Newspaper Page Text
tttGE TWO Tim OUTURTE D'ATLY LEADER, AVKOKKSD VY, OCTOHEK 28, 101 f. OLD-TIME REMEDY : MAKES PURE BLOOD ' Hoea'g Sarsnparilla hns been niul fdill is the people's medicine because of its reliable character and its won derful success in purifying1, enriching and revitalizing the blood and reliev ing the common diseases and ailments scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, dys pepsia, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies and en riches the blood, and in so doing renders the human system the great est service possible. This medicine lias been tested for years. It is per fectly pure, clean ar.d absolutely safe, as well as of peculiar and unequaled medicinal merit. ' Get Hood's, and get it now from any drug store. ill OF EUROPE IRE W ARTISTS M en s onoes Farmer Buy Fords. Five Fond cars have been i,cdd to I&gan county farmers within the past neok. Who was it that Mentioned 3urd times and poor icotton prices? GIRLS AND WOMEN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT ARE GIVEN WORK BY SOCIETY Hear Wee Jamie Clark Major, with the K.iltles. tne Piper r.r.v. a FADE WANT AO IT PAY ."V. (Hy Associated Prcas.) London, Oct. 28. Xuremhurg has been reproduced in I'.akor street, v. !:!' the Woman's Emergency corps has provided . toy-nuking work lor one hundred girhi and women, 'fue wor.ars are -j-aid ?.'' a week but as soon as they become proficient they are put at piece work which yields them a better income. 1 boll houses, doll furniture, soldier:, animals mid other toys made of wood form the- creator part of the impro vised toy f.Ktory's output- ''ret saws have been iL; -i 'tiled and in an atmos phere of saw -lust. Kl'ic and paint, women who recently typists or governesses uro constructing play things whi ii wiil fill the stockinets of Kiv;!i:.;) children formerly de pendent cu ontinental makers for their toys, "Not iM.ide in Germany" is the Bh'Van some of the women paint upon i ho other side of the toy carts and doll carriages which are poing to the warehouses of Kurdish dealers. ( )ur slmwinc; of Fall .Shoes, for Men is a d i s iuy Oi Sli 'os of Spe cial Merit. The tyk-s art- correct, the work :n.m-lii; i of the highest charac- Wi4 A Jr. 4 &ty tcr aii' I every utijMi (It- k'ik laiihlt- aiw service ' Will rive thor- 1 satis factory KM ALLEGED ( )nr lines are unusually complete ami include practicallv everv new model. leather and -l vie feature that will he in voi;".ie this sea.-ott. $3.50. $4.00. $4 50, up to $6X0 or $7.00 We are showing all the dull, l:ri;;1it and New Fall tan leathers. A fine lino of the new low .heel, receding' toe- iOn ;i ! Stylo shoes, and t!i( new iiarro'.v toes. Kvery variation of size and for jierfcet fit tins! " kcir.embor that Shoe Prices are ahutit the ame everywhere. Don't jiidye the merit of Shoes by an l-verti-ed price. See I lie Shoes for a proof of value. MAY WE SHOW YOU? NEW YORK AND CHICAGO MERCHANTS BANDED TO G ETHER, IS CHARGE K There May be a "Want 1 Ad Message" for You Today Which Will f'Not Wait" And the reason why it will not wait is t hat some one else may decide that the message is for him, and take advantage of it. ' " It maybe a message to a business man who 'needs efficient help, or to a man or woman who needs work. In either ease the message will be answered and yet your answer to it might be the right answer. r It may be a message to a man who realizes that "he ought to live in a more desirable home and, as there are many such men, someone will find the house or apartment that would have suited you ex actly. , Ko matter what the nature of the message, if it is for you, do not overlook it! Col. T. G. Pay ton 0. K. Cab, Baggage and Livery