shall be paid and delivery" of v th-? warrant therefore made to the res- pective claimants; provided, however, (that in the event said third day of that If said fourth day of the month Ehalt fall upon Sunday or a legil j holiday, then, in such event, ' iabl meeting of the Board of Commlssiou- erg shall be held upon the second day such month and pay day shall ne. unon the third day of such month. n t-i t. ! .-wl Thnf lit; ll, r ill ici ivcsuuuu, i".inaiui5 1 laiio, aiv uiunwiaiu j H claims against said City must op (.f Austria, the monorail train o: ... . . . ,.. ..... .'T. , . ,..,i ,., Ilieil oil or oeiore lue iiiai uay m the month, in which they are takjn j filed after that date shall receive 'on j sideration until a regular meeting ; day for such purposes In the follov i Ing month, unless upon a special meeting called as by law provld-l for such purposes. Passed and approved this 9th would want to see yourself, wer. of October, 1914. . j. p;. NTSSLEY. Mayor. (PEVL.l Attest: R. N. DUNHAM, Cltr Clerk: f First rnMIrte.l In the Guthrie D.rly Leader, October 1, 1914.) 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1391. j An Ordinance amending section . of Ordinance No. 12S5 and re:iealin? all Ordinances or parts of Ordln- unces In ronlict therewith: i Et It Ordained by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Guthrie Oklahoma: Faction 1. That Section 2 of Or dinance No. 1285 be and the tame is d folIows J -Serlioo A riolation of any. Of (h pror6ont of -pectfon One shaR . m w,..1.fnil4' A. ...t .v.n nun be a misdemeanor," and shall re pun ! ished upon conviction In the Police Court by a fine not less than Fifty Dollars ($53 V) nor "omre than' On? Hundred Dollars ($ln 00). or by m- rrisonment In the- city Jail for nt e; waK acr tlisn nlnet days er thjia n i cottte " jjjrh tine .and Imprisonnr nt " i 1 j gton" All ordinanfr ot parts tf ordinances In conflict herewith ar ifeby repealed. section 2. This ordinance shall be In force and effect from and aft-r 'thirty daTs after Its passage, ar-provi! ani publication. . a . r . . . t S a i asea ana awruwwa oi Ufiouer. i;i. 3 E. 'NTtvSI EY. Mayor. Mtt: R. -i DtNlIAil. w ES ' h :H rl! TRAVEL FILMS, WIH LLC TURE TO BE PRESENTED AT OPERA HOUSE The Hennebcrry Travel liitun that are coming to Guthrie, un.l.i' the auspices of the Daily Loader and which will be presented at t he o;e: house Tuesday and Wednesday, , re resent the last word in pictures of tin kind that have always enjoyed po" larlty here. In,the wide variety oi subjects to be presented and !h manv countries to be shown many unusual features will be seen, with great number of the subjects colored in the natural beauty of the places to "be; visited, making It all the more ! ossible to appreciate the surround ings of Paris, France, German London England. Ireland. Scotlanl Spain, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia Africa and Egypt. In addition to th Victures themselves,' there will fie an interesting talk, explanatory of h' noints of Interest and unusual feat I f vnplnll9 ..,. A. lnA Worll. There will be two entirely different presentations, . making a complet . of nroKram with each day and the engagement Is positively limited to next Tuesday and uednesday evenings. Nothing will be repeated on Wednesday evening that will be shown on Tuesday and this presen tation is without question; the ( great est attractions of its kind that ever appeared in Guthrie. It is x an ex clusive feature yith the Daily Leader and the .presentation Is under their mi a yl tD. 1 Many scenes w engaged I auspices. from the countriji in the most terrible war of all mankind will be shown and described as well as places n other countries that the j averaar tourist never gets a chance to visit. There are Tarts of Egypt where men buy their wives and sell - thulr daughters, where children marry 'at eleven and are mothers at twelve. In Africa, women are sold as slaves, to ( ie'nsed as laborers in the fields. In J Spain, they' test 'fish by cutting ant j then biting 'and then grading them j into different asaor'ments. In Russia. j they bless everything they do and n i wonderful picture In which the sol- J diers and Consarlis of te czar ir1 being blessed is to ne seen, the Blue Orotto of Itabr, the pig market nl Cork, Ihe peculiar characters of Ten don, including the sufraget.te who tries to fight her way out of a qnar-' rel the aviators of France, th ' ..i,nH,n p t : . 