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THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1914. PAGE THREE NOTE8 AND PERSONALS OF SOCIETY 'T Save Money on MUSTARD PLASTERS! Lenore Burke Phono 245 m i I rnrr mini i n mm; moo i hiikUv a m USEFUL 3 4 Men's Overcoats Boys' Overc est Men's Balmacanns Boys' Balmacanns Men's Suits Boys' Suits i Men's Mackinaw Coats Boys' Mackinaw Coats Flannel Shirts Valises Suit Cases Duck Coats Corduroy Coats It THE CHILD IN THE GARDEN. When to the garden of untroubled thought I vanie of late, and say the open door. And wish again to enter and xjil re The sweet, wild wavs with stainless bloom nnwrought. And bowers of innocen e with beau ty frough t seemed some inner voice must speak before dared to trend the garden, loved of yore. That lOden lest unknown, and found unsought, icn just within the gate 1 saw a child, A strange child, yet to my heart most dear, held his hands to me, and soft 1 y smiled With eyes that knew no shade of sin, or fear; "Come in," he said, '"nad play awhile with me, I am the little child you used to be." Henry Van Dyke II There's no sense in mixing up I mess of mustard, flour and water when ) on cun s; easily relieve pain. Soreness or stiffness with a little . lean, white M I'KTIOItOI.E. MiUlSITEROUK is made of mire o of mustard and other helpful ingred ients, combined in the form of a pleasant white ointment, ill taikes the place of the out-of-date mustard plaster, and will not blister! iMUISrnEffllOUB gives prompt relief frafal Sore Throat, Uronchltis, Ton siiltis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma. Neuralgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy. ItheiMiiatisni, Lumbago, Pains and AlJiies of the Hack or Joints Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil blains, Frosted Feet, ('olds of the chest (it often prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's. In J.V and SOc jars, and a special large hospital size for $2.M. iBe sure r.ou get the genuine Ml'S TWHOUO. RefiUie In nations get what you ask for. The Musterole Company, Cleveland. Ohio. QUIT WIFE I I I I I I I I I I I I i II v ! V "PV ft. " Jt run u u v Wednesday. Gee Hi's Dance 'lone .Hotel. Abe's The Only One Price Clothier in Guthrie ,'. : . ft .. :. .V. .A i . K K PERSONAL AND LOCAL. K . : : w x ... . :: i. a. .. k Mrs. v. I). Brooks is spending thi holid aij with home folks at tNeodc ia, Kansas. Ruth I undenw has charge Hydro, Okla. of September, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. M Spend Christinas with Mrs. M. F. Amrine of drove, Kansas. Guard, Chtlcoti will their niece, the Council Mrs. tenl.iy L, H. 'Hrooks arrived home for. the winter, coming from Si braskS and Kansas where she has I ei n visiting relatives since the first LOGANCOM ABSTRACT CO BONDED ABSTRACTERS INSURANCE SURETY BONDS FARM LOANS Phone 1M. Office Rear Logan County Bank. MSSSSgfJgflBVKgfJgfJgfJgaiHHHBgejpj i.Mr. and Mrs. X. .J. Carrelts and son of Salida, Colo., are the guests at Mrs. Wm. Bmyder. They will re main until after the holidays. ;Miss (Catherine Steinhack ol Mem phis. Tenn., IS here for an extended visit with Dr. and Mrs. H. It. Wat- kins. Yama Yame Girts. The Yama Yama Girls will hob their next meeting at their dob roon Dec 31 -Jan. i. ah members are re quested to be present, i.Miss Florence Graham will arrive tomorrow trom Mario w where she is teaching, to spend the ('hist mas va cation with her sister Miss Kdna Grab a in. Mrs. Henry Hraiin lias as a guest her lister Mrs. William C. Kuessnef of Belleville, 111. Mrs. Kuesser will be here about eight weeks. i.Miss Fay Trumbull and Miss Ada Woodward are the guests of iMrs. O. H. Kee and Mrs. James Brazell in Oklahoma City tod at.'. Roberts-Woodward Wedding Thursday. IDr. Sam E. 'Ro'berts and Mrs. Cros by Gauderlbacli will arrive Thursday morning. The wedding of Miss Ada Woodward and Dr. Roberts will take place on Christmas night. iMr. LanderbsvCb is to be the best mat: and Miss Ray M alone of Oklahoma City will be the maid of honor. 