Service Day and Uight Phone 273 Germany's Great Naval Hero, Who Sank Three British Cruisers in the North Sea, Chicago, ill., Oct. 28. Arrange ments to maintain prices on butter and era exist between dealers in New York city and Chicago, at com ing to assertions today by Franklin Kennedy, deputy attorney general o! New York state, who came hero ac companied by John Latiyen, chief in vestigator in an inquiry into methods of marketing of hutter and eggs. "We expect to show that 9a per cent of the eggs sent to .New loric are shipped from the Middle West,' said Mr. Kennedy, "and to show that SO per cent of the hutter and egg business in the country is done hy New York firms. We Have learned that Chicago commission merchants, before making a sale, ask' the mer cantile exchange in New York. city for quotations on prices." Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Lanyon con ferred with attaches of the United States district attorney's ofl'he to ob tain information of recent prosecu tions nf Hi Chicago butter and eg.? board and the Fig in hoard of trade by the government. Cluldmn Crt for FleicSicr's Tlio Kind You Have Always JiocLxt, and which has beeii m use lor over ;;u years, lias oornotuo signature or jimi lias been iimuo unuer nis per- 7 fional supervision since its infancy -uit' Allow tin mm o ileri vo von in tlii. All fjfttmtrrVfif-.s. Imltal Irm ami .Tii?t-sts-irood" are but Kxporinients that trifle nitb r.nd endanger tlie liealtl of Jniants auJ CbJJdrcn -Experience against Experiment m n ( i IV Y V.Wjj';: too --it Catarrh Cannot Be Cured , vlth LOCAL. ArrLICATrON?, na they cannot reach the scut of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional di:;car,u, and in order to cure ii you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure U taken internally, and acts directly up'in the blood and mucous surfaces. Hail's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It vns prescribed by one of the l"Ft phy sicians In this country for years and is a rerrular prescription. It Is compon d of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieris, ncttm? (iircct'y on mucous surfaces. The perfect ombina tion of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curinfT catarrh. f-"end for testimonials, free. I'. J. C TTENKY ft CO., I'rops., Toledo, O. f:. M by Prn-TTb't'. price THc. TuUe UaU'a Faaii:.. Tills fr couatipation. Hoot Mon, thi ;ouse tonight. Kilties Krida,y Mght. Oct. Muth. the ihigh school carnival. C:cr Don't n:L-s Castoria i. a harmless snbstitnte ior Castor Oil, Par porir, Props and Sootliiiijf Syrups, It is pleu&:nt. It contains ncithep 0diuu, Morpliino nor other Jiarcotia fciibstaikce. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nod allays Feverishness. Foi more than tlihty jears it lias been in constant use for tIo relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all TectUn j Troubles and Diarrhoea It regulates the Stomach and liowcls assimilates the Food, ginf? healthy and natural sleep, 1 The Children's Panacea- The Mother's Friend. OEMU1 ALWAYS KBears the Signature of Tlie loid You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years li; CFNTAOft CCMPNV, 77 IWUSHH7 BTPfCT, NEW YORK CITY. -WWEri.'.Tr OTTO L. FISCHER RECITAL- h h s a a ss a m a a s: a k x s x w m k e as a H J.B.FAIRFIELD T-tablished 1383 Phono 20 IA H Transfer, Coal, Woo-! !' '.-u'o. Jlocelvors and Distributors ti R of car lota. Goods !' ' ' r ' d tuliiped. 