Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SEVEN WANTS CLASSIFIED WANTS CLASSIFIED THE GUTHRIE DAILY LEADER, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2:5. 1914. WANTS CLASSIFIED SALESMEN VANTED WANTS CLASSIFIED WANTSiWANTS WANTS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED OGRAP;,. LABL 5 THE DAILY LEADER. (Absorbed the Oklahoma State Cap ital March 8, 1911.) Official Paper of Constitutional Cod rentlon. Official City Paper NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS In the eveut of dclhei-y being Im perfect, or paper being rolled, twlsteo or mutilated, subscribers are urged to wake immediate complaint to the busi ness office In person, by telephone or BttL Mall subscribers should examine the address on toe label of their paper, It shows when subscriptions expire. When you remit the label Is changed, If not notify this office. If you wish our subscription discontinued write the offI, otherwise the paper will ne continued. In changing addresses give both old and new addresses. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES One Cent A Word. No Classified Advertisement accepted for leu than 20 cent. Telephone your want ads to 75. TERMS CASH, Your advertisement on thla page will be seen by more than 20,000 people. Ttasfffiir aid Storage o TM Mc (Clew, HELP WANTED FEMALE LADIES TO SEW at home, all or spare time; good pay. Work sent prepaid. Send stamp for reply. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. GOOD White woman cook, .Miller Ho tel, 2110 IN. 2nd. WANTED Good girl Tor dining room and house work at 42H E. Harrison. DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home; good pay, no canvassing; no experience required, illus. particu lars free. Helping Hand Stores, Chicago. FIVE BRIGHT capable ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell deal ers; $35 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 572, Omaha, Neb. LADIES can make $10 to $15 weekly, copying, addressing and mailing samples. Particulars for stamp. Rer Co., 259 Glenwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. HELP WANTED WALE YOUNG MEN and women to leam newspaper and magazine drawing by mail. Send for our illustrated magazine and list of successful at! -dents. Associated Art Studios, Flat iron Building, New York. MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains hOW we teach the barber trade in short term, mailed free. Write Moler College, Kansas City, Mo. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-356, tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. WANTED Two men to travel and appoint agents; salary $20 weekly and expenses, will pay more later. Drawer F, Bridge Station, Niagara Falls. N, Y. WANTED Names and addresses by mail order houses; big pay; home work: information for stamp. Direct Appeal Co., Plymouth Ind. MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach the ilmrher trade in short term, mailed free. Write Moler College, Kansas City, Mo. $80 MONTHLY and expenses to trael, distribute samples and take orders or appoint agents; per manent. Jap American Co., Cnleago. $2 500 ANNUALLY Co-operate with me evenintrs at home. Everything furnished. Don't worry about capital. Boyd EL Brown. Omaha. Neb. I WHiL PAY honest men up to $ monthly. 3;-are time Home work. No canvassing. No capital. Mail order business. Voorhies. Dak 14, Omaha, Neb. MEN Increase your earnings. Learn the barber trade for which there is always a demand. Many jobs waiting at wages higher than you would ex pect Taught in short term by onr system. Earn while learning. Write today. Moler Barber College, Kansas City, Mo tiara The Leader delirered, 46c mo Bunion (A; d) e r w r7 If mi u ii Vacated by S7a in tfttb tag large mt& rooms WlBITO Dam nI 515 t WANTED AuE NTS AGENTS WANTED in every Urttt). Handle our classy specialties. Sells on sight. Good profits. Splendid op portunity for live agents. Write, The1 fashion Store Belleville, ill BUSINESS CHANCES A SUBSTANTIAL corporation wants a reliable party to establish office and manage salesmen. Should pay $3,000 to $15,000 annually; $300 to 7()0 will finance 'business; you handle own money. References ex changed. Sales Manager, 406 Fisher Bids.. Chicago, IH. LOST AND FOUND. IX)ST Gold monogram ring, worn, initials "G. B." Phone 131 or 415. LOST Bunch of office keys. Find er please leave at leader Office and get M cents reward. J. W. Av ery PERSONAL. IAIHES! Avlt your OruKelst tm Ohli-hp.lom nil, tho IMuinniKl lli-unil. Fol 25 yari knwn m BMt, St&M, AlMin Reliable, liny ofyuur Urugifist Take no other. i M. h.l. r IMlnund Itruud 1 Ilia arc (old by Drugs'"' everywhere. FAIRMOUNT MATERNITY HOME For confinement. Publicity avoided. Adoption free if desired. Doctors, nurses,' care, kindness and home com forts. Prices reasonable. Write for booklet. Call or address Mrs. T. B. Iong. Office, 2021 Montgall Ave., Kansas City, Mo. MA RRY If jTo u are lonely. The Reliable. Confidential. Successful Club has large number of wealthv, ligible members of both sexee, wish ing early marriage. Descriptions ee. Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. 264-6. LADIES When delayed or irregular use Triumph Pills; always depend able. Relief and particulars free. Write National Medical Instit ite. Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS The ; best Christmas pre3ent is al ways a musical instrument For tad very best, old and fine Sonont vio!in, and guitars, over a hundred years vld. bp Tankers tho practical in strument uaker. WANTED Piano wanted in exchange for three room house and two lots, West Guthrie. Phone 1147. HAVE YOUR cisterns cleaned vacuum. Phone 1163. b WANTED To make your loans. Write your bonds and insure your property. Dooley and Armstrong Phono 390. 112 1-2 West Oklahoma avenue. H. M. ADAMS, Attorney and Notary. Chattels and Farm Loans. Real Estate and Insurance. Houses for Rent. Office over Bank of Commerce. Phone 414. Res. Phone 1119 TYPEWRITERS. Royal No. 1 $35.t" Royal No 5, (salesman's sample) $50 00 Royal No. 5, new $75.00 Royal No. 11 $100.00 Typewriters rented. Ribbons anl supplies. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 114 1-2 East Okla, Phone 7. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE Oklahoma Reports. Vols. 1. 2, S. 4. 5 and 6. Also 2. 3. 4 and 5. One rol. each of Washington, 15; Illinois. 15S; Missouri. 11. Address Dally Leader. Outhrie. Okla. Hats The Leader delivered, bo ictorfiffe SALESMAN- Acquainted with gro cery trade; large demand, liberal 00 RUB. Poctaet Bamplo. Wirih Sale book Co , Chhago. SAL13SMAN- Able, brainy, aggressive for Oklahoma. Attractive proposi - tion; big deals. Cfljring competent men $600 a month. Address Adver tiser, pox 197, Iowa City, lowa. SALES MANAGERS wanted to open offices and r.iana.e salesmen throughout the state. .New. but thoroughly proven article; 300 to $0io required to carry stock, fully secured. Possibilities unlimited. iReferenlcea exchanged. Miller, 408 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN Can make $3d-f4Hl weekly commission, selling our premium punch board deals in small towns; poriiet outfit. Washington Sales Co., 21 W. Washington. Chi ago. WANTED At once, salesman; this territory; $125 monthly or commis sion to sell our line; experience not essential. National Sign- fitg, Co., Dubuque Iowa capable specialty salesman an i sales manager for WIS by $ 1 POPIM) ration. Retail experience desir- .We, (;emiine opportunity. Must ' fjrst nl, then orpanizo efticien( sales force. Other men now earning 1300 t0 1500 m onthly. Preposition cn- dc.rsed by Million Dollar firms. Ref erence. Bond required. The Inglo System Company, Dayton, Ohio. SALESMEN Go into the business or Belling groceries, paints, oils and stock food. We teach you how to sell restaurants, farmers and the large buyers. No capital required. If you are anxious to earn $100 to $500 monthly, and become independent, write us at once. The choice terri tory we have open will be grabbed up quickly. John Sexton & Co., Wholesale Grocers, 26 W. Lake St., Chicago, ill. TO SELL now and until June 1st, cardboard fans for advertising to all classes of trade. Fine sideline. Earnings $G0 weekly and upward. State territory covered. Kemiper Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Cine nnati. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay WTite for large list of openings of fering opportunities to earn $100 to $500 a month while you learn Address nearest office. Dept. 2o7 National Salesmen's Training Asso elation, Chicago, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco. FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern, furnished room for light housekeeping prices rea sonable- within one-half block ot Postoffice. Phone 1146. 117 N. First. FOR RENT 'A 5-room furnished cot. tage, close in, in good condition 500 block on Vilas. Phone 816. FOR RENT 3 light housekeeping rooms cistern. 