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i tttf. mrrmirr: run.v lk V HE TWO v l J I . . j&E BLOOD MAKES h HEALTHY PEOPLE FJodtlts Sirsapdiilla sorely and cf- stively removes, scrofula, boils ami : ier blood diseases because it drives jt of the blood all the humors that ' ase these diseases. They cannot bo : :cessfully treated in any other way. ' :ternal applications for their ret ' ival have proven almost useless, cans they cannot drive out the. purities that are in the blood. ' Hood 'a Sarsaparilla , makes pure : ih blood, perfects the digestion, iu i ilds up the whole system. The skin pomes smooth, clean and healthy. lis frreat blood remedy has stood the jt of forty years. Insist on having Dodflj for nothing else acts. like it. lere is no real substitute. Get it day. Sold by all druggists. STflii GIRL SELLS IER LOCKS I iTTi GREAT EXPRESS REFUNDS IN SIGHT (Continued from Page One) ! ew before, the order was made fin -; and Is not involved in the refund. (Supersedeas bonds were required the express companies by the com. i lion during the period of lltiga- i in thus, insuring the payuient of I e refund. , sThe ktaL bonds held by n '.commission acgresate a little : ore -than $700,000. ';, ,. Quinine That Won t ij- Make You Nervous BIJRUIN,E.r.ia a ,. trade-mark name hicb designates, the first, original id only reliable Tasteless Syrup of i uinlne., Ari improved Quinine, pleas it to take; does not nauseate nor 1US8 nervousness Children take it 1 id never know it is Quinine. Esne aiy: .('adapted to adults who cannot j .ke ordinary Quinine. Try it next me you need Quinine for any ipur se. Ask for 2-ounce original paolc- re. The name FEBKILIXE is ; awn in the bottle. 25 cents. j . IB E 58 IS S3 5S ss as S3 3 S i L. L. Billings, dealer and SI i ahlnper of Guthrie Mineral Wells SJ ! Water. Shipments made to any J3 I point , la th United States. 85 I Phone 620, Re. 013 E. Harrison. 8 j ft m at .is s k ,ss m is, , :k is FOR $2.50 SHE SEPARATES FROM HER HAIR; WOMEN'S CLUB TO RDSCUE 'Chicago, Dec. 7 Mary .F?i-mson 22, '.".old her hair a week ago to help 11:1V her roc: it rent and the $2..'0 she got for it (having been, exhausted she ended ;i fruitless search for work by telling her bird lu;-k btory at the pniei a iifv em 1 loyrnt'iit bureau con ducted by the Chi!';ig) Woman's club. In a 'few hours a position paying Z'J 11 week was found for her. Two weeks ago the girl '.-.aid, she ir.t lior ubif'p us an office clerk at $7..-,t) a week. Her small .savings went to pay for a cloak when cold weather came. Then her landlady demanded that site pay $1 back roam Tent. 'f met a woman on the street whose hair wa. like mine," said Mary "i asked her if Eba did not want more. Sue Bald yes. 1 sold it to her for $2.r,0." ' The girl said she h id lived on a half pint of cream a'day for a week. The landlady had notified her to quit her roam. it THE ,r : jfelTY BEAUTIFUL '! Committee PRESENTS PROFESSOR Herbert D. Hemeinray il AT THE 'J: City Hall on . Civic Improvement Tuesday, Dec. S; Thursday Dec. 10; Friday, Dec. at 8:15 11 A TEXAS WONDER ' The Texas Wonder cures kidney and Ibladder troubles, dissolves gravel, ' cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, 'rheumatism, and all irregularities of I the kidneys and baldder in both men ' and women. Regulates bladder trou ' bles in children. If not sold by, your rlnisfpifit, will bo sent by mail on re ceipt of $1,000. One small bottle is "two' months' treatment, and seldom 1 jfails to perfect a cure. Send for tes timonials from this and other states. Dr. K. W. Hall, 2:) 2(1 Olive Street, St. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists. Adv. rrotoet your naaitn Ty rlnkla? pure mineral water; L. L. Billings will deliver it at your door; either sweet or Hercules. 20 cents the 5 gallon bottle. Phone 29. rromt Unlivery. ' Provide a MONTHLY INCOME POLICY for your family in event of your death The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York writes it IIENKY IT. 1)01)1), Airont. Hi IS CONCLUSION REACHED BY COMMITTEE INVESTI GATING MATTER Co 1 . 1. is rayl O. E. Cab, Baggage and Livery Service Day and Night Phone 275 I a k h a k k iJ a i 11 k n k x x a i; x x k . I J. B. FAIRFIELD Eatabllahed 1S3 Phone 20 H I Transfer, Coal, Wood and Storage. Receiver and Distributors M I of car lota. Goods packed, stored auj shipped. 407 West Harrison. 2 a h a a is h a k i5 it m n i n,r,r; x a x x i i; k k k I h h a m k k a k m x ! ; sr.: ; :s x k k m k k x s I W. M. BRONSON, Farm Loans, Insurance, Abstract! 