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c V 'I save 5. WRITES OF SEATTLE Portland, Ore., Dec. 1, 1914. lltor Leader;. Dear Sir .Must .a my story aa I promised In my to tell what I can about the istry building on University pus In Seattle,! The building long 120 feet. wide DO feet high orted by 126 columns 57 fet . said columns, being tree trunks 1 bark on a species of pine or fir er and those columns were 6 to 2 feet in diameter aud weigh -o . each.. Inside that great build are many curios and specimen it really la a great museum, in of-building U a fir log hewn ire, laid upon sapporU it Is 74 long 4 1-2 feet squaro and it ed Into buildim stuff the one log Id (build completely a 7 room W. 'The buildlflg was built by the e of Washington, cost $85,1)00, two ion. anil sixteen thousand feet oi ber and logs in building and I V j rVhn th Children Cough, Rub - Murterola on Throats and Chests. o telling low soon the symptoms develop Into croup, or worst. . then'S when you're glad you have I ar of MU3T.KROLE at hand to - I prcrpt. sure relief. It does not ier. first aid and a certain rem. : there's nothing like MUSTER 5. Thousands of mothers know , You should keep a jar In the se. ' . la tie remedy for adults, too leves Sore Throat. Bronchitis. willtla. Croup, Stiff Neck. Asth ;VeurlgIa. Headache, VnKeti-i::. irtsy. Rheumatism, Lumbasa CS and Aches of Ifcick r .1 ! s, ains. Sore Muscles. Chilblain, sted Feet and Cold of the I'heei often prevents PneuT.onU.) .t jour druggist's In I'.'.s and .'r,c I, and a large special larte hos. J size for f2V). sure you get the genuine AJ US ROLE. Kef use imitation-; net It you ask for. The '.Musterole opany, Cleveland, Ohio. i a I THEHS 4 it 14 Off All Mem s Remember that 1-4 off means that you actually AB porches, three hundred thousand shingles in the rool'in?, the building Is all of fir cut in the forests of Washington; and after the fair it a building was donated to the state university. And please tell any one who may plan to stop in Seattle the coming year on their way to the great ex;K)sitton to not fail to see the great forestry building at Seattle iu the University canons. We enjoyed Seattle, meaning: . enjoyed the city with the beautiful views in the sound .but Mr. Thomas thought the air too damp as wo had lots of rain and fog the altitude is so near sea level that walking is easy but only when we had the hills to climb then we took the cable car. Wc visited the library, it's great; saw by the .Leader that Mr. Arthur Heyersi or iGuthrie was a visitor at the library one day and we had rooms just across the street, would have been glad it wo could have met him. We came to Portland last week, will remain here till about the tenth when we go to Salem, Oregon, and then to Cot tage Grove as we have a host of rela tives at eacli, place. Many of them settled In these places in 1S54 and 1863. Portland Is having lots of rain these days 0Jut no one minds the rain its like April weather no frost, no loe( Just an even temperature. 1 am wondering if the sameness will not get monotonous. Flowers in bloom, the roses are fine yet the trees drop ping their leaves but most all the trees here are .jlnes and fir and al ways green. Tne furnaces are heated with this wood of pine and fir, we have artificial gas for cooking, pret ty expensive too; but water the best in the world hero in Portland flow ing. I should say bubbling up from more than eighty fountains at street corners In the business part of the city. A philanthropist put in all those fountains he is a Mr. Font en lived here and hated by the Ibjuor men for by those fountains many a thirsty man quenched his thirst with out entering the saloons. We visited the forestry building here in Port land, it's great, too, but not equal to the ono at Seattle, but well worth gj'n to st-c. When I write a;a.n l will ;,ro'ably write from Frisco as we will be there a few iss d'trinc the holidays and ho; e to visit the ej-OMtiun ground. Ho;e to have material f ir a more int. rest inc li tter nxt tin.e I write. We ft 1 r. away from our Cuthri. ; ;m I THE OUTTTUITO DAILY LEADER. TUESDAY, 523KE A Mem 14 Off AM H id are always glad for a line from home. Our address will be San Jose, Cal., next. Mrs. J. A. Thomas. Ther 1s mora Catarrh In this section of tho country than nil other