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2 V TTTE GITTUKTE DAILY LEADER, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1914. PAGE FIVE IS YOUR COMPLEXION CLEAR? 1 A clear complexion and a torpid liver cannot go hand in hand. Clear the bile ducts gently, but firmly, with Tutt's Pills At your druggist iugar coated or plain. Voung Man Accdentally Killed. Near Hranian- Klmer 'Dilworth. a young fanmer, wins instantly killed by the accidental dischatge "f a shot gun he wa3 holding between his hnees while driving in a buggy with two companions. FACTOR IN PROMOTING WELFAR E TWO THOUSAND ENTHUSI ASTIC WOMEN BANDED FOR PURPOSE Have The Leader delivered 4. 1 i LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY Cleaning clothes is our hobby. Dirt is .alright in the right place, but it out of pla r-e m garments worn by women. CLEANLINESS IS A DUTY ami then, too, it in economical to keep one's clothes cleaned, pressed mid required- Thuy not only last ! iiiier, but they look better, and greatly enhance the beauty of the wearer. Let us clean your clothes Our prices are 'moderate. Keep-U-Ntat Phone 555. 115 E. Okla. Lillies Drug .More Watch the leont.M from now on. All voted given out during October must be vted h ; ext Saturday Oct. Ul, November 11th at s o'clock p. m the billot box closes and the final canvas and report of the judges will be given ut on .Monday, Nov. ltith. This week .special votes at the rate ef 1000 to the dollar will be given on "'colli Mrushes. Hair. Cloth, and Hath erfivmes, Talcun I j -viler. Face. Po ders, Creams. Soap rd all Tllet it a rations. Speniil 'i Kodaks 'wili uiso be continued week. AVe have just received a large shipment of "beautiful colored Tost cards of the Hath House. New Tost wrnce luilding. Irinity Church and a new Street scene living prominence to the Fniversitu on Capitol Square. You must see tlu in to apprwi.it1 them. We have the ingest and most tonnplete line of jHist cards in the city and are jobbers in this line. This week we will man an extra spu ial and give loon votes with each package of Week's Kidney Pills, Na 'tares Remedy Tablets St. Patrick's fills. Snoops Nerve Tills. Tin toner's I Aver Pills, Loring's Kidney Pills, Lhpiozone Pills. A. I). S. Liver Pills, Tablets Weeks Break up a ("obi. Lillies CoM Tal lets. Kennedy's laxative Cough Syrup and Pink Chill Cure- These remedies are all guar anteed by us to give satisfaction or I I . . -noney rt'uniled Pont iorget votes. Ask for the-m. CONTEST CANDIDATES. As count stood Oct. LM. Abiams. Alade Baldwin, (irace Burke, Lenore , Purling. .Maude Donakte, Agnes "oii-h , - !) , ,.:u .lelsnia. .Marie Lasiiii. lienib.e L;hman, Mrs. Fdar McCee. Olive Preston. Onbe Pa .Mic, Nellie Kaa ey, Olive Steele, Ruby f,,io,-, Smith, Kate 2V.t."i." Sclioner. Alary Van Horn Airs. L :;vi-r, with 'in essentials unity, in non essentials diversity; in all things charity," for their working motto 2,u-m women in tlie City Federation of Women's clubs form a powerful actor in the life of Orand Kapids, Mih. In engaging in civil activities the 'Irand Rapids Federation has taken the stand that all questions relating to the welfare of the 'people are its deep concern. The annual inspection of school houses, the enforcement of the com- plusory school law, the state measure thereby indigent mothers are pen sioned acording to the number ot. children to il cared for, city smoke inspection, street sprinkling ordin ances, providing of waste paper receptacles these and many other things have received the special at eiition from the club women. The,- have supported movements or child welfare, social welfare, -sanitation, pure food pure milk and Hire water. Public school centers and playgrounds have been advocated by the federation. The (Jrand Ka.ils Vrt association lias its inception in the federated clubs. An active anil progressive part lias been taken in charter movements aim in campaigns for publi improvement ind bond issues for making the city nore attractive. A forward step this