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THE atFTHIUE DAILY LEADER TUESDAY, NOYEMDER 2 1, 1011. PAGE FIVE WANTS WAN1 CLASSIFIED THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed, the Oklahoma State Cap ital March 8, 19 ID Official Paper of Constitutional Con tention. Official City Paper NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. In the event of delivery being lm perfect, or paper being rolled, twisted or mutilated, subscribers are urged to saake immediate complaint to the busi ness office in person, by telephone or Bail. Mall subscribers should examine the address on the label of their paper, it shows when subscriptions expire. When you remit the label is changed, If not notify this office. If you wish our subscription discontinued write the offi3, otherwise the paper -will ue continued. In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE8 One Cent A Wort!. No Classified Advertisement accepted for less than 20 cents. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH. Your advertisement on this page will be seen toy more than 20,000 people. tare fkm 1(3)8. M Ma &0 BUSINESS CHANCES A SUBSTANTIAL com.ratlon wants a reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen. Should pay &3.000 to $15,000 annually; ?300 to P700 will finance business; you aandle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, II!. CLASSIFIED SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Several good hustlers Men and women tor permanent work, splendid pay. Cull at room 3 Metropolitan Hotel, Wednesday af ter !) a. in. WANTED Salesman to sell our line of Temperance Drinks in small country towns; 25 per cent commis sion and $3,1.00 weekly drawing ac count. Red Cross Company, St. Louis, Mo., Dept. G. WANTED AUENTS wamlij in every town. Handle our classy specialties. Sells on sighTT Good profits. Splendid op iportunlty for live agents. Write, The Fashion Store Belleville, ill. AGENTS European war book. Right up-to-date. Big money mak'er. Out fit free; 50 per cent commission. Ad dress, National Bible House, Pone Bldg., Chicago. PERSONAL. 1AIHKS! Ask your Dnurckt for OhloheKtrn Pill, the IMnmond Kraml. i-or ye.irs kaown a " Hcst.Satmt. Aiwav Urliiltlr. Mnv of v,,i,r I ri,lcf Tflke "I, Ol h',-. ( III, li,'tir IMuni,.B,l llroi.,1 1'lila rc Bold by lruui:lntit every wlicre. MATURY If vou are lonely. The Reliable. Confidential, Successful Club has large number of wealthy, ligible members of both sexes, wish ing early marriatre. rieserlntlons ee. Mrs. Wruoel, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. 264-6. ANTS CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE A good, quiet horse for family use. A. Dillenbeck, 1X12 West Warner. FARMERS IKE 01 FOR SALE 4 Room house; two good lots; east side; good location $100 bcash, $450, building and loan ?6.7j per month; $20 will put property In good shape. Why rent. A. B. Arm strong Phorfp 3ft). FOR SALE OR TRADK (A cozy home in Oklahoma City for property, au tomobile in Guthrie. Phone No. 7 VUVs lOkla. Ave. FOR SALE $3,500.00. 120 acres of good bottom land, 5 1-2 miles north of town. Well located. Would con sider a good modern house of 7 or 8 rooms, up to $1,1)00- Ixits of !bar gains in sales and trades. Insurance and 'Notary work. i.M. Garrett, lUPi East Okla. Ave- TWO GOOD MILCH! COWS for sale, reasonable. Both fresh. Phone F. K. 5 on Pine street. Cleon II. Ray 1 mile south FOR' SALES 3 room cottage, 2 iporches a well; 1 lot; nice location; $400.00, 1315 East Oklahoma avenue. J. II. McKenzie, Guthrie, or Cushing, Okla. ICE PLANTS Dl'T MOW HDW TO DIE, SKS POLICE HANDY REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS CAN BE MADE DURING ODD TIMES LAND LOGGED SAILOR OUT OF JOB COULD NOT WORK HIMSELF TO DEATH GEM THEATRE ADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Pills; always depend anie. Keller and particulars free. Write National Medical Institute, .Milwaukee. Wis. LOST AND FOUND. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED .Position as housekeeper for widower by lady with daughter, or would tuke charge of .rooinin'g house. No on but refined people need answer. S. E., care of Leader. HELP WANT tD FEMALE LADIES- Good money making plain aprons at home; we pay you; no canvassinng. Send 25 cents lor par ticulars and full sizo apron. Cook Supply Co., Kokomo, Ind. WOMEiN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends, neighbors and general wearer; 70 per cent profit; make $H daily; experience unnecessary. In ternational Mills, West Philadelphia Pa. l-,Ubl I'air brown. Inns' plnvps. between Washington and 710 North Broad. Finder return to 71 G North Broad. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS H. M. ADAMS, Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent. Office over Bank of Commerce. Phone 414. Res. Phone 1119 TYPEWRITERS. Royal No. 1 $35.:"J Royal No. 5, (salesman's sample) $50.00 itoyai No. 5, new $75.00 Royal No. 10 $100.00 Typewriters rented. Ribbons and supplies. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 114 1-2 East Okla. Phone 7. FOR SALE Choice live young tur keys, 14c per pound delivered. Phone 51 K. X. FOR SALE OR TRADE One Six- room house and two lots; one S room house and four lots, well locatr ed, for sale or -will trade for a, farm, See or phone John J. Hildreth. FOR SALE 3 room cottage; 2 por. ches; a well; 1 lot; rice location; $100.00; 1315 E. Okla. Ave. FOR SALE A weil improved ItiO acres in good neighborhood, on main road to Guthrie, close to school and church, have 'phone; good house; large, almost new barn, granary, etc. Plenty of good water pumped by mill; orchard, fences In good repair; 100 in cul.; 15 meadow, balance pasture; a never-failing spring in pasture; some timber near spring. This land is good soil and lays fine. Priced to sell, terms if needed. Address "Kee hoyta," care Leader. $10 TO $15 PER WEEK copying let ters at home; stamp lor reply. Station F., Box 56, Memphis, Tenn. FIVE BRIGHT callable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers; $3.1 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich J)rug Co., Dept. 572, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MEN and women to learn newspaper and magazine drawing by mail. Send for our illustrated magazine and list of successful stu dents. Associated Art Studios, Flat iron Building, New York. WANTED Men to learn ibarber trade. Positively the best trade of the klnnd. Hundreds of positions vacant on account of foreign barbers being drafted for European war. Wages while learning. Apply by mail. Open to everyone. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Good Piano at 719 W. Noblo or Phone 1050. FOR RENT Modern five room fur nished cottage close in, with good cisternj good neighborhood. Phone 1214. FOR SALE Quarter section, good location; near Guthrie; 80 a. cul.; bal. grass land, small Improvements; some fruit; farm land lays fine, pas ture a little rough, but good grass and plenty water. Priced to sell. Terms if needed. These farms are near Guthrie. Address "Keehoyta," care Leader. FOR, SALE A good busincss) netting over $100.00 a month, price $1,600. Also a neat cottage, does in on Cleveland, price $S50.00. We have two .parties who want to buy a mod ern cottage. Tlease list your prop erty. M. Garrett, 116 1-2 East Oklahoma avenue. FOR RENT Modern size room cot tage with cistern, corner of Wash ington and Ash. Inquire at 319 East Washington, or phone F. R. 51. FOR RENT Eight room house at 520 W. Mansir, cheap. See Agnes Donakey or call 75. TO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Quarter section, five miles north, for trade for six or seven room house on east side. See R. X. Dunham. '. NEWS FKOM NAVINA. I.Manhattan, Kan., Nov. '24. Every fanner may have his own ice plant at a cost of fro'i $13 to $20, if hi will use the apparatus described in a iit-w bulletin just issued hv Dr. J. I). Walters, professor of architecture in the Kansas State Agricultural Col lege. The ice plant is made of galvanized iron and consists of a double tank with an inner tank about 10 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 12 Inches deep. The top of the tank should 'be slight ly larger than the bottom. The in nor tank should be divined into six rompartnients liy means of galvan ized iron strips. Freeze in Three Hours. This double tank should be plac ed near an outdoor pump where th compartments can be easily filled with water. iBeing exmsed on all sides, 4he water will freeze in from ono to three hoars. A bucket full of hot water poured into the space be tween the two tanks will loosen the cakes so that thev may be removed. One freezing will give five cakes of ice each weighing 120 pounds. Four teen freezings will yield four tons of pure i.'e, or enough to last an aver ago family a ivear- The cakes of ice can be packed away in sawdust in the ieohouf.e or cellar as they are frozen- New Silver Clean, ' Mrs. lliMitevi,'e, don't you dread the job of cleaning the family silver ware? Here is a simple and .safe method of cleaning silver offered by the domestic science department of the Kansas state agricultural college. Get a zinc. pan. Place a wire mat on tne bottom to prevent tne sliver from resting on the bottom of the New York, Nov. 21. Noble Brown, poet and sailor ,out of a job, desired to kill himself but didn't know how. He wrote to Commissioner of Police Woods for information. Brown was arrested for disturbing the peace 0'' himself and is on parole now, pledged to refrain from suicide, lie wrote the following letter: "I'm a stranger in New York City a sailor out of a ilorth. I've decid ed 0 do away with myself. But can not decide what method to 'pur sue. would luce to do it m an order ly and respectful manner if possible I suppose .being a sailor the proper way would be to drown myself, but I'm too good a swimmer, if 1 jump from one of the bridges and land on a boat I would make a mess of the deck and the poor sailors would have to clean up. "If I step in front of a street rar I might obstruct trat'l'i ami sonic business man might loso a deal; or In front of an auto 1 might frighten some lady. I might assault a big olieeman, but be would beat me up and I might recover. 