1a , ; , . . c- n . iri'Kimi, iiie iuii -i-m iiurb hi world of Scotland, end many other features will be seen, during the vr- p.agrment nt the Culhrie opera house on next Tuesday and Wednda? evenings. The pictures take in many uninutl features of the different countries to be shown and will be the lhinps that j you there in person. Mr. Thos. M j Henneberry will be with the pictures 'and will tell of experiences and in ! cidents in a conversational manner j Innstead' of ma1 Ing his talk a "lecture" in the acepted" meaning r the word. There will be thrills. rt-- ni,f- k,.., M,(tnM umi nir.-..- ure in every reel and as the entire presentation covers 15.000 feet rf fllm t, representing an outlay ot 532,OO0.0 in the cost of travel and equipment, it will be readily: seen that this attraction is out of the or dinary and one worth while. Clip the coupon today and save ' cents for yourself by using It at the box office of the opera house at the time of performance. The regu'ar prlce of admission is ' 20 cents to vprvone. and with each admission at the reduced vrlce.' one coupon will l e recojuarr. Without the coupon, ad mission win be 20 cents. There will be two performances each evening beginning at 7:3' and 9 oYlo iv. Each, ill I-c complete In j itfct'.f "and tit- prc'-Tatu iH.. n thinned ceic!-nl ,;f t eaVK.:iay 4 lu-i;t'l r? e yi-tir V H"i:s bc -r.n I I lurf fo gti'ioth Kl-ht-'you vfM'i i jay the journeys and you will fin I much of iutere-t. Nothing on the lower floor will Le reserved, the fhoice of any r at In the house i yours y preserving the coupon an1 19 cents at the box oirice of tie vera house at the time of perform ance. Admission without the coupon la cents Use the coupwu. it save, 0'J 1) cents. - - r - " FOLEY LtelLmiL IAdIxTS OF PI C US I'll t . IT. .4., 'V if Bliss Genevieve Clark in cotton gowr Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter t . i.he Speaker and Mrs. ( larl is here shown wearing the cotto.i own which clio wore at th recei.. national cotton fashion show i.i tVashinjrton. Miss Clark is conduct inK an enthusiastic campaign for tlu' wider use of cotton to enable tlu louthern growers to find a maikt. for" their product at home. IT COBB. GHAMHON . HITTER FOR EIGHT YEAR (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Oct. 30. For tho elgb ' year in i&uccesslon, Ty Cobb of P. -trolt nnd Georgia, ha won the hal ting championship cf tho Atnorlc:. j League. Figures 'publisb'Hl (here t -day final though, unofficial gi Cobb a percentage for the seneon j:. . . ftlosod: of 6S. In tho National leag' ' Jake Daubejrt of Brooklyn retai:. , the ititlo tia cliamplon with 323. Dr, H. R. Watlilns anno mces l oponincc of dental office in rooms i ntly ncr-i; ie,l by E. C. Ad.ur -tnj j-2 Went O! labom.i nvfnue. -vc Browns' Dry Cools ior-. Ot'!': I-.ftirs frem : A. ?.!. io " p. vf , --.-S'nturdavs and Sundays. FOR EXCHANCE Slo'l: of tvii '; merchandise of about L0-m in r chance for small farm nenr O itbr A. B. Armstrong. Phone 3''. See the war 'pictures at the Ope- house, Tuesday and Wednesday. (:;, the coupon in today's Leador. The Origind 10c Palter November Styles Now On Sale N TFAV IDEA PATn-RNT arr t!ic most cv.u;:oni:ci! t ! a s f patterns. 1 iiCV WVC trou! Li -1 save tunc and save materia:., There are no patterns like New Idea Patterns St jq nt Any Si." tach pattern na, a aeara allowance and a most helpful cutting diara: t. AT KING'S RACKET ? . w ' : ' " i ( S f ' I H - ' ' , V i' i L r ' li "' - A -, ' " J T ' ' ' " I "f i- I r ;; I ' I ," I -"ve 1 "i Ail ' r . -( 1 1 x " v 'v 1 u r . i 5 ' i lit? ' - J ? tii I J i ...... . - ...