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PAOETWO Tin? GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER. Mol Y. DECEMBER 21, 1914. THE WHOLE BODY NEEDS PURE BLOOD The bono-;, the muscles, and" nil the orcana of the body depen ! for their strength and tone and healthy action on pure blood. If the blood is verv impure, the bones become diseased; the muscles become enfeebled, the step loses its elasticity, and there is inability tO perform the usual amount of labor. The skin loses its clearness, and pimples, blotches and other eruptions appear. Hood's Sarsaparilla males pure blood. It is positively nnequaled in the treatment of scrofula and other humors, catarrh, rheumatism, dys pepsia, loss of appetite, that Hred feeline. He sure to per Hood's and get it today. All druggists. PRESIDENT AND SOIGNS AT DUTS BARGE SARDINES LOSS OF RARE DELICACY MIGHT CAUSE INCREASE IN DE MAND FOR SALMON. Those who have had the good for tune of partaking of Barcelona Bar dines are loud In their praise of that delectable dish. "But where Is Bar celona?" somebody asked. When toll that It Is a city of Europe with more than a half million Inhabitants it was asked "How will the war affect It?" The man who always offers an optimistic suggestion says that if the war should prevent us from getting Barcelona sardines on this side we will then consume larger quantities of Columbia River salmon. Those who are not familiar with the countries of Europe should get one of The Leaders Ofli ial War Maps, containing a wealth of useful Information relating to the gn at war of the nations. These maps are pre sented on the papular coupon plan, and daily newspapers throughout the entire country are distributing them far the benefit of their readers. Turn to the war map coupon printed elsewhere in these columns and clip it at once. WEINBERGER'S Open Evenings Until After JANUARY FIRST STARTLING Is JJJdlth C. Johnson's interpretation of the Feminist movement, appearing In Oklahoma Graphic The new Oklahoma magazine edited and published by N. H. Lingenfelter, for twelve years editorially connected with the Oklahon an. Fred S. Barde of Cruthrio tells "Why John Fields Failed." and Senator ('. F. Barrett of Shawnee discusses the "Future of the iDemiacratie Party." Edward F McKay outlines the pres ent IStatus of the Freight Rate Con troversy." The new magazine is replete with Interesting matter. It is a live wire publication and one that will grow. For Sale At OWL DRUG STORE DISTRIBUTION OF PLACES CAUSE OF BREAK BETWEEN SENATORS AND WILSON ther developments in the fight be tween President Wilson and some democratic members of the senate over federal appointments are ex pected this afternoon when the nomination of E. C. Bland as ( nited States marshal for the western dis trict of Missouri is brought up. Sen ator Reed Is understood to tN ready to ask that the senate reject the nomination. The Bland appointment falls In the same class with others in Missouri, New Jersey and New York, recently rejected by tbe senate because they wore opposed by the democratic sen ators interested. Friends of the President reiterated Sunday that he would stand naeK 01 all the contested a. rntments I Tineas something really objectlonalie against his nominees was shown Senator Stone of Missouri, had a long conference with the President last night and it was reported that efforts were being made by trie President's friends in the senate to smooth over the difference in order to safeguard the administration s legislative program. ASTHMA COUGHS WHOOPING ( Olli, H SPASMODIC CKOUP BRONCHITIS CATARRH CUIUS M Est. 1879 XflHHsVPXXnv Est, 1879 A simple. s;,fc and effective treatment avoid inii drug. Used with success for 35 years. The lr carrying the antiseptic vapor, inhaled with every breath, makes breathing easy, siKithesthesore throat, and stops the couith, assuring rest ful nights. Cresolcne is invaluable to mothers with young children and a fteon to sufferers from Asthma, .Send ui pottal for descriptive bcvUH solo mr nnooriiSTS V APO CRESOI.ENE CO. 62 Ci-Ud( Si., N. Y. TULSA KILLER IS HELD ONLY ONE "Bromo Quinine," that is Laxative ftromo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Crip in 2 Days on box. 25c THE WIFE'S MONEY By Mrs. Eva Leonard PHONE 809 The place that does cleaning and preaain', dyeing, repairing and put ting on new overin collar. Our price are right We call for all work end dellrcr. Don't forget your old feat to be made new. E. B. METZ 109 8. Division. Guthrie Garage Phone 58 I thlnlk the tin