year is the admittance of the public to all reg- ilar meetings held in Ladies' Liter- iry club building each ' month. The social side of these meetings is not )erlooked and receptions, musicales ami readings are given from time to hue. llns organuai.on has proved that here is strength in numbers; that there is power in unity by the servi-i t has been able to render the city ong ago it passed the experimental stage and its influence is conced nit soiigm by other organizations hen public movements are to ' e 'iromoted. Formed originally by seven wo- ucn s iui;s uniting with the object if mutual benefit and wider acquaint ance, the federation has advance-! until it is one of the most influential organizations of women in the country. W LINE TO BECOMK UNCLE SAM'S CHIEF NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR Rrsi in Eyeryfliincj First in Quality First in Results First in Purity First in Economy and for these reasons Calumet linking lWdcr is first in the hearts ofilic millions of housewives who use it and know it. RF.CF.IVFD HIGHFST AWARDS . World's Pur Food Exposition, Chicaio, Illinois. Paris EiposilioD, Fraice, Mirch, 1912. your For Indigestion. Never take pepsin and preparation containing pepsin or other digests, ferments for indigestion, as the mon you take the more you will have to take. What is needed is a tonic lik Chamberlain's Tablets that will ei ible the stomach to perform its func tions naturally. Obtainable every where. . l.VU) . . r.r.o . G-MO mi vso i :. ; , IV, '.ill ."-77i'.20 !!! hi ."..'.Mi ::7i;'.i- 1 o - t;o Likely to Defer Rate Case. While the celebrated 2 cent tare cases and the express rate cases were set for hearing in the federal .i.niri :or oi l. Iiel-Te .Judge oilinans of the Arkansas Fedei 1 Coi:rt. it seem prcballe that the trial will be d. r- re.l until tile I rs: week .f Xt; , in!., r It is understood that the defendant ."on. panic are no: j;t I'cid; i the hearing. 1 - .Jpowr) OTMADEBYTKET ftumEj SjT BAKING POWPJJ 3 vj t ' - mh Jj : V . D. W. Taylor. Naval Contructor 1). W. Taylor is the man In line to succeed Chief Naval Constructor Richard .M. Watt when the latter's term of office ex pires on October 2, unless Secretary Daniels changes his present policy of one-term-and-out for bureau chiefs. Constructor Watt was ap pointed by Secretary Meyer "because of his high efficiency, but the navy department 'policy probably will cause him to be relieved. Constructor Tay lor is considered one of the best men. in the corps. if n & 6t fm I vL - ) Vi Vm'i ff n Cupynghirtl by Oje Oowdi Co.. Makers i l U U Juuue loieli, C'Iikjiu Til 10 Just rite (Virscts which we sell and guarantee aic winning more custoincrs to our Corset Section every day. We believe in handling the Corset which is the best littin' and has the best ma terial. For this reason we are ot'fVriuir the .Jus There is something about Justrites that corset. makes e to them you. different from anv other Every (l-D dust rite corset is rustless and will hold its shapes as lonj- as you wear it. Look for the little Justrite tajj inside each corset, faction. It's vour uuaraiitee of satis- it's GOOD FORM to wear G-D No. 12, will please bring Jieir dona tions of fruit for the Masonic home, to the .Masonic temple on Tuesday, October 2'7thH8 we wish to ship be fore freezing weather. .May .1 Mitchell, AVorthv Matron; Adele Speer, Secretary. The West Sid meet at the home All 'neiir'ers are '; resent. By order W. C. T. V. will tomorrow :W 2: '10. requested to be of the "president. NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOCIETY Lenore Burke Phone 245 A WOMAN DOCTOR (Continued from Page Three.) Brown, low. A one-'ourse iunciice.i was served to the club members. Tlu next meet ins' place is iindecidi d. The M. M. C. dull will not meet this week, but will meet next .Monday with Mrs. J. B. Fairfield. Dinner and supper on Wednesday and dinner on Thursday will in served by the I'nited Presbyterian ladies in the ing, one i! loc says. "Eugenics lis a necessary factor