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THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, TITUftSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19H. ! PAGE SEVEN! WANTS CLASSIFIED TH DAILY LEADER. (Ibiorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ital March 8, 19 LL) Official Paper of Constitution! Con tention. Official City Paper NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event of delivery being Im perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to make immediate complaint to the busi ness office in person, by telephone or mall. Mall subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, it shows when subscriptions' expire. When you remit the label is changed, If not notify this office. If you wish your subscription discontinued write the office, otherwise the paper will Be continued. In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted 'for lees than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this "page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. II UO, k a TM Mo Gte DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Governor K. L. William.. .Secretary of State J. Lj. Lyon State Auditor 10. IS. Howard Attorney General S. 1'. Freeling Bute Treasurer W. L. Alexander Superintendent It. H. Wilson State Kxaminer K. Furkinsun Chief Mine Inspector Ed iioylo Labor Commissioner W. G. Ashton Com'r Charity W. D. Matthews Insurance Commissioner. .. .A. I... Wleh Pi. Brd Agriculture F. M. Gault Corporation Commissioner. .A. P. Watson Clerk Supreme Court. .W. M. Franklin United States Senator X. P. Gore Congress, District 5.... J. B. Thompson (kiunly Com'r., Dig. 1 Win. Shearer County Com'r., Dis. 2 W. E. Craig County Com'r., Dis. 3 John O Neil Judge, District 11 Frank Dale Kepreseniative J. I. McDaniel County Treasurer Alfred Adler County judge J. D. Chappelle Sheriff Claude Mize Attorney C. A. Marr Court Clerk, Frank Weiss; Sup't., Mar garet Doolittle ;Assesi5or. E. E. Carter; Co. Clerk, C. Rce; Weigher, Geo. Wat- kins. Uepublican Ticket: Governor,. John Fields; Lieutenant Governor, Eugene I.awson; County Judge, J. C. Strang; Attorney, A. R. Swank; Sheriff, W. E U. Sherwood; Court Clerk. V.'. II. Hum phrey; County Clerk, Al A. Leer; Sup't., A. L. IiuiKston; County Asstssor, E. li. Henry; County Treasurer, It. I). Stewart; J. II. Langston; 2nd, L. M. Oliver; 3rd, i. W. Sloan; Judge Uth District, A. H. Huston; Hep., ltt Dist., A. A. Ewing. Progressive; Governor, John Hickam; County Judge, A, II. Boles; AUy., Jaa. Hepburn; Sheii:T, K. F. Harris; Court Clerk, R. N. Dunham; County Clerk, Joe Reeves; Supt.. Geo. Norris; Asses sor, A. C. Goodrich; Surveyor, A. L. Peasloe; Com'r.. 7st Dist., F. Upham; Jnd, Lincoln Allen; Judge, O. R. Fegan; Representative, A. E. McDole. Socialist: Weigher, W. It. Brown; Com., 1st Dist., J. E. Beser; 2nd, T. W. Johnson; 3rd, Deir Candy; Assessor, C. F. Johnson; Supt., II. Rutlier; County Clerk, E. G. Freeman; Judge Tom John con. R. R. TIME TABLE cvx.;r. & v. rt. 707 west bound, arrives 9:ii5 a. m. No. Depart 11:45 a. i. Mo. 70S east hound, Arrives 2:20 p. m. Departs '3 p. jn. Station division and Perkins. A.. T. & S. F. North Bound. E'epartt 40G..IC. C. and. Chicago Er. .5:35 a. m. 16 K. C, Colof and Calif..,.S:40 a. in. IS K. C. and Cldcago 5;U0 p. in. iliK. C, Chicago and Calif Flyer 1:25 a. m. South Bound. Arrives Departs 411 Texas Flyer ..7:35a.m. 8:00 a. ni. 17 Texas Express 10:50 a. m. J0:50a. m. 15 For Purcell . . 8:25 a. m. 8:&o a. m. 405 Texas Express 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. EASTERN OKLAHOMA. Departs -For Ripley, Cushln and 418- Skeedee. except Sunday 6:20 a. m. 410 For Stillwater, Pawnee and Cushing, daily 5:30 a.m. Arrives 409 From Cushinu, Tawnee and , Stillwater, daily ......10:15a.m. 417 From Cushing, Ripley and Skeedee, ex. Sunday.. 4:15p.m. V., E. & G. Departs 442 Enid. Kiowa, Panhandle, Texas, daily 5:10 p.m. 441 Local, Enid and Kiowa, except Sunday 7:10 a.m. Arrives 441 From KniJ. Kiowa, Pen handle, daily 10:03 a.m. 411 From Enid, Kiowa, except Sunday 6:45 p. la. fort smith & western Arrives 1 From Fort Smith 3ai:y. ... 7:30?. m. 2 From 'U'eleetka, ex Sunday. 