Newspaper Page Text
1 THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1011. PAGE THREE r The Brown Dry Goods Co. will close Thanksgiving Do Your Shopping Tomorrow. J f7 unit tiiirtt rt natrt rime? fnr rim i n aZ7 eautiful Evening Dresses r Dainty and iu'v and every one with that touch of "iixli- vimiaiitv that makes tneiu all acal to von. Prices: $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00 They are made liadow laces and net' of daintv colored me.-saliiies. chiffons, The new "Wasp" efect is one of the tvle features. You will also find the basque effect-, and Mandarin efefcts, with pleated tunics and plain chiffon tunics. Visit Our Garment Sections Tomonow and Make Your Selections. J Tomorrow is the Last Day of Our Annual anksgiving Linen Sale If vou need anything in linens, y.m must not You will not make any mistake in replenishing yc contemplate giving- for Xmas ISVfft A Visit to Our Linen Sections Will Convince You. fail to attend 1 1 ' i ir linen supplies . sak- tomorrow the la-1 day. or in buying linens ou : uuaranteeci Petticoats $2.98 Something new. made of guaranteed IVau Duclies-e, a fabric which is soft and cling ing and has a beautiful luster, a good line of colors If your petticoat does not give satis factory wear we will replace ith a new one. I f itwi r Collars 25 c We have just received an other shipment of stiff white laundered collars. See thein at the novelty counter. See our new Thanksgiving tal ly Cards. mODCRT is 1 ORSETS Farorvt Laced. Advertising will not make you sei actual value in MO DART front lace sets. The most it can accomplish is to indue you to see and examine them. If you are not aireadv familiar with them you have pleasant surprise in store. The workmanship is as near perfection as it is possible to come. You can see for yourselves. The quality of the materials are not to be miestioned. Their style is evident when you try them on. We know of no better than the M OPART. front laced cor , I tQ i c0 1 f 0 I V I o F 6 V ew Visit Brown's Shoe Department for Your Thanksgiving Shoes See in Particular These Attractive, Good Selling Numbers Ladies Patent Colt Button Boot with mat kid or doth tops, med ium narrow toes, with tip Welt and Mather bouis heel All sizes and widths. fifl uu Price per pair L.ndies Dull Kid and Gun Button Boots, Medium toes, welt sole and concave heel. Neat and ecMiifortable Price KT Pair S3. Metal wide Cu'ban saoe. 50 Growing Girls Patent and Gun Metal button Shoes With medium w ide toe.s. low heels and g io,l lie ivy soles Prices (J 1 flQ :i and '..OiU1. Whenever ycu think children's shces you should think Browns. We are showing a complete line in Pa'.ent, Gun Metal and Vici Kid Lefthers. Best Quality GUTHRIE. OKLAHOMA Best Service NOTES AND PERSONALS OF SOGIETY uenore Burke Phone 245 a mm II . I I Fat ducks for ThanksRivinR roasts; 7.jC apiece. 1'houe 51 I K. AT THE Beauty Parlor 210 1-2 East Okla, We do all shampooing with rain water. Try our sham poos. Facial Massage. Manicur ing, etc. -. i' ' "ins "iiui in jc.xas is ncro as a witness in tho Wil McHrine casf. . VI -K .. iS a A .v. 7, PERSONAL AND LOCAL. ! r-ari Keys, f iner bookkeeper for tho here from ' t"lilt "oaru or, returned to .Tndpe Horace Speed ts Tulsa on losal business. Henrv S. .lolniFton. wll l-nown Oklahoma City last night. He was witness in the Will McHrine case. Terry attorney leal business. - I Claude Mio ' Crescent City. LOGWI COUSTlf AESIESCTCtt' BONDED ABSTRACTERS INSURANCE SURETY BONDS FARM LO.NS Phone 151. Office Rear Logan County Eirk. is here transactiiu is here todav from II. T5. Mott of Enid, is here attend in" to lepal matters in federal court T. M. rsinnion is tip from l'auls Valley, looking after oil interests m this county. Marion Posler, oil operator in the C'ishinE field, is lure today visitin? Mose Wein!ereer. II. C. Caine. formerly connected with the state auditor's off: e n HEADACHES Thousands of men iwl nomi-n mffor from tipmlarhen