1 might cut my. throat but my razor is dull. 1 might shoot myself but I have 110 gun; if I had I might get nervous, miss the mark and shoot an innocent rug picker. "I niight work myself to death but I can't get the chance. I can't take chloroform. That costs money. can't die, of heart failure as I gave my heart to a young lady some time ago. I hope she takes good care of it after I am gone. 1 guess I must freeze or starve to death. Kindly oblige me." Program Week of November 22 to 29. Tuesday, Nov. 24. Powers. "The Senators Lady" Taken from Ixieke's poem "Han nah .lane," Edna Maison and Bert Hartley. Frontier, "The Blacksmith's ChnireJi and Christy Girl holds bandits up with horse shoe. Sterling "A Race for a Bible" Comedy. Max Asber. Wednesday, Nov. 25. Eclair (2 reels) "The Return." A stirring tale of reformation un der unusual circumstances. Edna Page and Bob Frazier. .Inker "The Belgians Method of Warfare" Good slapstick comedy. 'Egg" Matinee 4 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 26. Special I reel program. Biograph (2 reel) "Martin Chuz zlewitm" Spevlal for Thanksgiv ing. Eclair. "The St Hike at Coaldale" Walpnle and Bright. L.Ko "Partners in Crime." extra good comedy. NoteSee "Zinlora" at Highland .Matinee and night. Friday, Nov. 27. Gold 'Seal (2 reels) "The Trey ()' 'Hearts" .1 Ith episode, ( ry dal "They didn't Know." Good comedy. HIGHLAND THEATRE 1 VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT. Lattio LoClaira and Boys Trio. PICTURES Vitagraph special in 2 parts "Good SHy Summer-!' . , : & A. "Jironcho Billy flavor lto," s K itm JJ3S ttHISE 1 ifiu si Tseng latest, - vv et-ki.y Events. , . Tuesday, Nov. 24. Vaudeville I Inward & Graft. (The .Juggler's Dream) PICTURES Lillian special in two parts, "The Sorceress." Biograph. "All for Business." Edison comedy: "The Adven tures of a Pick-pocket" Wednesday. Big Feature Vaudeville with WiLDFLDWER in 4 parts A CHILD Of NATURE By Famous Players. NOTE ZUDORA, THURSDAY WITH MATINEE. if' $100 Reward, $100 Tho readers of this paper will r pleased to learn that thero is at h unt on . . . . . . . , , , I VJ 1 ' tH Jl (.1 I iinao 111 il. I. DVII J 1113 U( 111 pan. rm me pan wuu wuiei aim tiuu Bblo to euro in all Its Rtapos, and that Is lililo Citarrh. Hall a Catarrh euro In tlio only a 'teaspoon! ul of soda and a spoonful of salt fto each quart of GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get My free booklet. Y-3CG, tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. MEN Our Illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach the bproer trade in short term, mailed 'iee rite Moler College, Kansas City. Me MAKE MONEY WITH VS Amount depend upon timo. devoted. So canvassing. Ambitious local man wanted. Address Ostrander, Dept. rf.6. 12 West 31st St., .New York,,! I WILL start you earning J I daily at home, silvering mirrors; send for free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. Boston, Maps. LAW BOOK3 FOR SALE Oklahoma Reports, Vol3. 1, 2, 3, 4. 6 and 6. Al.o 2, 3," 4 and 3. One vol each of Washington, lo; Illinois. Missouri. 191. AdJress Dally Leader, Guthrie, OUa. NATIONAL BANK EXAMINERS 10 6E PLACEO ON SALARIES asiiington. .Nov. All national bank examiners in the 1'nited Stales alx)iu one hundred in number- will shortly be placed on n salary basis by the Federal Reserve Board, instead of receiving commissions based on the s!2c the bank examined. A half d''Ztu of the most experienced examiners in the service have been in Washington during the week just pas;, conferring 'with treasury de partment officials and making u; es timates on wiii.ii to base their ad justment of salaries. At present o:ne examiners ri .-eke as little as St.f ti a ear. while others receive $i". '! to J IV "". . i . . ' CMldren dry1 FCR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A Protect your nejuia 'By fcintlnj pure mineral water; I L. BCltogi irill dellvtr It at jour door; eltTier iweet or Hercules. 20 cent the 5 fi'Aoa bottle. Phone K9. PromiM Delivery. Th feces J number of the Lee n re Course will be Friday, Nov. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Robert West cama out from Guthrie Sunday to attend Mrs. Ilarve Hancock's funeral, re turning Monday. Dr. McBride and wife attended the Io.nan County Medical association at Guthrie last week. A. L. Butts, owner of West Plains farm near Guthrie, was a business usitor in Navina last week and at the same time made us a very pleasant call. Mr. Butts is extensively engag ed in hog raising on his fine farm, and is at present reeding out a large herd. Joe Keith sprung a pleasant sur prise on his many Navina lricnds last week when he quietly sojourned tj Guthrie and returned with a wife, who was formerly miss Gilmer of that city. We extend our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Keith for a long and happy life. Miss Margaret Doolittl.' was a visitor of the Navina schools tbesast week.. She was incidentally receiv ing congratulations from lit r many friends here on her splendid itory Nov. Zrd. Navina tases this oppor tunity for expressing thanks to .Mi.s I'oolittle for her careful supervision of and interest in the Na ina s( ho d. water. Allow the silver to soak in this mixture five minutes. Take out the silver, wash and dry it- Oxidized silver should never be cleaned with this method as it will remove the ox idized finish lr case you can not get a 2ln:" pan, an ordinary dish pan may be used. Place two strips of zinc on opposite sides of the pan. If you cannot get zinc strips use two rows of mason jar lids. Pour in the mixture of salt, soda and water and then place the silver in the pan. be ing careful to place the silver so that one end rests on one zinc strip and he other on the second zin strip. After the silver has been in the wat er five minutes, it should e taken out, washed and dried. The secret of this way of cleaning if that the salt, soda and zinc form a weak bat terv and electricity does the rest. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and Ihladder troubles, dissolves gravely cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and baldder in both men and women. Regulates bladder trou bles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on re ceipt of $1,000. One small bottle is two months' treatment, and seldom fails to perfect a cure. Send for tes timonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall. 2026 Olive Street, St. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists. Adv. fraternity. Catarrh boinir a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat niont. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon tho blood Bnd mucous surfaces of tho system, there by destroying tho foundation of tho dis ease, and eivlnjr tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting tiaturem doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith in Its ouratlvo pow ers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for nnyenso that tt Mil3 to cure. Send for lirt of testimonials. Ad'lresa F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv nil Pruetrists, 75c Take liall'u Family Pills for constipation. Zudora mill bo some dream. THE WIFE'S MONEY By Mrs. Eva Leonard $10," read the aunt. "Why do yon get so expensive a suit: on cant dress that way on $(iil a month, and that is all you have." Peeause it was the only thing I could find that 1 looked decent in," said Lueile, starting for tho "kitchen with a pile of dishes. 'Hat $1., shoes $7( dry goods groceries $32.70," read Mrs. His turkey dinner with all the trimmings at Matehett's Cafe, "Oe. - 1 vl h f voice was Y in a flood Beware of Cheap Substitute. In these dys of keen eompr-tiUon it i3 important that the imbUc should see that tier pet Chamberlains Cough Remedy and not take substi tutes sold for the sake of extra prof, it Chimberlain's Cough ReuiJy has stood the test and teen approved for more than forty years. Obtain able every r, ere. ZuJora ee her first appearance. "Why, what's the matter, LucileV asked Mrs. Dale, going up to her niece, who was sitting in a dejected heap in kimono and cap by the "un i cleared breakfast table. "Oh, I never can learn to take care of myself " moaned the limp little fig ure. "When Jack was alive I had such care; all I had to do was to as-;c for money and I had it. Now " and thp- as drowned flood of woe. J T know it is 'ard to bear responsibility, but you see that one develops a stronger character by bravely facing condi tions," said the aunt soothingly. '"I don't want to develop. I want to be comfortable and happy," and the delicate little ldond sopped her eyes and gave a pile of letters, evi dently bills, a vicious little push and turned her back on them. "It would have been more truly kiml if Jack had insisted that you learn to manage on an allowance. ' "Don't say a word against JaK: lie was kindness itself " f he cried. with a fresh burst of grief. "The trorr le is that girls ask their