25 I Only completo abstract of title la Logan County. You pay Inter- M I eat and principal a, our ofttce, 119 W. Oklahoma Avenue-, Guthrie. l& I e a ti s( si a k a a n i Kuv.n, i: s u inuni s IRHIHKKiKSIilillll KA UiSUiltfillUSKKXIS I , THE OKLAHOMA TATE BANK H I Deposits prote:tei by Ommmij Lair. Intortat on time depositi. S I Safety Deposit Doxea. STrioof Vaults for rent Money to loan. K IIII88HKtlSBaillllllllK8IIBIISKHXK , Washington, P. C, Dee. 7-C'otton tihipments from Aniciva to tiermany and Austria are expected by sta:.e and commerco department oi'l'icials ttf total 7."), ODD to 1 5(,0 ) hales a month, as soon as the marine insurance rutea thereon can he adjusted more satis factorily to the shippers. In this connection the committee appointed by the secretaries of state, treasury and commerce to consider the foreign cotton market situation today issued the following statement: ''It is evident, from the replies from the consular ircularjliat theife is a tremendous demand i'dr (otln in Germany and Aust ria, and the j prices aro high, ranging from lie to j 18c a pound. The principal difficulty at present seems to he the hih rjite ot marine insurance. Otherwise the movement of cotton from the jlnited Slates to Ourope would he-facilitated. Amend War Risk Bill. j . Efforts are to be made as sop a as congress meets to amend and hrijaden the war rislkJ bill. The purpose is to provide government insurance on shipments ti. the belligerent coun tries, even when these shipments in clude articles such as cotton, which have been declared non-contraband. The stato and commerco depart ments jointly have been working out the plans for shipping cotton to Ger many and Austria. Some of it is going direct to the port of i'.remen, other cargoes to Rotterdam Genoa or ether neutral ports and thence into tiermany and Austria. The ships will come badk' bearing potash, dyestufls and other chemicals needed here, which Germany will allow to he ex ported to this country only in Ameri can bottoms. Estimate World's Consumption. Preparations of estimates of the1 world's cotton consumption in 1 I egau here today when a ((inference of officials representing the state, treasury and commerce departments assembled to study data obtained by cable on suggestion ot Mercian McAdoo. Those attending were Wil bur J. Carr of the consular sen ice, Actuary .McCoy of the treasury de partment. Director Harris of (lie en sns bureau and )). K. Pratt, chief o! the bureau of foreign and (brntestie ' eommerc(. The conference will devise a plan for a tabulation of figures anil esti mates supplied by American consuls and commercial attaches i;liread on the present, and prospective con si mption of cotton throughout the world. Reports will be received regularly by able and hereafter a i.'M'ithly statement of tiie world's cot. ton market. : will be issued for the c"iibuiee of American cotton pro ducers and manufacturers. if v "P'l "i in in . mm mmv mvm mj hp i.i'r,ij 4 0 0 .0 0 0 WO R TH OF F OOP TWO SHIP LOADS STARVING BELGIANS ' FOR 11 RELIEF FUND Representing the generous cash contributions of about 12,000 men, women and children to the 1 Ha jiut boon bought by the Belgian Relief Committee for rush transportation on Steamers Agamemnon and Niches. As all expenses of handling, shipping and distribution, under expert supervision, are being met by the Rockefeller Foundation, co-operating with the London American Committee and the Belgian Relief Com mittee every penny, nickel, dime and dollar.'m its lull food equivalent, will actually reacntns mourns 01 buuv- my woman aim uniiureri m uesuiiiieu jeiium. BUT THIS IS ONLY A BEGINNING A MILLION DOLLARS NEEDED NOW Four, and probably' five, steamers will shortly be at our dis posal. We must have food to fill them. The cargo purchases here, and the large remittances to Min isters Van Dyke at the Hague and Whitlock at Brussels have practically depleted the Belgian Relief Fund. . ' YOUR cash co-operation is needed at once; your little or ymir large contribution now. j The appalling conditions in Belgium are becoming morp widespread and intense. ! There must be immediate alleviation of the increasingly acute. physical and mental suffering of these poor, homeless peo ple unless we are prepared to contemplate a frightful toll in death and disease. ' l Afore than 12,000 have given to this Fund. Their aid, often involving much self-sacrifice, is saving Jives in little Belgium. But ' - -' ': "! Hundreds of thousands, up into the millinos, out there face starvation, now, as you read this. The plain fact is that, unless another 12,000 give now and another and another until all have given who can give an appalling number will perish. ' " "Rich and poor, the prosperous, and the beggars