every day, other thitiniiii hke licailaches evtry week or every montn. anl t;ll cUiers have heaila' he rxi asioria iy. l ut nut at r-e'ilar intrna.n. The h-t Im-tor i--iifli ii ti; tohnil ttie cium o( mauy ol Uie-e hea l.n "he, arul in tnot eaiu r ak , kn inn th riu", he tle not knnw v bat il renin e it. ft a ti fie a tHTmanent rnre. All he ran do W to 'tvrnl.e tiie uual pain r' !ieT-r. wrneti r:ve temixjrary relief, but the hi s.lai he ret..rr a u-iiai. ai. t treatment i icin n-eary. If Jiu.ifer fri::i healaehea, H' mal - r hat their r. ifire. take Anti-kamnia Tad !. an1 tt.e rei! t . I U-aii-fartory in the h rh-t di tr f. V"H ran cMn ii them at ail (Jrut;t in ey qntii'T. ! wonii. Z or.h or nmre. A-k tur A K 1 a! -l t. SICK-HEADACHES Ptrk-bea-lache, th trirn-t Tnier nf a'l fick1 J"e, - it, u-T- r rl). n A K liNI-o ar taken. When you 1.-1 an au k cimu, on. take two ta' n te. an l n rny t th t, ita k mill I ar1M ort. Imr.i'X an inn k tste one A K Tibiet every t hiit. The r-t a" I etn t'irt wiiKii tuJom. can It i t taiinil la I.o ot., r may. Ctnminm A-K TmiUtt bar tht rf. Wait, and Iove himself will hrinp The drooping flower of '"liowletlgo changed to fruit Of Wisdom. Wait: my faith is large in Time iAnd that which shaipes it to some perfect end. Tennyson. Wednesday. Wednesday Auction Dinner club Mr. and .Mrs. F. J. Fitzpatrick. Ladies" Aid of M. K. ("hiiicli Mrs. F. O. Harker. Missionary Society of Fresliyterian Church Mrs. E. J. Iila knian. Kensington Club Mrs. Freeland. .Mrs. Olive Hughes will ko to :'pw ton to meet her sister, Airs. Xolur rrentiss, and together they will spend Thanksgiving with relatives in Wichita. j Mr. and .Mrs. Carl Mctcalf of Still-' water, will arrive tomorrow evening to i the guests of Mrs. W. A. I'rasier over Thanksgiving. Mrs. J. C. Post and daughter, Miss Fleanor, will go to Kinglisher on Wednesday to be the guests of rela tives until Sunday. Cambridge Club Meet, The Cambridge club's weekly meet ing was held at the library yesterday After the roll call answered with current events, the (Jolden Age oi Greece was taken up with Airs. P.ur I lord as leader. The program was as follows : 1. Sketch of Pericles Aspasia. Mrs. Poles. 2. Pro-eminence of Athens in art literature and philosophy. Mrs. His lop. :. Aeschylus, 'Sophocles, Kuripides Mrs. liurford. 1. Socrates, Plato Xenophon. Mrs. Cano. 5. Phidias-lctinus. Mrs. Steele. -Mrs. Elliott Lyons was asked to become a member of the club. The only guest was Mrs. J. J. O'Uourke Mr. and Mrs. .Noel Walton ol Arkansas City, will be the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Tell Walton on Thanks giving Day. Mrs. L. A. Hahn and Mrs. W. K Howard are entertaining the Beta Alpha Phi Sorority with a mystical party this evening at the Hahn home on east Cleveland. Mrs. Charles Olson will have Mrs L. D. Gillette of Chandler, as her guest for Thanksgiving. Entertained Monday Auction Club. Mrs. John Havighorst and 'Mrs Charles Seton were joint hostesses to the Monday Auction Luncheon club yesterday at one o'clock at the Seton home. After a delicious two-course luncheon the afternoon was spent at cards. High and low scores were by Mrs. Seton and Mrs. F. JS. lsarcie. Airs. J. 1. Winton was an extra guest. Mrs. H. !U Mathews who has been visiting- with friends and relatives in Oklahoma City for the ipast tew days will return home this evening. Miss Lena Osborne of Oklahoma City, will come up tomorrow evening to lie the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Prownlee, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Prownlee and children, Marjorie and Marywyld, of Kingfisher, and Mr. and Mrs. it. G. Prownlee and daughter, Man', of Tulsa, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Loach for the week-end. Hostess to M. M- C. Club. Mrs. C. C. Clothier was hostess to the fM. M. C. club yesterday. The af ternoon was spent with fancy work and crocheting after which dainty refreshments were nerved to the f Inn members, there beins? no guests. Mrs. .1. S. Shearer will be hostess to the club next Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. Mac Morris will have as their guepts over Thanii:iving Iay and for the week-end, Mrs. J. H. 