11:05 a. m. Imparts J For Fort Smith, dai.'y.... g:U a. m. 6 Far Weieetka, except Sunday 4:40 pm. ST. LOUIS, EL REXO & 'WESTERN IVnarts 13 For El Reno, except Sunday 8:00 a. m. j Arrive SO From EI Reno. ex. Sunday. 4:22 pm. '(( M .. K. & T. No. 14 leaves tiuthrie for Fal'.is at :20 a. ir. No. 1 lcivi G.ithrie for PC Ixui nd K. C. ai 10-.ZQ . m. O Ko. 13 Arrive Gutlir! from Fal'is at 9 T. a. m. ; y N. IT arrives Guthrie from s't g ri'Wthwrst ioint at.... 5:00 p. m. fl Ail trains arrive and depart from fnfon PtaMon at JunrtUm nf Oklahoma an l j 1 llarrUoa avenue a-ii Four: a atreet. J IS CLASSIFIED LOST AND FOUND. LOST A solid gold elas; pin, en graved "Jennie. Reward. Keturn to 319 North Broad. LOST-Brown muff on Bivision Jbe tween Kiefer's home and town.Find er 'please phone L-515. HELP WANTEDMALE YOUNG MEN and women to lenm newspaper and magazine drawin by mail. Send for our illustrated magazine and list of successful Vi dents. Associated Art Studios, Flat iron Building, New York. V ANTfcJD Men to learn barber trade, Positively the best trade of the Kinnd. Hundreds of positions vacant on account of foreign barbers being drafted for European war. Wage while learning. Apply by mail. Open to everyone. Moler Barber College Kansas City, Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES A. SUBSTANTIAL, corporation wants a reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen. Should pay j,uw to jmd.uw annually; ?3UU to J70O will finance business; you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager,' 406 Fisher BIdg., Chicago, Friday night, Oct. 30th. Don't miss the Ihigh scliiool carnival. PERSONAL. LAIHE8! A'M ynur DrawM for Chlehw(pr Plllm the IMuraond llruml. i-or us ycrs a! '. Safest. Alwvs'Klial.1c. Huv of your IruvrtrKt Take no other. 4'hlrhf Mere IHumond Brand I'llU art (old by Druggists every wut-re. CUT THIS OUT for luc'kf-Send birthdate and 10 cents for horo scope of your entire life. Prot Raphael, 499 Lexington avenue, New York. MAR-HY If jwu are lonely. The Reliable. Confidential, Successful Club has large number of wealthy ligible members of both sexeo, wish ing early marriage. Descriptions roe. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, OakJaad Calif. 2C46. LADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Tills; always depend able. Relief and particulars free Write (National Medical Institute Milwaukee Wis. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOME For confinement; publicity avoided adoption free if desired; doctors nurses, care, kindness and home com forts; prices reasonable. Write for booklet, Mrs. T. B. Long, Office, 024 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo. LAW BOOK3 FOR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and, 6. Also 2, 3, 4 and 5. One vol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois 15g; Missouri, 191. Address Daily Leader, Guthrie, Okla, Get Eye Shine furniture and piano polish at Henderson.Wallace Piano Co , also at Douglass Walloper Co. 214 E. Okla. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ROOMERS Meals if de sired. South rooms. Call at 613 W. Warner. Terms reasonable. WANTED illorses and mules to pas ture, Gooi wheat jKisture and roughness. Running water and good shelter. Phone 923. H. M. ADAMS, Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent Office over Rank of Commerce. Phone 414. Res. Phone 1119 TYPEWRITERS. Royal No. .1 33.trJ Royal No. 5, (salesman's sample) $50.00 Royal No. 5, new $75.00 Royal No. 10 $100.00 Typewriters rented. Ribbons anl supplies. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 114 1-2 East Okla. Phone 7. w y n. Jim A' mmnKFgj f-v p? ?! ;F?t i II rT. r rr WAN WANTS CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Lady or gentleman local solicitor, $10.50 per week salary Address, B, care Leader. "FOR SALE FOR SALE-Wery cheap, set of-2 4 ivohunes 'RJdroaths History attd'.ai) vols. History of Great Events by fami-r ous authors, at 203 N. First street. FOR SALE $2,000.00 a rich -man s 'home with every convenience and in verv ibest roiwir. Get this ele gant (home at a poor man's price. This is the one chance of your liro. Try me for sales, exchanges, insur ance ia.nd notary work. M. Garrett. 