in the (future of the race. The aver age American girl is unfit for moth erhood." This mav be true, but if weak and a'.l'ng girls passing from girlhood to woMianhood, would only rely, as i hot: sands do. upon Lydia K. Pink'ham's Vfi;f 'table Compouiul t'liat Mmple remedy made from roots and herbs. to restore the system to a 'normal healthy condition, it would cause irnny ills 'from which they, suf fer to disappear, so that motherhood mig'ht become the joy of their lives. G-D Corsets $1.00 to $5.00 CORSETS Style 2634 A meld designed to give a slender appear ance to the wearer. The long unboned extended skirt does a Wiiy with airy unsightly break at the bottom of t'he (( The extended back gives a smooth of feet cither w ' :i walking cr sitting. Three sets of 'heavy hose sup r '"!. SVe. in 10 ;!(). Made .if good ipialidv coutil. fan C iuiniing. duplex P1 (f ri: i'lfs boning. Price )&iUU Style 371 A New Model In Tricot. The new ideu in ilrttn is strongly emphasized in this moslol the broad waist l'ne giving a natural figure elTect. Low bust and straight lines. The clinging skirt with elastic In (V K'ives u trim i-'hape to the lower figure. The light supi le h niug Is so placed to give a (free hip- Three fets wide supporters. .Made of Tricot, open mesh. Sizes IS to 2S. Price UiOU G-D Front Laco $2.00 " r PERSONAL AND LOCAL. I II BJI RS! H R S JTJE 9- old Outhri(j hotel hull i ; north of the city hall. Mrs. Dallas, v ho is Airs. A. A. L Kvans has gone to Tex. to join Airs. Fred livers, the. guest i here of her sister, K. Webber. Members of the Al. I!. A. j lodJ are requested to meet at their Tuesday night as special business will bo taken up. The officers of the Christian Church (iui)d will give a retention for the nu mbers of the church i i l'aursday from two o'clock ;.:c.d f.'c, ; it t!'- church. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McKay were the guests of .Mr. and Airs. Jack Alassey in Oklahoma City over Sunday. and Ida lc leather slippers. '-I don't know whether there is enough money in the house or .not There has not been niiich work Irc'iht in this week," replied a plain woman in a dingy calico dress and v it hen apron. She went to the pun try and the shelf. took down a cup from Tlex llond is here Alester on business. today from Ale. District No. meet luesday First street. Prayer .Aleeting will eveniiu at IIS SoUlh (1. II. Fui long, oil operator in the jy fields is a Guthrie visitor. Hum The. Leader detivered. dc m I lillE Duo 4 STATY. CO Phone 61 ?Ofi W. Oklj. Ave Opposite Pot OVice. PHONE 809 The place tbat does c!eniag and jiresfing. djtiug. rc;iair;i,s and put ting on new overir.g collars. (Jur price are right. We call for all work and liver. Im't forget vo ir old hat? to be trade new. E. B. ME ' I Attention, Eastern Stars. All ineinbers of Cuthrie IF 8ACKAGHY 00 Chapto. KIDNEYS BOTHER R. B. Ker.y is lUaikwell visiting here today friends M. J. Williams of Oklahoma City transacting legal 'business here. Eat less meat also take glass ot Salts before eating breakfast. !-: riv!!.Ti OTTO L. FISCHER AL ne is a ture of Otto 1- Fis 'i- r t e e!e;-ateJ American Pi.mist an i x)nr,Hjser. who reaie.1 tsij h a nsa;i"n as m.!.;i ttn trie I On-Lira in il t heard i; on the nuht f Friday, (K toir 3. in joint ns-ital it Ilarry Kvan. the ntiuATiti l.ond.-n l-afo-Cntante. T j fena:in as oti.t l JUT . i..;!h.Ti!. Svinpin'my ( 1 N-w York Citv. mho .ii jr. 1 ' C.f Cii;bri opera liou-- Trie acid in meat excites the kid neys. t!u... hecc i:e overworked; pet Rliunit .1. lie. and feel like lumps of b a I l ie urine hn.omes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to .-eek relief two or thiee Jmes during tile night When Cie kidneys Ion you must help tiit'in flush uff the body's urininis waste or you'll lie a leal sik jierson shortly. Ar f t ,..11 f. el a dull miserv in the kidnei region, you suffer from .hack. a. if i.k liai'.i. he. dizzines- stoni- ach gets sour, tongue coated and vdu i I 1 :e:i'natic tinees when the waet her is had.' Fat 1' ss ii; drink lots of water; also s.' t from any pharmacist four i ( .' -lad .Salts: take a table--.CT-ntul in a tk.;as of water before iirtaktast for a !er. days and yiir r.: In s wiil thin a t fir. Th'.s fa i.o'is i!ti Is mpde from tiie scid of grapes ant lemon jui e. combined wit. i Ji;iiia. and has !