'frou'-ih, of Oklahoma City. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Le Parin ' of Galveston, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Perton Neweomb of Ios Angeles, Cal. Billill The F iiliilii hi iiiiimiiil i iniu niii 1 1 1 I HIM Hill i 1 1 lHIIIHHlillH IP 111 oundafion of Good Health Is Good Blood! Wi aM Are you pal.? Are you weak? Are you no longer ambitious or energetic? Have you plmpies or boils? Do you suffer from headaches, low spirits? 4 Then you arc anaemic your blood is thin, lacking in healthy, strength giving red corpuscles. Then your blood is impure and your liver is not up to its task of clearing the blood from the poisons accumulated. There is one remedy that will restore to you rich, health-giving blood a remedy proved by experience Dr. PiERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY (In TzL'.zt 3r Liquid Form) Is Just Such a Remedy as You Need For forty years Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been used in every cpiarter of the globe. Is. has met successfully the test of actual trial. It is composed of roots from our j;reat American forests, known to science as those which will best Rive the stomach, liver ana bowels needed help. Don't wait until you are laid low by some serious costly sickness! Now Enjoys the Best of Health. "I was troulili") with wrf tna fruin tho crown of my ht'Hii to thpBolt'siif my fort," uhtn Mr, h'.lla tjuu k,J Lh Jorii, Michigan. "Coiilil mt walk at timi'H nor wi-arHhrnn. Thounht tlu'ro wan no help for me at Iciast. the dortur Baiii there wan none. I went to bm frifimis at Christman tima and therp hoard of tho (rood that Dr. I'ieroe's Golden Medical Dixcovory had dona for them and va advised to try it at once. For fear that I mi(fht neitlect it my frlendB sent to the village and dot a bottle and made me promise that 1 would take it. 1 had been nettintr worne ail tho time. I took thirteen bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and UBed the 'All llealiiiu Salve,' which made a complete euro. It was slow but sure. 1 am well and enjoy health the best 1 ever did in my life." MRS. QUICK Take this "Uiicovery" now and learn vht it will mean to you to have a itomach no well equal to its work thnt your food will nourinh you and make Bond rich blood - to have a liver which will keep lour blood clean and pure- to have boweU no wll regulated that they will free your system of poUonous WARte matter. You will be thankful you have at your command so effective and reliable an aid to health, strength, flood looks and good feelings. You can obtain Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery in tablet or liquid form front dealers in medicine--or send 50 one-cent stamps (or a trial box o( the tablets to Dr. TIKkClC, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, New York. I!!! ill! I!llll!lil!!lll!llll llillllill Read tent on 1008 111 itiMitmrT liiiiiiiHniiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi HIPS llllllirn tht, Blood in the Common SCT MtShul Adviser uvcent itimpi-i French bii1i lieund book ot XUreui lis. K. V, ritittXihaebio. N.w York. by the Rev. B. 11. Mutsears. The bride was .gowned in white satin made with a train, and trimmed with lace and fur, her veil wast of white tullo with a wreath of lilies of the valley; she carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses. The maid of honor, Ti,ss Kitty Tracey, a cousin of the bhde, wore a pink messaline dress veiled with lavender chiffon and a white and pink' hat She also carried I rido s roses. Mr. Fred Jochan or Oklahoma City, was best man. Alter the ceremony the wedding party and relatives of the bride and groom, 'Metz, Hid wards went to tho Lee-TIuckins where a , KeRed, Smith, five-course breakfast was served in a private dining room. Mrs. lirodie received her education at St. Joseph's academy In this city, shft was graduated In 1007. Mr. lirodie was a mem'ber of the class of 'OS at the ILogan county hiph school and is now with the Mutual Life Insurant- Co. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie are at home to their friends at for the present. the Ladies of the Maccabees, of which organization she is Commander, hav ing filled that office for three years. -And to show the esteem and love in which she la held and the appre ciation of her efforts and the loyalty shown by all, Mrs. Drusella Smith presented to her in behalf of tho Maccabees, a cut glass napy ' ami creamer1 and sugar. The afternoon was spent with music and guesing contests after which dainty refresh ments were served to Mesdames Drusella, .Smith, W'ilber, Parham, 10. Conneway, Wright, Wirnber, Frweland, Dunnica, Jlranham, Jensen, MfA'eal, Marzolf, Bishop, Jfoag, Burns, llahn, 'ahill) Mei-ten, Keyser, Kent'row, Travers, Durham, Barker, Smith and Cam plli oil. Hj jjjww iii!?S!RJiJISII J?; NORTH LOGAN NEWS. 55 'Mr. and Airs. Tathwell of Knid, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon -Haws Cor the .past week .have !10 Last Cleveland j returned to their home. Notes of Women's Organizations. The Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. E. .1. Packman on Wednesday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet with Mrs. H. O. Barker at C2 East Springer on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Woman's Auxiliary to the Farmers' Institute will meet at the city hall, Saturday at 2:30. Membership Contest. Some time ago the Epwortln league started a membership contest, tho IiPacue was divided into two parts called the Red and the Whites. I'he object of the contest was to see which side could obtain the largest number of new members and the los ing side was to treat the winners. At th close of the contest the Beds were ('telared the losers, so last evening was the occasion for the weinie roast which was declared most appropriate for this season of the year. The young people, about one hundred irt number, gathered at the big rocks in the park where a roaring fire, wienies, marshmallows, pickles and buns were found in profusion. Mrs. Hulme Surprised. Mrs. J. W. Hulme was very agree - i ably surprised yesterday afternoon aij her homo on South First street, by V. .Maine has returned home from .Missouri, i which state .he was ailed last week by the serious ill ness of his daughter. Mrs. Jones Too per. Mr. ..Main reports liis daughter slightly improved. ORDERS FOR DRESSES- I am now able to fill a limited number of orders for dresses. Mrs. Maxey, 414 Xorth Broad. NOTICE. The post office 'will be open for business from !:::o a. m. to 10:30 a. in. on Thursday. November 1'ii, ' M . Thanksgiving. Tlure will be no de liveries made bv 'ity nor Rural Car riers. 'W. M. Mtt'oy, Postmaster. Mrs. Anna Rutherford visited Mon day, with her mother, Mrs. Drye. "William Baker and wife spent the day Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. FranU. Bone, ,i. , : ..; Miss Etta Thomas visited Saturday! evening and Sunday with her siste 'Mrs. Amanda Walker. Mrs. Young and her daughter, Cora, were Guthrie visitors Saturday. James Shaffer had the misfortune i to lose a fine young mulo Sunday af ternoon. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Karr Young was burled Friday in the Knowles' cemetery. The little one only gladdened their home cne weeic, 'til it was caled away. Miss May Alexander has quit school in Guthrie and is going to attend school in Crescent the rest or the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Richard start ed Saturday for Arkansas to make that place their future home. A large crowd attended the singing at Joe Stephens' Sunday and enjoy ed a very pleasant time. Zudora comingl Order Cranberry Ice giving dinner. Smith's. for Thanks Phone to. Want milk or cream7 Phone 636. de His and t'X- A Smooth, Whi'te 5km , That Defies Weather Mr. ami Mrs. Will Vauch of Reno, will arrive this evening to the iniests of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. C!othier for the week-end. I'lrini; t!i m mls uti.I ii t n ; jr -k i s , j-iiouM t.,i-n r.rg'.s oM. Vim v :i!i M. li;t .ii'ir at'- n-1.. Halev. daiibt! Haley-Brodie Miss Mary ir.len f Mr. and Mr3. J. W. Halev of Okla homa City, and Mr. Arthur ;uy P.rrxlie of (;uthrie, were married Mon day N'ovrrnVT twertr-lhirt. in t)!t '.ahoTiia City, at St. Joseph's Cathedral i and lie i ' . ' !"t CI,. , i';,f I t;: f hltinir ! WiHll I and Vel io lin-r- i "'.,?:..! ,u. N"t!itisr '!' i!t f f-'t:'''y ririhive :i i ;i.t.i'-d. I -; it : n-nc-l . r ' . .r, . nuif irf. .y r ;ilua,!y a! Krlnfi t'if ,i . !, r f ai. n c.i: !;.-. ti..- j'i. xi n t ki ! in j,-rf. i i r, l.t'.in en t'if ln-iit.v f "Xir-i,!i aji ' J.t'Mio.l!!, -.). Jf y.iur i(.: fie k'.-J. i.a:e.'t.rt- i.rr-i. in- n t kk. j:7 ,. . . u r , - on! na y !ii-n .ii y.c. n. , ! , a. I : lr trvi:'. i J -.!ip.-'y -f ir-m !() m.ft nniir'if'y f ith-.Jx 1 . :t ! I'. f a f rtr- ..;. Iw t n nifi v. It,,. ..;. I r am. .4h:ta; it c!T mTtii.c. If - i.r. arc r r-""r ! . marr-.! y-.'ir f with r-?ih !. he' Vo l f an i n k r- ai-n iftT 1 n t'v u rr a h.if4j . ft. s'l i"t fii" t-i..n Mfr'l 'V li-""l nt I .. .. f .,' ; H 1 - .' tn t a h i aic!. Ti firiifr. nm.i,.li. r "-k n. t: t?.- i.iil ,i;r .ir.t'i' '. iit-n a.'' r vt !:- t ,.i ;.-!!'- I . CHRISTIAN CHURCH REVIVAL The revival whic'h began at the First 'Christian church is already at. tract ing very good crowds. Kvan g'dist C. '!.. Johnson, of Ft. Smith, A i Kansas, arrive,) yesterday and livered a very pleasing, helpful energetic message last night theme 'was "The Ideal Church" liis address was very happily pressed. ' Toniirht his theme will be the "City of God." All are cordially in vitd to attend these services and : listen to the presentation of the gos. j-el ea. h night. Tonight at the close of the sen ice the ordinance of bap tism will !m ad:t inistered. Prof. Mc(Yrm:k and the church choir have chare of the music. All who can sin are invited to assist with the niusi Dirinz the meeting si sreat deal of emphasis wi!! be pat I on singing. j The gospel team han been invited to bo!;t '.n Ciesp seri--e3 and have I'roniised to take an active ; :trt from nirtt t nisht ! im tvo CranbeTv F e Thankssi.ina Turkey. 11. 'ft bin. at Snath's. THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Unionville, Mo. "I sufTered from ft female trouble and I got so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor with out holding on to something. I had nervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my face would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep to do any good, had no appetite, and everyone thought I would not live. Some one advised me to take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound. I had taken so much medicine and my doctor eaid he could do me no good so I told my husband he might get me a bottle and I would try it. By the time I had takes it I felt better. I continued its use, and now I am well and strong. "I have always recommended youi medicine ever since I was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I hope this letter will be the means of saving some ther poor woman from suffering." l.irs. Maktha Seavey, Box 1144, Unionville, Missouri. The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound have thousands of tuch letters as that above they tell the truth, else they could not have ben obtained for love or money. This med icine is no stranger it has stood tba test for years, ff ther an nr romrlifatloBB tb rto not understand write to Lydia F- J'inkham JCe."Vine to. (ronndfaual) I Tnn.MiK. Your letter will be opened. with th" i- r -ii-' I'inkham Jle!Vine rrad and answered by a wemaa 4 J.eM in btrict cvnfldfnce.