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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. so INERT Certificate of Purchase ROBLEM OF Ml BEN WEINBERGER 120 W. Okla. Ave. PAGE SIX WATER Sale MIL! Lutz Store FRIDAY and SATURDAY Fore Runner of St. Louis Clearance Sale IS T i Which Begins Monday Vulgarly speaking "We are loaded for bear." Thai i to say we have hats all kind:- and kind of hats for ladies, misses, and children at the most remarkably low prices ever offered in (hilhrie at this erijd of the year. Kvery hat in our stock has been handled ami reduced irrespectively. Some are marked even LKSS THAN HALF. Hats Just From St. Louis There is quite a bunch of them. Here by express this morning. The prices have been unmercifully reduced. A casual glance will convince you of the enormous savings offered. Perhaps You Have Been Waiting Now is the opportune time. If you had your eye on a $.;5 hat you will probably find it now on the $2.S table, and likewise all the way through. You will find every hat effectvicly reduced reduced. In addition you will have the new hat- from St. Louis to select from. Our spacious millinery section has been so arranged f-o as to give all possible room to each lot distinctly, so that there may be no confusion. Just What You Were Looking For r Values to $4.00 Lot 1 CI DO vpl.JU We didn't take time to count them, but ? whole ledge is filled with hats at thi'S" price. I Slack hats and colored hats of velvet and other materials. They ac tuallv sold tin to $.1.00. Must 1 i clean them up at $i.8. Lot 2 Values to $6.00 CO 00 Velvet Turbans and Sailors, also other shapes in keeping with the styles of the season. Regular stock and hats from the St. Lours clearance sale. Probably you liked one of these at $6.00, buy it now for $-VS. Lot 3 Values to $8.95 CO no JU Here you can save more than I lial f. Hats for any occasion. 'Copies of some of the most ex clusive models. 1 Hack, black and white and colors. If you had your mind on one of these at 88.);, Look for it on table at $.?.S. Lot 4 Values to $10.00 $4. no This is a big lot all on one table. Our vocabulary us too lim ited to even make a feeble at tempt at the description of these unprecedented values excrusiat ingly beautiful will have to suf fice. Late creations in the most charming styles $4.;S. READY TO WEAR HATS READY TO WEAR HATS READY TO WEAR HATS for Children for Children for Children (Formerly 50c) (Formerly 9Sr) (Formerly ,$1.98 to $3.98) 25c 49c 98c This is a great lot all on one table. Some Splendid lot of school hats fur little In this 1 t for the larger mi-ses there are of them are really worth more than a half misses in plaids, check'- and solid cololrs. sonic of the fine Spear hats worth $JJ.;S dollar. Your choice m this sale 25c. l!ig lot to select from, choice 49c. black velvets, checks and plaids, choice ;Sc. $1.98 OUTING HATS QQn UUU For ladies and big missels. This embraces a wonderful lot, blacks and colors in a most lib eral assortment. They are ex actly what the name suggests Outing Hats, plain tailored. Big Reductions On Ostrich trimmed and better hats. This is a black season and black we have. You will find them in both phish and velvet. livery hat in the house has been unscrupulously handled so as the price reductions are concerned. The prices are cut and cut deep. $3.98 OUTING HATS C1 00 ijliJU For women and