'Miss Douis Bieref is to be brides maid Mrs. Sutherland and son William returned yesterday from Oklahoma Ctty where thev have been visiting for several davs. See Dankers. The best Christmas present is al Ways a musical instrument. Thf verv best, old and fine violins and guitars, can be found at Dankers', the practical instrument maker. Instru ments over 100 vears old. Come and examine. Notice ! Save Your Coupons The Sim Sewing Machine Co. offers to redeem the Coupons of the four next to the winner at a value of fifteen (follar $15.00 on the purchase of a Singer Sewing Ma chine; providing the purchase be made within 30 days after tin- close of our contest, lire. 24. All vote- will be conn for whom thev have lcen c; returned to the parties W. W. BISHOP Phones 66-311 102 W. Okla. id MiSJMMI Kthel Douglass, Lulu Town BBnd, Blanche Furrow and Len ore Burke will be ribbon hearers. Miss Ruth Woodward, sister of the bride will Ibe the flower girl. The wedding ma rob from Thangrln will be played by Miss Dechman. .Mrs. A. (5. C. Bierer, Mrs. J. A. McEihinney, Miss Marie Dean and Mrs. M. A. Hart will assist in the dining room. Misses Arline 'McElhinney, Alma Houghton. Dorothy I lolman, lona Wallace and Mildred Davis will assist in receiving the guests and in the dining room. Rev. C. H. Woodward or Great Rend Kansas, an untie of the bride will perform the coremony. Miss Ida Niblack will go to Ponca City on Thursday to send Christmas with her sister Mrs. Ralph Morrison. Houghton -Houser Wedding. iMIss Gf&e Houghton and .Mrs. Ot to Raul will arrive on Christmas morning from Coyle. Miss Houghton is to be brides maid at the Houghto: Houser wedding and Mr. Raul is to be best man. i.Miss Mary Nissley is to act as maid ot honor. Uttle Mies Marjorie HkMighton wiM be the ring bearer. The wedding march will be from liOhngrin and will be played by Miss Fthei Douglass with violin ac companiment ! Misses ilads Houghton and Lir ile Rurke. Miss Wanda Thompson and Alma Hough ton will assist .Mrs. Houghton in tin dining room. The ceremony will he performed by Rev. Guy Findley of the First Christian church and Miss Bthyle Cohagan will sing "At Dawn ing" by Cadman. The wedding will be very quiet the guest list including onlv the sirl friends of the bride. Br.dge Club Issue Invitationet. The members of the Saturda Bridge club have issued invitations for a Bridge party which will take place on Tuesday. Dec. 29 at the home of Miss Muriel VanMoozer. Mis Woodward was Honoree. Miss Ada Woodward, whose wed- ulng to Dr. Sem E. Roberts of Kan sas City will take place Christmas night at seven o'clock, at the brid t home, was the he ore at a supper last evening, for the girls of the wedding party, at Hagar's. with Miss Ignore Burke M hostess. The taKe was decorat 1 with holly and t- place cards were cupida represented! THE "WHAT IS IT" FREAK BROKE UP ONCE HAPPY HOME i.Ncw York, Dei., his care of "Zip, lean of Itanium freak ager th (cta io K. has been sued supreme court. ;22. Re.ause ol the What la It." & Bailey's circus White, his man- for separation in The papers, fil- as pultttiif baskets of gifts.. After the supper those of the guests who were former students of i.Miss Wood ward, gave a 'private recital at the Knauss recital room, and Miss Trum bull, who is to be their teacher played for the guests who were i.Misses Woodward. Fay Trumbull, Ixniise Rierer, Ethel Douglass, Mildred Davis, Lulu Townaend, Blanche lairrow. Mrs. W. E. Woodward. Mrs. A. 0. C, Bierer and Mrs. .1. D. linrke. NOTICE. The stamp window will be open each evening' until Christmas, ex cept Sunday, until 'J p. m. for the sale of stamps and reception of par cels, but not for the delivery of mail W. M. .McCoy, Postmaster. WHERE TEACHERS WILL SPEND THE HOLIOAYS Mass Susan Fielder will spent the Christmas holidays in Fort Worth, Texas, with friends. Miss Anne Carter, teacher of eighth grade English and History will spend the holidays with her parents at Georgetown, Texas. Miss Eleanor Blake: lish and .Mathematics the high s'chool leave pend the Christmas , of the Eng department at I Thursday to acation at her ed by lOdgar A. Mont foil, give an un usual glimpse wito freak land. In demanding freedom and suitable maintenance, Mrs. White declares he was married to "Zip's" manager January 2 last and lived peaceably with ,him until her husiband took the