fathers for money and when they marry they ask their husbands, as ir money came from a living spring end bubbled up spontaneously," her aunt continued. "Life is too uncer tain to make such per; etual ehildren of women. Let's fee how imuh you owe." she added, reaching for the . t ills. Viz turkey dinner :th all the The niee pushed them toward her $20.7.1 Hale. v, "How in the world can you have a grocery bill of $:!2.70 when there an; only two or you?" asked the. aunt, as her niece re-entered the room "I had quite a number of evening affairs last month. I just have to or I nearly die of the blues. In com pany I forget for a little while " and she piled mora dishes on, tho tray wtih a tragic air, "What did you do wtih your last month's money?" continued the in quisitor in a business-liko tone. I don t know. It was all gone four days after I got it and 1 did not have enough lqft for ppstage and car fare," and she showed signs ot fresh tears as she seized the tray pushed it against the kitchen door and disappeared, leaving the door swing behind her. Left alone, the aunt added up the figures on the accounts before her "It comes to $121.43," she said aloud as iLucilo appeared with the crumb tray. "Hero you have $( to pay $121.43 with." "I know it' groaned Lueile "If you will let me help you man age I will try to get you out of dent, and then you must ikeep out," said Mrs. Dale wtih emphasis. "Oh, I'll do anything you say,' was the encouraKinsr response. "You don't Iknow what a relief it will be to get started right." Guthrie Garage Phone 58 Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO Ol.VTMKXT fails to cure Itching, P.lind, J'deeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 30c Adv. "The Square Deal," the second number of the lec ture course Friday night. '-Nov. 27. REVIVAL SERVICES. Revival services are in progress at the Free Methodist church, (orner or Mansur and 11th" street. Services) bean last Thursday nisht and will continue through this week. Thanks giving service, 10: T.o a. m. Thanks zwinz Day. All are incited. H. O. Davenport. Pastor. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Card of Thanks. I eertiinly a;; rec iate the fl iwers The that ta.- Roval Neighbors and Fraternal All ser.t me whiie I was fi:k Airs. Oeo. V. H'kius. OKUMA MINING CAPITALIST DIES AFTER SHOOT ILLNESS Baxter Springs. Kas.. IXov. 21 John M. Cooper, 73 years old. one of tho most prominent business and mining men of southwest Kansas, died in his home here today from a ((implication of diseases. He -Was ill only a f' days. Mr. Cooper's wealth was estimated at about $3uO,0to. He came here in and engaged in business, and later founded the towns of CTalena and Miami. His holdings consisted of sto. ks in banks at P.axter Springs. Galena and Miami, valuable Kansas OkTahoma and Missouri mining tracts town property and a big mercantile establishment. He served in the Civ il war. Ho was born in Kldara. ill. L. IL lxnr la prepared to flo ail kinds or gas piping at a reasonable i cost He keeps oa hand a supply oi j (as mantles, globes an I 'burners. J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor OMAHA PICKERY GETS LARGE MEAT E 1 GLi Omaha, Netb., ,Xov. 21. As an In dication of 'Western prosperity, the Cudahy Packing Company of South Omaha will this 'week reopen their canning plant, which has been closed for more th'an two years. The can. nery will employ zuu worKmen ana double that number of men will he put to work in other departments of the plant as a result of the reopen ing of the cannery. The increase in the amount of live 6toek consumed iby the Cudahy Com pany will be considerable. As u starter the plant has an order for 3,000,000 cans of corned beef for the iHritish army. Three months, night and day work, will be required for this contract alone. Frail k tlMxon will lecture f-Yiday night, subject: "The Square Deal," at the First ,M. E. Church. The Bee. ond number ot the lecture course. Negro Shoots Mexican. While at a negro dance at Lawton, 'Lee Arzula a Mexican, was shot and 1 billed by Jlarry Clark, a negro, who was running the dance hall. ftMMfitMMKKRMailllMHa M T. C. VINSON m SJ The time to take care of the H 5? hair Is while you have it. Elec S trie Face and Scalp Massage. H J? Scalp Treatment a specialty. U K Hair cut 25c. 119 So. First St Si street. Stop In for . scalp H treatment. ... Have Your Cistern Cleaned BY VACUUM PHONE 11 JOHN GIEM Cistern Builder, Repairing and Cleaning. tri:;.min-s at Matr'nctt's Cafe. S.'-c. drearily, then rose and becan j iling the breakfast dishes. Want milk cr crtamf Phone 36- "Suit 135 alterations l total Provide a MONTHLY INCOME POLICY for your family in event of your death The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York writes it HENRY H. DODD. Aecnt. 1