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TTTE OTTTTTRTTC DATLY LEADER. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1914. DON 7 MARRY PIMP1ES Pimples Mean Soggy, CloSged Liver and Bowels and These Mean an Ugly Disposition Mo8t of the Time Hot Spring Liver Batons Clear Com plexions and Tempers. '."Wlhat's t lie use f pimples? Snmp 119 h" r! fliiR IXnifi"- SlKnnl. Ucd flaw nae: Irack not cle&rP. Pimple .a a y: 'Liver and bo w e la, not clear!" Cilive iflot .Springs Liver Muttons Just one o h u n c Your time Is worth more than that Time la money to men, but few WO men who aro housekeeping 'an coin theirs into money. I 'proved Itty ac tual figures that I saved at least 1 per cent by buying direct. Me would consider such a savins worth while in his business, 1 am sure," said the thrifty hostess. "What bothers me is to ride through the country and sec fruit rotting on the ground under the trees when 1 must pay forty cents a tpeCl for apples. Of course those are windfalls, tout If 1 could get them for half price how glad I would be," and Mrs. Norton put her crocheting in its ' u 1. IWe- "-stv w w you fel larfay and the wuy you'll feel tomorrow. Never mind wJmt else you've tried ir what yon think. This will only cost you -5 cents. Ctet MUiUiieil wltli t'licst wilcr fUl little hutions anil you'll Improve in health and disposition, he happier, ineke more frlendn and more n y lKwn 'here In Hot S;.i iutrs wo make a bulneae of curing people of their ailments. These buttons are mode affer a Porrmlla that Is undoubtedly the l)CWt ever devised. Hot rtprlriKH 1-iver Millions- are rap- nnil find out the difference silk bag preparatory to leaving, between 1 ho "We Americans will have to stop al tbete leaks before the high cost of living decreases. We simply must have a method of buying direct, said her friend. "Must you go? How soon an afternoon flies." DANDRUFF AND ITCHING SCALP AMERICANS FAVOR BASEBALL PEACE Beware of Cheap Substitutes. in these days of keen competition it is important that the public should dly becomiuK as famous as Hot Springs see that tilioy get Chn 111 ueriafln s itself. I Cough Remedy and not take substi- Bvery drugget who Is eilve to the tuti- M f th k tra rof 1 nie.o se Is Htt Springs Liver Buttons 1 , and bis price is 86 cents. In Tina mlbe rial n s Cough Kerned Imx is a valuable "Met Slip" that is 'has stood the test and 'been approved It Is Scalp Eczema and Can Be Con. quered Quickly by Zemo, Just as Any Other Eczema Can. SEND FOR FREE TRIAL BOTTLE Vou can put Sn end to that madden ing ili'hln In h jiffy and can top that rain of dandruff (thai keeps your h:ilr ind your clothes looking speckled and untidy) In a mighty short time. It's Just eczema the same as so many have on on other parts of their Ixxly and it will yield to Ze mo just the same as other eqzeina does. It Isn't' guesswork Mr theory, either It has done I his very thing In many many cases, as told of In the letters we ecclve dwllr I10111 those whom It lias benefited. Vou can depend UOOD Zemo. Get a 6c nettle from your druggist and prove it liTilay or send address and c 1 for actual jxWlage) to E. W. Rose Co. Laboratories I lent. 34, St. Louis, Mo.' for free trial little. Send now. Zemo la sold and guaranteed by drug gists everywhere, an In (juihrlo by (Iraiy's Drug Store. worth health to you If you arc troubled with liillgrstion. constipation, Ivllous MM or kindred ailments. Kit her buy a box from you.- druggist nvr send to us direct lei's get rid Of the bile and take ft fresh start. Hot Springs Chemical L'o., Dept. 11. Hot Springs, Arkansas. for more than forty years, able everywhere. Obtain- : CROSS AS TWO STICKS : m ujiitc MIL If 11 I uruirv Lu iflUIKI By Mrs. Eva Leonard By ALLIE FORD. thk wjkb's MONEY n u w "I do not think anything throws a stronger sidelight on n person's character than the economies he practices. It surely gives as great an insight as know ing what a man laughs at or what his amusements are " said Mrs. Hobs, a p I U m P, cheery -laced little woman, as she patted an artistic darn in the heel of a stocking. "Do yOU suppose everyone has economies'.'" asked her neighbor as H yf sue ittiBuy piie-i her rochet hook. "Yes, indeed, it Is a means of maintaining self-respect. Tin- most extravagant people 1 know will airily recite to ma their rare economies Mrs. Joslyn is what you might call ioor. She was calling here the other day in a very becoming black velvet hat that cost 'only $1.5,' she announc ed. She explained that it was economical because she could have it altered the next season for not more than IS, and that would be but $10 a season ' said Mrs. Ross. "I don't consider fin a season high for a millinery bill, do you?" Mkd her neighbor. "See!" exclaimed Mrs. Ross, "it Is Just as I told you, an individual mat