320 E. Noble. FOR RENT Single or light house keeping rooms, furnished or un furnished Modern, close in, 202 East Springer. FOR RENT Good five room nouse in East Guthrie to trade for vacant lots or Email tract of improved or un improved land close to Guthrie, (.'all at or address MS South 2nd St. FOR RENT Eight room house at 520 W. Mansir, cheap. See Agnee Donakey or call 75. THREE light housekeeping rooms, modern house, cistern water 112 East Cleveland. Phone 459. FOR RENT The store room now oc cupied bv Thompson Tea & Coffee House is for rent, possession can feS liven Jan. 1, 1915, or would rent all up s-tairs. Have 2 suites of rooms up stairs. Steam, well ventilated and modern. Inquire at offi e or phone 372. The W. H. Coyle Co. TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Phone Barrett No. 613, and tell him what you have to swap for a 5-room house, close in; house rented. FOR TRADE -Wichita property for farm land or city property, j. s B Hall Have some moncr to loan. Phone 425. FOR TRADE Quarter section, five miles north, for trade for six or seven room bouse on east side. See R. N. Dunham. TOWEL SUPPLY. Towela and aprons of all kinds fur nished at rery reasonable price, (toe before yoo buy. J. D. Cray. Have The Ieaaer aeurerea. 45c mo. FOh SALE Foil JSALB A 7 ropm modern house, two lots on oftstejde on car line, for quick sule. Phone 039. KOK SA1.K My office furniture, fix tures and law library Phono : or call ot the office ovor Logan Co. Hank. Will H. Cappell FOR SALE Christmas East Vilas. Phone 847. trvB at J07 GOOD PIANO phone 411. for sale or rent. FOB SALE -Dry goods and clothing Colorado Ideal climate good schools. Address W. E. R. care Leader FOR SAiLK Thoroughbred White Leghorn pullets and coeikrels, prices right to get ft start of prize-winning birds. Write Mrs. Ii. A Montague, or Phone 1165. FOB SALE Quarter so tion. good location; near Guthrie; 80 a. ciil. ; bnl. grass land, small improvements; some fruit; farm land lays fine, pas ture a little rough, but good grass and plenty water. Priced to sell. Terms if needed. These farms arc near Guthrie. Address "Keehoyta, care Leader. FOR SAL.E-A lot on hand-made quartered oak furniture, imade by Professor Benson, now of Alherquer. que, valued at $100.00. Will take $35 for 6 chairs, 1 library table, 1 center table, 1 tabourette, 1 coat hook, 1 hail raok, and 5 other articles, fur niture taken as part payment. Collar Furniture Store- FOR SAIL E A. nice .-room cottage, lap. Pay $100.00 'Well located and chea' denwn anei balance like rent. We have a close in choice corner and 5 room cottage for $U0ii(H) cash or half cash. 'Wo a lot of bargains for sale and trade. Fire insurance, rentals, and; Notary Work. IM. M, Garrett, Room 9, l'10i East Okla. Ave. FOR SALE A well improved 160 acres in good neighborhood, on main road to Guthrie, close to school and church, have 'phone; good house; large, almost new barn, granary, etc Plenty of good water pumped by mill; orchard, fences in good repair; 100 in cul.; 15 meadow, balance pasture; a never-failing spring in pasture; some timber near spring. This iand is good soil and lays fine. Priced to sell, terms if needed. Address "Kee- hoyta," care Leader. FOR SALE .Suitable for holidays. Books at very low prices. Volumes: 16, E. P. Roe; 7, Earth and Its In habitants; 8, Chamber s Encyclopedia; z, lirittanua; io, American Lncycio-. pedia; 8, Thackery's; 9f Bulwers; 40, Imperial Encyclopedia; 6, Dick-, ens; 2, Battles of AH Nauons, and many others too numerous to "mention, 1 and many other articles. Call atj Collar's Furniture store. Furniture 1 taken in exchange. CALIFORNIA J-ADS. DAIRYLAND FARMS in the famous San Joaquin Valley of California, wtih climate, rich soil, good markets, artesian water at from 200 to 300 feet for irrigation, you are sure of big crops. Ten years to pay for your farm. For information and litera- nuue v. xvenuncK, am"-, nee, Okla. I . . - ...... c t s 0 r j i n I (First Pnldhhed in the Guthrie Daily . leader De 1H. Yi.- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ! By virtue of an order of sale to me 1 directed and delivered, issued out of the District Court of Oklahoma Coun-i tv. Oklahoma, in an action in said Court wherein the Citizens National Bank or Edmond. is plaintiff and John Goode, W. H. Goode. S. A. Goode. and L H Goode are defendants, I will on the 30th day of December. 