11 1.2 E. Oklahoma Ave. TRAINED CANARIES The most wonderful singers in the world. (Joy Birds). Let the little singer come into your home to be a Christ mas joy. A constant joy ana com fort for the busy housewife, the tired father, the invalid and children, as he pours out his sweet melodies. Trained in Germany to imitate the flute, vio lin, hell tones, etc. Address Ralph T. Florca, C.offej-ville, Kansas, 517 Elm street. , , , f FOR SALE iSpring Indian Runner ducks. Thoroughbreds. 71.", West Mansur. If FOR SALT'J-i-Two complete scholar ships in Capital City Business Col lege. Extra low price. E. E. Brewer, Geary, Okla. ; FOR! SALE An elegant, 9-room, welk located, modern home on 5 lots with nice garage, all complete. Buy a rich man's home at a poor man's price. Good- home-like 5-room cot tage 3 bloocks out, make offer. Try us for exchanges, jf ire insurance and notary worlk. M. Garrett, 11C 1 Kast Oklahoma avenue. FOR SALE A weil improved lt0 acres in good neighborhood, on main road to Guthrie, close to school and church, have 'phone; good house; large, almost new barn, granary, etc. Plenty of good water pumped by mill; orchard, fences in good repair; 100 in cul.; 15 meadow, balance pasture; a never-failing spring in pasture; some timber near epring. This land is good soil and lays fine. Priced to sell, terms if needed. Address "Kce hoyta," care Leader. FOR SALE Quarter sertion, good location; near Guthrie; 80 a. cul bnl. grass land, small Improvements; some fruit; farm land lay3 fine, pas ture a little rough, but good grass and plenty water. Priced to sell Terms if needed. These farms are near Guthrie. Address "Keehoyta,' care Leader. FOR RENT FOR RKXT Eight room house at 520 W. Mansur, cheap. See Agnes Donakey or call 75. FOR RENT Very choice furnished rooms, also equipment for light housekeeping at North Side Inn. Phone 845. Mn. Ella Hullng. ARMSTRONG'S RENT LIST. 04 1-2 East Oklahoma, Phone 3.. Springer, 8 rooms, modern, ?15 90oW. Logait, no children, mod ern ...... 1 $8.00 i li Perkins, 5 rooms, not , modern $0.00 Want tenant for 120-122 W. Harrison 20 W.' MansiiT. 8 rooms 7.m TO EXCHANGE OR' TRADE-j-a farm in Texas coun tj Oklahoia, for resident prop erty in Guthrie or Norman. Phone 28 or call 212 North Broad. i Account Texas "Stale Fair."tallas. Texas, the Sinta Fe will offer round trip tickets for On sale October ICth to 20th. return limit. November JnJ. Final M.N. COCHRELL Phone 9 Agent filiS DflllBS Fair $10.4(1 , ; t , . ': ' " ' , ( ' ' ; - J ! i i ' t ,r - L A li - - J I iT-ff .".-. : 'rw. : j (W:.'v' I ANT'S ARE PLEASED WITH QlTY (Continued trotn Page One.) friendly feeling that now exists ibf we'.h th,e'city.of CttUjirle' and the A. ir. T. A. of OUaiom-if, i: We appreciate the interest the cit izens of Guthrie are taking in the conivention. and thank those esipecial. y. who furnislhed the (horses for the panade We wis1!! to exipress ourselves fur ther, as 'being thankful for the kind ness sihown the 'members of this convention lb the. hotels, restaurants, rooming houses and the ladies of the different churches whose efforts have heen toward the entertainment of our mcmibers.-' We extend to the officers of lhi3 association a vote of thanks for their Nabb, county attorney for sequoyah of ft lent iwork during the past ye:, r 'county. Senator Thomas P. Gore for we know that their work has ibeen 'stojuped over between trains and ad for the good of the order at all times, .dressed the meeting. Now, therefore, be it further re- solved that for the reaaon that we are looking ifor the success of this or- ionization at all times, we wish sue. cess to the new officers whomever this convention sees fit to elect, and we trust that '.if ,thei'e;slaou!d Ibe snv sore spots created in any manner dur ing'thiiT ronfention : betw) an menvbers, ;that the frigidly hoi'iWi ty shown and fraternal )irit that ex ists between t'he members of the A. H. T. A, la&'t as a ihealing ointment, whidh iwill' entirely cure such sore spots before we adjourn' "sine- die" to fold our tents, asj.if. Sfere, lige Che arab and silently leave this "splendid i').i for, homes whicj,, e jfli real