ter. We save on the things that are not necessities to us. Mrs. Joslyn pfvked up my new magazines while she was here that day and said. M. you are extravagant, taking so many magazines. I wish I could afford it. 1 might have told her 1 put my money on the inside instead of the outside of my head, but I didn't She would not have understood." "No" laughed her neighbor, "1 suppose not. I am something like her, I think. I pay $10 more than 1 need to for a suit just let an; find one Just right. Then I come home and burn my fingers using refuse matches to light the gas, just as a Balve to my conscience. l'ran' was laughing at me this morning He said It was quite a problem to compute my saving, as ma' hes cos! ten cents for MM or 1,'. 9 a urd lug to the kind. Uuti MM I or 240 for a cent. 1 really felt ag grieved because he had taken awa: my virtuous s-if reaper t o account of my extreme economy." "Wen always lauch at little sav ings," said the other. -They ti of money in big sums and mleea they can ma'-e a saving of sevi ral dollars thc do not consider it worth while. Joha for Instance, thlns it fooHsJi to co to market for our vegetable sad fru;t lie says o only save four rents a iHind or. meat and a few cents on -g-ta Nadine Face Powder ( lm CrtM (aiM Only I Keeps The Beautiful Montr back if do, aa- Nadin 1a pur and harm- ana rrturn of dlacnlof atiooa. Ttm Tah. Pink. Brunette. Whtta. , Tmit CmmmiT, .r Mm.l, fSaaaaaaJ TaaWt Caaepaair. f aria. T "Therel" exclaimed the little stenog rapher, taking her watch from her belt and setting it In front of her. "I'm go Ing to hold my breath till It's live o'clock and then I'm going to run! I've always felt above watching the clock, but I'm beginning to understand a few things! Resides, I've had a horrible time today trying to get ready for the Fourth." The bookkeeper slid his ledgers back on the shelf. "Now what's the mat ter?" he asked, with an exaggerated air of resignation. "Oh, I'm tired to a frazzle and ne cross is two sticks!" The little stenographer, exploded. "Well, don't taho It out on me!" ob jected the bookkeeper amiably. "What has happened, anyway?" "Everything!" returned the little stenographer dramatically. "I've been turned Into a housekeeper, general util lty man anything but the stouo.iv rapher I thought I was, the stenog rapher trying to get things shipshape In preparation for the holiday. "This morning I had to devote tw solid hours to cheeking up his club bllle for Mr. firay! And my tiles 0 mile behind, waiting for a clear niin ute! If those men don't hear my type writing machine rattle they think I've nothing to do! And they botbei around for an hour to think up some thing to help me pass the time. Mr Gray smiled generously When ho hand ed me his bills, as if he were giving me the time of my life by permitting me to see how he spends his monoy and Incidentally keep hia personal ac counts for him! "When I finished that Mr. Nicholas called me in and said his wife had usked him If I wouldn't be so kind as to write out her club programs for the whole of next year! The club WgJ rtrw,nr tn iwlhtiiro until full and It J saving money by doing Its own pre grams Instead of hnvlng them printed Mr. Nicholas beamed on me as if hi were conferring an honor upon me thai could never be estimated in letting mi get so close to hie wife's club us t spend a few hours writing out the clut programs! Then she'll feel bo right eons when spending on charity the money I've saved for her, when the full credit well. It belongs elsewhere If 1 do say It myself! "Just when I was working as herd as I could to get that finished, so that I could get started all that awful filing who should come out and look ovei my shoulder but Mr. Drown hiinseh! J could tell that he thought I wus pro suming a good deal in writing some thing that was not business letters, st I hastened to explain what it was 1 was doing. That gave him an Idea and he went back Into his office and re turned presently with his silk gloves " 'Won't you please, when you havi a little time, just catch these thread' together?' ho asked. And he showed me fingers of his gloves that were al most entirely gone at the tips! 