discuses put together, nnd until tho last few years was supposed to bo Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dlseaso n:id prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti tutional dbeaso, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only Constitu tional euro on the market. It is taken in ternally in doses from 10 drops to a toa eponnfiil. It nets directly on tho Mood nnd mucous r,iirfacc9.of the system. They ofTer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. AcUrcr.c: F. J. C0EKEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Fold t'T PruirnrlsM, 7Sc. Take Hall'a Family Pills for conbtipatlon. A household remedy in America for 25 years JDr. Thomas' Electric Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, bruises. 25c and SOc. At all drug stores. The Chicken Problem- Whilo the ladies of Guthrie are agitating the question of the "city beautiful" along comes the question of what are we to do with the ever busy hen. A chicken law such as Is in force at the present time is not ot much value for in the fall the beds of violets aud bulbs and late bloom ing roses are a harvest field for a (bunch of fowls and many hard feel ings, in an otherwise peaceful neigh borhood, is the result, not to mention dirty walks and -porches. Can't we have an all-year-round chicken law or must, eaich; flower-lover enclose their yards or flower beds in an en closure and sioiI the beauty and symmetry of the lawns? A. H. C. Don't Take Chances with coldt and kk. 7, "r flora cxpoture in the ram. Know real wet wpthcr comfort. Wew , V - REFLEX SLICKER I rr -jsj g h . I'MtM'd Rrfx taft !r-p O?rop fr nrntrt in vrt iSe fi w.b c r.ti Li.tctt. J3.C0 Everywhere frt!r Hii, 75 Oj. A. J. TOWER CO. sat term a u ;ttf3 BOSTON tnJforfHtla:a!cg mm: -jr in this store 9 Lj ILL CENTER IN EAST CRITICS SAY KAISER IS ONLY TRYING TO DEFEND TER RITORY IN WEST Pari3, ,Pec. 8. The Turkish cruisoi Hamidieh, which was seriously dam aged by a torpedo managed with difficulty to ge back to Constanti nople, according to a Sebastopol dis 'patch received by the Havas Agency by way of Petrograd. Competent critics, the same dis- ! patch says, believe that the Germans are transferring the center of their operations to the east and are con fining themselves on the western front to a stubborn defense of the territory oc cupied by them. Import ant contingents of fresh troops pour ing In daily from the German central provinces would seem to confirm this opinion. The lack of news from the Turkish front is explained i! y the rigors of the climate, this region being situated at a heiuht of nearly ten thousand feet the temperature averaging twenty- i five degrees below zero. All indiea- tions are that there will be no seri ous oirations in this theater during the winter. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and Madder troubles, dissolves gravel cures diabetes, wea'ic and lame backs, rheumatism, and all Irregularities of the kidneys and bal lder in both men j and w omen. Regulates bladder tron I Mos In children. If not sold by your J dnii-'gis-t, will be sent by mail on re !ct of Sl.'wv). One small bottle Is !two Tenths' treatment, and seldom ! fails to perfect a cure. Send for tes timonials fmm this anl other states Pr. V.. W. Hall. 2'26 Olive Street. St Louis Mo. Sold ly druggists. Adv. 1 DECEMBER 8, 1014. fi The Only One Price Clothier in Guthrie Stenographers, Here's Your Chance. Examinations for government ethn ographers and typewriters to be em ployed in departmental service will be held in Oklahoma City at the post office building, January iiKith. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Oyer 30 Years Always bears tne Signature of Protect your neaiitn by rtnfc!nHg pure mineral water; la. L. Billings lll deliver It at your door; either meet or Hercules. 