foundation , of .ll .. jnnient to whi; h all tnur ntis JbW". in humlble s'ubmission, and 4f w firth they .them selves are one'ojj( the great sokes in the wheel of law enforcement. Re spectfully .fit'ibmifted,' R. S. Huss, G. W. Swanson. A. K. Ilendrldkson. This afternoon the delegates, in a body, nislteff'tlie' parks' of the city and a street caa? trijle.was taken over the city. t IineBal Wells ijtark 'proved to l.e a very interesting $dare to the visitors,' hK -were all ' generous in "i-'r1' -pirn iRo fit ifln'hrfo ' n n 'hpnlth re?ciit', . . . . . ' Election M6f 'officers' 'and 'eeloction Of the ri'oxt mieetiiig'- place will take j twdff. r- - ' The convntlon "will adjourn after the . ff!'per"are lelec'te- '.Uadora resolution passed it tjie last conven tion -the jbodv', will elect an entire oew set of dHilcer.a.' Jim Kirkwood. k. Remains of Thia U . i hntnop-iT.h f a r:-rnian Tau'.K? airship wbii was dro, ied ly I rtur'a sliartuootcrs. TLty hit the le c-t An er ror IV? County Treasurer C.has. A. Johnson is m petMit he is honest, sober, and vigorous. He will make goott as county trcasurer as he has always made good In every tiling he has un dertaken. Vote For the Man ,the president cf the order, has senv td as president for twelve years,. This evening, if the convention ad journs in time, the delegates will lis ten to Hon. T. P. Gore, wdio is billed to lEipeu'k-at Uhe opera house at 8 o'clock, . ' f . EAST SIDE ANTIS IN SESSION Sallisaw, Okla... Oct. 29. The 12ph annual meeting of the Eastern Okla homa Antl-iHorse Thief association convened here Wednesday morning. There are about dx hundred dele gates in attendance, coming from tall parts of the state. Senator Sorrells 1 who Is resident of the association opened the meeting after w'hidh ad- dresses of welcome were invade by county judge McComibs, and L. C. Mie. Most of t'he day was 'taken up with jirelimiinary work, followed (b(y. a ipa- : rade of delegates, the fire department 'aid auifomebiies. preceded ;by the Sal- lisaw. Band The convention was addressed by 9 Senator C. C. Shaw Wednesday niglht. home. In several southern demo Friday will ibe occupied in the elec- jtratic counties the democratic candi noH of officers, and selecting "the ''dates "are 'unoppoifed orrtheJ county meeting plaice for the next annual ticket, and the old standpat machine meeting. A large delegation from ' jias hope that there may be a light Wiliburton is donking to secure the next annual meeting for WiLburton. TOWEL SUPPLY. Towels and aprons ot all kindp fur nished at very reasonable prices. Bee before you bur. J. D. Crays. President Hislop to Kansas. President Edward Hislop of the iMethodist university, left this morn ing for Independence, Kansas, where he is to lecture tonight. An old col lege friend of his Is dedicating a new $50,000 church there, the dedicatory services having 'been held last Sun day, when Bishop W. O. Shepard, w ho presided over the Oklahoma confer ence of the' Methodist church, was speaker of the day. President His lop's lecture is one of the events oC dedication week. . He will spend Sun day In Joplin, Mo., and will return early next week to Guthrie, after viriting a number of state points in the Interests of the campaign which the trustees are backing for funds for. the Methodist university. Is It for rent? Try ri1ie Leader ; German Taube Which Burned as It Fell, After Shots . . t ; -. .. ... , .. ... ' - - .j e.?stlin tan., causine an exidosion h -ct tirt- t;. the canvas. The air- th'p burned li th in the air and bet- REBELLION THREATENS S: AFRICA " TWO MORE LEADERS TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THE BRITISH lLondi4 Oct. (-'.). AnWhor ,re(bt-l-lion has broken out in South Afrtcn. General K'hristlan Dewet and Gen. Christian Frederick Beyers have tak en the lead of the rebels in the Or ange Free State and Western Trans vaal. 'Having 'put down the rebellion in the northern iprovince of Cape Col only," led iby Lieutenant Colonel Meri tz. the government of the Union of Soutih Africa is now .forced (by this more serloais uprising. According to an official report re ceived todai.r ' armed retvelHons com mandoes are in existence already; the U.ui of :iIeil)bron, in the northern P' rt of the Orange River Colony, has ,ooen eeized and the government' of ficials 'have been taken prisoners, while a1 train has .been stopped and armed citizens of the defense force Jiave (been taken froro it and disarmed.