mar monkey to Conqv Island and ex hibited itiini. Even then all went well until "Zip" lost his job and 'it be came necessary to cvouomize. Then, says Mrs. White, her hus band brought the "freak idiot" home and forced them all to live in one room. This was more than she could stand, or thought it was, but com plaints were useless. "I'llie freak resembled an ape to such a degree," declared the com plaint, "that a leer o- grin was al ways on his face and his seal, craf ty eyes Were continually focused on the plaintiff, following her every move, both daiy and night." Mrs. Whito goes on to say her hus band "spent much of his time cuffing and kicking the freak around," and when she objected he cuffed and kinked her, calling her names mean while. (Finally conditions became so bad that the wife informed her husband he must choose between "Zip" and herself. Thereupon, she tsaysi, he took the freak, bade her "goodby for ever" and took "Zip" to San EraiK'lsco where both now are. Mrs. white asks permission to serve a summons on her husband by publication If you want to make your hips look smaller wear a G D Justrite Corset i he new designing1 .and constru ter appearance than you ever by l'M.kiiie at a Justrite on the instant .you .put it on and hu e it Your hit-.t. waist ami hip litx shapeliness to you, now acred and even dis&ruste Justrite will give them the Q-0 JUstrites are RUiSTIjWSS and gueran I e e i to give satisfactory wear. Can l it Bvtry Type -at the PHce You Y trie justn wish for. how it will d i see the chan ertainly pleasing. vsii'i naw rcaiiv . Women I with their shape the) 1 " ves you a bet at cannot te this- but th c it has math There iec; appearance have found that a admire in others. Look for the lit tle G-D Justrite tag iniide each corset. It's your guarantee. CORSETS of Pigui li'ith Justvites Uswlly Pay, Ion. Ben Weinberger, "the House ot Quality," for your Christmas guts in lewelry. liaggage and useful articles for women, children and men. home in Pleasant Kans. Miss iPerle isle, of the Knglish de partment at the high school will spend the acation at home at hd mond. Miss gnes Herrmann, of the Ger- :an department will spend her va cation at home at Oklahoma 'ity. R F. McX'ormiok, of the Science department will leave Thursdav for hiB home in Alva. There will be Christmas exercises in eaca eenooi uuiiuing in some of the rooms, Thursday. Christmas wicatlon in the Guthrie schools will begin Thursday after noon and last till Monday, Jan. 4th. CHRISTMAS RUSH ON AT POST OFFICE (Continued from Page One) are thirty -three towns named FranK lin etc " "Wine, beer, whisky, etc., can not bo sent by mail. Senders are subject to a fine of not over $1,000.'' "Don't" cut a conspicuous figure in Postal advertising. Some of them may seem quite superfluous, but os tal experience proves that the care lessness of some people closely ap proaches infinity. Among the "don'ts" are these: "Don't use pencil." "Don't write address on Himsy paper." "Don't use tag if the address can be written on the articles." "Don't seal domestic parcel post. ' "In t fall when using a fa to tie it on securely." "Don't he ashamed to learn how to 1 a panel from one who knows." y. y. y. y. y. y. y. y. y. UF LOCAL MOMENT. MiSis&'wwsassaxiuas1! W. TOPICS OF THE M 18 TOWN AND STATE. R KKMKi8KaMSfM Night Police Head Shot. Io attempting to arrest a drunken negro last night at MoAlester Rob ert Lotfeey, night chief of .police was shot through the hip. The egro got away. dlloodhoundb are following him. Pass It On.. Was the gift that Some doodad you None will know, p ame last year don't hold dear?! ay have no fear, Try Our Electro Facial 35 c Bath House Beauty Parlor The advance guard of the Christ mas shopping army ii aded the stores of Guthrie Monday and today. LOCAL MOMENTS xz xz xz xx C. p, Holt, former county attorney of Pottawatomie county, is dead. Henry T. Miller of Oklahoma City, has filed suit for $21,000 damages in the district court against the Western Casualty and Guaranty company on the allegation that the company caused him to be arrested on a false charge and that he proved his innocence. A. G. Paul, attorney, has been elected illustrious potentate of