20 cents the 6 ?allon bottle. Phone 829. Prompt Delivery. Blizzard Promised. The blizzard sweeping the Atlantic seaboard and eastern states has let loose some of its fury over Oklahoma and Kansas. It is predicted that in tensely cold weather will pre vail. here Wednesday. Makes Stubborn Coughs Vanish in a Hurry SarprUlngty ;ooil Coash Syrup Kmrnlly sad Cheaply Mad at IIMH0 If some one in your family has an ob stinate eonuli or a bud throat or cliest cold that ha been hanying on and refuses to yield to treatment, get from any drug store -' ounces of i'mex and make it into a pint of cough svrup, und watch that cough vjiiirli. Pour the 2'i ounce of Pinex (."0 cent worth I into a pint Inittl, and til' the Untie with plain granulated iiim vrup. J he t"tal cot n aiut 64 cents and givn you a full pint a fannh BUpplv of a ino-t elli-ctive reinily, at avinir of (2. A dav's - will uu.ill overeotm a liard conu'li. K.imIv pre.arn in 5 iiunut-s lull dircctiuiiH with l'mex Keeps t-crti" t!v and has a pleasant taetc Children like it. It's really remarkaMo Low prompt! and easily it loo, in the ilrv. hoai" o tifc'bt ciMih and heaU the ine:n brane in a pmcial coujrh. It Ktop the format i n fi phlfL'iii in th tiiroa and brotieliial tu!, thin enili'ig t! e it itTit Iik.m- coiii.ii. A s; buiii l rt-niedT for bromiiiii-. irt.-r co'.j, Lrnch;al asthma and lnn'pi:, couh. Pincx is a rial and h'rMr conwn trated ci'ni;oui' i f genuine N.rwav p;n rtract. tu h in k'u.i :1c I. which is bO to the membr.ine. Avoid di.-ap'.intinciit Vr akir? ronr drugcit for "2xt uni-o- .f I'lney," jnl i riot accept anv t'i 1". A ciitranteo f abo-:ti Wii' '-ia.-ti.:i v"" th t -preparation or m- t.-- ptdiuptly n-Iui. ;v IliC 1'itMX Co., it. Ujvuc, lul Overcoats 1 prmlr 'PERFORflflS OPERATION NOTED SPECIALIST USES ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN SAW IN WORK Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. S. With an electrically! driven saw, Dr. R'. .H. Albee noted bone specialist of New York, removed a iportion of infected bone yesterday from the left leg of a patient in the Medico-Chirurgical hospital here and transplanted a piece of healthy bone from his right leg. The unusual operation was per formed at a clinic attended by specialists from this and other cities. Thomas Irwin, 670 Brookline street, was the patient. Ills leg was broken iu an automobile accident several months ago and the bone became in fected. For Weakness and toss of Appetite The Old Standar.1 general strength, enlng tonic, GWOVE'S TASTFJLESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic anrj sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 60c. The Strategy of Bill Sweeny. Pig Pill Sweeny, catcher for the New York Americans, has figured out how to catch Ty Cobb stealing sec ond. He tonfid-'d it to Hilly Murray, who Is a member of congress and a wild-eyed baseball fan. "The only way to catch Cobb when he starts to steal second," said Sweeny, "is to make a Muff of throwing to second, and then to hold the ball until he rounds third and comes up to the home plate." The Popular Magazine. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Do Your Shopping Now. Do your Christmas shopping now. Don't wait until the last hour of the day before. The good bargains are available now. And besides re member the tired store girls and have a heart do it now. Children Dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A CITY GARBAGE COMPANY. Let us furnish you a Sanitary Garbage can and keep-It clean for you. Phone 882. Federal Court at Woodward. Federal court convened at Wood ward today for a short session. Judge Cotteral is presiding. Discolored, Wrinkled Skin Easily Removed Since biy)Wn or yellow, over-red or Mototiy cuu;lfcxlonf,' are decidedly not the fashion, I cannot undfrctand why su many continue to wmr them. Surely ev ery iiman has hoard trf merrollzed wax. This I know from niy own and others? experiences will sltivoly Imniah every nnsifrhtiy tint. The wax really take: off a bad complexion. It ralually. hartn lessliy, ail.sorhs the Uiin layer of surface skin with all It defects, ay chaps, liver spot. imples, freckles, b'.ackhe-ads. Just as RTuduallv the discarded nkin is re placed t,v the clear, white, youthful skhi underneath. Mereolized wax. proeurablo at any dm store, is applied nightly like cild cream and erase! mornlnxs wlt'h warm water. One ounce will produce t ie liveliest ifirlish complexion in less than a fortnUrln. I antiot understand, either, why .folks will he lnithered with wrinkles, since the famous saxolite formula has become pub lic property. One ounce of powdered olite dissolved In half pint of witch hazel makes a wash lotion that will ii-klv efface every line, even lTie deep est. Julia Or n in Social Mirror. Guthrie Garage Phone 58 J. D. Van Hoozcr Proprietor