- ;"',.- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A Twilvj (12) different stants st high scno'i carnival, 7:30 Friday night. REPUBLICANS FIGHTING HARO TOJIN WEST SIDE Enid, Okla., Oct. 29. The republi cans have centered their guberna torial fight in this section of the state. Their encouragement comes in the hope of the democrats in the south- era .part of the state remaining m V0(e jn this section, where FielJa' t.nedavors have fceen hardest and where there is little negro porulaJ tion to, remind the voters of what would Jiappen in event of standpat republican success, it is hoped to get democratic voters to join the Fields' column. Progressives taavebeM making a strenuous campaign, how ever, against Fields and the strength, of the progressive movement is prob ably as great as that of the old liaJ candidate, whose affiliations wi'li Taft and Cannon in former days does not make him a strong ravorite with the rank and file of republicans in this progressive country. Democrats are encouraged r.;y re pala from (points further west and it is believed that Congressman Mor gan will be defeated in this dist't whica is normally republican. L. H. Lonr is prepared to AO U. kinds of gas piping at a reasonable cost. He keeps on hand ft supply oi ga mantles, globes and nurters. The biggest event of the year. High school carnival lied t.i'h. It struck lengthwise b tiie me frame work remain- i g w aa not slashed. The aviators 1 .. . NV WINTER TOURIST RATES From November let, 1914 to March 31st, 1915 the Santa Fe will offer round trip rates to joints in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Lou isiana, Mississippi,. Tennessee, Texas and South Carolina, final return limit May "1st. Below we mention a few of the points to which the reduced rates 'apply. Augusta, Ga. $40.20 Mobile, Ala 31.35 Jacksonville, Fla 47.35 Sharleston, S. C 44.35 New Orleans, La 29.70 Galveston, Tex 21.93 Mexico City C8.25 Houston, Tex 19.96 San Antonio, Tex 20,00 Will be glad to quote round trip winter rates tjo otlher points in above named states on request. M. N. COCHRELL, Agtnt. Phone 9. FRIEND OF SLAIN GIRL 6iyESJ0LICE A CLUE South Rend, Ind., Oct. 29. A girl friend of ll'izel Macklln, 15 years old, whose body was found In an aband oned vault on Island Park' near here yesterday afternoon, today gave to detectives a description of a man, who, she said, was with Hazel the evening on August 10. The Macklln girl had been missing since that dayf when she left the home of her uncle, Charles Miller, to. go to meet a) farm er who had telephoned he. bad worK for her. The (police are working on the theory that the slayer of the girl was a resident of South Ilend. They were told that IMIss Macklin's companion, ou the evening slwii disappeared was all 'out 40 years old. The girl's parents are separated and she had been rfcarkin?- her -fim -trttfr-her undo. SCENES ALONG THE LINE OF BATTLES ' ' -- '. Among the interesting features ot The Leader's War Map are splendid portraits of tho great European rulers.' These 'aW beautifully repro duced from late copyright photo graphs and make a rare collection. . Tho inaip proper was originally pro duced in Europe by the war process, and every line is clear and distinct. It is printed in five colors, and All mountain ranges and rivers are clear ly outlined. 'Another Important feat ure consists of the outlining of the submarine telegraph lines those con necting the various countries of Europe ao well as the lines which run to other continents. N'o expense ha been spared to make this map accu rate and complete In every respect.' For a short time The Leader will present . these maps to readrs for an expense amount which barely covers the items of distribution. Look for the coupon- printed elsewhere la these columns and present It with out delay. i ia i.i.h rn.. i-.i er oarnra 10 death long Wore tls air&hjij,. struck: the rcuud. . , 0 .. t- i