India temple of the Oklahoma City Shrine A grand jury Is investigating alleg ed violations of the state genie laws in Seminole county. Frank McQulllen, formerly a resi dent of Oklahoma City, accidentally shot and killed himself on a hunting expedition in a forest near Prince Hupert. Cauada. Gov. Lee Cruce has offered a re ward of $200 for 1he arrest and de livery of Tillman (Jack) Jones to the. sheriff of Texas county, where he is wanted as the result of the death of Paul Herzog following a fight with Jones. The Cimarron Oil and Oas -ompany is re; one. 1 to have sold a half-mile of Cimarron river bed lease in the Cushin oil field for $1 25.000 to Robert Watchorn of Ardmore. Pass it. on without a tear. To Move Health Office to Guthrie. Though no official confirmation has been made, it is conceded that two state offil es will lx1 moved from Ok lahoma t"iti until the capitol build ing is completed. 'Dr. J. W. Duke, who will be the nw state health commissioner, will move bis office to Guthrie. George X'oible, state game warden appointed, Will move his office tJ I'oteau. Nolle Pves at Poteau. These officers are not forced to maintain headquarters in toe capital city, it is declared. Girl Who Fell 5 Stories May Live. Ethel Leonard, girl who dropped ;rom a 5-story window at Oklahoma City Sundaiy, while endeavoring to elope with her boy husband, may live. It was at first thought she was injured internally. Elks to Entertain "Newsies." The Elks at Oklahoma City will serve a Christmas dinner to the news boys of that place. Sweetheart Married Priest, Greek Kills Sel'. Because his sweetheart in Greece had written him that she had Becretly married a priest, Charley Hlahos, a GreeK, committed suicide at Muskogee yesterday. Save the Clerks. The dry goods, clothing, iboot and shoe and other mercantile establish ments will all be opened Wednesday and Thursday evenings until ,10 o'clock to ai'ommodate Christmas buvrs. Huy early, however, and save tlie clerks Were Quietly Married. ' 'Mr. William Arthur Stead and Mrs. Grace Durham of Kansas City, were QUietlc married at the M. E. church OH Sunday. They are now touring the state. Markets to Close. Better buy all the things for Christ mas dinner on Thursday or you may have to go hungry, as the groceries and "neat markets will close all day Christmas. Trade Early. ' The storekeepers of all '.;ind :: . their clerks will take 1 well deserved rest cn Christmas Day by rema'ninz rlfed eJl d.v. Bear th's !n n h Former Gcf-rie Eoy Loses Arm in Accident. i.eiijamn W'aUuis, thirteen year old nephew of Mr. Jack Morris, wh: was often a visitor in Guthrie, slip ped from the platform under in ap proaehing train at the union depat in Chicago, and received serious in juries. His arm was mangled 83 terribly that it was necessary to have It amputated. WEINBERGER'S Open Evening Until After JANUARY FIRST Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough When you first catch a Oold (often 'ndlcted by a sneer e or cough . break it up at once The idea that "it doe not matter" often leads to serious complications. The remedy which mmedtately and easily penetrates 'he lininc of the throat is the kind Amended. Dr. King's 'ew Disco? - r soothes the irritation, loosens the hlesm You fH better at once "It eemed to reach the very trot of m "oojch" is oae of :ra.v honest .osti nonials. etc. at your Druggist. Get a at Dally Coupon and 10C Move or Pay More Rent Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 2, 1914. Mr. M. Collar: -You are hereby notified you will have to move from the storeroom you are now occupying on Harrison Avenue or pay more rent. I have sold the building to a party from Texarkana. They must have more pay for the room you are in.- R. A. Gaffney, Agent Now, as matters stand, I prefer to mave rather than to pay exhorbitant rent, and I am offering some of my goods at a reduced price, consisting of best grade quarter sawed Oak Dressers, finest kin.J of ga3 rnpes. We hnve too many 9x12 rugs, fofl die Cotton Matreses and pretty Automobile Rock OfeftiTl Now is your t?me to eret some fi:r";i" a T?at deal reduced pric. Call early. F"m'tw taken on exchange or part pay. M. COLLAR, Har rison Ave. a m