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COEMBER 2 PAGE FTVE THE RIGHT THOUGHT 1 J uT WILL pT1 J &mm i aJ A TTTE (UTTTTTCTTC DATLY LEADER, WEDNESDAY "SCEC TIME SAV MA Y If you will think long enough to stop in the front of our Xmas window t vll not take you long to realize that our 25c Neckwear is better than the 35c kind shown anywhere. Our Interwoven HOSIERY at 25c is better than any 35c sox shown in any shop, Our m rc tt 11 1 r .1 raurriers, uioves, rianokercnseis are just in tne same proportion. REMEMBER OUR 25 per cent Discount on Boys' and L Children's Suits and Overcoats WILL CONTINUE UNTIL JHJ XMAS DAY. " Opera House XMAS MATINEE AND NIGHT The Wizard of Wiseland the Merry Musical Comedy Featuring a Guthrie, Oklahoma Boy Mr. Floyd Warner as I. Walker Run Don't fail to hear Mr. Warner Sing All Dressed Up and No Where to Go. Seats on Sale at The Corner Drug Store Prices Matinee 25c 50c 75c Night Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 WOULD BE HOW SPY NORTH CAROLINA PROHIBf TIONISTS WANT STRIN GENT LIQUOR LAW BRAVED UNO MET DEATH WHE N ORDERED BY FRENC H COLONEL TO COUNT, HE STUMBLED AT "29" WEINBERGER'S Open Evenings Until After JANUARY FIRST 111 UOl s over having r the- coming Durham, N. C, Dec 23. The execu tive committee of the Ant i-Saloon Li ague of this state is preparing to Introduce a bill into the next legisla ture which will make it a crime lor any resident of the state to have any sort of liquor in his i ossession or in I his home. It will not be necessary toj Get a war mp. Coupon and 10 Wheat Reaches $1.10. show that the citizen attempted to give a- Daily Leader office Wheat reached $1.10 at Blackwell away to his friends or to sell the yesterday and is still climbing. IIquor The very facl thai he has it an are congratulating 1,1 "1S possession or in aim uutua wi be sufficient to send him to the peni tentiary. Therefore the new bill will be the most drastic ever offered for passage. The present prohibition law of North Carolina is extreme in its provisions but there is said to be more bootlegging in the state than In any other dry state. It is in the hope of destroying this bootlegging and the keeping of blind tigers that the Anti-Saloon League will worl; hard for the passage of the new bill. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fZl BACKACHE KiQNEYS AND BLADDER Hen Weinberger's, "the House ot Quality," for your Christmas gilts in Jewelry, Haggage and useful articles for women, children and men. MONEY FQR CHRISTMAS. You will be sure to have i i'-t. when vou need it for the avm (Ry Associated Press.) Geneva, Dec. 'S.i. The story oi how a German spy braved and mel death, as told 'by a French officer is published by the Journal I)e Geneve When von tKluck's army was neai Paris, a large number of artillery piec es were zojleoted In the north ol the capital to resist the attack, Earl one morning the French colonel in command iwas shaving, when the sen try entered his room Baying an pffic cer who had forgotten the pass-word had pushed him aside and entered the artillery ipart. The "officer" declar ed he would return soon and said not to disturb the commandant. Aftei dismissing the Sentry, the colon) I had already his suspicions, hastily finished his toilet and walked out tc the grounds where there were about a hundred guns of all calibre. Tl er ' .- ' : '.'1 . 'Wit ' "'' v 4 lirls in the Wizard of Wiseland, tl at the Opera House Uiristmas l (. i M 1 H A Good Point. "Shakes: ear 0 p era Hou S c Sunday T hl Night... uecZi The Dramatic Sensation of the Year anv interni L. H. I.onr ia to Co ail inds of gas piping at a reasonable Ost He keep? on hand a supply O' 'im mantle cloben and burners No. nt i . ri Tii,i. -cf .-jWK.tJuuueu iur ruuwm Walker is Chosen to Suce-d Patton. The corporation comm day announced the apt Paul A. Walker of Shaw of the legal ('c; artment Ol the mission, su ceeding EL 0. P ton rue ltment as he Rlgnd. a gradual the LTnlve Ir. Wallu The Wizard of Wiseland. Millions of People Have Read the Book Seats on sale at Corner Pharmacy. Prices 25c to $1.50 Mail Orders Accompanied by Money Orders Ncrs- Received .ir. I com n sisnf Y mploye iuie SJE Wiseland " Wait Opera Hoax M NOTICE. ft! Scmach Swtr. Lnci mi . First published in the fluthrie D Leader. December 22. 101 1 PROPOSALS. Proposals for the construction irtition in ihe Sun Room of mtCtUsJ ath Hons;-. Onthrie. Ol CiKht lei nt i receptloi i deliven w. r Iectur formation Sealed rc at the orfi e received id. am. Cltyi soanret e of the M ;: K;e X lage m Bca?r M w sj Is. of a T. T X M W Wi M Wl MX n m T X X tm Room of the Municipal S L. I Billings, dealer aad House, in accordance with pi M shipper of Guthrie Mtaerai WUs U the office of the City Clerk. X Water. Shipments made to any B Tho Park Hoard reserves th point in the United States, ft ' i ' any and all bids. X Theme 29. Ree. 913 E. Harrison GI THRIK PARK IM). R. M. OHll-TOTT. Se reUry. "IVBERGER'S 0) c,i Evenings Uixtil After JANUARY FIRST on fa by