years between fifty and sixty are the most tragic in life," remarked Mrs. Kelnlaiul, biting off her thread. "Oh, I don't Know," said I.Mrs. Cullen easily. Sim was thirty-five. "People who are most handily situ ated find them selves alone In their homes by the time they are sixty. The children are married and gone, and while this is nattiral and to be. hoiked for, no one' will for a moment pretend that tho lonelr old hearts don't ache in the awful silence and solitude. Then there are the widows who have no homes. Sometimes they live with their children. Often they are not wanted. They are too old to fill any positions, even it they are fitted to earn money, and if they are penniless they have the added agony of dependence," and Mrs. Reinland looked out of tho window. "People should ;repare for that time and have money laid Dp to take care of themselves with.'' said Mm. Cullen. "Some people can not do thnt. widow left with children to rear and educate can not prepare for her old age. It takes all she can make to pay running expenses,' and Mrs. Reinland resumed her sewing;. "But hard as tho work is while she is raisins: them, it is easy compared to the Awful blank that confronts her when the last one is married of " her home is four walls and urn! more. Probably by that time shr- is so old that she loses her position, too " "Yes. T know of a woman who has been treated that way. of course the "children will take care of her. said Mrs. Cullen. "Yourtg Mr carter was in the continued Mrs. Reinland Charles' mother is a very old lady and very len tatted with a cheerful face. "So long as It doesn't mak. trouble for the young people I sup pose it is all right." replied Mrs. Reinland with asperity. "Mrs. Car ter Is a sweet little woman," she con tinued, her voice softening. "I said to Charles' wife, I will help you out. I am a lonely old lody and I will invite your husoaaa mother to spend the summer wtth me In my cottage at lakeside.' Tha little woman was so pleased it as pitiful, and the mother jumped at the chance to get away. She i ro so old. not much over sixty, and had the best time together "I made up my mind to fluSVM to the young folks that Xkl I: with me and that they my halt actual living expense to sie 'senM not feel dependent on 3a 4 3 siKh a carMe woman & mti earn her own way aaywher. Wlnr 1 proposed it. the wile wL3ii : 5wa? of it Oh" she said ir. a shar ; i way. 'We have had oar time eagettner . and we miss mother iMMMtt Charles would never consent to axy such arran cement." ""The mother was ptttMnAp pleased when she learned they ha a refused to give her up. I feel this I helped to avert one tragedy."" MM she roc&ed placidly. "I mean to see to it that I have something saved to take care of my self with, when I am old," and Mrs. Cullen put her w ork in her bag. "It stands one in hand to do it, said her hostess. "I must be going. It is supper time. Goodby," and Mrs. Cullen closed the door. Mrs. Reinland looked around the: comfortable, lonely home and sighed. JURY IN BABER CASE FAILED TO AGREE; IS REARRESTED Tulsa, Okla. Deo. 91. vStaudiu- ten for acquittal and twu fw v.. tton the jury before S.KSi v IMfee has been tried .'..-.v. tttreo weeks, was d .- . . .v S.v.'.r day. alter MWv .- - eoty-two Ssottr. Bafeer we tMrtNg iwr fcartac kiUwi a JWy I5fcir fa e war K.t'. .-, -t .vatto v .i 4MV of!Ver : ?c - r A Check Just Before Xmas FOR RaVr i $1275, $25.50 or $6375 or double or treble any of these amountiwould come in mighty handy, wouldn't it? Well-Have It ! Make up your mind before you take your eyes off this advertise ment that you are going to be one of the thousands to join our. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB And save a little every week. When the time comes your savings will be paid back to you in a lum p sum - plus interest. IT WILL BE JUST LIKE FINDING MONEY nam .-vwxix m wmmm '- saw K IM 'i ili iira;r 1 "aNfr v tt '. vvf I pwficw erf rafcs-- He w-a r- : t'c - I a SM.ftW tn alraed ty wt. I Trlsax?. U-t federal erUcen H a arrart I i ;ail at tttHtgeje. You will never miss the small amounts you pay in. The dimes, nickels and pennies that you allow to slip through your fingers for t&rflefl wijl keep up the payments. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME TO JOIN. The first payment makes you a member no fees- no fines nor trouble uone are too old none too young to be enrolled. ACT AT ONCE JOIN NOW - and Christmas you will be very glad you took our advice Oklahoma State Bank GUTHRIE, OKLAHOMA F01EY KIDNEY PUIS Jess Willard, Who Will Fight Jack Johnson in March Pains in Back and Hips. Are an Indication of kidney I a warning to build op the en ad kidneys, make them vi rid your blood of avids and p (Jo to your druggist for Foley' ney Pills. In r0c r-d fl.00 sizes. .Sold In our town by a.. uriiffgi8ts. mble eak. revs sons. Kid- KAISER S NEPHEW WED TO . S. 61 STIRBING SERMON PREACHED By REV. M'CAWSTER The sermou preached by Rev. Mc Callister at the West Guthrie M. E. ohnn.-h Sunday morning was a mes sace that should appeal to every one. He dwel: at length upon the sacri fices made by the human family in order to Mtttl) the wants of this same human family, and placed these sacrifices should be endeavorin ian lives. along with thosi made by people w ; to lead consistent "A religion that KC ENGAGEMENT OF MISS ROGERS AND PRINCE CHRIS TIAN ANNOUNCED J. D. Van Hoozer Proprietor other day Phe said Vind. cheerful a.reeauiP io nave around, but sonie titres I think I would Rive ar.v,h!ns in the world if we could be alone to- I.Atlmi. iT kll- I. . .. r.v.r.. x lum n in tne rlcht of every yo inz rotr !e to lhe alone - - ... living with them when they leei like that." and M tore off a strip of muslii natlna the troublesome the family. "1 am very ulad James mother does not have to live with us. It al ways makes trouble, and Mrs. Cul- Reinland as if . linit raember of WaibiUCtOB, D. C, Dec. 21. Elizabeth Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard It. Rogers, has won a prince! of the Hohenzollern dynasty Utd their engagement soon will ibe r.nnounoed, according to friends of the lonnif woman in Washington. 1 ne 1 plnce who is to wed Miss Rogers is Prince Christian, nephew of Kaiser Wilhelm. The marriage will be In no sense a morganatic union, and it is reported that the kaiser has con sented to it and to his kinsman s vol untary reduction in rank, which, in d ed. was imposed upon him by his determination to marry a commoner. Nov s of the romance and of the orthroming official announcement oi the betrothal came to Miss Rogers friends here in letters from In r. She has been abroad since last January traveling with her parents, and met Pliltee Christian last winter in Cairo. I'gynt. Ix)ve at first sight on both sides led to an extension of tho ac quaintance, and finally Prince Chris tian announced that he would de mand from his royal uncle the right of marrying where his heart led him rather than for political reasons. Mow much difficulty he had in getting the royal consent Miss Rogers' let ters do not say, but he got it. obtained without an effort rltice was not worthy of declared the divine. foiey Cathartic mux$ h'ecc Stomach Swett -Lrvei Acuve -Bowels Regular MMMMWMUMWLMMK I HI a pig story :: I M R :: IIII Here is the agreement between Jack Curley, the Chicago promoter and Jack Johnson, the bla k cham pion, for a fight for the champion ship of the world. Curley went to London in November, to whi h city Johnson had gone, despite bis asser tions of French patriotism and there got the big black to agree to meet the American giant. The f'ght will be held in the latter ;rart of Marcl and will run from twenty to forty five rounds, according to the decision of Curley. He has not yet chosen a I lace for the contest. It may go to Had not tii The whereabouts of a white hog that disappeared frrom the Stinson & Caulk farm, southeast of town, near ly a month ago, was disclosed last Wednesday when Earl Lloyd, who re- j8S: sides on the farm discovered the por ker In an old abandoned well. The hog. because of its color, had been m'ssed out of a herd that was being fattened for market several weeks before IA thorough search at the time, failed to locate it and the mat ter had been forgotten. When Earl dreamed of the hog in the old dry well he decided to Investigate, and Mexico or Cu' of California constitutional bcxing there, have got the r cans, who are probably haw to see the 'i follows: This agreem of November. hundred and fourteen, between Jacfc Curley of New York City. U. S. A. of the first ;art. and Jack Johnson at present of London. England, of the second part. Wherebv it is acreed as follows: women in ravor or tin nent to abolish len state might As it is. Ameri interested will a lon:r distance fhe agreement 1e tho cla thousand nine found the hog much redir ed in weight, but apparently well, despite the (act that he had had neither food nor water for twenty -eight or more d.Ts. He was hauled out with the aid of a rope and a cow pony. The hog weighed about ninet Qpttndl when taken out lese than half its j weight at the time ef ttf disappear- ' ance. (Hennessey Cftpper. 