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PAGE EIGHT ' rn ry,gB rnm twt'-as'!3p) THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1914. 1 p F 0 SEF $400 sOOO WORTH OF FOOD TWO SHIP LOADS FOR STARVING BELGIANS Representing the generous cash contributions of about 12,000 men, "women and children to the on Lm9 To Lady or Man- CASE UP in Hand Bag, Suit Case or Trunk Sole agent for the fam ous No Break Trunks and Suit Cases to mweraer t Xcute ef Quality HOLDERS OF SECURITIES PERFECT APPEAL FROM COURT DECISION BIG GASSER TEARS LOOSE HEAR RIPLEY People of . East Side Town Ex , cited Over Drilling in of Cat Well Carl Lucas, postal clerk on the Eastern ' Oklahoma railway, tame In this morning from Cushing. He says that laBt night the Broils well near Xlipley that has been shut In as a gaBaer tor , some, time, bro'ke loose and,, blew out, the casing and made Buch a,' noise It was, heard in Gush ing, lb miles away. It is estimated that It Is a ten million foot gasser. So far it has been Impossible to cap 'it. , '). .The well will likely prove to be as large a gasser as the one recently 'brought in near Yale. The well is located S miles northeast of Guthrie. Geologists contend that the anti clines, run in a northeasterly and southwesterly direction which, if true, iplaces Guthrie in the oil dis trict:;, ( ,, Much excitement prevails In Jtip ley and vicinity and many prominent oil men are visiting the well. FIXE POSITION'S. Permanent. Kor 1)wo neat, reliable colored ladles. Call after supper, Friday, Saturday and, Sunday, at Metropolitan. Sales Manager. miimiiniHRiiii i? NORTH LOGAN NEWS. J9 HIIHH8BB28SRIIII where he is figuring some on locat ing. A. F. Haven and family spent, Thanksgiving with relatives at .Mar shall. iMrs. Rix entertained this Saturday Mrs. ltemos and her sister-in-law. Nate Norri and family took In the big Baptist dinner at Lovell Thanks giving. Mrs. Fred Alley and little girl spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Guthrie ... Misses Margaret and Nettie Doo ltitle spent Thanksgiving with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Donnely of Marshall, spent Sunday with J. T. and (Mrs. Pfrimmer. Chas. Ward and wife of Perry. spent Thanksgiving at the homo of their brother, J. C Ward. Mr. Wiser, a real estate dealer of Edmond, was transacting business here on Saturday last. Oklahoma City, Dec. 4. Appeal has been filed in the supreme court from 'a decision by .Judge .Brown in the ' district court in Dewey ounty in a j mandamus proceedings by owners of 'the $:il,0v.00i mortgage bonds I against the Orient railway involving the validity of the Oklahoma 'mort gage tav law. The .ease arose over a demand made uiion the Trustees t'xecutors and inpuraroe securities corjwration and the Columbia-Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York by the register of deeds of Dew ey county for the payment of the state tax of oOc on the $100 before he could rord the niortzapre for J'lli.Oo'j.OOO. .Manda-mus was asked in the district courr and upon an an swer pleading the law the corpora tions named demurred. Tim cour overruling the demurrer, this appeal was taken. It is contended by the mortgagees that the mortgage tax law is invalid because It was not passed in the manner that revenue measures miust be passed under the constitution that it violates the constitution in other technical ways and that it is unconstitutional in that it exempts mortgages and deeds of trust from domestic railway corporations. The Mortgage Tax Act was .passed by the H913 legislature. It has not heretofore been tested in the higher (courts, i (life .'provHslons jeHjuire flhat no morfuge ' subject, to such tax shall first have 'been 'paid. The law provides for assessing the tax only( that nortion of the property 'mort gaged which is within this