407 WVst Harrison. HI ii ici ui id in in iwt 'rA m ts a a a a k ts as a a m k k: : : : : : : : : ; x anao t& W. M. BRONSON, Farm Loans, Insurance, Abstracts W. R Only complete abstracts of title in Levari County. You pay Inter- V. R est and principal at our office, 119 W. Ok'. il.on.a Avcuno, Guthrie. X r sg is h i& u a a a h h a k s: ;i ii k js a r HRMRiSRaKHHBRRJfci;;yyRaiBi:yHK2iK H THC OKLAHOMA STATE BANK U R Depot !ts 5rote,.t;i bj Uuur&at7 Law. i;. . rt4t ca tim ic;).)sits ii R Safety . .; or.'. J- if i. Firejioof Vaults for re. Money to loan. ft r r a nJk '" "4 U Q 13 M 15 "3 LI V i A - C:.j:t. I.iciit. Otto von WoiMicn, lonniiaiiil.'r of the submarine l''-1, is lite u- v al lirro o!' CtTiiKUiy. His was ilic l;ir:n;.: oxpluii rcMiltcd in tin' ilostrni t ;cni f thr. i 1 ri'iMi rn ir-.-,-rs in t!io North St-a - tin- I'rtsy, Uio 1 .: ii ii. I thf Alioi'ur- a whi a ho !, til all an.', la.oie ivi e Iroiu'.lo momentarily in iIo'i't an l Croat I'.ri'.ain s enormous navy has not in this war prodiucii a hor.) whoso fame con pares with that or lie German. Von WeiMLon was 2ot milos from his hao of jitii'j'ik'S, having traveleI laot of that li AAn e unJer water, when he siuhtoil the three crtisors. II ." : ou il l tin ni in a triangle. an.I attor ta'.sin.; a la; t sight at them Ioe. Well Known Pianist in Hall. Philharmony an l give them a better understanding of the music. "vlirsic lovers of this eity expetted an-.t things from -Jr. Fischer, and were hy no means disappointed. The Iieetlioven Aj)j:a?Kionate Sonate, which was tlie opening numher was uivon a masterly interpretation. The artist seemed to ile in full sympathy with the work. Fischer possesses a. wonderful technique coupled with true music ianship, which innkes it possible for him to transmit to the audience Ihe true understanding of all he under takes to present. Perhaps the .ureat est success of tlie evening was in the, Chopin and Lis.t group, whih the rlist was ea'-fl to repeat, owing to ;,; iii.-bilc:" fails from the andiencp. Wichita l.'ailv Hcacon. The I'.i'ties. Tonight at Opera hc.ise. FRANK WEISS F0HC0URT CLERK Frank Weiss is qualified; he Jias lived in Ixigan county since hoy hood. Elect hLni to the office of Clerk of the Courts and you will have an efficient, honest and safe official, who will alwajs Le found on the job. A vote for Weiss is a vote or hon esty and efficiency. :ile will .make good as vourt clerk as he has made good in everything ihe has undertaken. Tonight, at Opera house. Kilties. rhe Plcnt of spooks at the high school Friday ijig.lit. .Carnhu-1. jt't'.i "ir Wl PARKER'S UAi5? BALSAM " 'J ll' ll rl , i 1 Mi.-Htr dlnlruir. For Rc .1 rlnii Color and 1 ' ("BiilvHCravri- Fndod Hnir r - A .,.., !.'...! pi- ..-.. A good si.ed audien. c nei'.rd the wcdl known jiianist. Otto i. J-'is-licr last niht in J'hilharmony hall. This was Mr. Fischers first recital o. series of six, which was announced II t I i .: ,i it In r miw. Von Weddigeii i-: . ..i ,t,ir.v.i of nire b it. i He worked between through Germany, i " :-s tn.m a oi oa n. I i I them, within .f 1 4 I f his name rin:rs Lafcst European War Map J Given by THE DAILY LEADER , t 1' III lUfnarlTriMtMl TkuuuwBiGGrrrvAnn!EVf8crFr'tn. lumc Mm T- ' 1 mmw nMTTT, rT-n rxi ri ' .- rrr.s F wit hanKnr cerr o Ll thr ( . Cut Out This Coupon and Preient at Leader OiUca KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some Guthrie PeoDle Know How to Save It Many GaC.rie ytovU take their liv's in t!.ei- hands by nev: lectin?: the kii-a-) ,s when they know these or-J.i!!) su ed he'.;-. Weak kidneys are r n sihlo fnr a vast aauv.tnt of t.;::f:;:i-; and ill health tb g'.lj'.iKt l.n i Janccrons. l'--e H.un'j Kl.'r.ey a reaicdy that !::i3 ! " d t'ao . - : !d of kilary fjrftTer.-. Ii.,. is a Cuth r: ci:i a's ro.-onmu u I. ticn Mrs. M. T. r-.-rry, 7.T. J-. ?;'r!n--er ' ve. Guthrie. .:.: 'I a c.u-ed iira ann.iyar.t . hy attack. cf ki!rr " l.iit.t ar. i at iiiia s ip. y :.a. k a. :. ! . llv ar.d w as fo j :. haiJIv flee. Mv 1''' ar ! etkt r t-y f k! ; ;a;rt snnoyetl r..