1 The said .!a with the said .lac in a boxing con Marouls of Queer five-ounce gloves. ?k Johnson agrees i Curley to engage test according to a crry rtt'es with with one Jess WU- FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fOR UACKACHE KIOItlYS AND BLAODfcg ' lard of America. The said contest to ' be se heduled for from twenty rounds I to forty-five rounds at the direction 1 and eiiscretion of the said Jack 1 Curley. 2 The party p.irt to be allow ages on hi3 har r,-The party part agrees to NOTICE. The stamp window will be open each evening", until Christmas, ex t Sunday, until ! p. m. for the sale of stamps and reception of jmr cels. but not for the delivery of mail. W. M. McCoy. Postmaster. hereto of the second pel to wear soft band ds, if hf so desires hereto of the tlrat promote said contest and to pay the party hereto of the Kocond part for his servic. s the sum of ftJyMI (thirty thousand dollars I in American legal tender. And further agre'es to ay him one-half of the net amount received from the moving tone to be taken of the contest. tTho party hereto of the first part agrees to tele t the Ibcatlon for the contest not later than Feb. 1, 1918; and to notify the part.y of tho Me ond part in writing or by coble, are American Express Co., lxendon. unless otherwise requested by the saiel Jack Johnson. ' C The party hereto of the first part agrees to hold the contest be tween March 1 and March Mk. 1!1. and to notify the party hereto of tho second part the exact date not less than one lunar month before the match. The party hereto of the second part agrees not to engage in any boxing contest t'efore the fulfillment of this agreement without the con sent in writing of the said Jack Curley. 8 It is hereby agreed upon that both contestants shall wear a cup to protect the'mselves from fouls. f It is hereby agreed that tho said Jack Johnson and Jess Willard, the contestants, must be open for public training, and to admit thereto all authorized newspaper representa tives, and to undergo a medical ex amination on the request of the said Jack Curley once a week for the four weeks immediately preceding the contest. 10 Each party thereto agrees to deposit within fourteen days from the date hereof a sum of $5,0. ifr (five thousand dollars) with Robert C Vernon of New York City. 11 It is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto that In case any dilute or difference shall arise wtih reference to this agree ment, said dispute or difference shall be referred to the said Robert C. Vernon as arbitrator, and both parties agree that they will accept anv award made by him with relerence to the deposit money as final. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and iMadder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys ami balelder in both men and women. Regulates bladder trou bles in children. If not soid by your druggist, will be sent by mail on re ceipt of $1,000. One Braall bottle is two months' treatment, and seldom falls to perfect a cure. Send for tes timonials from this and other statea. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis Mo. Sold by druggists Adv. Best for Kidney Says Doctor. Dr J. T. R. Neal. C.reenrllle. S. C aays that in his 30 years of ex perience he has found no preparation for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Fills In Me and $1 M sixes. Best you can buy for backache, rheuma tism, kidnev and bladder ailments. 4 t. c. Vinson m 1 The time to take care of the K X hair is while you have It Elec- X trie Face and Scalp Massage X X Scalp Treatment a specialty. Hair cot 25c 119 So. Pint X X afreet Stop la for a ecalp X treatment 6 The party hereto of the first part agrees to pay the party thereto' of the second part one thousand dol-. lars expense money, on demand, throueh the American Express Co. London, any time after the sioiing of the agreement The said Jack J Curley agrees to ;ay the said Jack. Johnson eir to his order the above mentioned $.1i.0oo (thirty thousand! dollars for his services before lie Mes to the ring. 7 The re feree shall be mutually i n creed upon between the two above I mentioned parties and Jess Willard ' or his authorized re. resentatire at i least two weeks before the contest. Have The Leader delivered. 4Se ma I IS YOUR COMPLEXION CLEAR? A clear complexion and a torpid liver cannot go hand in hand. Clear the bile duct gently, bat firmly, with Tutt's Pills At your druggit sugar coated or plain.