state. Even at that rate the tax that would have o ibe paid on this $31,000 000 would be very heavy. GIAN RELIEF FUND Has just been bought by the Belgian Relief Committee for rush transportation on Steamers Agamemnon and Niches. As all expenses of .handling, shipping and dis tribution, under expert supervision, are being met by the Rockefeller Foundation, co-operating with the London American .Committee and the Belgian Relief Com mittee every penny, nickel, dime and dollar, in its full food equivalent, will actuallv reach the mouths of starv- 8 mg women and children in desolated Belgium. BUT THIS IS ONLY A BEGINNING A MILLION DOLLARS NEEDED NOW Four, and probably five, steamers will shortly be at our dis jxxsal. We must have food to fill them. TV, mm i "i. migu jiii tnt.-.o mil, Uliu Hit mi jc 1 tl n 1 1 IclllCCS IU iMlll- II isters Van Dyke at the Hague and Whit lock at Brussels, have practically depleted trie Belgian Keliet rund. YOUR cash co-oj)eratioii is needed at once; your little or your large contribution now. ' The appalling conditions in Belgium are becoming more widespread and intense. There must be immediate alleviation of the increasingly acute physical and mental suffering of these poor, homeless peo ple unless we are prepared to contemplate a frightful toll in death and disease. More than 12,000 have given to this Fund. Their aid, often involving much self-sacrifice, is saving lives in little Belgium. But .. ,:.( ' . - Hundreds of thousands, up Into the' millinos, out there face,: starvation, now, as you read this. The plain fact is that, unless another 12,000 give now and another and another until all have given who can give an appalling number will perish. "Rich and poor, the prosperous, and the beggars of yes terday, have become castaways, wanderers on the face of the earth. We must all work to spare the women and children the supreme horror of a northern winter, to Wj endured in hunger. nakedness, homelessness. More than 12,000 have given. But There are more than 5,000,000 of us right here in New York:. For every one in this city who has not givefri there is a Bel gian woman, child, infant, old man, invalid now today ' homeless, helpless, and in direst need of food and clothing. Never was there a cause with more urgency, more pathos, more universalrty of appeal than this,' which involves' the fate of Belgian womeJni and children. The Need Is Desperate It Is a Case of "Life or Death" He Gives Twice Who Gives Quickly THREE WAYS TO HELP NO W BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Help the stricken gium. Proceeds of Monday, go entirely relief fund. people or Uel Byrlc Theatre to the Belgian was a Guthrie . Ed Leathennaa visitor Monduy . . . I Mips Simpson spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Stillwater. Mfs. Oorge Martin visited friends at Guthrie, Saturday. 3 Oscar, iirewter and w ife Sunday , with 'relatives at Marshall 4 Kude Vpderts k't for Colorado Says Frank Sarber: "A few days ago Hoy "Drown ana John Householder went hunting rabbits. They had killed quite a num. ber and had tramped over many miles when they stopped for lunch in the woods and in taking a drink ot monogram (whatever that is) House holder spiled some on one of the rabbits and the effect was miraculous, as the rabbit immediately Jumped up and after whipping four hull dogs escaped only to he brought down , y the trusty rifle of Brown at a dis- spent tanee of "JOM yards, for which feat 8ort8meu say he is rightfully entitled to the leather medal for long distance shooting." Checks Croup Instantly. You know croup is dangerous. And you ought to know, too the sense of security that comes from having Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound in the bouse. It cuts the thick mucous and clears away the phlegm 'Stops the strangling cough nnd gives easy breathing and (nilft sleep. Every user Is a friend. All druggists. THE WIFE'S HONEY By Mrs. Eva Leonard MONEY 'Make checks, money orders, etc, payable to J. P. .Morgan & Comjwny "For Belgian Re lief Fund" and send to Belgian Relief 'Com mittee 30 Bridge Street. 