-en ued for , .h w to c lean k.ged kidneys and siiiimlate thui to normal aUv i:y a!?u to neutralize t!ie acids in urine o nt no hincr is a source i.niatkn thus ending bladder w jl n -i. .Ial .-a ts Is inexiH-ni ve. cannot in u:rt ; iiiikt-ji a d liahtful ef :Tve ent l:tU-water drink hil everyone s'k'.!1 tak- now and then to kejt the kiiueys iean .nd a-tive. Irugsirts Vi-re ay they nll lots of J ad Salts t who bdieve in overcoadnz Vidnev iroui le h:ie it is only troub Fv by Ol DfJS Store. Positively Masters Croup. Foley's one., and Tar Compound cuts the thick, choking mucous, and r!rs away the phlegm. Opens up '!'" air passages ;iwl stops the hoar'' o-:ir'i. T!ie gasping, strangling fight 'm- breath gives way to quiet breath ing and peaceful sleep. IlaroM Hrr" Alass. Mich., writes: "We give Fol ey's Honey and Tar to our children for troup and it always acts quick ly.' For sale by all druggists. I "There is only $1.10. How niucii do you need?" she asked. "It's a dollar and a half a year, ' he answered. "Haven't you, forty , cents you can let me have, Amy?' lie turned to his daughter-in-law, who was washing dishes, at the sink. "I'm, I haven't anv change, coldlv answered the young woman. . The old gentleman ti.doed out and very softly closed the door behind him, a ha' It he had when displeased. is The old woman went to her loom in i t he corner of the kitchen and the monotonous jar of weaving was 1 1 i . i ... i. t. i nearu wirounii uie nouse. "Mother, why don't you take a stand on money matters?" the dish washer began with warmth. "Why don't you insist that iT he is to have j money for all his fads and frills he must do something to earn It? Here another room? -Vow- the boys must you work weaving carpets and ruga, pay off the mortgage ;" the mine ha6 do all the housework and 'tend the closed down. ' garden besides. Father is as able to work as you are, yet not one thing does he do to help, you. You could at least see that he made the gar den." "I have asked him to do it, out he does not like gardening, says it. makes his hack lame," answered the patient old woman. See window di'play at Coffee 5. Tea House. e National THE WIFE'S MONEY By Mrs. Eva Leonard "I suppose it, is good for your ba "k " sarcastically replied the jjirl. "Mother, von have spoiled him. suh unselfish slavery makes stifislines.t in its most ) repulsive form. Aly mother used to say, 'If anyone is willing to work there's plently will ing to let 'in,' and it's so.'' "Amy, what dil Cerent ec'ibl I do. Pa was taken sick. I hud four chil dren to 'eed Ka rugs were com in in fashion, so ! bought a loom j had 'earned to weave when small and always di ! it trom then on. The hovr. helped with the i::tr''en bef'ir" th lft home. The garden is our mair.'.'av. You Know we eat little mea . ' "Of course vou had It to do when ' I am sorry a Lout that," said the weary old woman. "It Is the pri ft of peace. I can not lh o . In ft wrangle." 1 "Sometimes peace 1 not worth iti irice; besides, I should not call that peace,"' replied Amy. "I think the boys ought to take the matter in hand; give him some money for his hobbles, which would be Instantly stopped the moment he aakiud you for a cent of money. They could ma' o it conditional on his tak'ing" care of the garden. I shall speak tA .him about It," and she kissed the patient old face at the loom. EXPERIENCES OF NOBLE WOMEN IN EUROPE '.Martha, have vou the money for the subscription to the magazine.' 