big misses Illack and color- lots of them. This lot includes velvet and plu-h shapes and a lot of the new lVrby crowns. They offer a tremendous saving at i.iX. Black ale In Dress Goods Section-Bought in St. Louis Clearance Sale at Big Savings Most of these lots of advertised black silks wire bought in St. Louis this week. Got here by American expr-s this morning, and will be sold ITidav and. Saturday way under their real value. $2.00 Black Satin Duches FulUO Inches Wide $1.00 Black Messaline 88c One ard wide, extra good (juality. l-r,-ht in St. Lui-, two full piece. n -ale Friday and Saturday SSc. $1-00 Black Messaline 68c Twniiv-M-ve,:i inch. J-.v.!:;i! -oft b'ai k .!r.t -"-l uilii. A'., Mlk, FriV a': Sat ".toy .Sc 18c Black Messaline 78c I'u-i yard wide, -j-'ui l; i b!.uk hi-tron- -.lit tr.:-'?. ti!: ! ;:n 1 dre--e-. rSo. $3.50 Black Satin Duchess Full 54 Inches Wide AT 00 no M..00 $1.35 BLACK CREPE DE CHINE nn ui-. T 1 1 ' ure pro-'t ju-t p .ti . . - JUL a yard Thiitv-'-ix inclk- wi-le. lu-t here from St tt:autv is -tan lard. S m.e a ia-i-. i-ti-t.iv an.i ..iV.u.iav kv $2.50 PUSSY WILLOW TAFFETA CI DQ g iiju a yard 1 1: i( iit - w 1. w. - -It a . -' - . ' 11 1 - 1 1 ' ' . u:r 1 cl 1 .1 . -i" i ! f v 5j.sO. I'ri dav a . -; 't j ' 'f l'i-ddi T'ii- 1 ix !! w n.ivc 1 .1 i i a S..f.ird.: SdS. $2.25 SKINNERS TAFFETA C1 00 ShUU a yard '., it .'- i : ; 1 ' 1 v. i e. ; : ' Ah- (irv t!.r id w :. K tor: '' t :.iif :.t - F: 1 ss $1.25 Black Silk Poplin 78c T!nrt --! iiche w ide. I'in -ilk A ri-uiar S1.J5 seller. I'...ti-!t i;i M. I .. :!- under price, will on sale Fiiday :::orning at "Sc. 50c Black Silk Poplin !':! f !: iiuhe- ui Y. ! 1 '' '' --1 - ai-d wai-t-. Sa-i.- ;. x' h-' t - 'd .d! '-ea- "l l' ; r c ! $2.50 Snow Flake Poplin $1.! no iJU ti-'.- I t - ) x. Si ACCEPTED TIME FOR CITY TO PROCURE ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY PRESIDENT LAYNE TO PUCE PUN BEFORE PEOPLE Guaranteed Proposition for Perma nent Supply of Water; Meeting at City Hall Tonight O This is to certify that Ben Weinberger will give in cash 90 per cent of purchase price of any Diamond sold by him within twelve months from date of sale, or allow full value on larger stones. BEN Shall Guthrie water supply? have a permanent Shall insurance risks bo lowered? Shall the payment ot - cents per thousand gallons lor city water by consumers continue? These and similar questions will be j presented at a mass meeting' to he , held tonight (Thursday) at the Citj Hall. That tho water question is a rno- mentuous one no citizen cf Guthrie for a moment doubts. The present city commission has been working on the water problem for months but has reached no con clusion. Fortunately, the matter will solve itself providing due consideration Jh given the presentation of Mr. l.ayne, president of the Layne & Bowler company, of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Lay 11 e haa come to Guthrie at the urgent demand of several citizens and at the city hall tonight will discuss j water facts. IMr. H. C. Whitworth, who ac companies Mr. 