100 Per cent , of your contribution, in the iForm of foodstuffs purchased here by our sup-' ply (Committee ' at rock bottom wholesale prices for largevlots w illreach the hungry. FOOD Prepaid, preferably in carload lots should be shipped at once '3 Belgian Relief C'om .'liittee, Bu3h Terminal. (Brooklyn i.V. Y., as follows:' ' Wheat, flour rice, coffee (one-fourth chi cory), peas, beans canned goods, cured or salt meats- Perishable provisions, such as po toes and apples cannot be accepted. ' 'Notify Shipping Dept. Room 303. 10 Bridge Street, of shipments. CLOTHING New clothing sent, prepaid, to Belgian Con sulate 25. iMadison Avenue, Xew York, will be forwarded for effective distribution. Articles miost needed: Large shawls, warm skirts, stockings, mufflers, hoods with capes blankets. For patterns, etc. .Uptown, Branch 2S1 Fifth Avenue, corner "Mb. Street.-v" 'Telephone (Mad ison 'Square 9030. Belgian Relief 10 Bridge Street, Hew York. Uptown Office (rent free) 281 Fifth Ave. IFiricl with F CALIFORNIA DAIRYLAND FARMS in the famous San Joaquin Valley of California If you are intiToted in fanning whore there are no extreme summers r winters; when4 you have artesian water to irrigate; good land; quirk transportation to a market of two rtiiihVi people, -write us ;uul w e w ill he cjlad to send you a descriptive booklet. STINE & HENDRICK Shawnee, Oklahoma c : - : : ( They were sitting in front of the cozy grate fire, by the brigtit library lamp. Mr. Barry was reading aloud, while his wife stitched diligently on a dress to which she was giving the finishing touches. When he finished a chapter Mr. Barry closed the book on his finger and looked at his wire. 'What are you making?" he asked at last. "Mrs. Sargent s dress. ! am so anxious to finish it toniuht before 1 ro to bed." she re plied. "That is not th' dress you were sewing on the first of the week, is it?" he asked. "No, that w as a blue serge tor J Mrs. Davis." and she smiled at his; sudden interest. "Are you going Into the dress making business?" and Mr. Barry stooped over and took a fold of the gcods In his fingers. 'Oh. no; of course not. Thesf friends wanted fieir drvsses, (very r.r.ich. They had engaged Davcry and when she was taken sieK and had to break all her engage ments they came to nie. I have had to hurry to get "Nith of them done thi wee-K with all the rest there is to do " and she drop;" '! ome bast- f In? threads into the fire. if jou ouM two dresses a I ru'ild, sto, work."" said her KINDLY USE THIS COUPON Belgian Relief Committee, 10 Bridge St., New York: Gentlemen: -Hereivith I enclose my subscription of $ for the Belgian sufferers. Acknowledge ment is requested Signed - Make Checks payable to J. V. Morgan & Co., for "Belgian Relief Fund.' S. T. Brooklyn Office (rent free) 176 Montague St. BELGIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE ' 10 Bridge Street. EMiAXUAL fHiAV'EXITJI, Belgian Minister to the U. S. PIBIIRE MALI, Consul General. REV. J. F. STI.LLEMAXS, President. ROBERT W. de FOREST .Chairman of Executive Committee. Lyman .Abbott 'Otto T. Bannard Armand Batta James M Beck Cornelius X. Bliss Robert S. Brewster Henry W. le Forest Cleveland II. Dodge Lionel Haanaer. Thomas H. 