1 received a notification this morn ing that mine has run 'it." The speaker was an old gentleman with dim blue eves, . overhung with bushy ey eh rows. His thin white hair ! he was .sick, but w hat angers me is his doing nothing now except s, end (the money. Look what it cost to get those pamphlets printed on taxation, land what good were they?" He thought it would help the J cause and it satisfied him," she re- Lcok Young! Bring Back Its Natur. i'lied. al Color, Gloss and Thickness. "That's it. satisfied him." Look at the horus of weaving it took to pa' Common garden sage brewed into a for ,)rinUn5 anJ J0stage. All those heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol fitrfakvl ind I'aptrs lanes vvsi iui ui munrj. TO DARKEN HI APPLY SAGE TEAi .. . H t. w" w -v - r .. j: ' added, will turn gray faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant, remove every bit of dandruff. Mc; sc.lp itching jnd falling hair. Just a:ew app'ications will prove a revelation if your ha!r Is fading, gray or drv. scragglv and thin. Mixing 'the Sa?e Tea and Sulphur recipe at ' home, though, is troublesome. An j isieriway is to get the ready-to-use , tcnic. costing a", out 0 cents a large grav ' bottle at drug stores, known as "vVhethls Sage anl Sulphur toni 4nnnd.'' thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wis-iv. grav. .faded hair is w as 'combed not sinful, we all desire to Tetain our straight back from ' youthful apix'rance and attractive ness- Uy lai'Kening your nair wnn Wv"th' Sage and SiHohur, no one j It makes nie angry every time 1 (come here to sre how you work. You have nothing, you go nowhere, there lis not a bit o f pleasure in your life, i Tell him you can't keep him sup plied with money." "Amy. you don't know what jom are asking. I could not live at all if I did. I held out a month about 1 The 'horrible experiences that many noble women In Europe Svave endured during the vast few months can never be ail told. Here in Amer ica many women, both young and old. have exjierienced much misery and suffering. j .Middle aged women about to ex perience that dri'i Jed change of life should profit by the experience of thousands of nolle iwotnen who hare gone through the same period with little or no .pain, misery or discom fort. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is and has been for over 40 years just the medicine that every woman needs when passing through the changing days. It Is not a tt ret prescription, for its Ingredients are printed on the wrippcT;' It's a tem perance medicine. ' . . Not only, does it build tip the en tire system and make It strong and vigorous enough to withstand the organic disturbances, but it has a quieting effect upon the fenrinine ct Ranisni that reduces the distress to a mini mum. For any womanly ail ment, disease or complaint, n j mat ter of how long standing, we ad vis" anxious women to set Or. Pierre's Favorite Prescription in either li-ruid or tahiet form. NO CHARGE FOR THIS BOOK. narrow a high forehead the gold- t4,;i Wause it toes so naturally. I buying that stork. Finally I rimmed p-lassts'sso evenly Vou juM daiu;tn a as dead for slf." f t. ....w ;w i A s,inge . il V ""hat about him toul.I draw this through your hair- tanin one snill strand at a time: by m. rn without sleep? asked Amy. in all gray hairs have disapieared. J "Oh. he slept in the day nJ- after another application or to. naJ )v worl( t0 dl your hair Ik dmuikuuv oars, glossy, poft and laxuti'nt. For s.le !, Owl Pni; Store signing that mortgage on the home to raise money for the mining stock If you will send 10 cents- or rtaa.v and finally gae in. He would not to pay for wrarrdns and mailing Jnd let me sleep nights. He talked all night long alout the advantages of were attached to a long black string fastened to a but tonhole of his vest. He wore a long r-d Mudy gown The brute!" "Why did you I signed. he livn time. I exclaimed the girl, not lix k yourself in enc!oe tis not'. Or. Fierce of fne Invalils' Hotel. Buffalo. N. V.. will send you a revied copy of hU Coal nsor Sene Aledical Advher. in cloth bini'n;. l- pases, with color vlates. Just what jou need in case of sick ness or accident Treats of Phyolotv Anttiy. Sex Pro'eni. ! irrtage re '.a oi)s. Hygiene, KTcis W and its jirevention.