of yes terday, have become castaways, wanderers om the face of the earth. We must all work to spare the women and children the supreme horror of a northern winter, to be endured in hunger, nakedness,- homelessness." , More than 12,000 have given. But There are more than 5,000,000 of us right here in New York. For every one in this city who has not given there is a Bel gian woman, child, infant, old man, invalid now -today homeless, helplessand in direst need of food and clothing.. , Never was there a cause with more urgency, more pathos, more universality of .appeal than this, which involves the fate of Belgian women1 and children. ' The Need Is Desperate It Is a Case of "Life or Death" He Gives Twice Who Gives Quickly THREE WAYS TO HELP NO W BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE MONEY Make rherks, money orders, etc , payable to J. V. Morgan & Company "For iielsian be lief Fund" and send to B Igian Relief Com mittee 10 Uridge Street. 1C0 Per cent of your contribution, In the Form of foodstuffs purchased here by our sup ply rcmuiitte' at rock bottom wholesale prices for large' lots w illreach the1 hungry. FOOD Trenaid. preferably in carload lots should be snipped at once" to Belgian Relief t'om iiiiittee, lUish Terminal. Brooklyn X. Y., as follows: Wheati flour rice, coffee (one-fourth chi cory), 'peas, beans canned goods, cured or salt meats. Perishable provisions, such as po toes and apples cannot, be accepted. .Notify Whipping lept. Room 3o:i. 10 liridKC Vtroetj of shipments- CLOTHING New clothing sent, prepaid, to Belgian Con sulate 2'" Madison 'Avenue, New York, will be forwarded for effective distribution. Articles miost needed:' Large shawls, warm skirts, stockings, mufflers, hoods with capes, . blankets. , , .. . For patterns, etc. Uptown Branch 281 'Fifth Avenue, corner :iotli Street. Telephone iMad ison 'Square !te00. 11 claiah. Relief , Fend 1C Bridge Stre et, New York. Uptown Office (rent free) 281 Fifth Ave. KINDLY USE THIS COUFON In-lnm Relief Committee, 10 Bridge St., New York: Gentlemen: Herewith 1 enclose my subscription of for the Belgian sufferers, slcknowledge- meiit is requested Signed Brooklyn Office (rent free) 176 Montague St. BELGIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE 10 Bridge Street. Make Checks payable to J. P. Morgan & Co., for "Belgian Relief Fund." S. T. ( I'J.MiAN'i'AL c I' RKV ROI.UKT de AVKNITll. Belgian Minister to the IT. S. F'U'UK M.VU. Consul General. -. .1. F. .STILLFMANS, President. FOIIKST Chainman of Executive Committee. Thomas II. Hl.ubtbard Kev. O. A. N.vs Henry .Fairfield Osborn W. 15ar,eley Parsons Bernard Kaap John Van Rickstal Francs Lynde Stetson Frank A. Vanderlip Alfred T. White Thomas Thacker I Lyman .Abbott Oito T. Ua una rd Armand Batta .lames .M. Heck rornelius N. I Hiss Robert S. Brewster Henry V. de Forest Cleveland H. iKidge Licnel Ilas:anaer Tlie Real Baedeker. Bear This in Mind. "I consider Chamberlain's Coivh Kt'.cdi 'by f :i r !h( liest mi'd'.cinr i:i the nuu-Ket for cuds and croup says M.-. Albert Blosser, Lima Ohio. M. :!:y thers are of tlie sanie opin iU!. (Obtainable evcrvw !i're. friendly, other. Kach was a stranger to the Thev had talked for four hours ever An l'nglisliinan tells this incident ; of a trip he took to Russia. With him in his compartment on the train a wide range of topics when the Lnff was anexeeedingly well-informed lislunan asked ibe Herman if he hai Cerman and the two grew very pt ned to hae a RaedeUer with him. it was too much for the warm hearted Teuton. 'Bursting wtih a sud den and overwneiming entnusiasm, he beat his breast with both hands, ex claiming: "(lott in Himmel, I am it!" The Popular Magazine. See Swearengen for Photoj TOWEL SUPPLY. Towels and aprona or all kinds fur nished at very reasonable prices. See before you buy. J. D. Craja. A Charge of the London Scottish, Most Famous of British Volunteer Regiments Latest European War Map j . QiTen by THE DAILY LEADEE f-; .... . v- -,. - " . . - 4 yi. f, , . - : .... . ... .T (!.. T , . . ; t " .... . imtm Arm ?, KrrJ mod Atrial Mrrat tK. ( v n A H 1 - l t W lavoivrd ar- s Cr .1. . -- - TUmL with kmmdmem raver t tt tr.t c Cut Out TMi Coupon aud Present at Leader Onlca .'-' i" $t i . v ' -.t "':s." : c"J-"w "'" "1 .... ... . . x..-. . . . - : i . i T : - - t J) ?' " I'V:-. n i ' .i : : ' " e! t 1 e :: Ti v.'-' and ;.-.i:n C.ey r ot - k !i'e. ' T) ' .rj..i. I..c :-..i.i.:.l v-r d-'ut.i. Ti- : .-.i.t - ! : '. n ! I.r. i ei t .'c' ' - . tr. H- i' -u .... -a '. tavir ills en ren.arka'.:-. in H thut the,- bo mnt to the Lou- jh me apTiiiea. ; a liken many regin.ent -' have Uen forn.tJ. t,