'Hubbard Rev. O. A. Xys Henry (Fairfield Osborn W. Bar.rley Parsons -Bernard Raap John Van Ricksta! Francs Lynde Stetson Frank A. Vanderlip Alfred T. White Thomas Thacker with the Kint o; the scissors. "My mother, before she married, was a very fine dress maker. She had a large business, and several girls worked for her. My lather was an editor of a weekly paper in the town, but he was not fitted for that work. He did not have push enough to succeed in it. He failed and the failure affected his health For a long time ho was hardly able I t,i l. :i v. liw room. "When the income stopped my mother was for ed to do -something She asked some of her old patrons for work and they were only too STOP ITCHING! 1 1 :U W ft iv husband. She la itht d as she looked up at 1 " " , 'tN.r-. him. but bis fact- whs si r. i , r I w ish yo l wo';M not joke that 't' way." he fin.-illy said. j ' ' ; He placed the book be was hoMinr i;r.'l r his Thw arid rtst l his bad on his hand, lookiiu liiciily at her 'Did ton ever Uluw- my mothers Mory?" '.it aked by a tt r-;l. "No. she was dead before I knew vo'i " fbe rej li d, x-nllir.i; baMiti-: Rose ZeTo Stop It in a Jiffy conquer Eczema and Other Skin i rouDirt With SurpriiinS Speed. s-HH for Frrf Trial Bottle. i In .-.'.I ,.f . i an'! rut''iTiu tli'"-e ir i. i, ;t. n (t'ni making Ki' irouM m,.,r- m l s re.i.i n ti t-k.n 0 ,.r ,1'Kfr s'irfa, el : -x j ist Hi t'' a littl .. m... s.-i-! ; t '! art ' ii.Mi.-.i...-e r,.mf,rt. ImT ; i .'I'-K r- t't. This e!e.ut. .i i n.'ii-1! . V 1"! -r.uie . f .rV. r jr. ..'e ,(V Uli.l I,f l-"-.1. f I' . .TUT t -it it. t I ' -rt iire-l m t, the rt - ft a in tr ,;') e.-: nl K.t f ! time. v .... Iktn .i". a. .t-a.-" l e cj- "I ,,,.. ' f"lp 7.1'1 "1 .',,!; ;,n p : fr S- e -i. u f I IA- tllM' tt t i:-, i .,i rm;T'n t ,,i, M or ! . .r '. if ;"' r '. ii i frvn ".f i1r iri -t. ,. ii .' : I fiiiMi.t.t-1 - t " ' ""e ar.1 m ' '. "J. i v ', n f Sttwe. f' 1 j r. w glad to give it to her. Of course she expected the wofk- was a temporary thing, but when my father got better he gradually became absorbed in study and research work and wa3 so entirely contented in it that he made no great effort to get in any busi ness. At my mother's urgent re quest he tried several things in a half-hearted way, but soon gave them up. 'My mother accepted the inevit able, and reopened her shop. She did not spend much time there while 1 was a i! aby, but she planned every thing and was the engine that 5ept things running. My father was so selfish that he was happy to leave every bit of the bread winning to her to do. 1 blush when I think or It vet he was a lovable man. Mother was devoted to him to the last. Do you w onder I can not bear to see you doing this work, dear?" His wife threw the dress on the davenport and wtnt and stood by his c hair. "I am plad you told me) Iarrj'. dear. This is only an accommoda tion, anyway." she said, taking his face between h r hands. "I know," he answered, draw in her down on the arm of chair. "But I wouldn't rare to tee jou do aii v more." MUST HAVE BETTER RATES President of Missouri Pacific Only Way to Prevent Bankruptcies. Says Jerferson City, Mo., Dec. 4 A a rate hearing today by the Missouri public servico commission President Bush of the Missouri Pacific declar ed better rates alone could prevent some main line railroads from going into the hands of receivers soon. ." -oked. ; Cod ; :.iced a soul within the serf And all the humblest of mankind, Who labor and are sore oppressed And who are beaten and maligned. r God .placed a soul within the man Who labors to accomplish things, He didn't miss the humble but ( I guess He overlooked the kingsji Get a vmr mat. Coupon and loo at Dally Leader office. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS tOH d AteKACH KluMTS A3 ulAUOK HELP m BENEFIT PERFORMANCE at the Lync 1 MONDAY. DEC. 1 heatre 7 iit ; i:n . t s-tri.-ken people of Be ieod. ef L ric Theatre entirely to the Belgian Entire of all performances at the Lyric oil Monday afternoon and nilit will le turned over to the Uel.L'ian relief fund. GO! HELP THE SUFFERERS ADULTS 10 Cents CHILDREN 5 Cents FINE BILL WORTHY CAUSE if V..:i-!.v. tl1 relief fiUL