114, at the' hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m., of the said (fitJWW.W) by issuing its negotiate pouncing resenoirs anu aupru.t day. at the L, C. Waddle farm g, E, con ion bonds for that amount at a ments incidental thereto in and along i ec 26. Township N. of R 1 W. ! Spring Creek Township, la the coun- ty of liOgan. Oklahoma, oftif at pub-' lie sale, and sell to the highest bid- der for cash in hand the following de- scribed property, to-wit: Awraised Value. J Wt. 440. i I Bales of cotton 420. 464. 436. Nos. 127. 114 tMO.OO t Calves, about 1 ear old . .$ .12 U0 Black mare, about 10 yrs old 112.00 I 2-year-old iron-gray colt.. 50.o 1 Brown horse. 7 years old.. 76.00 I Brown horse. years old . . 700 8ald Property having been by me xttached aa the nronerty of said de- cndinu and taken on attachment in .'-vor of said ptatntiff I Dated this 18th jay of December. di 4. JOHS MAHOyRY Sheriff of Logan County, tv KD nKRTQN. i Deputy Sheriff. r (First Published In Daliy leai WANTEO. BIDj AND PROPOSALS I'roixisal for the '(instruction of the me chin leal equipment of the Oklaho ma state Capitol Building proper at Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. ... j . . , I .'iivi.vv m m , ,.' . in,, ,i , vil full i Office or the State CipitoM ouiniiB-i , , , . lion, Oklahoma Cltj Okla. Doe. U,!4 " an" 1111(1 ( olle I a tax in 1911. Sealed proposals will he received a; this o trice until 2 p. m. on tno 1-lth dav of January, 1015.. and then publicly opened, for the construction. including n eoh inlfttl equipment, of the Oklahoma State Capitol building proper at Oklahoma Citf, Okla.. in I accordance with draw ings and sped R ations, copies of which nicy be had at tills offhe or at the office ar chitects, Layton . Smith. Wl Majestic Building, Oklahoma. City. Ofcla. Ap plications umiBt be accompanied by certified check for 1130.00, Which will be held until the return of the draw ings and cpecifications. Pealed proposal! will be received r.t this office until 2 i. in. on the 14th day of January, (191i5, and then open cn ujion the following suli-eomracts: . ifteinforced concrete and rough ear penter work. Cement floors and con crete filling. Water proofing. Brick and stone work. .Structural steel and iron work. Roofing and sheet metal work. Ornamental and miscellane ous iron work. Hollow tile partitions. Plastering. Interior narble and tor razzo Hollow metal deiors and trim. Mail chute. Painting. Glazing. Hardware. Plumbing and drainage. Heft; ting end ventilating. Vacuum system, Electric conduits and wiring. Elevators. Bids shall be ade in duplicate, the original to be filed with the Capitol Commission and an exact copy of s Die properly sealed, must be filed with the Secretary of State. An af fidavit shall be enclosed with the or iginal hid to the effect that the copy fi'.i d with the Secretary of State is a true and exact copv of the original bid. Krt eh nrmwiRitinn must he accom- panied by a certitiP1 rheck tot the . s,um 0f 5 per cent or the amount or his hid to be forfeited as assessed and liquidated damages in case the bidder fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the conditions or agree ments of his bid. Ail bids will be submitted to the legislature or duly authorized com mittee thereof for its advice and ap proval. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids. STATE CAPITOL OOM MISSION. By IW. Ii. lAntbony, Chairman. Attest: Ira Mitchell, Secretary. (First published in the Guthrie Daily Leader December 23, 1114.) LEGAL NOTICE. On the 23rd day of De cember, A. D., IS 14, at a regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners or tne city oi uuiunw, Logan County, Oklahoma, there was duly passed by said Mayor and Board of Commissioners and afterwards ap proved by said Mayor and published acording to law, and Ordinance NumUer authorizing the Mayor of Hai(1 rlty 0f ;Guthrie, Oklahoma, t ,.., 3,)et.iai election for the pur- ,,osp of submitting t o the electors or 8ai(i viiy ot (juthrie the question or tho jB8UlniK 0f lends of said City ot ,:,hHn in tho tntAl sum of I50.00O.00 to be used in obtaining and conserv ing an adequate water supply for said city and purchasing and installing a pumping plant to pump the same, which question is hereinafter mor.1 particularly set forth and described, and declaring an emergency; Now, Therefore, By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con- stitution and Laws of the State of Oklahoma and the Charter of the City Dr Guthrie, and pursuant to said . a. mmAm. lllv,,iAin, n,i mtvm 'I iiiiidii f, 1 iici r u jm 11 hi in ft not be that a special election is nere- y called to be held in said City or Guthrie on Thursday, the 14th day or January. A. D.. 1915, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified property tax paying voters residing within the corporate limits of said city the fol- lowing proposition: PROPOSITION. Shall the City of Guthrie. Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness in the aggre- gate sum of iFifty Thousand Dollars rate of interest not to exceed five l'r cent, (5 per cent) per annum, Wable semi-annually, to become due 'not later than twenty-five (25) years from their date; Thirty Thousand Dollars $3,00.00) of said sum or such part thereof as may be required, to be used to obtain and conserve an adequate water supply lor said City of Guthrie by improving the Cotton- wood River 'y the repair of the old dam or the onstruction of a new dam in what is commonly known aa the Santa Fe Cut Ofr and the construction of sach other dams sluice cates. im- pounding reaervoirs and improve- menu incidental thereto in and along the Cottonwood Rivr as may te necenaary to obtain and conaerve an adequate water supply for said city and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($2.- '. of said sum or such part thereof aa mar he required to oe used in the realr aad improvement or the present puraping plant by the rind inslnllHtiim of of pntrrp I) lors, olivines and other enulumcnt. I together with uih foundations and incidental improvement as may lit iiecessarv to supply said water to tho 1 clnn.l t.Ilt.. ,i,l Will.." MM I v. n l . addition to all other tuxes upon all t lit taxable property in said ity to pay the interest on said bonds aa V falls due and also to constitute a inking fund for the payment of the. principal thereof when due Said election shall be h Id at the foUvWiOl laces in the City of Guth- rie, Uigan County Oklahoma, to-wit. First Ward, Precis t "A," SOI'. Fast Oklahoma Ave. First Ward, Precinct it.'' Capitol School Building. Second Ward, Precinct "A," On tral School Builidgn. Second Ward, Precinct "B," City Hall, Third Ward, Pre inct "A," Open House Third Ward, Precinct "B," 108 South First Street. Fourth Ward, Precinct "A"' .18 West Noble Avenue. 'Fourth Ward, Precinct "II," Cornel Fifth Street and Harrison Fifth Ward, 1224 West Warner. The following persons are hereby named and apipointed Judges ami Clerks for each of said voting places, as follows: First Ward. Precinct "A " Judges Clerks F. C. Dodd 'A. HI Boles J H. Nehr M. I. Ammntrout First Ward, Precinct "B." Judges, Clerks. Chaft. Woods a. o. Whitcomb A. F. Rankin M. F. Mercer Second Ward, Precinct "A." Judges. Clerks B, Evans J. N. Curl G. W. Hall William F. Stiles Second Ward Precinct "B." Judges Clerks. W. D. Williamson J B Fairfield. Shelton Morris Blrney .Morten Third Ward, Precinct '"A." Judges Clerks. J. J. McNulty C. H. Scrutchfield L. F. Leach, Sr. II. D. Todd Third Ward, Precinct "B." Judges Clerks. C. L. Nichols Win. A. llroxson J. II Caasali Robt. A. Traver Fourth Ward, Precinct "A." Judges Clerks j s Maruliall J. E. Jones , A McCreight Fred Humble Fourth Ward, Precinct "B." Judges Clerks. Mike White H. D. Butcher I iirmati Upham Robert Henderson Fifth Ward. Judges. Clerks. J. D, Maurice Tell Walton ' & IJ""K'as W- : The ballot to be used at said elec tion shall !tts substantially in the fol lowing form, to-wit: OFFICIAL BALLOT. Special Election PROPOSITION. Shall the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness in the aggre- gate sum oi rniy inousanu uoimm ($50,')0j 0) by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds for that amount at a rate of interest not to exceed rive ler cent, (5 per cent) per annum, ,., . .1. npnn-Annt.iillv. to htK'ome due i' j ' noi laeer uian iui)-in ll rroni their date; inirty inousanu Dollars $30,'00.00) or said sum or such part thereof as may be required. to bo used to obtain and conserve an adequate water supply Tor said lit) of Guthrie by improving the Cotton wood River lay the repair or the old dam or the onstruction or a new dam in what is commonly known as the Santa Fe Cut Off and the construction of such other dams, sluice gates, im- the Cottonwood River aa may De nuessary to oDtain anu ionsere adequate water supply for said city; and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,- 00,00 1 of said sum or such Tart thereof as may be required to be used in the repair and improvement of the present pumping -plant by the purchase and Installation of pumrps. boilers, engines and other equipment, together with su-h foundations and incidental improvement as may oe necessary to supply said water to the Stan" pipe and water mains of eatdi ity. and levy and collect a tax in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable property in said city to pay the interest on said bond aa It falla due and also to constitute a - uking fund for the payment of the princl,al thereof when due. : : for the proiKMition. uirchasi Aoaluat the proposition. The l ulls at said election shall ho ,..,,.....,1 ... Mm 1....I.. nf m'mIma it. u.'l ili'U 'H, 1 1 v- in'in hi vi IV" i ii . ........ the forenoon and shall be closed at the hour of seven o'clock In the al'ter- noon on said 14th, day of January, P'l.V The result of said election shall be returned and canvassed pursuant to (fcw and the Charter of said City of Guthrie, in su h cases made and i ros ided. Given under my hand and the seal of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, ibis 23rd day or De-cember, 1914. J. B. NISSLKiY, Mayor. (SEAL.) Attest: R. N. DUNHAM, City Clerk. l First published in the Guthrie Daily Leader, December 23i 1914.) ORDINANCE NO. 1397. ! AiS Ordinance authorizing the; Mayor of the City of Guthrie. Uela lu ma, to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified tav paying voters of said City Of Guthrie the question of the issuance or certain bonds of said city and declaring an emergency. Be It Ordained By the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma: Se tion L That tne Mayor of the City or Guthrie, Oklahoma, be and he is hereby directed to call a special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified, property tax paying voters of said City of Guthrie the following proposition, to-wit: "Shall the City or Guthrie, Okla homa, incur an indebtedness in BfeftJ aggregate sum of Fifty Thousiind Dollars ($50,000.00) by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds for that amount at a rate of interest not to exceed five per cent (5 per cent) per annum, payable semi-annually, to be come due not later than twenty-tivo (16) years from their date; Thirty Thousand Dollars $30,000,00) of said sum or such part thereof as may be required, to used to obtain and ' onaerva an adequate water supply for said City of Guthrie by improving the Cottonwood River by the repair of tho old dam or the construction of a new dam in what is commonly known as the Santa Fe Cut Off and the con Btruetion of such other dams, sluice gates, impounding reservoirs and im provements incidental thereto in and along the Cottonwood River as may be necessary to obtain and conserve an adequate water supply for said city; and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) of said sum or such part thereof as may be required to be used in the repair and improve ment of the present pumping plant by the purchase and installation of pumps, boilers, engines and othet equipment, together with such founda tions and incidental improvement as may be necessary to supply said water to the stand pipe and water mains o isaid city, all of said im provements to be owned exclusively by said City of Guthrie, and levy and eottoct a tax in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable property in said city to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the pay ment of the principal thereof when due." Se tion 2. That the Mayor of th City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, be and he is hereby authorized to set forth in said proclamation the proposition to he voted upon at such election as above set forth; the places in each precinct at which said election shall be held, the time of the opening and closing of the polls, names of officers who shall conduct such election, and said proclamation shall be published as provided by law. Section 3. On acount of the im mediate need of said improvement and the danger to the public safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist necessary for the preservation of the public safety, on which ac count this Ordinan e shall take ef fect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Board of Commts 8jonPrg an( a;proved By the Mayor JhJs 2:!rd ,jay j, of December, A. D., J. E. NISSUETY, Mayor. I SHAD.) Attest: R. N. DUNHAM. City Clerk. FORD OWNERS to demonstrate "New Invisible Simplex Self Btart- er." Ford cars only. No batteries, springs, cables or other junk. Equal to any electric starter at one-fifth the price. Fully guaranteed. Shipped out on a week s trial. Sella cn sight. Write quick. Simplex Manufacturing Company. 1507 Great Northern Bntld ing, Chicago. . xtALA