'Catch them together!' Why. I had positively to crochet new tips on them! And I didn't dare do anything but m) very' carefuleBt work for him. "That's the way It's been all day long! Mr. Gray asked me to pack hh mil. ase from that drawer where h keeps shirts and cellars, you know for he had to go out of town for the Fourth. And while I was at that Mr Vandewater had a bright idea, lit suggested that I phono a reservation for him and then run down and ge ltl And oh, well, what's the ust I'm going home!" She half arose from her chair. At be did so Mr. Brown emerged hastily from his offlctx "Here," he said. "I've got to run foi my train. Will you shut my desk and ctoe) the window and stgn the letters I left therer The little stenographer nodded and said no word. "And." celled the bookkeeper, as he poked his besd back through the dx.t as be was leaving, "don't forget to put the cat out and wind toe deck." CHANCE ALWAYS WIN5 MONEY IN BETTING THE OTHER FELLOW WILL GUESS WRONG. Chicago. Ncv. C. Club owners the American league, in their an nual meeting here Thursday, put themselves on record in favor of peace but except for expressing their sentiments individually and inform ally they brought no nearer the end of the baseball war. The only discussion so fur as the Federals were affected. laBted only half an hour. lu that time every one of the eight clubs, through its representative, declared for pe&39 but it was the general opinion taat peace can bo reached only by ab sorption of the Federal league, not through its recognition, "There is no room for a third lea gue" they agreed and the elimina tion of the competing clubs In Chica go. St. Louis and Brooklyn must be included in any terms of truce As for the New York club. Frank Farrell, its president, arrived just aa the meeting broke up and declared emphatically to the newspapermen that the Yankees are not for sale. It was said. too. that no discussion of the proposed transfer had taken place in the meeting. Peculiar Pyschological Fact, But It Has Been Proved to Be Exact Recorda of Monte Carlo Show It to Be Right. Toss a coin Into the air 10,000 times and it will very likely turn up heads as often as tails. Hut let any man try on each of the 10,000 times to say whether it will be heads or tails and if he does not stick to calling the same one he will miss it more than live thousand times. I have the authority of a great psy chologist for this queer fact. Leave a thing wholly to chance, and If chances are even the result will be even. However, when tho human mind backs its wits against chance It will in the long run lose. It was on this theory that people will guess wrong oftener than they will guess right that the Rufus Wall ingford enterprises, which were closed up in Philadelphia yesterday, could thrive. Guessing on future events where personal preference or preju dice enters makes the chanco of losing all the greater. Tho most famous insurance concern In the world is the Lloyds. A fairly large part of Its business has been to bet that the other fellow will guese w rong. That is why it has become sc rich Itself. The bucket shop and Its system ol playing flip stock market cannot win They win very often, but they lose oftener, hence the empty pockets ot these who try to wring fortunes out of guessing whether Union Pacific and spring wheat will this afternoon go up or down. Monte Carlo records show that in a year tho red on any roulette wheel wins virtually tho same number ol times as the black. Hut the records also show that any player who doet not cling steadily to one color, but varies his guesses, will In the end lose. I do not Include tho percentages In favor of the bank, but just tho straight red and alack proposition. One coloi lins been known at this most fascinat ing spot on the Riviera to come up 5( consecutive times. Gamblers say that when tossing a coin you should let the other fellow call It. Your own chance of winning is thereby made greater by tho human brain's Inability to copo against chance. Exchange. Is it for rent? want columns. Try The Leader Manyl Teachers in Oklahoma City. More than 100 Logan county teach ers are attending the state teachers association meeting in Oklahoma City today. Many of the Guthrie teachers are on the program. The meeting will continue over Sunday. City schools in Guthrie weer disi lisseil for Hie day. COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restores Its Thickness and Lustre at Once. rOLEY KIDNEY PILlS MT MO BkACOtl It SI Com 1 on warden sace brewed into a beaw tea with sulphur and al-ohol added. Win turn gray, streiked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant: re: lines every bit of dand ruff. sto scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulp'iiir Mdye at home, though, is troublesome An easier w. y is to get the ready-to-uso ton!c. costine alneit .V cents a large tnittle. at drug stores, known as "Wveth's Sare and Unlpharr Compound" thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispv. gray, faded hair Is not shsfst, we all desire to etain our vouthful appearance and attractive, noss. By darkening your hair with Wveth's Sage and Snlthiir. no one -an tell. Itecause it does It o nat urally, so evenN. You jut dampen a ;"nge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn inz all grsv hairs bare disappeared After snother application or two yonr hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger. For sale