- F. :r ivan' K;1-.-v r- -' - heater h'i':'.i I V. 1 year. 1 c'.i i'y i.:vf t Frn:n a (h;lh uf ahout twelve feet he loofO'l a tor.iedo at one ship, wiiih he later learned was the A She vent down in a few s :.nd h r men were in the Thv Cn sty and the HuS'.u! tn the seene, their commatid ! .-:uly ihevin-ran acident had d t the Ahoukir. He loosed u .jt i r. I h::rri. d !.r-: i vs. ' ; e'C aniitlur t irpeo !u at the Ho,-,ie. and t-lie ke, led oVit. Too late the r.ritish :'? P t roaml oui i no aupe. from tlie ordinary ro ital i:i that Mr. Fichr r ?ave a hort illtotraiive taU i'r ceding t-at h group of ir.'in'.ers. which scenic 1 to please the aaliinc" A c' )iNDEIl3ILT X)oicf p WALTON H.M ARStLM-L, Manager. An loea! Hocci with an ideal Situation ! Fo'sr Wocks r;ist on Tiiirty' fourth Street from j jVn.ivivani.! Station; three minder South on I r.: 'i. Avenue lYit.-rt Nc.v Yoik Central Terminal GEM THEATRH HAVE COLOajiHCUe CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If yo'ir skin i. e'l.iv - . ai,;.l t. 'ii -!; ce-it" i a- p. -you !; ive a ; ..t i'l . st la"',.. no--:k.'l f o!;r.s y- AiKdher ttr; e.lo oaucht the Cr yt , ,'.('!;. T..': '.et. . ".. w rh.n thirty minutes from the it- J'" iKlv T. '. ) t.r e the :,r-t s'let was r.rcl the tare. :i.;.'ien it pHtr ir r.h i s'.o i'.l ts a v. re strii-.: W re s and in th- their sea. men were ;;I t:::.t 1 s .-.v.:' 1 c y e in - J v r- i (. f ! :.-. ' reav-tv tre Ci'rcric Ccnstipaticn. . t w ; i jrs ap i hf n I he-' : ; " .'. . lerk.iTi T.. : : ! ed l..y 1-. F Uard study with Lis ;a;. j i:-. i: l ,..r.;.i' t :: v. ; : :e i ::h i .'.. o i 1v t';e;r t.iive o!r. .i v ai.t 1 - ! a. i. t. are a : .1 :. . I n V t'.t n FROCRAM For Week cf Oct. 25 to 31. i - t . e IV .' Mr. 1' l'ru, :! a a K: N Y "i t- u ie an 1 . !,:.!!.' . n a: : M v -f nd::: n i-ia-rm '. ' ! F' - i t e : r f t'.e,- t :'; li , f,,.,r r. rjvf, v .. , ,.( n' l'.i!:h ban h-n i -- '.' .t,-.',n Ne'tn. Irv- .r,-a.. ti'tiira'd" vc r 1, ere- T. Monday, Oct. 2G. 1 i! F.isan (2 1 ces ' Low and F.isrheil ' Comedy- Christy Ma- t!i(,:ai in his first .'jiie"irii!Co on screen. .Wst"r "Out of the Fry ins; Fan" --1 f' ) F.ird and Ij.'n.. Tuesday, Oct. 27. Imp (2 i e'-'s i "Shad.-ws" (Do te tr.el Kin,' Dai'-a.-t-One r.f t he tr.ost unique iiPi.s ever pro da vl. Sier'ia "Mwr? Mistake-' ( I'o-iied v ;ax Asher. Wednesday. Oct. 23. Vi tar--"!':.- d.-.on-wl" C-cn-Vh tor 1 eh :.' i-;oned (Drama) W;'rr..n ta-ri-.-'an N. .--'. r 'I'l.e oi l' F,e'.: Kinder" i Fr . M'i:d.. k M -i iric Fr.iw '-.-..!--"Ne-iert'-d wife" n; -F--4:" M-U:n'0 at 4 p. ra. Thursday. Oct. 29 1'r.ivi rsay Ai.i i.; at d XV cekly W .. - Ne AS. r;:i:;.-r-'!'Mr IU s" Drirs'a l.i'.cr "ai ih" CI a- .,ec o' a VII ' i'i" a ';..; , i v.ix s';er. Oct. 3?. O ! I .v.-l ( 2 r, "Thor o 1 - F r F, ri'is" Cenay HIGHLAND THEATRE PROGRAM Vaudeville t F N T lafVrent a rr. i v. jf.'n'-i ?t 'a . t ( Saj'Jiy. Oct. 31 i : - 1 K 1-..1 a !- v : .- iaa'ert. .. ... !ii;.T,:i-" (,,-. ''. -T e V,4: M .r.:.-i-e" ; . , v .a,,-. ' '.. . . V." :-. " : v. Fr;- ia.--.t- is. O. Monday, Oct. 25. Musi'.al Trin evtra p:eturt3. Tw o re. 's sp.t ial John Runny ('!iiedy "Hearts and Diamonds." "Hr-n. ho Filly," S. & A. Sweet heart. H'!i4 Diina "When the Cook F.di in." -. . t r Tuesday, Oct. 27, New Act. Thf 5 l-i Shelly'a Family of Ar. r,i!i,.U and Comedy Foxing. Pictures: Iuhin sneciaJ in 2 tarts. "The Girl at the Hack." Kii-ra;.h Comedy, "A P.orrowed nok." I:,' Drama. "The Skull and Tlie frown." Notice W. , ."-,-r the First PARAMOUNT i'r-'-T.: .i ird y f.-aturing Mary Pickford i h a I.:;t;- Q-ieen," in C Grand .! v- a'ra-f ? "A p. jij.