'Layne, says: "Are you interested in a water supply for your city? If so, be on hand at the city hall tonight at 7:30. The 'presi dent of the greatest water develop ment company in the world will bt there to talk il usiness and to submit to you a guaranteed proposition. Hit company guarantees a 1 ermaneni ! water supply for Guthrie or no pay You can't have factories; jou nn have people, you can't have p. bustling city without water, pure water, urn! that is what this company 'proposes to do fur: Isli pure water that will stand the government test, or the (it;, docs not owe them a cent. "This company has been in ihf well and pump business ror thirty- two years. They are amply able to back, their experience with tin tr money, and willing to furnish a bond for the fulfillment of their contract "This Is an issue of vital import ance to every citizen of Guthrie. "With water, you can build a city; wtihout itt your property decreases in value; your health is at stale; your insurance rate is higher, and you are, at all times subject to Ids: of your property, by fire. "To all who are not satisfied with the present city water supply, e insist that you come out tonight and hear this man discuss the subject ot '.tttr water for your city." For the benefit of those interested the following from Arkansas t'ity is again given: Arkansas City, Kan., Oct. 17. FH3. T.n ne fc Uow ler Co-, Houston, Texas, Gcntl'-.ien: Kc-pljing to your inquiry regard ing tho water supply of Arkan.-a-Citv. wish to advise that our su:piy is as im if not better than It was the ,!.iy it was turned over to our i y by Mr. M. K. Iayne. whom we: .ili feel vory jrratefiil to for securing M su. h an abundance of pood pu e .iter. ,1 ft r our city h;Ld spent 1" e.irs a:i l a larso suru of money try irg to ?-t water, but failed. Wo hive just passed through the I'.-it . !r in the history of this ' '-in! rv, ,ud our water supply was rVrt- d m tho l,v.t. Tho State has pa-scd our water as vie b. vt in tho n-f ftl'l oper'.tlr.? the sa:n' - 'hit were installed two years -t J :1. .-.i d h.ivo not had a 1 zzzz .i.,.rzi contract In every detail and without any worry to the city or myself. Hoping wis nncis your company with plenty of business, I ibeg to re. main, .Respectfully yours, Roy D. Roberts, Comm. Pud. Utilities. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A F. C. Patton well known in Guthrie, E. C. Patton wel known in Guthrie, who has been conected with the state corporation commission since statehood has announced that he will sever his connection with the com mission after January 1st and en gage in the general practice of law in Oklahoma. Mr. Patton was a practicing attorney before he became connected with the corporation com mission. For the past four years he has been attorney for the commission. For dyspepsia, our national ailment, use Hurdock IJlood Pitters. Recom mended for strengthening digestion, purifying the blood At 1 11 dru stores. J100 a bottle. WHOOPING-COUGH SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS 0KONCH111S CATARRH WWi Est. 1879 A simple, safe and effective treatment avoiding drucs. Vaporized Cresolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Couuli and relieves Spasmodic Croup at once. It is a boon to sufferers from Asthma. 