by Owl Drugstore, 1 A $5,000 TICKET SALE. Big Rush for Missouri " Kansas Seat on the Opening Day. Lawrence. Kas., Nov. 6. The sale of tickets to the Missouri-Kansas football game totaled over five thous and dollars at the close of the first day's sale yesterday afternoon. This is the largest advance sale the Mis souri game has ever drawn and indi cates a record crowd for McL'ook field November 21. Get a war map. Coupon and 10c at Daily Leader office. A SLIM CHANCE FOR WHITE Wolgast Says a K. O. Is the Only Way to Beat Welsh. Chicago. Nov. 6. Ad Wolgast, who had a fling at Freddie Welsh in New York. Monday night, and ought to know, declared today that Charley White has just one chance to beat the lightweight champion at Milwau kee November 9. White may win by a knockout, said the Cadillac "Bear Cat," but it is a slim, slim chance. Mall ooxes tor saie at Tne Leader -fflce; price $1.00. Motored From Marshall. Editor Kelley and family, Miss Aim inn Wilbur F. m. Deschns and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graves motored to Guthrie Sunday from Marshall. While here they visited the municipal bath house and Mineral Wells park and called on a few of their friends among whom were Mr. and Mrs. W. B. MeKean. Mrs. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. H, C Swearlngcn and Mrs. Grave's sisters, the Misses Doolittle. Tuxedo the Most Enjoyable and the Most Healthful Smoke THE most enioyablc smoke is a pipe. But many men deny themselves this pleasure because they have had unhappy experiences with pipe tobaccos. Likely you have paid 35 cents to 50 cents for a tin of "fancy mixture," and it burned your mouth or throat, or was unpleasantly strong. qMW Too bad but you got the wrong tobacco. 1 I1C IIUUUIVUO llltiuoaiiuo kjl iv,u mivf have tried SAM BERNARD popular musical comedy star "A tin of Tuxedo is my con stant companion. I like it especi ally because it has never given me a bit of throat trouble. The smoothest smoe ever, RICHARD CARLE Star of "Mary's Lamb," "The Sprint Chicken," etc. ' Tuxedo is my idea of what a food, wholesome smoke should be. 'm for it always. " CUFTON CRAWFORD well known comedian, of "Quaker Girl" fame ' Tuxedo is my co-star. I attribute a good deal of my success to it, because it makes my nerves be have. And as for voice culture I Try Tuxedo." The Perfect Pipe Tobacco have found the answer to their smoke prob lems. Tuxedo is the mildest tobacco made. It cannot bite the tongue or dry the throat. And it's economical. There are 40 pipe fuls in a ten-cent tin. You can't get any better tobacco because nothing better grows than the mellow, perfectly aged Burley leaf used in Tuxedo. If you try Tuxedo for a month and cut out other smokes, you will not only have had the best month lof smoking you have ever had in your life, but you will have made a mighty big saving in your pocket money ! YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Famous green tin with gold let- 1 teriag, curved to fit the pocket h Uv Convenient pouch, inner-lined C . with moisture-proof paper . . L In Class Humidors SOc and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Central Normals to Clash. fore pleasure, and he could spend his Central Normals will clash today time more profitably in some pro- at Kdmond. Kdiiiond la confident of jession. defeating the Ada team. the hall failed. eh x ted to try Letter files for sale at Tie Leader iffice. Price 3re. 3 for $1.0. Dan Tipple, the star Omaha pitch er has been drafted by an AA club. JUST SPORT. Poor generalship is now being giv en as the reason Avhy Michigan was defeated bv Harvard last week. At one time the "Wolverines had the ball Bill .lames' sister, Gwendolyn, does within five yards of the Harvard goal not approve of his playing ball. She on the forth down. A forward pass asserts that it is a siort and there- was called for, lut the receiver of the lino and . J. Six men in South Dakota are now out of jail on bonds of $t;00 for vio. lation of the game law. The men were charfM with ehooting ducks after twilirht. Walter ' Matson is in Topeka on legal business, lie will return Saturday Have TT:3 Leader delivered, 45c mo. Magnificent $300,000 Turkish Pavilion al the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Coprrlfbt. Ill br th Panama-PaHfte International fcxpoirte Ca. R- 8. Croflfcar Co., official photocraphera. TUB beautiful MO.M0 g-overmnent pavtIK beautiful and Imposing of the foralgn IHUN sVM a uapoaiaf tanj t mm illE beautiful IIOO.00 roremmact pavilion of tba Ottoman Emrlra at the World's Exposition at San Franrlaco tn ttlS. which wtTI be one of the building. It Is modeled after one of the palaree of the SulUn Ahmed and will contain ballroom eiu f modern, TurkUAh nreducu aa trU M nan historical treaaurea Photograph frcm architect's, draw Las.