1 hcaircarryiniitheantiseptic vapor.ln- haleu with every breath. makes breathing easy; soothes the sore throat una stops the couuh. assuring restful nii'Ms. it Ifc Invaluable to mother with young children. Si nd us postal for descriptive booklet Sold by Drugoist APO CRESOLENE CO. I CrtUmit St.. N Y. KM L. H. Lonr Is prepared to do al. kinds of gas piping at a reasons t;r ost. He keeps on hand a supply o as mantles, globes and burners. PERSONNEL OF THE NEXT LEGISLATURE (Continued from Page One-) W. X. Parry, Okemah (Hi; L. N Harbeo. Rush Springs (I)); Frank Garpontor, Mridgoport U)); Wilburn Gartwright, Clarita (Di; J. J. Clark. Milhurn (I)); C. C. Ghildern, Knid (D); Johnson Crawford. Choteau (ID Ilryant Cash, Vinita ( D ) ; J. 1). Cox, TahlcMiuuh (D); G- L. Council. Pana ma ID); J. T. Dickerson, Kdmond (11): .1. , Davis. Gans ( D) ; Howard M. Drake. Domhey (R); V. .M. Duf fy, Cheeotah (D); W. K- Dun" Shawnee (D); It. Jj. Disney, Mm-' -goo (D); W. A. Durant, Dur:int (ID; Amos A. Fwing, Guthrie (R); V 1 tor F.aton. Muskogee (Di; A. K. erhart. Uickford (R); ' G. YV. Good win, Cleveland (D); W. L. (!arner. Roswell (D); K. li. Glasco, Pur (di (Di; 1uthor Harrison. Wowoka (Pi: lien r . Jiarnson, t nlun (Hi; ton (D); J. H. Reigner, Antlers (Di; G. A Ramsev. Colbert (D): O. G. Rollins, Madill ( D) ; Jauies II. .vkes, Tulsa (Di; 0. I!. Inkham, Ringold (S); Henry W. Sittou, Duncan (ID; J. P. Spoor, Comanche (D): .John A. himpson. eatbortord (Di; Lblon K. Sams, Xowata (R); J C. 'Smith, Cliorokee (R); ! I. Tread way. :i loll in (D); Tom Testeinnan, Marrison (R); James A. Thurmond, Tushka, (D); Tom G. Taylor, Idabel (D); Charles Williams. Hooker (Di; J. H. Wright, Oklahoma City (D); T. . Wilkes, Alderson (D); Thomas J. Wohdi, Hal lard (D); Asa 10 Walden, Tlucker villo (Di; Thorn C. Waldroii, Shaw nee (Di; James .A. Young, Oklahoma City (D); Jake Zuboudil. Prague (It). .OPERA HOUSE. The Great estroyer D Holmes, Gage (R); S. W. 1 Si: Wash Hudson, Tulsa is Hunter. Ixnvton (!; llailo, Kiowa (Di; H. rictun s and -cturo by Kdward A- j T!, also :'. reels Mexican War j pi lures, featuring "I'ncle Sam's In j va.-iin of Mcieo." Ponoa City (ID Reno (Di; I c W. HuntiT, II T. V. Ho-ac, :lO I D I : Hi!!. R !1 (Di; !.(" Tom c. . !!.a. lie.-. Ilea.-', . Ill Grtivo D R. R. II. 11- ! ADMISSION 5 k lOc a C. 1 :. lb ( D 1 I'M not "A. Ion. liar! Ada (Di; II 1 ' ; 1; i i Ninnek II) g IM W.lli.i a .1. !.. li..n II. l..-!i l.fU an. .i'i M i-kii-'. t- ( ! 1 1 (D '. Hill. iyt 1D1 S L il. a in R' K'k Pert J.diii Tb 1 Vor (D Mill- : .1. II. I. D. C. KirkiMtri. k. Soil G. K-oj;tii. CJl.tloiler I ID ..tdl. PritoA- I'D; WiL i-ou-r iD; J. I.. Di; X. I! Maxov, T G. McM.ihon. Mil- A. ! ir.-'i. Kin -fisher ( Ri M or.-. Illk Citv (Si; M ia. l'.r:U Valley (Di; Moid till; P. J .!, .hies K- Moore, M- Cant e, -Mutual I !.. M K oa :i. Srlll wat. r Pi; '.or... Ti, :h (Di; J. O. Me- -. M i'ii ti.i; H. (). Mi!- 1 ( 1 1 1 ; .1. P Norton. ( 1. i '.- i ID ; A. North. I id, a i., -1 Nt-Mtt. MeA't ter 'D': i yyuio siuuod (If !1 (I br uk.u wn or -;nt "o. for ':;-'-' ;. ;.?: ! hivo Von pur. ;ng ov- j ' - y. ;!t r.- to ?ay io ar pka- 1 is ;li ir.z it rry n:ill- We are ' i l:i ui ), Wanoki tR'i; K ;. a .!-:' n t. f :rn:sh water t a ''., Oklahoma City lit.; W. :t--- t n ti:-. . t'.e firo of Ar'r.f s ,T. P-iIl. T-n ;-l. (D: N. D I'ri;. : ' ar.-J f I r can N of sorvio ' Sn'-der ; C. L. P.akham. t o i ;o n t l.-f to (sV on :r N.- r;rk (Di; ti.rz W. Pill.-n. Y. -. ;.'"r co-i.;,anv f '.I'illo-l t'iir D..i (D; V. Perry, Wilbur- TWO DAYS Sunday - Monday, Nov. 15jand 16 5 Annette Kellermann "Pi- Perfect Vo:iun" in Np- t ;r.e D.i a-htr." 7 acts of "A cn-Iors. Cot.: - tny carries its on operators. lrl:; s. Po.uhs inZ S roons and a ;--rf-ct pi. tare is assured. M ..;!:. . PV and :.. NUh: 2'c. API. SMATS nr.SKRYKD. 1